
1 TTC-Riyadh / Vocational Pedagogy / EL-7 / Lesson Plan / Shift register 2014 1. Learning Condition: 1.1: Trainees: They are 12 trainees in class and each trainee has at the General Certificate of Secondary Education in the natural sciences. The learning level of the students has major differences. Performers are Abdullah, Ahmad and Hassan. They participate very actively in class. Their contributions to teaching are good to very good. The work orders and homework get quickly accepted. Also the presentation of results should be assessed positively. And as we can see that the rate of the average scores of students in general good. The class has experience and skill in the practice of group work, partner work and individual work and have an experience in the technical field practice, and the age of them between 22 to 25 and all students are together along well and collaborators, also they have ability to understand the topic well, and this is one of the most important points of interest that is found in students. And I will make discussion with them about everything. 1.2: Classroom: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 20 22 24 26 Age of trainees Age 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 20 40 60 80 100 Last Grading Last Grading

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TTC-Riyadh / Vocational Pedagogy / EL-7 / Lesson Plan / Shift register2014

1. Learning Condition:

1.1: Trainees:

They are 12 trainees in class and each trainee has at the General Certificate of Secondary Education in the natural sciences.

The learning level of the students has major differences. Performers are Abdullah, Ahmad and Hassan. They participate very actively in class. Their contributions to teaching are good to very good. The work orders and homework get quickly accepted. Also the presentation of results should be assessed positively. And as we can see that the rate of the average scores of students in general good.

The class has experience and skill in the practice of group work, partner work and individual work and have an experience in the technical field practice, and the age of them between 22 to 25 and all students are together along well and collaborators, also they have ability to understand the topic well, and this is one of the most important points of interest that is found in students. And I will make discussion with them about everything.

1.2: Classroom:

In this classroom number 4.205 in EL building. I will use the computer and the

Projector to show video and explain the lesson. Also, I use some chairs and tables in

this classroom to make students taking notes and doing practical work together.

To make sure the classroom clean and equipment is working,So we must go early to

organize the chairs and clean the classroom.

The lesson effect the students activity when the students make conversation and write

the answers on the task sheet and whiteboard.

1.3: College:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 820.5






Age of traineesAge

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 80






Last Grading

Last Grading

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TTC-Riyadh / Vocational Pedagogy / EL-7 / Lesson Plan / Shift register2014

RCT College is one of the best technical colleges in KSA, and there are six

technical majors is one of the most important majors in our practical life. The duration

of the study where six terms to get Diploma Certificate. The number of students is also

where about 1,200 students and 80 teachers. And there are many classrooms and

workshops for each department to compare the theoretical and practical. And also

where the curriculum is clear and contains of the theoretical part and practical part.

2. Didactic Reflection:

2.1: curriculum analysis

This course talks about Logic Circuits [167 ELC]. The contact hours for this

course are 72 hours. The hours of lecture are 36 hours. The hours of workshop are 36

hours. The hours of tutorial are 0 hours. This course will make the trainees will gain

practical and theoretical skills on how to deal with: Number systems , Coding , Logic

gates , decoder, timers, registers ,comparators , Combinational and Sequential logic

circuits. This course aim of this course is to promote understanding of different logic

gate operations, combinational logic circuits, simple sequential circuits and number

systems to enable trainees to deal with different complicated digital systems. The

Behavioral goals is Understand how to differ between the binary and hexadecimal

numbering systems and how to convert from system to another, Operate and testing

the logic gates, Recognize types of flip-fops and determine the difference between

each one.

2.2:content analysis

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TTC-Riyadh / Vocational Pedagogy / EL-7 / Lesson Plan / Shift register2014

The main purpose from the shift register is a digital memory circuit found in the

calculators, computers, and systems of data process. the shift register basically

consists of several single bit “D-Type Data Latches”, one for each data bit, either the

logic “0” or a “1”, connected together in a serial type arrangement so that the output

from one data latch becomes the input of the next latch. Bits (binary digits) enter the

shift register at one end and emerge from the other end. For example, when entering

(11001) will be output (11001). The two ends are called left and right.

In its most basic form, the shift register is bidirectional SISO (serial-in serial-out)

circuit. When gives pulse, the bit is input in the left, all the bits in the register move

one place to the right, and the rightmost bit disappear. When the bit is input on the

right, all the bits move one place to the left, and the leftmost bit disappear.

2.3:Didactic analysis

The trainer starts the lesson with the inductive approach by asking the trainees

some questions that lead them to find the topic of the lesson. These question, in line

with the principle of motivation, will show the important of the topic . After that, we will

use the Vertical reduction by focus on one topic of our unit topics(Sequential Logic

circuit ).It has ( Timers, Counters, Shift register )units. But chose one topic of all is

Shift register. We make interesting lesson by body language, and write clearly

answer on the whiteboard, make group work to share information and knowledge and

help each other. We use the whiteboard with good drawing, Power Point

Presentation. And we will give trainees handouts, these handout include the most

important information of the topic, but they are not completed. So, the trainees will

need to completed these information by filling the gaps during the explanation. As a

result, this method will keep trainees busy during the lesson in line with the principle

of self- activity.

