*/- p in bas mt lim pleasant example "t chatting shoat Old fi. ml- ups. His p. per is full of what are tailed pcisonalltiea ; and aili garv* to thaw thy Strait.; -la. ed ol his own countrj men fat pub. lisheii glimp*aa bato private lifo do not slways ta- volvo iii offence again*! good-breeding or good t. .-. rer he went he kept hu eyes open, li i- .:. thing i" and bim in tho whorlbou.I the Nesrpotl uni New-Vnik steamboat. He i- hn- p: sand, as .all n:ig!isi-,ni.:i aji , with tl'" bobs ol I*..-- boots, *ad not les* bv'the skill with which they are handled In coming into lock. In nfortabli as they e. li |«1 l.t . " |, ( lg. trreat sneed, aod Mn- n ntinn on the par! . I'm thej \ la his opiiiioo, one great f illneseof the uncovered space on stork lol tbe enjoyment ol scent i; fr. ih ait. The '-'. -- fis Grace nn- naiitii: !i\ ii - lillis th.- hank.deck." '¦¦ of ibe Vn iii' "trk".la not available ft ir pas>cn«rcrs, sud be tkinka it might t not for the d*n- t"M foam he walkina>heam. 1 he naval arcbi th.- period "ill perhaps and menus to conatrnct a promeiiini" without Immolating any victims to tbe moiistei wboai tho Duke iuds so olsrrnina\ (...iitiii t emote will be glad to bear thal Ihe I nike nf Argyll thinks bis Cvoriot* collection ooah t.. ha V* 1> ill piilcbu-etl fni I be British Mil-cam : ll opiuioi, which ninst British ex nerta share. "Ow Amelie in friends," .*''.s the recretfnl Bi il m, " «1 t * good atroke of bnsiness In secorina ii furaauni assail lu c wnp*rlson with its gre*! value it tbe his tory of aneienl art. Il urns! I.Ided thal the wealthy and enterprising nt icena who secured it for the Ne* World shoo a prcper appreciation ol the prise, .ij,i1 thal the illustrations snd il* riptions S*f Sh* many cunnii-, and beautiful objects il mi- taius, which have been executed In America under Bes directions, are worthy of their th. tnt." Thrifty Heat a* ho ls, the Dnke is greatly luipres* tl hy the ire ..th ami luxury -.f New-York a . '1 both iu its public nnd private buildings. He even alleges this wealth in aappori of the "i.i World saying lhal '.lie rle* ate getting richer and the :"."!' Vt.met which. BO lol as the il'tl W'.'ll Ifl "t'e ml, il iii ira] i doubted, srherc is, in Nen "foi k, \ i- ieaeao ..i us truth ere ce Costly aud e**jsertatb>ns house* are far utorc common In New- Yotk thai, ii Loesdeei, says his Grace the oir-'.le. tliiit is ceri ai"ly tm ., bul thc Duke, if he had aol been in a Sturry, mig ll have ntca) retied th:ii the Amer.can on ta fal more in 11 xii riot ornamoototl *n of bia dwelling than tbe i in .ines, li may Ijc t!.'.' he clint bis outside neighbor think, oi 1..- i .. apiril tn contribui ngtoi bounty nt t' city, "i- a Bounder nol ion of an lr or tot any Ot] I ml or bil Betther ran he no donbt of the fart. In it ai. Ml ndon ia tbe i ..¦ nest. N. w-1 of tbe rn .s, lld Mn' I interiors, he would perhni eiillio I" ii tl lleielit et.;;- ll I n I!" il. "iv I v bi ;. ¦. al '. penal hi .-¦ "'.. sale of luxuries, .-re nu an M enormous " nie. lie rinnba I 1 the Old W in-iil a -os. .i ol elry and othei ml tn \ ie i rori nth-1 Wt.men' l. ¦> t! I nd 11 a little ii tbs din*' rem a between titi whicl to viii, a u. .'. ii .. y to Bpi ul. lorn ii..' the 1 'ak.' saj on igrii lure, 1 f.'i you to bis article, whit ': I .! thc mon i ag he apo i this toole m ii r< urn hist Summer. Ni must I ; .ni into lally, «I. favorite pursuit. l"ut 1 cannot omit to mention the roted to thc rehabilitation of thi loan Eagle. Thc iii id ol Freedom baa, we noa for the ii at limo learn, bee* unjuatlj disoaraswd. "ile Las I.- d on high authority of li piracy, nol ii. Ii.uk fm ni...- li, but baael] using bia aapt ri.-r we gb! aud atrength i compel tbe oapn y, a prof. udo ii .i to give up its p. li wide] tb c,i',ii.i ) thai Fi inkliu en this | 'it-ttc.i 1 ia adoption ;.- emblem nt tba United Btates." Audubon and WllsMi feud ib to tbe Achoo. Bul in Dui v. ard as .i to character, ll* describe* with grce! hov. a true whit, -hooded sag ion iw Liui-K.il in the fi. itigoni lie. anil doclarea timi though lie often sa* li the same rivoi be novel foBBd it followed or mt Never iigain, Ui ,Iel ualirten lo those wm. malian th* Natioual bird. To an Englishman aod ;t Duke it-.-;.-i rved to do bim Justice, sud \ indicai. bis place on tl - lieU of tbe I 'alon. Thc DukeV lost psragntpli 1 qa it* lu fall: I r**nnt iinirliirlr Mils vt rr hssij sketch of ii Baprestlon. of tue Hew vi.ii wit!.t ibanki maa? frle*d* and countrymen, Un in Hie htatei -i la lb. I ... n a t... ,i hospital \ vis.- i- kindness. Clreiimstane. me ti. ty, and te lind mr occupations In tl." weeds Bul I aaa » una, ne tba! even tue nsosl inatanittcai areal iph tu. loo. in ' maila ¦ . I ¦... ii \ strom ian si heine. 1 -.1 ll- v- baostil le »i and i ii le lt ttl . rer.. i- np i ol thu tull fati.i Tin jK*!it ¦. american Wenda n nj be penni; ed t<> hope that, on some future visit, cir- . iiuinI'm.-. will not oompel b.iif t* avoid Muir s*eltty. We sh iii probably remember bis "in- signii oee* a year or two longer, and even aoot! i rna*] . i anoth. i pilbil- dinner woui.! iml i-xtin/': di oar gratitude. e.w.*. THE 11: ls ll RRLil I' Vol LMI..\ r. * "boamssn, sosnrSey, Jsas. 10 ISSO. Tin- Cathodic Bishsp ot the Dtoeeea of AaSaary, Ireland, in aaknowledglng ii in inn euliatiilp t.ou Sar th* relief ot tan Steer*** bi IrolanS. .lucila oa the ult.t'lil | .million nt his tint k, and tie. taros that lt is sssjnfal t*Mrelahess the band taward Aassrie* ami i-'ranc rather th** te flnutishnu' i'. a j,- ia ntl, who yearly reeerves millions fi om Ireland as taxes. AS rXTSBVTBW wi ill OBS I OBBB. till" ii out.. Jun. lu. -V. H. MrN lin"", pn-s'.tlrnf nf the SI Patrleh Seetaty sfMeafreal, Mr. Kvao. M P., nilli Ml i '.il'-n les wa-liil tm (I,- (,,\. ¦*> OS*a**l *B* iirv*eii;.-ti a petition. baaoS a* iha wielle** puf-i A it tue Moat.-. .<! meelina in remtion tn the. ursafe B**r, ts* tiau>in!- in io fie (Jpasea IS* n.titioii itsk«'l IS* queen . i*t**o**sSoratkra th* hMstsSipa t* ohsa* ker subj -s, lae lana tenants of lrelan.1. aro exposed, aad asia* »*o*t aaah legjalahoo ni the.r favor as will remedy th- evils of their position. Br. MoBamaa acted ¦egp*k***s*a, :.uii t-xpiauie'i Hint the raaolaiiowa imo been na-- n ai a largely *t****ted tatettag in Montreal. The Bevi im.r soM, " I -will tr:in«n.lr it.'* attar which he i-*fas...i iii ooavereatto* with the asemben ff Mn- doest- taUni. He aouks of ths snooess of tin Duehesa ofltarl- imrini'.'!' ii.mi, nnd rerrette.l the sngerla* thai existed luseveirtl po is nf lia laud. The-.milli lenani farm, rsuji- paaaod ta kim lo b* th*greatest asJtBrera, ns was tue .ase in S" ot anti. Tura.ii< te Mr. M.-Nsmee.Lonl l/irne utnaiketl "Whv ctn I... n n. iga ] nm !>i u[i!i. to sosa* te USoiHia, n i,.-..- ste hs ve los of room tor them f It ls onlr the timi step, ynit know, t.,at la pan,fa'i tin v BOOM MSSMSR km ami nrusailakera,and (hut '.- a areal laOoceBieat.'' Mr. V.-Ntiiit-' said he Sid aol wlsi to see all the Irlah ].eo|»ll' I** VB Hull' ll iii Ive Null. b*t ll tS* fitiveriiliiciit t ..nu»iioi n with a big-lsearteS immigration sclieme ba ¦HTould user lt. After n lew remarks tke deputation v.-tinrtreir pies'etl witlt the corni.ons woy iu which they Int* bein rreeivi U. Cl BAN AFFAIRS. Havana, Jan. 10..The latest accouutH fnun Florida say that General Grant will probably anil for Havana on the steamer Admiral next week, lt ls also reported that General Grant may visit Nassau before iamine here. Tbs United States war steamer Kearssrge, Commander riokenos, arrived here to-day from Ituatan, Honduras, and will sall for Kev West on Monday. Tbe Coast Sur- vsv steamer Blake arrived here on the Ssh inst., snd .siled to-day. She will consume several months lu tak- 8ng sonnJIiiBs In the Old Bahama Channel and in mak¬ in mtier investigations connected with h*r especial dunes The Commander-General of tbe Marine has Ol ten ortter-' to tbe marine authorities to render assist¬ ance to th« Blake If needed. GaptalB-Geners) Blanco has arrived at JiguanL POLITICS AGAINST OHAl.TI'Y THE >r.\\lsll FETE IHH.UTiilN 11\"G. g] M ll Ol l li lAl I W1TIII IMW iiikih IAVUR Iii'i I Tilt 1 . 11V »I. IN Alli nf Till M1RCIIV -i;- 1 B POI HIM 1.1 S.SOK8 Ai.fNsl A < TIA1 rrai. ui nu in...a ham v om »rsi a i ttres> TSIRMEB1 mi iMI cl A UKtQt'B .' n ;N.\I. AMT.' i.i vi .Nt- HU l ISAM ni. lalla: i'll-. li rom i si mon n t>r tiu mini si 1 Pa Hit Dec. lO..Tbi fete at tbe Ilippodromi anything liki lb* . xi. ni tb*! ita organizers a few riaya u"> rxperted. Official dnv natobea trout Admiral Jaures, received led too official world to witl quietly Muir patronage. M. Waddington, who ii.nl poid COU franc* fm h's box, it was known '.¦ el and would leave it empty, and Presid ntlirevvs< il nord to Queen Isabella Lhal lb i i... of tin weatbei and ni ai-. li. ..in would prevenl bia nttendancc. Gan also excu ed himself to Ihe com ii ittee. II" did no! dare vent ont when tb< tbermometcr would bel iw freeaing point. 11!;.:- he confided hts true n aeon to M. Lafltto, tha mern- .-I un press commit tot liesl acquainted with ni told bim a piece ol bis mind anon! Don alphonso aud the German Camarilla, in whose hands the King ni Wnilst the Ageno. Haras was onlygil ing the oews- ¦- here nndineveri other capital futile detail* ah ml tbe dall} life of his M jc ty and hu M.ii n I tide, \ d i.iii a! .ian., ¦¦/. oas ri porting sa tuatlon of extreme tension. Ibe opposition lu tba I ." 1 be gi " rabi wera "ettlklng*1 lo i msideralde numbers. There wa* a univeraal M.. it ii r/ Pam po*, who is a man "I honor and a straightforward, binni soldier, bad been bnmbugge 1 all al mg bj Ibe ('eu nt aa Girgenl i. il.- Kitts and Ca novaa del Castillo, non* of whom ever Intended to fulfil the pledge he made in Cuba lo emancipate the Muck population. There was widespread conviction thal the Court faction i.iei .-.niii'n. bo had advanced money to family for the weddlog, had au in I- opii g Cul a agitate ': One of the e t&xebange worthies bad nlitan .a. lil ionetl -ii cooa iii., King which bia Majcstj wa in settle ii thc Quo in. Unless ba had found it would have been uo marriage, tbe Imp rial i having had oulj sni*H confidence in the stability nf l ne Spaniab throne. itiii who! lerelod the popular sen! Imenl \. ii> lim i-i '- ..: ni in anil the iiaii-!. iemil attitude our! iiinl ol tbe nen Premier, who, in no.