TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH€¦ · Gary & Sharon Colbert ... activities resume. This is Trinity's 100...

1 “Jesus Christ…the very one I’m to reflect in my life - is the one who forgives me and meets me where I’m at.” EASTER “RESTART” ROMANS 12:9-21 Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! Annually this is our Easter proclamation; but this year Easter was most unusual. While we shared this joyous message of Christ’s triumph over death and our forgiveness of sins, it was in a different form- online! A new medium for some, but the message of Christ’s resurrection remained! As I reflect on that most sacred Easter morning, it holds new meaning for me today. The experience of worshiping in our homes, sitting in front of a computer and even being surrounded by snow, brought me into a deeper understanding of our Savior’s relationship with me and all of God’s people. Maybe that’s good. I realize that some might think I’ve got “rose colored glasses on,” or that I have cabin-fever, but maybe this new medium is just what Christ’s Church needs! Maybe someone like me needed the Spirit’s nudge to push that “restart” button! Our Lenten journey invites us to examine ourselves – and that time of reflection and confession can bring us into a place of Easter joy. Maybe this awakening has been needed! Together, the people of Trinity Lutheran are praying, giving and learning what those characteristics of faith or marks of a Christian life really look like. In Romans 12:9-21, the marks of a Christian are reflected in these qualities: “Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honor. Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints; extend hospitality to strangers. Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another; do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly; do not claim to be wiser than you are. Do not repay anyone evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all. If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.” These reflect our life together with our neighbor – whether online or in-person. So how are you doing? Ever need an attitude adjustment? Are there some areas – in your faith life that need a “restart”? I know it’s true for me. I’m also cognizant of the fact that the very one I’m to reflect in my life is the one who forgives me and meets me where I’m at. Jesus is the one who has the power to change and mold us into the people we can be. This is all out of His unconditional love for us and the world. So, happy “restarting”! Let’s enjoy the warmth of the Son in any medium – and live this Good News. Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! Pastor Heather Kistner THE TRINITY TRUMPET MAY 2020 TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH

Transcript of TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH€¦ · Gary & Sharon Colbert ... activities resume. This is Trinity's 100...

Page 1: TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH€¦ · Gary & Sharon Colbert ... activities resume. This is Trinity's 100 Year Anniversary and with your help this will be the most enjoyable, and spiritual


“Jesus Christ…the very

one I’m to reflect in my

life - is the one who

forgives me and meets

me where I’m at.”


Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! Annually this is our Easter

proclamation; but this year Easter was most unusual. While we shared this joyous message of Christ’s triumph over death and our forgiveness of sins, it was in a different form- online! A new medium for some, but the message of Christ’s resurrection remained! As I reflect on that most

sacred Easter morning, it holds new meaning for me today. The experience of worshiping in our homes, sitting in front of a computer and even being surrounded by snow, brought me into a deeper understanding of our Savior’s relationship with me and all of God’s people. Maybe that’s good. I

realize that some might think I’ve got “rose colored glasses on,” or that I have cabin-fever, but maybe this new medium is just what Christ’s Church needs! Maybe someone like me needed the Spirit’s nudge to push that “restart” button! Our Lenten journey invites us to examine ourselves – and that time of reflection and confession can bring us into a place of Easter joy. Maybe this awakening

has been needed! Together, the people of

Trinity Lutheran are praying, giving and learning what those characteristics of faith or marks of a Christian life really look like.

In Romans 12:9-21, the marks of a Christian are reflected in these qualities: “Let love be genuine;

hate what is evil,

hold fast to what is good;

love one another with

mutual affection; outdo one

another in showing honor.

Do not lag in zeal, be

ardent in spirit, serve the


Rejoice in hope, be

patient in suffering,

persevere in prayer.

Contribute to the needs of

the saints; extend hospitality

to strangers. Bless those who

persecute you; bless and do

not curse them. Rejoice with

those who rejoice, weep

with those who weep. Live in

harmony with one another;

do not be haughty, but

associate with the lowly; do

not claim to be wiser than

you are. Do not repay

anyone evil for evil, but take

thought for what is noble in

the sight of all. If it is possible,

so far as it depends on you,

live peaceably with all.”

These reflect our life

together with our neighbor – whether online or in-person. So how are you doing?