Finally, the trainees will make a summary by answering some questions that cover all

parts of the lesson. In this way, the trainers can get the feedback from trainees and

make sure that objectives of the lesson are achieved.

2.4:Methodology analysis

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TTC-Riyadh / Vocational Pedagogy / EL-7 / Lesson Plan / Shift register2014

In this lesson I will use several methods such as; Lecture, Classroom

conversation, individual work, Partner work, Group work, Discovery . Lecture is the

most method using when I teach to students on the whiteboard if the teacher explain

something step py step, or smart board if the teacher show them PowerPoint

presentation or some video to understanding the lesson well. Classroom conversation

should allow all students of class as well as the teacher himself to talk to other,

discussion students together with teacher. Individual work is students work

independently on the tasks. Partner work is working in pair where only tow students

work to solve tasks during the lesson. Group work by grouping three to six students to

solve tasks and discussion together. Discovery is the modern organization of work to

target the capacity to perform occupational tasks.

3:Lesson Plan:

3.1:General Information:

Topic: Shift register.

Name and ID Number: : Muhannad Badawood (253)

Date: 22/10/2014


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TTC-Riyadh / Vocational Pedagogy / EL-7 / Lesson Plan / Shift register2014

General Objectives:

The Trainees :

1. follow rules of good communication. (Affective).

2. write notes about the lesson. (Cognitive).

3. distribute the work load in a group equally. (Affective).

4. listen to others with respect . (Affective).

5. organize the classroom at the end of lesson. (psychomotor).

Specific Learning Objectives:

The students:

1. Define the shift register.( Cognitive).

2. Show small video. (Affective).

3. Explain the truth table of serial in/serial out and serial in/parallel out.

( Cognitive).

4. List of several type of shift register.( Cognitive).

5. Draw the output of serial in/serial out.( psychomotor).

6. Analyze the serial in/serial out and serial in/parallel out how to work.

( Cognitive).

7. Design serial in/serial out and serial in/parallel out circuit by them self.(psychomotor\


3.3:Intended Process:

Opening / Entrance / Motivation


Minutes Expected Trainer-action

Expected Trainee-action


- Teacher checks from students the pre knowledge about the subject .

- Teacher shows students short video of shift register and where it used.

- Students listen to teacher.

-Students try to remember about subject .

- Students see the video and analysis it.



Classroom Conversation



Projector slide ( 1 - 3 )



Body (Information / Elaboration)



Minutes Expected Trainer-Expected Trainee-action

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TTC-Riyadh / Vocational Pedagogy / EL-7 / Lesson Plan / Shift register2014


- Teacher explains how conversion (SR) to (DFF) with truth table .

-Students take notes and focus the with teacher raise them hands if they have questions.


slides ( 4 ).2

- Teacher defines Shift register.

-Teacher describes types of Shift register.

-Teacher shows students the truth table of serial in/serial out and serial in /parallel out register.

-Students Listen – take some notes about important points .




projector slides (5,6 ).


- Teacher explains to student how the serial in/ serial out register work.

-Teacher writes exercise on the whiteboard and choose two students to answer it. And give them the final answer .

- Students see how it work.

-Students write notes and focus with teacher.

-Students try solve the question.

Classroom Conversation


Individual work

projector slides

(7,8 )



- Teacher explains to student how the serial in/ parallel out register work with example.

-Teacher writes the answer of example.

- Teacher distributes Handouts .

-Teacher gives the correct answer.

- Students see how it work.

-Students try to get the solution.-Students take notes.


Handout 1

Group work

projector slide

( 9 -13 ).7

-Teacher explain to students how the delay a digital signal work.

-Teacher gives to students example

-Students focus with teacher and take notes .

-Students Calculate and get the solution.

-Students try to get the solution.


Handout 2

projector slide

( 14 - 16 ).


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TTC-Riyadh / Vocational Pedagogy / EL-7 / Lesson Plan / Shift register2014

about it and choose student to continue the answer.

-Teacher distributes exercise Handouts .

-Teacher shows the correct answer.

-Students take notes.

Classroom Conversation

Individual work

-Teacher distributes practical sheet Handouts.

- Teacher starts the experiment with students.

-Students make the experiment with teacher.

Partner work

Classroom Conversation


projector slide

( 17 ).


Close (Reflection, Exercises, Homework, Feedback)



Minutes Expected Trainer-actionExpected Trainee-action

- Teacher distributes to students small quiz about the lesson.

-Teacher shows the students the correct answer.

- Students find the answer together.

-Students take notes.Individual work

projector slide

( 18 ).

Handout 4


4:The principle in this lesson focused on…

…the classroom conversation to make the students more active.

…the individual work to measure the knowledge of the students, and to analysis if my method success the lesson or not.

…the partner work is for the students to support each other and let them find out the right answer according to what they understand.

…the lecture is a short to explain what needs to explain.

4.1 :list of attached teaching material : We will to use :

1. Projector.2. Whiteboard.3. Pen for whiteboard.(different colors)

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TTC-Riyadh / Vocational Pedagogy / EL-7 / Lesson Plan / Shift register2014

4. Task sheet.5. Practical board.6. Wires.

5: References: RCT curriculum