Trouble Shooting and Maintenance Lab

Trouble Shooting and Maintenance Lab and theory: - What is computer freezing, hanging, or crashing? Freezing, hanging, crashing and bombing are all terms that people use to describe a computer that suddenly stops working while in use. These terms are not totally consistent in how they are used but broadly speaking: Freezing - usually describes a system that has suddenly become completely inactive while running. There are no error messages on the screen, the mouse pointer does not move, and pressing keys has no efect whatsoever - not even producing beeps etc. Hanging - usually describes a less severe orm o reezing. Things have ground to a halt, there are no error messages, but the machine is not completely dead. The mouse pointer may still move and, on a !" system, pressing the "trl#$lt#%el key combination produces a response. Crashing - usually describes a situation where a program has terminated abnormally, oten with some kind o error message. The machine may still be usable. Freezing is usually symptomatic o a hardware ault, or o a non-!lug-and-!lay device that is internally miscon&gured. ' it occurs erratically, the problem may be due to a component that ails when it gets warm ater the machine has been in use or a little while. ' you turn the machine of and let it cool down, it may work normally or a while. (eep a log o its behavior and how soon ater powering up it misbehaves. Hanging or crashing are generally more likely to have other causes that )*+% be investigated urther by your districts technology department. ' you sufer rom these, then note whether the problem always occurs at precisely the same point, or only with certain documents, or only ater having run certain other sotware etc. Defragment of the hard Drive ( for eam!le ":# $D:#$% f:#&' +ver time &les become ragmented on the hard drive. hen a program is installed on your computer, the program/s &les may be broken up over multiple locations on your hard disk. This is called ragmentation. ' ragmentation occurs on your hard disk, the perormance o programs on your computer is slower. The %isk %eragmenter tool optimizes the perormance o your computer by reorganizing the &les on your hard disk into contiguous blocks. 0ou should deragment the hard drive a minimum o once a month 1beore perorming this operation run )can%isk2. hen the %isk %eragmenter tool completes the deragmentation o &les on your hard disk, the perormance o your programs is aster because the &les are arranged closer together. )T*: +ou can use your com!uter ,hile Dis Defragmenter is running& Ho,ever$ your com!uter o!erates slo,er and the defragmentation !rocess restarts if the contents of the drive you are defragmenting changes& .e recommend that you do nothing ,hile defragmenting& /roblem :- 0 ,as running a !rogram and got a full blue screen ,ith a Fatal *ce!tion *rror&  This is th e so-called 3 )+% or the 4 3lue )cr een o %eath4. 't i s a ull scr een F atal 56cept ion 5rr or and the only way out is to reboot. This usually points to duplicate or incompatible % &les being called into memory. This can also occur i you were working rom a diskette or "%-7+8 and removed it beore the system completed reading rom it. • *it 59T57 and try to get back to the %esktop, save your work under a diferent &le name and reboot. • ' you cannot get back to the %esktop reboot the system by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Delete simultaneously or pushing the reset; button, not the power switch, on the desktop#tower case. 'n the uture try to notice patterns or particular combinations o programs that cause the error. ook or sotware patches at the vendor/s web sites. 't could also be a problem with your memory or its settings. 0ou might want to try setting your memory settings to deault. +ther than that, there is not a whole lot to be done< shut down or reboot.

Transcript of Trouble Shooting and Maintenance Lab

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Trouble Shooting and Maintenance Lab and theory: -

What is computer freezing, hanging, or crashing?Freezing, hanging, crashing and bombing are all terms that people use to describe a computer thasuddenly stops working while in use. These terms are not totally consistent in how they are usedbut broadly speaking:Freezing - usually describes a system that has suddenly become completely inactive whilerunning. There are no error messages on the screen, the mouse pointer does not move, andpressing keys has no efect whatsoever - not even producing beeps etc.• Hanging - usually describes a less severe orm o reezing. Things have ground to a halt, there

are no error messages, but the machine is not completely dead. The mouse pointer may still movand, on a !" system, pressing the "trl#$lt#%el key combination produces a response.• Crashing - usually describes a situation where a program has terminated abnormally, oten witsome kind o error message. The machine may still be usable.

Freezing is usually symptomatic o a hardware ault, or o a non-!lug-and-!lay device that isinternally miscon&gured. ' it occurs erratically, the problem may be due to a component that ailswhen it gets warm ater the machine has been in use or a little while. ' you turn the machine ofand let it cool down, it may work normally or a while. (eep a log o its behavior and how soonater powering up it misbehaves.Hanging or crashing are generally more likely to have other causes that )*+% beinvestigated urther by your districts technology department. ' you sufer rom these, then note

whether the problem always occurs at precisely the same point, or only with certain documents, oonly ater having run certain other sotware etc.