-I in te to a mot sfonfre from Vienn*, have been eiidi ,r- dual tbe usiiiL' tide ol Miy lor french Kepnblic. Admit.il >ort ty nil nothing had ao mi a .ia ii >. J i he Ho) al family and ' ie tion behind it as tne mannei in which Spanish li id 1" in kindli tl up bj french chi >wn in i' movement mi on fmit in Paris to en 'itt- i. id in i... i. ef o the i n um- lt was arranged Iry the muntct- palitii d towna Illuminate theil ieeein bel 18 In lo il;- P*i iaiaue, A l-l at Sat ional inti foi;.1 to ii inn thanks to i.i I'liisnii v. illi ilia) ni Sp t Ii." A C iii! nil A tho oresi.it in till ds ooromittee; and thc music!- I appointed to i ro¬ il. Ad. ii .1 lures, i be serenade wa* prohibited tr tlie french li no!ice til .i ll wa to come 1 oreig .-Ml.li¬ ll moy to explain thal no nu- iin m! iward the I of M. ii ni-t taken ,.v tba ti v, who i.n ni iiiat in tin-1 cited ate1 ol Madrid fin- concert li of td" frenob Embassy migbl degenerute into a Bennblieau manifestutiou. Hence tb* Issi mt: lit oi the official tribunes il the Hippodrome, and tho silence kepi to-day ni ii ..i? tbe fi i" by the R ipublican journal*. ,~, tn all Intent - and porpooee, Queen of the netoioatenoons < "i pam lu which rise found henel! las! night. Bb* cnn.' nt IO o' and nlthdrow at abonl boll pas! ii. Maji --ly and her lailie* * ¦. ami white lace veils * i'.s 'luis kum id I .i.i; bul the ¦. v. ,¦:, i .. exception of the Queen Motlier ami her nil indents, ami tbe i iii Roche mt, who came wil ii the Coi I'ai -. Vt* women nf fashion wore present al the fete, weaver; organised and nol th* bi affair.uni. ci to electric lights, taming anticipated ni Ll* rebeureal which 1 attended, lite .¦H,ii mayon tl of ladle* allen.nil in entered In masha, but they soon re- ., I the ui. so :.-. I'.'t '¦¦! be sinsrular. Coufnainn greatly ii" reaaed bj male rev- ollera culling artificial white and reltow flowers io tick ia Mu hui Tbe i.i was iteward. I lore 1 iii could Committee '.; Management. lui .ao-, which tte i. -t rc- nowm :. r*y< ni M ." fa trumeiiti la. Iii Qui n ll part of th toreros, b pioadorcs, Ililli.'I Mill, lilli in lui. ina,ul < it us. 'i'. ey \\> rc followi d bi tha deautina aud by Bingen and dancers, afadi moisclle Maury, ol tbe Open House, beuded rps d ballet. Bbc and tbe other balli were io Sj..ini-h cos! nne. and colon, and wen nonnced by the Queen the bi Spaniards ol any. Aita* eloea of their performance the] wereanm* mooed totbe Boyd box to receive Her Maj thanks. At 12 every one descended from tbe amnhitboatn to the arena. Thoa* actresses who bad agreed 1 aarra ns aaleewomen were in atagey cos¬ tumes sad oat of bamot al tbe cold.for the Stove Ines had bet n allowed to uo out-- nt tin nufaahlonahlassaeet ol the lmi.se, and tim desertion at Um eleventh hour of tba lady patron- esses, 'i'h. lr vanity was wounded when they lom d that on t> ile. .ii wi anea of Quality declined la bc mixed up with tbem. Nothing was ready in tb. kialla for tho fancy fair to commence al once, and * ben thc boxes of s area were sup*, ked end laid mi tho c.miters the throng waa ton great for the fair vender* te vend anything. Toward the chase of th* evening th. v mad* desperate Appeals to men nf known wealth, who wera hover¬ ing near them, to boy wholesale ia order io tove thom from tm- bnmilisting announcement that nearly ail their gooda had remain! .in their banda. 'flu- expeuses ol tbe fStc have been normous, sud the Committee will be able to retrtevi themselves linty through the soeoeaa of the unlejo^ionrnol, I'm.. Munn, which wee bronghl enl yesterday, li is tn* moot extroon! inuiy pot-pourri ol literature and pic- tor!*! art of which tl a ¦.oi ld bas had any xpei and issn epitome of tbe modern French school ol painting. Thor* ai article*, aaaaj -. sentiments, re- tl. et urns, nii-.-i \ it iiin.-< and aphorisms contributed to it by Victor Hugo, Louis Ulan.', Darn ier, the architect <>i tba Open House, Patti, .lulu tte, Duma*/tis, Octave f. nil st, tbe Pope, Mi" King sud Queen ul Hollond. Qoee* Uaboll*--wlw spells li.i.ll.v. by-the-by.tue Due d'Autnale, Naquet, tbe divorce apoatlc | liol tke, Manteufiei, Lord Lyona. .uni maia other colehrnt. 'I and Illustrious men and WO**** nf OW <l:i\. lins /Voe, 1/tn. it is sold ;i| 1 liam, li is a thing to keep lu a hiiim :uu, and |. doubt not will lie beaded down to peetentj hy col¬ lectors of tara i>rmts and printed matter. lillM H ADVICE Jo HI ssl a, 1'ARU, Saturdsy. Jun. 10,ISSO. The liijtu!liijue Fruiigaiae, M. Ganibttta's organ, discussing 'lie eauilllltin of Kussla, ssys : Without maMiag to see If all went well nt home, Ru«- sta has cast bereen upon s pata of conquests autieul- tueras. Sac baa taken Mis Vtasa road, instead of fol¬ lowing the Utepiau dream of striking TurVt-v at thc risk of obtatninc tm', a meagre share ot the spoil, bow much wiser it would bare been to have entered upon a trans¬ formation at horne. Ber best poller now la resviutelt to take In hand those reforms which n rast majority de mend and expect. Wc must alwaj s reckon with Kiiosia, but as long aa she remains tn her prescut unhealthy state she will bs feeble and play an nutrnportant part In .>a destinies of Europe. When the house ls ou Um thorr ettin* ti-.- io I ..mer.. Bessel stile nco .. s lii'i-avur Iii ' L-i.uniii' GENERAL POJttilOh SE WA (*KI"M.\\ INDUSTRY RKTIVIKO. I-., J n. i". i --"- The Berlin eorreepondenl of lin Tinea vaia: iMI ment <>f Kriitui bi Bs ea oithts th ls thr.-.- iiiiintti- bSS r -.¦eiv.-l COI for article- af noa** ns wsr. lu til" lattei categorj Russia and t tt railway ma¬ terials the orden hare come la '-.nil masses that Un t" number of workmen tbe estsMssbi ,-a nu to the '. id ol the j t ii nd m ho] - 1 Baglaud nm Ai rommlssioi snd the estsbltshmeiil i- mal .t n bride* across ihe fii"ii oe prices il, m.mn ¦". ti. i,n ju i-.'ui |,i-le-, imii tb.'.t were inn monti ami moa) likely K. nop will hs\e tn engage acTcral bun¬ di ,1 .ul lltiun.il i> ni I.ni -ii. il!:: AUSTRO-SEIfVlAT" DISPUTE. -liv. Saturdaj. faa. IO, BSjo, The Nord, Ihe Rnaaian organ In ie, cora- nsentlng on 11.«- dispute betsreea Snatrla ami aver at ral ¦¦ a) luestio*, a* i th* rumor nt Bassl**a e tm* asaat io pretet i tbe latter, aayai "Il Bsa Ti- li.-ilin iini.,1- .. ens rsrla Ik* oMbrattoa of grsatnw eeaeeeslesn whirs: Aoasrlatsrscasrd*.(Se* tin- m. hwssunre .,f un- v.< min .ni r -rn Jeuraola Isa I. tn.- ul, a;., 'mi Sk I" I BB* lin), .lille, as ii,, ooo "t "f Ben t ls nallki ly to he obtained Pol in ii .- .tu. f!l«pute eau wi afte. itbe i.i. i.i-i-i bel Bnssla md Austria, united as t ej ni i. ¦ .ii exe. atlofl ¦ i the l re dy ol li. CALUXU BI'SBIA TO ACCOTNT. ay, J m. 10. 18S0. A dispatch tn .'.'ne Standard from Berlin says: " rhe Oorernmeots ol Auairbs a*d Germany sn abOOt I ...aa.1 IS .'- V. i'll tbs! of St l'.t.T-i gardtas tbs eoooentntton ot Bnssls* troops ii Poisnd li ii,. I. ...I utiM -;...; -i ¦. taey will adopt defensive incas.in -." IMI.IVIAN- IN REVOLT. Till V "Kl IT A MW 1 IM'l H. v v ran. 0.1 The Bolivian troops at revolted against Pr alden! 1 >.' and imacho foi tin ii leader, acua is in ROYAL VISITORS l'<> I ANAIM. Halifax. N. 8., Jan. IO..It ia n puru d thal Allan Victor and (j.'urge. ann ..ft,.. Pi ..i vt ,i ¦-. n,» nu h. M. ship Barehante, i tha Fi i mae will at FOREIGN N I '.M 1890, >r War, lr. d . ..ii"! i I,. n .ni it ii. Mi I dian r ,. 11 tin lniit im-t . srru i-Ki'itniim il. A 'I'-ii Urti ti in '. t.li I'll) p ipoodenl ni us I'" h tilt Ill-pal 'ii. n: ol I. I - I;.!, il lo lien, flt I Ol li..' binn .i/.'i. 1.1.-i n:. Hi :u Cai tor, in »n impul rly too? i.. s .. 511 I Kin- < i* cancer tn ti,.- Mir- nt, tn in ni lu-- ii -ul', i li, .ul which e i, il I of bis bust .- i i n.ii> up li. i ,'. ill ii. uri ll. Il ir. Jems, ol . |i. B. i in a- an I le -1 si ion .1*. fl ll ' af the Aral rt-rs ni bis 0rat tua A ».'.«. sad tb ;,.,,i prii l.nc, i.a i: |. bi in -1 11 ¦Tin' .", wei¦ i. anipui lill " 'H.il ni ..r i'. "lill ill r -uti .lim eitel. iuii.0 reviu n ttl whieh Mt ¦¦.'.. received HU mill -i lilllie l.'Stllll.ii >: f tn.- ¦I..I,: H Ll nu sinks nf ti,, li,, .,,. ., v Unlit Cull ; Inc . iVll War ; of I'¦¦¦ Lill Oil .. 1 ii iiinl Boston Brea, niel i otb [n :.'.... Mr. I. ills started //, rkimi / Corner the t-.l.tins ul i.ieli, losetbe. sriui 7A< i.uy, Uagushu di ni '¦<¦¦ hi - ¦-. ol luwi / -. '¦... a sd ti ; i.(font :/. m ..'.""/ I.,..;. i.<,..I.ir Monthly,sun dam Mini iztiir. Ifudgti Ot J un, I haVtrbot .,.,, jh.,1 ,.,, ,t. "tilting. Ile al-, publubed repaints ofnorels sud tu ICTtt tue Historical Beginer ol ii- teunlal Iso*. Mr. Leslie wss the drat imbil her who maim a full engrarlns establishment for bia own pulilii itinns liiuole-paa d (.ugravlnga walch formerlj re on ned two weeks to prod***, a* nts Inrentlon oom ut upon tin.u.1 mi ens-rased In a sin-rl" night. Mi i^-ii, ww poaMMedofa niarreTlnusablllt) farer- ag buslut sa, for .iieiiiHiit'K". stlnsaUug, aud mag¬ ma np a general plan of m timi. Ile Bad a areal ii, (ree. nf ...|-i r emuee nod det< rmmation ol mind alie in ii ml once settled upon uny pnrpoaa or piss, bm nnt -ii quirk In deeidliiR whs! lo du ss ho oas sure to cari jr nut bin purpo*es oben foi med. ile ^ ,. hain familiar mill a danie, and exercised greal person tiiBueuet over blt fi lends ami those hi ob >m lie \. n inded. In bis fr!eud»hlp Mi I.- -ii was reri H.- vhs geaerooasBd merely vetoed m.mej for what ii .-.ml.i produce. Uss enanty wss unosteuutions, Hnil n i'iv mu employs' luis timi In- In,I sal.irv tnr in nth Hi frustrated ou Ihe bed of slckoeas or dlssbli>«| m ..tn- throne's overwork >i orer-eaxlety Oaoem pint t lie "eui in Europe tn re run. paring all «. x .- ti -.. -* niiii eonUnumg his inti Bantry. He proridwl tur lb. otdo* un.I etiildren of n second, and iii., i.lin,m ot luiiiiilis left destitute I.I SPI ClSl Cia,e. Wi.en wsanes a*m**p*o hon,mainly *whsgt*hs> pruileui e. ii aiii.ns lo teal estate st Bantojra ima w tii-re. hs na.