Ever need an attitude adjustment? Are there some areas – in your faith life that need a “restart”? I know it’s true for me. I’m

also cognizant of the fact that the very one I’m to reflect in my life is the one who forgives me and meets me where I’m at. Jesus is the one who has the power to change and mold us into the people we can be. This is all out of His unconditional love for us and the world. So, happy “restarting”!

Let’s enjoy the warmth of the Son in any medium – and live this Good News. Christ is risen! He is risen,


Pastor Heather Kistner



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The Trinity Trumpet MAY 2020

A Message from the Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees want to give you an update regarding Trinity’s financial status. The primary subject we want to inform you about is the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) administered by the Small Business Administration. The Executive Committee and Board of

Trustees authorized application for the PPP loan for Trinity, which has been approved by CCF in the amount of $23,000. While at this point it’s considered a loan, as long as we use 75% ($17,250) of it over the next eight weeks for payroll and benefits for our staff, it will be forgiven and will be considered a grant rather than a loan. There shouldn’t be a problem meeting that requirement as we have maintained our full staff. If for some reason we aren’t able to spend the 75% as required, we would have two years to repay the loan at an interest rate of 1%. You may be wondering, “Do we have the authority to borrow funds?” Under our constitution we’re allowed to borrow funds for already approved budget items without a congregational meeting. We want you to know that this program has been approved and promoted by the ELCA and the Northwest Synod to ensure financial stability of congregations.

While this will definitely help our financial situation, the Executive and Stewardship Committees view this as an opportunity to bring our A-game to our mission support. This is a time to “allocate not accumulate”. The door is open for us to really make a difference in our community and around the world. There are so many in need during these unsure times, and we are called to do all we can to help. Trinity’s leaders are working to find ways to help those who are experiencing the most hardship. If you know of a need within our congregation or community, please contact a council member.

Yours In Christ, Steve Aschbacher, Gary Hagler and Pat Reijo


George Korth for snowplowing parking lot

George Korth & Steve Clay for shoveling

Bill & Jackie Callander for donating the updated cords for video recording our worship services

Ruth Skeie for making and donating baptismal napkins

Mark & Cindy Fagerstrom for donating office supplies

Stan Johannes & Chuck Johnson for taking down the crèche and placing in storage until next Advent

George Korth, Mike Kalisch, Stan Johannes, Chuck Johnson, Bill Martinsen, Steve Aschbacher for painting the Family Room

Gloria Thue and Mary Ellen Ulfers for help in preparing Trumpets for mailing

Marie Lund for painting our “Keep Calm and Pray” sign located by the road

Marie Lund & Chuck Smith for repairing lawn from winter damage

David Rankila for changing furnace filters

Macones, Gothblads, Schult’s & Rankila’s for preparing displays for Holy Week

To all who submitted online video devotions and music

Teri Schult & Sandy Rudolph for sewing masks


The staff thought you might like a little “Spring” cheering up and hope this colorful Mary Trumpet will be uplifting for you to read!

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The Trinity Trumpet MAY 2020

SPRING HOUSECLEANING? If You have been doing any spring cleaning and have extra clean sheets, blankets, fabric or sewing notions, and would like to donate them, you may drop your items off in the quilting room at church.


Money gift designated to the Washburn County Food Pantry from Dwight & Lynda Marquardt; Ruth Skeie; Sue Gerberding; Sandy Johnson; Bill Gipp; Elaine Siganos; Mary Ellen Ulfers; Teri Schult; David & Jean Benson; Missy Wienbergen; Sandy Rudolph

Money gift designated to World Hunger from Teri Schult; Laura Siwicki; Sandy Anderson, Sue Gerberding; Dawn Olson; Pat Reijo; Chuck & Sandy Johnson; Missy Wienbergen; Christi Dalen & Jenni Rew

Money gift designated to the Luther Park Bible Camp Campaign from Dawn Olson; Joan Smith; Gary Hagler

Money gift designated to the future Youth Mission Trip from Ron & Jean Reimann

Money gift in memory of Betty Fick from Sharon Laingen ; Kathy & Jim Shattuck

Money gift in memory of Betty Fick, designated to the Youth Mission Trip from Verna Leckel

Money gift in memory of Betty Fick, designated to the Endowment Fund from Glenn & Sandy Anderson

Money gift in memory of Nora Ruud and grandson, Seth Ruud from Kurt Ruud

Money gift in memory of Eileen Giddings from Gary & Sharon Colbert

Money gift in memory of Betty Fick, designated to the Weekend Meals for Kids from Ken & Teri Schult


We would like to give big Thank You to all those that have offered devotions and

music online. Your Ministry allow us to add variety to our spiritual enrichment!

