Truth and Transformation[1]

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  • 7/31/2019 Truth and Transformation[1]




    Where is truth, justice and love in your heart or society?

    Do you ever think sometime, there is no truth, justice and love in your heart or society? What is your respond? Do you think it is too much if I say there

    is no truth, justice and love in your heart or society? Can you say clearly that your heart or society is fair enough? Pa am tobada ani society bi kriangnu

    baat nu bo?, Pa am to bada ani society bi unity baat ong nubo?,

    Truth is beauty bazenu heibi chaangthaiye, phaangsaye, khatle kasanu bing phaangsaye dida phaangsanu bing kasanu mak eh, baze nu heibi

    misa om khamlian panla teilak laknu gun amme khatle karaan ngamnu maipaak nu piye baze kamak nu lang bi singsik eh khatak eh, khatle

    kungtak eh karaan ngam nu diba bani khouna namla amme, baze ga tonu lang bi kung lainu ngam lanu maak eh karaan ngamnu ga bani lange, baze nu

    bi bachu khai mak eh, ramret maak eh, bakalan maak eh, bakunghan tipka han ne kaling lat kamak nu lungpui dan, choungkaang zabi baze mak eh da

    wakhan bi luklian bi chwan bi tipka baze ga hanne, pot katei na khatchale tobasiat tobraan ngamnu maak eh maanbi bakhwaseiga kalingnu maakka

    rangtoga pane.

    I believe that each man must find the truth that is right for him.Reality will adapt accordingly.The universe will readjust.

    History will alter.I believe that there is no absolute truth. The absolute truth is always beautiful, the truth is so beautiful so that attract

    by everyone including the truth itself truth is so beautiful that many sages, saints, devotees have left everything for the sake of the truth.

    Why only MK Gandhi? Everyone of us has urge for the truth alone, for the truth is not only beautiful but also all powerful, all

    resourceful, all famous, all renounced all knowledgeable, unfortunately people have not seeking the truth from their heart, the truth.

    Kasa nu katap tonu baze nu katap tonu sung bathiang nu katap toye in order to get the personal gain. indeed 99.99 percent of men in all

    walks of like are pursuing untruth only in the name of the truth. We are actually attracted by the beauty of the truth but since time

    immemorial we have been habituated to love of untruth appearing like truth.

    What is truth? Truth the facts about something, saying only what is true, ( Honest), giving the true facts something. Facts that is believed by the most

    people to be true universal true. True is what conforms to reality, fact, actually but the basic definition is not complete because its definition Is open to

    interpretation and a wide variety of application, what is reality, fact, what is actually? Truth never changed.

    To my knowledge of my concern, truth must be within our heart, our moral, our character, our behavior, our mind, our thought, our concept must be

    true. There is no one who absolutely truth in their own accept God, but God has given us the power to overcome the evil, if our mind, our thought is true

    than our action, our work, will be absolutely acceptable by God which has come from our hearts instruction.

    For example Uiding aan dibada baze bo? Tom ding bok dibada baze bo? Mathematics term bi 1+1=2, 2+2=4 heiya baze nuye. How to trace out the

    truth and fales. The symbol of truth is light, book, cross, fire etc.

    Where does truth come from? Truth is God: its come from God truth must be within us,

    John 14:6 Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." What does Jesus mean

    when he says that He is the Truth? I believe Jesus came to testify about the TRUE nature of God. He testified not only before us, but

    also before all the timeless angelic beings (those in heaven and those demons who fell to earth with Satan). I believe he came to

    combat the lies of Satan, who slandered God before Eve in the Garden of Eden, and who continues to misrepresent God to people

    today. He died while acting out and defending the sacrificial nature of our Father, God.

    Why I can not stand firmly in truth? Because my mind preoccupied by the worldly evil thought Lust, 2. Money richness and

    corruption, 3. Wine, 4 Jealousy, pride and 5. Falts witness, deceived etc. All our sin not only lead or damage our physical but spirituallife Repentance Not giving the

    money tith is robbing God, Mathew 3:8 Are you truly seeking the truth from your heart? If you are truly seeking the truth and the truth

    is in your heart than your action, your work, your speaking will be acceptable by God.. It should be free from all worldly things- to

    overcome all these worldly things come to God-The power of the Holy spirit will clean and control your heart and body.


