Tumors of kidney & urinary tract 2012


Transcript of Tumors of kidney & urinary tract 2012

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To discuss

Cystic Lesions of Kidney

Common Tumors of kidney and

Urinary bladder

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Learning OutcomesClassify cystic diseases of kidney

Explain pathogenesis of adult

&childhood polycystic kidney diseases

Describe Morphology of adult

&childhood polycystic kidney diseases

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Learning Outcomes Classify tumors of kidney and bladder

Compare and discuss

age and sex prdeominance & incidence, genetic, clinical presentation & clinical course, morphology, prognosis of

Renal cell carcinoma

Wilms Tumor

Transitional cell carcinoma

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Cystic Diseases of the KidneyCystic diseases of the kidney are

heterogeneous, comprising



acquired disorders

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Classification of renal cysts 1. Multicystic renal dysplasia

2. Polycystic kidney disease

a. Autosomal-dominant (adult) polycystic


b. Autosomal-recessive (childhood)

polycystic disease

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Classification of renal cysts 3. Medullary cystic disease

a.Medullary sponge kidney

b. Nephronophthisis

4. Acquired (dialysis-associated)

cystic disease

5. Localized (simple) renal cysts

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Classification of renal cysts 6. Renal cysts in hereditary

malformation syndromes (e.g.,

tuberous sclerosis)

7. Glomerulocystic disease

8. Extraparenchymal renal cysts

(pyelocalyceal cysts, hilar

lymphangitic cysts)

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Adult polycystic kidney diseaseInheritance

Autosomal dominant

Pathologic Features

Large multicystic kidneys, liver

cysts, berry aneurysms

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Adult polycystic kidney diseaseClinical Features or Complications

Hematuria, flank pain, urinary tract

infection, renal stones, hypertension

Chronic renal failure beginning at

age 40–60 years

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Adult polycystic kidney disease

A hereditary disorder

characterized by multiple

expanding cysts of both kidneys

that ultimately destroy the renal

parenchyma and cause renal


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Adult polycystic kidney disease

Despite the autosomal dominant


the manifestation of the disease


mutation of both alleles of either

PKD gene

mutations in genes located on


16p13.3 (PKD1) & 4q21 (PKD2)

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Adult polycystic kidney disease

Genetics and Pathogenesis

The PKD1 gene encodes

a large integral membrane protein

named polycystin-1 which has

a large extracellular region, multiple

transmembrane domains, and a short

cytoplasmic tail

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Adult polycystic kidney diseaseGenetics and Pathogenesis

The PKD2 gene product polycystin-2 is an integral membrane protein

It has been localized to all segments of the renal tubules and is also expressed in many extrarenal tissues

Polycystin-2 functions as a Ca2+-permeable cation channel, and a basic defect in ADPKD is a disruption in the regulation of intracellular Ca2+ levels

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Genetics and Pathogenesis

The epithelial cells of the kidney each contain

a single nonmotile primary cilium, a 2–3 μm

long hairlike organelle that projects into the

tubular lumen from the apical surface of

tubular cells

Function of cilium in tubular cells-

sense mechanical signals (mechanosensor)

to monitor changes in fluid flow and shear


Adult polycystic kidney disease

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Genetics and Pathogenesis

In response to external signals, these

sensors regulate ion flux (cilia can

induce Ca2+ flux in cultured kidney

epithelial cells) and cellular behavior,

including cell polarity and proliferation

The hypothesis that defects in

mechanosensing, Ca2+ flux, and signal

transduction underlie cyst formation

Adult polycystic kidney disease

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Genetics and Pathogenesis

Both polycystin-1 and polycystin-2 are

localized to the primary cilium

Polycystin-1 and polycystin-2 may form a

protein complex that acts to regulate

intracellular Ca2+ in response to fluid flow,

perhaps because fluid moving through the

kidney tubules causes ciliary bending that

opens Ca2+ channels


Adult polycystic kidney disease

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Genetics and Pathogenesis

Mutation of either of the PKD genes

lead to

loss of the polycystin complex or the

formation of an aberrant complex

changes in intracellular Ca2+ level

Adult polycystic kidney disease

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Genetics and Pathogenesi

second-messenger effects of Ca2+ lead to

changes in cellular proliferation

basal levels of apoptosis

interactions with the ECM

secretory function of the epithelia

that together result in the characteristic feature of ADPKD

Adult polycystic kidney disease

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Adult polycystic kidney disease

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Genetics and Pathogenesis

Progressive enlargement of cyst result from increase in the number of cells caused by abnormal

proliferationexpanding volume of intraluminal fluid caused by

abnormal secretion from epithelial cells lining the cysts

mediators in cyst fluids enhance fluid secretion and induce inflammation

These abnormalities contribute to further enlargement of cysts and the interstitial fibrosis characteristic of progressive polycystic kidney disease.

