Trusted Financial Advisors 20090527



Help your small business clients get access to their financials from an operational perspective in common-speak language giving them meaningful choices for action as quick as necessary given current econominc and market pressures to imporve cash flow, breakeven and profit.

Transcript of Trusted Financial Advisors 20090527

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Trusted Financial Advisors

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Small business owners can’t access and translate their operational and financial data into meaningful choices for action as quick as is necessary given current economic and market pressures.

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Your Clients Concerns

Lack of control over cash flow Fear of making bad decisions due to inadequate

(or wrong) informationInability to see the consequences of actions

until too late

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Why Now

Urgent need that goes largely unfullfilledCurrent economy very unforgiving

Business failures are occurring ata faster rate

Owners are caught unpreparedfor cash flow fluctuations and suffering higher losses Frequent analysis of financials is

costly and time consuming

Tightening credit and lending criteria

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Current Methods Are Not Enough

Intuition, gut feel, and past experience Too many new global and economic

changes present unknowns that are difficult to plan around

Inside Controllers Concentrate on managing the

cash flow operations, not on developing strategy

Already working at full capacity

Oursourced financial specialists Costly and require longer turnaround times than small

owners will tolerate

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Solution for Your Clients

Integrated business intelligence in one comprehensive report How to improve cash flow. How their company compares to

others in their industry. The costs and risks associated with new growth. Financial consequences of acting on the

recommendations. Working capital requirements

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You Give Your Clients

Real Choices.Control of the key profit and cash flow drivers

in their business.Peace of mind.Ability to develop contingency plan for future

peaks and valleys.Informed ability to predict outcomes.

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What is Rosetta Analyticssm

for Entrepreneurs?

Beyond spreadsheetsAn analysis and decision-

support tool that helps small business owner-operators (up to $8 million in revenues) translate their financials into actions they can take to improve their cash flow operations, their competitive advantage, their profitability

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Who needs Rosetta Analytics?

Small business owner-operator and entrepreneurs. Up to $8 million in revenues In business over 2 years Need help with

Growth strategy Understanding their financials Early detection difficult times “What if” scenarios.

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Real need fulfilled the way it’s wanted

Tested, proven concept—thrilled customers

Results produced in 5 business days

Control in the hands of the owners

Designed by small business owners for small business owners

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RAI Stone Group LLCProprietary & Confidential 11

How it Works

Rosetta Analytics for Entrepreneurs

Too much data, too little time!

Too slow, too complex, not their area of expertise!

Spreadsheets don’t make sense.

Flexible and simple. Specific, practical growth recommendations


Automated for rapid turnaround

Previous experience, intuition, and guesswork aren’t enough anymore.

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How it Works

In less than 30 minutes a Rosetta Analytics analyst collects the information from you or your client

The data is run through a series of validated analyses and comparisons

The analyst generates a comprehensive reportYou receive notification that the report is

available for deliveryAs part of the Pro Advisor service, you receive

training, help documentation, and contact with our specialists to answer all your questions

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Components of the Report

Breakeven analysisCash basis integerImprovement recommendationsCash conversion analysisIndustry benchmarkingWorking capital requirements“What if” scenariosIndividual coachingGraphics and descriptions

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What’s Coming Next

In development Interactive “what if”s At-a-glance as red, yellow, green stoplights Annotation

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Your Challenges as an Advisor

Increasing workloadShortage of talentTime and material pricing

models cap growth potentialPotential liabilities around

certain consulting activitiesSeasonal fluctuationsMarket differentiation

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How Rosetta Can Serve YOU

Add value to your client engagements without adding to your workload

Give your clients the means to monitor their financials in a way that they understand

Even out off-season cash flow dips

Add a reliable revenue streamAttract new customersCreate a strong differentiator

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What Customers Are Saying

I set aggressive growth goals for my company for 2008 and 2009 and was uncertain what it would take to meet them.

In one day going through Stonegate’s process, I had answers for what the gap was between where we were and where we wanted to be, a strategy to bridge that gap, and what type of investment we’d have to make in resources,

new business development, and time. - Tom, owner, industrial and commercial wholesale lighting

We were growing fast and had made an out-of-state acquisition. We were doing more volume, but hadn't increased profitability. We weren't sure where to look for answers. From Rosetta we discovered we were trying to cut costs in the wrong areas. After implementing the recommendations, we began to see

improved profitability almost immediately. - Paul, owner, investigation and security company

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Outsourced Service

Current direct price of $2500

Volume discount pricing

Per report License Subscription basis

Marketing partner

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Call for a Sample Report

Rich Iverson VP Business Development

RAI Stone Group LLCFormerly Stonegate Consulting

4979 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 103Golden Valley, MN 55422

763-252-0480(fax) 763-252-0482(M) 952-807-2124

[email protected]