Tutorial Letter 502/2013/3 Language Teaching

PST131J/502/3/2013 Tutorial letter 502/3/2013 FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE TEACHING DEPARTMENT OF CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTIONAL STUDIES Semester 1 and 2 This tutorial letter contains important information about your module. PST131J Bar code


Tut Letter 502/2013/3

Transcript of Tutorial Letter 502/2013/3 Language Teaching

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Tutorial letter 502/3/2013 FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE TEACHING DEPARTMENT OF CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTIONAL STUDIES Semester 1 and 2 This tutorial letter contains important information about your module.


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A warm word of welcome to you! We trust that this course in Additional Language Teaching will be an enjoyable and informative experience! We will try our best to guide you through your course material and use tutorial letters as a means of communication as well as to provide additional information, so you should keep them to refer back to throughout the year. We have divided this course up into various units. You will also find that there is an overlap of some material in the additional language module with that of the home language module. This cannot be helped because one cannot study the techniques of teaching additional language without understanding a little about how children acquire their mother tongue and why we teach children their home language at school. Another reason why we had to design the modules in this way is that some students might not enroll for both modules. We hope that you will gain sufficient insight into how languages are learnt and how to effectively teach one. Certain activities will help you think critically while others will require you to apply your new-found knowledge or experience. You are required to do a fair amount of reading but your efforts will pay off, as you need to have a theoretical foundation if you wish to design effective learning opportunities. Once you have worked through each unit, go back to the outcomes specified at the beginning of the unit and mark off those that you have attained. If there is any that you are unsure of, go back to the relevant sections and revise the work. Best wishes for the academic year! Dr Taole

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1.1 Aim of unit

Learning outcomes:

After you have studied this unit, you should be able to: • list themes that this course deals with • understand how this tutorial letter can help you as an affective tool for (interactive)


1.2 Purpose, nature and scope of this course

The main aim of this course is for you to learn about teaching a language, in this case an additional language, as well as how to apply this knowledge in the profession you have chosen. Do not think that all you have to do is simply reproduce the facts in the exams. You are expected to understand the subject thoroughly and be able to show how to apply this knowledge in your teaching.

This course is not designed as a model of what additional language teaching should be. That would be difficult to do because each teaching situation differs vastly from the others and each teacher has a unique style. This course is designed to equip you with the basic knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that you will need when you have to teach an additional language as a subject.

This course has to do with the teaching of an additional language in the senior primary phase. We shall give a conceptual analysis of relevant concepts and principles and shall also discuss the place of language teaching in the curriculum.

1.3 Learning outcomes

Each unit starts with a list of learning outcomes. These outcomes describe the results or achievements of learning and not the means/methods we use to achieve the results. After having worked through each unit carefully, you should then return to the outcomes and measure yourself against them to find out if you have achieved each one. If you have not achieved one of the outcomes, this means that you need to go over that section of the work again.

1.4 Self-assessment activities

Activities in the course notes and self-evaluation questions at the end of each unit will contribute to an outcomes-based kind of learning and have been included to help you assess your progress. They focus on matters such as factual knowledge, insight and the ability to analyse or synthesise/link facts.

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1.5 Assignments

Tutorial Letter 101 contains the dates for the assignments that you need to submit for this course. You must hand in TWO such assignments, each designed to add to your knowledge and development of skills and values/attitudes in this course. They also serve as an evaluation tool for gaining entrance to the exams. Make sure that you understand the work and do not think that a verbatim (word-for-word) reproduction of the sections that contain the answers will earn you good marks.

1.6 Additional source

Kilfoil, WR & Van der Walt, C. 2 0 0 9 . Learn 2 teach. English language teaching in a multilingual context.4th edition. Pretoria: JL van Schaik.

We also advise you to invest in a good, monolingual, learner’s dictionary. This is another vital resource, which will be extremely useful both during your studies and when you prepare your lessons later on.

1.7 Themes and course outline

This course consists of seven units. The first unit will give you a general overview of this course while the remaining six focus on various themes related to additional language teaching and learning. These themes are not isolated topics in their own right but are interrelated and form a whole with regard to additional language teaching. Let us take a look at the themes you will be dealing with this year: - Second language acquisition, first language teaching and planning - Communicative skills development - Teaching reading and listening (receptive skills) - Teaching speaking and writing (productive skills) - Literary instruction - Assessment - Language (Outcomes-based education)

1.8 Reference technique

When you use any source of reference you have to acknowledge it at the end of each sentence or paragraph in which you referred to that source, as well as in the bibliography. If you do not do so, you will be guilty of intellectual theft (plagiarism) which is a serious academic crime.

We use the internationally accepted Harvard method for writing bibliographical information. This is the most commonly accepted academic convention of acknowledging any information used that comes from another source.

You will notice that, in the bibliography, we list all the authors of a particular source. For references in the text (known as in-text referencing) we use the first author's name and et al instead of listing all the names when a source has more than one author. However, in the bibliography we have to acknowledge/write all the authors' names. We also use italics when typing the source's title. If you write the bibliography yourself, obviously you cannot use italics. Here you will underline the source.

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Each assignment must have a bibliography, because you need to acknowledge the author/s whose books you consulted. A bibliography must be as concise (yet complete) as possible. Entries in your bibliography are arranged in alphabetical order. The additional source will be listed as follows:

Kilfoil, WR & Van der Walt, C. 2009. Learn 2 teach: English language teaching in a multilingual context. 4th edition. Pretoria: JL van Schaik.

In the next unit, we shall take a look at how humans acquire language. This complex phenomenon has intrigued and baffled researchers for generations. Teaching a language should seem easier when we have investigated the ways in which we, as human beings, learn to express ourselves using this complicated system of communication called language. STUDY UNIT 2: LANGUAGE ACQUISITION

Learning outcomes:

• After completing this unit, you should: • have a better understanding of how an additional language is learnt/can be taught • be able to discuss the various teaching techniques • adequately explain the "label debate" • be able to decide on a teaching approach you support and explain how it would

probably influence your teaching style • know the additional language skills a young learner needs to master

2.1 Learning a language

The acquisition of language "is doubtless the greatest intellectual feat any one of us is ever required to perform". The American linguist, Bloomfield, stated that normal human beings do not need to be taught to speak! Many human beings function very well in their society without ever learning to read or write. Very soon they are able to interact with their social environment using an intricate system of oral communication. They ask for things, express their dissatisfaction or fears and eventually as adults they are able to discuss complex and abstract ideas without having acquired the skills of literacy/reading and writing.

The successful exchange of knowledge through language is crucial to every person's well being. As learners, family members, employees and individual citizens, we need to communicate effectively. Teaching language is an attempt to expand children's language ability and their ability to express their thoughts effectively. The home and family are instrumental in the early acquisition of language. The home provides the initial stimulation for the development of language, but the role of the school is crucial in a country like ours where there are many illiterate parents who cannot provide the necessary stimulation at home. Over the generations, many interesting studies and experiments have been done on how human beings learn or acquire a language and the following are some interesting observations:

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• Words are stored in a jumbled fashion but are strung together coherently in sentences. Children learn to construct and produce unique utterances each time they speak.

• Children learn to understand sentences they have never heard before. • Language rules are never taught. Children seem to be equipped with a perfect theory

of language. • Children learn the social use of language appropriate to their culture such as taboo

words, greetings, and polite forms. • Linguistic knowledge is developed over a period of time. • Human language is creative and not just appropriate responses to particular stimuli. • It is virtually impossible for those who are unable to hear (deaf children), to learn to

speak naturally. • Being able to speak one language seems to provide the foundation for learning

additional languages. • The way in which additional languages are learnt differs significantly from the way that a

first language is acquired.

2.2 Labeling the language

An interesting debate has arisen during the past years as to how to label the language a child is first exposed to. What do you think is an appropriate label? Language? Or does this imply that a second language is inferior? What about native language? Would some people take offence at this label? Is "mother-tongue" a politically correct term? Is it really sexist? Do you think that this debate is linguistic or political?

In this course, we have chosen to use the labels "home language" and "additional language" suggesting the order in which a language is learnt. A "home language" implies the language to which a child was exposed most frequently during the first two years of its life. An additional language is any language that is learnt after the first one has been mastered fully. We are aware that many young children are exposed to more than one language at a time. One parent/caretaker using a particular language and the other parent using another language. However, this course does not cover the interesting phenomenon of bilingualism from an early age.

2.3 Second language acquisition techniques

There is no single correct method and perhaps you already have a preference for one particular method. Do not hastily judge or dismiss a technique because it does not seem to suit your own situation or convictions. Being able to make informed choices is what teaching is all about, so take into account your own personality, teaching style and circumstances when reading through each method. You will then be better able to evaluate which aspects to incorporate into your own teaching.

2.4 According to Kilfoil and Van der Walt (1997: 34), the following is a list of the current trends

in additional language classrooms:

• There is no one best method of teaching a language. All the approaches should be tried and the best selected from them.

• The learners speak more than the teachers. • Teachers use a wide variety of methods in the presentation of their lessons, in exercises, in

evaluations and for homework. • Total physical response is widely use - it is used at a more advanced level in higher grades.

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• A variety of teaching material is used: sound cassettes, written media, pictures, maps or actual objects.

• Authentic cultural objects are incorporated where possible. • Gifted children are encouraged and receive more advanced work. • Interpersonal communication is strongly emphasised. • Interdisciplinary or content-based approaches are followed. • Teachers frequently use pair work, group work and cooperative instruction as well as

individualised instruction. • Lessons are characterised by variation because of the children’s limited concentration span. • An informal approach is used. The emphasis is on understanding and speaking the

language. • Listening activities provide “understandable inputs”. • Words and expressions are used in context and not in isolation. • The initial emphasis is on listening and speaking and then on reading and writing. • Associations are made between the additional language and the object, rather than between

the word in the additional language and the equivalent in the home language. • Functional communication situations that occur in real life are created and language

structures and functional language usage are practised in these situations. • In each lesson previous work is systematically revised and inculcated in the learners. • The pace of the lesson is lively and is kept that way by means of timeous changes and

transitions from one activity to the next. • The learners are encouraged to speak to each other in the additional language. • Evaluation is done on a continuous and integrated basis. • The learners dramatise discussions, songs, poems, stories, historical events, and etcetera.

2.5 How does it influence you as a teacher?

Language teaching focuses primarily on developing learners’ communicative language ability so that they are able to interact meaningfully. Although there are undoubtedly certain parallels between the acquisition (learning) of a home language and an additional language, the teaching, learning and development of the additional language involves certain distinctive processes which necessarily require a unique approach, methodology and assessment.

As I have already mentioned, the home language teacher should attempt to build on the learners’ knowledge of their own language (which they can already speak and write). Learners of additional languages usually have (but not always) little or no knowledge of the language and thus need to be taught the basics of speaking, reading, listening and writing. Remember that the South African situation is unique in many respects. It is not unusual to find children that can communicate fluently in more than one language - largely because of the multilingual environment in which they are raised - but many of them cannot read and write all the language they speak. It is important to remember that the learners and teachers of additional languages are not required to achieve the same outcomes as the home language learners and teachers.

As an additional language teacher, you will sometimes be confronted with a situation where some learners are more proficient in the language than others, so you will need to vary the level of difficulty of the activities you present without moving to the level of a home language.

Take the following into consideration:

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The world that is upon us now is a “global community and it is essential to understand the culture of your neighbour. We do not live in isolation anymore. Nor can teaching be done with one perspective only. I think it embodies moving away from the teacher as disseminator of knowledge and more towards the teacher as facilitator - the teacher’s job is to facilitate the students’ own construction of what the additional language means to them in context, and in time and space. We provide the tools. Teaching with a global perspective is fluid, adaptable and ever changing, not static. In addition, I think it should involve a heavy dose of cultural context and information - not to change the students’ cultural values or morals, but to increase awareness and appreciation of cultural diversity (Kristmanson[SA]).

2.6 How an additional language is acquired

Cahill and Camper (1989: 11) make an important point when they state that the process of language acquisition should also be seen in a philosophical light:

The acquisition of a language has to do with activities of the human consciousness. It must be accepted that human intellectual abilities are not sufficient to unravel and explain the processes and activities of the human consciousness. Seen in this light, we will never find a final answer to how, for example, a person acquires a language. A speculative element will always be a part of any theory formed (own translation).

Van der Walt (1983: 35) asks quite rightly: “Will we ever really know how a second language is acquired?”

I often pose these questions to people and usually get a variety of diverse responses about how they learn an additional language. Most people tell me that they started learning their first additional language at primary school and their second additional language at high school. They often remember specific techniques that teachers used to teach grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary, such as drilling specific language structures, memorising vocabulary and fixed expressions - they were seldom given the opportunity to apply their knowledge to written work. Other people have told me that they moved to new neighborhoods as young children where nobody spoke the same home language as them. Although they struggled for months to learn the vernacular or colloquial language of the area, they speak the language fluently today without any accent - despite know nothing about the language’s structure and grammar: speaking the language is automatic and “natural”. Some people’s parents enrolled them in grade 1 in schools where the medium of instruction was strange and although they struggled initially, they are totally bilingual today.

By thinking about how you learned a language and by asking other people about their experiences, you will be able to learn a lot about the process of acquiring an additional language. It is clear that there is a difference between consciously learning a language at school and acquiring a language in a social environment (neighborhood, country or school) where the language is used on a daily basis as a means of communication.

Language acquisition refers to the way in which a child learns his or her home language. If a person learns a language in a social environment because he or she comes into daily contact with the language, it is also language acquisition. Language acquisition is an unconscious process and occurs as a result of informal learning: if a person is acquiring something or has already acquired it, he or she is not always aware that it is happening or has already happened. Consciously learning a language, in contrast, means that a person has informal knowledge of the language and explicit formal linguistic knowledge of the language; the person consciously learns

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new words and learns how to apply the grammar rules, etcetera. The conscious learning of a language usually takes place in formal language teaching situations (Towell & Hawkins 1994: 6, Echavarria & Graves 1998: 42).

It is generally accepted that young children learn (acquire) a new language naturally and with surprising ease, and that they speak it relatively faultlessly and without any accent; older learners, in contrast, generally struggle to learn an additional language and usually speak it with an accent (Dunn 1983: 7). Children who acquire an additional language at a young age seldom have formal knowledge of the language rules that govern the additional language, but are still able to speak it fluently. Research studies over the years have tried to determine if there really is an optimal age to acquire a second language. A number of possible reasons have been given for the perceived advantage that younger children have over older children. There are also a large number of empirical investigations that have attempted to explain the phenomenon. Larson-Freeman, as quoted by Harley (1986: xi), sums it up as follows: At one time or another second language acquisition researchers entertained the thought that one, all, none of or a combination of the following could be used to explain the purported differential success between child and adult learners of a second language: biological factors, affective factors, motivation, time allotment, cerebral dominance (hemisphericity) and learning conditions. (The emphasis is my addition.)

The findings of the empirical investigations are varied. Some investigations have confirmed that preadolescents have a special ability (known as their language acquisition device or LAD) and thus have an advantage over older learners when it comes to learning a language; other investigations indicate that older learners have an advantage because of their advanced cognitive abilities - they are thus better able to apply language rules (Echevarria & Graves 1998: 46). It is also speculated that should adults be exposed to a second language for long enough, they would also acquire the language without having any knowledge of the language rules.

The acquisition of additional languages is a very interesting field and I wish I could deal with it in more detail. Visit your local library for more information about this topic.

2.7 How can I teach an additional language?

In the past, teachers usually taught an additional language by explaining the grammar rules to the learners and drilling words, sentence structures and isolated language points into them. The learners received lists of words and fixed expressions which they had to learn by heart. The result of this traditional approach was that the learners usually knew the grammar rules very well, but the minute they had to speak to someone in the language, or when they had to use the language in a shop, post office or other real-life situation, they were unable to do so. They learned how the language tools worked, but were never given the chance to use and apply these tools in communications situations. Van der Walt (1984: 21) points out that learners who study a language usually want to know how to greet people in that language, how to introduce someone to others, to warn, persuade, give advice, and ask and give directions, etcetera:

Yet how often are students taught to do these things? A student may know the grammar and vocabulary of a language and yet still be unable to begin and end a telephone conversation appropriately, or be unable to excuse himself from other people’s company, or he may not know how to make sure his listeners understand that he is uncertain about something. We must therefore include in our teaching the ability to do things with language and to express meanings in the language.

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Language must be seen as interpersonal communication, used for a while range of purposes and in a wide variety of situations. Tying in with this, Askes (1992: 640 mentions that in his experience learners know exactly what a noun or a verb is, they know what part of speech the word “warning” is and also what it means, but that they are unable to actually warn others.

Linguists feel that teachers should adopt a broad approach to language teaching, rather than concentrate on specific methods. The use of a specific method could be too restrictive and narrow.

2.8 Communication skills

Young children are encouraged to communicate and develop their language skills from a very early age. Communication entails more than the mere use of language; it includes gestures, eye movements and behaviour. Communication means expressing and sharing feelings and ideas with other people. Communication develops from where the infant tries to tell its mother something by crying, to where an adult conveys meaning by explaining and gesturing. All forms of communication are important; however, the use of language to communicate is the most important. Without language people find it difficult to communicate effectively.

Communication means that ! children can receive a message ! children are able to interpret what they receive correctly ! children can reply with an adequate response

Communication is a very important aspect of the multilingual classroom of South Africa. Social development also has a part to play in communication between two children who do not have the same mother tongue, but are in the same class. Their ability (or inability) to communicate will hamper their social development. You should be aware of potential problems and act accordingly. All children are born with the urge and the will to communicate. You should read the signs and encourage communication.

As with the home language classroom, you could improve communication skills in the following ways:

! Provide materials and situations conducive to communication. Ask questions that will prompt

the child to answer. For example: "It is a flower." "What colour is the flower?" "What kind of flower is it?" You could make use of puppets, balls or anything else that will encourage communication. Material can be used in dramatic play to help children to communicate.

! Help your learners to develop listening and speaking skills by telling stories, singing songs and playing various games.

! Tape stories (or buy taped stories) for the learners to listen to. Ask questions based on these stories. For example, allow your learners to say how they felt when something has happened. Ask the class to say what they think will happen next (anticipation).

! Speak to your learners and encourage them to communicate their feelings and thoughts.

You will have many opportunities to either create situations for talking to the children, or to make use of situations that present themselves. When observing your learners' communication skills, you should look for certain factors that will indicate whether your learners are developing and improving in their second language. These factors are the following:

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! Confidence: Your learners are confident when speaking. They may not be fluent or speak without mistakes, but they get their message across.

! Articulation: Your learners' speech is clear enough to be reasonably well understood.

! Language production: Your learners speak in sentences and can link words well enough to be understood.

! Vocabulary: Your learners need to be taught as many useful words related to their frame of reference as possible. Extension of vocabulary is a definite focus in second language learning.

! Communication: Your learners need to be taught the various structures and functions of a second language in order to communicate effectively.

! Understanding language: Your learners may understand what they hear and see. They may respond to instructions, questions and requests. When comprehension is lacking or reaction is not appropriate, you will have to rephrase instructions, demonstrate again or possibly even revert to the first language to ensure understanding.

! Playing with words: Your learners enjoy songs, word games and rhymes. ! Listening skills: Your learners listen and react correctly to questions and instructions. They

are able to identify words and sounds.

Social development is broadened by acquiring an additional language. Learners who have difficult expressing themselves well are often less able to develop friendships. Being able to use another language effectively also assists in emotional development. Your learners' self-esteem is enhanced by their growing ability to communicate their feelings accurately to others in another language.

The development of language is one of a child's major accomplishments during early childhood. In a few years children move from being non-verbal and unable to communicate their needs through speech, to developing the ability to speak and understand language. Children learn thousands of words, their meanings and the rules for using them simply by being around caring adults who talk to them and respond to their efforts to communicate. They are born with the urge to communicate. If we respond to their signals and show encouragement, their interest in expanding their communication skills is almost limitless.