-t tbem with courage, pst lenee mei alu,'liv. Ana.mi; lin- liiiinv booen ctifiTli-il Opo* Ml wm fha Me lu! nt tbs American In Utnte,for Moodon- gnrtns, in 1st-, be ««* sppoh i-.t t Oomnitsi . u, tie Parts Exposition ol I0U7. In tbe Uepu tmentol Fine ruted «lili the pi /.f auld tn tin I min rn Napoleon III. In person. Again, in 1^71; selected as mate Commissioner loi the New-York to tbe Centennial, and aaseleei nf lb* I '..ii.nr.i-.li.il. ii- ass o member of tts Manbetta* Uub, th* Joekev flub, and wssoneof the esrUest lupporteraof the Lotus As a Mason be stood very blah In the Order, sud bc- loused 1.1 Un- M.eland l^<m.. Ho Iih.1 a strong love lol i«>limul, hu.1 t,. ia iink i^-'iir'« Ktii.port, Mr. Berg* oires uni. h <.r tin aaren* of hts eflbrt* in alu of th.- suppres sion of enielt.r to diiiuta brmia,. Mr. I*.lle'» ho»n(twiity was niii>..ttiided. DEATH ol' A hOTXD LAWTKR AND ms win:. I^iMsi.s. HatliiJiiy, Jun lo, Hmo. John Hiimfhcjs Parry, tho crniuent Her- seunt-st-Law, and oue of ths leaders of tho Home Cir¬ cuit, is ilesd st the sro of sixty-five. Hu disease was r<ingesU*en of tuc lungs. Tbe death of Mrs. Tarry from nrlef at the lost of her husband ts also announced, ?- MRS. A. 8. BAHUBR. Nkw Obaeans, Jan. 10..Mra. Elisabeth F. Psrmele, tbe wife of Oeneral A. S. Badger, died this morning. She was (weDtr-fotir yean of age. TUE LECTUttK PLATFORM. RESULTS "j- BCIEHTIFIC RESEARCH. I-::-.1 t- is* v. A. STABS Al COfiPBB DKIOK .*«« Mai i..; ii'itM.n iM'i M"S'-rrits.sritMAiiiNi: ¦¦¦ IVBI I-.XI'l'lllMl.N - WITH li'Ul'i iii "ii.'in ii nv (iiMi'M. it. i. \rr.'IT. Pl ¦' 01 A. A. Miiir, tt tt -1. g. J-. evening delivered an addrem on '*"- Be. t I Me," ilinstntod bj tiawa thrown nr.<i-i a Bereen by tiiil of an ozyhyd at Coop, r Union, and excited .-,.. re * rn a !."¦."¦ audli nc ¦. A paper on the ,,t expel In en i with! rp. ri iee and otherex- ., -. made at the Behool of Buhmariue M at WiM.tt'-. Point, was read In the afternoon by n. i.. Ahb l-l.-..' tb* Militaiy Berrie* In-1i'ntii.ii ai Goteroor~i Uland. INSECT LITE ILLUSTRATED. i: I'Miit t it'iwi'. li to bbb PBontasoa a. a. si lilli's l\|.|.i;;i||AT.MANY ASTONISH! N'U CRBi 111:1-" RXHIBI1 lin. Tm- freai hall of the Cooper Institute was .-, mini'.e.iv nil.'il bj half p**l 7 last eva ling, a* Ms**e- ni lectiir,' un " li.".'. bil*, i'> PntOS * A. A. nt \\. 'ti-,,1. N. .1., iiml helen tin- began 1 ri n m .i mn tn copi, 'i and muli', persona wen stsadiog si even 1ri irnnce. iin- emtn capacity of tbe hall befog occupied Peter Ob spot snt np** Ike psstasrm, aa* Hr. Bosstter W. Kiyiimmi presided and lotrodaeod Ibs leetarsr, of shorn be said: " Professor Stan bas, for 1 quarter of 11 century, spoken and pn*tte*By opera! <i befon tin- pat.in-, nd bast** my Btateosenl *po* linos ledi;.. of Mm farts, I winni" to sav tiint you Will nee t*-Otg*! BB0M Bf Uti -.11 -t-i and remarkable rxhiMBoaa of daasl and Urlog aiiln.uli illtl. jun 1..1».-1 v. r M n M ale Ufeslj IO inseel life thal formed tbs subj lbs let tore consisted of tba! which la '*¦ or ni irlj so. i" the naked eye; and p rimons to th* .e wnn the aid "' a "powerful anaaoseope through 1. ii na ii sirona i,\i-.i\ii agra ii.-iit om passed, .mil Hie objects were portrayed epos a Boreen, tlie rt'le of Ililli SWlng 'leven f rained thai anty poi lion ol ssthsa nf Ihe i»i k- Insects, wi..ci were .111 an Iii li iii lt ngfk, 00 lin I'" iko* ii ii! "ii Mic r rntbusU as, aod kel 'il Ihi'ii. B> .ne apl to fo ld, when se Isten to li t iv, bo l I" ar ol the millions and thal star and listen tn ail lbs wonderful rad of the lulah ty wot ld ii'.'.v., v li ii .'.- 1 jusi li. tow us, nilli boW Viii,itel Milts nf tlie tnflnltealiusl unit iled bj tin 1 11 found un this li land ilone ovt r sli -,-, a by lie lleu'iO ls liol lo ile. J ii I¦¦¦ 1 innot and -.1. Bal of all tb. 1 only .. I,, ie thoa million 111 ular -, and ti,1 ir rn bile yonua*. bi 11 ii.-,- of Are lbs ll ,1 .tel ie I I '.! tr. .a- rn I iindi'i iii Ink .¦. ..1 ll f,,r nae « a red in r, 1 ' l.-rsei tin- I lb. rn vi' f tl li ll tl Wu it d nain Tin 11.H mu s. a.\ rm -1 1.11 .. The I I w l.l tb. -i 1 11 \ lint fl U |l ll. "III!.-il, u the polia! Of ni-, die, :i il b side it. looked la, this! ni a g ii j- 1 1.1 il .-ff!" s dd ins led nm. 1 be rho ... 11 ii id ii a- '.. p ry. ti 1.1 Ibe -¦¦ -n .- of t:.reen with bi 111 ¦-. ii di- 1 i.n.a ten, snd afforward il Irty, In. be* In di itneti 'I ll I. 111 I' Ol lin liv m ¦ ip. <¦- i' d ws pi .in,n ,| ng .> pparentl] tiwi leal kaig, .. linc liol in .. niel ni..' 1: t wen mil lu Mn- Hour. And when tint came from 1.0 wiall na a I ie liner hi 1.1 en ii" -. i' ii. trytoa to arnot Ibe Fiabf. rhe sm eu e hk. 1.uh of lue Bat analls wen rtlstlortli ren lum. "Vu lt. " «.. i..iii,-n nm du ., turned i.i'ilt. Insect* Indee with parasites wondered .. Hydro," animal lu production, hui reiretubla ita, etiMiared unwary " vaulters" which mei de- youeetl. Hut the wale ilgrr wastbe ra. rori ts of the mi once. V. lieu be hud li rn sufficiently et li red np itu!, looked like a crowbar on t'... scree*, hoi was no bu .1 h.ni ¦> 1.! ,'n!.. lu- displayed a moa I activity. The sumner anim i's Unit emin- iii his w.it lu ..inplied up it ,l,,ur Rnaps .11 flj , :tiul lil-, h. i,i nun. .i ti a hood lo fort Iher nrej di light. tlie boj -. Hat Inn 1, u tiir.il it ''cyclops," the nperstor MM into \ i> ia iiiiiarh of tha beast, Into whisk, traospsnat t.i tn light tbe morsels were plainly aeentopasa siter v, in, h lie ,-n.univ ¦. lieked bis eb. ps."* 'i ii- tin.il number ..n ia. prnanmme was to bat s he. a a tl-ni I..-1 reen the titer ana the Dldica«,ahu ..- le. tallow, ia wlileb the latter mum bossily backed In Willi I'll' he Wits imf 111, lin il tO uaVe suv iiti.lv miteii.Te.1 to make h i, diday rn1 de- eiiin it tn .. v. in ie tn thc senfob," aiMmiiKii the showed ii deans of e**r*gs that il mon en,i;t lo ins viiiui- iiiui tn hts di lion. Tba swllei 1 Ind dellskted, .'Mie ).',ii wa* nol di erred an til the leetun r bad packed away hts fi "I. n " .ni 1 dlspeua. .1 much mon v ilaabie Informa¬ tion. ?- 8UBMAR1N ET EXPLOSIONS DISCUSSED. t,i ki bal 11. 1.. mimi,ii'- snoaasa aaaoaa ram .MU.HAUY SXBVICa IN- 1 II I MIN. il. 1.. Abbott, lit. vii Mi ,^;uli. T-Gi'iu'i-nl nf lbsUaUedStales Aunt, read*pap** tm"The gokool ol abmarma Mining at 1 iiii tt'a Porn! " kofora 1 11um aarvtaoIa iHutloaaf Usa! aa** itsknstia oar's Ishmd yesterday sfteraooo. nts pap. tin- asa <4 tmi"ates* m..1 Msbssarta* bsUms,sa* waa In Kutistniite an ftilliiws: Hefner Mit! fivil Bal torpedOM had nut played an Im- IM'niaiit part lu netual vrsr.'ure, Iboagh Iko i-tlV-t I of a anh-agiirous rxplokto* aaf poWOOl hod I.un sin,wu. Tho Kihelliou presented gsasl cumin mus ta ilevelop tins m.,.ie si warton, ats* aaas*saH*ks*i km iione. llilrtj -ii i-f .uiierM ar«n Injiireil ur Oneil*Jlid lay tnipeiliiis, and this nUraeted llu> nttenilnn of r\t r> na¬ tion wbteh posseessd a sea-coast, and Int tu tbolurther consideration of the new weapon. Investigations true devolved In every cuss ou line officers of the Navy nnd engineers of the Army. Ureat Krltain, Itu.m.i, ajpsshj, Holland anti nations with extensive cossts assign offeii- .tve turpedoes to tho Navy and lat****** mines to Ai my enslneers. In tho United States the dlvlilou is tho sams. Tbs first prominent ofacer In this eonntry who called mtoatlon to the value of submarine mines in coast tim. Bli uni DsUflel I. After th* ' I Ki Ik-IIioii in- had nrepaie 1 a *0*SPIlaftoa of the !*¦ post* "f otli .rs in the Held on Uulon omi filler it,' ( np.-,ines, ami this waa supplemen¬ ted ky infiirm.ition fr. an Maje* Basti onoditete* souse experiment* al WIMett's Poinl la bm aineii proved that toe Kn.maa could be used in auck raseanaea I* l§88 tko sj ¦ ni a .tate of trsasitto* pnlimtnartes bsd been detei mun ii harbors wi n stn Iii d sad projects *. t th. lr di Tiie -ci.'...i., i iii willer's l". int unlades i iiraiie.'i di v.iteii tn deasaaiva sofctaarlae niola*; wkan niiie. i> ami in mining required t" lin- .;. .1 ll i. nj il ,...¦ Bl an BUXfll U to tk* successful service of water baUerls*. 1 asl** is always nader otose lauki** In at tke land, wtthoio Vlalell lt en iM lint ne lier, mle 1. IIB USS is tm channel ax I passage of toe enemy, so that while he ls slowly al iraptimt to gat I* l. ii.e target of th* artJUerv. f" iefeBdtog barb ration of tke Bevy witt be of an Importanl oh*r- arter, hoi speeial in nat ure. Ali offensive ope ie lulriag arability arti! devolve ¦*«* i*. kssaU irutiboat* sad sii-.un laaoehs* cm pfeket appnoahni drtva off boats Willum lo injue the minos, sad gin laform** tum .>;' the auran - ot tke eoi tay. tfaoj Important Investlntious hsve bee* conducted in the school..' inbnmrlaa mining al Willett'- Point. Tiirilr-i abject of study waa to seem* ta* beat explo- sives I,. wu fare and t-. t>cs nf all axpioslvea knew a toacienee weno«*d with ike result of finding ibe i. -o for "if s. ruse lob. dyaaaslte, nmsslstlagol Tn per cent of slyoerlne sos] -j. per cent sf Kelsetgubr. TheBlesses! ol tuaeprov 1Mb* one ol eitnordloary Importance with ciplnairr rsmpooad Bil ..erine nader water develofM bm afcoat etakt-teotka ia* hst**. alfy ol Nu. 1 ilyiiniuite. Tb* iot*rpu«lti*B of . we**** bet* "ii tba akarge ami the water was found to greatly redan the kinematic eaergy available, In order t.' aleeever tko Iowa of r.a -rui -int of b shock koruoololl] -ii -.vi..e wss i'-ml. ii id 'he char*. the central part, sod gao* bum d »] muu-tn -alu arith i.'i ,,i ,-, ii,,; ik brow li ul .h. " .. -I w.-en til ti i: -Vii -i fi .in 'I be results n-,t ll st the same fm .nu .i can be used 'ur a modern explosive* I ie rt«-bi nun VS ll" fnl et..- en -M:.1ll. I!,' Ibis i.i l. i.i \ e \ .a in nf e X- )ii.'-ive ii,i... ni- a- ii be nv-1 j.,tl up- tutensltj ol action e.unpin d. To leen tompletelj t,i" destructive r..ii o for s .vi loeioos, lt -.". to leora ths lat. rOoti needful ta di itrov a Orst-e] i'ar. For this i-iirims.- .11 Iron i.i'.. 1 ts to reprceeai tbe bottom i-i>- -<¦ Im.ir 1 pe: .lui s numerical value fur ibe intensity of action found, Kr.. sts, by al of tim pres.-I ormuln, u secnid value of this I" on n vt ri ti mi. u '1 c ¦¦ 'l ia- thia. tn lue value a..up'.-I by the Board of £aal nee rs rs ry, and tij.- *li and ranged tbe rod. '1 lu- li:-, 1, ii ..linn lo IS ¦! I a i" .!.|- iiow er to n of exn osious Ib the vic nu', rn ¦¦ blt ws ol fi l. ail t \ ' I* to ai iiu" Ve li. eu ni ll. ved ;,a pe¬ ll',. .. H nu I, e bo tn'n "Ii of a li itrenctb of I aa-, nt 1 lectneity. '1; III.' Ill nils ol li-e.li ll nu '.1 ll, .«. li. ¦¦ ru* Of are 1 ¦-.. In bo mus u n al '. one of mines a very snpet mr sj item hos ll lie!. ..ii".