Tutankhamen This Egyptian Pharaoh was born with the name of Tutankhamen – the living image of the...

download Tutankhamen This Egyptian Pharaoh was born with the name of Tutankhamen – the living image of the God Aton - the origins of Tutankhamen are still mysterious,

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Transcript of Tutankhamen This Egyptian Pharaoh was born with the name of Tutankhamen – the living image of the...

  • Slide 1

Slide 2 Tutankhamen Slide 3 This Egyptian Pharaoh was born with the name of Tutankhamen the living image of the God Aton - the origins of Tutankhamen are still mysterious, numerous scholars think that he is a son of Amenhotep IV and Nefertiti. Converted to the worship of Amon, Tutankhamen orders the construction of a temple to the west of Tebas. Successor of Akhenaton, the young Pharaoh rises to the throne at 9 years of age and reigns until his dead; died with 18 years, from1335 to 1327 B.C. Tutankhamen was buried in the Valley of the Kings, in Tebas. His tomb discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter, is the biggest archaeological discovery of the XX century and at the time of the discovery it was one of few almost intact graves. All the marvelous objects found in the tomb constitute the treasure of Tutankhamen created 14 centuries B.C. by Egyptian artists and represent a fabulous exponent of Egyptian art. Slide 4 Valley of the Kings. Entrance to the tomb of Tutankhamen Slide 5 Slide 6 First Funeral Chamber Slide 7 Second Funeral Chamber Slide 8 First Sarcophagus Slide 9 Detail of the 1st Sarcophagus Slide 10 Profile of the 1st Sarcophagus Slide 11 Second Sarcophagus Slide 12 Detail of the 2nd Sarcophagus Slide 13 View of the 2nd Sarcophagus Slide 14 Death Masks Slide 15 11 kg (22.2 lb.) of Gold Slide 16 Pots of alabaster containing the inner organs Slide 17 Amset and Isis protect the liver, Hapi and Nephtys the lungs, Douamoutef and I annoy Neith and Kebehsenouef et Selket the intestines. Each organ wrapped in linen, was put in a sarcophagus miniature with the form of the deceased Tutankhamen that was put in the alabaster pot correspondingly. Sarcophagus Miniature 2 de 4 Slide 18 The chapel of the sepulchral shows images of 4 goddesses, Selket, Nephthys, Isis et Neith that protect it with open arms. They are dressed with representations of clothing from Nefertiti. Slide 19 Coffer in the form of chapel topped by Anubis Slide 20 Objects in the 1st. Funeral Chamber Slide 21 Royal Carriage with gold inlaids, ivory and fine woods Slide 22 Funeral Bed Slide 23 Royal Bed Slide 24 Royal Throne Slide 25 NextPicture. The arms of the throne represent two serpents when bearers of the double crown and guardians of the "cartridge" of Tutankhamen were hauled. The feet are decorated by two leaders of lion ended with paws. A decoration of the time, symbolizes the Union of Two Lands, ties two feet. Tutankhamen and his wife Ankhsenamon, are of front one for other, in the decoration of the back. The Pharaoh, seated, has a head of hair decorated with a crown. The feet rest in a cushion installed in a stool. The queen, standing, places a hand in the shoulder of the Pharaoh and has in other one a cup with ointments. It is adorned by a diadem of Uraeusle that there support the disc, two feathers and two lengthened horns. The encrusted elements are of blue glass, the silver clothes and incrustations from semiprecious stones. The rays of the Sun of the god Aton remember the time of the heresy of the period of Amarna. The rear of the back has also the initial name of the sovereign and of his wife: Tutankhamen et Ankhsenpaton. Slide 26 Details of Royal Throne Slide 27 Side Detail of the Royal Throne Slide 28 Back Detail of the Royal Throne Slide 29 Crmonial Chair Slide 30 The previously shown chair, has inlaid golden leaf and is totally decorated by incrustations from ivory, ebony, semi-precious stones and porcelain. Slide 31 Head rest in Ivory Slide 32 Sacred Whip and Scepter Slide 33 The Goddess Cobra Netjerankh The Hornless God Hrus Slide 34 Statues Representing Various Pharaohs Slide 35 The underground compartment encloses 32 statuettes, including 7 representing the Pharaoh. The series, which constitutes a pantheon of Egyptians divinities, evoke the cycle of the myths and legends of this period, of the Enneade of the great gods (Pesedjet the 9 divinities) including of the children of Hrus. Slide 36 Statues with gold inlaids Slide 37 Royal Knives of the Pharaoh Slide 38 The ligaments of the mummy of Tutankhamen enveloped 143 objects of the parts of the body which had to be protected by his specific powers. Golden objects or of solid gold, finely worked, encrusted of semi-precious stones reflected religious or divine reproductions. Slide 39 The Beetles The reproductions in stone had to prevent the devouring the soul of the dead person by Ammit. Ammit was the goddess who, after the weighing of the heart, was devouring the souls of the judged unworthy human ones in order to prevent their continued existence in the afterlife. It seems that, according to the importance of the dead person in life, the more beetle charms the deceased person received for the tomb. Many Beetles have been found in numerous jewels. Slide 40 Slide 41 Slide 42 Slide 43 The Charms Slide 44 Slide 45 Slide 46 Slide 47 Slide 48 The Rings Slide 49 Slide 50 Slide 51 Slide 52 Slide 53 The Bracelets Slide 54 Slide 55 Slide 56 Slide 57 Slide 58 Braceletes direito e esquerdo com o olho de Hrus Slide 59 Idem Slide 60 Slide 61 Slide 62 Slide 63 Necklaces, Pendants and Pectoral Jewells Slide 64 Slide 65 Slide 66 Oujdat Oujdat (or eye of Hrus) was a protector of the dead, of disease and of the bad spells. Slide 67 Pectoral necklace with beetles and baboons The beetle, in the divine barge, represents the god Sol in aurora. Slide 68 With serpents Slide 69 With divinities Slide 70 Slide 71 Other objects Slide 72 Royal Crown Slide 73 Royal pen Slide 74 Statues (Chaouabti) Slide 75 The tomb of the Pharaoh contains 413. The Chaouabti substituted the dead person in all the agricultural tasks connected with the toil (work) of the royal house. The housework was considered compulsory for all the dead men. The human paintings and sculptures placed in the tomb, initially of wood of avocado tree, were considered as the servants of the dead person in the afterlife. Slide 76 Bust of Tutankhamen Slide 77 Ornament of Saddlery (saddle) Slide 78 Papyrus showing the Pharaoh and the Queen Slide 79 Frames of Mirrors Slide 80 Slide 81 Slide 82 Slide 83 Vessel in alabaster with gold inlaids Slide 84 The Pharaoh seated in a chair. Solid gold. Slide 85 Burner of perfume. Encrusted in alabaster from gold and ivory. Slide 86 Lid of chest, encrusted of ivory Slide 87 It deals with war scene. The Pharaoh, like sphinx, destroying his enemies. Slide 88 Chest decorated with scene of battle Slide 89 Statuette of the Ka spiritual double of Tutankhamen Slide 90 Valise of Tutankhamen, containing his name Slide 91 End of the travel of the TutankhamensTomb in the Valley of the Kings from the Treasures of Tutankhamen All these objects and others 3 400 considered relics found in the tomb, can be seen in the Museum of Cairo. Realisado por RP @ + Translated to the English language by Baldor Alumni