Turkey–United States Relations

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  • 7/26/2019 TurkeyUnited States Relations


    TurkeyUnited StatesRelations

    Ercan TANRIVER


    IR! 5002"#urrent Issues in Turkis$ %orei&n 'olicy

  • 7/26/2019 TurkeyUnited States Relations


    (ar on Terror Turkey $as )een a strate&ic *riend+ ally+ and ,artner to

    t$e United States


    A*&$anistan /as inaded )y US+

    International Security Assistance %orce ISA%

    Ira3 /ar

    T$e Turkis$ &oernent decided to se,arate t$e issue

    into t/o di**erent otions re3uirin& ,arliaentary

    a,,roal %irst and Second 6otion

    T$e u,&radin& o* t$e ilitary in*rastructure in Turkey

    /as a,,roed )y 'arliaent

    T$e second otion /as a)out landin& US *orces route to

    Ira3 and t$e de,loyent o* US troo,s on Turkis$ soil

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    Ira3 (ar

    T$e Turkis$ 'arliaent couldn7t reac$ t$ea)solute aority o* 29 otes needed *or

    allo/in& US troo,s to attack Ira3 *roTurkey

    T$e :ood eent

  • 7/26/2019 TurkeyUnited States Relations



    Early 2000s+ Turkey and Israel $ad &oodrelations

    Turkey needed ally in re&ion+

    T$ere /as Aerican i,act on relations o*

    t$ese t/o countries

    #oo,eration in di**erent areas+

    Turkey tried to )e a ediator )et/een Israeland 'alestine

    #$annel o* #ounication )et/een Syria andIsrael

    A*ter ;ero 'ro)les (it$

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    #ont=d Turkey *i>ed relations /it$ Iran and Syria

    Turkey=s ediator role did not /ork in

    'alestinian issue

    (orld Econoic %oru con*erence in?aos


    !o/er c$air

  • 7/26/2019 TurkeyUnited States Relations



    T$e @aa %lotilla incident B 6ai6arara

    Turkey /it$dra/ its a)assador anddo/n&raded di,loatic relations /it$ Israel

    to t$e second secretary

    A*ter Ara) S,rin&+ Turkey $ad )ad relations

    /it$ Iran+ Ira3+ Syria and Russia

    Isolation o* Turkey

    Ce/is$ lo))y United States resolution on Arenian


    Netanya$u a,olo&ied to Erdo&an *or anyo,erational istakes )y Israel durin& t$e

    *lotilla incident

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    Syria Strate&ic ?e,t$

    ;ero 'ro)le (it$

  • 7/26/2019 TurkeyUnited States Relations



    A*ter Ara) S,rin&+ soe eents caused t$e

    deterioration o* relations D=%riend Esad==+ D=rot$er Esad== turned into

    D=Eney Esed==

    Tension increased /it$ soe incidents )et/eenTurkey and Syria suc$ as assassination o* seeral

    Syrians+ s$ootin& do/n o* a Turkis$ *i&$ter,lane %4"'$anto etc

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    US )e&an ,roidin& trainin&+ cas$+ and

    intelli&ence to selected re)el coanders

    Esad ust &o+ t$is is red line *or Turkey )ut not

    *or United States


    Syria Train and E3ui, 'ro&ra

    Ci$adist &rou,s

    Vice 'resident Coe iden 'F?

    Inde,endent Gurdis$ state

    Turkey and US"led coalition *orces

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    Ira3 Gurdis$ Re&ional @oernent

    Turkey $as troo,s in nort$ Ira3 to train Gurdis$

    soldiers a&ainst ISIS

    Ira3i #entral @oernent

    as$i3a #a, Ira3i &oernent /arned Turkey to /it$dra/

    its troo,s *ro nort$ Ira3+

    United Nations Security #ouncil

  • 7/26/2019 TurkeyUnited States Relations



    Turkey and Iran /ere in ,ra&atic

    ra,,roc$eent ,rocess /it$ C?'


    6ediator role in Iranian Nuclear 'ro&ra

    Turkey is not actin& alon& /it$ t$e (esternallies in t$is issue )ecause Turkey does not

    o,,ose Iran=s searc$ *or ,eace*ul nuclearener&y

    Uraniu s/a, deal )et/een Iran andrail

    NAT< 6issile S$ield #risis

  • 7/26/2019 TurkeyUnited States Relations


    Russia Anne>ation o* #riean 'eninsula


    Russia iolated Gie=s soerei&nty+

    Natural @as

    Turkey tried to )alance t$e (est and Russia

    !iits t$e access o* nonlittoral ,o/ers into t$e lack Sea t$rou&$ t$e Turkis$


    Syrian #iil (ar Russian Suk$oi Su"246 )o)er aircra*t

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    #onclusion Strate&ic ,artners$i, turned into odel ,artners$i,+

    T$ere are any issues t$at Turkey and US /ere di**erent sides

    Turkey tried to )alance )et/een Russia and NAT< in #riean issue

    Turkey su,,orted Iranian Nuclear 'ro&ra *or ,eace*ul ,ur,oses and acted as

    a ediator )et/een Iran and t$e (est

    Turkey al/ays su,,ort 'alestine a&ainst Israel and t$is is )i& ,ro)le *or US

    %or Turkey 'F? is terrorist or&aniation )ut *or US it is not

    Alt$ou&$ t$ere are di**erent c$oices on *orei&n ,olicy+ Turkey and US $as

    al/ays &ood relations and al/ays *ind a /ay to )e ore close allies

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