-1, lu irhors of def. pl -I lr. :. it. shel Ui< slr ls I X|H-! lilli lil" Willi tildi tnt|<-,!n lem i.i t tl .,!.-. .t cum r nro- .- ir to Po ul \ ,-lt ,- lin, ll Mle swill resat1 I. .-iain 11 of thu different anus of tbe mi 1 ie tooles of bb* p :>¦ r w I and -. Milt Mill e.il ul..'lti .\i .1 I . ,, i> |uiper by .I ill.' Ht and 1 to Civil Law." lt will pap. S nil ry, by Ma] -alt ..1 '/ .. ec. tilly con- r. I'. no., t". M 1 "ie .' an John ll n tl, is cs| to ai ¦ er to-da). Thc ia I and ia iu unusual* . -eil in seven wato Inti *nd four partial bulkheads, lier man ile k- ore o! iron, with a thin on t be ru burri ni di ck .' 11 ul tin portion of tbe deck-h.e is Mn tin. lintis ll .. I' ill ll.ntl- I upper saloon sud state- 1 lui le, it e- .., The < Mi an1 state rn -..i it:.-! :leek lll'-lft till 1 anded 1.. 11 \. I! er, :i'ul i" intended for tbe Mi w-Yorfc mil 'ii leans route. R III 'I ; F FOR1 Ul USl'RFS I. 1ST TEAR. a ni iVl ", 1.1 mum; ; i- " BlloWl B. .< tg .1. The year 1879 prove* to have witnessed Ihe winning up ol mote ruilwuj eouipanlea than any previous year, and more than iwtee ii" moo) us mir 1.. rd ahowed for 1S78. At leasl dxty-Uve roads, rep luvesi 11.eui amount id uni int lan i> -t anti {'J 1,000,000, have been sold under foreclosure tri ts*7* about mi -Mimi of this reprrsenl pll ¦¦ wuich in tuosi 11. . is been . ui.!-.., 1 wiped out '1 hts pi leess, while iee I,.,ml it debt has ondergooe a vere scalln* diew*. rhe loin.willi; summary gives 1 comparative view of Ihe annual srork of foreclosure iloee 1 ->7.». the year when we comm need the cum pi: at inn: is o.l)t < spit ai lu- 1 .M. Uni 11 KU'S* ve,h.t. HO 3,873 IP7.Prt4.OOU H 3,009 ai li,:;i.1. ...., h.'. 1,0011 v;i.i,^--.,iiii,i 18 »'.iTI,7.-'.'..i.'U i«t; |s;h IH7U. Tutsi IO ! r In tlie tool four mis, therefore, abool nue-flltli of the iniir.. railway mlleog* and capital of tko l sited Htatn Bas ¦.. eu >. -'iii,., ii- .I tn .-li uk 11 «nei- tint hv lorreJass*. iii- Hst of sites in iv be considered almost fae ¦. e! carraa np shower" ul the siogm. burins Iks ross lg**)* esma* r.ie ininti., r .¦! roads will be sold -notabh tuc .\tliiv- tio sud iii.-.ti Wcstt n. representing 9105,000,000 alone inn \ei> fee new fmi-iin-..ne suns ban boon com- i.nieii i.. sreatlj improved eoadirioua of bast. iit-is liive 1. us,ni tu iii.pe timi railway iBTastmeoti trill hoi'oattcrb. reasoualilj remunerative. Thal Ibsen el bankrnpti jr his passed ai si own by th. rery small um¬ ber of roads for which nosiven wert anpola rear. We bara t.eeu abu* tu leora onhj oxthef in^: K-t.l int mel iuMtrrti (<C, 0.1. hemer mm Kin uni:,:.- (N. O.l e.- and "...i Hiern. .Ina,", ia .111 POOH r.iv M \'. lii..,,,.i.e \iil.ej ... . v rotet*. The rentark'ili .. .It-i'if.i",'in Ihe numl.ei- of re. iv. ino* 11 nv tiie following table I-;.. ist; l-7s IS7U. tOSSj Bl 1 years .jTla" .So. ol linn tis. ~4lT 38 ¦Ji¬ ll -I sys ti..::.' s.fiaT j.ajo ir.7 m,«7g ».soi. II l: therefnre. evident lhal the occupation of the receivers ts well sigh gea* with an ita le-s wt the rnit- w;i)s, iiml iiii.t 11 new era ot prosperity bim lirirun. Had Htivs..Tsvii bini atalanta boys tecentlv shiirknd Itirir K'to-t inolher by a simple device. When they itot her trllitious paprr ont of thc mail thev slipped lt fr.un ihe « up...-: and suluitiluted a sopy nf tht I'ohrt Oattttt. Wiirti the luuth.r Unit opt-asd lt wituout ber spem, Nhe Muiiiglii it was a Chrtsituas a umher.. ILui. k.i Leader, WORK of the HEALTH IJOAi'i). S\XIT'i.*Y KEF IBM Ul NEW-YOUL M:W-VoIK Mt li 1Y in' SANITARY If un 2 Hil. Il-M 110311 .: .Wa*1 lg ii t hum:. Bj invilalioii of tho IV) nil of Health ¦ luiti.. , ie o ting t. c. Kew -York H. Sanitary Return asnasbsrd yniordsy et iue Beas* rooma to *o*far wrtk Mic Ceiasissltit.cn abost tko m. ..r the peal Min's lai.tii" toward rsforaslsgubi ,,IS tj la tis, .li" I.-a.t nf tue :.:..vein Wiglet was pi r Institute nmttl ,,,.,, ^ tu ali looper aod suitable ways in hnpnun. the aaaltary condition of the City of Hew-Tork. seaT 11 h.i ol tko teneiuent-aoams ami other d*em*gi i i oof 'in r>"ii, BSd in pr 'mote th. | meval of nouron aa* aa* 11 nt .ia- e. .." [ls efllcsn *n 4sa*n Oallsir*, Besas. dent; Hiiin I. Psjo W, v ce-pr'-iili m ; l>. W*i,Ii« Jaait* trciisurer; Dr loelia ul il. Darky, secretaryi OkartagA Ti.ic.y, eiuiii.". I; sUneton.Cornelius Vaaoersm i marin P. Daly, frederick D. Tappa*, u< 0 Simnel H. I!-Iiroek, K. T. AOCbmaty, linsi-(),.(, If, Bayard flitting. Dr. M tea:., William i:. Dedgt, |r ano A.irnui Keilli, jr. ilii'M.eietv r*SSsrday was represented hy Meiwra, a I. Auciimiuy. 0. W. Jaine*, Beary L. Pellew, 1 ell*, ).-., Howard Pother, Jo** Boone, Ja*gs i>,tiv William Winni I.- it ii 1 .tames QeHBttO. l'infe*»,»rs < j.m.I er un Jiinewiv, with Hr. J itu s ana utliers, rea. it. it tke Bi illili Hoard. Mr. .i.iii.iiin sxgisiossl ak* oh|,nt ot tks assn** I'm es-og ('.i.tiiiHei- -.ani that the Hoard Iud Ii.^mi muat gnttSed ly Uss efssr tit au aaggolnts** of c;tu- uni them lu Muir wurk. Thia atti hui In a of th,, utmost value to tin- Bosrd, v. hieh VMBeVel in md a psajoos* seal pnseal to sccoaptmk good,both h io hash proper laws and enry other ageoe/ tor doing Ike ha portantsanifon work «.f the city uadei tandlaglj sag li,- in tal ed Me ian ol tine iii, ii durra* ta* pin-! Blamer, whteh, darmg fi ur BBsatfca of std wi.:u. i, .a ii--alie.i m t-i rteJalugtbe eon ,,.1 12 ISSI ten. Ilient-llaiilsi s ii Ilif eily. Mr Sol). m.iii .: u UksS ol rt Mutt as to the number of a*m*aal Jiving iu t. Be*saau>a*aaa*m carawa Overton ef thi aad th*sp a ny af tketrsomoa Uogslaaaaaitaryi os* view. Io psusa**** sf tko plo* | q.i by Mu- Beard, a lodgM asaaanl bsd b es apso*i with each of tkeoc lr nomi ut hoaics, fnai whisk li* exact cntiiia' mi al all tunes dsed. Mr. Davenport's Index of roi fuiiiei useful aa aa lode* t" Un this mstter. wheo completed, 1 |, Toe ....UKI if lo maka everytkusg tkal isdsoe ti ll, 1 i .. BM llt-huu- lh.it mi ten: nulli house e..ll. .1 ii: ..,r,,. with ITS letter, ann i|Ui Illly ever.., li miller i.. al' Bom the law, an., fiat »;.t>, toe righi lo sal le ¦» sun. tu!;ici.a vet v im i ncht illul¬ ia.,, raphlo* ii i. md I (thea soi led to. Tin- law bad opty ¦¦ illa!.'.I the J ii« rs- 1 rtnlUK With Mic H Ililli. V lioued. ns foi lill .it t. a par oofaa of I i »uoa*i i. rt aa opeo siia---. tu i: ilreuieni and a bal ur .!. it dis over. .1 i.ii' la .v li. could real!] . in UuM |, clod, ,.'i itu Ililli V ... |1 li veil! i,, ' lu the t nenient-i .. the pi ../. li id been r, in provo*. Hun totb. ri nie:.; lu I ,, M. l eonvcr.al on en m.t. the rn lin: tn. rn it it ii- Tn adViinngeef Br. Wen's niau erm ire.)da "iii each re nu lo tue batut- i provided with i wmdow. or at tbe h sll.-.l ll: I Ol I et of -rial! pox. Prof. ..flic :s of w!' 0.000 u"i, -..ii lil ht V '.V. Il-lOU if ;--'.-<.. Ibe ni i:-i iii ..¦ p. : eu. tidal, IS¦> it SHU ila t iillflii.lilies. I.e .' .... Ito ird .<r Health « ..> n io la*t j It sn nhl mn li" ' aa tue eas -.m.. r.-ii.Mi..". on le ie i- \,-n bemud il, ne.I i> n nd .ii -i ... UO ,...!! liie- Hi.il.!.' il IJ.e l'lV.in ,.|!" lill WW i.i impn -ii i, at .,r IBs '.im. mnvernen I Bi ird nu i! nol be <\ i'.,i. i." ii 'M t,i be be lives foi t -.ike ol bs nus hod been practised, sud he fear-.-d, io oom moa «:;. .". thal anj nbatmetlou lo ho operations et tho ll 1/ -i ul oe ii Woa .i .:¦ nil in ita ntUIW. soot i hai.ii ier cniifl.itl.it vita * remark alum! tbe steadj resolution ol tbe| ns di Boord t., reaiai all esTerl to maka p ices in the Dep.ii t iu.-tu loraaykody, d i an exerted bi pell) t ea* and anti Ile feared mst Ute issue el toe bbl al press al .. . to un..im tue Dear* tn a reese ky makins tworolm i-..mi.a-- ,.;ier" mi mtiers nf ii, and adding Hm street. cieii.iiiL- Bares* io tin DssNsnmsat, weald be re ¦. I r UO WllS polities, ll willi turu I....mi' 1.mill i nod.100 ir >e. .> v.;t;'i.i-'lr frttodeia the Boara, nod life \. i.iii.l beeoom*barde* Ss lil- helli ll lal Im- i-M-.-ini'.-e V.iirk >vll|. li :. m.I. Ok* waa basest and able to hanoi* a large numnei >.t men could iha. PW tins eaooou n< pretested arainat Use prc posoa anson, and hop. ai i.r UM opp. rt of Hu society lu nststiog it. _ lev Fin loy 'io jons i». fOESEY. Ar. cai tion Ha ,lo!in \\\ 1'nrnev. of PhUastelphi*, waa (riven la.s: evening at the moms ail" Hts Magazine of Ant. ri eau History, No, 17 I.dav* eUe-ploce. Tbe ooeaalo* \vas a orclooms eg* leaded t<> him on the eat ibljahmenl in New-Tort of i hr Pi'Sfress, iso* nohltahed iii Philadelphia bal which il 's prapooeu puhliah simultoneooslr 1* the two cities. Aa addnnof web nine was made hv John Ansi it. Steveocto which Mr. Forney roaaoti losL An mn: Min guest* were.l*huriow Weed, ueosral John Coohraue, QoomaJ J,.lia Watts »le I'tys'ir, fclmaiiuel H. Mara, (.noire M. limier. William I.. Sionc. I..'- .ci Mti-ies, I':.i:l forbes. Governor Chamberlain, Oei Charles \\. Oraham, .J.Mm Jay, "Mw**** I'i.-rn-iui'it. r.llm: C. Howdtn. Dr. Hitehcock. Charles Watrous, Edward I. Delancey. Qe*toraI Duryea. Thomas II lea, Judg Peabody, Joaepk I'. Nm is. Professor Asa Hitit (ianlner, nml I lion.as Douelly. _.^».._________ WEST SIDE mr non mi y \ % A spi-ciiil iiiei'ttng nt thc Wt-f .-".;.- |.Bilga was iiei.i laat e\.'inti/ at iha lii'-e. Ha. lil Waal l 1.1! t\ -I. Illili- -I. iii", li e-inaul. 11 Wlglit il. Br stead, waa la Um ohair, ami bbss*_sJ tim amaHag with Mime lvuiiiiks on th* fitvoiililo reiiilts tl'.fir lulim praiini.";-!. Ile was fnlluwed !>>' lb'- tre.t-uief, ll'llliilllli ll. ('iitillillliier. who lt.' "' thal anumherof owners of pcooerty on the ^','¦-| Side hail testified their *p*rovm "t th* Abbsrn* lion's .liol ls to ritl thai inn timi of the city of th* enenmberingabanttes, ansi thal buhu of tnem hail given orden to their agents to have Mic squatters re- nioved Iwforethe lintot' May. Fifteen Hil.'.itionsi mem bera, who«o names IumI lie.'ti proposed at the previotumeeliug, wore elected, aud tlieu the presi- d.-ni introduced General Egbert L Vielc,. luuruian of the Cotiimittoe on the improvement of tleveutb- uvc, who read a report on thc anawa*. MAHYLA.NU OtTlCLaXS CHii.-KN Annapolis, Jan. 0..The Legislature ia Joint couv^ntlon to-day rvUleeted Hames Cowpiou for lin tte Treasurer for the ensuing two years. Oeoraj Holton waa eleoted P*illce ('onimisniuner of the tlty ol Bsltlmote for six years, bis terra beginning lu Jsnuary, 1881.