2.9 Elements of language

Although a baby first hears, then speaks and later on learns to read and write, these receptive (listening and reading) and productive (speaking and writing) language skills need to be integrated in second language teaching/learning. We also need to remember that underlying all of these is the ability to think. The ability to think is an important aspect of language. With the development of information technology, the use of electronic media should also be considered and included in the teaching of language.

Thinking Experience teaches us that learners will improve their ability to think if they have a school programme that is rich in challenging and authentic language experiences. A good teacher will focus on the intimate connection between thinking and language.

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Listening Listening and speaking are closely related in conversation. We learn to listen for different purposes and to integrate new with existing information. Note-taking and the electronic media can be used effectively to record the important facts in any speech we have listened to.

Speaking Speaking implies saying what has been thought. Talking and thinking are so closely connected that the one implies the other and we often do not really know what we think about a topic until we talk about it. Speaking also depends on vocabulary, using one's voice and the ability to produce a variety of types of sentences. Knowledge and alternative ways of organising what we want to say are important in the speaking experience.


Discuss with some learners situations in which they would have to use another language other than their own home language. How would these situations differ from those in which they use their home language?

Writing Writing and speaking are both ways of expressing thoughts. In which circumstances would learners use their additional language to write? Learners thus need to learn to use appropriate word and language forms for chosen purposes. Writing with care involves a rather complex process in which we revise our written products several times until it communicates in the way we want it to. In rewriting we thoroughly examine our choice of words, spelling and punctuation even in an additional language.

Reading Why is reading a very important activity of daily life? Do learners only read in home language? Think about how much reading we do in a single day from reading advertisements to newspapers, books, magazines and non-fiction. We also seek enjoyment, as when we read stories, poems, articles and jokes. Learning to read begins when we are taught the alphabet and how single letters can be put together to make words. These words are put together in the right order make sentences. This process continues in our adult life as we learn how to deal with different kinds of text, their content and thousands of words in print. Reading is usually taken a step further when we think effectively about what we have read and can incorporate it in our communication with others, thus talking and giving account of what we have read. How does this all apply to an additional language learner?

ACTIVITY Have the learner write short letters and notes to one another. Initially the notes need only consist of one or two sentences. You can give instructions regarding the content of the notes, for example: “Ask your friend to do something” or “Give her certain instructions.

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ACTIVITY Collect some examples of the written word in various languages, for example adverts, notices or a page from a magazine. Compare these texts and note how the information is conveyed to the reader.

2.10 Approaches to language teaching

To date, approaches to teaching an additional language vary from keeping the subject almost entirely separate, to including it in almost all of the content areas of the curriculum if it has been chosen as a medium of instruction, for example, English. Let us take a look at some of the possibilities.

2.10.1 Separate subjects

In this approach periods are scheduled during the week for the different areas of the curriculum. Most subjects are taught from a textbook and without much connection with others. The "separate subject" organisation is based on the assumption that learners will study the text materials in a sequential fashion and then be able to use the skills and content they have learnt when these are needed. It is expected that what was learnt in the language class can be used more or less automatically as needed in any other subject.

2.10.2 Integrated language teaching

This approach treats language as a field where handwriting, spelling, composition, grammar, punctuation, speaking and reading are all included. Such teaching emphasises the relationship between these components, encouraging learners to see, for instance, that good handwriting and knowledge of spelling are both involved in producing words that can be read easily. In an integrated arts approach, attention is given both to the systematic teaching of the necessary skills and to the actual use of what has been learnt already.

This approach is common where the additional language has been chosen as a medium of instruction.

3 Revised National Curriculum Statement Grades R-9 (schools) INTRODUCING THE LANGUAGES


The Languages Learning Area includes: • All eleven official languages: Afrikaans, English, isiNdebele, isiXhosa, isiZulu, Sepedi,

Sesotho, Setswana, SiSwati, Tshivenda, and Xitsonga; and • languages approved by the Pan South African Language Board (PANSALB) and the

South African Certification Authority (SAFCERT) such as Braille and South African Sign Language.

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The Learning Area for each official language is presented in three parts, each with its own volume: Home Language, First Additional Language, and Second Additional Language.

In a multilingual country like South Africa, it is important that learners reach high levels of proficiency in at least two languages, and that they are able to communicate in other languages.

The Additive Approach to Multilingualism

The Language Learning Area is in line with the Department of Education’s language-in-education policy. This policy gives School Governing Bodies the responsibility of selecting school language policies that are appropriate for their circumstances and in line with the policy of additive multilingualism. The Languages Learning Area Statement provides a curriculum that is supportive of whatever decision a school makes. It follows an additive approach to multilingualism:

• All learners learn their home language and at least one additional official


• Learners become competent in their additional language, while their home language is maintained and developed.

• All learners learn an African language for a minimum of three years by the end of the

General Education and Training Band. In some circumstances, it may be learned as a second additional language.

The home, first additional and second additional languages are approached in different ways:

• The home language Assessment Standards assumes that learners come to school able

to understand and speak the language. They support the development of this competence, especially with regard to various types of literacy (reading, writing, visual and critical literacies). They provide a strong curriculum to support the language of learning and teaching.

• The first additional language assumes that learners do not necessarily have any

knowledge of the language when they arrive at school. The curriculum starts by developing learners’ ability to understand and speak the language. On this foundation, it builds literacy. Learners are able to transfer the literacies they have acquired in their home language to their first additional language. The curriculum provides strong support for those learners who will use their first language as a language of learning and teaching. By the end of Grade 9, these learners should be able to use their home language and first additional language effectively and with confidence for a variety of purposes including learning.

• The second additional language is intended for learners who wish to learn three

languages. The third language may be an official language or a foreign language. The Assessment Standards ensure that learners are able to use the language for general communicative purposes. It assumes that less time will be allocated to learning the second additional language than to the home language or first additional language.

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The Language Learning Area covers all 11 official languages as:

‚ Home languages; ‚ First additional languages; and ‚ Second additional languages.

Language of Learning and Teaching

It is recommended that the learner’s home language should be used for learning and teaching wherever possible. This is particularly important in the Foundation Phase where children learn to read and write.

Where learners have to make a transition from their home language to an additional language as the language of learning and teaching, this should be carefully planned:

• The additional language should be introduced as a subject in Grade 1. • The home language should continue to be used alongside the additional language for as

long as possible.

When learners enter a school where the language of learning and teaching is an additional language for the learner, teachers and other educators should make provision for special assistance and supplementary learning of the additional language, until such time as the learners is able to learn effectively in the language of learning and teaching.


Languages are central to our lives. We communicate and understand our world through language. Language thus shapes our identity and knowledge.

Languages serve a variety of purposes, which are reflected in the Language Learning Area Statement. These are:

• Personal - to sustain, develop and transform identities; to sustain relationships in family

and community; and for personal growth and pleasure.

• Communicative - to communicate appropriately and effectively in a variety of social contexts.

• Educational - to develop tools of thinking and reasoning, and to provide access to


• Aesthetic - to create, interpret and play imaginatively with oral, visual and written texts.

• Cultural - to understand and appreciate languages and cultures, and the heritage they

carry. • Political - to assert oneself and challenge others; to persuade others of a particular point

of view; to position oneself and others; and to sustain, develop and transform identities.

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• Critical - to understand the relationships between language, power and identity, and to challenge uses of these where necessary; to understand the dynamic nature of culture; and to resist persuasion and positioning where necessary.

Unique Features and Scope

How does the Languages Learning Area contribute to the curriculum?

• It develops reading and writing, the foundation for other important literacies.

• It is the medium for much of the other learning in the curriculum, such as Mathematics and

the Social Sciences.

• It encourages intercultural understanding, access to other views, and a critical understanding of the concept of culture.

• It stimulates imaginative and creative activity, and thus promotes the goals of arts and


• It provides a way of communicating information, and promotes many of the goals of science, technology and environmental education.

• It develops the critical tools necessary to become responsible citizens.

Language: combining knowledge, skills and values

There are six main Learning Outcomes:

• The first four outcomes cover five different language skills - listening, speaking, reading,

viewing and writing.

• Outcome 5 deals with the use of languages for thinking and reasoning, which is especially important for the language of learning and teaching. This outcome is not included in the curriculum for second additional languages, since its aim is not to prepare learners to use this language as a language of learning and teaching. The Mathematics curriculum also covers the skills in this outcome to some extent.

• Outcome 6 deals with the core of language knowledge - sounds, words and grammar - in

texts. This knowledge is put into action through the language skills described in the other outcomes.

These outcomes have been written to give specific focus to particular kinds of knowledge and skills, and to make them clear and understandable. When we use language, however, we integrate knowledge, skills and values to express ourselves. A central principle of the Language Learning Area Statement is therefore the integration of these aspects of language through the creation and interpretation of texts.

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Language Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcome 1: Listening

The learner will be able to listen for information and enjoyment, and respond appropriately and critically in a wide range of situations.

Learning Outcome 2: Speaking

The learner will be able to communicate confidently and effectively in spoken language in a wide range of situations.

Learning Outcome 3: Reading and Viewing

The learner will be able to read and view for information and enjoyment, and respond critically to the aesthetic, cultural and emotional values in texts.

Learning Outcome 4: Writing

The learner will be able to write different kinds of factual and imaginative texts for a wide range of purposes.

Learning Outcome 5: Thinking and Reasoning

The learner will be able to use language to think and reason, as well as to access, process and use information for learning.

Learning Outcome 6: Language Structure and Use

The learner will know and be able to use the sounds, words and grammar of the language to create and interpret text.

Integration of outcomes

Listening and speaking, reading and viewing, writing, thinking and reasoning, and knowledge of sounds, words and grammar - although presented as separate outcomes - should be integrated when taught and assessed. For example, learners:

• listen to a particular kind of text (for example, a description of a process such as gold mining

or paper making);

• read and analyse key features of another text of the same type (for example, use of simple present tense, passive voice, linking words such as ‘first’, ‘next’, ‘then’); and design and create a new text of the same type, including visual material in the form of a flow diagram.

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Learning outcomes

After studying this unit, you should be able to: • argue in favor of why an additional language needs to be learnt • name which aspects of an additional language would need more attention • define communicative competence and specify its key areas • recognise the main characteristics of the communicative approach

3.1 Why an additional language needs to be taught

We now take a closer look at studying a second language.

Well, what do you think? Write down some of the reasons why you think an additional language should or should not be taught at school:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Currently the main difference between learning an additional language at school and a home language, particularly in the senior classes, is the greater emphasis placed on studying the formal aspects of grammar and a sharper focus on literary studies in the home language syllabus.

Studying a language for its grammatical aspects only would be very limiting and on the other hand, in order to fully appreciate the richness of its text or discourse one would have to learn the skills that would equip one to analyse and discuss the intricacies of language in its variety of forms and nuances. Thus learning a language needs to be more than learning grammar only. The communicative approach (CA) acknowledges that a language is a system of rules for usage (grammar) and that it is exemplified in use in the various modes of listening, reading, writing and speaking. Learning structures and new vocabulary is important; however, preparation for effective communication will be inadequate if only this is taught. There is little point in teaching learners the rules of language usage if they cannot use the language appropriately.

When we communicate, we use language to accomplish some function, such as arguing, persuading, or promising. Moreover, we carry out these functions within a social context. A speaker will choose a particular way to express his or her argument based not only upon his or her intention and his level of emotion, but also upon whom he or she is addressing and what his or her relationship with that person is. For example, you may be more direct when arguing with a friend than when you disagree with your employer.

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Furthermore, since communication is a process, it is not enough for learners to simply have knowledge of target language forms, meanings and functions only. Learners must be able to apply this knowledge in negotiating meaning. Because language is a process, there are several implications.

A process is a state of change and development. We cannot expect perfect, complete products from pupils who are still in the process of learning a language.

Children acquire the language they need to know in order to be communicatively competent in their home language speech community. In other words, children remember word patterns they need in everyday life. The best way for them to do this is in a language-rich environment where they have opportunities to hear and speak their first language in a supportive environment. While some language that they hear and read is adapted to suit their level, most of it is real adult language. The child's use of language at a given stage and the communication of meaning take precedence over grammatical accuracy. However, by school-going age children already know whether their communication in their first language is formally possible (which indicates grammatical competence), appropriate in context and feasible. Children aged six or seven, already know how their language relates to reality.

Children use language to get things, to control the behaviour of others, to create interaction with others, to express personal meanings and feelings, to learn and discover, to create a world of the imagination and to communicate information. They use language for effective communication and have strategies to compensate for any lack of linguistic knowledge. It is through the interaction between speaker and listener (or between writer and reader) that meaning becomes clear. The listener gives the speaker feedback on whether or not he or she understands what the speaker has said. In this way the speaker can revise what he or she has said and try to communicate the original intended meaning again, if necessary. Therefore the communicative approach supports the idea that language teaching should not merely involve providing a set of language results. It supports the view that language teaching takes into account effective use of language by the learner.

3.2 Defining the communicative approach (CA)

This approach to language teaching aims to improve a learner's competence and proficiency in that particular language. According to the Oxford advanced learner's dictionary (1995), the word competent means "having the necessary ability, authority, and skill knowledge" while proficiency means "being able to do something in a skilled or expert way because of training or practice". These terms are at times used interchangeably. This approach to language teaching is a combination of several methods. The communicative approach refers to a specific approach which is followed when teaching a language. Please note that no specific method can be prescribed. Various methods and techniques have to be integrated to achieve success. The communicative approach is derived from the concept of communication because communication (discussion) is at the core of this approach.

The teacher's role is to facilitate communication between the learners or between the learners and the learning content, rather than doing all the talking. Group work is essential to the communicative approach as the teacher needs to simulate everyday communication situations in the classroom and give the learners the opportunity to communicate with each other (listen to each other, speak to each other, etc.). The teacher could, for example, bring a few old telephones to class and let the learners speak to each other over the telephone. The situations they discuss should reflect their reality. This implies that the learners could congratulate each

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other, invite friends to a party, or a learner who may have been ill for a week could find out from a friend what homework to do A combination of the listen- speak approach and the communicative approach is often used in practice. According to the listen- speak approach the child first listens to what the teacher says and then repeats it.

However, it is important that the learners understand what they are saying. For example, once the learners have heard how one congratulates someone, they repeat the phrase until they know it.

Then a communication situation is created in which the learners congratulate one another.

In short, if you have communicative competence it implies that you are able to use the target language appropriately in any given social context in order to communicate effectively.

3.3 Principles of the communicative approach

The goal of this approach is to develop learners’ competence and proficiency in their second language. This involves the ability to use language appropriately in any given social context. Learners need knowledge of linguistic forms, meanings and functions but they also need to know that many different forms can be used to perform a function and that a single form can perform a variety of functions.

Write down some of the many ways (forms) in which you can greet (function) someone in your additional language: .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................................................

Now think of the many different meanings (functions) that the following words (form) could have, if you said in a variety of ways: "I have news for you." .............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................................................

Certain principles underlie the development of communicative competence:

(1) Language is a system for expressing meaning. And its chief purpose is interaction.

The primary units of language are not its grammatical or structural features but categories of functional and communicative meaning as found in written and spoken discourse.

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(2) All four basic communicative skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) need to be integrated and developed simultaneously.

(3) Communicative competence implies grammatical, sociolinguistic, strategic and

discourse competence. (See Kilfoil & Van der Walt, pp103-106.)

(4) Language could be used for basic interpersonal communication skills (BICS) or cognitive academic language proficiency (CALPS) could be developed.

(5) The degree of accuracy and fluency would vary according to the focus of the activity.

Error tolerance is greater in this approach.

(6) Learners need to be exposed to authentic language and situations. They must also take responsibility for their own progress. In order to expose them to as many opportunities for using the language as possible, much pair work or group work should be designed.

3.4 The role and responsibilities of the teacher in the communicative approach

As a teacher you will need to have a thorough knowledge of how the additional language that you teach works and changes so that you can help your learners to develop their communicative competence fully. If you are teaching groups of mixed culture and race, you will also have to bear in mind that many of the learners in your class may not be home language speakers of the language used for instruction (most likely English). This further complicates your task, because you cannot take for granted that all learners are operating from the same frame of reference or level of ability. This means that you will have to grade or use different activities and levels of explanation to meet individual needs.

The traditional role of the teacher as unique source of all knowledge has changed. You will now act as an organiser of knowledge, initiator of activities, guiding and advising rather than prescribing or drilling a specific aspect of language. You will facilitate the communication process between learners and monitor their interaction with a variety of language texts or discourse. You will have to establish situations that are likely to promote communication in both formal and informal settings. Sometimes you will be a co-communicator, such as when you encourage learners to share their ideas and opinions.

You should also note that, ultimately, the more proficient you are in using the second language as a teacher, the better the learners’ level of competence will be. Communicative competence is a long-term goal and each activity should equip the learner to face the real world with more confidence. They should also understand why it is important to communicate well in any language and should be motivated to improve their proficiency.

You should also strive to create an environment that is conducive to learning and experimentation with language. Where possible, have an attractive, comfortable venue that is well ventilated and well lit.

Regardless of whether or not you are fortunate enough to have a class to yourself, you need to ensure that a low anxiety level exists by establishing a good relationship with your learners.

Probably the greatest contribution of the CA is that it forces you to look closely at what is involved in communicating effectively.

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3.5 The communicative approach on presentation methods in the classroom

The communicative approach has the following implications for the presentation of an additional language:

• The teachers must create communication situations in the class so that learners get

the opportunity to really communicate and to exchange information. Group work is essential and learner-learner interaction must be emphasised rather than teacher-learner interaction.

• Although drilling should not be totally ignored, it is no longer an essential activity during teaching. Pronunciation is important, but only to the point that people are able to understand each other properly.

• Learners may use their home language to facilitate activities, to find the meaning of a single word or to understand a phenomenon.

• Although translation is no longer forbidden, they should only be used when they have real value. (The implication is that different techniques may be used as long as they facilitate communication and prepare the learners to use the language in their adult and professional life.)

• Learners, themselves, must be given as many opportunities as possible to speak, write and read the language. Teachers thus need to speak less. Those situations where the teacher speaks and then expects the learners to repeat him or her should not be seen as opportunities for the learners to speak.

• It is totally natural make mistakes when mastering a language (just think of all the mistakes a young child makes when he or she is learning his or her home language). Try not to rectify each mistake a learner makes as this will undermine his or her self-confidence. Teachers should also try to create a “low level of fear” in their classrooms so that learners are liberated from their “speaking anxiety”.

• Try to create as many opportunities as possible for learners to communicate with each other.

Try to create real, true-to-life situations through role play, for example. • Learners are motivated when they feel that what they are learning has utility value and

that it will be useful in their social and/or professional lives. • Learners are taught grammar and vocabulary that is relevant to their everyday lives. • Resources are used extensively and learners participate in role play, group work and

language games. • You could make use of the following resources in your lessons: magazines, pictures,

newspapers, weather reports, television programmes, hand puppets, music instruments, overhead projectors, etc.

• Listening activities are very important. Learners should, for example, be able to repeat a story (event) after they have listened to a reading or a tape recording of it.

• Dialogues, replacement tables, in-other-words exercises and the close technique may be used, but with discretion. A dialogue may be learned, adapted and developed in an unstructured speaking lesson. Remember, though, learning a dialogue and the associated language structure is not communication.

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3.6 Implications of the communicative approach for the teacher

The teacher is, most definitely, not the focus of the language teaching situation - the learner should be central. Teachers need to concentrate on the learner’s needs; t h e y also need to find the most appropriate way of helping them to communicate in the target language. The teacher must facilitate, that is, to make things easier for the learners. By planning suitable activities and situations, the teacher facilitates the learner’s exposure to and communication in the additional language. The teacher thus brings together the learners and the language in the communicative situation.

The communicative approach is very challenging and makes enormous demands on the teacher. The teacher is entitle to reject the communicative method and to choose a method of his or her choice, provided of course that the learners will benefit from his or her method of teaching. The teacher must always ask the following question: “If I were in the class, would I have enjoyed this form of additional language teaching?”

