Tryst final

Table of Contents 1.0 Abstract 2.0 Objectives 3.0 Acknowledgement 4.0 Precedent Studies 4.1 The Use of Artificial Lighting in Relation to Daylight Levels And Occupancy 4.1.1 Literature Review 4.1.2 Conclusion 4.2 How Lighting Can Affect a Guest’s Dining Experience 4.2.1 Literature Review 4.2.2 Conclusion 4.3 Classroom Acoustics – Controlling the Café Effect… is the Lombard Effect the key? 4.3.1 Literature Review 4.3.2 Conclusion 4.4 Acoustic Study: Brisbane City Hall Auditorium 4.4.1 Literature Review 4.4.2 Conclusion 5.0 Case Study 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Measured Drawing 5.2.1 Ground Floor Plans 5.2.2 First Floor Plans 5.2.3 Section 5.3 Zoning 5.3.1 Floor Plan Zoning 5.3.2 Lighting Zoning 5.4 Existing Lighting 5.5 Indication of materials 5.6 Lighting Material Reflectance 5.7 Sound Material Absorption

Transcript of Tryst final

Table of Contents

1.0 Abstract

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Acknowledgement

4.0 Precedent Studies

4.1 The Use of Artificial Lighting in Relation to Daylight Levels And


4.1.1 Literature Review

4.1.2 Conclusion

4.2 How Lighting Can Affect a Guest’s Dining Experience

4.2.1 Literature Review

4.2.2 Conclusion

4.3 Classroom Acoustics – Controlling the Café Effect… is the Lombard

Effect the key?

4.3.1 Literature Review

4.3.2 Conclusion

4.4 Acoustic Study: Brisbane City Hall Auditorium

4.4.1 Literature Review

4.4.2 Conclusion

5.0 Case Study

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Measured Drawing

5.2.1 Ground Floor Plans

5.2.2 First Floor Plans

5.2.3 Section

5.3 Zoning

5.3.1 Floor Plan Zoning

5.3.2 Lighting Zoning

5.4 Existing Lighting

5.5 Indication of materials

5.6 Lighting Material Reflectance

5.7 Sound Material Absorption

6.0 Methodology

6.1 Lighting Approach

6.1.1 Description of Equipment

6.1.2 Procedure

6.1.3 Data Collection Method

6.1.4 Lighting Analysis Calculation

6.1.5 Constraints

6.2 Acoustics Approach

6.2.1 Methodology of Sound Analysis

6.2.2 Procedure

6.2.3 Data Collection Method

6.2.4 Acoustic Analysis Calculation

6.2.5 Constraints

7.0 Lighting Analysis

7.1 Tabulation of Data

7.2 Interpretation of Data (include contour diagram)

7.3 Fixtures (arrangement, list, distribution)

7.4 Analysis

7.4.1 Daylight Factor Calculations (each zone)

7.4.2 Lumen Method & Room Index Calculation (each zone)

8.0 Acoustics Case Study

7.1 Tabulation of Data

7.2 Interpretation of Data

7.3 External Noise Factor

7.4 Internal Noise Factor

7.5 Analysis

7.5.1 Reverberation Time Calculations

7.5.2 Sound Reduction Index Calculations

7.5.3 Calculation (pros and cons)

9.0 Appendix

10.0 References

1.0 Abstract

Tryst. Coffee Shop and Café located at 74 Jalan SS15/4C, 47500

Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia is selected as a case study of this lighting

and acoustic performance evaluation and design project. Measured drawings of

the premises is carried out by the group of five, and then followed by the

appraisal day lighting, artificial lighting condition and acoustic condition of the

chosen area.

Site analysis is carried out to study and understand the existing site

orientation, sky condition and location. For day lighting and artificial lighting

study, a lux meter is used to collect the lux readings such as the day light level,

artificial lighting level in different times of the day. The readings are taken at

1.0m and 1.5m from ground level. Light contour diagrams are generated by

using Ecotect Analysis and are then used to analyse the lighting performance

of the chosen site.

Another site analysis is also carried out to study and understand the

existing site orientation, traffic flow and adjacent activities, which will promote

sound or noise to the site. Using the sound level meter, the indoor and outdoor

noise readings are taken at different times of the day in order to conduct

acoustic data analysis. Noise contour diagrams are generated by Ecotect

Analysis and are then used to analyse the acoustic quality of the chosen site.

The acoustic calculations such as reverberation time and sound transmission

co-efficient are used to enhance the understanding in this analysis.

By the end of the project, we are able to understand the functional

requirement and the characteristics of the day lighting, artificial lighting and

acoustic quality, and are expected to apply these understanding as our future

design strategy.

2.0 Objectives

The aim and objective of conducting this study is to understand and to

explore about day lighting, artificial lighting performances, acoustic

characteristics and acoustic requirements of a certain space. In order to

recognize the characteristics and functions, we are to further analyse the

findings in a critical manner and study their affects towards the site.

3.0 Acknowledgement

We would like to thank our lecturer, Mr. Siva for his valuable guidance

and encouragement throughout the project. Our gratitude goes to Mr. jahil as

well for granting us access to the Tryst Cafe.

Finally, we would like to extend our thanks to the University staff who

have been accomodating in providing us a venue to work on our project as well

as our fellow peers who have sacrificed a lot of time and invested a whole lot of

effort into making this project done.


4.1 The Use of Artificial Lighting in Relation to Daylight Levels

And Occupany

4.1.1 Literature Review

A precedent study about the use of artificial lighting in relation to daylight

levels and occupancy written by D.R.G.Hunt have been studied before the

case study of TRYST Café are done. This study is carried out by the Building

Research Establishment to discover how people, in their normal working

environments, use artificial lighting, therefore, form a basis for developing a

method for predicting the energy consumed by manually operated lighting

systems. Three methods were used to collect data: a spot-check survey of

random visits to offices; the installation of meters to record cumulative hours of

lighting used; and time-lapse photography.

Information was obtained from 7 installations: 3 medium-sized, multi-

person offices; 2 school classrooms; and 2 open-plan teaching spaces. The

studies lasted 6 months and covered half a daylight availability cycle (January

to June or July to December). The occupants were informed that the cameras

were monitoring the ‘environmental conditions’ of the room.

Photographs on colour film were taken automatically every 8 min

throughout the day and night by an 8 mm cine camera; this was directed at a

convex mirror to give a full view of the room. The films were analysed frame-

by-frame and the results related to the time of day and the daylight level.

Factors that possibly influencing

switching behaviour:

1. People sometimes switched the

lights on in a space at the start of a

period of prolonged occupation.

The criterion for switching on may

have been the darkness of the

room as a whole, the inadequacy of

daylight on visual tasks, or a

combination of these and other


2. People occasionally switched the

lights on during the period of

occupation. The relative in-frequency of switch-on’s during periods of

occupation may have been due to a combination of several factors such as:

(a) a reluctance to take action which might disturb or distract other occupants

in the space ; (b) a disinclination to interrupt work in order to move to the light

switch (which for most of the installations considered in this paper was situated

away from the work stations, by the door); (c) the adaptation of the eye to

gradually decreasing light levels; (d) the small number of occasions on which

the daylight fell substantially below its start of occupation level.

3. People hardly ever switched the lights off during periods of occupation.

Again, several reasons for this may be postulated: (a) the inadequacy of

daylight alone to light the room or task (b) the good adaptation of the eye to

gradually increasing light levels. At high daylight levels, the occupants may

have become unaware that the lights were on because of their relatively

small contribution to the room or task illuminance. In fact, unless there

were strong undesirable affects associated with the artificial lighting,

switching the lights off would not have actually improved the working


4. People generally switched the lights off in a room at times when it became

completely empty.

In the school classrooms people

switched lights on and off

throughout the day and the

probability of switching on was

closely related to the daylight

level. Hence the overall use of

Figure 1: Frequency of lights being in use, by

time of day: open-plan school spaces.

artificial lighting fell steadily with

increasing daylight illuminance

and in fact was completely absent

at the highest levels. Artificial

lighting was used for less than

50% of the occupied time that the

internal daylight level, over the

whole of the working plane, exceeded 300 lux, and for none of the time that it

exceeded 1200 lux.

In conclusion, a clear distinction has emerged in the pattern of use of

artificial lighting between intermittently and continuously occupied spaces. It

has also been shown that, in analysing light use data, a distinction needs to be

drawn between the pattern of switching activity and the resultant profiles of

overall lighting use.

The overall use of artificial lighting showed a steady decline with

increasing daylight levels for the intermittently occupied spaces. However, in

the continuously occupied spaces, a failure to switch off the artificial lighting

except at the end of normal working hours meant that it was frequently in use

at time when the internal daylight level greatly exceeded the design


4.1.2 Conclusion

Results of the studies outlined in this paper could form a basis for more

accurate predictions of the energy consumed by manually operated lighting

systems in buildings, and also provide background information on preferred

illuminance levels for interiors.

Figure 2: Daylight availability and artificial light

use: school classrooms.

There is a need within the hospitality community for a study to be done

that looks at the correlation between lighting design and comfort levels within a

restaurant setting. To be more clear on how lighting can affect the customers in

the TRYST Café, another study on how lighting can affect a guest’s dining

experience was made. This thesis was done by Amy Elizabeth Ciani from Iowa

State University.

This study have been looking at how lighting design within a restaurant

affects a guest’s experience throughout the meal; how the color of the overall

lighting – from cool to warm – impacts a guest’s comfort level from the

beginning of the meal to its completion. This study created a restaurant

environment within the atrium of the Oakwood Road Community Center in

Ames, Iowa. Twenty- five participants from within the Ames community

community participated in the experiment.

In this thesis, it is stated that the lighting function is a physiological

problem that must be addressed practically rather than emotionally or

intellectually. It includes: Identifying the purpose of the building or space, size,

standard of visual comfort, times of day the space is use, required illumination

levels, distribution of light for adequate performance, choice of illuminant,

amount of permissible/ desirable distraction, contrast of lighting equipment and

its background and general contrast throughout the space between task and

general surroundings (Phillips,17). For individual tables, higher levels of well

balanced lighting are usually desired because they allow fro a strong sense of

well-being and security. Another factor that affects lighting design is the

materials and finishes being used within the space. Depending on which

material is used for finishes, individual sources of light can be reflected, which

will increase the intensity without a need for additional light sources

(Schirmbeck, 42).

4.2 How Lighting Can Affect a Guest’s Dining Experience.

4.2.1 Literature Review

In this case, lighting color is quite crucial to determine whether a guest

could enjoy a meal with their friend or acquaintance where at the same time the

color temperature of the space was changing from a cool color temperature to

a warm color temperature. A survey is carried out after a dining experiment.

There is a specific timeline of the lighting changes that occurred

throughout the restaurant experiment and a series of images were taken and

then converted into panoramic images in order more easily view the entire/

complete space.

Overall Timeline of Research Study:

• From 5:50pm – 6:15 guests were greeted and seated.

• 5:50 - 6:00pm guests signed consent forms and filled out Before-Meal

Survey Salad at 6:15pm

• Bread and Chili at 6:25-6:30pm

• Mid-Meal Survey distributed at 6:30pm

• Dessert and the After-Meal Survey at 7:00pm

• After-Meal Surveys collected at 7:25pm

• Announcements at 7:30pm

Lighting Change Timeline

Figure 3: Completion of Oakwood Road Community Center Restaurant experiment.

