turbofan engine

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Transcript of turbofan engine

  • 5/20/2018 turbofan engine



    Turbofan Engine

    A turbofanis a type of aircraft engineconsisting of a ducted fanwhich is

    powered by a gas turbine. Part of the airstream from the ducted fan passes

    through the gas turbine core, providing oxygen to burn fuel to create

    power. However, most of the air flow bypasses the engine core, and is

    accelerated by the fan blades in much the same manner as apropeller.

    The combination of thrust produced from the fan and the exhaust fromthe core is a more efficient process than otherjet enginedesigns, resulting

    in a comparatively low specific fuel consumption.[!

    A few designs wor" slightly differently and have the fan blades as a radial

    extension of an aft#mounted low#pressure turbine unit.

    Turbofans have a net exhaust speed that is much lower than a turbojet.

    This ma"es them much more efficient at subsonic speeds than turbojets,

    and somewhat more efficient at supersonic speeds up to

    roughly $ach.%, but have also been found to be efficient when used

    with continuous afterburnerat $ach & and above.

    All of the jet engines used in currently manufactured commercial jet

    aircraft are turbofans. They are used commercially mainly because they

    are highly efficient and relatively 'uiet in operation. Turbofans are also

    used in many military jet aircraft.

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    (chematic diagram of a high#bypass turbofan engine

    A turbofanis a type of aircraft engineconsisting of a ducted fanwhich is

    powered by a gas turbine. Part of the airstream from the ducted fan passes

    through the gas turbine core, providing oxygen to burn fuel to create

    power. However, most of the air flow bypasses the engine core, and is

    accelerated by the fan blades in much the same manner as apropeller.

    The combination of thrust produced from the fan and the exhaust fromthe core is a more efficient process than otherjet enginedesigns, resulting

    in a comparatively low specific fuel consumption.[!

    A few designs wor" slightly differently and have the fan blades as a radial

    extension of an aft#mounted low#pressure turbine unit.

    Turbofans have a net exhaust speed that is much lower than a turbojet.

    This ma"es them much more efficient at subsonic speeds than turbojets,

    and somewhat more efficient at supersonic speeds up to

    roughly $ach.%, but have also been found to be efficient when usedwith continuous afterburnerat $ach & and above.


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    All of the jet engines used in currently manufactured commercial jet

    aircraft are turbofans. They are used commercially mainly because they

    are highly efficient and relatively 'uiet in operation. Turbofans are alsoused in many military jet aircraft.

    To move an airplanethrough the air, thrustis generated by some "ind

    ofpropulsion system. $ost modern airliners useturbofanengines

    because of their high thrust and good fuel efficiency.*n this page, we

    will discuss some of the fundamentals of turbofan engines.

    A turbofan engine is the most modern variation of the basic gasturbineengine. As with other gas turbines, there is a core engine,

    whosepartsand operation are discussed on a separate page. +n the

    turbofan engine, the core engine is surrounded by a fan in the front and an

    additional turbine at the rear. The fan and fan turbine are composed of

    many blades, li"e the corecompressorand core turbine,and are connected

    to an additional shaft. All of this additional turbomachineryis colored

    green on the schematic.As with the core compressor and turbine, some of

    the fan blades turn with the shaft and some blades remain stationary. The

    fan shaft passes through the core shaft for mechanical reasons. This type

    of arrangement is called a two spoolengine one -spool- for the fan, one

    -spool- for the core. (ome advanced engines have additional spools for

    even higher efficiency.

    How does a turbofan engine work?

    The incoming air is captured by the engine inlet. (ome of the incoming

    air passes through the fan and continues on into the core compressor and

    then theburner,where it is mixed with fuel and combustionoccurs. The

    hot exhaust passes through the core and fan turbines and then out

    the no//le,as in a basic turbojet.The rest of the incoming air passes

    through the fan and bypasses, or goes around the engine, just li"e the air

    through apropeller.The air that goes through the fan has a velocity that is

    slightly increased from free stream. (o a turbofan gets some of its thrust

    from the core and some of its thrust from the fan. The ratio of the air that


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    goes around the engine to the air that goes through the core is called

    the bypass ratio.

    0ecause the fuel flow rate for the core is changed only a small amount by

    the addition of the fan, a turbofan generates more thrust for nearly thesame amount of fuel used by the core. This means that a turbofan is very

    fuel efficient. +n fact, high bypass ratio turbofans are nearly as fuel

    efficient as turboprops. 0ecause the fan is enclosed by the inlet and is

    composed of many blades, it can operate efficiently at higher speeds than

    a simple propeller. That is why turbofans are found on high speed

    transports and propellers are used on low speed transports. 1ow bypass

    ratio turbofans are still more fuel efficient than basic turbojets. $any

    modern fighter planes actually use low bypass ratio turbofans e'uipped

    with afterburners.They can then cruise efficiently but still have high

    thrust when dogfighting. 2ven though the fighter plane can fly much

    faster than the speed of sound, the air going into the engine must travel

    less than the speed of sound for high efficiency. Therefore, the airplane

    inlet slows the air down from supersonic speeds.

    Early turbofans

    2arly turbojet engines were very fuel#inefficient, as their overall pressureratio and turbine inlet temperature were severely limited by the

    technology available at the time. The very first running turbofan was the

    3erman4aimler#0en/ 40 %56a"a 67#665 which was operated on its

    testbed on April , 78&. The engine was abandoned later while the war

    went on and problems could not be solved. The 0ritish

    wartime $etrovic" 9.)axial flow jet was given a fan to create the first

    0ritish turbofan.

    +mproved materials, and the introduction of twin compressors such as inthe Pratt : ;hitney high

    velocity exhaust better suited to supersonic flight.