3.7 Implications for language material

The most important requirement for the language material that is used during the communicative approach to language teaching is that it must bring about authentic, real and credible language utterances. The learners’ tasks must resemble, as far as possible, the real communication situations that learners are confronted with and will be confronted with outside the classroom. It is also essential that the language material used falls within the learners’ fields of interest.

Askes (1992: 74) believes that the following should be used to teach the meaning of words:

• real objects: clothes, soup, keys • pictures and illustrations on the chalkboard: tree, mountain, tractor • imitation: sneeze, run, stumble • actions, facial expressions • demonstrations • explanations (this method must be given last priority)

3.8 A last word about the communicative approach

It is obvious that learners, who learn a second additional language according to the communicative approach, must be assessed accordingly. It would be senseless to measure a learner’s progress by testing his or her grammar if he or she has been taught according to the communicative approach.

The big question is now how to ensure that the communicative approach during the teaching of creative work, reading, literature, etc takes its rightful place. According to the communicative approach, all language teaching must be linked to the type of activities or tasks that learners will have to face in the additional language one day. During reading instruction, for example, teachers should pay careful attention to the communicative reading needs of the learners. Look at the following examples:

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• In which social and work situations will they later need to be able to read the language, that is, what functions will they needs to be able to carry out? Learners will, for example, need to be able to use the language to communicate with colleagues, clients or employers. They will thus need to be able to read and react to basic information related to their work.

• They will need to be able to read and understand general sources of information (e.g. posters, advertisements, newspaper headlines).

• It is also possible that learners will want to read for relaxation (e.g. an interesting book or article).

3.9 Relating the communicative approach to basic literacy

We shall be dealing with the four basic communicative skills in greater detail focusing on them as receptive and productive skills. We shall also be looking closely at how a learner encodes and decodes information in order to understand it. As an introduction to these matters, we now take a look at how the integration of these skills forms the basis of literacy, the sought-after ability to read and write. There are many communities that function very successfully using only two of the literacy skills; listening and speaking. So is it really necessary to learn how to read and write in another language as well? If so, why?

Write down some reasons why you think it is important to teach a child more than the spoken word:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Let us take a closer look at the traditional definition of literacy: Usually, to be literate means being able to read and write the language that you can speak. In its broader sense it means, having a basic knowledge of or ability in a specified discipline, for example, being computer literate means you are able to use a computer as a basic tool for your occupation. We can thus say that being literate in your first language means being able to communicate effectively in order to function at an appropriate and expected level in a particular society. Is this vital for a learner’s second language?

Talk to some children and their families about how being able to listen, speak, read and write in another language can make their lives meaningful. Write down their responses here:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Write down some ways in which you use listening, speaking, reading and writing your second language in an integrated way: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Traditionally language instruction was divided into four areas: • listening • speaking • reading • writing Such a division permits an in-depth analysis of each area and helps assure that each area will receive a fair and balanced amount of consideration. However, when we work with children listening, speaking, reading and writing are inextricably related.

Language processes are • visual symbols - those that a child sees, writes and reads, and • Verbal symbols - those that a child speaks and hears

Each child manipulates these visual and verbal symbols in different ways. This is a cognitive process in which the child will have to listen, speak, write and read effectively.

The following principles should apply in an integrated approach to language instruction:

• Focus on the language in which the child is learning • Emphasise the social uses of language • Arrange activities that are appropriate to the child's development • Help children think • Respect cultural and language difference • Integrate speaking, listening, reading and writing

Bromley (1988:7) views the four language skills as follows:

Traditionally, the acquisition of listening, speaking, reading and writing competence was thought to occur in that order, which, perhaps explains the practice of teaching discrete skills sequentially. But recent research suggests that the four language arts develop concurrently and reinforce each other as they grow. For instance, research in writing indicates that a child does not need to have a large reading vocabulary before a writing vocabulary begins to develop. In fact, some children learn to write words first and then learn to read what they write (Chomsky 1971). Oral language research shows that facility with the spoken word does not always precede and is not always necessary to learn to read (Myers 1987). Children with no oral language, for example, the deaf, do learn to read. We also know, however, that facility with spoken language does contribute to the development of reading and writing competencies.

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Although the four language skills will be integrated during language instruction, for academic reasons we are going to separate each skill to indicate which competencies children should be able to demonstrate in Grades 4 to 7.

If you have studied Figure 1.1 thoroughly, you will note that there is a vertical as well as a horizontal division. In the two upper quadrants we have the receptive skills relating to the receiving of messages, in other words the understanding (decoding) of communication. In the two lower quadrants, in other words below the horizontal line, we find the skills necessary to convey (encode) the message.

To the left of the vertical line are the oral skills which consist of two aspects, namely listening and speaking. Listening is both receptive (receiving) and part of oral communication. To the right of the vertical line are the written skills, namely reading and writing. Reading is therefore receptive in written communication, while writing is productive.

In an education context, this means that each of these skills should receive attention in the language classroom.

In real-life communication situations two or more of these skills are usually involved. The implications of this for teaching are as follows:

Although it is therefore true that one could concentrate on one of the four skills in a classroom situation, one should also try to create classroom activities that reflect real-life communication situations. This will mean that two or even more of the so-called four skills are utilised, sometimes simultaneously.

Here are some suggested competencies:

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• Listening

Learners should be able to

- experience situations that will help them interpret non-verbal messages

- actively participate in experiences that will improve their listening skills - listen, look at the speaker, wait their turn to speak, react to instructions or requests and answer questions

- increase their vocabulary

- improve their auditory memory by trying to repeat what they have heard

- retell stories or give messages

- react to questions by answering what is asked.

• Speaking

Learners' speech will improve as they practise. Learners should

- experiment with language sounds, rhythm, volume, pitch and words

- describe events or sequences of events

- ask clear questions and react to the answers they receive

- describe what they see on posters or pictures and tell stories about them

- give messages to other persons

- participate in conversation with other children and adults

- take part in group discussions with other learners

- take part in creative dramatic activities such as role-play and concerts

• Reading

Learners should be able to

- use the school and public library to obtain reading matter

- move from "pretend" reading to actual reading by acquiring reading skills

- react to written signs around them (stop, train, labels, and chemist)

- predict what is going to happen next in a story

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- read and discuss a story (sequence, characters, setting)

- develop a comprehensive sight vocabulary by reading well-known text - form positive reading habits to enjoy the written word

- identify beginning letters

- identify rhyming words

- realise their ability to read well

• Writing

Learners will become more proficient in writing skills as they progress. They should be able to

- enjoy writing down their ideas on paper

- write different types of written exercises such as lists, stories and descriptions

- write down their thoughts in their own inventive writing forms (scribble, own spelling,

drawings and so on)

- find more topics to write about and expand their writing accordingly

- learn to organise their thoughts and material for others to understand

- learn to use the correct format of writing for different purposes (letter, story and notice) So how do children develop their literacy skills in an additional language?

Did you learn to ride a bicycle just to show your friends you could do it? NO! Surely you wanted to use the bicycle as a means of transport. So it is reasonable to assume that generally we do not use the skills of speaking, reading or writing just for the sake of demonstrating our ability alone. We use these different aspects of language because we have something to achieve through them.

However, at school learners are often expected to do very repetitive exercises, which have little or no real meaning for them. This ought not to be the case. Research into oral language acquisition in particular, has thrown interesting light on how very young learners become good readers and writers.

If you have come across any terms that you are unsure of or that you wish to explore in greater detail, use the index and glossary at the back of your prescribed work for further detail.

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(1) Explain in your own words how an additional language is acquired. (2) How does the acquisition of an additional language influence you as a teacher? (3) Briefly explain what is meant by communication. (4) Give your own definition of the communicative approach. (5) Name the guidelines that should be followed when planning communicative activities (6) Name the four language skills with appropriate examples.




The content of this unit focuses on: - the importance of purposeful listening and speaking in the additional language. - the process by which learners listen or speak. - the natural integration of the four major communicative skills - the role of the mother tongue in additional language instruction


You should be able to: - teach learners to become attentive listeners - teach learners to verbalize their ideas effectively to express their thoughts, opinions,

feelings and emotions. - design appropriate listening and speaking tasks, at times integrating these - formally with other communicative skills (reading and writing - initiate impromptu listening and speaking opportunities - stimulate responses from learners and build their confidence to speak in front of

others. - identify formal and informal language usage. - assess the development of your learners in each skill and apply remedial strategies,

where necessary.


4.1.1 The significance of listening

Unlike the audiences of Shakespeare’s day, ours is a visual rather than an auditory culture. Exposure to a variety of media has reduced our ability to listen. Although we do hear a great deal, communication has become more visual and pictures or action shots expound far more in the papers and adverts than even a clever radio clip does.

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What is certain is that the young learner of today lacks aural concentration. Cosey (1979) points out that sound broadcasting tends to be a presence rather than appreciated. Speak to any teacher who taught before the introduction of television to our country and he or she will admit to the change in class behaviour where learners nowadays do not find it impolite to conduct lengthy conversations regardless of the teacher’ endeavour to teach. I believe this is a direct result of uninterrupted domestic conversations taking place while the television presenter manages to complete the news broadcast without complaint!! One could possibly even argue that television has killed the art of conversation and so people no longer engage in true verbal exchange thus losing the ability to listen and speak effectively.

It is not so much the ability to listen that needs teaching but rather the ability to concentrate especially as words are seldom repeated and because thinking is a much quicker process than speaking.

Learning is also very closely related to the ability to listen well. Young learners often spend many hours passively watching bright images on a television screen which requires little effort as no specific task is set. They therefore need to be taught how to listen purposefully. You will have to plan activities which require active participation on the learners’ part.

Listening is a mental process calling for thought and reaction. It is the process of hearing, recognising and interpreting or comprehending the spoken language. It is an activity of the mind and not the ear! Listeners must make and effort to understand what they hear.

4.1.2 The difference between teaching listening skills in the home and additional


When teaching a home language, the expectations of what learners can accomplish will be higher while the texts they listen to will be more demanding and the listening tasks more intricate. In the additional language, you as the teacher would be focusing on more receptive listening skills rather than reflective skills. This means that the task you set would require the learner to respond by recognising sounds, basic vocabulary and grammar, and the immediate recall of simple information rather than having to make intellectual judgements e.g. distinguishing between factor opinion, understanding relationships, identifying aesthetic differences.

You would also pay more attention to intensive listening tasks than extensive ones purely as the experience of your additional language learners in the target language is limited and they do not listen as effortlessly as in their mother tongue. An additional language learner is still mastering basic phonological and grammatical patterns and thus need a very clear context in which to listen. They often require exaggerated gestures/facial expressions or even pictures to assist their comprehension. New vocabulary must also be understood clearly before they will be able to perform adequately.

Listening activities prepare learners for reading and writing and effective listening is a prerequisite for mastering the phonics of a second language. In the second language learners should be able to analyse words discriminate between sounds and identify initial and final sounds in words.

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4.1.3 Can listening skills be taught in isolation?

Although in real life, listening is very dependent on speaking and seldom takes place without some form of interaction, it is possible to teach certain micro skills in isolation in the classroom. It remains difficult to clearly separate the four macro (basic) communicative skills as we constantly use them in an integrated fashion. We could, however, group them into two different categories. We could either say that, listening and speaking are the skills necessary for face-to-face spoken interaction while reading and writing relate to the written communication.

On the other hand, in linguistic terms, reading and listening are often grouped together as they are classed as receptive skills while speaking and writing form the class of expressive or productive skills.

However we may choose to group them, I shall for the purpose of this tutorial letter discuss each macro skill separately and in the order in which we naturally develop them.

4.1.4 What is meant by meaningful listening?

- What can you hear right now as you read this page? Write down at least five sounds. - What kind of listening would you do during an average week? - What makes understanding the spoken word difficult? - Does visual stimulus assist comprehension?

It has been said that listening is the cornerstone of oral communication and although at school it is probably the skill which is used the most often we cannot take for granted that learners know HOW to listen. They need to be taught. When we refer to listening skills, we mean the ability to interpret any aural input with specific reference to meaningful sounds (communication) in any language that is understood by us.

All sounds convey meaning and affect our emotions in some way so learners need to be taught

! To listen when people speak, not only in order to get information but also to establish a basis

for sharing their concerns or trying to understand the way they view events or situations. ! To consider their own thinking process as they listen so that they can improve their

learning ability in all school subjects. ! That meaningful listening is not a passive experience and listening well is their

responsibility. In life outside the classroom, listening and speaking generally happen together as part of the communication process so as teachers we must aim to improve a learner’s ability to understand the spoken word i.e. continuous speech of a (native) speaker at normal speed in unstructured situations.

! To select the relevant information and focus on key ideas. Effective listening leads to improved communication

! that we do not only listen in order to communicate but that listening for aesthetic reasons helps us appreciate music, movies and other audio-visual material as well as interact with our spiritual environment. Whether you listen to early morning bird song, a dramatic oral recital round the fire or the rhythmic beat of a gumboot dance, you will listen best when what is being heard matters to you. In other words when you have a reason or purpose for listening.

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Let’s reflect for a moment on the four basic elements of any communication:

! the sender ! the receiver ! the message ! feedback (reaction)

In terms of communicative language teaching, listening thus refers to the ability to receive (hear) spoken messages and interpret (understand) them. This has to do with the ability to relate what came before and what is to follow a particular utterance. It also includes the ability to select what is relevant and to reject what is unnecessary in order to respond to the speaker’s message. (Geddes: 1982)

It is on this pattern of predicting, listening, confirming and responding that listening tasks should be designed. It is vital that all listening tasks have a clear purpose. A listening task can only be effective if learners have a specific task to complete which can demonstrate their understanding. Knowing the purpose of listening helps them focus and concentrate better.

It is also necessary that you contextualise the text the learners are going to listen to. This means explaining who is talking (participants), where the conversation takes place (setting) and what they talking about (topic) .Providing a simple context also helps the learners know what to expect and which words, and grammatical structures to listen out for. Exercises done in class should be realistic and approximate the type of listening a learner is expected to do in real life.

The purpose of a listening task also determines the choice of material used. E.g. the decision to use a video excerpt or rather do a dictation is made after the reason for listening has been determined. Here are some possible reasons for listening as set out in the core syllabus:

- Comprehension: understanding the gist of a simple conversation, following an

argument. - Giving instructions or directions (asking the way, explaining how to do something,

telling someone what to do). - Short-term memory testing: answering questions (immediate/delayed fact recall) about

a short, simple passage that learners have heard. - Identification and discrimination of sounds (exercises which focus on minimal pair

distinction ship/sheep, skirt/shirt, paper/pepper, here the recognition of repetition or refrain is useful when teaching poetry or visual literacy (recognition/interpretation of background noises/ music).

- Identification and selection of tone, intonation, mood, atmosphere and the recognition of their effect on social meaning (emotion/intention). Also understanding a variety of accents and dialects.

- Selecting and rejecting: note taking, jigsaw listening, telephone conversations, close exercises, True/False exercises, forming mental pictures, locating, drawing, constructing, making a list, matching, checklists, deciding which picture is being described, multiple choice, spotting the mistake, looking for specific items of information.

- Role-play: Any performance, mime or impromptu task requires that the correct register be chosen and a response be given, appropriate to the situation.

- Transferring information: filling in tables, grids, charts, forms or diagrams, sequencing pictures with a story line and labeling.

- Evaluating and r e f o r m u l a t i n g : discussions, cont inu ing s to r ies , m ak i ng s ug g e s t i o n s , inferencing, judging, making decisions, expressing opinions, (dis)agreeing, problem-solving, predicting, anticipating, drawing conclusions and summarizing

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- Listening for pleasure: The task you choose will depend on how much time is available,

what type of material is available, the ability of the learners, their interests, the place where the listening takes place, as well as the content and nature of the task e.g. playing a song or a short story being recounted on the last day of school.

Listening activities should be part of an integrated literacy programme. There should be logical progression from the basic listening skills of paying attention, concentrating on auditory perception and auditory memory to more demanding listening tasks such as critical listening. During these activities learners should be able to do the following: They should demonstrate the ability to - sit quietly and listen

- respond to oral directions - reproduce sounds - follow directions - identify their full name when they hear it - listen to differences in pitch (softer/louder, higher/lower)

They should demonstrate the skill of listening for

- enjoyment - meaning

As they progress, learners should also be able to identify

- classroom sounds - environmental sounds - the source of sounds - initial consonant sounds - words which sound alike at the beginning - rhyming sounds - rhyming pictures - rhyming elements - a complete thought - descriptive words and phrases - the main idea - the sequence of ideas

4.1.5 Factors which facilitate or hinder effective listening

Think back to a time when you engaged in a conversation with the expectation that your listener would be “all ears.” Perhaps you were trying to negotiate something with your principal or spouse? Perhaps you were very upset and sought comfort from a friend or neighbor. How did you expect that person to react to your words? What did you notice that made you feel they were really listening? How then can you describe a good listener?

Tick off the characteristics which you think makes someone a good listener: ! Is a casual listener ! Leans forward and pays close attention ! Has a definite purpose for listening ! Changes topic in mid-conversation ! Looks around while the other person is speaking

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! Nods or makes encouraging comments ! Thinks while listening ! Is not distracted easily ! Controls his/her emotions ! Prepares to react to what is said ! Does not interrupt ! Listens attentively ! Takes notes ! Does other things like paging through a book while listening ! Looks at the speaker ! Asks for clarification ! Repeats/ rephrases what the speaker has just said

Most of the characteristics you have chosen serve as a starting point for teaching effective listening to your learners. Let’s now look at other factors which make listening easier or more difficult. Can you think of some?

Factors which hinder effective listening

Factors which help a listenerunderstanding the spoken word more

Now select from this list and add to your table:

! Speaker speaks too fast ! Too much “white noise” (any disturbance which interferes with the transmission of the

message e.g. traffic noise, crackles on the radio or telephone line) ! Speaker speaks too softly ! Facial expressions ! Stuttering/lisping ! Gestures and body language ! Being in the speaker’s presence ! Fatigue on the part of the listener ! Poor ventilation/lighting ! Large number of people in room ! Strong motivation to listen e.g. announcement of lottery winner ! Distance ! Room is very crowded ! Words not pronounced clearly ! Physical disabilities ! Length of time that listener must concentrate ! Use of colloquial (informal) language ! Weather conditions ! Boredom i.e. topic does not interest the listener ! Eye contact ! Personal/emotional problems which concern the listener

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! Language level to advanced e.g. formal speech ! Good pace and volume ! Context in which speech is taking place ! Poor grammar and pronunciation ! Visual material like pictures, graphs, charts ! Foreign accent It is important that you bear these factors in mind when preparing a listening task for the classroom and try to eliminate as many negative factors as you possibly can while ensuring that any factors which you can control will help optimise the listening experience. 4.1.6 Selecting suitable material

If we are to prepare our learners for coping in communicative situations outside the classroom, we will have to expose them to a variety of listening situations they are likely to encounter at their age. They will also have to know how to respond appropriately to the kind of language they will most often hear. Spontaneous speech is preferable as it forces the learner to focus on what is relevant and to reject redundancy.

The listening text ought to include variables like

* Number of speakers * Age * Gender * Dialect and accent * Register * Volume * Speed * Hesitations * Mid-utterance change of direction * False starts * Ungrammatical language usage * Subject matter * Stress and intonation patterns * Degree of formality * Incomplete sentences * Background sounds/noises

The choice of material, as already pointed out earlier, depends chiefly on what the listening purpose is. It will also be influenced by what your learners’ needs and interests are as well as how advanced their language ability is.

Material should preferably be authentic spoken texts, not written passages that are just read aloud. The content and level should be digestible yet challenging. Try not to be tempted into simplifying a text or speaking unnaturally slowly. Authentic natural speech in informal or formal context is best. Perhaps you could even tape record some of the conversations and interaction that takes place in your own classes. Radio and TV adverts, answering machine messages, rhymes/poems or songs etc are suitable for the junior learner. Visual material may assist comprehension and heighten motivation.