Defragment of the hard Drive ( for eam!le ":# $D:#$% f:#&'+ver time &les become ragmented on the hard drive. hen a program is installed on yourcomputer, the program/s &les may be broken up over multiple locations on your hard disk. This iscalled ragmentation. ' ragmentation occurs on your hard disk, the perormance o programs onyour computer is slower. The %isk %eragmenter tool optimizes the perormance o your computeby reorganizing the &les on your hard disk intocontiguous blocks. 0ou should deragment the hard drive a minimum o once a month 1beoreperorming this operation run )can%isk2. hen the %isk %eragmenter tool completes thederagmentation o &les on your hard disk, the perormance o your programs is aster because th

&les are arranged closer together.

)T*: +ou can use your com!uter ,hile Dis Defragmenter is running& Ho,ever$ yourcom!uter o!erates slo,er and the defragmentation !rocess restarts if the contents ofthe drive you are defragmenting changes& .e recommend that you do nothing ,hiledefragmenting&

/roblem :- 0 ,as running a !rogram and got a full blue screen ,ith a Fatal *ce!tion*rror& This is the so-called 3)+% or the 43lue )creen o %eath4. 't is a ull screen Fatal 56ception 5rrorand the only way out is to reboot. This usually points to duplicate or incompatible % &les beingcalled into memory. This can also occur i you were working rom a diskette or "%-7+8 andremoved it beore the system completed reading rom it.• *it 59T57 and try to get back to the %esktop, save your work under a diferent &le name andreboot.• ' you cannot get back to the %esktop reboot the system by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Deletesimultaneously or pushing the reset; button, not the power switch, on the desktop#tower case. 'nthe uture try to notice patterns or particular combinations o programs that cause the error. ookor sotware patches at the vendor/s web sites. 't could also be a problem with your memory or itssettings. 0ou might want to try setting your memory settings to deault. +ther than that, there isnot a whole lot to be done< shut down or reboot.

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/roblem :- .hen 0 try to start a !rogram from its shortcut 0 get a 1Missing /rogram1error&$ 4shortcut4 is a path rom the icon to the actual location o the program &les or that program. 'this path is absent or invalid, you will get this error. This is usually caused by having deleted ormoved the program. ' this is the case, delete the shortcut.• ' you moved the program, delete the old shortcut and create a new shortcut to the new location• The program may have been deleted without being properly uninstalled. =o to theControl Panel and properly delete the program through the Add/Remoe Programs option.• The Add/Remoe Programs !roperties window will open. 'n the second part o the window yowill see a list o the programs installed on your hard drive. )croll down the list until you &nd the

program whose shortcut you were trying touse. *ighlight the program and then click the $dd#7emove; 3utton.• $nother common reason is that your shortcut is trying to access the program rom the "%-7+8drive but the needed program is not in the drive. 'nsert the program "% into the drive and click thRetr! button.• $ second hard drive or another drive has been added which kicked the "%-7+8 letter up to anew letter. 'n this case,open "! Computer and write down the letter assigned to the "%-7+8 drive. +n the desktoplocate the icon or theshortcut, right click on the shortcut icon and select Properties rom the pop-up window. 'n the#arget bo6 delete the olddrive letter and enter the new drive letter. "lick the $% button.

/roblem : The com!uter is slo,. Restart your computer.

>eriy that there is at least ?@@-A@@ 83 o ree hard drive space. To do so, select )tart and clic

on 8y "omputer or "omputer. Then highlight the local " drive by clicking on it once. )elect the!roperties button at the top let-hand corner o the window< this will display a window showing homuch ree and used space you have. ' you need to recapture space:- &mpt! !our rec!cle 'in by right-clicking on the 7ecycle 3in icon 1usually on the desktop2, theselecting 5mpty 7ecycle 3in.

- "heck your mail (les. 7emove any large attachments and delete unused mail.

- 'mages and videos take up a lot o space, so consider moving those to an e)ternal drie.