From the table, there was a noticeable difference in the participant’s

sense of ease as the meal progressed, which is when the lighting color

changing from blue to red. However, the increase in the participant’s sense of

ease within the space could be attributed to a variety of variables. These

include lighting, service, dining guests, overall ambience of the space, and the

idea that the longer a person occupies a space, the more comfortable they


4.2.2 Conclusion

In a nutshell, lightings position and its color may affect particular user in

a particular space. From the experiment, we can observe that the guests in a

restaurant prefer warmer lightings’ color than a cooler one. In addition, different

positions of lightings may also affect the feelings of the space and the guests. It

is crucial for designer and architects to know what kind of spaces they want

their user to have that kind of emotional feeling as they design a space.

Figure 4: Survey questions.

To study about acoustic deeper and to find a better solution for solving

noise problem, a study paper about classroom acoustic is studied. “Classroom

Acoustics – Controlling the Café Effect.. Is the Lombard Effect the key?” by

James Whitlock and George Dodd, is a study that identify why the

reverberation needs of children and adults for speech perception are so

different they have measured speech integration times for adults and children

using a novel technique of reversed-segmented speech to obviate the

confounding effects of differing language abilities in children.

In terms of Lombard Effect, It says that when groups of children are

working independently in the same classroom the “café effect” produces a

rising noise level as children compete to be heard. It is common to assume the

phenomenon is wholly governed by ones perceived requirements for social

interaction when taking account of the café effect. The test have a hypothesis

of why young children benefit from a lower RT than is appropriate for adults, is

that their hearing systems are not fully mature so their ability to utilize early

reflections is reduced, To test it, a speech test signal was used and a novel

technique was devised suggested by an effect demonstrated by Saberi and

Perrott (Saberi & Perrott, 1999).

The figure at the left shows a

comparison of curve-fitted results

for the child and adult groups. The

difference between the groups is

significant at the 5% level (except

for segmentation times at the

extremes where no difference is to

be expected)

4.3 Classroom Acoustics – Controlling the Café Effect… is the

Lombard Effect the key?

4.3.1 Literature review

Figure 5: Reversed segmented speech stream.

Sentence chopped into segments with each segment

reversed in time.

The Café Effect

The cafe effect is an extremely common, yet under-diagnosed acoustical

phenomenon. Any noisy restaurant or busy café is likely to have fallen foul or

its trickery, and the frustrated occupants can have practically no control

whatsoever over the situation. Possibly the most crucial arena for the café

effect though is the classroom, where speech intelligibility and adequate signal-

to-noise ratio are paramount to learning. As mentioned above, primary schools

are particularly at risk because of the language abilities of its young pupils (and

hence their need for clear speech), and because of the prevalence of group

work activities. It is stated that the ultimate noise level is likely governed by the

acoustical properties of the room; suffice to say that spaces with poor acoustic

treatment (i.e. reverberative or live) exacerbate the effect and enhancing the

disturbance of he speakers.

The Lombard Effect

The psychoacoustical effect referred to as Lombard Effect is so-called

because of the pioneering work of Etienne Lombard (Lombard, 1911). It

describes the tendency for a speaker to raise their voice in the presence of

background noise. Lombard suggests it occurs so that the speaker can hear

themselves and feel that they are communicating adequately with a listener or

listeners. It is an effect which some few people can overcome to some degree

by conscious control of their voice level, but the vast majority of people are

unable to succeed at this (Pick et al., 1989).

Figure 6: Intelligibility scores for the

children (circles) and adults (triangles)

From these ‘trigger” masking noise levels to the maximum 88 dB(A)

level used, there was an average rise in speech level of 13.9 dB(A) in children

and 11.3 dB in adults. Or alternatively, a “Lombard Coefficient” (i.e. rise in voice

level per decibel of background noise level) of 0.19 dB/dB in children, and 0.13

dB/dB in adults. That is, the adults have a Lombard Effect approximately 68%

of the children value.

In both the Integration Time of Speech, and the Lombard Effect

experiments, children were found to have significantly more detrimental

responses to that of adults. Therefore the presence of reverberation in a space

is shown to be more damaging to children in the areas of speech intelligibility

and response to background noise.

4.3.2 Conclusion

In conjunction with the findings and suggested criteria in other research

in this area, we can take a step closer to designing an optimum acoustic

environment such that speech intelligibility is maximised, which is a clear


For both children and

adults, the results of this

experiment show a strong

Lombard reflex and a

consistent rise in speech level

for masking noise above 15

dB(A) in children, and above 4

dB(A) (i.e. for all masking

levels presented) in adults.Figure 7: Lombard Effect in Children vs Adults (with

respect to base speech levels)

Brisbane City Hall Auditorium creates an imposing space and distinctive

ambience of grandeur with its large size and geometry. Yet, with the massive

scale of space and its circular form, the geometry of the domed ceiling all

contributed to acoustic issues that have affected events and activities taking

place in the Auditorium since its original opening 83 years ago. Previous

refurbishments of the Auditorium had attempted to address some acoustic

deficiencies, primarily through introduction of acoustic absorption. In the 1970s

the solid dome ceiling was replaced with expanded vermiculite, applied to

chicken-wire on a timber frame. In the 1980’s large fabricated wall and ceiling

absorber panels were applied liberally throughout the auditorium. While such

treatments were clearly well-intentioned modifications to control the issues of

focusing and poor intelligibility, these treatments had not addressed the

underlying room geometry, and as a result never truly tamed the problems of

focused sound.

The old vermiculite dome facing has gone, replaced with transondent

membrane which replicates the dome shape visually (with subtle adjustment to

the geometry), while concealing acoustical reflector arrays and allowing the

architects and specialist lighting designers to provide theatre systems and

integrated lighting displays. This system incorporates two layers of lightweight

and micro-perforated stretched membranes. A concealed ceiling reflector array

was then designed to meet the exacting structural constraints of the historical

4.4 Acoustic Study : Brisbane City Hall Auditorium

4.4.1 Literature Review

Figure 8: Brisbane City Hall Auditorium

building structure. Even very small increases in weight, multiplied across

dozens of repeating elements would affect the ability of the building structure to

support temporary event rigging systems. The outer dome was restored and

treated with a sound deadening composite foam lining, incorporating a fire-

resistant facing and an embedded limp- mass layer. This treatment provided

the necessary balance of sound insulation and absorption whilst being

relatively lightweight.

New acoustic diffusers are used to replace the existing wall panels, as

shown in below.

Variable acoustic control has been incorporated into the space through

automated acoustic banners to provide subtle control over reverberant

conditions in the space, allowing conditions to be matched to a variety of uses

from meetings and exhibitions to organ recitals. The banners and diffusor

panels have been concealed with architectural facings to integrate with heritage


The panel designs were extensively tested prior

to manufacture via 3D acoustic ray tracing. Prior to

installation full-scale prototypes were constructed and

tested in the reverberation chamber at RMIT in

Melbourne to verify absorptive properties, as shown in

Figure at the left.

Additional measurements of the directional

diffusion coefficient were conducted at full-scale, in a

temporary testing facility established specifically for

Figure 9: Installed acoustic diffuser panels

and displacement air grilles

Figure 10: Acoustic diffuser panel

Figure 11: Prototype panel

testing at RMIT Prototype

panel testing at RMIT

the tests at Jands’ factory in Sydney. This testing applied the newly published

standard for testing of directional diffusion coefficients.

Figure at the left shows the

acoustic result for the auditorium is

an improved reverberation time –

extended by over one second –

much more consistent with the

room’s original grandeur, and

enabling the Henry Willis organ to

be featured. The auditorium also

enjoys variable acoustics for fine-tuning of the space according to the type of

event being held.

4.4.2 Conclusion

In order to improve sound quality of a space effectively, proper scientific

calculation should be done before constructing. Design without consideration

will lead to less effective or even negative results, in the end lead to waste of

money. The best example of careless design is shown above, which Brisbane

City Hall’s sound quality was short of reverberation time. The bad design leads

to some corners of the auditorium are not able to receive sound properly. And a

great improvement was proven by conducting a reverberation time test after

the redesign of dome roof and wall panels.

Figure 12: Reverberation times comparison




5.1 Introduction

Location of Tryst CafeLegend:

Tryst Café located at

74, Jalan SS15/4C,

Subang Jaya, 47500

Petaling Jaya,

Selangor is a bistro

café where people

would come to relax

and have their specially

made pancake. This

café is open business

from 10am till 1am/2am

every week.

The Tryst Café is fitted in between shophouses facing a one-way street

where parking lots are always hard to find during peak hours, which are 9am –

11am; 1pm – 3pm; 6pm – 8pm. Noise level are quite high during peaks either

indoor or outdoor whenever the café is burst with crowd or impatient driver horn

the double–parker. However, it’s a relaxing place to drop by during night time

after 9pm when people eager for a light supper or have some hookah. It is

indeed a nice place for people to chill.

Figure 13: Tryst Café SS15 Subang Jaya

Figure 14: Tryst Café Location

Retrieved from: Google Maps

5.2 Measure Drawing

5.2.1 Ground Floor Plan

Figure 15: Tryst Café Ground Floor Plan

5.2.2 First Floor Plan

Figure 16: Tryst Café First Floor Plan

5.2.3 Sections

Figure 16: sections of Tryst Cafe

Zone E

Analysis will be done by averaging the lux of demarcated 7 zones based on MS

1525. The material used, lightning quality and calculation will be explained and

done zone by zone.

Zone A

Zone B

Zone F

Zone H

Zone G

Zone D

Zone C


5.3 Zoning

5.3.1 Floor Plan Zoning

Ground Floor Plan

Figure 17: Zoning of ground floor plan

Zone I

Zone J

Zone L

Zone K


First Floor Plan

Figure 18: Zoning of first floor plan

Figure 4.4 : Plan with lights

Tungsten Halogen Reflector-Mounted Lamps

Compact Fluorescent Lamp

EcoClassic Halogen bulb

LightInTheBox 2W Modern Led Wall Light

Fluorescent Light tube


5.3.2 Lighting Zoning

5.4 Existing Lighting

Precise™ MR16 lamp

Low voltage tungsten halogen reflector-mounted lamps popular for down

lighting and accent lighting applications because of their small size, precise

beam control, high efficacy, excellent white light and cool beam characteristics.

Bulb Clear matt

Luminous Intensity, cd 900

Power, W 9

Luminous efficiency, Im/W 35

Luminous Flux, Im 315

Colour Rendering Index, CRI 80

Rated Life, h 25000

Compact Fluorescent Lamp

A fluorescent lamp designed to replace an incandescent lamp; some types fit

into light fixtures formerly used for incandescent lamps. The lamps use a tube

which is curved or folded to fit into the space of an incandescent bulb, and a

compact electronic ballast in the base of the lamp.

Bulb Warm white

Socket E27

Power, W 23

Luminous efficiency, Im/W 33.04

Luminous Flux, Im 760

Colour Rendering Index, CRI 82

Rated Life, h 8000

EcoClassic Halogen bulb

The traditional light bulb has evolved. Philips' energy-saving technology uses

30% less energy than standard bulbs, guaranteed. With high-quality, dimmable

light, The New Classic light bulb is the cheapest way to start saving energy


Bulb Frosted

Luminous Intensity, cd 900

Power, W 28

Luminous efficiency, Im/W 13

Luminous Flux, Im 370

Colour Rendering Index, CRI 120

Rated Life, h 2000

LightInTheBox 2W Modern Led Wall Light

A AC powered LED wall lights, with bulb included. Artistic, modern and

contemporary, nature inspired suggested at romantic dining area.