Transcript of TUE LECTUttK PLATFORM. WORK HEALTH IJOAi'i). POLITICS ...€¦ · AMT.' i.i vi .Nt- HU l ISAM ni....

Page 1: TUE LECTUttK PLATFORM. WORK HEALTH IJOAi'i). POLITICS ...€¦ · AMT.' i.i vi .Nt- HU l ISAM ni. lalla: i'll-. li rom i si monnt>r tiu mini si 1 PaHit Dec.lO..Tbi feteattbeIlippodromi

*/-p in bas mt lim pleasant example "t chatting shoatOld fi. ml- ups. His p. per is full of what are

tailed pcisonalltiea ; and aili garv* to thawthy Strait.; -la. ed ol his own countrj men fat pub.lisheii glimp*aa bato private lifo do not slways ta-volvo iii offence again*! good-breeding or goodt. .-. rer he went he kept hu eyes open, lii- .:. thing i" and bim in tho whorlbou.I theNesrpotl uni New-Vnik steamboat. He i- hn-p: sand, as .all n:ig!isi-,ni.:i aji , with tl'"bobs ol I*..-- boots, *ad not les* bv'the skill withwhich they are handled In coming into lock. In

nfortabli as theye. li |«1 l.t .

" |, (

lg. trreat sneed, aod Mn- n ntinn on

the par! . I'm thej \

la his opiiiioo, one great f illneseof theuncovered space on stork lol tbe enjoyment olscent i; fr. ih ait. The '-'. -- fis Grace nn-

naiitii: !i\ ii - lillis th.- hank.deck." '¦¦

of ibe Vn iii' "trk".la not available ft ir pas>cn«rcrs,sud be tkinka it might t not for the d*n-t"M foam he walkina>heam. 1 he naval arcbith.- period "ill perhaps and menus to conatrnct a

promeiiini" without Immolating any victims to tbemoiistei wboai tho Duke iuds so olsrrnina\

(...iitiii t emote will be glad to bear thal IheI nike nf Argyll thinks bis Cvoriot* collection ooaht.. ha V* 1> ill piilcbu-etl fni I be British Mil-cam : ll

opiuioi, which ninst British exnerta share. "OwAmelie in friends," .*''.s the recretfnl Bi il m, " «1 t

* good atroke of bnsiness In secorina ii furaauniassail lu c wnp*rlson with its gre*! value it tbe history of aneienl art. Il urns! I.Ided thal thewealthy and enterprising nt icena who secured itfor the Ne* World shoo a prcper appreciation olthe prise, .ij,i1 thal the illustrations snd il* riptionsS*f Sh* many cunnii-, and beautiful objects il mi-

taius, which have been executed In America underBes directions, are worthy of theirth. tnt."Thrifty Heat a* ho ls, the Dnke is greatly luipres* tl

hy the ire ..th ami luxury -.f New-York a . '1

both iu its public nnd private buildings. He even

alleges this wealth in aappori of the "i.i Worldsaying lhal '.lie rle* ate getting richer and the :"."!'

Vt.met which. BO lol as the il'tl W'.'ll Ifl "t'e ml,il iii ira] i doubted, srherc is, in Nen "foi k, \ i-

ieaeao ..i us truth ere ce Costly aude**jsertatb>ns house* are far utorc common In New-Yotk thai, ii Loesdeei, says his Gracethe oir-'.le. tliiit is ceri ai"ly tm ., bul thc Duke, ifhe had aol been in a Sturry, mig ll have ntca)retied th:ii the Amer.can on ta fal more in

11 xii riot ornamoototl *n of bia dwelling than tbei in .ines, li may Ijc t!.'.' he

clint bis outside neighbor think, oi 1..-i .. apiril tn contribui ngtoi bountynt t' city, "i- a Bounder nol ion of an lror tot any Ot] I '¦ ml or bilBetther ran he no donbt of the fart. In it

ai. Ml ndon ia tbe i ..¦ nest.N. w-1 of tbe rn .s, lld Mn'

I interiors, he would perhnieiillio I" ii tl lleielit et.;;- ll I n I!" il. "iv

I vbi ;. ¦. al '. penal hi .-¦ "'..sale of luxuries, .-re nu an M enormous " nie. lierinnba I

1 the Old Win-iil a -os. .i ol elry andothei

ml tn \ ie i


nth-1Wt.men'l. ¦> t! I nd 11a little ii tbs din*' rem a between titiwhicl toviii, a u. .'. ii .. y to Bpi ul.lorn ii..' the 1 'ak.' saj on igrii lure, 1

f.'i you to bis article, whit ': I .! thc mon i

ag he apo i this toole m ii r< urn hist Summer.Ni must I ; .ni into

lally, «I.favorite pursuit. l"ut 1 cannot omit to mention the

roted to thc rehabilitation of thiloan Eagle. Thc iii id ol Freedom baa, we noa forthe ii at limo learn, bee* unjuatlj disoaraswd. "ileLas I.- d on high authority of lipiracy, nol ii. Ii.uk fm ni...- li, but baael] using biaaapt ri.-r we gb! aud atrength i compel tbe oapn y,a prof. udo ii .i to give up its p. liwide] tb c,i',ii.i ) thai Fi inkliu enthis | 'it-ttc.i 1 ia adoption ;.-

emblem nt tba United Btates." Audubon andWllsMi feud ib to tbeAchoo. Bul in Dui v. ard as .i

to character, ll* describe* with grce!hov. a true whit, -hooded sag ion iwLiui-K.il in the fi. itigoni lie. anil doclarea timi thoughlie often sa* li the same rivoi be novel

foBBd it followed or mt Neveriigain, Ui ,Iel ualirten lo those wm. malianth* Natioual bird. To an Englishman aod ;t Dukeit-.-;.-i rved to do bim Justice, sud \ indicai. bisplace on tl - lieU of tbe I 'alon.Thc DukeV lost psragntpli 1 qa it* lu fall:I r**nnt iinirliirlr Mils vt rr hssij sketch of ii

Baprestlon. of tue Hew vi.ii wit!.t ibankimaa? frle*d* and countrymen, Un in Hie htatei -i

la lb. I ... n a t... ,i hospital \

vis.- i- kindness. Clreiimstane.me ti. ty, and te lind mr occupations In tl."weeds Bul I aaa » una,ne tba! even tue nsosl inatanittcaiareal iph

tu. loo. in ' maila ¦ .

I ¦... ii \

strom ian si heine. 1-.1 ll- v-

baostil le »i and i iile lt ttl. rer.. i-

npiol thu tullfati.iTinjK*!it ¦. american Wenda n nj bepenni; ed t<> hope that, on some future visit, cir-. iiuinI'm.-. will not oompel b.iif t* avoid Muir

s*eltty. We sh iii probably remember bis "in-signii oee* a year or two longer, and evenaoot! i rna*] . i anoth. i pilbil- dinner woui.! iml

i-xtin/': di oar gratitude. e.w.*.

THE 11: ls ll RRLil I' Vol LMI..\ r.* "boamssn, sosnrSey, Jsas. 10 ISSO.

Tin- Cathodic Bishsp ot the Dtoeeea ofAaSaary, Ireland, in aaknowledglng ii in inn euliatiilpt.ou Sar th* relief ot tan Steer*** bi IrolanS. .lucila oathe ult.t'lil | .million nt his tint k, and tie. taros that lt is

sssjnfal t*Mrelahess the band taward Aassrie* amii-'ranc rather th** te flnutishnu' i'. a j,- ia ntl, who yearlyreeerves millions fi om Ireland as taxes.

AS rXTSBVTBW wi ill OBS I OBBB.till" ii out.. Jun. lu. -V. H. MrN lin"", pn-s'.tlrnf nf

the SI Patrleh Seetaty sfMeafreal, Mr. Kvao. M P.,nilli Ml i '.il'-n les wa-liil tm (I,- (,,\. ¦*>OS*a**l *B*iirv*eii;.-ti a petition. baaoS a* iha wielle** puf-i A it

tue Moat.-. .<! meelina in remtion tn the. ursafe B**r, ts*tiau>in!- in io fie (Jpasea IS* n.titioii itsk«'l IS*queen i» . i*t**o**sSoratkra th* hMstsSipa t* ohsa*ker subj -s, lae lana tenants of lrelan.1. aro exposed,aad asia* »*o*t aaah legjalahoo ni the.r favor as willremedy th- evils of their position. Br. MoBamaa acted¦egp*k***s*a, :.uii t-xpiauie'i Hint the raaolaiiowa imobeen na-- n ai a largely *t****ted tatettag in Montreal.The Bevi im.r soM, " I -will tr:in«n.lr it.'* attar which hei-*fas...i iii ooavereatto* with the asemben ff Mn- doest-taUni. He aouks of ths snooess of tin Duehesa ofltarl-imrini'.'!' ii.mi, nnd rerrette.l the sngerla* thai existedluseveirtl po is nf lia laud. The-.milli lenani farm, rsuji-paaaod ta kim lo b* th*greatest asJtBrera, ns was tue.ase in S" ot anti.Tura.ii< te Mr. M.-Nsmee.Lonl l/irne utnaiketl "Whv

ctn I... n n. iga ] nm !>i u[i!i. to sosa* te USoiHia,n i,.-..- ste hs ve los of room tor them f It ls onlr thetimi step, ynit know, t.,at la pan,fa'i tin v BOOM MSSMSRkm ami nrusailakera,and (hut '.- a areal laOoceBieat.''Mr. V.-Ntiiit-' said he Sid aol wlsi to see all the Irlah].eo|»ll' I**VB Hull' ll iii Ive Null. b*t ll tS* fitiveriiliiciitt ..nu»iioi n with a big-lsearteS immigration sclieme ba¦HTould user lt. After n lew remarks tke deputationv.-tinrtreir pies'etl witlt the corni.ons woy iu which theyInt* bein rreeivi U.


Havana, Jan. 10..The latest accouutH fnunFlorida say that General Grant will probably anil forHavana on the steamer Admiral next week, lt ls also

reported that General Grant may visit Nassau beforeiamine here.Tbs United States war steamer Kearssrge, Commander

riokenos, arrived here to-day from Ituatan, Honduras,and will sall for Kev West on Monday. Tbe Coast Sur-vsv steamer Blake arrived here on the Ssh inst., snd.siled to-day. She will consume several months lu tak-

8ng sonnJIiiBs In the Old Bahama Channel and in mak¬in mtier investigations connected with h*r especialdunes The Commander-General of tbe Marine hasOl ten ortter-' to tbe marine authorities to render assist¬ance to th« Blake If needed. GaptalB-Geners) Blancohas arrived at JiguanL


g] M ll Ol l li lAl I W1TIII IMW iiikih IAVUR Iii'i I

Tilt 1 . 11V »I. IN Alli nf Till M1RCIIV -i;-

1 B POI HIM 1.1 S.SOK8 Ai.fNsl A < TIA1

rrai.ui nu in...a ham v om »rsi a i ttres>TSIRMEB1 mi iMI cl A UKtQt'B .' n ;N.\I.

AMT.' i.i vi .Nt- HU l ISAM ni. lalla:


li rom i si mon n t>r tiu mini si 1PaHit Dec. lO..Tbi fete at tbe Ilippodromi

anything liki lb* . xi. ni tb*! itaorganizers a few riaya u"> rxperted. Official dnvnatobea trout Admiral Jaures, received

led too official world to witlquietly Muir patronage. M. Waddington, whoii.nl poid COU franc* fm h's box, it was

known '.¦ el and would leave it empty,and Presid ntlirevvs< il nord to Queen IsabellaLhal lb i i... of tin weatbei and ni ai-.

li. ..in would prevenl bia nttendancc. Ganalso excu ed himself to Ihe com ii ittee. II" did no!dare vent ont when tb< tbermometcr would

bel iw freeaing point. 11!;.:-he confided hts true n aeon to M. Lafltto, tha mern-

.-I un press commit tot liesl acquainted withni told bim a piece ol bis mind anon! Don

alphonso aud the German Camarilla, in whosehands the King niWnilst the Ageno. Haras was onlygil ingthe oews-

¦- here nndineveri other capital futiledetail* ah ml tbe dall} life of his M jc ty and huM.ii n I tide, \ d i.iii a! .ian., ¦¦/. oas ri porting sa tuatlonof extreme tension. Ibe opposition lu tba I

." 1 be gi " rabi wera "ettlklng*1 loi msideralde numbers. There wa* a univeraal

M.. it ii r/ Pam po*, who is a man "I

honor and a straightforward, binni soldier, badbeen bnmbugge 1 all al mg bj Ibe ('eu nt aa Girgenl i.il.- Kitts and Canovaa del Castillo, non* of whomever Intended to fulfil the pledge he made in Cubalo emancipate the Muck population. There was

widespread conviction thal the Court factioni.iei .-.niii'n. bo had advanced money to

family for the weddlog, had au

in I- opii g Cul a agitate ': Oneof the e t&xebange worthies bad

nlitan .a. lil ionetl -ii cooaiii., King which bia Majcstj wa

in settle ii thc Quo in. Unless ba had found it

would have been uo marriage, tbe Imp riali having had oulj sni*H confidence

in the stability nf l ne Spaniab throne.itiii who! lerelod the popular sen! Imenl

\. ii> lim i-i '- ..: ni in anil the iiaii-!. iemil attitudeour! iiinl ol tbe nen Premier, who,

in no.-I in te to a mot sfonfre from Vienn*, have beeneiidi ,r- dual tbe usiiiL' tide ol

Miy lor french Kepnblic. Admit.il>ort ty nil nothing had ao mi a

.ia ii >. J i he Ho) al family and ' ie

tion behind it as tne mannei in which Spanishli id 1" in kindli tl up bj french chi

>wn in i' movement mi on fmit in Paris to

en 'itt- i. id in i... i. ef o the i n um-

lt was arranged Iry the muntct-palitii d towna Illuminate theil

ieeein bel 18 Inlo il;- P*i iaiaue, A l-l at Sational

inti foi;.1 to ii inn thanks toi.i I'liisnii v. illi

ilia) ni Sp t Ii." A C iii! nil A

tho oresi.it in till ds ooromittee; and thc music!-I appointed to i ro¬

il. Ad. ii .1 lures, i be serenade wa* prohibitedtr tlie french li

no!ice til .i ll wa to come1 oreig .-Ml.li¬

ll moy to explain thal no nu-

iin m! iward the I of M.ii ni-t taken

,.v tba ti v, who "¦ i.n ni iiiat

in tin-1 cited ate1 ol Madrid fin- concert liof td" frenob Embassy migbl degeneruteinto a Bennblieau manifestutiou. Hence tb*

Issi mt: lit oi the officialtribunes il the Hippodrome, and tho silence kepito-day ni ii ..i? tbe fi i" by the R ipublican journal*.