    Psalm 25:5 Guide me in the truth and teach me for you are God my savior.Psalm 40:11 Do not withhold your mercy from me o Lord may your love and your truth always protect me.

    St John 14:17 The spirit of truth, the word cannot accept him because it neither see him nor knows him but you know him for he lives

    with you and will be with you.Ephesians 4:15. Hebrew 10:26 If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for

    sins is left.James 1:18 He choose to give us birth through the word of truth that we might be a kind of first fruit of all the created.2 Petter 1:12 So I will always remind you of these things even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now


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    1 John 1:6 If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness we lie and do not live by the truth 7. But if we walk in the

    light as he is in the light we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus his son purifies us from all sin. 8. If we claim to

    be without sin we deceived ourselves and the truth is not in us.

    RIGHT: Psalm33:4 For the word of the Lord is right and true he is faithful in all he does the lord is righteousness and justice the earth

    is full of his unfailing love.Psalm 119:144 Your status are forever right give me understanding that I may live.

    Isaiah 7:15 He will eat curds and honey when he knows enough to reject the wrong and choose the right.Isaiah 64:5 You come to the help of those who gladly do right, who remember your ways but when we continue to sin against them

    you were angry how then can we be saved?Roman 3:4 Not at all Let God be true and every man a liar, As it is written so that you may be proved right when you speak and

    prevail when you judge.Philippians 4:8 Finally brothers whatever is true whatever is noble whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever

    is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things.2 Thessalonians 3:13 And as for you brothers never tire of doing what is fright.

    1 Peter 3:14 But even if you should suffer for what is right you are blessed do not fear what they fear, do not be frighten.

    MK Gandhi said you are beautiful because your heart is pure and honest

    JUSTICE: Fairness, correctness, equity etc. Exodus 23:2,6 Do not follow the crowed in doing wrong when you give testimony in a

    lawsuit, do not pervert justice by siding with crowd and do not favoritism to a poor man in his lawsuit. 6 Do not deny justice to your

    poor people in their lawsuits 7 Do not put an innocent or honest person to death for I will not acquit the guilty. 9 Do not accept a bribe

    for a bribe blinds those who see and twists the words of the righteous.Deuteronomy 16:19 Do not pervert justice or show partiality. Do not accept a bribe for a bribe blinds the eyes of the righteous, 20follow the justice and justice alone so that you may live and posses the land the lord your God is giving you.

    Proverb 21:15 When justice is done it bring joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.Psalm 89:14 Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne, love and faithfulness go before you.Psalm 9:8 He will judge the world in righteousness he will govern the people with justice.Isiah30:18 Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you he rises to show you compassion for the lord is a God of Justice, Blessed are all

    who wait for him, 19 O People of Zion who live in Jerusalem you will weep no more How gracious he will be when you cry for help

    as soon as he hears he will answer you.

    Psalm 42:1 Here is my servant whom I uphold my chosen one in whom I delight, I will put my spirit on him and he will bring justiceto the nations.

    LOVE: St John 3:16 For God so love the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but

    have eternal life.John 15:12 My command is this love each other as I have love you,Roman 12:9 Love must be sincere, Hate what is evil cling to what is good, 10 Be devoted to one another in brotherly love, Honor one

    another above yourself.Roman 13:8 Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another for he who loves his fellowman has

    fulfilled the law.Hebrew 13:1-5 Keep on loving each other as brothers 2 do not forget to entertain strangers for by so doing some people have entertain

    angels without knowing it, 3 Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners and those who mistreated as if you

    yourselves were suffering.


    What is transformation, Transform: Convert to change the form of something. To completely change the appearance or character of something

    especially so that it is better. Transformation: a complete change in somebody/something or A country transformation from dictatorship todemocracy.Transformation is a process, its sanctification, its Justification Philippians 2:6 Your attitude should be the same as of ChristJesus, 6 Who is being in very nature

    David Rooke and William R. Torbert,Nine Principles Toward an Understanding of the Transformational Process for TransformationalLeadership, or economic reformation, political reformation, social reformation etc Opportunist, Diplomat, Expert, Achiever, Individualist,Strategist, Alchemist. Church om role pa am bo? For example Nicodimus and appostle paul life story.

