Turmeric Face Peeling Mask

Turmeric Face Peeling Mask ½ tbsp turmeric 2 tbsp flour (Vata – oatmeal, Oitta – chickpea flour, Kapha – barley flour) The powder needs to be mixed with a little water before use in order to get a mixture which you will put on your face. Massage it for minute or two on your face and neck. And then wash your face. Instead of water you can use some herbal oils (almond, oat, hazelnut, coconut etc.). Have in mind that the natural yellow color of the turmeric will give great tone to your face and that after this treatment you have to carefully wash your face in order not to have yellow blemishes. This is why this is recommended to be done before taking a shower. People who have dry skin may add a bit of elderberry blossom. People with oily skin may add a bit of coriander powder or lavender blossom or a bit of fresh lemon juice. People who have normal skin may add a bit of rose powder. I suggest you to try Ubtan and if it appeals to you make some more powder in advance and keep it in your bathroom and every morning take 2-3 tbsp and a bit of water and wash your face with this mixture. Source: www.turmericforhealth.com


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Transcript of Turmeric Face Peeling Mask

Turmeric Face Peeling Mask tbsp turmeric 2 tbsp flour (Vata oatmeal, Oitta chickpea flour, Kapha barley flour)The powder needs to be mixed with a little water before use in order to get a mixture which you will put on your face. Massage it for minute or two on your face and neck. And then wash your face. Instead of water you can use some herbal oils (almond, oat, hazelnut, coconut etc.).Have in mind that the natural yellow color of the turmeric will give great tone to your face and that after this treatment you have to carefully wash your face in order not to have yellow blemishes. This is why this is recommended to be done before taking a shower.People who have dry skin may add a bit of elderberry blossom. People with oily skin may add a bit of coriander powder or lavender blossom or a bit of fresh lemon juice. People who have normal skin may add a bit of rose powder.I suggest you to try Ubtan and if it appeals to you make some more powder in advance and keep it in your bathroom and every morning take 2-3 tbsp and a bit of water and wash your face with this mixture.Source:www.turmericforhealth.com