True psychic-powers



If you have ever wondered about psychics and their work then watch this presentation. Lisa Marie answers some of the most common questions she is asked.

Transcript of True psychic-powers

Page 1: True psychic-powers


Page 2: True psychic-powers

Does the subject both fascinate and

scare you at the same time?

Page 3: True psychic-powers

Don’t worry you are not alone.

Page 4: True psychic-powers

Lisa Marie The Psychic Singer, (yep she sings as well!), is always being asked questions about her gift.

If you want to watch her answer them personally then visit

or else just keep scrolling.

Page 5: True psychic-powers

Q: How do you know you are psychic?

A: I have always heard voices – and no I am not schizophrenic (not that I know of anyway:)

It was pretty scary sometimes especially when I was younger.

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Q: What do you see when you are reading for someone?

A: The reason psychics ask what people are concerned about, is so that we can tune out the ‘noise’ and concentrate on finding answers to a person’s main concerns.

So what I see is normally connected to what a person really needs to know about.

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Q: How do you ‘connect’ over the phone or e-mail?

A: I channel into the person through their name, this seems to guide me right to the person and their problem and then it is like the top of my head just opens up and the information flows.

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Q: Do you believe in God?

A: Absolutely, without a doubt. God is my rock, without God I would never have survived some of the difficult patches in my life.

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Q: What about religion?

A: Religion, whichever religion you choose definitely has its place. It gives people a foundation and a path to walk.

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Q: Do you think what you do goes against religious principles?

A: No I don’t. Why would I be given the gift if it was not to be used for helping people? I know I am able to help people with my gift just by the response I get from my clients.

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Q: Why do you charge for what you do?

A: I would love to be in a position where I could just help people for free but unfortunately I have to charge. It takes up so much of my time if I didn’t charge I wouldn’t be able to eat.

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If you have any questions, about psychic gifts, that you would like answered contact Lisa Marie at

and if she can she will answer them.