,~, tn all Intent - and porpooee,Queen of the netoioatenoons < "i pam lu which risefound henel! las! night. Bb* cnn.' nt IO o'and nlthdrow at abonl boll pas! ii.

Maji --ly and her lailie* * ¦.

ami white lace veils *i'.s 'luis kum id I

.i.i; bul the¦. v. ,¦:, i .. exception of the Queen Motlier ami

her nil indents, ami tbe i .¦ iii Roche mt,who came wil ii the Coi I'ai -. Vt*women nf fashion wore present al the fete,weaver; organised and nol th* biaffair.uni. ci to electric lights, taming

anticipated ni Ll* rebeureal which 1 attended, lite.¦H,ii mayontl of ladle* allen.nil in

entered In masha, but they soon re-., I theui. so :.-. I'.'t '¦¦! be sinsrular. Coufnainn

greatly ii" reaaed bj male rev-

ollera culling artificial white and reltowflowers io tick ia Mu hui Tbe

i.i was

iteward. I lore 1 iii

couldCommittee '.; Management.

lui .ao-, whichtte i. -t rc-



r*y< ni M ."fa trumeiiti la. Iii Qui n ll

part of thtoreros, b pioadorcs,

Ililli.'I Mill, lilli in lui. ina,ul< it us. 'i'. ey \\> rc followi d bi thadeautina aud by Bingen and dancers, afadimoisclle Maury, ol tbe Open House, beuded

rps d ballet. Bbc and tbe other balliwere io Sj..ini-h cos! nne. and colon, and wennonnced by the Queen the bi Spaniards ol any.Aita* eloea of their performance the] wereanm*mooed totbe Boyd box to receive Her Majthanks.At 12 every one descended from tbe amnhitboatn

to the arena. Thoa* actresses who bad agreed 1

aarra ns aaleewomen were in atagey cos¬

tumes sad oat of bamot al tbe cold.forthe Stove Ines had bet n allowed to uo out--nt tin nufaahlonahlassaeet ol the lmi.se, and timdesertion at Um eleventh hour of tba lady patron-esses, 'i'h. lr vanity was wounded when they lom dthat on t> ile. .ii wi anea of Quality declined la bcmixed up with tbem. Nothing was ready in tb.kialla for tho fancy fair to commence al once, and* ben thc boxes of s area were sup*, kedend laid mitho c.miters the throng waa ton great for the fairvender* te vend anything. Toward thechase of th* evening th. v mad* desperateAppeals to men nf known wealth, who wera hover¬ing near them, to boy wholesale ia order io tovethom from tm- bnmilisting announcement thatnearly ail their gooda had remain! .in their banda.

'flu- expeuses ol tbe fStc have been normous, sudthe Committee will be able to retrtevi themselveslinty through the soeoeaa of the unlejo^ionrnol, I'm..Munn, which wee bronghl enl yesterday, li is tn*moot extroon!inuiy pot-pourri ol literature and pic-tor!*! art of which tl a ¦.oi ld bas had any xpeiand issn epitome of tbe modern French school olpainting. Thor* ai article*, aaaaj -. sentiments, re-tl. et urns, nii-.-i \ it iiin.-< and aphorisms contributedto it by Victor Hugo, Louis Ulan.', Darn ier, thearchitect <>i tba Open House, Patti, .lulu tte,Duma*/tis, Octave f. nil st, tbe Pope, Mi" King sudQueen ul Hollond. Qoee* Uaboll*--wlw spellsli.i.ll.v. by-the-by.tue Due d'Autnale, Naquet, tbedivorce apoatlc | lioltke, Manteufiei, Lord Lyona..uni maia other colehrnt. 'I and Illustrious men andWO**** nf OW <l:i\. lins /Voe, 1/tn. it is sold ;i|

1 liam, li is a thing to keep lu a hiiim :uu, and |.doubt not will lie beaded down to peetentj hy col¬lectors oftara i>rmts and printed matter.

lillM H ADVICE Jo HI ssl a,

1'ARU, Saturdsy. Jun. 10,ISSO.The liijtu!liijue Fruiigaiae, M. Ganibttta's

organ, discussing 'lie eauilllltin of Kussla, ssys :

Without maMiag to see If all went well nt home, Ru«-sta has cast bereen upon s pata of conquests autieul-tueras. Sac baa taken Mis Vtasa road, instead of fol¬lowing the Utepiau dream of striking TurVt-v at thc riskof obtatninc tm', a meagre share ot the spoil, bow muchwiser it would bare been to have entered upon a trans¬formation at horne. Ber best poller now la resviutelt totake In hand those reforms which n rast majority demend and expect. Wc must alwaj s reckon with Kiiosia,but as long aa she remains tn her prescut unhealthystate she will bs feeble and play an nutrnportant part In.>a destinies of Europe. When the house ls ou Um thorr

ettin*ti-.- io I ..mer.. Bessel stile nco .. s

lii'i-avur Iii ' L-i.uniii'


(*KI"M.\\ INDUSTRY RKTIVIKO.I-., J n. i". i --"-

The Berlin eorreepondenl of lin Tinea vaia:iMI ment <>f Kriitui bi Bs ea oithts th ls

thr.-.- iiiiintti- bSS r -.¦eiv.-l COIfor article- af noa** ns wsr. lu til" lattei categorjRussia and t tt railway ma¬

terials the orden hare come la '-.nil masses that Unt" number of workmen tbe estsMssbi

,-a nu to the '. id ol the j t ii

nd m ho] - 1Baglaud nm Ai

rommlssioi snd the estsbltshmeiil i- mal.t n bride* across ihe fii"ii

oe prices il, m.mn ¦".

ti. i,n ju i-.'ui |,i-le-, imii tb.'.t were inn montiami moa) likely K. nop will hs\e tn engage acTcral bun¬di ,1 .ul lltiun.il i> ni I.ni -ii.

il!:: AUSTRO-SEIfVlAT" DISPUTE.-liv. Saturdaj. faa. IO, BSjo,

The Nord, Ihe Rnaaian organ In ie, cora-nsentlng on 11.«- dispute betsreea Snatrla amiaver at ral ¦¦ a) luestio*, a* i th* rumor nt Bassl**a >¦ e

tm* asaat io pretet i tbe latter, aayai "Il Bsa Ti-li.-ilin iini.,1- .. ens rsrla Ik* oMbrattoa of grsatnweeaeeeslesn whirs: Aoasrlatsrscasrd*.(Se* tin- m.

hwssunre .,f un- v.< min .ni r -rn Jeuraola IsaI. tn.- ul, a;., 'mi Sk I" I BB* lin), .lille, as

ii,, ooo "t "f Ben t ls nallki ly to he obtainedPol in ii .- .tu. f!l«pute eau wi afte. itbe

i.i. i.i-i-i bel Bnssla md Austria, united as t ejni i. ¦ .ii exe. atlofl

¦ i the l re dy ol li.


A dispatch tn .'.'ne Standard from Berlinsays: " rhe Oorernmeots ol Auairbs a*d Germany snabOOt I ...aa.1 IS .'- V. i'll tbs! of St l'.t.T-i

gardtas tbs eoooentntton ot Bnssls* troops ii Poisndli ii,. I. ...I utiM -;...; -i ¦. taey will adopt defensiveincas.in -."


v v ran. 0.1The Bolivian troops at revolted

against Pr alden! 1 >.' and imachofoi tin ii leader, acua is in

ROYAL VISITORS l'<> I ANAIM.Halifax. N. 8., Jan. IO..It ia n puru d thal

Allan Victor and (j.'urge. ann ..ft,.. Pi ..i vt ,i ¦-.

n,» nu h. M. ship Barehante,i tha Fi

i mae will at


>r War, lr.


. ..ii"! i I,. n .ni it ii. Mi

I dian r ,. 11 tin lniitim-t . srru i-Ki'itniim il.

A 'I'-ii Urti ti in '.

t.liI'll)p ipoodenl ni us I'"

h tilt Ill-pal 'ii. n: ol I.

I -

I;.!, il lo lien, flt IOl li..'

binn .i/.'i.

1.1.-i n:.Hi :u Cai tor, in »n impul rly too?

i.. s .. 511 I Kin-< i* cancer tn ti,.-

Mir- nt, tnin ni lu-- ii -ul', i li,

.ul which e

i, il

I of bis bust.- i i n.ii> up li. i ,'. ill ii. urill. Il

ir. Jems, ol

. |i. B. i

in a-

an I le

-1 si ion .1*.



' af the Aralrt-rs nibis 0rat tua

A ».'.«.

sad tb ;,.,,i

prii l.nc, i.a i: |.


in -1




wei¦ i. >¦ anipuilill " 'H.il ni ..r i'. "lill ill

r -uti .lim eitel.

iuii.0 reviu n ttl whieh Mt ¦¦.'.. receivedHU mill -i lilllie l.'Stllll.ii >: f tn.-

¦I..I,: H Ll nu sinks nf ti,, li,, .,,. .,v

Unlit Cull '¦ ; Inc . iVll War ; of I'¦¦¦ Lill Oil ..

1 ii iiinl Boston Brea, niel i otb

[n :.'.... Mr. I. ills started //, rkimi / Corner thet-.l.tins ul i.ieli, losetbe. sriui 7A< i.uy, Uagushu

di ni '¦<¦¦ hi - ¦-. ol luwi/ -. '¦... a sd ti

; i.(font :/. m ..'.""/ I.,..;. i.<,..I.ir Monthly,sundam Mini iztiir. Ifudgti Ot J un, I haVtrbot .,.,, jh.,1 ,.,, ,t."tilting. Ile al-, publubed repaints ofnorels sud tuICTtt tue Historical Beginer ol ii- teunlalIso*. Mr. Leslie wss the drat imbil her who maima full engrarlns establishment for bia own pulilii itinns

liiuole-paa d (.ugravlnga walch formerlj reonnedtwo weeks to prod***, a* nts Inrentlon oom ut upontin.u.1 mi ens-rased In a sin-rl" night.Mi i^-ii, ww poaMMedofa niarreTlnusablllt) farer-

ag buslut sa, for .iieiiiHiit'K". stlnsaUug, aud mag¬ma np a general plan of m timi. Ile Bad a areal ii, (ree.nf ...|-i remuee nod det< rmmation ol mind alie in iimlonce settled upon uny pnrpoaa or piss, bmnnt -ii quirk In deeidliiR whs! lo du ss ho oassure to cari jr nut bin purpo*es oben foi med. ile ^ ,.

hain familiar mill a danie, and exercised greal persontiiBueuet over blt filends ami those hi ob >m lie \.

n inded. In bis fr!eud»hlp Mi I.- -ii was reriH.- vhs geaerooasBd merely vetoed m.mej for what ii.-.ml.i produce. Uss enanty wss unosteuutions, Hniln i'iv mu employs' luis timi In- In,I sal.irv tnr in nth

Hi frustrated ou Ihe bed of slckoeas or dlssbli>«| m..tn- throne's overwork >i orer-eaxlety Oaoem

pint t lie "eui in Europe tn re run. paring all «. x .- ti -.. -*

niiii eonUnumg his inti Bantry. He proridwl turlb. otdo* un.I etiildren of n second, and

iii., i.lin,m ot luiiiiilis left destituteI.I SPI ClSl Cia,e.Wi.en wsanes a*m**p*o hon,mainly *whsgt*hs>

pruileui e. ii aiii.ns lo teal estate st Bantojra imaw tii-re. hs na.-t tbem with courage, pst lenee mei

alu,'liv.Ana.mi; lin- liiiinv booen ctifiTli-il Opo* Ml

wm fha Me lu! nt tbs American In Utnte,for Moodon-gnrtns, in 1st-, be ««* sppoh i-.t t Oomnitsi . u,tie Parts Exposition ol I0U7. In tbe Uepu tmentol Fine

ruted «lili the pi /.f auld tntin I min rn Napoleon III. In person. Again, in 1^71;

selected as mate Commissioner loi theNew-York to tbe Centennial, and aaseleeinf lb* I '..ii.nr.i-.li.il.

ii- ass o member of tts Manbetta* Uub, th* Joekevflub, and wssoneof the esrUest lupporteraof the LotusAs a Mason be stood very blah In the Order, sud bc-loused 1.1 Un- M.eland l^<m.. Ho Iih.1 a strong love loli«>limul, hu.1 t,. ia iink i^-'iir'« Ktii.port, Mr. Berg* oiresuni. h <.r tin aaren* ofhts eflbrt* in alu of th.- suppression of enielt.r to diiiuta brmia,. Mr. I*.lle'» ho»n(twiitywas niii>..ttiided.

