True self-service BI. Ad hoc reporting, dashboards...

At a Glance — Ease of use without sacrificing advanced functionality. FIND OUT MORE AT EXAGOINC.COM 450 553.4 670 188 175 431 221 100.9 85 True self-service BI. Ad hoc reporting, dashboards & analytics. Separate Report Designers for Different Levels of Technical Ability You choose which report designers and features each user will have access to. ExpressView Reports is perfect for building and formatting basic tabular reports and charts. And Advanced Reports is a familiar, Excel-like design grid with advanced functionality. Dashboard Designer for End Users End users can design, format and save their own dashboards with multiple reports, charts, maps, text, hyperlinks, and images, and specify default dashboards to execute automatically when Exago is launched . Linked Reports and Drilldowns Users can link together an unlimited number of charts and tabular reports in any order to drill down, drill up, drill sideways or drill through data. Charts, Graphs and Geomaps Intuitive wizards walk users through the steps of setting up charts, graphs and geomaps. A wide variety of charting options are avail- able and geomap data can be viewed in multiple dimensions. Exago is an enterprise BI solution that allows non-technical end users to create and edit reports and dashboards without IT support. Every business user has a dierent level of comfort with technology. Exago is designed to be tailored to the level of complexity appropriate for each individual. Exago gives you the exibility to provide a rich, intuitive BI experience to the full spectrum of end users among your clients — from basic users who simply require read-only access to power users who take advantage of the complete set of advanced features.

Transcript of True self-service BI. Ad hoc reporting, dashboards...

Page 1: True self-service BI. Ad hoc reporting, dashboards … a Glance — Ease of use without sacrificing advanced functionality.

At a Glance —Ease of use without sacrificing advanced functionality.










85True self-service BI.Ad hoc reporting, dashboards & analytics.

Separate Report Designers for Different Levels of Technical Ability

You choose which report designers and features each user will have access to. ExpressView Reports is perfect for building and formatting basic tabular reports and charts. And Advanced Reports is a familiar, Excel-like design grid with advanced functionality.

Dashboard Designer for End UsersEnd users can design, format and save their own dashboards with

multiple reports, charts, maps, text, hyperlinks, and images, and specify default dashboards to execute automatically when Exago

is launched


Linked Reports and DrilldownsUsers can link together an unlimited number of charts and tabularreports in any order to drill down, drill up, drill sideways or drillthrough data.

Charts, Graphs and GeomapsIntuitive wizards walk users through the steps of setting up charts, graphs and geomaps. A wide variety of charting options are avail-able and geomap data can be viewed in multiple


Exago is an enterprise BI solution thatallows non-technical end users to create and edit reports and dashboards without IT support.

Every business user has a different level of comfort with technology. Exago is designed to be tailored to the level of complexity appropriate for each individual.

Exago gives you the flexibility to provide a rich, intuitive BI experience to the full spectrum of end users among your clients — from basic users who simply require read-only access to power users who take advantage of the complete set of advanced features.

Page 2: True self-service BI. Ad hoc reporting, dashboards … a Glance — Ease of use without sacrificing advanced functionality.


Give your clients control over their data with a flexible solution that seamlessly

integrates into your web-based application.

Multi-language Support

Mobile Device Support

Dynamic, Flexible API and Event Model

User-Defined FormulasUsers can key their own formulas directly into cells or choose from the comprehensive set of pre-defined functions available in the Formula Editor. New functions can also be created and included in the Formula Editor menu.

A template wizard makes it effortless for users to merge their data

Automated Report SchedulerReports can be scheduled for automatic emailing or archiving. All parameters such as time periods, recurrence and recipients can be set in the Report Scheduler.

Pixel-Perfect Templates

onto any highly formatted PDF, RTF and Excel templates like W9 Forms and invoices.

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iiiiinnnnnnnteeeggggrrrrratteessssss iiiiiiinttttttttttttoooooooooooooooooo yyyyyyyyyooooooouurr wwebbbb-bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssssssseeddddd apppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppplllliiiiccccaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttiiiiiioooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

OPERATING SYSTEMMicrosoft Windows Server

IIS Web Server 5.1+.NET version+ 4.5

Linux (Mono Platform)

DATA SOURCESMicrosoft SQL Server 2000+Oracle Version 9i+ MySQL 5.0+PostgreSQL 7.1+

Web Services

DB2 Informix

.NET Assembly Methods XML Excel

TYPES OF OBJECTS Database Tables Database Views Stored Procedures Database Functions

Parameterized SQL Statements Web Services Methods.NET Assembly Methods AJAX Enabled

.NET API and Web Service API for communication between Exago and host application


Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Safari iPad, iPhone and Adroid mobile support

No Active-X or any other plug-ins necessary

MS-OLAP Cassandra (Apache) SAP Sybase MongoDB AWS Aurora MariaDB