True Wind Consulting Pitch For Linked In

True Wind Consulting A Human Resources Consulting Firm January 17, 2010 Presentation to_____________



Transcript of True Wind Consulting Pitch For Linked In

Page 1: True Wind Consulting Pitch For Linked In

True Wind ConsultingA Human Resources Consulting Firm

January 17, 2010

Presentation to_____________

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Our clients’ industries are extremely competitive. The confidentiality of companies’ plans and data is obviously critical. True Wind Consulting will protect the confidentiality of all such client information.

Similarly, human resources consulting is a competitive business. We view our approaches and insights as proprietary and therefore look to our clients to protect True Wind Consulting’s interests in our proposals, presentations, methodologies and analytical techniques. Under no circumstances should this material be shared with any third party without the written consent of True Wind Consulting.

Copyright © 2009 True Wind Consulting


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Overview of TWC capabilities

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True Wind Consulting (TWC) – A Human Resources Consulting Firm

A consulting firm dedicated to helping businesses optimize resources, develop human capital, and gain a competitive operational advantage in China

A team united by a shared commitment to excellence and integrity in everything we do

Extensive experience in a variety of industries, including:

– Management Consulting

– Investment Banking

– Private Equity

– Sourcing and Manufacturing

– Education A long and successful track record advising

businesses in China An understanding of industry best practices An extensive international professional network

On-site assessments of current personnel capabilities vs. company requirements and industry best-practices

Customized solutions based on findings and client needs, including:

– Advanced training of staff in core professional skill areas

– Strategy development for employee assessment and hiring

– Optimization of performance incentives and compensation structure

Who we are:

What we bring What we offer

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TWC delivers HR and Operational insight and solutions that translate into real value for the client

Process Optimization

Increased Profitability

Structured Growth

Acceleratednew employee


Employee productivityoptimization

Reduced attrition

Reduced recruitment costs

Increased jobsatisfaction

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Improving human resources in ChinaChallenges and opportunities

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© 2009 True Wind Consulting7

The majority of businesses operating in China face a talent shortage when looking for employees with core professional business skills

Rote oriented education system creates highly technical but closeted graduates and middle management lacking in soft skills

37% of US-owned enterprises said that recruiting talent was their biggest operational problem

44% of executives at Chinese companies reported that insufficient talent was the biggest barrier to their global ambitions

This systemic deficiency in the workforce has created a growing demand for Chinese employees with the necessary core professional business skill sets

The talent shortage in China is likely to grow, as supply is not able to keep up with increasing demand

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© 2009 True Wind Consulting8

Increasing operational efficiency and employee productivity is key to gaining and maintaining a competitive advantage

Integrate strategic planning and talent


Integrate talent development with

company operations

Tailor training and development programs to

the local culture

Build relationships and pipelines for recruiting

Increase operational efficiency

Increase employee


Maintain competitive advantage

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© 2009 True Wind Consulting9

Most companies operating in China have experienced set-backs when attempting a “go-it-alone” effort at attracting, developing and retaining talent

Typical actions taken: Develop in-house training programs Bring in Western employees from overseas offices to manage operations Re-shuffle employee ranks frequently through hiring and firing

Results: High financial cost Inefficient allocation of company resources Erosion of corporate culture High employee attrition, resulting in a shortage of local managers

Considerations: Assessing operational efficiency and identifying employee skill gaps internally is a politically

sensitive endeavor Outside of core competence of company

TWC provides an unbiased third party diagnosis of Corporate HR deficiencies and delivers customized solutions to fit the needs of its clients

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The TWC advantage

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TWC works with clients both to train employees and to develop embedded processes for long-term human resource optimization and cost management

Step 1: Organizational HR assessment– Interviews with employees across the organization– Customized employee surveys to identify strengths and weaknesses

Step 2: Presentation of assessment findings to management– Comparison of management expectations vs. findings from assessment

Step 3: Development of customized training program for employees– Program based on assessment results and discussion with management

Step 4: Discussion with management of long-term strategy goals in China– Determining HR requirements for future goals and strategy of business

Step 5: Development of HR strategy and processes for implementation– Develop productivity metrics, hiring requirements, and head-count optimization

Step 6: Roll-out of training programs for employees– TWC to run training programs, developed in consultation with client management

The TWC approach

TWC offers customized solutions to each client within the context of HR development and employee training

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© 2009 True Wind Consulting12

Maximizing employee productivity and minimizing HR costs requires a long-term commitment to two core focus areas, the HR “Pillars”

Survey employees to determine deficiencies and necessary areas for improvement

Develop or acquire training programs for employees at all levels

Adapt training methodology to Chinese cultural norms

Train Chinese managers to institutionalize best practices among all personnel

Understand long-term competitive advantage of business in China

Determine required skills of local employees to preserve competitive advantage

Develop method for monitoring head-count vs. productivity

Set budget targets for employee training and development expenditures

Employee training Organizational HR strategy

Profitability and long-term success in China depend on successful application of these HR “Pillars”

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© 2009 True Wind Consulting13

Unlike competitors, TWC customizes training programs to the needs of the client and therefore does not market “course packages” or general seminars

Developing solutions requires flexibility and creativity to develop the most suitable training programs

Training programs are often required in the following areas:

– Presentation skills– Negotiations– Client/Customer service– Business communication– Cross-cultural etiquette– Management skills

TWC has an established expertise in the best practices for these and other areas, and will apply them in the most appropriate manner to the client’s situation

True Wind Consulting

Clark Morgan Yaxley Education

Organizational HR assessment and individual employee assessments

Yes Yes No

Discussion of assessment findings with management

Yes No No

Development of customized training program

Yes No Yes

Delivery of general “course package” seminars

No Yes Yes

Discussion of long term strategy goals

Yes No No

Development of HR strategy and processes for implementation

Yes No No

Rollout of training programs for employees

Yes Yes Yes

English language instruction

Yes Yes Yes

TWC’s approach delivers an integrated and customized solution to clients based on current HR needs and long-term strategy and goals

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© 2009 True Wind Consulting14

TWC’s wide range of core competencies gives us the ability to meet all of our client’s strategic and human resource needs which include:

Design and development

– Optimizing HR

– Hierarchy creation Job/Role design

– Clear task delineation

– Creation of personal and professional goals in line with global business strategy


Workforce planning

– Integration of high level business strategy with HR strategy to map future resource needs

Talent management

– Developing culture of excellence

– “Ownership” mentality Employee well being

– Ensuring employee satisfaction


Organizational learning

– Executive level thinking in terms of resource based capabilities for ongoing development

Individual learning

– Identifying individual deficiencies

– Developing targeted and cost effective approach

Group learning

– Team building skills and employee collaboration

Management development

– Soft skill development

– Oral presentation

– Communication

– Negotiation

– Business etiquette

– Leadership

Learning and development

Job Evaluation/market surveys

– Track personnel performance

Grade and pay structures

– Creation of incentive structures that are in line with business objectives

Cultivating management

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© 2009 True Wind Consulting15

TWC’s talented team, China-centric focus, and commitment to customized solutions development and implementation places us well above our competitors

One-stop shop and low cost solution for all HR requirements

Customized solutions

In-house resources for designing and running employee training programs

Small core team with highly skilled resources

Commitment to integrity in everything we do