- Remoe temporar! (les rom the 'nternet. To do so:o "lick )tart button B 8y "omputer or "omputer.

o "lick +pen "ontrol !anel at the top o the window.

o "lick 9etwork B 'nternet B'nternet +ptions.

o )elect the =eneral tab and click %elete under 3rowsing *istory.- !erorm a dis* cleanup. To do so:o "lick )tart button B 8y "omputer or "omputer.

o *ighlight the local " drive by clicking on it once.

o )elect the properties button at the top let o the window.

o =o to the =eneral tab and select %isk "leanup.

o +nce the %isk "leanup &nishes running, click on "lean up )ystem Files< this will delete anyunnecessary system-related &les rom your local disk.- 'normation in computer &les changes oten, resulting in gaps or spaces within the &le. This takeup more space on the computer and can cause the computer to slow down. To reclaim these gapsin space, run dis* defrag. To do so:o "lick start B 8y "omputer or "omputer. o *ighlight the local " drive by clicking on it once.

o )elect the properties button at the top let o the window. o =o to the Tools tab and select 7un%eragmentation.

+ld or unused programs that arenCt being used may still have components running behind the

scenes when you start your computer, which can slow down the system. 0ou can prevent these

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programs rom running when you start your computer by removing unused shortcuts and turningof unused program services.- 7emove unused shortcuts rom indows startupo "lick )tart button B )elect $ll !rograms B "lick )tartup

o 7ight-click the shortcuts that you do not use and click delete - %isable unused programserviceso "lick )tart button B "ontrol !anel B $dministrative Tools B )ervices

o For each program#service that you are certain that you do not need, click on the )ervice tohighlight it, click the )top link to stop the service rom running, then double-click the service,

choose )tartup Type o %isabled, and click +(.7un a virus scan to remove potential viruses that can slow down your computer.

/roblem : The mouse is not ,oring correctly&

"heck i the mouse is securely plugged into the computer. ' not, plug it in completely.

 "heck to see i the cord has been damaged. ' so, the mouse may need replacing.

 ' you are using a cordless mouse, try pushing the connection button on the underside o the

mouse to reestablish a connection.

"lean the mouse, especially on the bottom.

/roblem : The eyboard is not ,oring&

8ake sure the keyboard is connected to the computer. ' not, connect it to the computer.

 ' you are using a wireless keyboard, try changing the batteries.

 ' one o the keys on your keyboard gets stuck, turn the computer o and clean with a damp


se the mouse to restart the computer

/roblem : 2eyboard doesn3t res!ond ' your machine, when booting, gives of a constant beeping noise, it is telling you that yourkeyboard is not connected or not working."heck the plug to make sure it/s connected securely. Try unplugging it and re-plugging it again.' there is no response, check the indicator light on the keyboard. 's it onD %o the lights respondwhen you press the caps lock or the num lock keyD ' not, maybe your keyboard is broken.'s there a key stuckD =ently pry of the cover and clean it with alcohol. 8ake sure it is notconnected to your machine when you are cleaning it. The space bar reEuently comes of track. =ently pry it of, noting which way the bar lies in your particular keyboard so you can replace itproperly./roblem : The !rinter is not ,oring&

"heck i the printer is turned on. ' not, turn it on and try again.

 "heck i the printer has paper. ' not, put paper in the paper tray and try printing again.

 "heck i the printer has a paper am. ' so, remove the paper, close the printer, and try printing


5nsure that all printer cables are properly connected.

 Turn o the printer and turn on again.

 "heck to see i a new printer driver is needed. %o this by going to the manuacturerCs website t

search or your printer model and checking or any updated driver. )eek assistance rom yoursystem administrator beore installing any drivers./roblem : The com!uter is frozen& 4 !rogram is not res!onding&

!ush the "trl, $lt, and %elete keys at the same time. Then, start the Task 8anager, highlight th

programCs name, and hit the 5nd Task button.

!erorm a hard reboot by simply pressing the on#o button to turn o the computer manually.

 This action should only be done as a last resort i you have an unresponsive program or criticalerror. This process could cause data loss or corruption.

+nce the computer is responding again, run a virus check.

/roblem : e, hard,are or soft,are is ,oring incorrectly&>eriy your computer meets the reEuirements o the program or utility.

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 ninstall and install the program.

 There could be a conlict with another installed program and you should contact your system


/roblem : - 0 turned the com!uter on and a blue screen came u! saying that thecom!uter ,as not !ro!erly shut do,n& 0t started doing a scan for errors$ ,hat does thmean5' the computer was '8!7+!570 )*T%+9 by ust turning the power switch of on the desktopor tower case then you will get this message. The system will scan or errors that could haveoccurred when the system was improperly shut down.

• To properly shutdown your computer you should $$0) go to )tart on the task bar and)hutdown rom the pop-up menu.