Bulb Colours

Socket 500

Power, W 12

Luminous efficiency, Im/W 85

Luminous Flux, Im 1020

Colour Rendering Index, CRI 70

Rated Life, h 25000

Fluorescent Light tube

Fluorescent tubes are available in a variety of lengths, colours and types.

Typically we supply tubes made by Philips, Osram, GE (General Electric) and

Sylvania. Diameters vary from T2 (quarter inch diameter) to T12 (1.5 inch

diameter) and lengths from 4 inch to 8 foot.

Bulb Warm white

Luminous Intensity, cd 1500

Power, W 19

Luminous efficiency, Im/W 86

Luminous Flux, Im 1650

Colour Rendering Index, CRI 62

Rated Life, h 1000

WALLRaw Concrete with paint

FLOORINGRaw Concrete with paint

DOOR & WNDOWSSteel Frame Glass

FURNITUREWooden ChairWooden Dining Table

Fabric Sofa

Rattan Chair

5.5 Indication of Materials

Figure 20: Plan with material indicated

Categories Materials Colour Reflectance Surface


Ceiling Raw Concrete with paint Medium


20-25% Matted

Plasterboard (suspended


Orange 25-35% Smooth

Wall Raw Concrete with paint Medium


20-30% Smooth

Ceramic Tile (10mm x 10mm) Green 70-80% Glossy

5.6 Lighting Material Reflectance:



Materials Colour Reflectance Surface


Wall Brick Wall with paint White 30-35% Rough

Raw Concrete with paint Green 30-35% Smooth

Flooring Raw Concrete with paint Medium


25-30% Smooth

Door &


Steel Frame Glass Black 8-12% Transpa


Categories Materials Colour Reflectanc




Furniture Wooden Dining Table Light


25-35% Smooth

& Glossy

Fabric Sofa Light


12-18% Rough

Rattan Chair Brown 20-30% Rough

Brown 10-15% RoughFabric Chair

Categories Materials Absorption Coefficient Surface

Texture500HZ 2000Hz 4000Hz

Ceiling Raw Concrete with paint 0.02 0.02 0.02 Smooth


(suspended ceiling)

0.02 0.04 0.04 Smooth

Wall Raw Concrete with paint 0.05 0.09 0.09 Smooth

Ceramic Tile (10mm x


0.01 0.02 0.02 Glossy

5.7 Sound Material Absorption:

Categories Materials Absorption Coefficient Surface







Wall Brick Wall with paint 0.03 0.04 0.04 Rough

Flooring Raw Concrete with


0.05 0.09 0.09 Smooth

Door &


Steel Frame Glass 0.18 0.07 0.04 Matted/ Transparent

Furniture Fabric Chair 0.18 0.28 0.28 Rough

Categories Materials Absorption Coefficient Surface

Texture500HZ 2000Hz 4000Hz

Furniture Wooden Dining Table 0.01 0.02 0.02 Smooth &



Fabric Sofa 0.18 0.28 0.28 Rough

Rattan Chair 0.01 0.02 0.02 Rough

Human Human 0.42 0.5 0.5

6.0 Methodology

6.1 Lighting Approach

Measurements are taken at 3 different times of the day, which is 10

o’clock in the morning, 4 o’clock in the afternoon and 1 o’clock in the night time.

All readings are taken during the business hour in order to capture the

maximum lighting level.

The spaces are zoned by the function of the place and the grid is drawn

1m x 1m. Measurements are taken at different points according to the grids.

Readings are taken at two different levels, which is 1.0m and 1.5m from ground


After the data is tabulated, the artificial light sources are identified.

Artificial lighting are recorded and drawn on the ceiling plan. Types of artificial

lighting are recorded and an inventory of light fixture is produced. By having all

the data collected on site, a lighting contour diagram is produced.

Lastly, the calculations and analysis are carried out in order to

understand the lighting quality of the site. Based on the analysis, lighting

comfort is determined. To establish the lighting quality of a place, factors such

as building materials and interior furnishing should be taken into consideration.

Building Standards (MS 1525) is used as a reference in referring the standard

lighting requirement of a space.

(a) Lux Meter

The lux meter is an electronic equipment for measuring luminous flux per unit area. It

is used in to measure the illuminance level. This device is sensitive to illuminance and

accurate for the reading. Figure below shows the equipment used for the data

collection. The brand of the device is Lutron, the model code is LX-101.


• Sensor used the exclusive photo diode & color correction filter, spectrum meet

C.I.E. photopic.

• Sensor COS correction factor meet standard.

• High accuracy in measuring.

• Wide measurement, 3 ranges: 2,000 Lux, 20,000 Lux, & 50,000 Lux.

• Build in the external zero adjust VR on front panel.

• Separate LIGHT SENSOR allows user to measure the light at an optimum position.

• LSI circuit provides high reliability and durability.

• LCD display allows clear read-out even at high ambient light level.

• Compact, lightweight and excellent operation.

• Built-in low battery indicator.

6.1.1 Description of Equipment

General Specification

Display 13mm (0.5”) LCD, 3 ½ digits, Max. Indication 1999.

Measurement 0 to 50,000 Lux, 3 ranges

Sensor The exclusive photo diode & color correction filter.

Zero adjustment Build in the external zero adjustment VR on front panel.

Figure 21: Equipment

Over Input Display Indication of “1”.

Operating Temp. 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F).

Operating Humidity Less than 80% R.H.

Power Supply006P.DC 9V battery, MN 1604 (PP3) or


Power current Approx. DC 2mA.

Weight 160g / 0.36 LB (including battery).


Main instrument: 180 x 73 x 23 mm (4.3 x

2.9 x 0.9 inch)

Sensor probe: 82 x 55 x 7 mm (3.2 x 2.2 x

0.3 inch)

Standard Accessories


Manual…………………………….. 1 PC

Sensor Probe…………..…………. 1 PC

Carrying case, CA-

04……………………………… 1 PC

Electrical Specifications (23 ± 5°C)

Range Resolution Accuracy

0 – 1999 Lux 1 Lux

± (5% + 2d)2000 – 19990 Lux 10 Lux

20000 – 50000 Lux 100 Lux


Accuracy tested by a standard parallel light tungsten lamp of 2856 K


The above accuracy value is specified after finish the zero adjustment


General specification of a lux meter

Electrical specifications of a lux meter.

(c) Camera

The camera is used to capture the lighting condition of the place and

also to capture the lighting appliances.

6.1.2 Procedure

1) Identification of area for light source measurements were based on

guidelines (grid) produced.

2) Obtain data with lux meter (cd/m2), by placing the device at the

designated area with the height >1m and 1.5m.

3) Record data; indicating light level in each area & specify on the variables

that affects our readings.

4) Repeat the same steps for day and night, considering that there might be

different lighting condition comparing at day and at night.

Following images are visual evidence of lighting conditions, both day

and night.

The interior lighting is mixed with artificial

lighting and daylight, which will alter the

reading of the lux meter.

Same goes to the first floor, which the

daylight penetrates from outside, through

the balcony and also the glass door.

(b) Measuring tape

The measuring tape is used to measure the height of the position of the

lux meter, which is at 1m high and 1.5m high. We mark the 1m and

1.5m height mark on one person so that it is more convenient to

measure the illuminance level.

At night the interior is only lighted up by

the artificial lighting, and its colour

temperature is more to warm colour.

The lighting condition at first floor is about

the same as ground floor as well, which is

also mainly illuminated by artificial lighting.

6.1.3 Data Collection Method

Measurement are taken on 2 different date and time which is at 15th of

April 2014, 2:30pm and also at 18th of April 2014, 10pm, reasons being that the

possibility of different lighting condition between day and night and also

afternoon is non-peak time while it is on peak time when night time. In order to

acquire the accurate reading, the lux meter was placed at the same height from

floor at every point which is 1.5m and 1m. Plans with a perpendicular 2m x 2m

gridline are used as a guideline while recording the readings and plotted on the


Readings are taken on 1m and 1.5m respectively

Figure 22: Reading method of Lighting data

Daylight Factor Calculation Example

DF=𝐸 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙

𝐸 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙x 100%

E internal = illuminance due to daylight at a point on the indoor’s working plane

E external = direct sunlight = 32000lx

For example, take n E internal = 540lux

Hence, DF=𝐸 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙

𝐸 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙x 100%


32000x 100%

= 1.68%

Lumen Method Calculation ExampleFor example, Height of luminaire : 3m

Height of work plane : 1m

Area : 59 sqm

6.1.4 Lighting Analysis Calculation

Step 1

Find the light reflectance (%) for ceiling, wall, window and floor in the overall

space based on the reflectance table.

Step 2

Find room index

For example, length, the length of space = 2.5m, width = 2m, height from work

plane to luminaire

= 2.5m


Ceiling(Raw concrete with

paint- beige)

Wall(Raw concrete with

paint- medium grey)

Timber flooring- medium brown

35% 25% 35%


Step 4

Calculation of illuminance required and number of light required:

Room Index

=𝐿 𝑥 𝑊

𝐿 +𝑊 𝑥 𝐻

= 2.5 x 2

2.5+2 x 2.5

= 0.45

Utilization Factor Table

Step 3

Identify utilization Factor (UF) from table in refer to figure 1.

Reflectance value of material

Reflectance is the amount of light which reflects off an object. This quantity of

light can be measured and is expressed as footlamberts. It is important

understand that the amount of light reflected off objects in a room adds to the

overall illumination and must be taken into account when determining the

footcandle requirement for the space. The color of an object determines to a

large extent the amount of light reflecting off the object.

Colours Materials

White 70% - 80% Plaster – white 80%

Light cream 70% - 80% White porcelain 65% - 75%

Light yellow 55% - 65% Glazed white tile 60% - 75%

Limestone 35% - 70%

Light green 45% - 50% Marble 30% - 70%

Pink 45% - 50% Sandstone 20% - 40%

Sky – blue 40% - 45% Concrete – gray 15% - 40%

Light gray 40% - 45% Granite 20% - 25%

Brick – red 10% - 20%

Beige 25% - 35% Carbon - black 2% - 10%

Material reflectance percentage(Source:

6.1.5 Constrains

Human Error: The shadow cast on the lux meter when the person

operating the instrument might affect the lux value on the meter. Furthermore,

different holding position of the sensor of the meter might affect the data

collection on site. However, human errors are minimized in order to increase

the accuracy of the data.

Device Error: The device might take a few seconds to stabilise the

reading as the sensor might not be as sensitive. Readings taken before the

stabilised value might cause readings taken to be inaccurate and there might

be a huge gap between readings.

Natural Causes: Weather is the main natural causes that had cause

affection on the lux value on site. For example, the time taken to collect all

readings was 2 hours. However, the weather changes during the period of time

when the measuring was ongoing. Therefore, it might affect the data collected.

6.2 Acoustic Approach

A total of four site visits were conducted in order to collect sufficient

information required for the analysis. During the first visit, photos of site were

taken and measured drawings were done on the spot.