    The original low-bypass turbofanengines were designed to improve

    propulsive efficiency by reducing the exhaust velocity to a value closer to

    that of the aircraft. The ?olls#?oyce =onway, the first production

    turbofan, had a bypass ratio of 6.&, similar to the modern 3eneral 2lectric9868fighter engine. =ivilian turbofan engines of the 7%6s, such as


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    the Pratt : ;hitney

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    introduced if the turbine inlet temperature is allowed to increase, to

    compensate for a correspondingly smaller core flow. +mprovements in

    turbine cooling>material technology would facilitate the use of a higher

    turbine inlet temperature, despite increases in cooling air temperature,

    resulting from a probable increase in overall pressure ratio.

    2fficiently done, the resulting turbofan would probably operate at a

    higher no//le pressure ratio than the turbojet, but with a lower exhaust

    temperature to retain net thrust. (ince the temperature rise across the

    whole engine inta"e to no//le would be lower, the dry power fuel flow

    would also be reduced, resulting in a better specific fuel


    A few low#bypass ratio military turbofans e.g. 9868 have Dariable +nlet3uide Danes, with piano#style hinges, to direct air onto the first rotor

    stage. This improves the fan surge margin see compressor map in the

    mid#flow range. The swing wing 9#achieved a very high range >

    payload capability by pioneering the use of this engine, and it was also

    the heart of the famous 9#8 Tomcatair superiority fighter which used the

    same engines in a smaller, more agile airframe to achieve efficient cruise

    and $ach ) speed.

    Afterburning turbofans

    (ince the 756s, mostjet fighterengines have been low>medium bypass

    turbofans with a mixed exhaust, afterburnerand variable area final

    no//le. An afterburner is a combustor located downstream of the turbine

    blades and directly upstream of the no//le, which burns fuel from

    afterburner#specific fuel injectors. ;hen lit, prodigious amounts of fuel

    are burnt in the afterburner, raising the temperature of exhaust gases by a

    significant amount, resulting in a higher exhaust velocity>engine specific

    thrust. The variable geometry no//le must open to a larger throat area to

    accommodate the extra volume flow when the afterburner is lit.

    Afterburning is often designed to give a significant thrust boost for ta"e

    off, transonic acceleration and combat maneuvers, but is very fuel

    intensive. =onse'uently afterburning can only be used for short portions

    of a mission. However the $ach & (?#5was designed for continuous

    operation and to be efficient with the afterburner lit.

    Enli"e the main combustor, where the downstream turbine blades must

    not be damaged by high temperatures, an afterburner can operate at the


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    ideal maximum stoichiometric temperature i.e. about

    )66F>&5@6?a>&&)69. At a fixed total applied fuelGair ratio, the total

    fuel flow for a given fan airflow will be the same, regardless of the dry

    specific thrust of the engine. However, a high specific thrust turbofan

    will, by definition, have a higher no//le pressure ratio, resulting in a

    higher afterburning net thrust and, therefore, a lower afterburning specific

    fuel consumption. However, high specific thrust engines have a high dry

    (9=. The situation is reversed for a medium specific thrust afterburning

    turbofanG i.e. poor afterburning (9=>good dry (9=. The former engine is

    suitable for a combat aircraft which must remain in afterburning combat

    for a fairly long period, but only has to fight fairly close to the airfield

    e.g. cross border s"irmishes The latter engine is better for an aircraft

    that has to fly some distance, or loiter for a long time, before going intocombat. However, the pilot can only afford to stay in afterburning for a

    short period, before his>her fuel reserves become dangerously low.

    $odern low#bypass military turbofans include the Pratt : ;hitney 97,

    the 2urojet 2Turbomeca

    Adourafterburning in the (2P2=AT

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    2. Fan

    3. Low pressure compressor

    4. High pressure compressor

    . Com!ustion cham!er

    ". High pressure tur!ine#. Low pressure tur!ine

    $. Core no%%le

    &. Fan no%%le

    (chematic diagram illustrating a )#spool, high#bypass turbofan engine

    with an unmixed exhaust. Again, the fan and booster stages are driven

    by the low#pressure turbine, but more stages are re'uired. A mixed

    exhaust is often employed nowadays

    The low specific thrust>high bypass ratio turbofans used in todays civil

    jetliners and some military transport aircraft evolved from the high

    specific thrust>low bypass ratio turbofans used in such aircraft bac" in the


    1ow specific thrust is achieved by replacing the multi#stage fan with a

    single stage unit. Enli"e some military engines, modern civil turbofans

    do not have any stationary inlet guide vanes in front of the fan rotor. The

    fan is scaled to achieve the desired net thrust.

    The core or gas generator of the engine must generate sufficient =ore

    Power to at least drive the fan at its design flow and pressure ratio.

    Through improvements in turbine cooling>material technology, a higher

    HP turbine rotor inlet temperature can be used, thus facilitating a

    smaller and lighter core and potentially improving the core thermal

    efficiency. ?educing the core mass flow tends to increase the load on the

    1P turbine, so this unit may re'uire additional stages to reduce theaverage stage loading and to maintain 1P turbine efficiency. ?educing

    core flow also increases bypass ratio G, or more, is now common.

    9urther improvements in core thermal efficiency can be achieved by

    raising the overall pressure ratio of the core. +mproved blade

    aerodynamics reduces the number of extra compressor stages re'uired.

    ;ith multiple compressors i.e. 1P=, +P=, HP= dramatic increases in

    overall pressure ratio have become possible. Dariable geometry

    i.e. stators enable high pressure ratio compressors to wor" surge#free atall throttle settings.


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    =utaway diagram of the 3eneral 2lectric =9%#% engine

    The first high#bypass turbofan engine was the 3eneral 2lectric T9&7,

    designed in mid 7%6s to power the 1oc"heed=# 3alaxymilitary

    transport aircraft. The civil 3eneral 2lectric =9%engine used a derived

    design. *ther high#bypass turbofans are the Pratt : ;hitney 32nxand

    the 3P5666, produced jointly by 32 and P:;.

