Trip to Egypt



Trip to Egypt. Tour Egypt. Map of Egypt. Introduction. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Trip to Egypt

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Tour Egypt

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Egypt is probably the world's oldest civilization having emerged from the Nile Valley around 3,100 BC, historically.   Egypt is probably one of the oldest vacation spots. Early Greeks, Romans and others went there just for fun, and to see the wonders of some of mankind's earliest triumphs. But Egypt is much more than Pyramids and monuments. It is also Red Sea scuba diving, hot night spots, luxury hotels and five star restaurants.

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Cairo, Egypt, the Triumphant City, known officially as al-Qāhirah  is one of the world's largest urban areas and offers many sites to see. It is the administrative capital of Egypt and, close by, is almost every Egypt Pyramid, such as the Great Pyramids of Giza on the very edge of the city. But there are also ancient temples, tombs, Christian churches, magnificent Muslim monuments, and of course, the Egyptian Antiquities Museum all either within or nearby the city.

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The Temple of Karnak today remains the worlds largest religious structure, but what is perhaps even more interesting is that it might not have been, or indeed was probably not Egypt's largest temple. Certainly the Temple of Ptah in Memphis, though for the most part completely gone today, may have been larger. It was older, and located in what was often the capital of Egypt, and more often the administrative center of the ancient country.  Other temples in the Nile Delta might have been just as large as Karnak, if not larger. 

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Abu Simbel presents the most familiar image of ancient Egypt to the modern traveler and reader. When the conservation efforts to preserve the temple from the soon-to be built High Aswan Dam and its rising waters were begun in the 1960s, images of the colossal statues filled newspapers and books. The temples were dismantled and relocated in 1968 on the desert plateau, 200 feet above and 600 feet west of their original location.

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There are no more famous ancient sites within Egypt, or for that matter elsewhere in the world, than the Great Pyramids at Giza. They are, without question, the icon most associated with the Egypt. They have been both the main destination for tourists, and a source of imaginative thought to the world for over three thousand years.

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The second largest city in Egypt, Alexandria, known as "The Pearl of the Mediterranean",  has an atmosphere that is more Mediterranean than Middle Eastern ; its ambience and cultural heritage distance it from the rest of the country although it is actually only 225 km. from Cairo.

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In the ancient world, Egypt stood out as a land where women were treated differently. ...but the Egyptians themselves, in most of their manners and customs, exactly the reverse the common practices of mankind. For example, the women attend the markets and trade, while the men sit at home and weave at the loom... The women likewise carry burdens upon their shoulders while the men carry them upon their heads... Sons need not support their parents unless they chose, but daughters must, whether they chose to or not.

Women in Ancient Egypt

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The Luxor area of Upper Egypt was the Thebes of the ancient Egyptians - the capital of Egypt during the Middle and New Kingdoms. Today it is famous for its temples and the nearby Valley of the Kings. On the east bank is the modern town of Luxor. Running alongside part of the river bank and separated from it by the corniche is Luxor Temple. Modified over many centuries, its main pylons, or gates, are on the northern end. In front of them is one obelisk - its companion was given to France and taken to Paris where it was erected in Place de la Concorde on 25 October 1836.

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A blind harper sings his song in the tomb of Nakht: 'Spend a happy day and weary not thereof; Lo, none may take his goods with him, and none that hath gone may come again.'

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Page 17: Trip to Egypt

Daily Life Along the Nile

The Nile is the longest river in the world, stretching north for approximately 4,000 miles from East Africa to the Mediterranean. The fertile land, the river and the sea were the source of life for ancient Egypt, truly the flesh and blood of Egypt. The fundamental occupation for most of the population was undoubtedly agriculture and power, both in politics and religion, was based on the ownership of land. The first pharaohs were tillers of the soil.

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Water Buffalo Assists with Irrigation

Water buffalo may be used to drive the large water wheels that pump water from irrigation canals into the fields. Egypt relies on the River Nile to farm land in the Nile valley. The buffalos are blindfolded to prevent them from getting dizzy while walking in a circle for hours.Click Here for Picture of the Day Archive

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Hiking on High

Terry Zuwa submitted this great picture taken on the highest peak overlooking the Valley of the Kings. Terry says he went to Egypt this month to do some 'serious hiking'.

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Alexander the Great

Head of Alexander the Great in Aswan pink granite. The use of this stone shows that it was carved in Egypt, probably at the end of the Hellenistic period. Housed in the Graeco-Roman Museum in Alexandria.

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Monastery of Phoibammon

Picture of the Monastery of Phoibammon at Deir el-Bahri, taken in 1894. 

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Underwater Sphinx

Recording a Ptolemaic sphinx found some seven meters underwater at a site near the fort of Qait Bey in Alexandria.

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How could a market in Egypt be responsible for the founding of the United States? Khan el-Khalili, once known as the Turkish bazaar during the Ottoman period, is now usually just called the 'Khan', and the names of it and the Muski market are often used interchangeably to mean either. Named for the great Caravansary, the market was built in 1382 by the Emir Djaharks el-Khalili in the heart of the Fatimid City.

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