Tutorial 4

Tutorial 4: The Implications of Compulsory Education in Malaysia Prepared by: Chai Xiao Ling Ng Pin Ting Ong Pei Shan


Compulsory Education in Malaysia

Transcript of Tutorial 4

Tutorial 4: The Implications of Compulsory Education in Malaysia

Tutorial 4:The Implications of Compulsory Education in Malaysia

Prepared by:

Chai Xiao Ling

Ng Pin Ting

Ong Pei Shan

Compulsory Education

Tutorial 4

Compulsory Education means primary education which is prescribed to be compulsory education under subsection 29A(1).

Education Act, 1996

Compulsory Primary Education

Tutorial 4

29A. (1) The Minister may, by order published in the Gazette, prescribe primary education to be compulsory education.

(2) Every parent who is a Malaysian citizen residing in Malaysia shall ensure that if his child has attained the age of six years on the first day of January of the current school year that child is enrolled as a pupil in a primary school in that year and remains a pupil in a primary school for the duration of the compulsory education.

(3) The Minister may, if he considers it desirable and in the interest of the pupils or the public to do so, by order published in the Gazette, exempt any pupil or any class of pupils from the requirement to attend compulsory education, either absolutely or subject to such conditions as he may think fit to impose, and may at any time in his discretion revoke the exemption or revoke or alter or add to such conditions.

Compulsory Primary Education

Tutorial 4

(4) A parent who contravenes subsection (2) shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding five thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both.

(5) The Minister may make regulations for the carrying into effect of the provisions of this section.

The Importance ofCompulsory Education

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1. Democratization of Education can be implemented in accordance to the aims

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Democratization of education provides equal opportunities to everyone to obtain the success and quality of life.

( Education for all )

2. Rights of children are preserved

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Developmental Rights

Survival Rights

Protection Rights

Participation Right UNICEF (2014)

Education is one of the ways that enables a child to develop.

Children have the rights to receive formal education.

3. Reduce the number of dropout students and illiteracy in future generations

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Every child who is elder enough to go to school would not miss out the educational opportunities provided by Ministry of Education.

The life of children becomes more meaningful and worthwhile .

4. The goal of producing a knowledgeable generation can be achieved according the Educational Policy

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~ Designed to produce Malaysian citizens who are knowledgeable and competent, who possess high moral standards and who are responsible and capable of achieving a high level of personal well being to contribute to the betterment of the nation, family and society.


Serves as a foundation to provide early preparation for children in pursuing higher education.

5. The country will be develop and is able to compete with other countries in various fields such as technology , economy and so on .

Tutorial 4

Vision 2020/Wawasan 2020:

~ a society that is innovative and forward-looking. As a contributor to the scientific and technological civilisation of the future.

~an economy that is fully competitive, dynamic, robust and resilient.


Make sure everyone can receive perfect education , in order to become useful citizens and able to look after the welfare of themselves and their families and contribute to the development and progress of the country.

6. Equity of educational opportunities among the various races

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~ educationoutside of a standard school setting (sekolah pondok, majlis ilmu)


This educational opportunity is compulsory for all children.

No reason for informal education to exist.

7. Reduces rate of crime

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~ Reducing crime is a vital part of Malaysias plans to become a fully developed country.

~ Crime and the fear of crime impact peoples quality of life, sometimes with devastating effect. Crime also has a substantial economic cost.


By having an access to education, it will be easier for Malaysians to get a job.

Low unemployment rates leads to low crime rates.

Tutorial 4

The Implication of Compulsory Education in Malaysia






Implication of compulsory education:Students

Tutorial 4

Childrens right is reserved.

Receives good quality of education and leads to a better quality of life.

Prevent discrimination.

Able to prevent the children being exploited by certain parties.

Implication of compulsory education:Parents

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Increase the awareness of parents towards the responsibility about their childrens education.

Increase the standard of living for a better future.

Cooperation between the parents and the teachers in school.

Bridge the gap between the poor and rich.

Implication of compulsory education:Schools

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Raise the prestige of the school.

Provide sufficient facilities and infrastructures.

Provide a healthy competition among the schools.

Prepare more programmes for the students according to their needs.

Implication of compulsory education:Society

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Provide equal educational opportunities among the various races.

Develop a knowledgeable and competitive society.

Foster a learning culture from the young age.

Implication of compulsory education:Country

Tutorial 4

Become a more developed country.

Able to compete with the other countries around the world in various fields.

Optimize the quality of workforce in contributing the improvement of the country.


See, K. H. (2011, September). Implikasi Pendidikan Wajib Di Malaysia. Retrieved from scribd.com: http://www.scribd.com/doc/64055626/Implikasi-Pendidikan-Wajib-Di-Malaysia#scribd

The Commissioner of Law Revision. (2006). Laws of Malaysia: Education Act 1996. Kuala Lumpur: Percetakan Nasional Malaysia Bhd.

UNICEF. (2014, August). Rights under the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Retrieved from Convention on the Rights of the Child: http://www.unicef.org/crc/index_30177.html

Compulsory Primary Education

Tutorial 4

A national school, national-type school or private school established under the Act shall provide a course of primary education design for a duration of six years but which may be completed within five to seven years.

According to Section 29A(1) of the Education Amendment Act 2002 (Act A1152), effective January 1st, 2003, the government has made primary education compulsory for all children aged 6+.

A parent who contravenes the Act shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding five thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both.