    How to transform our society? Jesus die for our sin on the cross why? To save from the bondage of life where We live to life but man disobedient to

    God his rejection of truth his cruelty, his lie, his hate, his greed, his vested interest.

    To reform our life: is 1. Repentant; He purchase us by the blood of Christ

    The lord Jesus acknowledge that Satan was the prince of this world John 16:11

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  • 7/31/2019 Truth and Transformation[1]


    drew up their battle lines in the valley of Siddim.

    Malachi 3:6I the lord do not change so you O descendants of Jacob are not destroyed.

    Mathew 18:3 And he said I tell you the truth unless you change and become like little childen you will never enter the kingdom of God.

    Hebrew 7:21 But he became a priest with an oath when God said to Him the lord has sworn and will not change his mind you are a priest forever.

    James 1:17Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the father of the heavenly lights who does not change like shifting shadow

    Firstly know the truth, repentance, changed the leadership, love the truth, transparency and sacrifices.

    How can we follow the truth? Tubo batak nu bazenu zong ongnuzo? Nakhou batak nu bazenu am ngaak eh dabi nakhou jealous, hatred, khatchale am

    balaye. Ani society bi truth, Transformation and Justice Tuna phunhong thang dingnu bo? Chief Justice of India nabo? USA rwanpabo?, Japan

    rwanpa na bo? Rusia rwanpa bo? There is none but accept you and I nang ei sunglei lang darka amme nakhou akhou na kahoulang nge. Chat mak ka

    tangai ngai ongme baze nuzo imlam bo? ani society bi khatchale baze nu diba maak nu zong ruga bo? Society dingzo pibaze thang ngam nu mak tabi

    reformation, transformation kaleinu phun hong thang ngam nu maak nu zong rubo? Baze ga to-ongnu rwan zo inlam pai thouloi dam nurubo? Baze nu

    bathai nurwan, lungning baze nurwan zo inlam inkam thouloi damnubo? John 11:35

    Jesus weep. Jesus clean the temple as he angry Mathew 21:12. Mark 11:12, Luke. A prayer at Gethsemane Mark 14:37

    Personal point of view when I considered all these circumstances and situation, I felt like cry, sad for all these unwanted feeling or guilty force come

    and hit to my mind, because I love the people who suffer like anything, I really upset and wailing, besides even Jesus also mourn for the people

    Congcussion: Nang - ei le kasa kasia theingam nu educated tonu mikhat todazuba ani society bi swak ongnu thotgong, condition kasa kamak

    nu muluga heiya pibaze thang lang karam lang mak kabo? Thei mu luga rin thang mak tazuba nang eile hageiga saruk suiza ongnu mak kabo?

    Nangna rin mak peida nachwan na rinne. lungthou kama dam nu patso maktabi leader rwan na example sia ga lungthang nge dabi thouna nu nungla

    young-generation rwanna heima henga sianu bazei ga lung thou lat laga bo? halangna sungtam me. ani society heiya saka mak ka sia khit-khit talang

    maang bo? Thounanu naosen rwan lang bazei zanu kasia nu example ba pithang lat lanrizo. Kriangnu patso rwan ani Inpui leader rwan-ga, nang todam

    nu bing ga nasa na-nao rwan, natu nate tang-ga sui bazei ga meiri toga rai lange. Nang intun tang ga kalei mak ka lung ong maang dazuba, Nasa rwanle

    nang dan-ga lung lat tam dingo dinu mak po?. Takhwang tolang khop nu kriangnu ani pupa, leaders rwan khat le unao tang-uh rwan bingza na ani

    nungla thouna nu nousen rwan, young generation ding krianga baning luga (natu-nate) kakhan luga nabachin kadwan tathang lat luga kakhan lang

    bakaan ngaak choungrwe.