Adult polycystic kidney disease

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Morphology (Gross)

kidneys are usually bilaterally


external surface appears to be

composed solely of a mass of cysts,

up to 3 to 4 cm in diameter, with no

intervening parenchyma

Adult polycystic kidney disease

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Adult polycystic kidney diseaseMorphology (Gross)

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Adult polycystic kidney diseaseMicroscopic examination reveals

functioning nephrons dispersed between the cysts

The cysts may be filled with a clear, serous fluid or, more usually, with turbid, red to brown, sometimes hemorrhagic fluid

The cysts arise from the tubules throughout the nephron and therefore have variable lining epithelia

On occasion, papillary epithelial formations and polyps project into the lumen

Bowman capsules are occasionally involved in cyst formation, and glomerular tufts may be seen within the cystic space

As these cysts enlarge, they may encroach on the calyces and pelvis to produce pressure defects

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Childhood polycystic kidney diseaseInheritance

Autosomal recessive

Pathologic Features

Enlarged, cystic kidneys at birth

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Chidhood polycystic kidney diseaseClinical Features or Complications

Hepatic fibrosis

Variable, death in infancy or


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depending on the time of presentation and presence of associated hepatic lesions

1. Perinatal

2. Neonatal

3. Infantile

4. juvenile

Chidhood polycystic kidney disease

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Genetic and Pathogenesis

Mutations of the PKHD1 gene, which maps to chromosome region 6p21–p23

PKHD1 gene encodes a large novel protein, fibrocystin

Fibrocystin is an integral membrane protein with a large extracellular region, a single transmembrane component, and a short cytoplasmic tail

Chidhood polycystic kidney disease

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Chidhood polycystic kidney disease

Genetic and Pathogenesis

Fibrocystin also has been localized to the

primary cilium of tubular cells

The function of fibrocystin is unknown

its putative conformational structure

indicates it may be a cell surface

receptor with a role in collecting-duct

and biliary differentiation

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MorphologyThe kidneys are enlarged and have a

smooth external appearance

On cut section, numerous small cysts in the cortex and medulla give the kidney a spongelike appearance

Dilated elongated channels are present at right angles to the cortical surface, completely replacing the medulla and cortex

Chidhood polycystic kidney disease

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Chidhood polycystic kidney disease


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MorphologyOn microscopic examination, there is cylindrical or, less commonly, saccular dilation of all collecting tubules

The cysts have a uniform lining of cuboidal cells, reflecting their origin from the collecting ducts.

Chidhood polycystic kidney disease

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Papillary Adenoma




Juxtaglomerular apparatus tumorJuxtaglomerular apparatus tumor

MALIGNANTRenal cell CA(Adenoca.) Renal cell CA(Adenoca.)

Wilm’s tumorWilm’s tumor


Primary sarcomasPrimary sarcomas

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RENAL CELL CARCINOMA (RCC)1-3% of all visceral cancers, 85% of all renal cancer

Most common 60-70 years ; M:F = 2:1

Risk factors Smoking, obesity, hypertension Unopposed estrogen Rx Asbestos, petroleum products & heavy metals CRF & acquired cystic disease (30 folds ) Familial (4%)

Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) syndrome

Hereditary clear cell carcinoma

Hereditary papillary carcinoma

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Grossly: Mainly polar, spherical yellow

variegated tumor with hemorrhagic,

necrotic & cystic areas. May extend into

renal v.


Clear cell carcinoma: (70-80%)

Papillary carcinoma: (10-15%)

Chromophobe renal carcinoma (5%)

Sarcomatoid carcinoma


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Clear cell carcinomaMost common ,70-80% of renal


Clear cells with clear or granular


Majority are sporadic

Familial forms : von Hippel-Lindau

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Site - any portion of the kidney, but more commonly affects the polessolitary unilateral lesions, spherical massescomposed of bright yellow-gray-white tissue that distorts the renal outlinelarge areas of ischemic, opaque, gray-white necrosis, and foci of hemorrhagic discolorationThe margins are usually sharply defined and confined within the renal capsule