    High#bypass turbofan engines are generally 'uieter than the earlier low

    bypass ratio civil engines. This is not so much due to the higher bypass

    ratio, as to the use of a low pressure ratio, single stage, fan, which

    significantly reduces specific thrust and, thereby, jet velocity. The

    combination of a higher overall pressure ratio and turbine inlettemperature improves thermal efficiency. This, together with a lower

    specific thrust better propulsive efficiency, leads to a lower specific fuel


    9or reasons of fuel economy, and also of reduced noise, almost all of

    todays jet airliners are powered by high#bypass turbofans. Although

    modern combat aircraft tend to use low bypass ratio turbofans, military

    transport aircraft e.g. =#5 mainly use high bypass ratio turbofans

    or turboprops for fuel efficiency.

    0ecause of the implied low mean jet velocity, a high bypass ratio>low

    specific thrust turbofan has a high thrust lapse rate with rising flight

    speed. =onse'uently the engine must be over#si/ed to give sufficient

    thrust during climb>cruise at high flight speeds e.g. $ach 6.@&. 0ecause

    of the high thrust lapse rate, the static i.e. $ach 6 thrust is conse'uently

    relatively high. This enables heavily laden, wide body aircraft to

    accelerate 'uic"ly during ta"e#off and conse'uently lift#off within a

    reasonable runway length.


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    The turbofans on twin engined airliners are further over#si/ed to cope

    with losing one engine during ta"e#off, which reduces the aircrafts net

    thrust by 6C. $odern twin engined airliners normally climb very

    steeply immediately after ta"e#off. +f one engine is lost, the climb#out is

    much shallower, but sufficient to clear obstacles in the flightpath.

    The (oviet Enions engine technology was less advanced than the ;ests

    and its first wide#body aircraft, the +lyushin +l#@%, was powered by low#

    bypass engines. The Ia"ovlev Ia"#8), a medium#range, rear#engined

    aircraft seating up to )6 passengers introduced in 7@6 was the first

    (oviet aircraft to use high#bypass engines.

    Turbofan configurations

    Turbofan engines come in a variety of engine configurations. 9or a given

    engine cycle i.e. same airflow, bypass ratio, fan pressure ratio, overall

    pressure ratio and HP turbine rotor inlet temperature, the choice of

    turbofan configuration has little impact upon the design point

    performance e.g. net thrust, (9=, as long as overall component

    performance is maintained. *ff#design performance and stability is,

    however, affected by engine configuration.

    As the design overall pressure ratio of an engine cycle increases, it

    becomes more difficult to throttle the compression system, without

    encountering an instability "nown as compressor surge. This occurs when

    some of the compressor aerofoils stall li"e the wings of an aircraft

    causing a violent change in the direction of the airflow. However,

    compressor stall can be avoided, at throttled conditions, by progressivelyG

    opening interstage>intercompressor blow#off valves inefficient


    ) closing variable stators within the compressor

    $ost modern American civil turbofans employ a relatively high pressure

    ratio High Pressure HP =ompressor, with many rows of variable stators

    to control surge margin at part#throttle. +n the three#

    spool ?0)>Trentthe core compression system is split into two, with the

    +P compressor, which supercharges the HP compressor, being on a

    different coaxial shaft and driven by a separate +P turbine. As the HP

    =ompressor has a modest pressure ratio it can be throttled#bac" surge#

    free, without employing variable geometry. However, because a shallow


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    +P compressor wor"ing line is inevitable, the +P= re'uires at least one

    stage of variable geometry.

    [edit]Single shaft turbofan

    Although far from common, the (ingle (haft Turbofan is probably thesimplest configuration, comprising a fan and high pressure compressor

    driven by a single turbine unit, all on the same shaft. The (B2=$A $&,

    which powers $irage fighter aircraft, is an example of a (ingle (haft

    Turbofan. 4espite the simplicity of the turbomachinery configuration, the

    $& re'uires a variable area mixer to facilitate part#throttle operation.

    Aft fan turbofan

    *ne of the earliest turbofans was a derivative of the 3eneral 2lectric

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    $ost modern passenger and military aircraft are powered by gas

    turbineengines, which are also called jet engines. There are several

    different typesof gas turbine engines, but all turbine engines have

    somepartsin common. All turbine engines have an inletto bring free

    streamair into the engine. The inlet sits upstream of the compressorand,

    while the inlet does no wor" on the flow, inlet performancehas a strong

    influence on engine net thrust. As shown in the figures above, inlets come

    in a variety of shapes and si/es with the specifics usually dictated by thespeed of the aircraft.

    S!S"#$% $#&ETS

    9or aircraft that cannot go faster than the speed of sound, li"e large

    airliners, a simple, straight, short inlet wor"s 'uite well. *n a

    typical subsonicinlet, the surface of the inlet from outside to inside is a

    continuous smooth curve with some thic"ness from inside to outside. The

    most upstream portion of the inlet is called the highlight, or the

    inlet lip'A subsonic aircraft has an inlet with a relatively thic" lip.


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    S(E)S"#$% $#&ETS

    An inlet for a supersonicaircraft, on the other hand, has a relatively sharp

    lip. The inlet lip is sharpened to minimi/e the performance losses

    from shoc" wavesthat occur during supersonic flight. 9or a supersonicaircraft, the inlet must slow the flow down to subsonic speeds before the

    air reaches the compressor. (ome supersonic inlets, li"e the one at the

    upper right, use a central cone to shoc" the flow down to subsonic speeds.

    *ther inlets, li"e the one shown at the lower left, use flat hinged plates to

    generate the compression shoc"s, with the resulting inlet geometry

    having a rectangular cross section. This *ariable geometryinlet is used

    on the 9#8 and 9# fighter aircraft. $ore exotic inlet shapes are used on

    some aircraft for a variety of reasons. The inlets of the $ach &J(?#5

    aircraft are specially designed to allow cruisingflight at high speed. The

    inlets of the (?#5 actually produce thrust during flight.

