Troll in the Corner- Guide to the PF Combat Round

1 Troll in the Corner’s Guide to the Pathfinder Combat Round Compiled by Benjamin Gerber This quick guide can serve as an easy reference to the combat round in Pathfinder. Great for novices and pros alike! Action Types An action's type essentially tells you how long the action takes to perform (within the framework of the 6-second combat round) and how movement is treated. There are six types of actions: 1. Standard 2. Move 3. Full-round 4. Swift 5. Immediate 6. Free In a normal round, you can perform a standard action and a move action, or you can perform a full-round action. You can also perform one swift action and one or more free actions. You can always take a move action in place of a standard action. In some situations (such as in a surprise round), you may be limited to taking only a single move action or standard action. CMB = Combat Maneuver Bonus Base Attack Bonus (BAB) + Strength modifier + special size modifier CMD = Combat Maneuver Defense 10 + Base attack bonus + Strength modifier + Dexterity modifier + special size modifier + miscellaneous modifier Standard Actions: Melee Attack Ranged Attack Shooting or Throwing in to Melee (-4 unless Precise Shot feat) Fighting Defensively (-4 hit, +2 AC) Activate Magic Item Cast a Spell Move Actions: Move (standard movement rate) Direct or Redirect a Spell Draw or Sheathe a Weapon Manipulate an Item Mount/Dismount a Steed Ready or Drop a shield Stand Up. Full Round Actions: Full Attack (when you have more than one attack available) Cast a Spell that requires 1 round to cast. Cast a Metamagic Spell Run (4x your speed (3x in heavy armor), no 5’ move) Withdraw (move 2x speed, visible enemies get no attacks of opportunity). Free Actions Cease Concentration on a Spell Drop an Item Drop Prone Speak (1-2 sentences) Panic Swift Actions (only 1 swift action per round) Cast a Quickened Spell Immediate Action (use in place of Swift Action – cast even if it’s not your turn) Cast Feather Fall or other immediate spells. Monii Mulholland (order #2505999) 1

Transcript of Troll in the Corner- Guide to the PF Combat Round

Page 1: Troll in the Corner- Guide to the PF Combat Round


Troll in the Corner’s Guide to the

Pathfinder Combat Round

Compiled by Benjamin Gerber

This quick guide can serve as an easy reference

to the combat round in Pathfinder. Great for

novices and pros alike!

Action Types

An action's type essentially tells you how long

the action takes to perform (within the

framework of the 6-second combat round) and

how movement is treated.

There are six types of actions:

1. Standard

2. Move

3. Full-round

4. Swift

5. Immediate

6. Free

In a normal round, you can perform a standard

action and a move action, or you can perform a

full-round action. You can also perform one

swift action and one or more free actions. You

can always take a move action in place of a

standard action.

In some situations (such as in a surprise round),

you may be limited to taking only a single move

action or standard action.

CMB = Combat Maneuver Bonus

Base Attack Bonus (BAB) + Strength modifier +

special size modifier

CMD = Combat Maneuver Defense

10 + Base attack bonus + Strength modifier +

Dexterity modifier + special size modifier +

miscellaneous modifier

Standard Actions:

Melee Attack

Ranged Attack

Shooting or Throwing in to Melee (-4

unless Precise Shot feat)

Fighting Defensively (-4 hit, +2 AC)

Activate Magic Item

Cast a Spell

Move Actions:

Move (standard movement rate)

Direct or Redirect a Spell

Draw or Sheathe a Weapon

Manipulate an Item

Mount/Dismount a Steed

Ready or Drop a shield

Stand Up.

Full Round Actions:

Full Attack (when you have more than

one attack available)

Cast a Spell that requires 1 round to


Cast a Metamagic Spell

Run (4x your speed (3x in heavy armor),

no 5’ move)

Withdraw (move 2x speed, visible

enemies get no attacks of opportunity).

Free Actions

Cease Concentration on a Spell

Drop an Item

Drop Prone

Speak (1-2 sentences)


Swift Actions (only 1 swift action per


Cast a Quickened Spell

Immediate Action (use in place of

Swift Action – cast even if it’s not

your turn)

Cast Feather Fall or other immediate


Monii Mulholland (order #2505999)

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Does it provoke an Attack of