The actual exercise should be short, lasting only about 30 seconds to two minutes at the most and should be done regularly with as much immediate feedback as is possible. The procedure for conducting a listening activity is explained in detail on pages 143 –145 in Kilfoil & Van Der Walt.

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4.1.7 More listening activities

- Listening to a story

Tell or read a story to the children, for example “Little Red Riding Hood”. Encourage the children to sit quietly and listen. Ask specific questions: “Where was Little Red Riding Hood going?” “Who saw her?” “Who reached Grandmother’s house first?” “What happened to Grandmother?” “What happened to the wolf?” Children’s response to these questions will indicate how well they listened.

- Giving oral directions that the children respond to

Activity 1: Place some objects on a table. Include items such as a chalkboard eraser, a pencil, a box of crayons, a book, and some paper. Give each direction and allow the child time to complete it. For example: ! Get the eraser and place it on the chalkboard ledge. ! Get the pencil and place it on my desk. ! Get the box of crayons and place it in the crayon tray ! Get the book and place it on the reading table. ! Get the paper and place it in the box.

Note: Teacher will observe children’s performance.

Activity 2: The children cut out some leaves - green, yellow, red, orange and brown. Give each child a sheet of paper and glue.

Tell the children to listen to the following directions and then carry them out: ! Pick up the green leaf and put some glue on it. Now paste it on the left corner of your

paper. ! Pick up the red leaf. Put glue on it and paste under the green leaf. ! Pick up the orange leaf. Put glue on it and paste it in the middle on the right hand side of

the paper. (Brown leaf remains unused.)

Note: Teacher will observe to see if the children can follow directions.

Activity 3: The teacher gives each child a red envelope, a yellow envelope, a blue envelope, a square, a circle and a triangle. Let the children place the objects in front of them and wait for further instructions. The teacher then says: “Listen carefully and do as I tell you.” ! Place the square in the red envelope. ! Place the triangle in the blue envelope. ! Place the circle in the yellow envelope. ! Take the circle out of the yellow envelope and place it in the red envelope. ! Take the square out of the red envelope and place it in the blue envelope. ! Take the triangle out of the blue envelope and place it in the yellow envelope.

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Note: Teacher will use direct observations to assess the children.

- Identifying classroom sounds

Activity 1: The teacher walks around in the classroom and identifies objects that make distinct sounds. For example: flick the light switch, open the door. The teacher performs the action and the children look at it and listen to the sound. Continue in this manner until you have presented a variety of classroom sounds. The children then have to close their eyes. The teacher repeats the actions and the children identify the sound.

Teacher will use direct observation to assess the children.

Activity 2: Present a recording of some sounds heard in the classroom. Explain them to the children. Some examples are: ! ringing a bell ! blowing a whistle ! writing on chalkboard ! placing a chair under the table ! crumbling paper ! opening and closing the door ! walking around the room ! playing instruments (bell or drum)

The children have to close their eyes. The teacher plays the sounds and the children identify them.

4.1.8 Assessing listening

- In many cases, the responses of a learner to a listening task are very easy to mark since

the learner has merely encircled or ticked off options. Even single word responses can be marked by the learners themselves. Should longer responses be required, it is important to credit the appropriate response and not evaluate spelling and grammar. Learners’ generally fare well in listening tests and it is not uncommon for several learners to score full marks with a class average close on 70%. In terms of OBE, the aim would be for all learners to score top marks in a particular sub-skill proving that it has been mastered.

- When assessing learners’ listening skills it is easy to record the information on a checklist. This is an example of a LISTENING CHECKLIST. Make a / when the child has mastered the skill.

Does the child: ! Listen to others attentively? ! Listen to an entire presentation and not just part? ! Show understanding of what is heard? ! Remember important details? ! Remember important details in sequence? ! Listen attentively for a long time? ! Listen respectfully? ! Know how to listen?

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- Setting guidelines for specific types of listening situations is helpful because pupils need to develop listening standards. The following types of questions may give an indication to a student if his/her listening experience has been productive or not:

! Do I keep in mind the main idea of what I’m listening to? ! Do I wait until the whole presentation is finished until I judge it? ! Do I try to understand how the presentation is organised? ! Do I keep in mind what it is that I am listening for?

These and other questions can be discussed with your pupils and given to them on an evaluation card. Each learner can that evaluate his/her own listening experience. The teacher will probably find that each learner will need more than one such card per semester, as evaluation of listening should take place on a regular basis.

Students can also be asked to write a report based on what they have heard. In such a way students’ listening skills can be assessed. Audio and tape-recordings can be made of children’s responses to listening performances with written reports placed in the child’s portfolio along with the teacher’s rating of their responses.

Although listening has been discussed here to a large degree in isolation from the other macro skills, it should be looked upon not as an appendage, but as an integral part of both communication and learning, sometimes leading to and sometimes emerging from other work. We now turn our attention to developing oral skills.

4.2 Teaching oral skills

4.2.1 The importance of speaking well

Although listening can still be taught in isolation it is not possible to separate speaking from listening. The act of expressing oneself in speech is closely related to thought processes and it can thus be argued that well developed oral skills enhance academic progress as well as social and emotional growth.

Experience in speaking an additional language is an important part of a learner’s cognitive, social and emotional development. Speaking activities in which learners are actively involved will give them a purer understanding of social dynamics. As their fluency improves, so too, should their confidence to interact.

4.2.2 The silent period

For an additional language learner, the act of speaking does not necessarily happen as spontaneously as for a first language speaker. If you think back to the earlier units, in which I explained about how a child acquires his or her first language, you may remember that one of the theories relates to the fact that a baby learns first the language that it is most exposed to daily.

Mothers and caretakers know that their babies understand them even before they are able to interact verbally. If we apply this to a second language learner, we may well expect what is called the period of silent incubation. This means that it is not uncommon for learners to hear a great deal (and understand it) but only speak later. Just as a hen trusts that the embryo in her egg is growing inside its shell and knows that in its own time the chicken will hatch and break the silence, so too a second language learner also needs this period of incubation.

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Additional language learners often act in response to the language long before they use it to express themselves. This period of silence differs from learner to learner. Some may be silent for as long as five months before they begin to speak in the additional language. During this silent period their minds are busy processing language in the same way as our digestive system processes food. As soon as they understand enough of the language and their need to communicate is ripe, they begin to use it.

It is important that you allow your learners the time they need to digest the new language. They prove that they understand by carrying out various activities although they may not yet be interacting.

4.2.3 Meaningful input

With regard to the learner’s ability to comprehend the spoken word, you will have to focus on using meaningful language. This means that listening to a page being read from a text book is not as meaningful to the second language learner as hearing a simple, familiar story. Linguistics calls this “comprehensible input”. Initially you may use a simplified form of the target language until the learner’s language ability improves. Thereafter, you will find yourself using more complicated structures and vocabulary. Your language use will also be a little more complicated than the learner has come across before. We refer here to language that is “roughly tuned” .This means language that is meaningful but not too challenging. It is understood by the learners and at the same time it helps increase and extends their own ability.

At the start, if the learners do not speak, their silence does not matter as they are accepting and processes the new sounds and meanings. Fulfillment of the language learning only happens when learners start to express themselves in their own words as the need arises.

4.2.4 Types of speaking activities

Many forms of using the spoken word are suggested in the various textbooks e.g. singing songs, repeating rhymes, chorus work, mimicking dialogues etcetera. Important to remember, though is that one does not improve one’s knowledge of a language by practising sounds.

You’ll realise that one needs to interact with another person for true communication to happen. Speaking to someone who doesn’t know what you’re going to say until you’ve said it and whose reply is just as uncertain to you before you have heard it constitutes real talking! This is also how language is used naturally.

Asking learners individual questions is real language but is very uneconomical as in large classes some learners may only get one opportunity per week to answer! Pair work is a more beneficial way of creating opportunities for learners to use the second language as each learner actually speaks several times in even a very short pair work activity.

There is a small role for chorus work in the second language and that is to accustom the mouths of the learners to new words repeated a few times but if you want your learners to really get talking let them use language in a natural way: speaking to others.

Oral activities should be part of an integrated literacy programme and not isolated. Teachers should plan different activities to help children develop speaking skills. During these activities learners will be able to:

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! Name:

• objects • body parts • familiar people • activities and situations in the environment

! Demonstrate the ability to:

• await a turn to speak • repeat spoken words • imitate correct speech patterns • repeat stories, songs, poems, rhymes and jingles • speak in unison • use dramatisation techniques • summarise for a story or incident

! Describe:

• object according to shape and colour • ideas relative to the subject or situation • ideas in sequence • familiar people and situations in their environment

! Apply the rules for:

• conducting interviews • conducting discussions • making an oral report

! Naming the body parts

Activity 1: Use a picture of the human body (male or female). Point to and name the body parts. The teacher can also ask questions and let the children name the parts. The teacher can label the picture with word cards. Children can play action games that will reinforce naming body parts.

Examples of picture groups you might use: • Fruit: orange, lemon, grapefruit • Transport: bus, car, van • Clothes: coat, vest, jacket • Plants: tree, bush, flower

Extension of the activity: • Place a set of cards on a table and let a child pick out the card you name.

! Naming the activities in action pictures

Activity 1: Present an assortment of action pictures. For example: • children playing • someone cooking • a baby crying • a family eating • people on vacation

Discuss the actions in the pictures. Let the children name the actions.

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! Repeating songs, poems or rhymes Present rhymes, songs or poems to the children. Discuss the rhymes or songs with the children. Have the children act out the activities mentioned in the rhyme or song.

! Sharing information and experiences

Each child brings his/her favourite toy to school. Each child should: • name the toy • describe how it is used • give reasons why it is their favourite toy • share interesting facts about the toy

Encourage further discussion by asking more questions. • give the children in your class different puppets, pictures or objects. They should

construct and tell their own original story.

! Role-playing a realistic situation Role-play is a creative approach to the understanding of problems. It serves as an avenue to help children verbalise their feelings and develop emotional understanding.

Ask the children to listen to the story below and think about how they would solve the problem. Linda and Sue were playing outside. Suddenly they saw a two rand piece. Sue snatched up the money. “I saw it first,” said Linda. “But I picked it up,” Sue said. Linda was upset. Sue felt bad. Engage the children in discussing the events of the story. Let two children role-play the action of the story and their solution to the problem.

4.3 The role of the home language

For many years, teachers were extremely strict about the exclusive use of the target language in class. Learners were punished if they did not use the target language being taught. Nowadays, attitudes are more relaxed as teachers realise that a learner’s home language lays the foundation for learning any additional languages. Furthermore, with the introduction of multilingual classes teachers are using the home language to their advantage in the additional language classroom.

Children come to school knowing a lot of words in their home language. This knowledge is useful in two ways. In the first place, it is useful to teachers who can give the home language meaning of a new word in the additional language. This is a good short cut when teachers cannot explain the word by using actions or a picture or an object. For example, in explaining personal hygiene to Sotho speaking children, the teacher can say, “You must keep your body clean - ‘hlwekile’ - clean. What is clean - Nomsa? (Nomsa gives hlwekile.) Yes: hlwekile: and what is hlwekile in English - Sipho? (Sipho says ‘clean’.) Everyone? (Clean!) Here are some more abstract and generic words which would be easiest to explain in this way: Surname, address, family, age, customs, courtesy, neatness, smell, fresh, healthy, regular, flu, headache, toothache, garden, plants, insects, birthdays, wedding, safety, nutrition, seasons, posture, length, weight, volume.

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Their home language vocabulary is also useful to learners, especially during the first few “silent” weeks, because they can respond in their mother-tongue to what they understand in the target language. For example, they can be told a simple story and then retell it in pairs in their mother-tongue. They can also do this with explanations and statements using abstract or general terms they are busy learning, such as, “It’s important to have a balanced diet”. They could show their understanding further by giving mother-tongue examples - again in pairs for general confirmation by the teacher - of what a balanced diet consists. Then they could learn the new words for the foods they name.

Bilingual teaching of this kind is useful because moving between the two languages enables pupils to understand the content in both languages. It uses what they know in their own language to teach them the expression of that knowledge in the additional language.

There is the danger, however, that pupils may become dependent on the home language during the additional language lessons. When this happens, a mental laziness creeps in and pupils wait for the mother-tongue instead of learning English.

You must therefore use the mother-tongue in such a way that the purpose is always very clear: to learn the target language. It should never be used when what is already known can be expressed in the second language.

4.3.1 Error tolerance

Some teachers worry that pupils may be making mistakes during pair work that will go uncorrected. They will be, but this is no reason to avoid pair work.

Language errors are a sign of experimentation, and experimentation promotes language learning. Children learning their first language naturally correct themselves as they are exposed to more and more correctly used language in the real world. It is therefore best for you to concentrate on using correct language. The children’s errors will fall away in due course. In fact, aggressive efforts to eliminate errors have the effect of slowing down language learning and may even stop it altogether. Language errors should therefore be treated as a natural part of using only a partial version of a new language. As the mind revises the partial versions so the errors disappear.

This does not mean that errors should be altogether ignored. What it means is that you should respond to content and then model the correct form as an echo.

For example: Teacher: And how much money have you saved, Mandla? Mandla: I’m save, is four rand. Teacher: You’ve saved four rand? Wow! You’re a rich fellow, Mandla! You’ve saved four rand!

The human mind is designed to learn language and good teachers avoid what interferes with this process. Therefore they avoid anything that causes fear, anxiety, stress and tension in their pupils - fear of failure, of making mistakes, of punishment, of ridicule.

That is why it is counterproductive to focus on errors. Learners who are worried about making a mistake are not thinking about what they want to say.

That is why successful modern approaches to language learning emphasise language games and other language learning activities. These activities reduce tension and allow learners the freedom to experiment with different ways of expressing meaning.

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4.3.2 Nonverbal communication

Nonverbal communication can expand the learners’ understanding of the total range of message sending.

In the process, children will be able to increase their effectiveness both as communicators and as interpreters of this important kind of communication.

By the time additional language learners reach the Intermediate Phase they should be able to: ! identify non-verbal messages and symbols ! interpret the meaning of non-verbal messages and symbols ! demonstrate the ability to interpret non-verbal messages through pictures ! identify body movements as a means of non-verbal communication ! demonstrate the use of body language as a means of non-verbal communication ! demonstrate good dramatisation techniques ! identify meanings conveyed by facial expressions ! identify messages conveyed by sins ! identify messages conveyed by symbols

- Examples of activities

- Interpreting non-verbal messages

Define the word “message” as facts or ideas you want others to understand. Explain to the children that pictures can be used to send messages. Display four magazine pictures of people conveying messages.

Examples of pictures: • two children whispering • a baby crying • two boys talking

Ask the learners to tell the message the persons in the pictures are trying to convey.

Sample questions:

• What message do you think these people are trying to give? • Can you tell from their faces what they are thinking? • Can you tell from their faces how they are feeling?

• Are they happy about the message? If not, can you give me some words to tell how they may feel?

• Does anything about the way the people are standing or using their bodies tell you about the message.

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! Identifying body movements as a means of non-verbal communication

Explain to the learners that messages can be sent to others without talking. Explain further that we sometimes use our bodies to send messages.

Demonstrate the following body movements and have learners interpret their meaning. • Shake head up and down - yes • Shake head from side to side - no • Beckon with finger - come here • Hunch shoulders up and down - I don’t know

Let the learners think of other ways of using their bodies to send messages. Let them demonstrate body movements that send messages. Let their classmates interpret the messages of each body movement presented.

More body movements: • Finger over the lips - be quiet • Hand covering ears - don’t want to listen or it’s too noisy • Raise arm and hand - stop • Raise arm and wave you hand up and down - goodbye

- Conveying meanings through facial expressions

Explain to the children that messages can be sent through facial expressions. “Sometimes we can look at a person’s face and tell how that individual feels. Facial expressions can let others know whether you are happy, sad, angry, surprised or frightened.” Children look at the teacher’s face. The teacher portrays the facial expressions listed below and let the children interpret the meaning.

Suggested facial expressions: • happiness • sadness • anger • fear • surprise • sleepiness

4.4 In conclusions

Talking and listening activities do not require expensive resources. The creative teacher will use resources from the environment or make simple materials. What is vital, however, is that the classroom atmosphere should be sympathetic and encouraging so that learners will be able to express themselves freely.

Listening and speaking are central to learning and are important to the individual in all areas of life. Mastering the complex art of communication in a second language opens up further opportunities for personal growth. As the maxim says: “The limits of my language are the limits of my world.” Providing learners with opportunities to listen and to speak in their second language will not only help them, grow in creative expression but also to think more deeply and communicate more effectively.

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SELF-EVALUATION In order to establish whether you have internalised the knowledge presented in this unit, answer the following questions and try to incorporate the following activities in your lessons:

Questions: (1) Summarise the principles of competent listening and speaking. (2) Discuss any four aspects of oral work that can be regarded as essential

elements of classroom activity. Describe how you will go about incorporating these into a specific lesson.

(3) How do you regard informal oral work and in what way would you encourage your learners to attempt spontaneous oral activity?

(4) How would you deal with reserved learners? (5) Name five ways in which you can make oral language a group experience. (6) Why is it necessary to promote listening skills in language teaching? (7) How would you assess both listening and oral work? Can you think of

innovative ways to evaluate your learners’ progress in the acquisition of these skills?


The content of this unit focuses on: - writing as a process, not a product - various types of functional and creative writing - why learners need to be able to read effectively and why this is vital to language

development and learning in general


You should be able to: - distinguish between functional and creative writing - identify factors relevant to assessing reading and writing - design your own strategies for an appropriate reading and writing programme in the

second language

WHAT YOU NEED TO REFLECT ON: You need to consider: - ways of encouraging learners to write - ways of developing learners’ enjoyment of reading

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5.1 Teaching reading

When children learn an additional language, they do not want to just speak the language. They want to be able to read and write. When children master the basic reading skills in their home language, these skills will become part of their existing knowledge. They will bring their first language reading skills into the additional language. Children will only be able to read in the second language when they have acquired the skills in the home language. Reading is defined as the process by which people decode printed symbols into the words or meanings intended by these symbols. This means that, in order to read, children need to know what the particular symbols stand for. However, there are many other factors involved. Since reading skills are vitally important to learners' future, the teacher should make every effort to keep abreast of the most recent developments in teaching/reading.

Literacy can be defined as the ability to listen, speak, read and write so that we can function effectively at an appropriate level. This means that learners' speaking, listening, reading and writing abilities are closely related. In fact, these skills work in conjunction with one another. Young learners learn literacy by listening and speaking and these skills are transferred to reading and writing. Young learners soon learn that there is a link between oral and written language.

The integration of language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) in classrooms is therefore a meaningful process. Each of the four skills derives meaning from the others.

When learners spend time in an environment where people around them listen and speak to others and regularly use reading and writing, these learners come to realise that reading and writing are useful and meaningful. Consider what happens when learners go shopping. They hear people speaking, they ask questions, listen to replies and read

• the names of shops (Shoprite, Pick-‘n-Pay, Clicks and Dions) • labels on food packaging (e.g. bottles, boxes and packets, Simba chips, Tastic rice and

Kellogg’s Rice Krispies) • advertisements (Coca-Cola)

Young learners can develop reading and writing skills when they

• become aware that print is part of the environment


- advertisements (Coca-Cola) - shop name signs (Pick-‘n-Pay) - street signs and signs in buildings (keep left, exit, and push)

• understand that written language can be found in

- books - newspapers and magazines - labels, word cards (names of children or objects in the class)

There are various approaches to, and methods of, teaching reading. The following is a list of the approaches most commonly used to teach reading: • the look-and-say approach

- whole word approach - sentence approach

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• the language experience approach • phonic approach • syllabic approach • eclectic (combined) approach The “phonic” method involves recognising letters and letter sounds and building up words from them. The “look-and-say” method involves learning to recognise whole words and thus having the satisfaction of being able to read sentences earlier. Most schools use a combination of methods and it is best to play games that involve recognition of whole words, as well as single letters or letter combinations (-ing, -gh) when introducing second language reading.

