Truer Words Have Not Been Spoken

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Transcript of Truer Words Have Not Been Spoken

  • 7/27/2019 Truer Words Have Not Been Spoken


    No truer words have ever been spoken but we will unfortunately

    believe the narrative as given by our Imperial masters as gospel

    truth. Robin Cook (late) was British Foreign Secretary of

    exceptional strength of character. First a narrative is composed

    then characters are introduced (remember Walt Disney known for

    his comic characters) then international media, which is used as a

    hand-maiden of these powers, markets this real life film. All

    negatives in a society are activated through

    money/blackmail/corrupt leadership/ mafias/fringe elements in

    muslim society like khargees, in conjunction with foreign

    intelligence agencies. A country is so mauled up internally that it

    then moves on its own dynamics in a cycle of violence

    and instability. While all directors and producers of this gory film

    then watch it comfortably from the grandstands afar. They pour

    fuel into the fire whenever the intensity ebbs. All dormant

    (sectarian, ethnic, rich-poor etc) issues are then bought to the

    fore and fully exploited. These are pursued till objectives are

    achieved. A unique war has been introduced to the world, where

    without bringing their own soldiers into line of fire, missions are

    accomplished through proxies and drones and shamelessleadership...Any way out ?