Standard Action Attack of Opportunity

Attack (melee) No

Attack (ranged) Yes

Attack (unarmed) Yes

Activate a magic item other than a

potion or oil No

Aid another Maybe

Cast a spell Yes

Channel energy No

Concentrate for spell No

Dismiss a spell No

Draw a hidden weapon No

Drink a potion or apply an oil Yes

Escape a grapple No

Feint No

Light a torch with a tindertwig Yes

Lower spell resistance No

Read a scroll Yes

Ready triggers standard action No

Stabilize a dying character Yes

Total defense No

Use extraordinary ability No

Use skill that takes 1 action Yes

Use spell-like ability Yes

Use supernatural ability No

Move Action Attack of Opportunity

Move Yes

Control a frightened mount Yes

Direct or redirect an active spell No

Draw a weapon No

Load a hand or light crossbow Yes

Open or close a door No

Mount/dismount a steed No

Move a heavy object Yes

Pick up an item Yes

Sheathe a weapon Yes

Stand up from prone Yes

Ready, or drop a shield No

Retrieve a stored item Yes

Full-Round Action Attack of Opportunity

Full attack No

Charge No

Deliver coup de grace Yes

Escape from a net Yes

Extinguish flames No

Light a torch Yes

Load a heavy or repeating crossbow Yes

Lock or unlock weapon in gauntlet Yes

Prepare to throw splash weapon Yes

Run Yes

Use skill that takes 1 round Usually

Use a touch spell on 1-6 friends Yes

Withdraw No

Free Action Attack of Opportunity

Cease concentration on a spell No

Drop an item No

Drop to the floor No

Prepare spell components No

Speak No

Swift Action Attack of Opportunity

Cast a quickened spell No

Immediate Action Attack of Opportunity

Cast feather fall No

No Action Attack of Opportunity

Delay No

5-foot step No

Action Type Varies Attack of Opportunity

Perform a combat maneuver Yes

Things you can do to people

Helpless Defenders

Regular Attack: -9 to AC vs. Melee

Regular Attack -5 to AC vs. Ranged

Full Round Action: Coup de Grace –

auto hit for critical damage

Fort save (DC 10) or die

Rogues get Sneak Attack damage

Special Attacks

Aid Another

Attack roll VS AC 10

Monii Mulholland (order #2505999)

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If successful, give +2 hit OR +2 AC to

your friend against that opponent.

Bull Rush

Up to 1 size category larger than you

If success target pushed 5’ back

Cannot bull rush into solid objects

Additional creatures in path? -4 CMB

Dirty Trick

Standard Action

1 round of blinded, dazzled, deafened,

entangled, shaken or sickened.

GM’s discretion.


Attack of opportunity from target

Success = target drops one item

Exceeds CMD by 10, target drops

what’s in both hands.

Fails by 10 or more, you drop your



Standard Action

No more than 1 size category larger

Both you + target move 5’ back.

For every 5 you exceed targets CMD,

take an additional 5’ move.


Standard Action

Attack of Opportunity from Target

Release as free action

Move you + target half speed OR

Damage = to unarmed strike/natural

attack OR

Pin OR

Tie Up (needs to be pinned first).


Standard action to break

CMB VS DC of opponents CMD

Either break free or become grappler

Multiple Grapple

Multiple creatures each add +2


Standard Action

Part of Move or Charge

Up to 1 size category larger

If successful, move through targets


Successful more than 5, target knocked


Unsuccessful – stop in space in front of



Standard Action

Up to 1 size category larger

Attack of opportunity

Move target 5’

For every 5 exceed their CMD, move

target 5’

Cannot move into obstacle.


Standard Action

Take an item that is not held or hidden

You must have 1 hand free

Items fastened to opponent +5 DC

Can use whip, -4 penalty +5’ range.


Attack of Opportunity

Deal normal damage to item.

Half or less HP = broken


Substitute for Melee Attack

Target knocked prone

Fail by 10 or more, you knocked prone


Make Bluff skill check

DC = 10 + opponents BAB + opponents

WIS modifier OR

DC = 10 + Sense Motive bonus if higher

than above

If success, target can’t use DEX bonus

to AC for next round

Mounted Combat

Ride check – DC 5

If mount had no combat training DC 20

+1 melee bonus when attacking

creatures smaller than you

Ranged attacks -4, -8 if mount running

Spells require Concentration check DC

10 + spell level, DC 15 + spell level if

mount running

If mount falls in battle, Ride check DC

15 to avoid 1d6 damage

If you are unconscious 50% stay in

saddle/round or fall for 1d6 damage

Throw Splash Weapon

Ranged Touch attack

No -4 nonproficiency penalty

Splashes 5’ around target

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If miss, roll 1d8 – 1 = falls short, 2-8 =

rotate around target clockwise

Two Weapon Fighting

Normal: -6 Primary Hand, -10 Off


Off hand is light: -4 Primary hand, -8

Off hand

Two-Weapon Fighting Feat: -4 Primary

Hand, -4 Off Hand

Off Hand is light AND Two-Weapon

Fighting Feat: Primary Hand -2, Off

Hand -2

Special Initiative Actions


Either specify a new, lower Initiative

result, or wait until sometime later in the



Choose a standard, move swift or free


Choose a condition to trigger that action

Take your readied action when trigger

occurs, before target completes their


Distract Spellcaster: trigger = start of

spell – attempt to attack/do damage to


Counterspell: Trigger = start of spell

Ready weapon against charge: Weapon

must have the Brace feature. Does 2x

damage against charging characters

Monii Mulholland (order #2505999)

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The Legal Stuff Open Gaming License Version 1.0A

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Monii Mulholland (order #2505999)

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15 COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. The Book of Experimental Might. Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved. Tome of Horrors. Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on original content from TSR. The World of Aruneus Copyright 2010, Benjamin Gerber. Troll in the Corner Copyright 2010, Benjamin Gerber Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under license. See for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

Monii Mulholland (order #2505999)