Research shows that reading and writing are closely related. Many teachers believe that young learners learn to read when they are taught to write, others believe that young learners learn to read if they have acquired a solid foundation in listening to language.

5.1.1 A diagrammatic presentation of additional language reading during the junior

primary phase


INTRODUCTORY PHASE(Incidents reading)• Captions and phrases• Key words labels• Word attack skills• Sequenced

sentences• Games

FORMAL PHASE• Class reader• Sentences• Comprehension



Teachers should make reading an interesting, meaningful experience. They should also help to introduce learners gradually, but effectively, to formal reading.

5.1.2 Additional language reading

Reading is not exclusively a classroom activity. Learners can come across the printed word in the newspaper, supermarkets and the home. Much incidental reading takes place outside the classroom, but the teacher must bring to the class preparatory reading (incidental reading) in the additional language. Formal reading will follow preparatory reading. The introductory reading phase (Incidental reading)

Reading and writing should complement one another. Activities presented in these lessons should be based on the content of the theme or on a situation that may interest the learners.

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There should be suitable material for the learners to read. Captions for pictures, word cards/labels, wall charts, wall friezes, phonic cards, reading cards, and suitable games should be introduced as early as possible.

This should ensure that the learners come into contract with second language reading. To reiterate: reading should be an enjoyable experience.

- Reading activities in the introductory phase

The following reading activities can be used: (a) Captions/labels Examples of word cards/labels in the classroom. For example, on a theme such as "My school":

- Attach labels to objects in the classroom. - Ask the learners to put the word cards in the correct places. - Add simple phrases to increase the reading experience. - Let the learners match words and phrases. - Let the learners read the words and phrases. Remember that the way in which you display word cards and labels is important - write large letters and lay them out clearly. This will help the learners to read better.

(b) A word frieze How to make a word frieze

- Draw an object on an A4 sheet. - Print the name underneath the picture. - To establish new concepts in the additional language, choose words that differ from the

home language, but which have equivalent meanings.

How to use a word frieze - Pin these words and pictures to the READING WALL for learners to read. - Print a matching word on a separate card and let learners match the words to these


(c) Matching pictures to action words How to make a word frieze with action words

- Make a set of pictures and matching words. - Cut out and put into envelopes. Separate the words and the pictures. - Play the game in pairs. - Pictures and words are placed face up between the two players. - They match words to pictures. - The learners can also make a sentence using the word or ask a question and give

instructions based on the actions.

(d) Sentences on flash cards with matching pictures How to make sentences on flash cards with matching pictures. - Draw pictures based on the content of the theme to be used in the classroom.

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For example, illustrate activities that the learners do at home. - Print the sentence below the picture.

How to use sentences on flash cards with matching pictures. - The learners work in pairs and read these sentences. Allow the learners to read the charts

to their friends. - Make matching sentence flash cards on a separate piece of paper and let the learners

match the sentences and arrange them in the correct sequence. They can then check their sequence with the chart.

He is playing with a toy car. She is reading a book.

They are walking. He is sitting on the floor.

- This can be followed by a discussion. - You can print well-known rhymes and songs on charts for the learners to read. This type

of exercise should receive plenty of attention!

(e) Reading game: Snap (words and pictures)

- Make two packs of word cards. Use words from the vocabulary of the language themes. - Choose five different words and write them on five individual word cards. - Illustrate the words by using simple pictures. Use these cards to play the game "Snap".

door window floor table chair

- Duplicate these words on five other cards. - Store the cards in an envelope and use them over and over again.

Rules of Snap

- The learners play in pairs. - Shuffle both packs together (10 cards). - Deal the cards equally. - Each player has a turn to place a card on the table. - If a learner has a card identical to the one on the table, he or she must say “Snap”. The

one who says “Snap” first takes the cards. The one with the most cards wins the round.

(f) Pictures and books

Graphics and pictorial materials (e.g. pictures, graphs and tables) can be valuable sources for reading. These materials provide information (which would normally need a long explanation) in a concise, easy to understand way. The following are the most common:

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(i) Pictures

One of the first graphic interpretation skills a learner learns is the ability to interpret a picture. You can use pictures to:

- explain concepts - ask a question - start a conversation - stimulate interest in a new topic - take the place of an actual experience (e.g. a visit to the beach)

Exercises to encourage the interpretation of pictures - The children name the items in the pictures - Ask the children to study a picture. For example, a picture of children playing in water.

Ask the children what is happening and what may happen next. - The children draw a picture and then tell you or other children the “story” of the picture.

(ii) Graphs

Graphs visually explain information that young learners might otherwise find confusing.

(iii) Pictorial graphs

An example of a pictorial graph could be a weather chart.

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(iv) Books

The best reason for introducing learners to books in the additional language is that they enjoy them. Learners can learn a great deal from looking at books. Books help to develop their visual understanding and their ability to notice detail. Books are a very valuable resource in the development of language skills. Books encourage learners to communicate. Books broaden their horizons by stimulating their imagination, by helping them to make sense of situations they have experienced and by introducing them to new ones. Books also explain how other people feel and behave.

Learners need to develop a desire to read. Teachers should try to make reading times enjoyable, comfortable and non-threatening because learners need to feel secure and confident about learning new skills.

(v) Picture books

Select a few books that have clear, simple, colourful illustrations of objects or animals that are part of the learner's world.

(vi) Nursery rhymes and action rhyme books

They usually remain popular for a long time. Choose a sturdy edition with detailed illustrations. (vii) Story books with pictures (illustrated story books)

Talking about pictures in books will lead naturally to reading stories. You will probably start by introducing very simple stories.

Choose stories with few words and lots of pictures that do much of the storytelling work. Stories which repeat catchy, rhythmical phrases over and over again give learners something to listen for and enjoy even when they cannot really follow the story line. Stories involving familiar, everyday routines are usually popular with young learners. (viii) Information books Learners need to realise that books are a source of factual information. Choose books according to the themes (e.g. zoos, farms, colours, shapes, sizes or vehicles). (ix) Make your own books Punch holes in pieces of cardboard and thread them together with string, wool or ribbon to make a simple book. Select pictures and things matching the themes and paste them into the book. Write a word/sentence beneath each picture. Two examples of books you can make are an alphabet scrapbook and a book about a rhyme or a song.

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- Alphabet scrapbook

Write a letter at the top of each page of a scrapbook. Collect pictures of objects that begin with those letters and stick them on the appropriate pages. Write the names of the objects underneath.

- Rhymes and songs

Rhymes and songs can also become books or posters for learners to read. This material has added value because learners find it relevant and it can be written or translated into the appropriate languages.

(g) A sequence game

This could be based on a story or an activity. Use the oral story of the language theme. Write key sentences on strips of paper or cardboard and place them in one pile. Get matching picture cards and spread them out. Player one picks up the key sentence and reads it to the group. Player two picks up the corresponding picture and adds it to the written sentence. Reading and discussion thus become an integrated activity.

After the players have gone through the sentences like this, the group discusses the sequence of the story or activity.

The group members place the sentences in the correct sequence and each member of the group reads one sentence. End with the whole group reading the story in unison.


Games or other language activities are used during group work:

- to consolidate work already done - encourage reading in the second language - for enjoyment

Important points to remember about the introductory reading phase:

- Shared reading (where the caring adult and the learner look at a book together) is

important. - The adult reads the book aloud while the learner looks at the pictures. - The adult draws attention to detail and they discuss it. - The learner becomes aware of the relationship between the pictures, the words on the page

and the spoken word. - The learner gradually begins to recognise letters and words that look alike. - The learner often pretends to “read”. The formal reading phase

Formal reading instruction is characterised by a basic reader and supplementary reading material. Formal reading follows preparatory reading. The aim of second language reading at this level is to guide the learner towards reading independently. The fundamentals of reading instruction are language ability, reading skills and reading techniques.

This diagram will help you to focus on the fundamentals of reading instruction.

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Language ability

Reading skills

Reading techniques

• Language ability

To enable the learners to understand what they read, teaching should link up with their existing knowledge. Listening and speaking skills are prerequisites for teaching reading in the first language. They are even more essential in teaching learners to read in the second language. The second language teacher’s task is to help learners acquire an adequate oral language background based on their needs, interests, and level of understanding; all this is necessary before the learners can start reading. The learner's additional language level should guide the teacher when choosing reading material. Explain, discuss, and talk about the content of the reading material.

• Reading skills

The learners' level of reading skills will help the teacher to choose appropriate reading material. Learners' home language skills will equip them with the basic reading skills they will need for reading in the additional language. In introducing young learners to reading, the teacher initially encourages their interest and clarifies certain concepts. In teaching learners to read in their first language little time and effort are needed for clarifying concepts. Home language speakers already know the oral language that they will learn to read. In teaching additional language reading, the teacher must make sure that the learners understand the concepts.

• Reading techniques

A reading technique focuses on how reading should be done. The teacher has to use the same techniques and strategies of the home language for teaching additional language reading.

The final aim of teaching formal reading should be to guide the learner into becoming an effective, independent reader. When learners can read on their own, and can understand what is communicated through the printed word, they have completed the process of learning to read in an additional language.

5.1.3 Sources of reading material

Sources of reading material are as follows:

• picture books • magazines and newspapers • advertisements • original stories written by teacher or pupils • colouring books • menus

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• recipes • timetables • any bottle / box with printed labels

5.1.4 Additional language reading learning objectives

Learners should be able to

• engage in "reading-like" behaviour (e.g. holding a book, turning pages, reading pictures,

relating a story or information as if reading words, recognising their own names) if this practice has not been established already (i.e. in reading in their home language)

• construct meaning from visual texts • "read along" with the teacher in shared reading sessions by following with their eyes as

the teacher points to the words and joining in when they can • move from the introductory reading phase to the formal reading phase by acquiring

reading skills • react to written signs around them (recognise familiar signs: stop, table, sit and Shoprite) • predict what is going to happen next in a story • read and discuss a story (sequence, characters, setting) • develop a comprehensive sight vocabulary by reading well-known texts • form positive reading habits that will enable them to enjoy the written word • identify capital letters and small letters

REMEMBER The main reason for teaching young learners to read is the development of reading and comprehension skills that will enable them to effectively interpret and apply meaning to the written word. When young learners master these skills, they can use the reading process for independent learning, for pleasure, or both.

5.2 Teaching writing

Learners' understanding of reading and understanding of writing develop together. These two skills are closely linked. Listening, speaking and reading lead to writing. The beginnings of writing are often seen in learners' drawings as they become aware of writing. It is unnecessary to choose between introducing reading or writing first in class, because when learners make discoveries (through reading) about written language in a context that makes sense to them, they start to write. The process of second language writing is usually mastered at the end of the primary phase. Learners should realise that writing is important and that we all need to be able to write. Writing should be enjoyable. It should be linked to fun. Learners should enjoy learning to write and should like writing long before the serious part of writing starts. They should see the teacher writing. The teacher could explain to the learners what he or she is writing and say why, to create interest.

Learners from urban environments will have seen people read. But, as in the case of rural children, some may not yet have had stories read to them, or looked at books regularly. Young learners do a lot of incidental reading. Families may use a Bible, read newspapers, write letters, notes and shopping lists, and read train and bus timetables, leaflets, traffic signs, street posters, recipes and other environmental print. Young learners may have seen writing in a number of languages.

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Learners must be provided with the skills needed to write. Learners transfer some of the skills they have acquired in the home language to their additional language. Teachers should expose learners to a variety of techniques and writing skills. The teacher should adopt an eclectic approach. Given their different personalities and interests, and given their different experiences with print, the ways in which they try to make sense of written language will vary from one learner to another.

5.2.1 Writing in the additional language

Written language is the final step and culmination of all language skills tha t a person has already acquired. The way in which learners express their thoughts in writing is based on their ability to speak the language. We can therefore state emphatically that language experience and communication form the basis for written language.

If learners cannot express ideas in a spoken form in the additional language, they will not be able to write their ideas. During the initial learning period of a second language in the junior primary phase, the emphasis must therefore be on the listening, doing and speaking aspects of communication.

Listening, total physical response and speaking activities are very important in learners' acquisition of an additional language. The objectives of additional language teaching are aimed at functional oral skills, which will help learners to communicate effectively. Learners' comprehension and language skills must be developed before they are taught to read and write.

The aims of teaching an additional language are to enable learners to progress in

• understanding the additional language • speaking the additional language • reading, enjoying and understanding the additional language • communicating successfully in writing

Content for activities in the additional language must be based on actual experiences. For example, where the learners live, their environment, what they play and how they live. How well learners acquire second language skills is closely related to the satisfaction of their needs, interests and immediate environment.

To encourage learners to write in the additional language, teachers should use teaching media that the learners can touch, see and hear. Teaching media such as pictures, body movements, mime, dramatisation, games and active participation in social events ensure that communication and comprehension are linked. Learners' ability to write is also influenced by their reading ability. What they write about will depend on their experiences. Writing is an important form of communication and a way of sharing experiences, thoughts and information.

The communication approach in additional language teaching is aimed at the correlation of written and oral language. Written language must, therefore, be a mechanism for communication. Written activities must always be meaningful and appropriate to a learner's background and experience.

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5.2.2 The development of writing skills

There are five stages in the development of writing skills:


Transcription Reproduction Adaptation Creative writing Composition Transcription This stage comprises the transcription (copying) or rewriting of words or sentences with which the learners are familiar. The learners transcribe the sentences or words from examples in class (e.g. from a picture with words). Reproduction (dictation) During this stage, learners reproduce words or sentences and paragraphs that they already know. For example: I play with a ball. As an alternative, learners can also write down parts of a rhyme that they have learnt: I wash my hands and brush my teeth I comb my hair I quickly bath and wash my face Now, don’t I look too fair? Adaptation Children change words or sentences to form new ones. “I play with the cat” becomes “I play with the dog”. Another possibility would be the use of opposites. The stick is long. The stick is short. Before the learners write the sentences or words, the teacher must always deal with these structural adaptations orally first. Always link these sentences to the theme. Creative writing When learners can start using the second language, they are ready to start with creative writing. Creative writing is never done in isolation. It can be linked to the theme, but it can also be based on an interesting incident.

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57 Composition

This stage of development in the writing skills (i.e. writing a composition) only takes place later and is not dealt with in the junior primary phase. A formal approach to punctuation or structural exercise is not recommended at this level. Instead, the teacher should adopt an informal approach to the whole process of writing compositions.

These five stages in the development of the learners' writing skills can be used to help teachers formulate the objectives when planning a creative writing programme for the second language junior primary phase.

5.2.3 Learning objectives in the junior primary phase

At the very minimum, writing activities should enable the learners to

• copy their own names or to copy captions provided by the teacher in response to their (i.e.

the learners') oral response to pictures (preferably drawn by themselves) • form letters and characters (if not already able to do so during home language lessons) • write short, phonically familiar words and other words consistently • write words, phrases or short sentences both within a guided framework and

independently writes two or more linked sentences using familiar language to convey simple information or describe their own ideas or experiences

• begin to experiment with written language in a creative way • write down their thoughts in their own inventive writing forms (scribble, own spelling,

drawings and so on) • find more topics to write about and expand their writing accordingly • learn to organise their thoughts and writing for others to understand • ask the teacher to record words for them that they want to write (personal spelling

dictionaries) • refer to these personal spelling dictionaries to help them write independently • begin to control some of the most basic structures in the written form • begin to apply some basic rules of punctuation (capital letters and full stops) • enjoy writing down their ideas on paper

5.2.4 Creating opportunities for writing

Teachers are responsible for giving learners opportunities to write. Learners are extremely skilled in finding out what they need to know in order to speak. Given this, teachers can try to provide similar, purposeful opportunities for the learners to develop their writing in the classroom.

Teachers can encourage young learners to write for meaning and not insist that they first practise the physical aspects of learning a language (e.g. learning the alphabet, letter formation, neat handwriting and spelling). Learners ask for and use the information they need to help them achieve certain goals. Becoming a writer is a difficult and slow process and learners do not need to be burdened with unnecessary details that force them to concentrate their energy on how to write rather than on what they are trying to communicate. At the same time, teachers must give children the information that they can see is useful for the particular task at hand.

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Learners become writers when:

• their attempts at writing are acknowledged • they watch and write things with the help of more experienced writers • experienced writers act as models for them to observe and imitate • they see their teacher writing

There are no fixed rules which tell us when learners will be ready to write purposefully and work out their own strategies for understanding the complexities of written language.


• the learner writes • the experienced writer writes down what the learner says • they write a story or letter together • the learner tries out the spelling without asking for help • the learner asks how to spell a word • the learner starts writing, and then asks for assistance • the adult makes suggestions

Learners will find their own level when it comes to appropriate writing activities. When there are interesting alternatives available to them, learners leave out what they cannot understand.

Writing that is meaningful for learners is always writing that is directly related to their imagination, their cultural or personal circumstances and the socially meaningful events in their communities. Remember

Writing activities should: • flow from the oral work • have meaning and purpose for the learners • be a creative experience for the learners • reinforce the use of language

5.2.5 Writing activities in the additional language Labels on objects

Teachers can label objects in the classroom. This will enable the learners to give the correct meaning to words. The learners will use the words spontaneously when they start writing.

Labeling helps with both writing and reading. It should be used to

• extend vocabulary • emphasises and consolidates meaning • paves the way for correct spelling

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Young learners enjoy copying words from an example, especially if there is a purpose to the exercise. Later, the teacher can

• Use the words with sentences.

For example: This is a window.

• Put up signs in the classroom. For example: Put your own writing here.

• Print instructions to inform the learners how to perform various classroom chores.

For example:

John dust the table Sipho feed the tadpoles

• Create "shops" using boxes, advertisements and signs. (Use advertisements, catalogues, pictures and cardboard boxes. Cut out the pictures and sort them into categories. Paste the pictures onto the boxes to make a toyshop, supermarket, and so on.)

• Use words with matching pictures. Teachers can be creative. They can find techniques

that are effective and fun! Teachers should change their classrooms into spaces of learning and doing. Words are now matched with pictures. The learners can use words to help their writing e.g. a picture of a dog, cat or a bird. Creative writing

• Definition of creative writing

Creative writing is the learners' reaction to the world around them, and their efforts to give expression to their thoughts in writing. The emphasis is always on free expression.

The skill of writing is the most difficult language skill to master. Writing is also a much slower process than reading or talking. Learners work at their own pace.

Remember: all oral work is preparation for written work and written work should never take the place of valuable oral work. It is imperative that all written work first be discussed orally with your learners.

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Aims of creative writing

• It allows learner to express their feelings or emotions and to use their imagination • Creative writing stimulates the individual learner's thought processes

• Important factors which influence creative writing

According to Duff et al (1993:80), the following factors are important in creative writing:

< intellectual ability < reading ability < proficiency in oral language < encouragement in the classroom < socioeconomic background < integrating speaking, reading and writing activities < positive attitude of the teacher to the second language programme

• The classroom as workshop for creative writing

The classroom environment must stimulate the learners' imagination and encourage them to write. Such a classroom would be decorated with magazines, posters, pictures and objects with labels attached to them.

The teacher is the most important part of the classroom environment. He or she must know the thoughts and interests of the learners. The teacher's attitude, personality and ability to communicate with the learners will largely determine whether learners learn to write in the second language. It is essential that the teacher gives the learners support so that they can feel free to express their feelings. The teacher must be enthusiastic and motivate and encourage the pupils in his or her class. The teacher must create situations that will inspire the learners to write.

The motivational stage of the writing process is important to the success of the final product. To encourage learners to write creatively, the following factors should be taken into account: • Creative writing develops from spoken language

The teacher must create opportunities or situations where the learners can discuss topics and themes within the scope of their interest and experience. After these discussions, the teacher encourages the learners to write down their thoughts and experiences.

