Trintech current strategies for optimizing bal sheet certification 8 29-2011

© 2011 Trintech. All Rights Reserved Transforming the LAST MILE of FINANCE Current Strategies for Op6mizing Balance Sheet Cer6fica6on

Transcript of Trintech current strategies for optimizing bal sheet certification 8 29-2011

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Transforming the LAST MILE of


Current  Strategies  for  Op6mizing  Balance  Sheet  Cer6fica6on  

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Balance  Sheet  Cer6fica6on  –  A  Significant  Opportunity  to  Improve  Business  Performance    è “Automa6ng  reconcilia6on  of  high  volume  transac6on  

accounts  typically  delivers  6me  and  cost  savings  of  30%  to  70%    with  an  ROI  of  6-­‐9  months.”

è “Automa6ng  reconcilia6on  of  GL                      control  accounts  typically  delivers                    6me  and  cost  savings  of  15%  to  20%                    with  an  ROI  of  12+  months.”                          -­‐  Source:  Atos  Consul0ng,  Op0mizing  Your                          Reconcilia0on  Process,  2011.  

è How  can  organiza6ons  op6mize  the  process  to  achieve  these  results  while  increasing  efficiency,  reducing  risk  and  improving  transparency?  

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7  Strategies  for  Op6miza6on  This   guide   provides   7   of   the   latest  best   prac=ce   strategies   for  op=mizing   the   Balance   Sheet  Cer=fica=on  processes.    These   strategies   are   based   on   the  exper=se   Trintech   has   acquired  helping   over   600   leading   global  organiza=ons   and   more   than  100,000  users  achieve  a  sustainable  Return  on  Investment  (“ROI”).  

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1.  Organize  a  Steering  CommiWee  Organize  a  Steering  CommiNee  involving  stakeholders  from  internal  audit,  IT,  en=ty  owners,  and  other  key  cons=tuents.  CommiNee  responsibili=es  include  (but  are  not  limited  to)  the  following:  •  Gain  buy-­‐in  and  drive  project  

ownership  •  Drive  awareness  and  educa=on  across  the  company  on  the  

business  benefits,  goals  and  objec=ves  •  Set  policies  and  procedures  •  Define  internal  controls  tes=ng  •  Understand  data,  hardware  and  resource  requirements      

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2.  Review  the  Current  vs.  Desired  Process  Technology  can  play  a  key  role  in  automa=ng  Balance  Sheet  Cer=fica=on  processes,  but  automa=ng  a  bad/broken  process  may  not  result  in  desired  efficiency  gains.  Before  automa=on,  Trintech  recommends:  •  Documen=ng  the  current  process  •  Performing  a  gap  analysis  between  

the  Current  vs.  Desired  processes  •  Iden=fying  ways  to  improve  the  

process  •  Standardizing  wherever  possible  •  Leveraging  technology  solu=ons  to  

automate  the  (improved)  process  


Current Process

Desired Process

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3.  Op6mize  the  Process  BEFORE  Automa6on  Op=mize  the  process  prior  to  (or  in  conjunc=on  with)  automa=on  projects:  •  Ensure  all  accounts  are  assigned  to  

specific  individuals  •  Document  how  a  compliant  reconcilia=on  

should  be  performed  •  Define  acceptable  clearing  standards  for  

open  items  •  Establish  a  method  to  trace  and  escalate  

excep=on  items  •  Automate  wherever  possible:  

–  Auto-­‐reconcilia=on,  auto-­‐cleared  items,  journal  entries  

•  Take  a  top-­‐down,  risk  based  approach  

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4.  Take  a  Top-­‐Down,  Risk-­‐Based  Approach  •  Evaluate  all  accounts  based  on  

materiality  and/or  risk.  •  Perform  a  risk  assessment  and  rank  

accounts  based  on  risk  ra=ng:  –  Set  up  a  schedule  to  review  the  current  

ra=ng  and  adjust  as  needed.  –  Allow  the  applica=on  to  review  current  risk  

ranking  and  adjust  automa=cally  based  on  your  business  rules.  

•  Adjust  the  frequency  of  reconcilia=ons  based  on  materiality:  –  Low  risk  accounts  quarterly  –  High  risk  accounts  monthly  

•  Op=mize  the  number  of  accounts  reconciled  based  on  balance  sheet  coverage.  

