TRUESCORE v5.2 - Operation Manual

True Score By IMPACT MEASUREMENT INC. Tae Kwon Do Wireless Ring Management System Operation Manual Version 5.2 1


Daedo Manual

Transcript of TRUESCORE v5.2 - Operation Manual



Tae Kwon Do

WirelessRing Management System

Operation Manual

Version 5.2

Contents1Introduction32System Description33Installation43.1Software43.2Connecting the Wireless Receiver44Operation74.1Starting up the GUI74.2Hardware and Match Setup75Managing the Match106Application Notes116.1Handling Judging Hardware116.2Trigger/Button/Transmitter Not Registering116.3Log File116.4Contact12


TrueScore integrates the latest advancements in secure wireless communications technology and embedded processor technology.

It uses a sophisticated (Windows Based) Graphics User Interface (GUI) to provide users with a true real time score and ring management system for martial arts tournaments.

This system is designed to meet all the guidelines of the latest rules of the World Taekwondo Federation (W.T.F.).

System Description

Every wireless ring management system is designed with modular function in mind. Depending on desired configuration, the exact contents of your system may vary. In general, your system may contain a combination of the following items:

Wireless Receiver One required per ring, regardless of configuration

USB Memory Stick Contains the Truescore software and User Manual

Pairs of Wireless Judging Joysticks (1 to 4) Used for manual referee-based scoring

Chest Gear Wireless Transmitter (2) Required for the automated scoring of body kicks in conjunction with the E-Hogu

Headgear Wireless Transmitter (2) Required for automated scoring of head kicks in conjunction with the E-Headgear

Charger, Type H For recharging judging joystick batteries

Charger, Type T For recharging chest gear and headgear transmitter batteries


The software USB memory stick includes all the files necessary to install and run the GUI. Within the folder labeled TrueScore V5.2_042111, locate the file named setup and double click to begin installation.

Next, copy the contents of the folder labeled Countries and Flags to the Truescore folder located in the Documents folder. This will enable the use of three digit country codes to display country flags.

Connecting the Wireless Receiver

The first time the wireless receiver is connected to the computer, the Plug and Play function will detect and attempt to install new hardware. When the process is finished, new drivers must be installed before the receiver can function properly.

The device driver is found in the D:\ Truescore V5.2_042111\CDM 2.06.00 WHQL Certified directory, where D: is the memory sticks drive letter designation.

Click on browse and navigate to the proper directory for the device driver

If the system does not display a prompt for hardware update (Windows 7):1. Enter the Devices and Printers window from the start menu and find the section labeled Unspecified. 2. Right click the device USB Serial and select Properties.3. Locate the Hardware tab, then select Properties.4. Select Change Settings, then select Update Drivers5. At the prompt, choose to browse for driver files6. Find the driver directory as stated previously

The device driver assigns the USB device to a virtual COM port. This COM port number is required to establish communication between the GUI and receiver. To get the COM port number assigned to the receiver, from the main screen, click on control panel button, then select system icon.

Select System to get COM port number

In the System Properties window, click on the Device Manager button. The COM port is shown in the Ports (COM&LPT) device. In this example, its COM4. Note this number to be used during TrueScore COM set up.

Click on Device Manager Button to show COM port

Device Manager window to obtain the USB serial port number (COM4 in this case)OperationStarting up the GUIRun the TrueScore application by double clicking on the icon or selecting the program from the start menu.

The Truescore user interface is designed to run on two monitors. The first screen displays the ring technicians control panel. The second screen is displayed on a separate monitor for spectator reference. For this feature to function properly, the computers desktop must be extended onto the second monitor. The exact procedure may vary depending on computer manufacturer, however for most computers this is achieved by accessing:

Control Panel Display Change display settings (Windows 7) orControl Panel Display Appearance tab (Windows XP)

Select the second display, then confirm that the option to Extend Windows desktop onto this monitor is enabled. The next time the Truescore GUI is launched, the spectator display will automatically be displayed on the second monitor. Note for Windows 7 Users: When operating the GUI, be sure to run the program as an administrator. Failure to do so will result in error.

Hardware and Match Setup

Before running a match, there are three steps to ensure that the system is properly configured:

Program Options

Program Option window. Select the proper COM port shown in Device Manager, and configure match point settings.