DEATH ol' A hOTXD LAWTKR AND ms win:.I^iMsi.s. HatliiJiiy, Jun lo, Hmo.

John Hiimfhcjs Parry, tho crniuent Her-seunt-st-Law, and oue of ths leaders of tho Home Cir¬cuit, is ilesd st the sro of sixty-five. Hu disease wasr<ingesU*en of tuc lungs. Tbe death of Mrs. Tarry fromnrlef at the lost of her husband ts also announced,


MRS. A. 8. BAHUBR.Nkw Obaeans, Jan. 10..Mra. Elisabeth F.

Psrmele, tbe wife of Oeneral A. S. Badger, died thismorning. She was (weDtr-fotir yean of age.


I-::-.1 t- is* v. A. STABS Al COfiPBB DKIOK .*««

Mai i..; ii'itM.n iM'i M"S'-rrits.sritMAiiiNi:¦¦¦ IVBI I-.XI'l'lllMl.N - WITH li'Ul'i

iii "ii.'in ii nv (iiMi'M. it. i. \rr.'IT.

Pl ¦' 01 A. A. Miiir, tt tt -1. g. J-.evening delivered an addrem on '*"-

Be. t I Me," ilinstntod bj tiawa thrownnr.<i-i a Bereen by tiiil of an ozyhyd

at Coop, r Union, and excited.-,.. re * rn a !."¦."¦ audli nc ¦. A paper on the

,,t expel In en i with! rp. ri iee and otherex-., -. made at the Behool of Buhmariue M

at WiM.tt'-. Point, was read In the afternoon byn. i.. Ahb l-l.-..' tb* Militaiy Berrie*

In-1i'ntii.ii ai Goteroor~i Uland.INSECT LITE ILLUSTRATED.

i: I'Miit t it'iwi'. li to bbb PBontasoa a. a.si lilli's l\|.|.i;;i||AT.MANY ASTONISH! N'U

CRBi 111:1-" RXHIBI1 lin.

Tm- freai hall of the Cooper Institute was

.-, mini'.e.iv nil.'il bj half p**l 7 last eva ling, a* Ms**e-ni lectiir,' un " li.".'. bil*, i'> PntOS * A. A.

nt \\. 'ti-,,1. N. .1., iiml helen tin-

began 1 ri n m .i mn tn copi, 'i andmuli', persona wen stsadiog si even 1riirnnce. iin- emtn capacity of tbe hall befog occupiedPeter Obspot snt np** Ike psstasrm, aa* Hr. Bosstter W.Kiyiimmi presided and lotrodaeod Ibs leetarsr, ofshorn be said: " Professor Stan bas, for 1 quarter of11 century, spoken and pn*tte*By opera! <i befontin- pat.in-, nd bast** my Btateosenl *po*linos ledi;.. of Mm farts, I winni" tosav tiint you Will nee t*-Otg*! BB0M Bf Uti-.11 -t-i and remarkable rxhiMBoaa of daasl andUrlog aiiln.uli illtl. jun 1..1».-1 v. r M n M ale Ufeslj IO

inseel life thal formed tbs subjlbs let tore consisted of tba! which la '*¦

or ni irlj so. i" the naked eye; andp rimons to th*

.e wnn the aid "' a"powerful anaaoseope through1. ii na ii sirona i,\i-.i\ii agra ii.-iit om passed,.mil Hie objects were portrayed epos a Boreen,tlie rt'le of Ililli SWlng 'leven f

rained thai antypoi lion ol ssthsa nf Ihe i»i k- Insects, wi..ci were

.111 an Iii li iii lt ngfk, 00 lin I'" iko* ii ii! "ii Micr rntbusU as, aod

kel 'il Ihi'ii.

B> .ne apl to fo ld, when se Isten to li tiv, bo l I" ar ol the millions and

thal star andlisten tn ail lbs wonderful rad of the

lulahty wot ld ii'.'.v., v li ii .'.- 1 jusili. tow us, nilli boW Viii,itel Milts nftlie tnflnltealiusl unit iled bj tin

1 11 found un this li land ilone ovt r sli-,-, a by

lie lleu'iO ls liol

lo ile. J ii I¦¦¦ 1 innotand

-.1. Bal of all tb. 1


I,, ie thoa million

111 ular -, and

ti,1 ir rn bile yonua*.

bi 11 .¦ ii.-,- of Are lbsll,1

.tel ie I I

'.! tr.

.a- rn I iindi'iiii Ink .¦. ..1

ll f,,r nae «a red in r,

1 ' l.-rsei tin-

I lb. rn

vi' f tl

li lltl Wu

it d nain

Tin 11.H mu s. a.\ rm -1 1.11 ..The I I

w l.ltb. -i



\ lint


U |l

ll. "III!.-il, u the polia! Ofni-, die, :i il b side it. looked la,

this! ni a g ii j-1 1.1 il .-ff!" s dd ins led nm. 1

be rho ... 11 ii id ii a- '.. pry. ti 1.1 Ibe -¦¦ -n .- of t:.reen with bi 111 ¦-. ii di-1 i.n.a ten, snd afforward il Irty, In. be* In di itneti

'I ll I. 111 I' Ol lin liv m ¦ ip. <¦-

i' d ws pi .in,n ,|ng .> pparentl] tiwi leal kaig, .. lincliol in .. niel ni..' 1: t wen mil

lu Mn- Hour. And when tint came from1.0 wiall na aI ie linerhi 1.1 en ii" -. i' ii. trytoa to arnot Ibe Fiabf. rhe

sm eu e hk. 1.uh of lue Bat analls wen rtlstlortli renlum. "Vu lt. "

«.. i..iii,-n nm du ., turnedi.i'ilt. Insect* Indee with parasites wondered.. Hydro," animal lu production, hui reiretubla

ita, etiMiared unwary " vaulters" which mei de-youeetl. Hut the wale ilgrr wastbe ra. rorits of themi once. V. lieu be hud li rn sufficiently et li red np itu!,

looked like a crowbar on t'... scree*, hoi was nobu .1 h.ni ¦> 1.! ,'n!.. lu- displayed a moa Iactivity. The sumner anim i'sUnit emin- iii his w.it lu ..inplied up n» it ,l,,ur Rnaps.11 i» flj , :tiul lil-, h. i,i nun. .i ti a hood lo

fort Iher nrej di light. tlie boj -. Hat Inn 1, utiir.il it ''cyclops," the nperstor MM into \ i> ia

iiiiiarh of tha beast, Into whisk, traospsnatt.i tn light tbe morsels were plainly aeentopasa siterv, in, h lie ,-n.univ ¦. lieked bis eb. ps."*

'i ii- tin.il number ..n ia. prnanmme was to bat s he. a atl-ni I..-1 reen the titer ana the Dldica«,ahu ..- le.tallow, ia wlileb the latter mum bossily backedIn Willi I'll' he Wits imf 111, lin il tO uaVe suviiti.lv miteii.Te.1 to make h i, diday rn1 de-eiiin it tn .. v. in ie tn thc senfob," aiMmiiKii theshowed ii deans of e**r*gs that ilmon en,i;t lo ins viiiui- iiiui tn hts dilion. Tba swllei 1 Ind dellskted, .'Mie ).',iiwa* nol di erred an til the leetun r bad packed away htsfi "I. n " .ni 1 dlspeua. .1 much mon v ilaabie Informa¬


8UBMAR1N ETEXPLOSIONS DISCUSSED.t,i ki bal 11. 1.. mimi,ii'- snoaasa aaaoaa ram


il. 1.. Abbott, lit. vii Mi ,^;uli. T-Gi'iu'i-nl nflbsUaUedStales Aunt, read*pap** tm"The gokoolol abmarma Mining at 1 iiii tt'a Porn! " kofora 1

11um aarvtaoIa iHutloaaf Usa! aa** itsknstiaoar's Ishmd yesterday sfteraooo. nts pap.tin- asa <4 tmi"ates* m..1 Msbssarta* bsUms,sa* waa InKutistniite an ftilliiws:Hefner Mit! fivil Bal torpedOM had nut played an Im-

IM'niaiit part lu netual vrsr.'ure, Iboagh Iko i-tlV-t I of a

anh-agiirous rxplokto* aaf poWOOl hod I.un sin,wu.Tho Kihelliou presented gsasl cumin mus ta ileveloptins m.,.ie si warton, ats* aaas*saH*ks*i km iione.llilrtj -ii i-f .uiierM ar«n Injiireil ur Oneil*Jlid laytnipeiliiis, and this nUraeted llu> nttenilnn of r\t r> na¬tion wbteh posseessd a sea-coast, and Int tu tbolurtherconsideration of the new weapon. Investigations truedevolved In every cuss ou line officers of the Navy nndengineers of the Army. Ureat Krltain, Itu.m.i, ajpsshj,Holland anti nations with extensive cossts assign offeii-.tve turpedoes to tho Navy and lat****** mines to Ai myenslneers. In tho United States the dlvlilou is thosams.Tbs first prominent ofacer In this eonntry who called

mtoatlon to the value of submarine mines in coast tim.

Bli uni DsUflel I. After th* '

I Ki Ik-IIioii in- had nrepaie 1 a *0*SPIlaftoa of the !*¦

post* "f otli .rs in the Held on Uulon omifiller it,' ( np.-,ines, ami this waa supplemen¬ted ky infiirm.ition fr. an Maje* Bastionoditete* souse experiment* al WIMett's Poinl la

bm aineii proved that toe Kn.maa

could be used in auck raseanaea I* l§88 tko sj ¦

ni a .tate of trsasitto*pnlimtnartes bsd been detei mun ii harbors wi n stn Iii dsad projects *. t th. lr diTiie -ci.'...i., i iii willer's l". int unlades i

iiraiie.'i di v.iteii tn deasaaiva sofctaarlae niola*;wkanniiie. i> ami in mining required t"

lin- .;. .1 ll i. nj il ,...¦ Bl an BUXfll U

to tk* successful service of water baUerls*. 1 asl**is always nader otose lauki** In at tke land, wtthoio

Vlalell lt en iM lint ne lier, mle 1. IIB USS is tm

channel ax I passage of toe enemy, so thatwhile he ls slowly al iraptimt to gat I* l.ii.e target of th* artJUerv. f" iefeBdtog barb

ration of tke Bevy witt be of an Importanl oh*r-arter, hoi speeial in nat ure. Ali offensive opeie lulriag arability arti! devolve ¦*«* i*. kssaU irutiboat*sad sii-.un laaoehs* cm pfeket appnoahni drtva off

boats Willum lo injue the minos, sad gin laform**tum .>;' the auran - ot tke eoi tay.tfaoj Important Investlntious hsve bee* conducted

in the school..' inbnmrlaa mining al Willett'- Point.Tiirilr-i abject of study waa to seem* ta* beat explo-sives I,. wu fare and t-. t>cs nf all axpioslveaknewa toacienee weno«*d with ike result of findingibe i. -o for "if s. ruse lob. dyaaaslte, nmsslstlagol Tn

per cent of slyoerlne sos] -j. per cent sf Kelsetgubr.TheBlesses! ol tuaeprov 1Mb* one ol eitnordloaryImportance with ciplnairr rsmpooad Bil ..erine

nader water develofM bm afcoat etakt-teotka ia* hst**.alfy ol Nu. 1 ilyiiniuite. Tb* iot*rpu«lti*B of . we****

bet* "ii tba akarge ami the water was

found to greatly redan the kinematic eaergyavailable, In order t.' aleeever tko Iowaof r.a -rui -int of b shock koruoololl] -ii

-.vi..e wss i'-ml. ii id 'he char*.the central part, sod gao* bum d »] muu-tn -alu arithi.'i ,,i ,-, ii,,; ik brow li

ul .h. " .. -I w.-en til ti i: -Vii -i fi .in 'I beresults n-,t ll st the same fm .nu .i can be used 'ur amodern explosive* I ie rt«-bi nun

VS ll" fnl et..- en -M:.1ll. I!,' Ibis i.i l. i.i \ e \ .a in nf e X-

)ii.'-ive ii,i... ni- a- ii be nv-1 j.,tl up- tutensltj olaction e.unpin d. To leen tompletelj t,i" destructiver..ii o for s .vi loeioos, lt -.". toleora ths lat. rOoti needful ta di itrov aOrst-e] i'ar. For this i-iirims.- .11 Ironi.i'.. 1 ts to reprceeai tbe

bottom i-i>- -<¦ Im.ir 1pe: .lui s numerical value fur ibe intensity of action

found, Kr.. sts, by al of tim

pres.-I ormuln, u secnid value of thisI" on n vt ri

ti mi. u '1 c ¦¦ 'l ia- thia.tn lue value a..up'.-I by the Board of £aal

neers rs ry, and tij.- *li and ranged tberod.

'1 lu- li:-, 1, ii ..linn lo IS ¦! I a i" .!.|-iiow er to n of exn osious

Ib the vic nu', rn ¦¦ blt ws olfi l. ail t \

' I* to ai iiu"Ve li. eu

ni ll.ved ;,a pe¬ll',. ..H nu I, e bo tn'n "Ii

of a li itrenctb of Iaa-, nt i» 1 lectneity. '1;

III.' Illnils ol li-e.li ll nu '.1 ll, .«. li. ¦¦ ru* Of

are 1 ¦-.. In bo mus u n al '. .¦ one

of mines a very snpet mr sj item hos

ll lie!.