/roblem : - The com!uter monitor is blac&8any computers have a built-in energy saving eature that puts the system to sleep ater aspeci&c amount o idle time. The monitor will appear to be of, showing a black screen and thepower light will be amber.• To awaken the system, move the mouse around or hit any key on the keyboard. $llow a ewseconds or the system to power up.• ' the system is not in sleep mode, make sure that the monitorCs power switch is on 1the powerlight will show green or yellow2.• "heck to see that the power cord is plugged in tightly in back o the monitor and that the powerstrip 1surge protector2 is on. $lso make sure that the monitor cable is tightly connected to thetower#desktop.• ' your monitorCs power is on and the cables are all +( but there is still nothing on the screen, thcause could be that the monitor/s brightness and#or contrast control have been turned down and ust need re-adusting. These controls are on the monitor 1location depends on manuacturer2.• 3eore assuming the monitor to be aulty, it is worthwhile to substitute another monitor that isknown to work in order to establish that the video card o the !" is working. 9ormally such aultsas intermittent assortment o odd characters, perhaps some Gashing in vivid colors on the screenare indicative o a video card ault.H. ' the other monitor works properly then the monitor in Euestion may be aulty.?. ' the other monitor does not work properly then the video card may be the ault. Follow yourdistrict technology departmentCs procedure or reporting repair needs.

Pro'lem An -nresponsie PC• First check the cable. nplug it rom the computer and the outlet. 7eplug in both sides and trybooting it again.• "heck the wall outlet. !lug something else into the outlet and see i it works.• Turn the system of and wait I@ seconds and then try again.• 7each behind the machine and see i you eel air blowing out o the power supply. ' you do, theyou know the machine is getting some power.• ook at the keyboard or the indicator lights being lit up as the machine boots.• )ometimes the monitor has something to do with the system acting up. nplug the power cordrom the monitor and the wall and replug it. nplug the cable rom the computer to the monitor

and replug it into the monitor. Try rebooting.• isten to identiy a beeping series i there is one to report it to the technical help.• Turn in all comments to the *elp %esk.

/roblem :- 0 turned my monitor on and there ,as a bo ,ith red$ green and blue stri!esthat said 6o Signal 0n!ut$7 ,hat does this mean5

Don’t panic, this simply means that the monitor is on but it is not receiving a signal from the system.

Turn your desktop/tower on at the power switch.

Here are some basic trouble shooting ti!s for ne, monitors:H. #he picture does not appearo "heck to make sure the signal cable is &rmly connected in the socket.o "heck to see i the computer system/s power is +9.

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o "heck that the 3rightness "ontrol is at the appropriate position, not at the minimum.?. #he .creen is not s!nchronizedo "heck to make sure the signal cable is &rmly connected in the socket.o "heck that the output level matches the input level o your computer.o 8ake sure the signal timing o the computer system is within the speci&cation o the monitor.I. #he position of the screen is not in the centero $dust the *-)ize, *-!hase or >-)ize, >-"enter controls.o "heck i the signal timing o the computer system is within the speci&cation o the monitor.J. #he screen is too 'right or too dar* o "heck i the 3rightness or contrast control is at the appropriate position, not at the ma6imum or

minimum.o "heck i the speci&ed voltage is appliedo "heck i the signal timing o the computer system is within the speci&cation o the monitor.o 5specially, check the horizontal reEuency.A. #he screen is sha*ingo 8ove all obects that emit a magnetic &eld, such as a motor or transormer, away rom themonitor.o "heck i the speci&ed voltage is applied.o "heck i the signal timing o the computer system is within the speci&cation o the monitor./rinter /roblems

• "heck the cables &rst. nplug and replug the printer into the computer. 3e sure the power cable

is plugged in and the outlet works.• "heck to make sure the correct printer is selected in the !rint %ialog bo6. ' you are on anetwork, you could be sending the output to a printer in someone else/s room.• "an you print rom a diferent applicationD %oes it only occur with a certain application or is itnot working with anythingD• "an you print a test page directly rom the printer with it unconnected to the computerD 5achmanuacturer has their own special series o buttons to hold down or this sel-test. 8ost o thetime it will be in the user/s manual. 7einstall the sotware. %elete the old drivers &rst. %id that &6the problemDPrinter machine on0t turn on1• "heck to see i the power is on.• "heck to see i the printer cable plugged into the back o the printer and the wall.