    H+(E)S"#$% $#&ETS

    +nlets for hypersonicaircraft present the ultimate design challenge.

    9or ramjet#poweredaircraft, the inlet must bring the high speed external

    flow down to subsonic conditions in theburner. High stagnation

    temperatures are present in this speed regime and variable geometry may

    not be an option for the inlet designer because of possible flow lea"s

    through the hinges. 9or scramjet#poweredaircraft, the heat environmentis even worse because the flight $ach number is higher than that for a

    ramjet#powered aircraft. (cramjet inlets are highly integrated with the

    fuselage of the aircraft. *n the K#8&A, the inlet includes the entire lower

    surface of the aircraft forward of the cowl lip. Thic", hotboundary

    layersare usually present on the compression surfaces of hypersonic

    inlets. The flow exiting a scramjet inlet must remain supersonic.

    $#&ET E,,$%$E#%+

    An inlet must operate efficiently over the entire flight envelope of the

    aircraft. At very low aircraft speeds, or when just sitting on the runway,

    free stream air is pulled into the engine by the compressor. +n 2ngland,

    inlets are called intakeswhich is a more accurate description of their

    function at low aircraft speeds. At high speeds, a good inlet will allow the

    aircraft to maneuver to high angles of attac"and sideslip without

    disrupting flow to the compressor. 0ecause the inlet is so important to

    overall aircraft operation, it is usually designed and tested by the airframe

    company, not the engine manufacturer. 0ut because inlet operation is so

    important to engine performance, all engine manufacturers also employ


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    inlet aerodynamicists. The amount of disruption of the flow is

    characteri/ed by a numerical inlet distortion inde.. 4ifferent airframers

    use different indices, but all of the indices are based on ratios of the local

    variation of pressure to the average pressure at the compressor face.

    The ratio of the average total pressure at the compressor face to the free

    stream total pressure is called the total pressure reco*ery.

    Pressure recoveryis another inlet performance indexL the higher the

    value, the better the inlet. 9or hypersonic inlets the value of pressure

    recovery is very low and nearly constant because of shoc" losses, so

    hypersonic inlets are normally characteri/ed by their "inetic energy

    efficiency. +f the airflow demanded by the engine is much less than the

    airflow that can be captured by the inlet, then the difference in airflow is

    spilled around the inlet. The airflow mis#match can producespillage

    drag on the aircraft.

    $ost modern passenger and military aircraft are powered by gas

    turbineengines, which are also called jet engines. There are several

    different typesof jet engines, but all jet engines have somepartsin


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    common. All jet engines have a compressorto increase the pressure of the

    incoming air before it enters the burner. =ompressor performancehas a

    large influence on total engineperformance.

    There are two main types of compressors used in modern jet enginesL

    axial compressors , and centrifugal compressors.

    +n the a.ial compressorthe air flows parallel to the axis of rotation. The

    compressor is composed of several rows of airfoil cascades. (ome of the

    rows, called rotors, are connectedto the central shaft and rotate at high

    speed. *ther rows, called stators, are fixed and do not rotate. The job of

    the stators is to increase pressure and "eep the flow from spiraling around

    the axis by bringing the flow bac" parallel to the axis. +n the figure on the

    right, we see a picture of the rotors of an axial compressor. The stators ofthis compressor are connected to the outer casing, which has been

    removed and is not shown. At the upper left is a picture of a single rotor

    stage for a different compressor so that you can see how the individual

    blades are shaped and aligned. At the bottom of the figure is a computer

    generated figure of an entire axial compressor with both rotors and

    stators. The compressor is attached to a shaft which is connected to

    thepower turbineon the right end of the blue shaft. Here is an animated

    version of the axial compressorG

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    How does an a.ial compressor work?

    The details are 'uite complex because the blade geometries and theresulting flows are three dimensional, unsteady, and can have

    important viscous and compressibilityeffects. 2ach blade on a rotor or

    stator produces a pressure variation much li"e the airfoilof a

    spinningpropeller.0ut unli"e a propeller blade, the blades of an axial

    compressor are close to one another, which seriously alters the flow

    around each blade. =ompressor blades continuously pass through the

    wa"es of upstream blades that introduce unsteady flow variations.

    =ompressor designers must rely on wind tunneltesting and

    sophisticated computational modelsto determine the performance of an

    axial compressor. The performance is characteri/ed by the pressure ratio

    across the compressor %(), the rotational speed of the shaft necessary to

    produce the pressure increase, and an efficiency factor that indicates how

    much additional wor" is re'uired relative to an ideal compressor. There

    are additional important compressor topics, li"e stall and surge, that will

    be added to these pages in the future.


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    $ost modern passenger and military aircraft are powered by gasturbineengines, which are also called jet engines. There are several

    different typesof gas turbine engines, and all turbine engines have

    somepartsin common. All turbine engines have a combustor,

    or burner, in which the fuel is combined with high pressure air

    andburned.The resulting high temperature exhaust gas is used to turn

    thepower turbineand produce thrustwhen passed through a no//le.

    0urners are also used on ramjetand scramjetpropulsion systems. The

    design of ramjet and scramjet burners are slightly different than the

    burners used on gas turbine engines, although the basic thermodynamicprinciplesare the same.

    *n this page, we discuss the operation of a gas turbine burner. The burner

    is shown in red on the computer graphic at the lower right of the figure.

    The burner sits between the compressorand the power turbine. The

    burner is arranged li"e anannulus, or a doughnut, as shown by the three

    burner configurations at the lower left. The central shaft that connects the

    turbine and compressor passes through the center hole. 0urners are made

    from materials that can withstand the hightemperaturesof combustion. Aburner usually has an outer casing, shown in red, and an inner liner,

    shown in orange. The liner is often perforated to enhance mixing of the

    fuel and air, as shown in the photo at the upper right.