Sound readings were recorded to record the sound level at different

times, which is morning (non-peak), afternoon (peak) and night (non-peak).

Permission was given by the restaurant owner to visit around the dining area

during our visits except the kitchen and bar area. The spaces in the restaurant

were divided in grid lines on the floor plan, with a 1m x 1m distance.

The kitchen, bar area and toilet area is excluded in the premise but it will

be analysed to show the relationship of noise that might be one of the

influences to the dining area. In addition, since there is an outdoor dining area,

the external noise is also taken into consideration to understand the influences

of the outdoor noise to the indoor conditions.

Spaces in the restaurant are divided into different zones based on the

functions and activities of the specific space. This is to make the later analysis

more specific and thorough.

6.2.1 Methodology of Sound Analysis:

Equipment Used

Figure 23: illustrates equipment that were used to collect information data.

General Specification:

Environment Relative Humidity : storage < 95% / measurementTemperature : storage < 55oC /0oC < measurement <

50OcCE marking : comply with EN 50081 – 1 and EN


The particular model used for the measurement in acoustics is the ARTON

Ondule; model code 13733- SB 1001000. It is most suitable for both

professional % patrician use in analyzing the context of acoustic. With its

compact dimensions & low cost, the IdB noise indicator provides access to

quantities, such as the equivalent continuous sound pressure level Leq;

(required by most prevailing regulation)

b) Measuring tape

The measuring tape is used to measure the height of the position of the sound

meter, which is at 1m high. We mark the 1m mark on one person so that it is

more convenient to measure the sound level.

c) Camera

The camera is used to capture the sources of sound for reference.

Standard References IEC 804 and IEC 651

Grade of Accuracy Not assigned

Quantities display LP, Lp Max, Leq

Display LCD / Display Resolution 1dB

Frequency weighting: A / Time weighting(LP)


Time integration (Leq) Free or user defined

Measurement range 30-120 Db/ Range: 30 - 90 & 60 - 120

Linearity ± 1.5dB

Overload from (± 1.5dB maximum) 93 dB and 123

dB Peak

Dimension / Weight 160 x 64 x 22mm / 150g without battery

Battery/ battery life Alkaline (6LR61)/ min 30h (20oC)

6.2.2 Procedure

Data Collection

Sound level may varies in different area

Peak and non-peak time are recorded

Identify location for measurements

Using the sound level meter (IdB) to collect data on intersection of the grid


Placing height at 1.5 meter above ground

Producing grid lines

1.5 by 1.5 meter Covering each area of site plan

Procedure of measuring sound level

During peak time noise generated from

the crowd is also one of the factor that

effect the sound meter reading.

There are speakers all around the café,

playing music which will also affect the

sound meter reading as well.

6.2.3 Data Collection Method

In order to acquire the accurate reading, the sound level meter was placed at

the same height from floor at every point which is 1.5m. This standard is being

used as it enables the reading of sound level meter to be more accurate. The

person holding the sound level meter will not talk and make any noise so the

reading will not be affected. Each recording was done by facing the similar

direction, to synchronize the result. Plans with gridline are used as a guideline

while recording the readings and plotted on the plan. Same process is repeated

interior and exterior as well as different time zone.

6.2.4 Acoustic Analysis Calculation

Figure 24: Shows the standard height used to record down noise readings.

Human Limitations: The digital sound level meter device is very sensitive

to the surrounding with ranging of recording between data difference of

approximately 0.2 – 0.3 of stabilisation. Thus, the data recorded is based on

the time when hold button was pressed. When operating the sound level meter,

the device might have been pointed towards the wrong path of sound source,

hence causing the readings taken to be slightly inaccurate.

Sound Source Stability: During peak hours, sound from kitchen and bar

area has high influences to the surrounding sound level. On the other hand,

during non-peak hour, the vehicles sound from the site surrounding varies from

time to time, that might also be influencing the data to be varies depending on

the traffic conditions.

6.2.5 Constrains

7.0 Lighting Case Study

7.1 Tabulation of data

1 2 3 4 5


19 20

1.5m 18 17


18 21

1.5m 17 20


130 158 48 46 132

1.5m 160 132 39 36 107


152 161 32 34 128

1.5m 179 141 30 31 119


162 161 32 53 107

1.5m 165 173 31 42 101


145 148 40 38 26

1.5m 139 101 35 37 20


143 173 28 30 19

1.5m 133 80 33 37 16


159 170 30 23 18

1.5m 152 90 32 25 15


26 20 180 28 29

1.5m 23 16 172 32 25


24 29 27 30 25

1.5m 21 20 26 28 23


35 36 35 60 21

1.5m 21 31 20 70 20


26 25 23 23 25

1.5m 24 23 21 22 23


24 21 29 25 24

1.5m 27 26 40 21 20


29 80 73 30 31

1.5m 41 43 52 14 18


50 50 51 28 21

1.5m 50 57 60 17 11


94 99 95 92 93

1.5m 123 122 134 140 139


140 149 145 151 148

1.5m 141 148 150 149 146


218 191 200 221 225

1.5m 314 307 316 316 319


356 358 359 328 360

1.5m 370 366 354 375 385

Day time lux reading (ground floor)

Date : 19th September 2014 (Friday)

Time : 3pm

Table 1: Daytime lux reading (ground floor).

1 2 3 4 5


51 53 65 53 47

1.5m 45 46 55 50 40


45 46 68 52 47

1.5m 43 42 37 43 40


49 48 67 51 45

1.5m 47 42 49 49 40


53 63 61 49 45

1.5m 51 57 54 41 41


60 63 50

1.5m 57 45 47


49 52 54

1.5m 41 43 37


45 41 43

1.5m 42 43 50


51 53 57

1.5m 49 48 47


47 45 35

1.5m 42 38 29


40 37 69

1.5m 25 27 32


60 61 68 67 65

1.5m 72 64 66 65 64


63 65 71 62 67

1.5m 61 64 80 68 75


61 65 77 72 71

1.5m 75 77 75 70 69


62 64 82 35 26

1.5m 68 74 84 37 28


78 80 88 58 34

1.5m 96 108 102 40 32


112 118 121 120 129

1.5m 140 135 138 149 144


180 186 181 187 185

1.5m 214 224 220 239 237

Day time lux reading (ground floor)

Date : 19th September 2014 (Friday)

Time : 3pm

Table 2: Daytime lux reading (first floor).

1 2 3 4 5


19 20

1.5m 18 18


20 21

1.5m 17 20


149 161 21 22 147

1.5m 165 136 12 15 123


155 168 17 20 145

1.5m 178 147 15 18 132


168 174 20 56 121

1.5m 177 197 15 41 112


147 157 30 25 13

1.5m 138 84 25 24 12


145 174 17 23 12

1.5m 132 74 25 19 10


156 168 26 16 13

1.5m 141 82 27 21 11


19 13 174 17 18

1.5m 16 11 189 23 15


17 25 13 19 15

1.5m 14 14 12 16 13


27 26 27 57 12

1.5m 10 21 11 63 11


14 12 15 14 13

1.5m 12 11 14 13 12


12 11 18 15 14

1.5m 11 13 20 12 11


15 14 60 78 43

1.5m 14 11 46 20 18


13 18 43 32 24

1.5m 12 15 31 26 17


11 19 21 15 13

1.5m 10 18 20 14 12


13 12 16 12 11

1.5m 12 11 15 11 10


10 8 7 8 9

1.5m 9 7 6 6 8


10 9 7 7 8

1.5m 9 8 6 6 7

Night time lux reading (ground floor)

Date : 19th September 2014 (Friday)

Time : 9pm

Table 3: Night time lux reading (ground floor).

1 2 3 4 5


43 45 57 47 41

1.5m 40 43 51 41 38


41 43 62 45 38

1.5m 39 40 27 38 34


45 42 56 43 36

1.5m 40 39 34 40 32


48 54 52 42 35

1.5m 44 51 48 37 30


52 54 42

1.5m 48 35 44


42 45 47

1.5m 38 41 25


37 30 40

1.5m 34 35 42


42 46 47

1.5m 40 41 42


42 40 27

1.5m 38 37 25


37 34 66

1.5m 20 19 28


10 11 18 17 15

1.5m 12 14 16 15 14


13 15 21 22 17

1.5m 11 14 20 18 15


21 25 27 22 21

1.5m 15 26 25 20 19


12 14 32 35 26

1.5m 18 24 34 37 28


18 20 43 58 34

1.5m 16 28 42 40 32


12 28 41 40 39

1.5m 10 25 38 39 34


11 26 31 47 41

1.5m 14 24 30 39 37

Night time lux reading (ground floor)

Date : 19th September 2014 (Friday)

Time : 9pm

Table 4: Night time lux reading (first floor).

Zone 1m from ground 1.5m from ground

3pm 9pm 3pm 9pm

A 19.5 20 18 18.25

B 150.3 158.3 153 156.5

C 157.6 161.1 129.1 128.1

D 48 41.3 43.7 36.5

E 40.3 31.9 36.5 29.3

F36.2 18.8 34.4 16.1

G27.5 44.3 15 20.3

H201.1 10.7 240.7 10.3

I52.4 42.3 45.7 36.8

J45.5 41 32.2 27.8

K95.7 23.5 110.2 22.8

L38.3 38.3 34.3 34.3

Table 5: Average lux reading (zone).

Average lux reading according to zoning

7.2 Interpretation of Data7.2.1 Day Time Lux Diagram

Figure 25: Lux Contour Diagram with sun path during day time

As the orientation of entrance is facing south, morning direct sunlight is avoided

so the building is shaded. Hence, the lux reading is distinctively low. Indoor

dining area is not affected at all as the area is mostly shaded.

Figure 26: Day Time Lux Contour Diagram

Day Time Lux Diagram

Ground Floor Analysis

Figure 27: Night Time Lux Contour Diagram

Day Time Lux Diagram

First Floor Analysis

Figure 28: Night Time Lux Contour Diagram

7.2.2 Night Time Lux DiagramGround Floor Analysis

Figure 29: Night Time Lux Contour Diagram

Night Time Lux Diagram

First Floor Analysis

Distribution of Lightings

Figure 30 : Fixtures in Ground Floor

Tungsten Halogen Reflector-Mounted Lamps

Compact Fluorescent Lamp

EcoClassic Halogen bulb

LightInTheBox 2W Modern Led Wall Light

Fluorescent Light tube

7.3 Fixtures

Figure 31 : Fixtures in First Floor

• Extension (Zone A)

Figure 32: Zone A extension (ground floor).

7.4 Light Analysis7.4.1 Daylight Factor Calculations

Figure 34: Side sectional diagram showing the artificial lighting located at Zone A.

Figure 33: Sectional diagram showing Zone A.