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Clear cell carcinomasolid to trabecular

or tubular growth


rounded or

polygonal shape and

abundant clear or

granular cytoplasm,

which contains

glycogen and lipids

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Papillary RCC

10-15% of all renal cancer

Papillary growth pattern

Frequently multifocal &bilateral

Appear as early stage tumor

most common cytogenetic

abnormalities are trisomies 7, 16, and


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Papillary RCCarise from distal convoluted tubules

multifocal and bilateral

typically hemorrhagic and cystic

especially when large

most common type of renal cancer

in patients who develop dialysis-

associated cystic disease

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Papillary RCC

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Chromophobe renal carcinoma

5% of all RCC

Arise from cortical collecting ducts or

their intercalated cells

composed of cells with prominent cell

membranes and pale eosinophilic

cytoplasm, usually with a halo around the


General good prognosis

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Chromophobe renal carcinoma

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Clinical features of RCCThree classic diagnostic features of renal cell


Hematuria (50%), costovertebral pain, mass

Asymptomatic/incidental finding

Constitutional symptoms (fever, malaise,

weakness, and weight loss)

Present with metastasis (lungs and bones )

Paraneoplastic syndromes

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Clinical features of RCC

Paraneoplastic syndromesPolycythemia 5-10%


Cushing’s syndrome


Feminization or masculinization

Eosinophilia, leukemoid reactions, and


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Common characteristics of this tumor is

its tendency to metastasize widely

before giving rise to any local

symptoms or signs

locations of metastasis are the lungs

(more than 50%) and bones (33%),

followed in frequency by the regional

lymph nodes, liver, adrenal, and brain.

Clinical features of RCC

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Renal cell CarcinomaPrognosis: 5 yr survival is around

70% in the absence of distant


With renal vein invasion or

extension into the perinephric fat,

the figure is reduced to

approximately 15% to 20%

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Clear Cell Clear Cell Renal Cell CarcinomaRenal Cell Carcinoma

Total nephrectomyTotal nephrectomy


(Most common renal tumor in adults)(Most common renal tumor in adults)

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Renal cell carcinoma

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Renal cell carcinoma

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Renal Cell Carcinoma, Clear Cell, Type(microscopic)

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Wilms Tumor1 in every 10,000 children in the

United States

most common primary renal tumor

of childhood

peak incidence for Wilms tumor is

between 2 and 5 years of age

5% to 10% of Wilms tumors involve

both kidneys

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Congenital anomalies related:

WAGR syndrome: WT1 (11p13)

DENYS-DRASH syndrome: similar



syndrome: WT2


Wilms Tumor

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Wilms TumorClinicalClinical

• Good outcome with early diagnosis.

Tumor has

tendency to easily metastasize

major complaint is associated with large

size of the tumor - readily palpable mass

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Wilms Tumor• less common complaints include

a) fever

b) abdominal pain

c) hematuria

d) intestinal obstruction


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circumbscribed soft tan-gray

homogenous tumor

MICRO: Blastemal, stromal and

epithelial elements

Prognosis: Currently 90% long

term survival

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MICRO: Blastemal, stromal and epithelial elements

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MICRO: Blastemal, stromal and epithelial elements

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Renal pelvis carcinomaTransitional & squamous

carcinomas of renal pelvis

5-10% of renal neoplasms

Often small and present early with

Painless Hematuria

Pain or mass due to


May be multifocal

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Renal pelvis carcinoma


variable, depend on stage & grade

Despite removal by

nephrectomy :50% 5 YSR

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Transitional Cell CarcinomaGross

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Urinary bladder tumors

Exophytic papilloma

Inverted papilloma

Papillary urothelial neoplasms of low malignant potential

Low grade and high grade papillary urothelial cancers

Carcinoma in situ (CIS, or flat non-invasive urothelial


Mixed carcinoma


Small-cell carcinoma


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Bladder Carcinoma

Derived from transitional


Present with painless hematuria

Prognosis depends on grade and

depth of invasion

Overall 5y survival = 50%

Things you must know

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Bladder CarcinomaMorphology

The gross patterns of urothelial tumors vary

from purely papillary to nodular or flat

Papillary lesions appear as red, elevated

excrescences varying in size from less

than 1 cm in diameter to large masses up

to 5 cm in diameter

Multicentric origins

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Urinary bladder tumors

large papillary tumor

multifocal smaller papillary neoplasms

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Bladder CarcinomaGrading of Urothelial (Transitional Cell Ca)

WHO/ISUP Grades  Urothelial pappiloma  Urothelial neoplasm of low malignant potential  

Papillary urothelial carcinoma low gradePapillary urothelial carcinoma, high grade

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Low-grade papillary urothelial carcinoma with an overall orderly appearance, with a thicker lining than papilloma and scattered hyperchromatic nuclei and mitotic figures (arrows)

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High-grade papillary urothelial carcinoma

with marked cytologic atypia

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Flat carcinoma in situ