&rror lights are 2ashing1"heck the error display on the a6 or ams, paper, toner, etc.Can connect to the netor*1+pen the 9etwork 9eighborhood icon on your desktop. 0ou should see a long list o servers. ' notreboot."! printers are gone1+pen your )tart 8enu< go up to settings, then over to printers. 0ou should see a list o yourprinters that you use there. ' not, reboot."! printer is set to or* o3ine1+pen your )tart 8enu< go up to settings, then over to printers. "lick once on your printer, select4File4 in the top let corner and veriy that 4work oKine4 does 9+T have a check mark ne6t to it.#he printer is paused1

+pen your )tart 8enu< go up to settings, then over to printers. %ouble click on your printer, selec4File4 in the top let corner and veriy that 4pause printing4 does 9+T have a check mark ne6t to itPrinter Does 4ot Respond1First, make sure that the printer is online and has paper in the tray. "heck to see i the printer willwork with another program. ' so, "lear the unit/s memory by turning it of, waiting a ew secondsand turning it back on. 1"heck the printer cable to make sure it is &rmly connected to the printerand the computer. 7einstall the printer, select )tart-L )ettings-L!rinters to open the !rinters older. 7ight click the icon or the printer and select %elete. Thenreinstall it by clicking the $dd !rinter icon.

5aser Printer

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H. aser printer problems usually are caused by a paper am, lack o preventative maintenance orimproper operation.?. )hould be inspected at least once each week. "heck or obstructions in the paper eed path,clean up loose toner and check the condition o the corona wire.I. !reventative maintenance should be done at least once each month.J. hen the toner cartridge indicator shows orange, cartridge lie usually can be e6tended byshaking the cartridge.A. %on/t move a laser printer with the toner cartridge inside. The toner tends to spill and isconductive. ' it spills, the toner must be cleaned up beore the printer can be used.M. 't is not recommend to use re&lled toner cartridges. 8any have had problems with the print

Euality and longevity o these products.N. )hel lie or toner cartridges is appro6imately ? years. )tore at room temperature in its originapackaging, which will seal it rom humidity, light, and dust.O. %o not use paper that did go through the laser printer already. sed paper introduces more dusand dirt into your printer

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>iruses are unwanted programs that spread rom computer to computer, much the way realviruses do in humans and animals. They are sometimes very dangerous and can in act wipe outyour entire hard disk i you are unlucky--and i you don/t protect yoursel. Taking steps to protectyour computer rom viruses is an essential part o any data problem prevention routine.

.hat is a virusD $ computer virus is a program that attaches to other pieces o code, so that when the user tries trun the original they also unintentionally run the virus code as well< the virus code is designed toreplicate itsel and 4inect4 other programs, possibly in a modi&ed orm, and may also e6hibit othe

behavior as well. )o, in order to be a virus, the program must have the ability to do all o theollowing:• 7un without the user wanting it to and#or create efects that the programmer wants but that theuser did not want or reEuest.• *ave the ability to 4inect4 or modiy other &les or disk structures.

• 7eplicate itsel so it can spread to other &les or systems.

9ote one thing that is not on this list: a virus does not necessarily have to trash your hard drive o

e6hibit other malicious behavior, in order to be a virus. hile many viruses do damage &les and

disk structures, many are ust nuisances or e6hibit 4prank4 behavior such as playing music on the

!" speaker or putting unny phrases on the screen when the system is booted. *owever, the risk

o damage rom viruses is substantial. 8any can cause serious data loss< sometimes the viruswriter doesn/t even intend some o the efects that the virus produces 1viruses can have bugsP2.

%amage can also occur rom program &les being altered when the virus inects them. +ten it is

not possible to repair the damage, even when the

virus is removed. There are many diferent types o viruses. 'n addition to the classical virus, thereare other virus-likeprograms that are similar to viruses in terms o how they work and what they do, but difer romthem in one or more respect:• Worms $ orm is a program that is sel-contained and when run, has the ability to spreaditsel to other systems.'n essence, a worm is a virus that doesn/t inect other programs. 'nstead, it acts independently,

seeking to spread toother computers connected to its current host. They tend to spread over network connections. They can have otherundesirable efects when run.4ote The acronym 4+784 is also used as a short orm or 4write once, read many4, a storagetechnology that isused by devices such as "%-7 drives. The concepts are totally unrelated.• #ro6an Horses $ tro6an horse is any program that, once run, does something that the userdoesn/t want or reEuest. The program doesn/t necessarily inect other &les or spread to other systems. 't is the generic terto reer to anysotware that is intentionally coded to do something other than what it is supposed to. )ome

people think o virusesas a special orm o troan horse: one that can inect other &les 1thus turning them into troanhorses2 and duplicateitsel. Troan horses are sometimes ust called 4troans4 or short.• 7ugs $ 'ug is an error in a program. 't is included here even though it really isn/t in the sameclass as viruses andtroans, because it is similar to a troan horse in that it causes behavior other than what the userwanted. Thediference o course is that with a bug, the aberrant behavior is unintentionalP ith a troan horsethe author is doingit on purpose.

