Trump vs hillary

Boorishness Vs Corruption, No Comparison! The morning after the election I was lying in bed half awake after a short night of tortured sleep. Usually I jump from bed shortly after I wake. This morning I lay there in the fetal position, covers pulled over my head, dreading living under the presidency of Hillary Clinton. My phone rang at six AM my heart pounding, thinking an emergency with a family member. It was my brother telling me Trump had won the election. Startled, happy, almost euphoric, I could breathe a sigh of relief, I would not have to hide under the covers for years to come. I admit I have my doubts about Donald Trump! He can be a jerk, crude, crass, embarrassing at times. Too often he speaks before he thinks, making him look small and immature. But as a politician he is a blank slate, not rehearsing the phony politically correct language or pontificating the politician’s lies we all expect and too many accept. Trump has potential to evolve from Neanderthal to presidential. If not we will know. Hillary presents no doubts, having displayed a long dishonest political history. Her lies stretch over at least forty years and likely longer. It has been said she was fired from the Watergate investigation at age twenty seven for lying. Continuing on from Travel Gate to Monica Lewinsky, Benghazi “What difference does it make” to Bosnia where she interpreted little girls giving her flowers as snipers raining down gunfire. From Clinton’s Foundation gold mine of corruption to lies about her private email server instituted for the sole purpose of hiding her corruptions. Marinated in corruption, Hillary’s entitlement attitude has her rolling in corruption like a pig in a mud hole on a hot sweltering day. Devoid of integrity, she told Wall Street she has different words for the public than she does for 1

Transcript of Trump vs hillary

Boorishness Vs Corruption, No Comparison!

The morning after the election I was lying in bed half awake after a short night of tortured sleep. Usually I jump from bed shortly after I wake. This morning I lay there in the fetal position, covers pulled over my head, dreading living under the presidency of Hillary Clinton.

My phone rang at six AM my heart pounding, thinking an emergency with a family member. It was my brother telling me Trump had won the election. Startled, happy, almost euphoric, I could breathe a sigh of relief, I would not have to hide under the covers for years to come.

I admit I have my doubts about Donald Trump! He can be a jerk, crude, crass, embarrassing at times. Too often he speaks before he thinks, making him look small and immature. But as a politician he is a blank slate, not rehearsing the phony politically correct language or pontificating the politician’s lies we all expect and too many accept. Trump has potential to evolve from Neanderthal to presidential. If not we will know.

Hillary presents no doubts, having displayed a long dishonest political history. Her lies stretch over at least forty years and likely longer. It has been said she was fired from the Watergate investigation at age twenty seven for lying. Continuing on from Travel Gate to Monica Lewinsky, Benghazi “What difference does it make” to Bosnia where she interpreted little girls giving her flowers as snipers raining down gunfire. From Clinton’s Foundation gold mine of corruption to lies about her private email server instituted for the sole purpose of hiding her corruptions.

Marinated in corruption, Hillary’s entitlement attitude has her rolling in corruption like a pig in a mud hole on a hot sweltering day. Devoid of integrity, she told Wall Street she has different words for the public than she does for them; lying to one side or the other or both. Hillary has proven herself untrustworthy, a congenital liar! Like Obama, she possesses the Saul Alinsky license to lie, “The organizer has no fixed truth, truth to them is relative and changing”! A political parasite, serving herself at the publics expense, not a public servant, she lacks ability to evolve.

I understand people’s doubts about Donald Trump. Though I support him over Hillary and breathed a sigh of relief at his election, I am now holding my breath hoping he will perform. But, I know no white knight is going to ride in and save this country. It is going to be honest people of integrity and that is not the elitist politicians, journalists and Hollywood celebrities supporting Hillary’s sleaze, abusing their power.

There is no comparison between Trumps boorishness and Hillary’s massive corruption! Hillary elected president would be like stamping the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval on the corruption of our government!