    There are three main types of combustors, and all three designs are found

    in modern gas turbinesG

    . The burner at the left is an annularcombustor with the liner sitting

    inside the outer casing which has been peeled open in the drawing.

    $any modern burners have an annular design.

    ). The burner in the middle is an older canor tubular design. The

    photo at the top left shows some actual burner cans. 2ach can has

    both a liner and a casing, and the cans are arranged around the

    central shaft.&. A compromise design is shown at the right. This is a can-

    annulardesign, in which the casing is annular and the liner is can#

    shaped. The advantage to the can#annular design is that the

    individual cans are more easily designed, tested, and serviced.


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    The details of mixing and burning the fuel are 'uite complex and re'uire

    extensive testing for a new burner. 9or our purposes, we can consider

    the burneras simply the place where combustion occurs and where the

    wor"ing fluid air temperature is raised with a slight decreasein


    $ost modern passenger and military aircraft are powered by gas

    turbineengines, which are also called jet engines. There are several

    different typesof gas turbine engines, but all turbine engines have

    somepartsin common. All gas turbine engines have a powerturbinelocated downstream of theburnerto extract energy from the hot

    flow and turn thecompressor. ;or"is done on the power turbine by the

    hot exhaust flow from the burner.

    /escription of $mages

    The bottom of the figure showsG

    computer drawings of a turbojetwith the location of the turbine

    relative to the other engine components, on the right


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    the turbine section alone with the central shaft attached to the

    turbine, on the left.

    +n both drawings, the turbine is magenta in color and the shaft is colored

    blue. The left end of the shaft would be attached to the compressor,whichis colored cyan in the drawing on the right. Here is an animated version

    of the turbine sectionG

    The upper left of the figure shows an actual power turbine. The turbine,li"e the compressor, is composed of several rows of airfoil cascades.

    (ome of the rows, called rotors, are connectedto the central shaft and

    rotate at high speed. *ther rows, called stators, are fixed and do not

    rotate. The job of the stators is to "eep the flow from spiraling around the

    axis by bringing the flow bac" parallel to the axis.

    4epending on the engine type,there may be multiple turbine stages

    present in the engine. Turbofanand turbopropengines usually employ a

    separate turbine and shaft to power the fan and gear box respectively.(uch an arrangement is termed atwo spoolengine. 9or some high

    performance engines, an additional turbine and shaft is present to power

    separate parts of the compressor. This arrangement produces a three

    spoolengine. The power turbine shown on the upper left of the figure is

    for a two spool, turbofan engine.

    /esign /etails


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    There are several interesting turbine design details present on this slide.

    (ince the turbine extracts energy from the flow, the

    pressure decreasesacross the turbine. The pressure gradient helps "eep

    theboundary layerflow attached to the surface of the turbine blades.

    (ince the boundary layer is less li"ely to separate on a turbine blade thanon a compressor blade, the pressure drop across a single turbine stage can

    be much greater than the pressure increase across a corresponding

    compressor stage. A single turbine stage can be used to dri*e multiple

    compressor stages'0ecause of the high pressure change across the

    turbine, the flow tends to lea" around the tips of the blades. The tips of

    turbine blades are often connected by a thin metal band to "eep the flow

    from lea"ing, as shown in the picture at the upper left.

    Turbine blades exist in a much more hostile environment than compressor

    blades. (itting just downstream of the burner, the blades experience flow

    temperatures of more than a thousand degrees 9ahrenheit. Turbine blades

    must be made of special materials that can withstand the heat, or they

    must be actively cooled. At the upper right of the figure, we show a

    picture of a single, actively cooled turbine blade. The blade is hollow and

    cool air, which is bled off the compressor, is pumped through the blade

    and out through the small holes on the surface to "eep the surface cool.


  • 5/20/2018 turbofan engine



    $ost modern passenger and military aircraft are powered by gas

    turbineengines, which are also called jet engines. There are several

    different typesof gas turbine engines, but all turbine engines have

    somepartsin common. All gas turbine engines have a no00leto

    produce thrust,to conduct the exhaust gases bac" to the free stream,and

    to set the mass flow ratethrough the engine. The no//le sits downstream

    of thepower turbine.

    A no//le is a relatively simple device, just a specially shaped tube

    through which hot gases flow. However, the mathematicswhich describe

    the operation of the no//le ta"es some careful thought. As shown above,

    no//les come in a variety of shapes and si/es depending on the mission of

    the aircraft. (imple turbojets,and turboprops,often have a fixed

    geometrycon*ergentno//le as shown on the left of the

    figure. Turbofanengines often employ a co-annularno//le as shown at

    the top left. The core flow exits the center no//le while the fan flow exits

    the annular no//le. $ixing of the two flows provides some thrustenhancement and these no//les also tend to be 'uieter than convergent


  • 5/20/2018 turbofan engine



    no//les. Afterburning turbojetsand turbofans re'uire a variable

    geometry con*ergent-di*ergent - %/no//le as shown on the left. +n this

    no//le, the flow first converges down to the minimum

    areaor throatthen is expanded through the divergent section to the exit

    at the right. The variable geometry causes these no//les to be heavierthan a fixed geometry no//le, but variable geometry provides efficient

    engine operation over a wider airflow range than a simple fixed no//le.

    ?oc"et enginesalso use no//les to accelerate hot exhaust to produce

    thrust. ?oc"et engines usually have a fixed geometry =4 no//le with a

    much larger divergent section than is re'uired for a gas turbine. Iou can

    explore the design and operation of no//les with our interactive no//le

    simulatorprogram which runs on your browser.