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5.  Follow  a  Structured  Project  Methodology  •  Follow  a  structured  process  (e.g.  ADDED)  •  Incorporate  project  management  across  

all  phases:  –  Set  realis=c  project  deadlines,  milestones,  and  measures  of  success  

–  Manage  accountability  –  Measure  project  success  based  on  KPIs  for:  •  Efficiency  •  Transparency  •  Risk  mi=ga=on  

–  Sustainability  –  Plan  for  scalability  based  on:  

•  Organiza=on  size  &  growth  rate  •  Acquisi=ons    •  Shared  service  centers  










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6.  Take  a  Phased  Approach  Take  a  phased  approach  to  implementa=on  (e.g.  walk,  run,  sprint)  by:  •  Building  a  realis=c  rollout  plan  that  

creates  quick  wins  and  success  stories.  –  Run  a  pilot  with  one  department  or  LOB  to  use  as  a  success  model  for  broader  rollout  

–  Implement  key  learnings  into  future  phases  and  rollouts  

•  Focus  on  users,  departments,  and  LOBs  with  a  higher  ap=tude  for  adop=on.  

•  Automate  high  volume  transac=ons  first  to  free  up  resources,  then  focus  on  those  with  highest  materiality/risk.  





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7.  Leverage  Technology  for  Automa6on  •  Manual  balance  sheet  cer=fica=on  

processes  are  prone  to  errors,  fraud,  and  tend  to  break  down  over  =me.  

•  By  leveraging  proven  technology,  finance  organiza=ons  can  achieve  true  automa=on  while  crea=ng  a  sustainable  process  that  embeds  process  improvements  into  everyday  business  ac=vi=es.  

•  Trintech’s  Unity  Recon  module  provides  a  comprehensive  and  proven  solu6on  for  automa6ng  and  op6mizing  Balance  Sheet  Cer6fica6on  for  both  GL  and  high  volume  transac6on  accounts.  

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Trintech’s  Unity  Recon  A  Proven  Solu0on  for  Op0mizing  Balance  Sheet  Cer0fica0on  

•  Comprehensive  solu=on  for  reconcilia=on  of  both  opera=onal,  high-­‐volume  transac=ons  and  GL  accounts  

•  Only  solu=on  offering  an  integrated  plagorm  encompassing  reconcilia=on,  financial  close,  regulatory  repor=ng  and  compliance  

•  Next-­‐genera=on  matching  engine  automates  matching      >  90%  of  items  

•  Built-­‐in  workflow  for  excep=on  management  and  cer=fica=on  

•  Easy-­‐to-­‐use  templates  for  standardized  prepara=on  

•  Automated  cer=fica=on  •  Quality  assurance  

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Trintech  Success  Stories  Over  600  world  class  organiza=ons  have  successfully  op=mized  their  Balance  Sheet  Cer=fica=on  process  with  Trintech,  including:  

         For  more  details  on  these  success  stories,  view  our  collec=on  of  tes=monial  videos  at  hNp://  or  visit  our  Success  Story  Library  at  hNp://          

“I was looking for a tool and a process that were scalable and provided assurance that all accounts, especially key accounts, were being reconciled each month and on a timely basis. Under the old method it was only going to be a matter of time where we would find that a key account had not been reconciled.” - Dan Martinelli, Controller for the Americas, Google “AssureNET GL allows Delhaize to have greater visibility and control over our business processes across all companies and geographies. This enhances our ability to ensure consistency and data quality, while reducing our operating costs. AssureNET GL is an integral component of our Comprehensive Accounting Excellence program.” - Laurent Carlier, Financial Accounting & Control Manager, Delhaize Belgium


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Ready  to  Take  the  Next  Step?  To  learn  more  about  Trintech  Unity  Recon  and  other  Trintech  solu=ons  for  op=mizing  The  Last  Mile  of  Finance:    Call  Us:  •  1.800.416.0075  (US  &  Canada)  •  +44  (0)  20.7628.5235  (UK)  

Or  visit  us  on  the  web:  •  Website:  hNp://    •  YouTube:  hNp://  •  Facebook:  hNp://  •  Trintech  Blog:  hNp://  

•  TwiNer:  @TrintechInc