• Actual experience and communication encourages creative writing

Successfully motivating learners to write requires that you involve the physical, sensory, emotional and intellectual involvement of learners in the theme they are writing about. The young learner experiences the world around him or her through the five senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste) and then reacts emotionally and intellectually to the stimuli he or she has received. As learners develop, they learn to speak about their experiences, first by means of words and later, in sentences.

The teacher should encourage learners to become aware of their environment and to give expression to these experiences, first orally and then in written form. Even the most limited environment can lead to sensory exploration and discovery.

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61 When to start with creative writing

Creative writing can be introduced when the learners have

• developed the need to record their thoughts in written form • a good knowledge of, and can carry on a conversation in, the second language • the necessary emotional and intellectual maturity to learn this skill Interaction with creative writing

Learners need to write in a group situation as well as individually so that they can discuss their written work with others. The opportunity to share and gather ideas helps the learners to order their thoughts, especially when they begin creative writing. Discussion and suggestions in groups help learners to express their emotions and thoughts more spontaneously so that they can write with more confidence. Framework for creative writing

The learners can use written work issued by the teacher, such as

• signs • labels/word and sentences • books • newspapers, magazines

The learners can write their own

• messages • lists • cards • notes • stories

• Learners need

• something to write about • an opportunity to apply what they have learnt • to be allowed to choose what they want to write about • to be allowed to choose where and when they want to write • freedom to experiment • opportunity to work with others • to know if they are progressing and improving as writers

The teacher should write for the learners to show that language can be written.

For example: - stories - captions, labels, notes

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• The teacher must create an environment for writing.

For example: - read or tell stories - use different words, labels, sentences and stories - make it safe to experiment - make use of group work

In the early stages, learners require a great deal of help and guidance in order to write creatively. Always move from the known, oral situation (where the learners can talk about their own experiences) to written activities where they can write about their imagination and thoughts. Creative writing activities/projects

• Weather chart

The teacher and the learners discuss the weather chart every day and this activity can be used as a meaningful writing activity. After the weather chart for the day has been discussed, the teacher could ask the learners to write what the weather is like today. The learners can draw a picture of the weather, or write words and sentences. This sort of drawing prepares learners for writing.

• Class newspaper - news

Learners need to be able to choose what they want to write about.They want to share their experiences and also experiment with their creative writing. A class newspaper can be both functional and effective for this. It can also be used as a supplementary reading activity.

After a weekend, the learners discuss their "news" of the weekend.Each individual learner is then given an opportunity to write and illustrate his or her "news" and later to read his or her "news" to the rest of the class. The learners write their "news" on loose sheets of paper, which are then bound together to form the "newspaper". The "newspapers" can all be kept in the reading corner.

• Stories

The importance of storytelling in the junior primary classes cannot be overemphasised; it is stories that stimulate learners' imagination and that develop their ability to organise their thoughts. Before learners are ready to write a story, they should have had the opportunity to listen to many stories and been given the opportunity to retell the stories they have heard. Good creative abilities and imagination are needed when writing a story. So they listen, then tell, then write.

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5.3 Self-evaluation

(1) In your own words, describe the importance of language experience and communication as the basis for written language.

(2) Name the five stages in the development of learners' writing skills. (3) What needs do learners have when they do creative writing? (4) What is the teacher's in getting learners to do creative writing? (5) Plan five language activities for writing in the Intermediate Phase. (6) Prepare suitable material that will interest learners during the introductory phase of the

reading programme. (7) Plan and design five additional language reading activities suitable for a grade four

class. Use as many different sources as possible. (8) Discuss the importance of second language reading in the junior primary phase. (9) List twelve reading objectives a teacher can plan for in the additional language class.


After completing this study unit, you should be able to prove your familiarity with certain knowledge, skills and attitudes related to the teaching of poetry and prose in the senior primary phase. You should - be familiar with the difference between experiencing and studying a text - understand the clear connection between writing instruction and the study of

literature- be able to develop all four language skills by means of reading - be familiar with Combrink's model for the teaching of literature - be able to apply this model to both prose and poetry

Apart from reading, the other three skills (speaking, listening, writing) should also receive constant attention during literary instruction.

6.1 Aims of literary instruction

Note that prose and poetry are a part of the reading programme. We can distinguish between the reading of nonliterary texts (such as articles and newspaper reports) and the reading of literary texts (such as poetry).

Pause here, lay aside this study guide and consult your syllabus. Take a fresh look at everything that concerns reading instruction. Note which material should be used during reading instruction and what the aims are.

You probably noticed that the syllabus gives very few guidelines for the reading of literary texts. This is the only indication:

Never lose sight of this instruction.

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The aim of your reading programme should be to instruct your classes in such a way that they will develop general reading skills, so as to

- enjoy, understand and appreciate the contribution of reading to their general development - be able to verbalise their own reaction to the content of literary and other texts - understand the difference between illustration and text - be able to explain their personal responses - develop a growing awareness that persons/characters are usually the main theme in a

story, verse or play, and that the reading of literary texts will help to broaden and deepen their knowledge of human experience, relationships, ideals and aspirations

- develop an ability to indicate how texts are connected to the era, place and culture from which they arose

Van Tonder (1994:59-60) states it in a somewhat simpler way. The aims, according to him, are that learners should

- be able to experience and empathise with all forms of literature, so that they can develop

their own taste and opinions and be able to discern the actual quality of a text - be able to identify with characters and events, thus helping to prepare them for adult life - acquire knowledge of the basic structure of literary forms - have a basic literary metalanguage (terminology) that enables them to express opinions

on literary works - be helped to develop their language skills, emotional and intellectual experience, and

awareness of the normative

The chief aim of literary instruction, in our view, is that learners should enjoy it and develop a love of reading. Such a love will certainly not be fostered by having to answer questions, period after period, about a book or poem!

6.2 A love for and interest in reading

The crucial question is how present-day learners (with the fascinating and exciting world of TV, videos, films and other entertainment at their disposal) can be taught to love reading?

Write down a few ideas on how to develop your class's interest in and love for reading. Reflect on your own experience. How did you become an active reader?

Here are a few of our own ideas. You probably included these and many others in the list you have just made.

Take time regularly to read to the class in an interpretive way. Be sure to choose a book that falls within their field of interest. Sometimes you could read an absorbing passage from a book, collection of short stories, or magazine, and stop at a point where the tension is high, so that learners cannot wait to take out the book and find out what happened. Display attractive dust covers of good youth literature in your classroom, keeping up with new publications. Read book reviews to the class. Use Book club book catalogue, for instance, to introduce your learners to interesting books. Let them page through a catalogue for themselves and then tell the class (giving reasons) why they would like to buy a particular book. Make sure that the school library contains books that fall within your class's sphere of interest.

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Ask parents, learners and the wider community for donations of books and magazines, and use these to start a classroom library. Compile a list of books and require learners to read at least four books from the list. Invite the local librarian to come and talk to the children, bringing a few interesting books from the public library to show to them.

6.3 Experiencing and studying texts as approaches to literary instruction

As we have seen, the approach must always be learner centred. This is particularly true of the literature class. Learners (readers) and their interaction with the text, how they experience it, what they draw from it and what they “bring” to it - these are the focal points. Text-experiencing teaching strategies recognise the vital role of the reader (increasingly the focus of modern theories of literature).

Clearly this relates directly to learner-centred procedures in literary instruction. Text study, on the other hand, focuses on an analysis of particular texts. It complements an experience of the text.

The aims of text experience as a teaching approach are as follows: - Developing the emotional element. The affective development of learners is improved

when they identify themselves with the situations, emotions, ideas or actions of literary characters.

- Verbalising learners' attitudes to the text. The reactions and emotions of learners as readers are very important. It is as readers that they are involved in discussion of the text.

- Enlarging the experiential world of learners. They are helped to see connections between the text and their own life world, or between the text and other works with which they are familiar.

- Promoting a positive attitude. Learners should end up being able to read independently and to imbibe process and assess information from the text.

(Kühn 1989:89-91)

The aims of text study, on the other hand, are these:

- Acquiring essential knowledge. Learners are helped to acquire a minimum level of factual knowledge and essential study material with regard to Setswana literature.

- Expanding their expectations. Learners are initiated into the nature of literature, so that their use of literary terminology and the level at which they are able to interpret will show a constant increase.

- Applying newly acquired insights. Learners are enabled to apply new insights, acquired

during literary instruction, in other situations such as the writing of their own compositions. - Broadening their literary tastes and aesthetic appreciation.

(Kühn 1989:91-92)

6.4 Active involvement

Active involvement is essential to the effective teaching of literary texts. This cannot be overemphasised. Unless learners are given an opportunity to respond to texts and to put their responses into words, their intellectual activity remains narrow. Someone who simply has to answer a lot of questions is generally preoccupied with the answers and has no opportunity to read creatively or to get involved in the reading experience. We shall not teach our classes to love reading if we lose sight of this. Learners must feel involved in what they are reading, and such

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involvement is only possible if they experience reading as something personal - and are given a chance to express their own experience of what they have read. Remember that every learner brings a set of attitudes and a certain scheme of knowledge to the reading of a text. Previous experiences and background will determine how the text is experienced. A child who has never seen or experienced the sea will find it difficult to enjoy a book such as, while learners who live close to the sea will have no difficulty in identifying with the characters.

This requirement - that learners should get actively involved in what they are reading and at the same time gain insight into works of literature - has an important implication for the teaching of literary works: Text experience comes before text study.

6.5 Choice of reading matter

Schools generally have a stock of books from which you can make your choice. Books are expensive, and unfortunately the books in a school's storeroom tend to be old-fashioned, out of touch with the modern child's frame of reference. Remember, you are not restricted to the books in the storeroom! Watch the periodicals. You can use any suitable short story you find there. You could also let learners work in pairs on a book borrowed from the school library or the local municipal library. In the latter case you can give them a questionnaire which they first complete individually and then compare their answers.

You could draw up your own questionnaire. For example, incorporate practice-oriented language instruction by asking learners to write down examples of verbs, compounds, adjectives and so forth from the book. If the questionnaire is a general one, learners don't all need copies of the same book. The choice of reading matter is crucial. It has to be a natural development of the learner's own unfolding reading skills. Le Roux (1995:4) finds most South African reading lists to be unimaginative, stereotyped and repetitive, and their illustrations and typography are no better. Bettelheim and Zelan (1982:263) do not hesitate to ascribe reading failures very largely to uninspired reading lists for beginners:

What are needed are beginning texts that fascinate children and convince them that reading is both delightful and helps one to gain a better understanding of oneself and others - in short, of the world we live in and how to live in it. To achieve this, primary texts should stimulate and enrich the child's imagination ... and should develop the child's literacy sensitivities, as good books are apt to do.

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Description of story

Title: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Author: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Type of story (e.g. detective, adventure, animal story): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Concise summary of story: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Main characters: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Which character did you like best? Why? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Which character did you like least? Why? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Where and when do the events take place? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Is there conflict between the characters? If so, explain why. Say whether you took sides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Describe one incident which you found very funny/striking/absorbing: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Write down four new words or standard expressions you found in the book. Explain what they mean: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Planning is important, but it should not overshadow everything else. According to Petty et al (1994:398), it is unwise to prescribe specific books for certain standards: there should be a wide selection that includes the following: short stories, poems, plays, stories of conflict and family relationships, emotive stories expressing happiness, sadness or humour, and particular types of stories such as adventure stories or folk tales.

An important aspect is the applicability of literary events on the lives of the children. Literature can help children to develop their personalities. For instance, a child who lacks a realistic and balanced idea of the duality of the real world (good/evil; hope/despair) will also be unable to communicate with that world.

When a character has been portrayed unrealistically, teacher and class together should try to find out why it has been depicted in this way.

When selecting books, pay attention to the following literary study:

- Shows children that the feelings they themselves experience are experienced by other

children as well and are therefore normal and natural. - Investigates the various facets of emotion, which can promote a positive self-image in

children. - Can teach children to handle emotions by reading about how other people handle them. - Indicates that a single person experiences various emotions, even conflicting ones.

(Lewis 1989:25-28) 6.6 The integrated approach to literary instruction

In an approach where the focus is on the various components of the literary communication process, text-centred and learner-centred instruction techniques are appropriate. The instruction framework should provide for interaction, both affective and cognitive, between text and reader. The literary experience does not consist of a totally emotional or alternatively a totally intellectual response: every literary text activates both. It involves both the heart and the mind.

Literature exists and functions in a communicative context. Within this context, all the different aspects should receive attention. Readers are no longer seen as passive recipients of preformulated meanings. The active role of the reader (learner) in the assignment of meaning has been recognised. The literary communication situation - the interaction between reader and text - should always be respected and utilised in the classroom.

The concept “integration” is often interpreted quite narrowly as an incorporation of other technical material. The integrated approach, which is in question here, uses it in the widest possible sense. It presupposes integration of a literary text with various language skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing), other literary approaches, various teaching strategies, other subject matter, various cognitive skills at different intellectual levels, various brain functions, and so forth.

A number of different approaches may be integrated in a single instruction programme. The text always remains the point of departure: it must never become an excuse for the study of specific problem areas.

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The integration model provides a guideline for teachers during the planning and teaching phases. You are not meant to use the entire framework, with all its subsections, with each and every literary text. It represents a process, indicates the various phases of that process and describes techniques and activities that can be used to achieve the various aims while developing essential skills. Teachers use the process determined by the integrative approach, and they select or create activities that flow naturally from the text that is being dealt with at the time.

The model is designed to help learners systematically in their attempts to verbalise and explain reading experiences. Planned activities guide them in the verbalisation of emotions and ideas. There are no formal “lectures” about literary matters.

The full spectrum of language instruction is continuously involved in the development of affective and cognitive responses to a literary text. The model's components are semantic, cognitive, communicative, interactive and creative at one and the same time and the reader is fully engaged in this holistic approach. The selection or development of meaningful activities, by which a particular group of readers are introduced to a literary text, are determined by: the nature of the text, the developmental level of the learners, and the teaching aims. All the relevant factors have to be taken into account, such as - the need to promote involvement, perception, insight, interpretation and appreciation - the fact that teaching methods, classroom atmosphere and the teacher/learner relationship

all have their effect on learner response - the highly individual nature of response, the fact that it is active rather than passive and

that it should be developed and enhanced - the possibility of guiding learners towards greater insight, a critical approach and a

deeper involvement in books by means of various activities - the deepening and broadening effect that classroom opportunities can have on a

child's perception of life Certain risks are involved in a teaching model that uses a variety of activities to achieve aims and develop skills. For example, teachers and learners can get so carried away by activities that the text itself, and the aims that have been set, are forgotten. Always remember the goals you have set, so that the activities will form an integral part of the total reading experience. The focus must always be on the interaction between reader and text. You need to keep on checking whether the activity supports the text, and the reader's response to it, in order to develop a higher level of understanding and appreciation.


INTEGRATION MODEL Bear in mind that one of the aims in teaching poetry or prose is that learners should enjoy it. To achieve this aim, you need free, unimpeded interaction between reader and text, facilitated by the teacher

(Combrink 1993:4)

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Phase 1 Preparation for the reading of a text This is the affective phase where you try to get the class emotionally involved with the text. At this stage they have not yet seen it and do not know which poem is to be studied. It is very important at this stage to prepare them effectively and create the right mood. Phase 2 First reading of the text Read the poem aloud, clearly and with feeling. You can do this yourself or entrust it to a class member who reads well. You could even recruit an outside reader to record the poem on tape. Only after this do you hand out the text to the class. It is a crucial phase, since it is the learner's first introduction to the poem. Phase 3 Opportunities for individual response Once they have read the text, learners write down what the poem meant to them or what response it evoked. They should be made aware that this first insight or experience may change. This is often an emotional and emotive phase. Learners must be assured that their responses will be kept confidential. It is up to you to set guidelines. For instance, let them write down anything they do not understand. You could also pose leading questions (“How would you act in such a situation?”) It is crucial that they should not hesitate to say so, nor should they fear that the teacher will penalise them if they say something negative. Phase 4 Opportunities for sharing responses

Once the class members have written down their own responses, they divide into groups to compare their responses with those of others (if they want to, that is - remember that you have undertaken to respect confidentiality). This shows them that people do not necessarily react in the same way. They all respond in their own ways and are fully entitled to do so.

Phase 5 Developing and structuring responses During this phase the poem is discussed in greater detail. Learners draw their own conclusions and submit these to you before you express your own insights. Once again group work is very important. For example Learners can work in groups to compare the newspaper report and the poem and to identify the differences between the two. The syllabus prescribes only that the technical aspects (rhyme and metaphor necessary to understand and appreciate the poem) should be dealt with in context. Don't go on and on, pulling the poem to pieces. Nor should you talk about rhyme, personification, comparison, onomatopoeia and the like in a vacuum (in other words, without reference to the poem). None of these should be discussed unless they occur in the text under discussion. Remember: it is quite useless to try and explain alliteration, assonance and rhyme unless you also point out their function.

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Here are a few suggested activities:

- Set learners to conduct interviews, for instance with people who knew the hero. - A story could be written on the basis of the poem. - They could even find a striking newspaper report and write a poem on the basis of it. - Let them draw the hero or the whole situation as they see it, or find a picture in a magazine

which, in their opinion, looks like him. - Let them dramatise the story. - The whole class could speak the poem in unison. - In fact, the sky's the limit!

Present the work in an original way. Use a different presentation for each poem. If, for instance, the class made a collage (magazine pictures pasted onto a poster to express the poem) of one poem, the next one could be dramatised in groups or rewritten in the form of a newspaper report.

Remember that the main purpose of this phase is to make sure that they understand what the poem is saying, not to teach them all sorts of literary concepts. Don't do more than the poem can stand. Recognise learners' own insights if they can give good reasons for them.

Phase 6 Overall summarising activity Summarise everything that was fragmented during the previous phase. For example, ask learners to find another poem about heroic actions and read it to the class. The assignments you give them during this phase do not have to consist simply of questions and answers. Be imaginative: see whether you can design the assignments in such a way that listening, speaking and writing activities are developed. During this phase, the poem has to be read aloud once more. Having worked with it, they now understand the poem differently than the first time they heard it. They listen with new insight, and that makes the next phase an important one.

Assessing individual responses

Ask the class to give their own responses, as in Phase 2, and to compare the two sets of responses. Has there been a change?

Phase 8 Assessment and appreciation of text

This is a difficult phase, especially for primary school children. Few people can evaluate a poem. Most of the time they are simply echoing “recognised” reviewers. Learners should be able to appreciate the text. Let them say in their own words whether or not they like the poem. If they do like it, encourage them to read others by the same poet.

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6.8 Teaching poetry

In the previous section we explained in detail how poetry can be taught by means of Combrink's integration model. Here are a few general thoughts about the teaching of poetry.

One of the most glorious tasks a teacher can undertake is to introduce a class into the world of verbal artistry. It is also - especially in the case of poetry - an extremely responsible task: it largely depends on the teacher whether individual learners develop a lifelong taste and love for poetry (Combrink 1989:102)

Never underestimate the power of poetry. The expression of ideas in the form of feelings is important: it stimulates the imaginations and provides an outlet for the feelings. Poetry can inspire learners to verbalise their own thoughts, and this in turn makes them aware of the expressive powers of language (Petty et al 1994:403).

Swart (1986:56-57) regards poetry as intellectual play that determines the characteristic structure of poetry. The comparison with play implies that learners are supposed to enjoy poetry.

In addition to the pleasure of good interpretation, the purpose may also be to make elementary discoveries about elements of form and structure. This should be in the nature of an exploration or adventure. Learners should be helped to discover the following elements:

- good choice of words - a sense of pattern: division into strophes, rhyme pattern, aspects of rhythm and their

functionality - play on words, and their meanings - the pleasurable play of sound (association, alliteration) - but do not use the technical

terms. Everything happens at an elementary level in a way that will awaken the interest of the growing mind.