Time Weather Luminanc

e at 1m





e at 1.5m




3pm Clear Sky 19 - 21 19.5 17 - 20 18

9pm Dark 18 - 21 20 17 - 20 18.5

Average lux reading 3pm 9pm

1m 19.5 20

1.5m 18 18.5

Average lux value 18.75 19.25

Table 6: Lux Reading at Zone A

Table 7: Average Lux Value at Zone A

Table 9: Daylight Intensity at different condition

Date and time : 19th September 2014,

Average lux value : 18.75

Reading (Einternal) : lux

Daylight factor calculation formula : 𝐷𝐹 =𝐸 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙

𝐸 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙× 100%

Standard direct sunlight (Einternal) : 20000 lux


𝐷𝐹 =𝐸 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙

𝐸 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙× 100%

=18.75 𝑙𝑢𝑥

20000 𝑙𝑢𝑥× 100%

= 0.09%

DF, % Distribution

>6 Very Bright with thermal & glare problem

3~6 Bright

1~3 Average

0~1 Dark

Table 10: Daylight Factor, DF

The average lux value during the afternoon, 3pm is 18.75 lux, whereas at night, 9pm,

the average lux value is 19.25 lux. There are minor changes in the lux value because

the space is an enclosed extension with minimum light enter in. It is located between

two buildings both east and west which totally blocks the penetration of sunlight.

According to table provided in MS1525, the daylight factor of 0.09% is categorized

under the dark category. This zone has a minimum amount of light distribution which

does not fulfill the requirement for a space of kitchen extension. Light luminance

should be added in the space to provide a bright area to work.


Location Zone A - Extension

Dimension, m L= 2.5, W= 2.7

Area, m² 6.75

Height of ceiling, m 3.0

Height of work level,



Type of light Fluorescent Light Tube

Average luminous

flux of lighting / F, lm

19W, 86lm/W, 1650lm

Height of luminaries,



Vertical distance

from work place to

luminaries, m


Number of existing

light bulb / n x N


Luminance factors,


Ceiling Raw concrete with

paint (grey)


Wall Raw concrete with

paint (medium grey)


Floor Raw concrete with

paint (medium grey)


Room Index Room Index(𝐿 𝑥 𝑊)

𝐿 + 𝑊 𝑋 𝐻

=(2.5 𝑋 2.7)

2.5 + 2.7 𝑋 1.5= 0.87

Utilization Factor /

UF (refer to UF table)


7.4.2 Lumen Method & Room Index Calculation

Maintenance Factor/ MF

0.76 X 0.85 X 0.61 X 0.95 = 0.37

Illuminance level required / E, lx

E=𝑛 𝑥 𝑁 𝑥 𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹


1 𝑋 1650 𝑋 0.41 𝑋 0.376.75

= 37.08 lux

MS 1525 recommended Illuminance, lx

Recommended average illumination levels by MS 1525 : 150 – 300 lux

150 (min. requirement) – 37.08 =112.92 luxTherefore, the extension on ground floor (Zone A) lacks of average illuminance levels of 112.92 lux before reaching the recommended standard by MS 1525.

Number of light required/ N

N=𝐸 𝑥 𝐴

𝑛 𝑥 𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹

=150 𝑋 6.75

1 𝑋 1650 𝑋 0.41 𝑋 0.37

= 44 lamps are required to achieve recommended average

illuminance levels by MS 1525. Existing number of lamps

are 1.

4 - 1 = 3

Therefore, 3 lamps more required to fulfill the requirement.

• Kitchen (Zone B)

Figure 35: Kitchen on ground floor (Zone B).

Figure 36: Sectional diagram showing Zone B.

Figure 37: Side sectional diagram showing the artificial lighting located at Zone B.

Date and time : 19th September 2014

Average lux value : 151.7

Reading (Einternal) : lux

Daylight factor calculation formula : 𝐷𝐹 =𝐸 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙

𝐸 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙× 100%

Standard direct sunlight (Einternal) : 20000 lux

Calculation :

𝐷𝐹 =𝐸 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙

𝐸 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙× 100%

=151.7 𝑙𝑢𝑥

20000 𝑙𝑢𝑥× 100%

= 0.76%

Time Weather Luminanc

e at 1m





e at 1.5m




3pm Clear Sky 130 - 160 150.3 132 - 179 153

9pm Dark 136 - 165 158.3 136 -178 156.5

Average lux reading 3pm 9pm

1m 150.3 158.3

1.5m 153 156.5

Average lux value 151.7 157.4

Table 10: Lux Reading at Zone B

Table 11: Average Lux Value at Zone B

Table 12: Daylight Intensity at different condition

The average lux value during the afternoon, 3pm is 151.7 lux, whereas at night, 9pm,

the average lux value is 157.4 lux. There are minor changes in the lux value because

the space is an enclosed space with minimum light enter in. It is located between two

buildings both east and west which totally blocks the penetration of sunlight.

According to table provided in MS1525, the daylight factor of 0.76% is categorized

under the dark category. This zone has a minimum amount of light distribution which

does not fulfill the requirement for a space of kitchen. Light luminance should be

added in the space to provide a bright area to work.

DF, % Distribution

>6 Very Bright with thermal & glare problem

3~6 Bright

1~3 Average

0~1 Dark

Table 13: Daylight Factor, DF


Location Zone B - Kitchen

Dimension, m L= 4.45, W= 2.2

Area, m² 9.79

Height of ceiling, m 3.0

Height of work

level, m


Type of light EcoClassic Halogen Bulb

Average luminous

flux of lighting / F,



Height of

luminaries, m


Vertical distance

from work place to

luminaries, m


Number of existing

light bulb / n x N


Luminance factors,


Ceiling Raw concrete with

paint (grey)


Wall Raw concrete with

paint (white)


Floor Raw concrete with

paint (medium grey)


Room Index Room Index(𝐿 𝑥 𝑊)

𝐿 +𝑊 𝑋 𝐻

=(4.45 𝑋 2.2)

4.45 + 2.2 𝑋 1.5= 0.98

Utilization Factor /

UF (refer to UF



Maintenance Factor/


0.76 X 0.85 X 0.8 X 0.86 = 0.44

Illuminance level

required / E, lxE=

𝑛 𝑥 𝑁 𝑥 𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹


6 𝑋 370 𝑋 0.35𝑋 0.449.79

= 34.92 lux

MS 1525


Illuminance, lx

Recommended average illumination levels by MS 1525 : 150 – 300 lux

150 (min. requirement) – 34.92 =115 luxTherefore, the kitchen on ground floor (Zone B) lacks of average illuminance levels of 124 lux before reaching the recommended standard by MS 1525.

Number of light

required/ NN =

𝐸 𝑥 𝐴𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹

=150 𝑋 9.79

370 𝑋 0.35𝑋 0.44= 26

26 lamps are required to achieve recommended average

illuminance levels by MS 1525. Existing number of lamps

are 6.

26 - 6 = 20

Therefore, 20 lamps more required to fulfill the requirement.

• Bar (Zone C)

Figure 38: Kitchen on ground floor (Zone C).

Figure 39: Sectional diagram showing Zone C.

Figure 40: Side sectional diagram showing the artificial lighting located at Zone C.

Date and time : 19th September 2014

Average lux value : 143.4

Reading (Einternal) : lux

Daylight factor calculation formula : 𝐷𝐹 =𝐸 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙

𝐸 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙× 100%

Standard direct sunlight (Einternal) : 20000 lux

Calculation :

𝐷𝐹 =𝐸 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙

𝐸 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙× 100%

=143.4 𝑙𝑢𝑥

20000 𝑙𝑢𝑥× 100%

= 0.72%

Time Weather Luminanc

e at 1m





e at 1.5m




3pm Clear Sky 143 - 173 157.6 80 - 173 129.1

9pm Dark 145 - 174 161.1 74 - 197 128.1

Average lux reading 3pm 9pm

1m 157.6 161.1

1.5m 129.1 128.1

Average lux value 143.4 144.6

Table 14: Lux Reading at Zone C

Table 15: Average Lux Value at Zone C

Table 16: Daylight Intensity at different condition

The average lux value during the afternoon, 3pm is 143.4 lux, whereas at night, 9pm,

the average lux value is 144.6 lux. There are minor changes in the lux value because

the space is an enclosed space with minimum light enter in. It is located between two

buildings both east and west which totally blocks the penetration of sunlight.

According to table provided in MS1525, the daylight factor of 0.72% is categorized

under the dark category. This zone has a minimum amount of light distribution which

does not fulfill the requirement for a space of bar. Light luminance should be added in

the space to provide a bright area to work.

DF, % Distribution

>6 Very Bright with thermal & glare problem

3~6 Bright

1~3 Average

0~1 Dark

Table 17: Daylight Factor, DF


Location Zone C - Bar

Dimension, m L= 5.2, W= 2.35

Area, m² 12.2

Height of ceiling, m 3.0

Height of work level,



Type of light Tungston



Mounted Lamps





Halogen Bulb

Average luminous

flux of lighting / F, lm

315 760 370

Height of luminaries,


2.2 2.5 2.5

Vertical distance

from work place to

luminaries, m

1.2 1.5 1.5

Number of existing

light bulb / n x N

3 3 2

Luminance factors,


Ceiling Raw concrete with paint



Wall Ceramic Tile (10mm x

10mm) (green)


Floor Raw concrete with paint

(medium grey)


Room Index Room Index(𝐿 𝑥 𝑊)

𝐿 + 𝑊 𝑋 𝐻

=(5.2 𝑋 2.35)

5.2 + 2.35 𝑋 1.2= 1.35

Room Index(𝐿 𝑥 𝑊)

𝐿 + 𝑊 𝑋 𝐻

=(5.2 𝑋 2.35)

5.2 + 2.35 𝑋 1.5= 1.1

Room Index(𝐿 𝑥 𝑊)

𝐿 + 𝑊 𝑋 𝐻

=(5.2 𝑋 2.35)

5.2 + 2.35 𝑋 1.5= 1.1

Utilization Factor /

UF (refer to UF


0.39 0.35 0.35

Maintenance Factor/ MF

0.72 X 0.64 X 0.61 X 0.82 = 0.23

Illuminance level required / E, lx


𝑛 𝑥 𝑁 𝑥 𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹


3 𝑋 315 𝑋 0.39 𝑋 0.2312.2

= 6.95 lux

E=𝑛 𝑥 𝑁 𝑥 𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹


3 𝑋 760 𝑋 0.35𝑋 0.2312.2

= 15 lux


𝑛 𝑥 𝑁 𝑥 𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹


2 𝑋 370 𝑋 0.35 𝑋 0.2312.2

= 4.88 lux

MS 1525 recommended Illuminance, lx

Recommended average illumination levels by MS 1525 : 150 – 300 lux

150 (min. requirement) – 6.95 – 15 – 4.88 = 137.07 luxTherefore, the bar on ground floor (Zone C) lacks of average illuminance levels of 137.07 lux before reaching the recommended standard by MS 1525.

Number of light required/ N

N =𝐸 𝑥 𝐴

𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹

=150 𝑋 12.2

315 𝑋 0.39𝑋 0.23= 65

65 Tungston Halogen

lamps are required to



average illuminance

levels by MS 1525.

Existing number of

lamps are 3.

65 - 3 = 62

Therefore, 62

Tungston Halogen

lamps more required

to fulfill the


N =𝐸 𝑥 𝐴

𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹

=150 𝑋 12.2

760 𝑋 0.35𝑋 0.23= 30

30 Compact

Fluorescent lamps

are required to



average illuminance

levels by MS 1525.

Existing number of

lamps are 3.

30 - 3 = 27

Therefore, 27

Compact Fluorescent

lamps more required

to fulfill the


N =𝐸 𝑥 𝐴

𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹

=150 𝑋 12.2

370 𝑋 0.35𝑋 0.23= 62

62 EcoClassic

Halogen bulb are

required to achieve



illuminance levels

by MS 1525.