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• Droppers $ dropper is a program designed to install or deliver a virus or troan horse onto atarget system. Thedropper is specially designed to avoid detection by standard virus detection programs, becausethe virus is speciallyencrypted so that the dropper itsel doesn/t appear to the virus scanners like a regular inectedprogram &le would. 'nsome ways, a dropper is like a 4virus egg4, waiting to be hatched. They are uncommon.• 8irus 9mpostors :;o*e Programs< )ome oh-so-clever programmers have devised cuteprograms that mimic theefects o true viruses when they are run but are not considered viruses themselves, or even troa

horses, becausehere the user o the &le *nos that the program is going to do something strange. These areoten installed bysomeone as a practical oke on his#her coworkers or riends or a good laugh.

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Ho, do viruses infect your com!uter and ho, are they s!read5 The act o the matter is that you can get a virus by reading email messages and by downloadingan attachment inected with the virus. 0ou must be careul o &les attached to email messagesthat must be downloaded. ' the attached &le is an e6ecutable program 1has the e6tension 1e)e;a ord document or any other &le that is capable o being inected with a true virus, it may have virus in it. 75858357, the email itsel can carry a real virus thereore the best practice 1i you donot have a virus protection program2 may be 4$# to open emails rom someone that you do notknow or that havebeen orwarded 1F%; in the subect line2 since many viruses attach to a userCs email addressbook

and orward themselves to others, unknowingly to the user.

Ho can 9 protect m! computer from a irus?$s the saying goes the best deense is a good ofense,; install and update an anti-virus program'885%'$T50. e recommend using $>= $nti->irus rom =risot but there are other anti-virusprograms used so contact your districtCs technology department i you do not have such a programinstalled on your classroom computer. 0ou can download a F755 version o $>= by going to the7: =risot does not provide technical support or users o the ree version.3eore downloading any sotware, close all running#open programs. ' downloading rom the =risoweb site, ollow the instructions as given on the site:• =risot emails the 7egistration 9umber or each program thereore you must have an emailaccount to install $>=.

• +nce you select the download button, the $>= icense $greement is displayed. 7ead through thagreement andthe click  =es, 9 Agree; button.• 9e6t the 7egistration page opens. Fill in the Questionnaire Form and then click the Continue;button at thebottom o the page.• 0ou will be prompted to choose the path where the program is going to be stored. The deaultwindow option is this program to dis* ;, click $% ;.• The .ae As; window will open. 'n the )ave 'n; bo6 click the down arrow and select thedesktop 1i this is notthe deault on your computer2. "lick the .ae; button. %ownload will begin.

• +nce download is completed $>= will have sent you an email with the programCs registrationnumber. Chec* !our email after donloading the program1 +pen the email sent rom =risot, highlight andcopy the7egistration 9umber rom the email message. 0ou must insert this number during setup.• +nce you have obtained the registration number click on the $pen; button at the bottom o thdownloadwindow, +7 locate the icon on your desktop and double-click it, the $>=-M.@ $nti->irus)ystem )etup window opens. "lick on the .etup; button and ollow the instructions romthe )etup screen, pasting the 7egistration 9umber 1that you copied rom the email2 in theappropriate dialog bo6.• +nce installed, delete the 1e)e icon rom your desktop. 7ight click on the icon and select

delete; rom the menu.'t will tell you that you will be unable to run the program i you delete that &le, ignore this and clic =es; orContinue.; 0ou already have the program installed thereore you no longer need this &le.

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9solating a Hardare Pro'lem• )ystem )el-TestsR)tart up the customerCs system, and listen or diagnostic error chords.• )ymptom "hartsR' the customerCs system does not boot, reer to the symptom charts in thesection that coversyour customerCs computer. ' you think you recognize the problem and you have the necessaryreplacement modulewith you, try module swapping.• Troubleshooting FlowchartsR' the customerCs system does not boot, and the problem is notclearly de&ned ornot listed in the symptom charts, reer to the appropriate Gowchart in this section. These

Gowcharts present a step-by-step procedure or isolating the problem./o,er Su!!ly failure (SM/S' -

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Motherboard$ "/$ 94M Diagnostics Flo,chart :-

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Troubleshooting a 8ideo 4da!ter and "om!uter Monitor:-


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Sound "ard and S!eaer Troubleshooting :