    All of the no//les we have discussed thus far are round tubes. ?ecently,

    however, engineers have been experimenting with no//les with

    rectangular exits. This allows the exhaust flow to be easily deflected,

    or vectored, as shown in the middle of the figure. =hanging the direction

    of the thrust with the no//le ma"es the aircraft much more maneuverable.

    0ecause the no//le conducts the hot exhaust bac" to the free stream, there

    can be serious interactions between the engine exhaust flow and the

    airflow around the aircraft. *n fighter aircraft, in particular, large drag

    penalties can occur near the no//le exits. A typical no00le-afterbodyconfiguration is shown in the upper right for an 9# with

    experimental maneuvering no//les. As with the inletdesign, the external

    no//le configuration is often designed by the airframer. The internal

    no//le is usually the responsibility of the engine manufacturer.



    1 Introduction

    2 Early turbofans

    3 Low bypass turbofans

    4 Afterburning turbofans

    5 igh!bypass turbofan engines

    " #urbofan configurations

    o "$1 %ingle shaft turbofan

    o "$2 Aft fan turbofan


  • 5/20/2018 turbofan engine



    o "$3 &asic two spool

    o "$4 &oosted two spool

    o "$5 #hree spool

    o "$" 'eared fan

    o "$( )ilitary turbofans

    o "$* igh +ressure #urbine

    o "$, Low +ressure #urbine

    ( -ycle i.pro/e.ents

    * #hrust growth

    , #echnical 0iscussion

    1 ecent de/elop.ents in blade technology

    11 #urbofan engine .anufacturers

    o 11$1 'eneral Electric

    o 11$2 -) International

    o 11$3 olls!oyce

    o 11$4 +ratt hitney

    o 11$5 A/iad/igatel

    12 E6tre.e bypass 7et engines

    13 #er.inology

    14 8ther .eanings

    15 9otes and references

    Welcome to the Beginner's Guide toPropulsion


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    What is propulsion? The word isderived from two Latinwords:promeaning before orforwards andpelleremeaning todrive. Propulsionmeans to pushforward or drive an object

    forward. A propulsion system is amachine that producesthrusttopush an object forward. Onairplanes thrust is usuallygenerated through someapplication of !ewton"sthirdlaw of action and reaction. A gasor working fluid is acceleratedby the engine and the reaction tothis acceleration produces aforce on the engine.


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    A general derivation of the thrust e#uationshows that the amount of thrust generateddepends on the mass flow through the engine and the e$it velocity of the gas. %ifferentpropulsion systems generate thrust in slightly different ways. We will discuss four principalpropulsion systems: the propellertheturbine &or jet'engine the ramjetand theroc(et.

    Why are there different types of engines? )f we thin( about !ewton"sfirst lawof motion we

    reali*e that an airplane propulsion system must serve two purposes. +irst the thrust fromthe propulsion system mustbalancethe drag of the airplane when the airplane is cruising.And second the thrust from the propulsion system must e$ceedthe drag of the airplanefor the airplane to accelerate. )n fact the greater the difference between the thrust and thedrag called thee$cess thrustthe faster the airplane will accelerate.

    ,ome aircraft li(e airliners and cargo planes spend most of their life in a cruise condition.+or these airplanes e$cess thrust is not as important as high engine efficiency andlow fuel usage.,ince thrust depends on both the amount of gas moved and the velocitywe can generate high thrust by accelerating a large mass of gas by a small amount or byaccelerating a small mass of gas by a large amount. -ecause of the aerodynamicefficiency ofpropellersand fansit is more fuel efficient to accelerate a large mass by asmall amount. That is why we find high bypass fans and turboprops on cargo planes andairliners.

    ,ome aircraft li(e fighter planes or e$perimental high speed aircraft re#uire very highe$cess thrust to accelerate #uic(ly and to overcome the high drag associated with highspeeds. +or these airplanes engine efficiency is not as important as very high thrust.odern military aircraft typically employ afterburnerson a low bypass turbofan core.+uture hypersonic aircraft will employ some type of ramjetor roc(et propulsion.

    The site was prepared at !A,A /lenn by the Learning Technologies 0roject &LT0' toprovide background informationon basic propulsion for secondary math and scienceteachers. The pages were originally prepared as teaching aidsto support1ngine,im aninteractive educational computer program that allows students to design and test jet

    engines on a personal computer. Other slides were prepared to support LT0videoconferencing wor(shops&http:22www.grc.nasa.gov2WWW2345627o127oemain.html' forteachers and students. And other slides were prepared as part of0ower 0oint0resentationsfor the %igital Learning !etwor(.

    There is a special section of the -eginner"s /uide which deals with compressible or highspeed aerodynamics. This section is intended for undergraduateswho arestudying shoc( wavesor isentropic flowsand contains severalcalculators andsimulatorsfor that flow regime.

    Common types

    #here are two types of 7et engine that are seen

    co..only today: the turbofan which is used on al.ost

    all co..ercial airliners: and roc;et engineswhich are

    used for spaceflightand other terrestrial uses such as

    e7ector seats: flares: firewor;s etc$


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    [edit]Turbofan enginesMain article: Turbofan

    )ost .odern 7et engines are actually turbofans: where

    the low pressure co.pressor acts as a fan: supplyingsupercharged air not only to the engine core: but to a

    bypass duct$ #he bypass airflow either passes to a


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    [edit]Rocket enginesMain article: Rocket engine