Existing number of

lamps are 3.

62 - 3 = 59

Therefore, 59


Halogen bulb more

required to fulfill the


• Dining Area 1 (Zone D)

Figure 41: Dining area 1 on ground floor (Zone D).

Figure 42: Sectional diagram showing Zone D.

Figure 43: Side sectional diagram showing the artificial lighting located at Zone D.

Date and time : 19th September 2014

Average lux value : 45.9

Reading (Einternal) : lux

Daylight factor calculation formula : 𝐷𝐹 =𝐸 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙

𝐸 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙× 100%

Standard direct sunlight (Einternal) : 20000 lux

Calculation :

𝐷𝐹 =𝐸 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙

𝐸 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙× 100%

=45.9 𝑙𝑢𝑥

20000 𝑙𝑢𝑥× 100%

= 0.23%

Time Weather Luminanc

e at 1m





e at 1.5m




3pm Clear Sky 18 - 132 48 15 - 119 43.7

9pm Dark 12 - 147 41.3 11 - 147 36.5

Average lux reading 3pm 9pm

1m 48 41.3

1.5m 43.7 36.5

Average lux value 45.9 38.9

Table 18: Lux Reading at Zone D

Table 19: Average Lux Value at Zone D

Table 20: Daylight Intensity at different condition

The average lux value during the afternoon, 3pm is 45.9 lux, whereas at night, 9pm,

the average lux value is 38.9 lux. There are minor changes in the lux value because

the space is an enclosed space with minimum light enter in. It is located between two

buildings both east and west which totally blocks the penetration of sunlight.

According to table provided in MS1525, the daylight factor of 0.23% is categorized

under the dark category. This zone has a minimum amount of light distribution which

does not fulfill the requirement for a space of dining area. Light luminance should be

added in the space to provide a brighter area to eat.

DF, % Distribution

>6 Very Bright with thermal & glare problem

3~6 Bright

1~3 Average

0~1 Dark

Table 21: Daylight Factor, DF


Location Zone D - Dining Area 1

Dimension, m L= 9.8, W= 3.75

Area, m² 36.75

Height of ceiling,



Height of work

level, m


Type of light Light InTheBox 2W

Modern Led Wall



Halogen Bulb




Average luminous

flux of lighting / F,


1020 370 760

Height of

luminaries, m

2 2.5 2.5

Vertical distance

from work place to

luminaries, m

1 1.5 1.5

Number of

existing light bulb /

n x N

1 4 2


factors, %

Ceiling Raw concrete with paint



Wall Raw concrete with paint

(medium grey)


Floor Raw concrete with paint

(medium grey)


Room Index Room Index(𝐿 𝑥 𝑊)

𝐿 + 𝑊 𝑋 𝐻

=(9.8 𝑋 3.75)9.8 + 3.75 𝑋 1= 2.71

Room Index(𝐿 𝑥 𝑊)

𝐿 + 𝑊 𝑋 𝐻

=(9.8 𝑋 3.75)

9.8 + 3.75 𝑋 1.5= 1.8

Room Index(𝐿 𝑥 𝑊)

𝐿 + 𝑊 𝑋 𝐻

=(9.8 𝑋 3.75)

9.8 + 3.75 𝑋 1 5= 1.8

Utilization Factor /

UF (refer to UF


0.47 0.42 0.42

Maintenance Factor/ MF

0.83 X 0.64 X 0.61 X 0.95 = 0.31

Illuminance level required / E, lx


𝑛 𝑥 𝑁 𝑥 𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹


1 𝑋 1020 𝑋 0.47 𝑋 0.3136.75

= 4.04 lux

E=𝑛 𝑥 𝑁 𝑥 𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹


4 𝑋 370 𝑋 0.42𝑋 0.3136.75

= 5.2 lux


𝑛 𝑥 𝑁 𝑥 𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹


2 𝑋 760 𝑋 0.42 𝑋 0.3136.75

= 5.4 lux

MS 1525 recommended Illuminance, lx

Recommended average illumination levels by MS 1525 : 150 – 300 lux

150 (min. requirement) – 4.04 – 5.2 – 5.4 = 135.36 luxTherefore, the dining area on ground floor (Zone D) lacks of average illuminance levels of 135.36 lux before reaching the recommended standard by MS 1525.

Number of light required/ N

N =𝐸 𝑥 𝐴

𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹

=150 𝑋 36.75

1020 𝑋 0.47𝑋 0.31= 37


Halogen lamps are

required to achieve



illuminance levels

by MS 1525.

Existing number of

lamps are 1.

37 - 1 = 36

Therefore, 36

Tungston Halogen

lamps more

required to fulfill the


N =𝐸 𝑥 𝐴

𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹

=150 𝑋 36.75

370 𝑋 0.47𝑋 0.31= 102

102 Compact


lamps are

required to




illuminance levels

by MS 1525.

Existing number

of lamps are 4.

102 - 4 = 98

Therefore, 98



lamps more

required to fulfill

the requirement.

N =𝐸 𝑥 𝐴

𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹

=150 𝑋 36.75

760 𝑋 0.47𝑋 0.31= 50

50 EcoClassic

Halogen bulb are

required to




illuminance levels

by MS 1525.

Existing number

of lamps are 2.

50 - 2 = 48

Therefore, 48


Halogen bulb

more required to

fulfill the


• Dining Area 2 (Zone E)

Figure 44: Dining area 2 on ground floor (Zone E).

Figure 45: Sectional diagram showing Zone E.

Figure 46: Side sectional diagram showing the artificial lighting located at Zone E.

Date and time : 19th September 2014

Average lux value : 38.4

Reading (Einternal) : lux

Daylight factor calculation formula : 𝐷𝐹 =𝐸 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙

𝐸 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙× 100%

Standard direct sunlight (Einternal) : 20000 lux

Calculation :

𝐷𝐹 =𝐸 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙

𝐸 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙× 100%

=38.4 𝑙𝑢𝑥

20000 𝑙𝑢𝑥× 100%

= 0.19%

Time Weather Luminanc

e at 1m





e at 1.5m




3pm Clear Sky 20 - 180 40.3 16 - 172 36.5

9pm Dark 13 - 174 31.9 11 - 189 29.3

Average lux reading 3pm 9pm

1m 40.3 31.9

1.5m 36.5 29.3

Average lux value 38.4 30.6

Table 22: Lux Reading at Zone E

Table 23: Average Lux Value at Zone E

Table 24: Daylight Intensity at different condition

The average lux value during the afternoon, 3pm is 38.4 lux, whereas at night, 9pm,

the average lux value is 30.6 lux. There are minor changes in the lux value because

the space is an enclosed space with minimum light enter in. It is located between two

buildings both east and west which totally blocks the penetration of sunlight.

According to table provided in MS1525, the daylight factor of 0.19% is categorized

under the dark category. This zone has a minimum amount of light distribution which

does not fulfill the requirement for a space of dining area. Light luminance should be

added in the space to provide a bright area to eat.

DF, % Distribution

>6 Very Bright with thermal & glare problem

3~6 Bright

1~3 Average

0~1 Dark

Table 25: Daylight Factor, DF


Location Zone E - Dining Area 2

Dimension, m L= 6.1, W= 3.55

Area, m² 21.7

Height of ceiling, m 3.0

Height of work level,



Type of light EcoClassic Halogen Bulb

Average luminous

flux of lighting / F, lm


Height of luminaries,



Vertical distance

from work place to

luminaries, m


Number of existing

light bulb / n x N


Luminance factors,


Ceiling Plasterboard

(suspended ceiling)



Wall Raw concrete with

paint (medium grey)


Floor Raw concrete with

paint (medium grey)


Room Index Room Index

(𝐿 𝑥 𝑊)

𝐿 + 𝑊 𝑋 𝐻

=(6.1 𝑋 3.55)

6.1 + 3.55 𝑋 1.5= 1.5

Utilization Factor /

UF (refer to UF



Maintenance Factor/ MF

0.76 X 0.85 X 0.8 X 0.86 = 0.44

Illuminance level required / E, lx

E=𝑛 𝑥 𝑁 𝑥 𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹


4 𝑋 370 𝑋 0.39𝑋 0.4421.7

= 11.7 lux

MS 1525 recommended Illuminance, lx

Recommended average illumination levels by MS 1525 : 150 – 300 lux

150 (min. requirement) – 11.7 = 138.3 luxTherefore, the dining area on ground floor (Zone E) lacks of average illuminance levels of 138.3 lux before reaching the recommended standard by MS 1525.

Number of light required/ N

N =𝐸 𝑥 𝐴

𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹

=150 𝑋 21.7

370 𝑋 0.39𝑋 0.44= 52

52 lamps are required to achieve recommended average

illuminance levels by MS 1525. Existing number of lamps

are 4.

52 - 4 = 48

Therefore, 48 lamps more required to fulfill the requirement.

• Dining Area 3 (Zone F)

Figure 47: Dining area 3 on ground floor (Zone F).

Figure 48: Sectional diagram showing Zone F.

Figure 49: Side sectional diagram showing the artificial lighting located at Zone F.

Date and time : 19th September 2014

Average lux value : 35.3

Reading (Einternal) : lux

Daylight factor calculation formula : 𝐷𝐹 =𝐸 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙

𝐸 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙× 100%

Standard direct sunlight (Einternal) : 20000 lux

Calculation :

𝐷𝐹 =𝐸 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙

𝐸 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙× 100%

=35.3 𝑙𝑢𝑥

20000 𝑙𝑢𝑥× 100%

= 0.18%

Time Weather Luminanc

e at 1m





e at 1.5m




3pm Clear Sky 21 - 80 36.2 20 - 60 34.4

9pm Dark 12 - 60 18.8 11 - 46 16.1

Average lux reading 3pm 9pm

1m 36.2 18.8

1.5m 34.4 16.1

Average lux value 35.3 17.5

Table 26: Lux Reading at Zone F

Table 27: Average Lux Value at Zone F

Table 28: Daylight Intensity at different condition

The average lux value during the afternoon, 3pm is 36.2 lux, whereas at night, 9pm,

the average lux value is 30.6 lux. There are minor changes in the lux value because

the space is an enclosed space with minimum light enter in. It is located between two

buildings both east and west which totally blocks the penetration of sunlight.

According to table provided in MS1525, the daylight factor of 0.18% is categorized

under the dark category. This zone has a minimum amount of light distribution which

does not fulfill the requirement for a space of dining area. Light luminance should be

added in the space to provide a bright area to eat.

