TV Has Good and Bad Sides

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Transcript of TV Has Good and Bad Sides

  • 8/19/2019 TV Has Good and Bad Sides


     TV has good and bad sides. First of all it keeps people informed, we can learn a lot

    of information watching TV. We can choose programs that appeal to us more,

    because TV provides programs for all interests. Sometimes we can relax, entertain

    ourselves when we are tired. Advertisement on TV gives us information about

    dierent products and it makes easier to choose things to bu!. When we watch TV

    we learn about the world, famous people and global or recent news. "ut TV has a lot

    of disadvantages. #t takes a lot of time and it makes us la$!. And it%s ver! harmful for!our health, especiall! e!es. Some violent programs and &lms makes people

    violent. Violence become a vital problem. There is too much advertisement on TV.

    Sometimes it can encourage us to bu! things we don%t need at all. Watching TV

    takes all free time from almost all people. We 'ust watch it, not concentrate, and

    waste time. #n m! opinion we need TV inspire of it%s disadvantages. (eople need

    something like information center. As for me # watch TV about one hour a da!. #

    watch it when # want to learn news or relax and entertain m!self. (eople need TV,

    but it can%t be the main thing in their life. #t%s interesting, but not the main thing in

    our life. # don%t reall! know what we must do to make TV better. # think we can do

    nothing. We 'ust should not sit hour b! hour watching TV. # think we must watch onl!the most important and interesting things. "ecause if we see ever!thing we%ll

    become mad.

     TV are p)r*i bune +i rele. ai -nti de toate, -i *ine pe oameni informa*i, putem

     -nv)*a o mul*ime de informa*ii vi$ionarea TV. (utem alege programe care fac apel lanoi mai mult, deoarece ofer) programe TV pentru toate interesele. /neori ne putem

    relaxa, ne distra cnd suntem obosi*i. (ublicitate pe TV ne ofer) informa*ii despre

    diferite produse +i face mai u+or de a alege lucruri pentru a cumpara. Atunci cnd

    ne uit)m la televi$or -nv)*)m despre lume, oameni celebri +i +tiri globale sau


    0ar, TV are o mul*ime de de$avanta'e. 1ste nevoie de o mul*ime de timp +i ne face

    lene+. 2i este foarte d)un)toare pentru s)n)tatea ta, mai ales ochii. Anumite

    programe +i &lme violente -i face pe oameni violen*i. Violen*a devine o problem)

    vital). 3u exist) prea mult) publicitate la televi$or. /neori ne poate -ncura'a s)

    cumpere lucruri pe care nu avem nevoie deloc. a uit la TV ia tot timpul liber de laaproape to*i oamenii. (ur +i simplu ma uit la ea, nu se concentrea$) +i de+euri de


    0up) p)rerea mea, avem nevoie de televi$iune #3S(#41 de e de$avanta'e. 5amenii

    au nevoie de ceva de genul centru de informare. 6t despre mine m) uit la televi$or

    aproximativ o or) pe $i. 1u ma uit la ea cnd vreau s) -nve*e de +tiri sau s) se

    relaxe$e +i s) distre$e eu. 5amenii au nevoie de televi$or, dar nu poate & lucrul cel

    mai important -n via*a lor. 1ste interesant, dar nu +i lucrul cel mai important -n via*a


    3u +tiu cu adev)rat ce trebuie s) facem pentru a face TV mai bine. 6red c) putem

    face nimic. (ur +i simplu nu ar trebui s) stea o or) de or), ma uit la TV. 6red c)

  • 8/19/2019 TV Has Good and Bad Sides


    trebuie s) urm)reasc) doar cele mai importante +i interesante lucruri. (entru c),

    dac) vom vedea tot ceea ce vom deveni un nebun.