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.hat is bee! code &$ beep code is the audio signal given out by a computer to announce the result o a shortdiagnostic testing seEuence the computer perorms when &rst powering up 1called the !ower-+n-)el-Test or !+)T 2. The !+)T is a small program contained in the computer/s 3asic 'nput#+utput+perating )ystem 1 3'+) 2 that checks to make sure necessary hardware is present and reEuiredmemory is accessible. ' everything tests out correctly, the computer will typically emit a singlebeep and continue the starting-up process. ' something is wrong, the computer will display anerror message on the monitor screen and announce the errors audibly with a series o beeps thatvary in pitch, number and duration 1this is especially useul when the error e6ists with the monitoor graphic components2. The beeping seEuence is really a coded message 1beep code2 designed t

tell the user what is wrong with the computer./)ST 4;"s The computer power-on self-test ( POST  ) tests the computer to make sure it meets the necessarysystem reEuirements and that all hardware is working properly beore starting the remainder othe boot process. ' the computer passes the !+)T the computer will have a single beep 1withsome computer BIOS manufacturers it may beep twice2 as the computer starts and the computerwill continue to start normally. *owever, i the computer ails the !+)T, the computer will eithernot beep at all or will generate a beep code, which tells the user the source o the problem.' you/re receiving an irregular !+)T or a beep code not mentioned below ollow the P$.#trou'leshooting steps to determine the ailing hardware component.

 4M0 ;0)S bee! codes3elow are the $8' 3'+) 3eep codes that can occur. *owever, because o the wide variety o

diferent computer manuacturers with this 3'+), the beep codes may vary.7eep Code Descriptions

H short %7$8 reresh ailure

? short !arity circuit ailure

I short 3ase MJ( 7$8 ailure

J short )ystem timer ailure

A short !rocess ailure

M short(eyboard controller =ate $?@error

N short >irtual mode e6ception error

O short

%isplay memory 7ead#rite test

ailureS short 7+8 3'+) checksum ailure

H@ short"8+) shutdown 7ead#riteerror

HH short "ache 8emory error

H long, Ishort

"onventional#56tended memoryailure

H long, Oshort

%isplay#7etrace test ailed

$$7% 3'+) beep codes

3elow are $ward 3'+) 3eep codes that can occur. *owever, because o the wide variety odiferent computer manuacturers with this 3'+), the beep codes may vary.7eep Code Description

H long, ?short

'ndicates a video error has occurred and the 3'+) cannot initialize the video screento display any additional inormation

$ny otherbeep1s2

7$8 problem.

' any other correctable hardware issues, the 3'+) will display a message.

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/hoeni ;0)S bee! codes

3elow are the beep codes or !hoeni6 3'+) QI.@N +7 J.


Description and hat to chec* 

H-H-H-I >eriy 7eal 8ode.

H-H-?-H =et "! Type.

H-H-?-I 'nitialize system hardware.H-H-I-H

'nitialize chipset registers with initial!+)T values.

H-H-I-? )et in !+)T Gag.

H-H-I-I 'nitialize "! registers.

H-H-J-H 'nitialize cache to initial !+)T values.

H-H-J-I 'nitialize '#+.

H-?-H-H 'nitialize !ower 8anagement.

H-?-H-?oad alternate registers with initial!+)T values.

H-?-H-I Uump to ser!atch@.

H-?-?-H 'nitialize keyboard controller.H-?-?-I 3'+) 7+8 checksum.

H-?-I-H O?AJ timer initialization.

H-?-I-I O?IN %8$ controller initialization.

H-?-J-H7eset !rogrammable 'nterrupt"ontroller.

H-I-H-H Test %7$8 reresh.

H-I-H-I Test ONJ? (eyboard "ontroller.

H-I-?-H )et 5) segment to register to J =3.

H-I-I-H ?O $utosize %7$8.

H-I-I-I "lear AH?( base 7$8.

H-I-J-H Test AH? base address lines.H-I-J-I Test AH?( base memory.

H-J-H-I Test "! bus-clock reEuency.

H-J-?-J 7einitialize the chipset.

H-J-I-H )hadow system 3'+) 7+8.

H-J-I-? 7einitialize the cache.

H-J-I-I $utosize cache.

H-J-J-H "on&gure advanced chipset registers.

H-J-J-?oad alternate registers with "8+)values.

?-H-H-H )et 'nitial "! speed.

?-H-H-I 'nitialize interrupt vectors.?-H-?-H 'nitialize 3'+) interrupts.

?-H-?-I "heck 7+8 copyright notice.

?-H-?-J 'nitialize manager or !"' +ptions 7+8s.

?-H-I-H"heck video con&guration against"8+).

?-H-I-? 'nitialize !"' bus and devices.

?-H-I-I 'nitialize all video adapters in system.

?-H-J-H )hadow video 3'+) 7+8.