DF, % Distribution

>6 Very Bright with thermal & glare problem

3~6 Bright

1~3 Average

0~1 Dark

Table 29: Daylight Factor, DF


Location Zone F - Dining Area 3

Dimension, m L= 6.1, W= 6

Area, m² 36.6

Height of ceiling, m 3.0

Height of work level,



Type of light Light In The Box 2W

Modern Led Wall Light

EcoClassic Halogen Bulb

Average luminous

flux of lighting / F, lm

1020 370

Height of luminaries,


2 2.5

Vertical distance from

work place to

luminaries, m

1 1.5

Number of existing

light bulb / n x N

1 6

Luminance factors, % Ceiling Raw concrete with paint (grey) 20-25

Wall Raw concrete with paint

(medium grey)


Floor Raw concrete with paint

(medium grey)


Room Index Room Index

(𝐿 𝑥 𝑊)

𝐿 + 𝑊 𝑋 𝐻

=(6.1 𝑋 6)6.1 + 6 𝑋 1= 3

Room Index

(𝐿 𝑥 𝑊)

𝐿 + 𝑊 𝑋 𝐻

=(6.1 𝑋 6)

6.1 + 6 𝑋 1.5= 2

Utilization Factor / UF

(refer to UF table)

0.5 0.44

Maintenance Factor/ MF

0.76 X 0.85 X 0.8 X 0.86 = 0.44

Illuminance level required / E, lx

E=𝑛 𝑥 𝑁 𝑥 𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹


1 𝑋 1020 𝑋 0.5 𝑋 0.4436.6

= 6.1 lux

E= 𝑛 𝑥 𝑁 𝑥 𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹


1 𝑋 370 𝑋 0.44 𝑋 0.4436.6

= 1.96 lux

MS 1525 recommended Illuminance, lx

Recommended average illumination levels by MS 1525 : 150 – 300 lux

150 (min. requirement) – 6.1 – 1.96 = 141.94 luxTherefore, the dining area on ground floor (Zone F) lacks of average illuminance levels of 141.94 lux before reaching the recommended standard by MS 1525.

Number of light required/ N

N =𝐸 𝑥 𝐴

𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹

=150 𝑋 36.6

1020 𝑋 0.5𝑋 0.44= 25

25 lamps are required to

achieve recommended

average illuminance levels

by MS 1525. Existing

number of lamps are 1.

25 - 1 = 24

Therefore, 24 lamps more

required to fulfill the


N =𝐸 𝑥 𝐴

𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹

=150 𝑋 36.6

370 𝑋 0.44 𝑋 0.44= 77

77 lamps are required to

achieve recommended

average illuminance levels

by MS 1525. Existing

number of lamps are 6.

77 - 6 = 71

Therefore, 71 lamps more

required to fulfill the


• Staircase (Zone G)

Figure 50: Staircase on ground floor (Zone G).

Figure 51: Sectional diagram showing Zone G.

Figure 52: Side sectional diagram showing the artificial lighting located at Zone G.

Date and time : 19th September 2014

Average lux value : 21.3

Reading (Einternal) : lux

Daylight factor calculation formula : 𝐷𝐹 =𝐸 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙

𝐸 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙× 100%

Standard direct sunlight (Einternal) : 20000 lux

Calculation :

𝐷𝐹 =𝐸 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙

𝐸 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙× 100%

=21.3 𝑙𝑢𝑥

20000 𝑙𝑢𝑥× 100%

=≈ 0.11%

Time Weather Luminanc

e at 1m





e at 1.5m




3pm Clear Sky 21 - 31 27.5 28 - 41 15

9pm Dark 24 - 78 44.3 17 - 26 20.3

Average lux reading 3pm 9pm

1m 27.5 44.3

1.5m 15 20.3

Average lux value 21.3 32.3

Table 30: Lux Reading at Zone G

Table 31: Average Lux Value at Zone G

Table 32: Daylight Intensity at different condition

The average lux value during the afternoon, 3pm is 21.3 lux, whereas at night, 9pm,

the average lux value is 32.3 lux. There are minor changes in the lux value because

the space is an enclosed extension with minimum light enter.

According to table provided in MS1525, the daylight factor of 0.11% is categorized

under the dark category. This zone has a minimum amount of light distribution which

does not fulfill the requirement for a space of staircase space. Light luminance should

be added in the space to provide a bright area to walk.

DF, % Distribution

>6 Very Bright with thermal & glare problem

3~6 Bright

1~3 Average

0~1 Dark

Table 33: Daylight Factor, DF


Location Zone G - Staircase

Dimension, m L= 3.56, W= 1.2

Area, m² 4.3

Height of ceiling, m 3.0

Height of work

level, m


Type of light Tungsten Halogen Reflector-Mounted Lamps

Average luminous

flux of lighting / F,



Height of

luminaries, m


Vertical distance

from work place to

luminaries, m


Number of existing

light bulb / n x N


Luminance factors,


Ceiling Raw concrete with

paint (green)


Wall Raw concrete with

paint (green)


Floor Raw concrete with

paint (medium grey)


Room Index Room Index

(𝐿 𝑥 𝑊)

𝐿 + 𝑊 𝑋 𝐻

=(3.56 𝑋 1.2)

3.56 + 1.2 𝑋 1.2= 0.74

Utilization Factor /

UF (refer to UF



Maintenance Factor/ MF

0.76 X 0.85 X 0.8 X 0.86 = 0.44

Illuminance level required / E, lx

E=𝑛 𝑥 𝑁 𝑥 𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹


1 𝑋 315 𝑋 0.27 𝑋 0.444.3

= 8.7 lux

MS 1525 recommended Illuminance, lx

Recommended average illumination levels by MS 1525 : 150 – 300 lux

150 (min. requirement) – 8.7= 141.3 luxTherefore, the staircase on ground floor (Zone G) lacks of average illuminance levels of 58.8 lux before reaching the recommended standard by MS 1525.

Number of light required/ N

N =𝐸 𝑥 𝐴

𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹

=150 𝑋 4.3

315 𝑋 0.27𝑋 0.44= 18

18 lamps are required to achieve recommended average

illuminance levels by MS 1525. Existing number of lamps

are 1.

18 - 1 = 17

Therefore, 17 lamps more required to fulfill the requirement.

• Entrance (Zone H)

Figure 53: Entrance on ground floor (Zone H).

Figure 54: Sectional diagram showing Zone H.

Figure 55: Side sectional diagram showing the artificial lighting located at Zone H.

Date and time : 19th September 2014

Average lux value : 220.9

Reading (Einternal) : lux

Daylight factor calculation formula : 𝐷𝐹 =𝐸 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙

𝐸 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙× 100%

Standard direct sunlight (Einternal) : 20000 lux

Calculation :

𝐷𝐹 =𝐸 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙

𝐸 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙× 100%

=220.9 𝑙𝑢𝑥

20000 𝑙𝑢𝑥× 100%

=≈ 1.1 %

Time Weather Luminanc

e at 1m





e at 1.5m




3pm Clear Sky 92 - 360 201.1 122 - 385 240.7

9pm Dark 7 - 21 10.7 6 - 20 10.3

Average lux reading 3pm 9pm

1m 201.1 10.7

1.5m 240.7 10.3

Average lux value 220.9 10.5

Figure 1 Table: Lux Reading at Zone H

Table 34: Average Lux Value at Zone H

Table 35: Daylight Intensity at different condition

The average lux value during the afternoon, 3pm is 220.9 lux, whereas at night, 9pm,

the average lux value is 10.5 lux. This is because the entrance area is an open space

which receive direct sunlight during 12pm to 3pm. Hence the main source of the light

is sunlight which affect the average lux value of night drops distinctively.

According to table provided in MS1525, the daylight factor of 1.1% is categorized

under the average category. It has good daylight distribution which is a bright space

for walking during afternoon.

DF, % Distribution

>6 Very Bright with thermal & glare problem

3~6 Bright

1~3 Average

0~1 Dark

Table 36: Daylight Factor, DF


Location Zone H - Entrance

Dimension, m L= 4.1, W= 6.4

Area, m² 26.2

Height of ceiling, m 3.0

Height of work

level, m


Type of light Fluorescent Light tube

Average luminous

flux of lighting / F,



Height of

luminaries, m


Vertical distance

from work place to

luminaries, m


Number of existing

light bulb / n x N


Luminance factors,


Ceiling Raw concrete with

paint (grey)


Wall Raw concrete with

paint (medium grey)


Floor Raw concrete with

paint (medium grey)


Room Index Room Index

(𝐿 𝑥 𝑊)

𝐿 + 𝑊 𝑋 𝐻

=(4.1 𝑋 6.4)

4.1 + 6.4 𝑋 1.5= 1.67

Utilization Factor /

UF (refer to UF



Maintenance Factor/ MF

0.76 X 0.85 X 0.8 X 0.86 = 0.44

Illuminance level required / E, lx

E=𝑛 𝑥 𝑁 𝑥 𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹


2 𝑋 1650 𝑋 0.39 𝑋 0.4426.2

= 21.6 lux

MS 1525 recommended Illuminance, lx

Recommended average illumination levels by MS 1525 : 150 – 300 lux

150 (min. requirement) – 21.6 = 128.4 luxTherefore, the entrance on ground floor (Zone H) lacks of average illuminance levels of 128.4 lux before reaching the recommended standard by MS 1525.

Number of light required/ N

N =𝐸 𝑥 𝐴

𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹

=150 𝑋 26.2

1650 𝑋 0.39𝑋 0.44= 14

14 lamps are required to achieve recommended average

illuminance levels by MS 1525. Existing number of lamps

are 2.

14 - 2 = 12

Therefore, 12 lamps more required to fulfill the requirement.

• Dining Area 4 (Zone I)

Figure 56: Dining Area 4 on first floor (Zone I).

Figure 57: Sectional diagram showing Zone I.

Figure 58: Side sectional diagram showing the artificial lighting located at Zone I.

Date and time : 19th September 2014

Average lux value : 49.1

Reading (Einternal) : lux

Daylight factor calculation formula : 𝐷𝐹 =𝐸 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙

𝐸 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙× 100%

Standard direct sunlight (Einternal) : 20000 lux

Calculation :

𝐷𝐹 =𝐸 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙

𝐸 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙× 100%

=49.1 𝑙𝑢𝑥

20000 𝑙𝑢𝑥× 100%

=≈ 0.25 %

Time Weather Luminanc

e at 1m





e at 1.5m




3pm Clear Sky 41 - 68 52.4 37 - 57 45.7

9pm Dark 30 – 62 42.3 30 - 51 36.8

Average lux reading 3pm 9pm

1m 52.4 42.3

1.5m 45.7 36.8

Average lux value 49.1 39.6

Table 37: Lux Reading at Zone I

Table 38: Average Lux Value at Zone I

Table 39: Daylight Intensity at different condition

The average lux value during the afternoon, 3pm is 52.4 lux, whereas at night, 9pm,

the average lux value is 45.7 lux. This is because the entrance area is an open space

which receive direct sunlight during 12pm to 3pm. Hence the main source of the light

is sunlight which affect the average lux value of night drops distinctively.

According to table provided in MS1525, the daylight factor of 0.25% is categorized

under the average category. It has good daylight distribution which is a bright space

for walking during afternoon.

DF, % Distribution

>6 Very Bright with thermal & glare problem

3~6 Bright

1~3 Average

0~1 Dark

Table 40: Daylight Factor, DF


Location Zone I - Dining Area 4

Dimension, m L= 4.9, W= 6.4 , L=5.2 , W=4

Area, m² 31.4 + 20.8 = 52.2

Height of ceiling, m 3.0

Height of work

level, m


Type of light EcoClassic Halogen Bulb

Average luminous

flux of lighting / F,



Height of

luminaries, m


Vertical distance

from work place to

luminaries, m


Number of existing

light bulb / n x N


Luminance factors,


Ceiling Raw concrete with

paint (grey)


Wall Raw concrete with

paint (medium grey)


Floor Raw concrete with

paint (medium grey)


Room Index Room Index

(𝐿 𝑥 𝑊)

𝐿 𝑥 𝑊 𝑋 𝐻

=(10.1 𝑋 10.4)52.2 𝑋 1.5= 1.34

Utilization Factor /

UF (refer to UF



Maintenance Factor/ MF


Illuminance level required / E, lx

E=𝑛 𝑥 𝑁 𝑥 𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹


12 𝑋 370 𝑋 0.35𝑋 0.352.2

= 8.93 lux

MS 1525 recommended Illuminance, lx

Recommended average illumination levels by MS 1525

: 150 – 300 lux

150 (min. requirement) – 8.93 =141.07 lux

Therefore, the dining area on first floor (Zone I) lacks

of average illuminance levels of 141.07 lux before

reaching the recommended standard by MS 1525.