(Combrink 1989:110)

6.9 Learner interest and the interest of poetry

We have seen that much depends on the teacher's enthusiasm. You might also bear in mind the following:

- Make the poem real to your class. Make them aware that poetry deals with everyday

matters - not necessarily with exalted things. It could have to do with flowers, birds and animals.

- Cut up the poem and let the class arrange the strophes in the correct sequence. - Omit words from the poem and let learners pick the words they would like to see there. - Replace words with others that are inappropriate in the context of the poem. Learners have

to identify these and suggest other (more appropriate) possibilities. - Omit the title and let the class supply an appropriate one. - Set the class to write their own poetry. These efforts can be displayed, bound into a

volume, and so forth. - Ask learners to portray a poem visually by means of a drawing or readymade picture.

They could even make a collage: which means that the whole class pastes pictures that relate to the poem on a large sheet of cardboard in such a way as to portray the sense of the poem.

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- They can recite the poem in unison - a group activity. - Use teaching media: pictures, drawings, photographs, videos, television, and overhead

projector - the overhead projector: use it, for instance, to explain the various “stages” in the poem - tape recorder: many poems have been set to music. Play this to the class; make your

own recordings; perhaps you could set some of the poems to music and play it to the class on the guitar for them to sing along

- dramatisation: let the class “enact” the poem using masks and costumes to create the illusion of characters, situations and events.

Never forget, though, that the primary consideration is the poem itself, which must remain the focus of interest.

6.10 Concluding remarks on literary instruction

Bear in mind that literary instruction cannot be compartmentalised, even if we do present it under separate headings. Here are a few concluding remarks based on Van Tonder (1994:57-66).

- Literary instruction is really reading instruction. It means reading with a particular purpose.

The purpose being, inter alia, acquiring insight and developing a love for books. Readers should be actively involved in their own experience of reading. This means they should be given the opportunity of personally experiencing a literary work and expressing their reactions and feelings in connection with it. Learners should also be made aware of the way others experience and interpret a story and must compare this with their own. In other words, textual experience must precede textual study.

- Literary study is a means of expanding the learners' knowledge of human nature. They

learn to appreciate and understand the viewpoints of others and to compare their own actions with those of the characters in books. Thus we think in terms of moving from a text-centred to a reader-oriented approach. Readers, and their experience of the text, not the text itself, are the main consideration. The teaching of literary study should primarily offer an opportunity for dialogue between text and learners, learners and teachers, learners and their classmates. Group work is therefore very important.

- There is no question here of “in-depth” study. The implication is that the maximum number

of literary texts should be dealt with. It should never be seen as the topic of an examination.

- Light reading such as magazine stories, even comics, is equally useful for the inculcation

of literary concepts, helping learners experience the fictional world and nurturing a love of reading.

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6.11 Self-assessment activities

(1) What are the aims of teaching prose and poetry? (2) Find a suitable magazine story you would like to study with your class. Explain

how you would set about it. (3) Select a poem and deal with it in terms of Combrink's model. (4) Which poems would you prefer to discuss with your class? (5) Would you use teaching media in teaching (say) poetry? Explain which media you

would use, and how you would use them. (6) How would you set about fostering a love of reading in learners? (7) Read a few youth stories to familiarise yourself with what is being written for this age

group. (8) Pick a poem, or a prose text, and explain how you would dramatise it. (9) Pick a poem and make a transparency that would serve as a teaching aid. (10) How would you foster an enthusiasm for reading? (11) Consult some authorities about the latest trends in youth prose (for instance, at the

children's section of a library).

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7.1 Outcomes-based education

7.1.1 Historic overview

Outcomes-Based education (OBE) is not a new philosophy but has its origins in a meeting held in 1948 in Boston, America, where a group of behavioural scientists decided to embark on a project of classifying goals or outcomes of the education process. The results of their discussions have become known as Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, which to a certain extent does away with traditional subject matter and teaching methods. Today, the person most commonly associated with OBE is another American William Spady.


The content of this unit focuses on: - the new teaching philosophy: Outcomes-Based Education - a brief introduction to multilingualism/culturalism - the importance of using a dictionary as an information tool - value of group work - lesson planning - effective questioning techniques - a general introduction to assessment


You should be able to: - interpret OBE documents with a view to designing learning opportunities for your

classes - apply the strategies related to group work - implement dictionary work as part of daily lessons - formulate effective questions - analyse your own classroom situation and apply some of the suggested strategies - assess the various aspects related to teaching a second language effectively

using not only the theory but also the official documentation - design your own strategies for coping with multicultural classes


You need to consider: - critically the strengths and weaknesses of the OBE philosophy and Curriculum

2005 - your own attitude to multicultural groups - how to improve your own questioning techniques - how to minimise your subjectivity when assessing learners

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OBE has been widely used in countries like the USA, Canada, Scotland, Holland, Finland, Sweden and New Zealand. In the RSA, it has been packaged as Curriculum 2005. This change in the education system is an attempt at addressing the crisis that has developed in our schools over the past decades. In order to realise the vision of South Africans as a fully democratic and productive people, we need to provide education that is relevant and of a high quality for all learners, regardless of their race, colour, gender, age, religion or language.

It is hoped that the new curriculum will not only help empower learners to participate fully in all the processes related to a democratic society but also to excel and realise their full potential. Other keywords relating to the RSA’s vision of establishing a culture of learning and teaching are:

Access Nondiscriminatory Relevance Quality

It was not only the historic reasons relating to inequality and disadvantage that necessitated change but also the rapid changes in the global economy, technology and education which have impacted on the local environment and made educators question whether learners are adequately prepared to face the job market and fulfill their role as mature, informed citizens. Industry also demanded that the education system should adapt to meet the new demands of the work place. Many school leavers have to be retrained and lacking even basic skills like being able to write a report or make a simple decision based on information that needs to be interpreted.

The broad, simplified tenants of OBE are that rather than teach content only, learners should also be taught skills and values or attitudes.


• All learners can master a desired outcome if the teaching time and methods are varied. • Learners do not attain outcomes through a set of prescribed learning experiences in one

programme or grade. • Learners’ progress needs to be assessed continuously. • Prior learning is recognised and the teacher is no longer the only source of knowledge. • Learners are required to take more responsibility for their own learning and academic progress. • Assessment is enabling rather than punitive. Learners are assessed on what they know, can

do and how they relate to their world rather than being judged for what they do not know or cannot do. Peer and self-assessment form part of the strategy and group projects, interviews, presentations, portfolios and practical demonstrations will supplement pen-and-paper tests. The learner’s progress is monitored and he or she is given ample opportunity to try again, adapt or improve. Those who do not achieve a specific outcome are reassessed when they are ready.

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7.1.2 Comparing OBE with the previous philosophy Contents-Based Education

Outcomes-Based Education

Principles • teachers transmit information; • teacher-centred; • knowledge of syllabus and contents; • syllabus and content are

independent of the learner/ student’s experience;

• focus on facts and information; • does not give credit for knowledge

or skills acquired outside of the formal education situation;

• rigid, compartmentalised subjects with an expected body of knowledge in each

• educators are facilitators of learning; • learner-centred; • a wide variety of expected outcomes

ensure acquisition of knowledge, understanding, skills, attitudes and values;

• learning is relevant to real-life situations and learner's experience;

• focus on application of knowledge; • builds on skills and knowledge

already acquired; • cross-curricular integration of

knowledge and skills to prepare learners for real life

METHODOLOGY Teaching Style

• rote learning (parrot fashion) without necessarily understanding;

• teachers often lecture to impart information;

• learners/students are passive learners with teachers responsible for delivering information and knowledge;

• students/learners all work at the same pace dictated by the teacher without taking into account different levels of ability

• critical thinking, reasoning, research, reflection and action;

• learners engage in group/team/pairwork, debate, role play, experiments;

• learners are active and take responsibility for their learning by being actively involved in research, debate and experiments

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Contents-Based Education Outcomes-Based

Education students/learners do not have learning expectations explained to them; single style of teaching is used which does not take into account different styles of learning textbooks concentrate on delivering the content of the syllabus

learners are able to work at their own pace;

learners know what outcomes they are expected to achieve; a variety of approaches are used in the learning process making it possible for all learning styles to be accommodated new learning materials encourage an eclectic approach, taking into account a wide range of resources


assessment of knowledge of syllabus content via tests and end of year exams; assessment focuses on retention of knowledge; assessment is by teachers and external examiners who mark work and calculate a final result in numerical terms

continuous assessment throughout a phase to give an overall picture of an individual learner’s progress; assessment is broad, covering a number of assessment criteria which include skills, knowledge, understanding, attitudes and values; assessment includes teacher’s assessment, self-assessment, peer assessment, resulting in a descriptive statement of what a learner has achieved

RESULT learners taught not to question anything they learn which prevents them from thinking for themselves;

because they have been reliant on a teacher to conduct their learning, students stop learning once they leave formal education;

unable to apply knowledge and understanding; on leaving formal education, the student lacks the ability to take his/her place in society effectively from the outset

learners learn to question and to have a personal response to what they learn - this encourages critical thinking; because learners have acquired the skills for learning, they will be encouraged to continue to learn for life; ability to understand and apply skills enables learners to take their place in society and workplace as well- rounded citizens

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7.1.3 Definitions


The “subject” (additional language) you will be teaching falls under the learning area of Languages and its focus is to improve communication among all people. People interact with their world using various forms of communication (written/spoken/ signs/symbols etc). The better we are able to communicate, the better we are able to understand one another. This should lead to a country free of intolerance, misunderstanding, and prejudice. Here, too, you would be dealing with the concept of multilingualism and its advantages or drawbacks. All learning is related to some form of communication and this learning area is already addressed in the Foundation phase in Grade 1.


Subjects traditionally taught at both primary and secondary schools have been grouped into eight learning areas. These have then been divided into learning programmes. A learning programme is a document according to which the new curriculum is implemented in the various schools. It includes sets of learning activities in which the learner will be involved while working towards achieving one or more of the outcomes. SPECIFIC OUTCOMES

An outcome is a high-quality demonstration that a learner has gained from the learning processes and occurs at the end of varied learning experiences. It is not a score or a grade but the product of a clearly defined process, which must manifest itself in more than knowledge and understanding. The ability to do things (skills) must be demonstrable and dispositional attitudes must be evident.


These describe the observable evidence that an outcome has been achieved.


South Africa is a country rich in cultural diversity, with many groups speaking different languages. Some of these languages are indigenous and belong to the same “family“(because they have similar language systems). On the other hand, some originated in Europe, India and in the Middle East and were brought to South Africa over the centuries by immigrant settlers. Then, in addition to the eleven official languages, we still have minority groups using their mother tongue (Greek, Portuguese, German, Chinese, and French speakers from other parts of Africa). Several foreign languages are spoken on our mines and in the bigger industrial centres. These have helped create a society that is both multilingual and multicultural.

The most recent census figures (1999) indicate that only 8.6% of the entire population speaks English as a first language, while IsiZulu accounts for 22.9% speakers followed by IsiXhosa (17.9%), Afrikaans (14.4%), Sepedi (9.2%), Tswana(8.2%) and Sesotho (7.7%); the other languages account for less than 4.4% of the population.

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The reality of current home language teaching is that few learners are actually taught in their mother tongue. In many city schools, the medium of instruction is generally exclusively English or Afrikaans. Parents also seem to be opting to have their children schooled in English medium schools in the belief that this will better equip them to cope with education the job market.

Where schools are fortunate to have homogenous language groupings, it is far easier to focus on specific home language skills and refine or develop the learners’ language sensitivity to a greater degree. Even at primary school level, it is possible to expose learners to literature and the intricacies and creative elements of their mother tongue. Where the communicative function of language enjoys priority in an additional language classroom, the cultural function of a home language ought to be exploited.

This includes the following:

• the wonder of the written word • the amazing sounds of the spoken word • the ingenuity of rhetorical devices and sophisticated language techniques and structures • witticism • humour • the manipulation and creation of language • the subtleties of register, tone and apt vocabulary

Film study and the analysis of cartoons/comics can be used to develop learners' visual literacy.

The so-called first language classroom has impacted on home language teaching and, in actual fact; the teacher has had to adopt an additional language approach in order to accommodate all levels of linguistic competence. In the process, true first language speakers have probably been disadvantaged, because the teacher cannot exploit their more advanced abilities to communicate their experiences.

Whatever your teaching environment, as a language teacher you will need to teach respect for other languages and their associated cultures. Language is an essential expression of a learner’s life. The value of languages in a learner’s life ought to be reflected in all learning experiences. These experiences, in turn, ought to increase the appreciation for the learner's own language, but also an understanding of and tolerance for other languages and other language users. This can best be summarised in the maxim that all languages enjoy parity of esteem, although not necessarily parity of use.

7.2.1 Why study an additional language?

Whereas the cultural function of language enjoys priority in the first language classroom, it is the communicative function of a second language that we must focus on. Your learners will need to be able to read and write adequately in the second language but above all else, they must be able to express themselves with confidence and interact freely in their second language environment.

You may also find as a teacher that unless you are teaching English as an additional language, your learners will start to question why they need the additional language. It will be your task to convince them of the advantage of being bi/multilingual. You may need to spend some time on motivating your learners and trying to instill a positive attitude towards an additional language. They also need to understand the practical ways in which they could use the language outside the classroom. You will also have to ensure that the skills you want your learners to develop are useful in real life.

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Whatever your teaching environment, as a language teacher, you will need to teach respect for other languages and their associated cultures. Language is an essential expression of a learner’s life and the value of languages in a learner’s life ought to be implicit in all learning experiences which, in turn, ought to increase learner's appreciation for their own language but also an understanding of and tolerance for other languages and their users. This can best be summarised in the maxim that all languages enjoy parity of esteem, although not necessarily parity of use.


A good dictionary has a wealth of useful information and contains far more than merely spelling and meaning of words.

• Think about the way in which you use a dictionary. What type of dictionary do you have? • Why should you teach your learners to use a dictionary? • What are the main uses of a dictionary? • What information can be found in a good dictionary? • How does one decide on the suitability of a dictionary?

Being able to use a dictionary properly is probably one of the most useful skills you can help your learners acquire. Improving vocabulary, building other parts of speech from a given word, checking spelling, pronunciation, looking up the correct idiom - all these functions is made possible by a good dictionary. Some even have information relating to weights and measures, capitals and major cities of the world, gemstones, the history of countries and grammar guidelines.

When you empower your learners to use a dictionary quickly and effectively, you enable them to become independent readers and users of language. A tricky matter arises when dealing with a second language: should one invest in a mono or bilingual dictionary?

Take a look around in the bookshops or contact a representative of a publisher for advice on what is available for second language learners. There are several very good learner dictionaries around, some specifically designed for the younger age group.

A learner dictionary is a monolingual dictionary which is simple, but detailed enough for a second language speaker. If at all affordable, buy a bilingual pocket dictionary just for quick reference purposes, usually to establish correct spelling or translate words from the first language.

As the learner’s academic career progresses, one would hope that their range of resource material extends to include both bilingual and monolingual dictionaries and even a thesaurus. (A thesaurus is a book that gives you lists of synonyms or related meanings for a word.

It does not provide definitions and explanations but is useful when looking for another word or one to fit the exact register or context of your communication.)

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The advantages of owning a small, inexpensive dictionary must be emphasised. There are several school dictionaries on the market, some tailor-made for each phase. Many are attractively illustrated while others seem big and more “academic”. So how does one go about choosing a suitable dictionary?

The following pointers are taken from Barbara Hollingworth’s Teach English well (1984:174):

• Are the cover and the dictionary pages reasonably durable? • Will the book fit the average pocket or school satchel? • Is the print large enough? • Are the word definitions suitable? They must not be too complicated nor over simplified.

Are the definitions comprehensive? • Will the phonetic system of pronunciation used be understood? The International

Phonetic Alphabet (PA) or a modified form is the most common system although not necessarily the most suitable.

• Are stress marks given? • Are there a reasonable number of small illustrations? • Is the relevant part of speech shown after the headword? • Are the principal parts shown after irregular verbs? • Are there any other features that make one dictionary more useful than another is?

For instance, some dictionaries include useful lists of common abbreviations, irregular verbs, and idiomatic expressions. Others distinguish between British and American spelling.


While researching other sources, you will also find useful information under the keywords “cooperative learning” or “collaborative learning”. The official documentation available at schools should also offer useful guidelines as working in groups is very much part of the OBE philosophy.

Working in groups requires very careful classroom management as well as detailed planning. Learners need to be taught how to work in groups. Here are some further thoughts on this technique:

Planned opportunities and activities for learners with others in small or larger groups can produce a lot of child-to-child conversation. The interaction with other children offers increasing opportunities to grow in speaking ability.

Group work can solve many problems for the teacher. If children speak to each other in a small group, it means that they all get a chance to practise speaking the second language during a lesson. It also means that they are more actively involved in the lessons.

Teachers nevertheless often dislike group work because it can be noisy, the room is too crowded and they think the children are not working. Let us deal with some of these problems:

• Organisation. It may be difficult to organise groups at first, but children soon get used to the

idea and will know what to do when you say “When I clap my hands, get into your groups”. • Noise. Remind the children that it is courteous to listen to each other and to wait their turn to

speak. The group leaders could help in this. Children must also get used to the idea that it is unfair for one person to speak very loudly.

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• Space. Let some groups go outside to do their work or train children to quickly rearrange the furniture. Tell the principal that what you are trying to do so he or she does not think that the children are walking around the school without supervision.

• Work. Give each group a definite task to complete, with questions to answer. Group work may

seem difficult to organise at first but it is worth the effort. Once you and the class are used to it, it gets easier and more successful every time. If you are still a little hesitant to try it, begin with pair work. You could then try putting two pairs together to form a group of four, and give the new group something else to do. Pair work will only be successful if learners are completely clear about what they have to do. You will need to explain each activity very carefully. It is also a good idea to get a pair of children to perform the activity in front of the whole class in order to demonstrate to everybody what is to be done.

In order to make your task easier, discussion should centre on a topic and have a purpose. The learners should also be taught to:

• listen to each other • take turns • stick to a topic • use appropriate vocabulary • think before they speak • talk in a normal voice • interrupt politely




A teacher’s questions should make children think. Questions can also help them see details they would otherwise have missed.

Sometimes questions

● help children to form relationships between objects and ideas ● prompt children to speak about what they are thinking and how they feel about them ● lead children to become interested in new things

The teacher uses questions in order to encourage children to express their ideas through speech. Questioning is a skill that must be practised and used often. Sometimes a question can be answered with a question. When a child asks “What does a rabbit eat?” the teacher might say “How can we find out?” The teacher knows that a real experience is better than a quick answer. In this way, teachers try to help each child succeed in activities while at the same time offering a challenge.

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Questions work best when every learner answers them mentally. With directed questions, you pose the question, pause for everyone to formulate a mental answer and then name a learner. No hands up, snapping of fingers or calling out should be permitted. Once this pattern is established, every learner formulates an answer to every question. Make sure everyone has a turn to answer so that no-one gives up out of neglect. Sometimes it is wise to have learners write down an answer or share it with a classmate.

You can add to the learners’ feeling of responsibility for the answers if you get them to confirm an answer instead of doing so yourself. This also doubles their active involvement in each question.

For example: Teacher: I have five apples. I give one to Thandi and two to Skosana. How many do I have

left? Helen? Helen: Three, Ma’am. Teacher: Helen says I have three left. Do you agree? Thabo? Thabo: No. Ma’am. It’s two. Teacher: Helen says three, Thabo says two. (Repeat the question.) What do you think? Mary? Mary: It’s two. Teacher: Who agrees with Mary? (Revise the problem.)