    Mebing za bias khatchale maakka chwan to lang ngaak ne tida anya ani society bi tu indan nu kasem na khangna bathaikamaknu maktabi

    baze nu om opposite pi lungning babaang kaiga chwan to-ongnu kasem amme. Example kashanu pithang ga, thounanu young generation lang para

    kasanu pithang ga bazenu bi han-ga bachu thang rin thanglang ngaak ne tida hasaruk pi example kasia nu chwan samak nu na bani meithaan pakka

    chwan to ongba balang za baraan mak ka ani society lang hen ga baraan nuye heidan nu leader zo tuna saye diga swan thang langbo khatle tuna

    takhwang tothang lang bo?

    To-ongnu bing nga Reasonable tonu, rational tonu like minded people, true social leader bachaat ding kriang taknu mikhatna toding nu chwan mak eh.

    Rin rakan laiye baning nulezaye rin ongnu manpa bahakle sia ran nupeizwe ating le rin-ongnuye, nating le rinnuye mebing ding rinnuye misung bi pemmak bariak pina kabia ongnu ngaak ne, Ani Society sazo, bacha thouzo rin ongnuye. Rin ong nu point bi bazan barang toza selfintrospect tangai ngai

    thangzo, ei baze ga tongnu sia mo? or baze mak nu to-ong nusia bo diba kakoi baze narang tuza jugdement tothango.

    Repeatedly, rin lat lat ka ani society bi clanism, petty game, narrow minded, self interest, side-feeling and mainly corruption heibing nga

    nungla namla ga bazwan sat ka, tobathiang sat lang darka amrwe, heidan nu kasia nu thirang khatle tanat kasia kalan lanu tanat ah pa am

    kathiam,louputhiam na tanat phaang basat lang bo? Hei leina sakamak nu tanat ah inpha na tobasat lang baning nu maangbo? Na ongnu tanat tingzo

    tobsat lang baning lanu maangbo? Hei tanat na ani talei pithu ga pibanam sia loi rwe. Banam sia peida banam ting-ting onglang maang bo? Tu-indan nu

    ba haba barim banam sia nu na ong ngam mak ka namla ga sethou dam nule sui rwe. Tibriak pina ani Inpui talei, society lianthou ngam mak ong nu

    factor khat eh. Ani mebing za hei tanat kasia nu karang nu bakaan bi tobasat lang banang thangzo, khatle ani talei pilian thou lang tozo. Baning nge

    heidan nu Inpui society bi nating-ating Inpui chat khat toga ponthang ongnuzo bachan sanu mo bachan sia nubo?. Inpui talei bi swak ong nu gongding

    Baning thang nu kaan bi losia ye khatle phaap swak ngam mak eh tingaak peida baning nge kani khat pa change kaleinu honglat lune diba balumshaye.

    Bazenu khatle kriangnuna (truth and love) ani society rule pi tolang karam zo. Bazenu bi rakan ga tipka han ngam lang karam zo. Nachwan kasanu

    tothangnu hagana nathot naman piphaangsaye, khatle talei mina bapu thei thang lune da nachwan kasia nu tothang nu hagana nathot naman tobasiat eh.Nangna bazenu ding kriang ga nasung bi bazenuga am me dabi nachwan le baze ga tolune da baze nuga maak eh dabi nachwan ga khanglup na za

    kamak nu chwan tolune. Misha om kasanu kasia nu tonu heibing nga nablung om instruction ne. Talei misa na baze nu tonuding bathai mak eh Jesu

    khrista na talei ram bi ongnu kaanbi troublemaker ye diga louye tibriak pina raman kana nu bazenu om agst bi ong nu rwan na tothat sat tam me, kathi

    nuding ngam luga ringthou lat tam bi na talei mina kham ga realized to dam me.

    Inpui sarwan bing za bazenu ding kriangzo, bathaizo, baningzo, mebing zakhou bazenu amnu todingo, ngam nubing baze kamak nu ding tobaze thang

    lang ui sangkan swak ka karam zo, sungkazon ga bazenu bi tip ka hanzo truth is beauty baze nubi bachu (color) khai mak eh, bazenuna karaan ngam

    ne. Bazenuna ngam lang rakan ga karaan tozo.

    you will know the truth, the truth will set you free St. john 8:32.