Number of light required/ N

N =𝐸 𝑥 𝐴

𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹

=150 𝑋 52.2

370 𝑋 0.35𝑋 0.8= 76

76 lamps are required to achieve recommended

average illuminance levels by MS 1525. Existing

number of lamps are 12.

76 - 12 = 64

Therefore, 64 lamps more required to fulfill the


• Toilet (Zone J)

Figure 59: Toilet on first floor (Zone J).

Figure 60: Sectional diagram showing Zone J.

Figure 61: Side sectional diagram showing the artificial lighting located at Zone J.

Date and time : 19th September 2014

Average lux value : 38.9

Reading (Einternal) : lux

Daylight factor calculation formula : 𝐷𝐹 =𝐸 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙

𝐸 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙× 100%

Standard direct sunlight (Einternal) : 20000 lux

Calculation :

𝐷𝐹 =𝐸 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙

𝐸 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙× 100%

=38.9 𝑙𝑢𝑥

20000 𝑙𝑢𝑥× 100%

=≈ 0.19 %

Time Weather Luminanc

e at 1m





e at 1.5m




3pm Clear Sky 41 - 68 45.5 37 - 57 32.2

9pm Dark 30 – 62 41 30 - 51 27.8

Average lux reading 3pm 9pm

1m 45.5 41

1.5m 32.2 27.8

Average lux value 38.9 34.4

Table 41: Lux Reading at Zone J

Table 42: Average Lux Value at Zone J

Table 43: Daylight Intensity at different condition

The average lux value during the afternoon, 3pm is 38.9 lux, whereas at night, 9pm,

the average lux value is 34.4 lux. There are minor changes in the lux value because

the space is an enclosed extension with minimum light enter.

According to table provided in MS1525, the daylight factor of 0.19% is categorized

under the average category. This zone has a minimum amount of light distribution

which does not fulfill the requirement for a space of toilet. Light luminance should be

added in the space to provide a bright area to use.

DF, % Distribution

>6 Very Bright with thermal & glare problem

3~6 Bright

1~3 Average

0~1 Dark

Table 44: Daylight Factor, DF


Location Zone J - Toilet

Dimension, m L= 4, W= 2.85

Area, m² 11.4

Height of ceiling, m 3.0

Height of work

level, m


Type of light EcoClassic Halogen bulb

Average luminous

flux of lighting / F,



Height of

luminaries, m


Vertical distance

from work place to

luminaries, m


Number of existing

light bulb / n x N


Luminance factors,


Ceiling Raw concrete with

paint (grey)


Wall Raw concrete with

paint (medium grey)


Floor Raw concrete with

paint (medium grey)


Room Index Room Index(𝐿 𝑥 𝑊)

𝐿 𝑥 𝑊 𝑋 𝐻

=(4 𝑋 2.85)

4 + 2.85 𝑋 1.5= 1.1

Utilization Factor /

UF (refer to UF



Maintenance Factor/ MF


Illuminance level required / E, lx

E=𝑛 𝑥 𝑁 𝑥 𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹


2 𝑋 370 𝑋 0.33 𝑋 0.811.4

= 17.14 lux

MS 1525 recommended Illuminance, lx

Recommended average illumination levels by MS

1525 : 150 – 300 lux

150 (min. requirement) – 17.14 =132.86 lux

Therefore, the toilet on first floor (Zone I) lacks of

average illuminance levels of 132.86 lux before

reaching the recommended standard by MS 1525.

Number of light required/ N

N =𝐸 𝑥 𝐴

𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹

=150 𝑋 11.4

370 𝑋 0.33𝑋 0.8= 18

18 lamps are required to achieve recommended

average illuminance levels by MS 1525. Existing

number of lamps are 2.

18 - 2 = 16

Therefore, 16 lamps more required to fulfill the


• Dining Area 5 (Zone K)

Figure 62: Dining Area 5 on first floor (Zone K).

Figure 63: Sectional diagram showing Zone K.

Figure 64: Side sectional diagram showing the artificial lighting located at Zone K.

Date and time : 19th September 2014

Average lux value : 103

Reading (Einternal) : lux

Daylight factor calculation formula : 𝐷𝐹 =𝐸 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙

𝐸 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙× 100%

Standard direct sunlight (Einternal) : 20000 lux

Calculation :

𝐷𝐹 =𝐸 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙

𝐸 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙× 100%

=103 𝑙𝑢𝑥

20000 𝑙𝑢𝑥× 100%

=≈ 0.52 %

Time Weather Luminanc

e at 1m





e at 1.5m




3pm Clear Sky 60 - 187 95.7 61 - 239 110.2

9pm Dark 10 - 47 23.5 12 - 39 22.8

Average lux reading 3pm 9pm

1m 95.7 23.5

1.5m 110.2 22.8

Average lux value 103 23.2

Table 45: Lux Reading at Zone K

Table 46: Average Lux Value at Zone K

Table 47: Daylight Intensity at different condition

The average lux value during the afternoon, 3pm is 103 lux, whereas at night, 9pm,

the average lux value is 23.2 lux. There are minor changes in the lux value because

the space is an enclosed extension with minimum light enter.

According to table provided in MS1525, the daylight factor of 0.52% is categorized

under the average category. This zone has a minimum amount of light distribution

which does not fulfill the requirement for a space of dining. Light luminance should be

added in the space to provide a bright area to eat.

DF, % Distribution

>6 Very Bright with thermal & glare problem

3~6 Bright

1~3 Average

0~1 Dark

Table 48: Daylight Factor, DF


Location Zone K - Dining Area 5

Dimension, m L= 4, W= 5.35 , L= 6.4, W =4.9

Area, m² 21.4 + 31.4 = 52.8

Height of ceiling, m 3.0

Height of work level,



Type of light EcoClassic Halogen bulb

Average luminous

flux of lighting / F,



Height of

luminaries, m


Vertical distance

from work place to

luminaries, m


Number of existing

light bulb / n x N


Luminance factors,


Ceiling Raw concrete with

paint (grey)


Wall Brick Wall with paint



Floor Raw concrete with

paint (medium grey)


Room Index Room Index(𝐿 𝑥 𝑊)

𝐿 𝑥 𝑊 𝑋 𝐻


10.4 + 10.25 𝑋 1.5= 1.7

Utilization Factor /

UF (refer to UF



Maintenance Factor/ MF


Illuminance level required / E, lx

E=𝑛 𝑥 𝑁 𝑥 𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹


12 𝑋 370 𝑋 0.4 𝑋 0.852.8

= 26.9 lux

MS 1525 recommended Illuminance, lx

Recommended average illumination levels by MS

1525 : 150 – 300 lux

150 (min. requirement) – 26.9 =123.1 lux

Therefore, the dining area on first floor (Zone J) lacks

of average illuminance levels of 123.1 lux before

reaching the recommended standard by MS 1525.

Number of light required/ N

N =𝐸 𝑥 𝐴

𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹

=150 𝑋 52.8

370 𝑋 0.4𝑋 0.8= 67

67 lamps are required to achieve recommended

average illuminance levels by MS 1525. Existing

number of lamps are 12.

67 - 12 = 55

Therefore, 55 lamps more required to fulfill the


• Staircase (Zone L)

Figure 65: Staircase on first floor (Zone L).

Figure 66: Sectional diagram showing Zone K.

Figure 67: Side sectional diagram showing the artificial lighting located at Zone K.

Date and time : 19th September 2014

Average lux value : 38.3

Reading (Einternal) : lux

Daylight factor calculation formula : 𝐷𝐹 =𝐸 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙

𝐸 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙× 100%

Standard direct sunlight (Einternal) : 20000 lux

Calculation :

𝐷𝐹 =𝐸 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙

𝐸 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙× 100%

=38.3 𝑙𝑢𝑥

20000 𝑙𝑢𝑥× 100%

=≈ 0.19 %

Time Weather Luminanc

e at 1m





e at 1.5m




3pm Clear Sky 26 - 58 38.3 28 - 40 38.3

9pm Dark 10 - 47 34.3 12 - 39 34.3

Average lux reading 3pm 9pm

1m 38.3 34.3

1.5m 38.3 34.3

Average lux value 38.3 34.3

Table 49: Lux Reading at Zone K

Table 50: Average Lux Value at Zone K

Table 51: Daylight Intensity at different condition

The average lux value during the afternoon, 3pm is 38.3 lux, whereas at night, 9pm,

the average lux value is 34.3 lux. There are minor changes in the lux value because

the space is an enclosed extension with minimum light enter.

According to table provided in MS1525, the daylight factor of 0.19% is categorized

under the average category. This zone has a minimum amount of light distribution

which does not fulfill the requirement for a space of staircase. Light luminance should

be added in the space to provide a bright area to walk.

DF, % Distribution

>6 Very Bright with thermal & glare problem

3~6 Bright

1~3 Average

0~1 Dark

Table 52: Daylight Factor, DF


Location Zone L - Staircase

Dimension, m L= 4.35, W= 2.4

Area, m² 10.4

Height of ceiling, m 3.0

Height of work level,



Type of light Tungsten Halogen Reflector-Mounted Lamps

Average luminous

flux of lighting / F, lm


Height of luminaries,



Vertical distance

from work place to

luminaries, m


Number of existing

light bulb / n x N


Luminance factors,


Ceiling Raw concrete with

paint (grey)


Wall Raw concrete with

paint (medium grey)


Floor Raw concrete with

paint (medium grey)


Room Index Room Index(𝐿 𝑥 𝑊)

𝐿 𝑥 𝑊 𝑋 𝐻

=(4.35 𝑋 2.4)

4.35 𝑋 2.4 𝑋 1.2= 1.28

Utilization Factor /

UF (refer to UF



Maintenance Factor/ MF


Illuminance level required / E, lx

E=𝑛 𝑥 𝑁 𝑥 𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹


2 𝑋 315 𝑋 0.35 𝑋 0.810.4

= 16.96 lux

MS 1525 recommended Illuminance, lx

Recommended average illumination levels by MS 1525

: 150 – 300 lux

150 (min. requirement) – 16.96 =133.04 lux

Therefore, the staircase on first floor (Zone L) lacks of

average illuminance levels of 133.04 lux before

reaching the recommended standard by MS 1525.

Number of light required/ N

N =𝐸 𝑥 𝐴

𝐹 𝑥 𝑈𝐹 𝑥 𝑀𝐹

=150 𝑋 10.4

315 𝑋 0.35𝑋 0.8= 18

18 lamps are required to achieve recommended

average illuminance levels by MS 1525. Existing

number of lamps are 2.

18 - 2 = 16

Therefore, 16 lamps more required to fulfill the