Real questions are asked in order to get new information. Three sources of real questions for teacher are: • The learners’ life outside the class • What a learner’s partner has just said or done in a pair work activity • How the learner has arrived at the answer to a problem

Things to avoid when asking questions:

• Questions requiring YES or NO answers encourage guessing, not thinking. • Questions with answers which are of no interest to the asker because everyone knows

the asker knows the answer already. • Do not encourage a forest of hands and then select an eager volunteer. Reserved or

unmotivated learners do not take part and fall further behind. • Do not name a learner and then ask the question. The rest of the class will make no

mental effort to answer it.

7.5.1 Types of questions

Teacher’s questions can be divided into seven main types (questioning techniques): (1) Recall. Ask the children to remember information, names of words, for example:

• The teacher can put one picture on the board. • The teacher says: “Look at the picture. This is a ‘......................’. • The teacher then turns the picture over. • The teacher says: “What is this?”

After hearing a story the children could be asked to retell the story or part of the story.

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(2) Convergent thinking technique. Ask the children to compare similarities or contrast differences and seek relationships. Questions that help a child compare or connect ideas may begin with:

• “Which one is longer?” • “How are these two alike?” • ”What happened next?”

(3) Divergent thinking technique. Ask the children to predict. “What would happen if .....?

The following are examples of questions that encourage problem solving or stimulate creative thought:

• “If you had a handful of money, what would you buy?” • “Tell me what you are going to do when you’re big like your dad?” • “Can you think of a way to open this box?”

(4) Evaluation. Ask the children for a personal opinion or judgment, or ask them to explore

their feelings. These are questions where there is no right or wrong answers, because you are asking the children to express their own feelings and opinions. After discussing a story or a topic, the following questions could be asked:

• “What would you do if you were .......?” • “How does .......... make you feel when you see him/her?”

(5) Observation. Ask the children to watch or describe what they see. The teacher could boil water in a pot and ask the following questions:

• “What happens to the water?” • “What is the effect of heat on water?” • “What happens when the water is boiling?”

(6) Explanation. Ask children to state cause and effect, reasons, and/or descriptions. In a

lesson where a teacher uses a picture the following questions can be asked:

• “What happened ...............?” • “Why did it happen?”

(7) Action. Ask the children to move their bodies or perform a physical task. In a lesson

where these questions are asked, the teacher can give the commands while demonstrating the actions (e.g. “Walk to the chair”, “Brush your hair”). The teacher asks: “Can you do it, John? Show me and tell me what I did”. The child can do the actions and say them.

Remember • The way questions are phrased may produce short or longer answers. Questions using

what or where usually receive one-word or word-phrase answers. • Do you? Did you? Can you? Will you? Have you? Would you? are questions that can

be answered by yes or no? • Questions are asked by both children and teachers.

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Here is a checklist to gauge how effective your questioning techniques are: • Do most of your questions require a one word or YES/NO response? • Do you usually answer your own question? • Do you give learners time to think about the question before calling on one of them to

answer? • Do the answers to your questions depend primarily on a good memory or on

good understanding? • Do you ask questions primarily to promote understanding or as a disciplinary measure to

keep learners in line? • Do you accept “learner language” or do you insist on answers being given in “your

language”? • Do you usually repeat answers given by the learners or do you encourage learners to listen

to each other? • Do you usually tell the learner that the answer to your question is right or wrong or do you

field the answer back to the class for their evaluation? • Does a learner know whether the answer is right or wrong by your facial expression? • Are you the only person asking questions? • Are you the only person in the class answering questions? • Do you spend as much time on preparing questions to ask the class as you do on preparing

the lesson material? • Do your questions usually give too much information so that it is almost impossible for

the learner not to get the answer right? • Do you call on a learner before you ask the question, or do you direct your questions to

all learners for their consideration before calling on one particular individual? • Are your questions usually directed at only a certain portion of the class (action zone –

center or front)? • Are your questions really questions or are they statements with question marks at the end

of them which you really do not intend your learners to answer? • How often do you have to rephrase a question in order to get the answer you want? • Have you begun a permanent file on good questions for each concept that you teach during

the year?


This aspect of teaching an additional language is very specific to the teaching environment that you will be working in. You ought to be given strong guidance by your peers or senior teacher and must consult the official documentation provided by the provincial Education Deportment as well.


Assessment is central to outcomes-based education. Learners are assessed on how well they achieve the specific outcomes (assessment criteria, range statements and performance indicators). The key word in outcomes-based assessment is demonstration. The learner will demonstrate knowledge, ability and competence. The teacher will judge the quality according to the assessment criteria, range statements and performance indicators. Teachers must inform learners of the criteria that they intend using during the assessment process. This means that the criteria should be written out simply, clearly and understandably.

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7.6.1 What assessment means for the learner

• Learners will be assessed in a continuous way by themselves, their peers and by their teachers.

• Learners are assessed in a variety of ways. They are required to demonstrate their learning achievements in different ways.

• Learners are required to show that they understand and can apply knowledge. Assessment is criterion-referenced. This means that learners are assessed according to how well they are able to meet certain clearly stated criteria.

• Learners are assessed as individuals as well as for their contribution to group work. • Learners are told exactly how they will be assessed and why they are being assessed. • Learners are encouraged to take responsibility for and an interest in each other’s progress.

This helps them to learn from the process. • Learners can be assessed in different ways, namely observation, self-assessment,

peer • assessment and portfolio.

(1) Observation. Observation is when a teacher observes a learner during activities. The

teacher can use questioning skills, observation sheets or checklists to gather and write down information. Observation sheets are standard forms that the teacher and/or the learners themselves can complete. They contain questions and have spaces for observation.

(2) Self-assessment. Learners assess how well they have performed in terms of the

outcomes that they are expected to reach. They also give reasons for their performance. This helps learners to understand the assessment process and take responsibility for their work. Introduce peer and self-assessment gradually.

(3) Peer assessment. Learners assess one another. Teachers should provide clear guidance

to prevent unnecessary criticisms and to encourage a focus on positive comments.

(4) Portfolio. A portfolio is a folder or file that contains samples of a learner's work over a period of time. There should be many different samples of work. The portfolio should also show a collection of the learner’s work that demonstrates that learning has occurred. Teacher, peer and self-assessment comments should be included. Parents should also see and comment on these portfolios. The following are examples of samples of work that could be found in a portfolio:

(a) Written assignments. These could be essays, lists, comments, reports and

work cards. They can demonstrate the learner’s writing and thinking skills. (b) Interviews and oral presentations. These can be used to assess the learner’s

understanding of issues, the amount of research that has been done and the learner's communication skills.

(c) Projects. Learners can work on projects in pairs or in groups. They can then be assessed not only on the content of their work but also on their ability to work cooperatively in teams.

(d) Practical assignments. Learners can do experiments and draw and construct models to demonstrate their understanding and show how they have applied their knowledge.

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To make classroom management easier, it would be to your benefit to teach your learners some fixed expressions which you use daily in the second language class. If all learners understand these instructions/imperatives, you will be less frustrated.

You could also turn it into a grammar lesson and explain that most words in a language can be rearranged in different combinations like playing cards can be shuffled and redealt. There are some words, however, that sticks together and cannot be separated. If the second language you teach is not English, I suggest that you translate these expressions!

- Good morning / Good afternoon - Please sit down / please stand up - Please get out your books / pencils / ... - Excuse me - I’m sorry - Thank you - Whose is this? - Please bring me your book / picture / ... - Please open / close the window - Listen to me - Turn to page / ... - Look at the picture / ... - Please say it again - Well done! - Very good / Good work - Don’t talk / Be quiet - Are you ready? - Let’s start / Let’s begin - Say it / Say it with / Say it everyone / Say it again - Copy me - Follow me - Have you got a pencil? - Where is your pencil? - Show me - Read it to me - Read this to me - Start here - Write this in your book - Start writing - Copy this


As there is still some uncertainty about implementing OBE, it is more vital than ever that you give serious thought to what you would like to happen during each meeting with your learners. You will be acting more as a guide and a facilitator of learning than the provider of knowledge and this requires careful planning and rigorous classroom management. You may even become the kingpin of the school curriculum as cross-curriculum teaching increases. This holistic approach to learning means that all aspects of language are integrated in the various programmes You will need to select activities that integrate listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. All tasks should be aimed at achieving one or more of the specific outcomes, outcomes which eventually promote communication and literacy.

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1. It is vital that you fully understand the demands of your profession as an

additional language teacher

- How much do you know about the subject that you intend teaching? - How good is your spoken and written command of the additional language? - Do you have insight into the grammar rules that govern the form and use of an

additional language? - Do you have the necessary skills you intend teaching your learners? (e.g. writing

a poem/essay/report)? - Are you familiar with the teaching tools available? Wall charts? Flash cards? Videotapes?

Do you know how all the technology works? - Can you recognise the various techniques/stages in language teaching/learning? - Do you have a basic understanding of the principles of language teaching/learning? - Have you started to build up a repertoire of activities and teaching material? - How good are your classroom management skills? Can you maintain firm but fair


2. A knowledge of the Education Department and immediate school environment you intend teaching in is crucial.

- What is the overruling policy the authorities expect you to be implementing in the

classroom? - What does the official documentation (syllabus, study guides, circulars etc) expect of you? - How often and for how long do you have lessons? - What are the physical conditions you teach in? Any advantages? Any limitations? - How will learners be assessed? When? How regularly? - What are the restrictions? Drawbacks?

3. You need to know a considerable amount about your learners so that you can

select activities suited to their frame of reference and interests.

- Who are your learners? What do they bring to class? What are their needs? - How old are they? Are they all more or less the same age? - Are they all the same gender? Are there more boys than girls? - What is their social background? What kind of behaviour are they accustomed to?

How exposed to world issues are they? - What socioeconomic group do they belong to? - What do their caretakers/parents do for a living? - Who takes prime responsibility for the family/household? - What kind of emotional environment is the learner exposed to? Stable? Abusive?

Disrupted? Is the family dysfunctional?

- What languages do the learners speak? - What religion/cultural/political group do they represent? - How do your learners feel about learning an additional language? Are they motivated to

learn or hostile to the subject? Why do they have negative attitudes?

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- What other educational experiences have they had? - What do they know about the additional language? Which skills are better developed

than others? - How much do they know in general? Do they have large gaps in their general

knowledge? What do they know about? Current affairs? Do not assume too much but do not anticipate ignorance either!

- How well does the learner perform in his/her mother tongue? - What is this age group’s chief interest? What are your learners’ particular interests? - What are the needs of your learners regarding a second language? Do they need it more

for general communication? Must they be able to cope with it as a medium of instruction either now or later in their academic career?

Above all else, every activity you organise during a lesson should have a purpose.

You need to ask yourself at the outset of your planning: “What is it my learners will feel, know or be able to do at the end of the lesson that they did not feel (VALUES/ATTITUDES) or know (KNOWLEDGE) or were not able to do (SKILLS) at the start?”

This purpose is linked to a specific outcome but refined in a lesson objective. The importance of knowing what the learner must accomplish is aptly illustrated using an extract from Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland: Alice has lost her way and asks the Cheshire Cat for directions… “Would you tell me please which way to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on where you would want to get to.” “Oh, I don’t much care where”, said Alice. “Then it doesn’t matter which way you go!” is the Cheshire Cat’s apt reply.

Two overriding principles of successful lesson planning are variety and flexibility. Variety implies involving the learners in a number of different types of activity and where possible introducing a wide range of materials. Flexibility means the ability to use any number of different techniques and not just one methodology, (Harmer: 1983).

Good lesson planning is the art of mixing your knowledge of all the above areas with appropriate techniques, activities and materials in such a way that optimum learning can take place.

You also need to indicate how much time is to be spent on each activity and how you intend organising the activities. List any teaching material/tools that you need to prepare or arrange.

7.8.1 Lesson plan

- Grade - Learning area - Theme - Program organiser - Learning outcomes - Introduction (actualisation of existing knowledge / recent work covered / problem statement) - Presenting the learning content (introduction of new content / skills) - Teaching aids

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- Conclusion - Application - Assessment The course of the lesson

The next step is to plan the course of the lesson

The lesson phases we discuss here indicate the course of a lesson. Although it is not always possible or best to slavishly follow these lesson phases, there is usually a basic structure to be observed in a lesson, namely an introductory phase, a middle phase (central phase) and a concluding phase.

1. The introductory phase

The way in which a teacher starts a lesson will determine whether the learners will pay attention or lose interest. It is therefore important that you capture the learners' interest in the first few minutes of the lesson and explain what you expect of them. You should think of ways to start the lesson as interestingly as possible.

You should also keep in mind the knowledge that the learners have already acquired. If a lesson links up with a previous lesson, you should establish what the learners remember from the previous lesson. You should try to link the new contents to the learners' existing knowledge or experience. For this reason it is best to choose themes from the learners' everyday life world.

When marking homework that you gave the previous day, you should check what the learners know of the previous day's work and where there may be deficiencies. If you find that there are deficiencies, you can briefly review the previous day's lesson.

When planning the introductory phase, the teacher should therefore ask herself the following questions:

- How can I find out during the introduction what the learners already know about the new

lesson content? - How can I start the lesson by finding a link with the learners' field of experience? - How can I use the introduction to build a bridge between what the learners already know

and the new content that needs to be taught? - How can I obtain the learners' interest and how can I motivate them?

2. The middle phase (presenting the learning content)

This phase comprises the greater part of the lesson. The lesson contents are presented systematically and in a logical sequence. During your planning, you should determine what you are going to do and what the learners are going to do. You should ensure that your planning allows all the learners to participate in the lesson and that they will all be kept actively busy. Your approach should be learner- centred and not teacher-centred. During the lesson, you should regularly monitor whether the learners are following you and if they are on their way to achieving the objectives.

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This should be incorporated in your planning. If you realise that the learners do not understand, it is no use continuing as you had planned. You should immediately do something about it. You should always have a plan B on hand. Make sure that you plan for this. The teacher should know exactly what she wants to say and do, how much time to spend on activities, what the learners should do and how she can motivate the learners, otherwise the class could easily erupt into chaos.

The learners should always be actively busy and any new knowledge should immediately be reinforced through exercises. For example, if the teacher is explaining the meaning of a new word, she should let the learners use the word in meaningful sentences.

3. The concluding phase

The conclusion of the lesson should be planned just as carefully as the introductory and middle part. It has to consist of more than a few hasty words rattled off as soon as the lesson is over.

The last phase of a lesson is for summarising or revision. The learners should have an opportunity to apply what they have learned. You should also evaluate whether the learners have achieved the objectives. The value of evaluation is as follows:

- It gives the teacher the necessary feedback on what the learners have learned and what

should be done next. Evaluation helps the teacher establish whether she has reached her objectives or not.

- It gives the learners the feedback they need to establish whether they have succeeded or failed.

- It helps the teacher to understand the learners, their abilities and their needs. - It serves as motivation and encouragement for learners. They can be tested orally to

determine whether they have followed the general trend of the lesson. The teacher can determine if anything was unclear during the lesson and she could try to rectify it immediately.

You can give the learners a homework assignment that you should mark the next day. Homework assignments should be considered carefully. They are usually divided into three categories, namely preparatory activities, extension of classroom activities and practising and drilling activities. When the teacher wishes the learners to perform preparatory activities (e.g. practise a role play or prepare a reading lesson) she should give clear instructions. Explain to the learners why it is important to perform preparatory activities.

7.8.2 Review

After planning and presenting the lesson, you should review it. Ask yourself the following questions: - How do I feel about the class - satisfied or dissatisfied? - What contributed to the success or failure of the lesson? - If I had to present this lesson again, what would I change? - Have I achieved my main objectives? - Was the class atmosphere tense, relaxed, supportive, and restrictive? - Were there signs of tension or misbehaviour? Why? - How much learner participation was there? Was it enough? - Which learners fared well and which did not? - Were there learners who didn't learn anything? What can I do to help them?

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- Did I motivate the learners enough? - Were there opportunities for the learners to apply the new vocabulary, sentence structures

and language functions that they learned?

7.8.3 Example of a lesson

The following lesson is the first in a series of lessons revolving around the theme of “Birthdays” (see Krouse 1992:298-301).

Please note that the following lesson is only an example. All it offers are guidelines.

You will still need to use your own initiative when designing and presenting your lessons.

Lesson programme organiser

A birthday party

Outcomes At the end of this lesson, the learners would be able to

- congratulate someone on his or her birthday - read the reading text/sheet - answer questions about the reading sheet both orally and in writing - ask one another questions in groups - make sentences using new words appearing in the reading text Content of the lesson

Reading on the theme:

A birthday party

Last Friday I celebrated my tenth birthday at our home. My mother sent out invitations and they were all accepted.

When Friday dawned, I could hardly wait any longer. My mother set the dining room table and put out a birthday cake, scones, sausage rolls, potato chips and a variety of other nice things to eat. I was longing to taste some of these dainties but Mom called me to the kitchen to start pouring the cool drinks.

At three o'clock my friends arrived. We had a wonderful time playing games and eating the delicious food.

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At four 'clock I opened my presents, which included toy cars, a jigsaw puzzle, money, a toy gun and a book. All the children thanked my mother, the hostess, for a delightful party. About three hours later, the parents started arriving to take their children home. New vocabulary:

celebrated; invitation; congratulations; dainties; pour; hostess; had a wonderful time; jigsaw puzzle; thanked (These words should be written on the chalkboard.)


My mother put out scones/bread/sweets/cool drink/cupcakes on the dining room table. Teaching language in context:

Capital letters:

... but Mom called me to the kitchen (a person's name)


... the children thanked my mother,

Learner activities: Drilling questioning words: Who? When? How? and so on.

Techniques, methods, and teaching media

- song technique; replacement table technique; role-play - question-and-answer method - copies of the theme reading sheet, pictures of presents, a package wrapped in gift paper,

used birthday cards, invitation cards

Course of the lesson


- Lift up the gift package so that the learners can see what a present is. Question them about gifts: Who likes receiving gifts? When do we receive gifts? What did you get for your birthday? How did you feel about your presents? Who gave you your presents?

- Hand around some invitation cards and congratulation notes. Let the learners read them out to the class. Talk about invitations and congratulations.

- Now let the learners work together in pairs. One learner pretends that he has received a special gift. The other learner asks about the present. The words Who? What? When? How? are written on the chalkboard in order to help the learners with the setting of the questions. The learners change roles

Middle Phase

- Show a picture of a birthday party. Discuss birthday parties and explain new words. - Hand out sheets about the theme.

The learners (silently) read the theme sheet. You (the teacher) read the reading sheet (as a model) Individual learners read the piece aloud.

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- The learners underline the words listed in the vocabulary. Some of them are asked to use the words in new sentences. Learners are shown examples of the use of capital and small letters (the words Mom and mother are used to illustrate these.) They could also learn to tell the time (At three o'clock ... At four o'clock ...). Any other guidelines about language may be taught with reference to points arising from a particular reading or theme sheet. Use your initiative.

- Questions about the theme (reading) sheet are asked orally, for example:

Was it a boy's or a girl's party? How do you know this? At what time did the party begin? What time did the party end? What do you like eating at a party? What did the boy do at four o'clock?

Application Phase

The learners do the replacement table as indicated in the learning contents. Learners cut out (from magazines) pictures of the food eaten at a party, and use them to make a collage. All these items can be used in the replacement table.

Song technique:

Learners learn and sing the song: “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, dear ..., happy birthday to you.”


Learners form groups. In each group there is one learner “whose birthday” it is. The other congratulates him or her on the birthday. (Variations could include the following: one learner could be the mother of the “birthday” girl or boy, and the party-goers could thank her for the party.)

Concluding Phase

The learners compose or design an invitation card for their own birthday or make a birthday invitation card (congratulation card) for a friend's birthday.


(1) What would you regard as the strengths and weaknesses of the OBE philosophy? (2) Explain your attitude to multicultural groups in the language classroom. (3) Explain what assessment entails. (4) Name the ways in which learners can be assessed. (5) Select a theme and prepare the lesson. (6) Design all the teaching media that you will need to present the lesson.

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