..ii".-1, lu irhorsof def.

pl -I lr. :. it.shel Ui< slr ls

I X|H-! lilli lil" Willi tildi tnt|<-,!n

lemi.i t tl .,!.-. .t


r nro-


ir toPo ul

\ ,-lt ,- lin, ll Mle

swill resat1 I..-iain 11 of thu different anus of tbe

mi 1 ie tooles of bb* p :>¦ r wI and


Milt Mill e.il ul..'lti .\i .1 I . ,, i> |uiper by.I ill.' Ht

and 1 to Civil Law."lt will pap. S nil

ry, byMa] -alt ..1


.. ec. tilly con-

r. I'. no., t". M 1 "ie .'

an John ll n tl, is cs|to ai ¦ er to-da). Thc

ia I and ia iu


. -eil inseven wato

Inti *nd four partial bulkheads, lierman ile k- ore o! iron, with a thin ont be ru

burri ni di ck .' 11

ul tin portion of tbe deck-h.eis Mn tin. lintis

ll .. I' ill ll.ntl-I

upper saloon sud state-1 lui

le, it e-.., The < Mi an1

state rn-..i it:.-!

:leek lll'-lft till

1 anded1.. 11 \. I! er, :i'ul i" intended for tbe Mi w-Yorfcmil 'ii leans route.


a ni iVl ", 1.1 mum; ; i-" BlloWl B.

.< tg .1.

The year 1879 prove* to have witnessedIhe winning up ol mote ruilwuj eouipanlea than anyprevious year, and more than iwtee ii" moo) us mir1.. rd ahowed for 1S78. At leasl dxty-Uve roads, rep

luvesi 11.eui amountid uni int lan i> -t anti {'J 1,000,000, havebeen sold under foreclosure tri ts*7* aboutmi -Mimi of this reprrsenl pll ¦¦ wuich in tuosi11. . is been . ui.!-.., 1 wiped out '1 hts pi leess, whileiee I,.,ml it debt has ondergooe a vere scalln* diew*.rhe loin.willi; summary gives 1 comparative view ofIhe annual srork of foreclosure iloee 1 ->7.». the yearwhen we comm need the cum pi: at inn:

is o.l)t < spit ai lu-1 .M. Uni 11 KU'S* ve,h.t.

HO3,873 IP7.Prt4.OOU

H 3,009 ai li,:;i.1....., h.'. 1,0011 v;i.i,^--.,iiii,i

18 »'.iTI,7.-'.'..i.'U


Tutsi IO ! r

In tlie tool four mis, therefore, abool nue-flltli of theiniir.. railway mlleog* and capital of tko l sited HtatnBas ¦.. eu >. -'iii,., ii- .I tn .-li uk 11 «nei- tint hv lorreJass*.

iii- Hst of sites in iv be considered almost fae ¦. e!carraanp shower" ul the siogm. burins Iks ross lg**)* esma*r.ie ininti., r .¦! roads will be sold -notabh tuc .\tliiv-tio sud iii.-.ti Wcstt n. representing 9105,000,000 aloneinn \ei> fee new fmi-iin-..ne suns ban boon com-

i.nieii i.. sreatlj improved eoadirioua of bast.iit-is liive 1. us,ni tu iii.pe timi railway iBTastmeoti trillhoi'oattcrb. reasoualilj remunerative. Thal Ibsen elbankrnpti jr his passed ai si own by th. rery small um¬ber of roads for which nosiven wert anpolarear. We bara t.eeu abu* tu leora onhj oxthefin^:


int mel iuMtrrti (<C, 0.1.hemer mm Kin uni:,:.- (N. O.l

e.- and "...i Hiern..Ina,", ia .111 POOH r.iv M

\'. lii..,,,.i.e \iil.ej ... .

v rotet*.The rentark'ili .. .It-i'if.i",'in Ihe numl.ei- of re. iv.

ino* 11 nv tiie following table


tOSSj Bl 1 years .jTla"

.So. ollinn tis.






m,«7g ».soi.

II l: therefnre. evident lhal the occupation of thereceivers ts well sigh gea* with an ita le-s wt the rnit-w;i)s, iiml iiii.t 11 new era ot prosperity bim lirirun.

Had Htivs..Tsvii bini atalanta boys tecentlvshiirknd Itirir K'to-t inolher by a simple device. Whenthey itot her trllitious paprr ont of thc mail thev slippedlt fr.un ihe « up...-: and suluitiluted a sopy nf tht I'ohrtOattttt. Wiirti the luuth.r Unit opt-asd lt wituout berspem, Nhe Muiiiglii it was a Chrtsituas aumher..ILui. k.iLeader,


M:W-VoIK Mt li 1Y in' SANITARY If un 2Hil. Il-M 110311 .: .Wa*1 lgii t hum:.

Bj invilalioii of tho IV) nil of Health ¦luiti.. , ieoting t. c. Kew -York H.Sanitary Return asnasbsrd yniordsy et iue Beas*rooma to *o*far wrtk Mic Ceiasissltit.cn abost tko m.

..r the peal Min's lai.tii" toward rsforaslsgubi,,IS tj

la tis, .li" I.-a.t nf tue :.:..vein Wiglet waspi r Institute nmttl ,,,.,, ^

tu ali looper aod suitable ways in hnpnun.the aaaltary condition of the City of Hew-Tork. seaT11 h.i ol tko teneiuent-aoams ami other d*em*gi ii oof 'in r>"ii, BSd in pr 'mote th. | meval of nouron aa*aa* 11 nt .ia- e. .." [ls efllcsn*n 4sa*n Oallsir*, Besas.dent; Hiiin I. Psjo W, v ce-pr'-iili m ; l>. W*i,Ii« Jaait*trciisurer; Dr loelia ul il. Darky, secretaryi OkartagATi.ic.y, eiuiii.". I; sUneton.Cornelius Vaaoersmi marin P. Daly, frederick D. Tappa*, u<0 Simnel H. I!-Iiroek, K. T. AOCbmaty, linsi-(),.(,If, Bayard flitting. Dr. M tea:., William i:. Dedgt, |rano A.irnui Keilli, jr.ilii'M.eietv r*SSsrday was represented hy Meiwra, a

I. Auciimiuy. 0. W. Jaine*, Beary L. Pellew,1 ell*, ).-., Howard Pother, Jo** Boone, Ja*gs i>,tivWilliam Winni I.- it ii 1 .tames QeHBttO. l'infe*»,»rs< j.m.I er un Jiinewiv, with Hr. J itu s ana utliers, rea.

it. it tke Bi illili Hoard.Mr. .i.iii.iiin sxgisiossl ak* oh|,nt ot tks assn**

I'm es-og ('.i.tiiiHei- -.ani that the Hoard Iud Ii.^mi muatgnttSed ly Uss efssr tit au aaggolnts** of c;tu-uni them lu Muir wurk. Thia atti hui In a of th,, utmostvalue to tin- Bosrd, v. hieh VMBeVel in md a psajoos*seal pnseal to sccoaptmk good,both h io hashproper laws and enry other ageoe/ tor doing Ike haportantsanifon work «.f the city uadei tandlaglj sag

li,- in tal ed Me ian ol tine iii, ii

durra* ta* pin-! Blamer, whteh, darmg fi ur BBsatfca ofstd wi.:u. i, .a ii--alie.i m t-i rteJalugtbe eon

,,.1 12 ISSI ten. Ilient-llaiilsi s ii Ilif eily. Mr Sol).m.iii .: u UksS ol rt Mutt as to the number of a*m*aalJiving iu t. Be*saau>a*aaa*m carawaOverton ef thiaad th*sp a ny af tketrsomoa Uogslaaaaaitaryios* view. Io psusa**** sf tko plo* | q.i byMu- Beard, a lodgM asaaanl bsd b es apso*iwith each of tkeoc lrnomiut hoaics, fnai whiskli* exact cntiiia' mi al all tunes

dsed. Mr. Davenport's Index of roifuiiiei useful aa aa lode* t" Unthis mstter. wheo completed, 1 |, Toe

....UKI if lo maka everytkusg tkal isdsoeti ll, 1 i .. BM llt-huu-lh.it mi ten: nulli house e..ll. .1 ii: ..,r,,.

with ITS letter, ann i|Ui Illly ever.., li miller i..

al' Bom the law, an., fiat »;.t>,toe righi lo sal le ¦» sun.

tu!;ici.a vet v im i nchtillul¬

ia.,, raphlo* ii i. md I (theasoi led to. Tin- law bad opty


illa!.'.I the Jii« rs-

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. in UuM |, clod, ,.'i ituIlilli V

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lu the t nenient-i ..

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l eonvcr.al on en m.t. the rn

lin: tn. rn it it ii-

Tn adViinngeef Br. Wen's niau erm ire.)da"iii each re nu lo tue batut-

i provided with i wmdow. or at tbe hsll.-.l ll:

I Ol I et of -rial! pox. Prof.

..flic :s of w!' 0.000u"i,

-..ii lil ht

V'.V. Il-lOU if


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eu. tidal, IS¦> it

SHU ila t iillflii.lilies. I.e.'


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aa tue eas-.m.. r.-ii.Mi..". on le


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i.i impn -ii i, at .,r IBs

.¦ '.im. mnvernen IBi ird nu i! nol be <\

i'.,i. i." ii 'M t,i be belives foi t -.ike ol bs nushod been practised, sud he fear-.-d, io oommoa «:;.

.". thal anj nbatmetlou lo ho operations et tholl 1/ -i ul oe ii Woa .i .:¦ nil in ita ntUIW.

soot i hai.ii ier cniifl.itl.it vita * remark alum! tbesteadj resolution ol tbe| ns di Boord t., reaiai all esTerlto maka p ices in the Dep.ii t iu.-tu loraaykody, d

i an exerted bi pell) t ea* and antiIle feared mst Ute issue el toe bbl al press al .. .

to un..im tue Dear* tn a reese ky makins tworolmi-..mi.a-- ,.;ier" mi mtiers nf ii, and adding Hm street.cieii.iiiL- Bares* io tin DssNsnmsat, weald be re ¦. I r

UO WllS polities, ll willi turu I....mi' 1.mill inod.100 ir >e. .> v.;t;'i.i-'lr frttodeia the Boara, nodlife \. i.iii.l beeoom*barde* Sslil- helli ll lal Im- i-M-.-ini'.-e V.iirk >vll|. li :. m.I. Ok*waa basest and able to hanoi* a large numnei >.t mencould iha. PW tins eaooou n< pretested arainat Use prcposoa anson, and hop. ai i.r UM opp. rt of Hu societylu nststiog it.


levFin loy 'io jons i». fOESEY.Ar. cai tion Ha ,lo!in \\\ 1'nrnev. of PhUastelphi*,

waa (riven la.s: evening at the moms ail" HtsMagazine of Ant. ri eau History, No, 17 I.dav*eUe-ploce. Tbe ooeaalo* \vas a orclooms eg*leaded t<> him on the eat ibljahmenl in New-Tort ofi hr Pi'Sfress, iso* nohltahed iii Philadelphia balwhich il 's prapooeu t» puhliah simultoneooslr 1*the two cities. Aa addnnof web nine was made hvJohn Ansi it. Steveocto which Mr. Forney roaaoti losLAn mn: Min guest* were.l*huriow Weed, ueosralJohn Coohraue, QoomaJ J,.lia Watts »leI'tys'ir, fclmaiiuel H. Mara, (.noire M. limier.William I.. Sionc. I..'- .ci Mti-ies, I':.i:l

forbes. Governor Chamberlain, OeiCharles \\. Oraham, .J.Mm Jay, "Mw****I'i.-rn-iui'it. r.llm: C. Howdtn. Dr. Hitehcock.Charles Watrous, Edward I. Delancey. Qe*toraIDuryea. Thomas II lea, Judg Peabody, Joaepk I'.Nm is. Professor Asa Hitit (ianlner, nml I lion.asDouelly. _.^».._________

WEST SIDE mrnon mi y \ %A spi-ciiil iiiei'ttng nt thc Wt-f .-".;.- |.Bilga

was iiei.i laat e\.'inti/ at iha lii'-e. Ha. lil Waall 1.1! t\ -I. Illili- -I. iii", li e-inaul. 11 Wlglit il. <» Br

stead, waa la Um ohair, ami bbss*_sJ tim amaHagwith Mime lvuiiiiks on th* fitvoiililo reiiilts tl'.firlulim praiini.";-!. Ile was fnlluwed !>>' lb'-tre.t-uief, ll'llliilllli ll. ('iitillillliier. who lt.' "'thal anumherof owners of pcooerty on the ^','¦-|Side hail testified their *p*rovm "t th* Abbsrn*lion's .liol ls to ritl thai inn timi of the city of th*enenmberingabanttes, ansi thal buhu of tnem hailgiven orden totheir agents to have Mic squatters re-nioved Iwforethe lintot' May. Fifteen Hil.'.itionsimem bera, who«o names IumI lie.'ti proposed at thepreviotumeeliug, wore elected, aud tlieu the presi-d.-ni introduced General Egbert L Vielc,. luuruianof the Cotiimittoe on the improvement of tleveutb-uvc, who read a report on thc anawa*.


Annapolis, Jan. 0..The Legislature iaJoint couv^ntlon to-day rvUleeted Hames Cowpiou for

lin tte Treasurer for the ensuing two years. OeorajHolton waa eleoted P*illce ('onimisniuner of the tlty ol

Bsltlmote for six years, bis terra beginning lu Jsnuary,1881.