Judge Controller

At this screen, judge controllers and sensors are configured. Enter ring number, channel, and the ID number of each piece of hardware.

Scoring Time Window Determines the window of time for a judge to confirm a point after the first judge presses a trigger.

Scoring Judges Determines how many judges must confirm a point to validate.

Judge Codes/Names (Optional) Identifies each judge; appears in the match log file for reference and review.

Connect/turn on any wireless judging sets by connecting each red and blue pair via the provided expanding cable. Switch on any chest gear/headgear transmitters by using a pen or thin object to access the power switch.

After confirming all settings, press Reset and wait for all hardware to initialize. When all communication lights become green, initialization is complete.

For optimum performance, assign a unique ring and channel number to each separate ring. Interference may result from duplicating channels. Handset and Sensor IDs are case sensitive. Impact threshold levels may be freely adjusted at any time. Occasionally, a message may appear stating that the receiver is not responding. This usually occurs after successive resets; press ok and continue the process as normal before troubleshooting.

Ring Manager

This step must be performed before the start of each match. Confirm/adjust match round settings and display names.

When all steps are completed, the indicator at the right side of the screen will signal that the GUI is Ready to start the match. If the indicator displays Not Ready, confirm judge controller and match settings once again.

The Ring Manager step must be performed again to start another match. Confirming the settings resets any concluded match.

Managing the MatchA typical match is controlled and managed by a trained Technical Assistant (TA) using the GUI. The GUI is designed to provide the TA with command and control function to effectively follow the competition rules as set by the WTF. All functions are navigable via mouse clicks.

1. Match Number (if applicable)2. Round Number3. Time Remaining in Round4. Timeout5. Sensor/Judging Joystick Status (From left to right) Green indicates normal status, orange indicates abnormal/non-functioningi. Communications with Receiverii. Connected to Hogu/Helmet (On E-hogu and E-Headgear only)iii. Numerical Battery Charge Leveliv. Low Battery Indicator (Orange = low battery)6. Judging Confirmation History (Square = Body, Circle = Head)7. Incoming Sensor Impact and Threshold Levels (E-Hogu and E-Headgear only)8. Point and Full Point Penalties

During operation, communications may flicker from time to time. This is not an immediate cause for concern. The system is designed to re-establish contact, and should correct itself shortly. If the indicator stays orange for a prolonged period of time (more than 10-15 seconds), follow the steps in section 6.2 of this manual.

Application Notes

Handling Judging Hardware

Judge hardware includes a set of matching Left and Right hand grips. Each grip has a trigger and two top buttons (Thumb switch). The trigger registers body points, while the top buttons register head and punching techniques respectively.

The activated information is sent to the GUI via secure wireless link through the base station. Once the operating parameter is initialized, the system should run without further intervention.

Any wireless links performance depends on the environment and range of operation. The TrueScore System incorporates Proprietary Frequency Agile Algorithms to effectively function through the harshest of all RF interference. For optimum results follow these operating recommendations:

1. The wireless link performs best when the hand grips are held vertically rather than horizontally, and the line of sight to the receiver is 2. Avoid stretching the cord to the maximum stretching point. This stresses the connectors and would shorten the life of the connector.3. Treat the Hand Grips as Instruments - do not drop or abuse, and avoid unnecessary button or trigger activation. 4. Align the antennae of the receiver vertically for optimal signal reception.

Trigger/Button/Transmitter Not Registering

In very rare cases, unsynchronized communications may cause the radios to lock up.

Resetting the joysticks by unplugging and plugging the cord from its connector, or repowering transmitters should solve this problem.

This operation can be performed any time after the handset/transmitter has been properly logged into the system.

In the most severe cases, close the GUI, disconnect/power down all hardware, and begin again from scratch.Log File

For review and auditing purposes, the Truescore GUI records a log of all matches in the Documents Truescore directory. The files are stored under the following format:

[Tournament name]_[Match number]_Date (MMDDYY)_Time (Hours, Min., Sec.)

Example log file displaying points, judging windows, and time of each event


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Technical assistance: [email protected] 305-467-9736 Seminar / clinic / Daedo Truescore Tournament Technician 1