    A co..on for. of 7et engine is the roc;et engine$

    oc;et engines are used for high altitude flights becausethey gi/e /ery high thrustand their lac; of reliance on

    at.ospheric o6ygen allows the. to operate at arbitrary


    #his is used for launching satellites: space

    e6plorationand .anned access: and per.itted landing

    on the .oonin 1,",$

    owe/er: the high e6haust speed and the hea/ier:o6idiser!rich propellant results in .ore propellant use

    than turbo7ets: and their use is largely restricted to /ery

    high altitudes: /ery high speeds: or where /ery high

    accelerations are needed as roc;et engines the.sel/es

    ha/e a /ery high thrust!to!weight ratio$

    An appro6i.ate e@uation for the net thrust of a roc;et

    engine is

    hereFis the thrust:'sp(acis the specific

    i.pulse:g6is a standard gra/ity: is the propellant

    flow in ;gBs:Aeis the area of the e6haust bell at the

    e6it: and)is the at.ospheric pressure$

    [edit]General physical principles

    All 7et engines are reaction engines that generate

    thrust by e.itting a7etof fluid rearwards at relati/ely

    high speed$ #he forces on the inside of the engine

    needed to create this 7et gi/e a strong thrust on the

    engine which pushes the craft forwards$

    Cet engines .a;e their 7et fro. propellant fro.

    tan;age that is attached to the engine >as in a

  • 5/20/2018 turbofan engine



    fluid >/ery typically air? and e6pelling it at higher



    #he .otion i.pulse of the engine is e@ual to the fluid.ass .ultiplied by the speed at which the engine

    e.its this .ass

    I D . c

    where . is the fluid .ass per second and c is the

    e6haust speed$ In other words: a /ehicle gets the

    sa.e thrust if it outputs a lot of e6haust /ery

    slowly: or a little e6haust /ery @uic;ly$ >In practice

    parts of the e6haust .ay be faster than others:

    but it

  • 5/20/2018 turbofan engine



    % D . >c!/?

    #his e@uation i.plies that as / approaches

    c: a greater .ass of fluid .ust go through

    the engine to continue to accelerate at thesa.e rate: but all engines ha/e a designed

    li.it on this$ Additionally: the e@uation

    i.plies that the /ehicle canF? upon the

    /ehicle speedBe6haust speed ratio >/Bc? for air!

    breathing 7et and roc;et engines

    Energy efficiency >M? of 7et engines installedin /ehicles has two .ain

    co.ponents: cycle efficiency>Mc?! how

    efficiently the engine can accelerate the

    7et: andpropulsive efficiency>Mp?!how .uch

    of the energy of the 7et ends up in the

    /ehicle body rather than being carried

    away as ;inetic energy of the 7et$

    E/en though o/erall energy efficiency Missi.ply

    M N MpMc

    or all 7et engines thepropulsive

    efficiencyis highest when the engine

    e.its an e6haust 7et at a speed that is

    the sa.e as: or nearly the sa.e as: the

    /ehicle /elocity as this gi/es the

    s.allest residual ;inetic


  • 5/20/2018 turbofan engine



    energy$>9ote[2]? #he e6act for.ula for

    air!breathing engines .o/ing at

    speed (with an e6haust /elocity cis

    gi/en in the literature as[21]is

    And for a roc;et


    In addition to propulsi/e

    efficiency: another factor is cycle

    efficiency essentially a 7et

    engine is typically a for. of heat

    engine$ eat engine efficiency is

    deter.ined by the ratio of

    te.peratures that are reached in

    the engine to that they are

    e6hausted at fro. the no==le:

    which in turn is li.ited by

    the o/erall pressure ratiothatcan be achie/ed$ -ycle efficiency

    is highest in roc;et engines

    >G"H?: as they can achie/e

    e6tre.ely high co.bustion

    te.peratures and can ha/e /ery

    large: energy efficient no==les$

    -ycle efficiency in turbo7et and

    si.ilar is nearer to 3: thepractical co.bustion

    te.peratures and no==le

    efficiencies are .uch lower$


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    %pecific i.pulseas a function of speed

    for different 7et types with ;erosene

    fuel >hydrogen Ispwould be about twice

    as high?$ Although efficiency plu..etswith speed: greater distances are

    co/ered: it turns out that efficiency per

    unit distance >per ;. or .ile? is

    roughly independent of speed for 7et

    engines as a group howe/er airfra.es

    beco.e inefficient at supersonic



    A closely related >but different?

    concept to energy efficiency is

    the rate of consu.ption of

    propellant .ass$ +ropellant

    consu.ption in 7et engines is

    .easured by !pecific Fuel

    Consumption: !pecificimpulseor Effective exhaust

    velocity$ #hey all .easure the

    sa.e thing: specific i.pulse and

    effecti/e e6haust /elocity are

    strictly proportional: whereas

    specific fuel consu.ption is

    in/ersely proportional to the


    or airbreathing engines such as

    turbo7ets energy efficiency and

    propellant >fuel? efficiency are

    .uch the sa.e thing: since the

    propellant is a fuel and the

    source of energy$ In roc;etry: the

    propellant is also the e6haust:

    and this .eans that a highenergy propellant gi/es better


  • 5/20/2018 turbofan engine



    propellant efficiency but can in

    so.e cases actually can

    gi/e lowerenergy efficiency$













    n s






    "et engine


    m6.7 &67 &&6 &,)86


    "et engine




    5.7 )) 8& 8,8)&

    ?amjet $ 8. )5 @66 5,@55






    de $)




    &! &&.@ &,6) )7,&








    &! 5. ,76 @,866






    level6.&65 @.%7%





  • 5/20/2018 turbofan engine



    [edit]Thrust"to"#eightratioMain article: Thrust-to-weight

    ratio#he thrust to weight ratio of 7et

    engines of si.ilar principles

    /aries so.ewhat with scale: but

    .ostly is a function of engine

    construction technology$ -learly

    for a gi/en engine: the lighter the

    engine: the better the thrust to

    weight is: the less fuel is used toco.pensate for drag due to the

    lift needed to carry the engine

    weight: or to accelerate the .ass

    of the engine$

    As can be seen in the following

    table: roc;et engines generally

    achie/e /ery .uch higher thrust

    to weight ratios than ductenginessuch as turbo7et and

    turbofan engines$ #his is

    pri.arily because roc;ets al.ost

    uni/ersally use dense li@uid or

    solid reaction .ass which gi/es a

    .uch s.aller /olu.e and hence

    the pressurisation syste. that

    supplies the no==le is .uchs.aller and lighter for the sa.e

    perfor.ance$ 0uct engines ha/e

    to deal with air which is 2!3

    orders of .agnitude less dense

    and this gi/es pressures o/er

    .uch larger areas: and which in

    turn results in .ore engineering

    .aterials being needed to hold


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    the engine together and for the

    air co.pressor$



    weight ratio

    =oncordes ?olls#?oyce>(necma

    *lympus 7&turbojet

    8.6 with


    left to

    right? turboshaft: low

    bypassandturbo7etto fly at 1 ;.