?-H-J-I %isplay copyright notice.

?-?-H-H %isplay "! Type and speed.

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?-?-H-I Test keyboard.

?-?-?-H )et key click i enabled.

?-?-?-I AM 5nable keyboard.

?-?-I-H Test or une6pected interrupts.

?-?-I-I%isplay prompt Press F> to enter.&#-P.

?-?-J-H Test 7$8 between AH? and MJ@k.

?-I-H-H Test e6panded memory.

?-I-H-I Test e6tended memory address lines.

?-I-?-H Uump to ser!atchH.?-I-?-I "on&gure advanced cache registers.

?-I-I-H 5nable e6ternal and "! caches.

?-I-I-I %isplay e6ternal cache size.

?-I-J-H %isplay shadow message.

?-I-J-I %isplay non-disposable segments.

?-J-H-H %isplay error messages.

?-J-H-I "heck or con&guration errors.

?-J-?-H Test real-time clock.

?-J-?-I "heck or keyboard errors

?-J-J-H )et up hardware interrupts vectors.

?-J-J-I Test coprocessor i present.I-H-H-H %isable onboard '#+ ports.

I-H-H-I %etect and install e6ternal 7)?I? ports.

I-H-?-H%etect and install e6ternal parallelports.

I-H-?-I 7e-initialize onboard '#+ ports.

I-H-I-H 'nitialize 3'+) %ata $rea.

I-H-I-I 'nitialize 56tended 3'+) %ata $rea.

I-H-J-H 'nitialize Goppy controller.

I-?-H-H 'nitialize hard disk controller.

I-?-H-? 'nitialize local bus hard disk controller.

I-?-H-I Uump to ser!atch?.

I-?-?-H %isable $?@ address line.

I-?-?-I "lear huge 5) segment register.

I-?-I-H )earch or option 7+8s.

I-?-I-I )hadow option 7+8s.

I-?-J-H )et up !ower 8anagement.

I-?-J-I 5nable hardware interrupts.

I-I-H-H )et time o day.

I-I-H-I "heck key lock.

I-I-I-H 5rase F? prompt.

I-I-I-I )can or F? key stroke.I-I-J-H 5nter )5T!.

I-I-J-I "lear in !+)T Gag.

I-J-H-H "heck or errors

I-J-H-I!+)T done - prepare to boot operatingsystem.

I-J-?-H +ne beep.

I-J-?-I "heck password 1optional2.

I-J-I-H "lear global descriptor table.

I-J-J-H "lear parity checkers.

I-J-J-I "lear screen 1optional2.

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I-J-J-J "heck virus and backup reminders.

J-H-H-H Try to boot with '9T HS.

J-?-H-H 'nterrupt handler error.

J-?-H-I nknown interrupt error.

J-?-?-H !ending interrupt error.

J-?-?-I 'nitialize option 7+8 error.

J-?-I-H )hutdown error.

J-?-I-I 56tended 3lock 8ove.

J-?-J-H )hutdown H@ error.

J-I-H-I 'nitialize the chipset.J-I-H-J 'nitialize reresh counter.

J-I-?-H "heck or Forced Flash.

J-I-?-? "heck * status o 7+8.

J-I-?-I 3'+) 7+8 is +(.

J-I-?-J %o a complete 7$8 test.

J-I-I-H %o +58 initialization.

J-I-I-? 'nitialize interrupt controller.

J-I-I-I 7ead in bootstrap code.

J-I-I-J 'nitialize all vectors.

J-I-J-H 3oot the Flash program.

J-I-J-? 'nitialize the boot device.

J-I-J-I 3oot code was read +(.

0;M ;0)S bee! codes

3elow are general '38 3'+) 3eep codes that can occur. *owever, because o the wide variety omodels shipping with this 3'+), the beep codes may vary.

7eep Code Description

9o 3eeps 9o !ower, oose "ard, or )hort.

H )hort 3eep 9ormal !+)T, computer is ok.

? )hort 3eep

!+)T error, review screen or

error code."ontinuous 3eep 9o !ower, oose "ard, or )hort.

7epeating )hort 3eep 9o !ower, oose "ard, or )hort.

+ne ong and one )hort 3eep 8otherboard issue.

+ne ong and Two )hort3eeps

>ideo 18ono#"=$ %isplay"ircuitry2 issue.

+ne ong and Three )hort3eeps.

>ideo 15=$2 %isplay "ircuitry.

 Three ong 3eeps (eyboard or (eyboard card error.

+ne 3eep, 3lank or 'ncorrect%isplay

>ideo %isplay "ircuitry.