    altitude in /arious speeds$ ori=ontal

    a6is ! speed: .Bs$ Jertical a6is displays

    engine efficiency$

    #urbopropsobtain little thrust

    fro. 7et effect: but are useful forco.parison$ #hey are gas turbine


  • 5/20/2018 turbofan engine



    engines that ha/e a rotating fan

    that ta;es and accelerates the

    large .ass of air but by a

    relati/ely s.all change in speed$

    #his low speed li.its the speed of

    any propeller dri/en airplane$

    hen the plane speed e6ceeds

    this li.it: propellers no longer

    pro/ide any thrust >c!/ K ?$

    owe/er: because they

    accelerate a large .ass of air:

    turboprops are /ery efficient$

    turbo7etsand other si.ilar

    engines accelerate a .uch

    s.aller .ass of the air and

    burned fuel: but they e.it it at

    the .uch higher speeds possible

    with a de La/al no==le$ #his is

    why they are suitable for

    supersonic and higher speeds$

    Low bypass turbofansha/e the

    .i6ed e6haust of the two air

    flows: running at different speeds

    >c1 and c2?$ #he thrust of such

    engine is

    % D .1 >c1 ! /? H .2 >c2 ! /?

    where .1 and .2 are the air

    .asses: being blown fro. theboth e6hausts$ %uch engines

    are effecti/e at lower speeds:

    than the pure 7ets: but at

    higher speeds than the

    turboshafts and propellers in

    general$ or instance: at the

    1 ;. altitude: turboshafts

    are .ost effecti/e atabout )ach$4 >$4 ti.es the


  • 5/20/2018 turbofan engine



    speed of sound?: low bypass

    turbofans beco.e .ore

    effecti/e at about )ach $(5

    and turbo7ets beco.e .ore

    effecti/e than .i6ed e6haust

    engines when the speed

    approaches )ach 2!3$

    oc;et enginesha/e

    e6tre.ely high e6haust

    /elocity and thus are best

    suited for high speeds

    >hypersonic? and great

    altitudes$ At any gi/en

    throttle: the thrust and

    efficiency of a roc;et .otor

    i.pro/es slightly with

    increasing altitude >because

    the bac;!pressure falls thus

    increasing net thrust at the

    no==le e6it plane?: whereas

    with a turbo7et >or turbofan?the falling density of the air

    entering the inta;e >and the

    hot gases lea/ing the no==le?

    causes the net thrust to

    decrease with increasing

    altitude$ oc;et engines are

    .ore efficient than e/en

    scra.7ets abo/e roughly )ach15$[2*]

    [edit]$ltitude andspeed

    ith the e6ception

    of scra.7ets: 7et engines:

    depri/ed of their inlet syste.s

    can only accept air at aroundhalf the speed of sound$ #he


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    inlet syste.

  • 5/20/2018 turbofan engine



    @uietest: whereas the fastest

    7ets are the loudest$

    Although so.e /ariation in 7et

    speed can often be arrangedfro. a 7et engine >such as by

    throttling bac; and ad7usting

    the no==le? it is difficult to

    /ary the 7et speed fro. an

    engine o/er a /ery wide

    range$ #herefore since

    engines for supersonic

    /ehicles such as -oncorde:

    .ilitary 7ets and roc;ets

    inherently need to ha/e

    supersonic e6haust at top

    speed: so these /ehicles are

    especially noisy e/en at low



    designs[edit]&"'( combinedram)etturbo)et

    #he %!(1 &lac;birdabo/e

    )ach 2$4?: the engine used

    /ariable geo.etry /anes to

    direct e6cess air through "

    bypass pipes fro.

    downstrea. of the fourth

    co.pressor stage into the


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    afterburner$[3]* of the %!


  • 5/20/2018 turbofan engine



    in the for. of li@uid

    hydrogenit has a density one

    fourteenth that of water$ It is

    also deeply cryogenic and

    re@uires /ery significant

    insulation that precludes it

    being stored in wings$ #he

    o/erall /ehicle would end up

    being /ery large: and difficult

    for .ost airports to

    acco..odate$ inally: pure

    hydrogen is not found in

    nature: and .ust be.anufactured either /ia

    stea. refor.ing or e6pensi/e

    electrolysis$ 9e/ertheless:

    research is ongoing and

    hydrogen!fueled aircraft

    designs do e6ist that .ay be


    [edit]+recooled )etenginesMain article: Precooled jetengine

    An idea originated by obert

    +$ -ar.ichael in 1,55[31]is

    that hydrogen!fueled engines

    could theoretically ha/e .uchhigher perfor.ance than

    hydrocarbon!fueled engines if

    a heat e6changer were used

    to cool the inco.ing air$ #he

    low te.perature allows lighter

    .aterials to be used: a higher

    .ass!flow through the

    engines: and per.its

    co.bustors to in7ect .ore fuel


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    without o/erheating the


    #his idea leads to plausible

    designs li;e eaction Engines%A&E: that .ight

    per.it single!stage!to!orbit

    launch /ehicles:[32]and A#EM:

    which could per.it 7et

    engines to be used up to