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The Trinity Trumpet MAY 2020


Thanks to your generosity, the Food Pantry is well supplied with cereal and now has some other needs for items that can't be purchased through their food suppliers. The Board of Church in Society challenges the congregation to celebrate Trinity's anniversary with 100 items from each category:

Personal Care: Toothpaste and tooth brushes Men's and women's deodorant Kleenex

Food: Cake mixes and canned frosting, Brownie mixes Rice A Roni, Pasta Mixes, Hamburger Helper

Jelly (other than grape)

Pineapple, mandarin oranges, fruit



If you wish to be removed from our mailing

list, please contact the church office. ALSO, if

you have a change of address, please let us

know the new one and date it will change.



With the help of the Endowment Fund and the generosity of member contributions, we have received $2,995.00 which will go to the Washburn County Food Pantry. We have also received $320 for World Hunger! Donations are still being taken, but we

would like to THANK those that have already donated!


THANK YOU for your generous donations during the month of April! Ribbons representing dollars for world hunger flutter on the trees outside the sanctuary. Cereal abounds at the Food Pantry, and we have been able to provide Weekend Meals for Kids every week during this time that the children are home from school. Well done Trinity!

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The Trinity Trumpet MAY 2020

100TH ANNIVERSARY Medallion Fund Raiser

Our first Medallion fund raiser was held on Sunday, March 15th. We had a great response from the congregation and raised over $700.00. To all who purchased their Medallions, we thank you.

Due to the corona virus, we were not able to continue our fundraising activities on 3/22 and 3/29. The Medallion project is and will fund all of our activities, events and our Anniversary book. Our Anniversary book will go to print on April 14th.

For those who did not get a chance to participate, we have enclosed an order form in the Trumpet. We ask, prayerfully, that you select either single, couple, or family. If you want to order additional books list that quantity as well. Please complete the form and mail it with a check to Trinity Lutheran, attn. Julie and write the “100” in the memo line. We will keep track of all members who have ordered, and will distribute the Medallions as soon as our church activities resume.

This is Trinity's 100 Year Anniversary and with your help this will be the most enjoyable, and spiritual journey we will ever take. God Bless.

Anniversary Committee



Please help us congratulate the following graduating seniors:

Ty Ellanson, son of Doug Ellanson and the late Angie Ellanson

Ben McNulty, son of David McNulty and Janine McNulty

Kathryn Peterson, daughter of Mark and Ann Peterson

Abigail Smith, daughter of Scott and Tamara Smith

Noah Christianson, son of Ashley Miller and Ryan Christianson

Caitlyn Christiansen, daughter of David Christiansen and Tia Christiansen

Dominic Sondreal, son of Jesse and Stacy Sondreal

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The Trinity Trumpet MAY 2020

For sleepless nights and first steps, we give you thanks. For children from the next county and children from around the globe, we give you thanks. For doubts about parenting and outpourings of love, we give you thanks. For healthy and whole children and children with special needs, we give you thanks. For patience and understanding, we give you thanks. For birth mothers and adoptive mothers, we give you thanks. For judges, social workers, therapists and doctors, we give you thanks. Most of all, for having adopted us as your own children, O God, we give you unending thanks. Amen.

[This message is adapted from Living from the Heart of God: A journal for life’s stages, published by Women of the ELCA in 2007. Today is the fifth Sunday

of Easter and Mother’s Day.]


Thanks be to God. At this moment in time, our county is fortunate and our congregation is fortunate; we have not been hard hit by COVID-19. As we practice preventative steps to help keep the disease at bay, do we remember to give thanks, even when our spirit may be restless? Officials have seen fit to offer financial assistance to many. If this comes at a time when you are in need, have you recognized this as a blessing and given thanks? If it comes as a welcome surprise amid a time of plenty, have you considered sharing? How generosity is shown can vary. It may

be money, time, attention, aid, encouragement, and more, but it always intends to enhance the true well-being of the receiver. Let us look for ways to not just give, but to give in ways that mitigate food scarcity, provide safe harbor, increase life skills, and nourish the soul. As ELCA partners, many organizations like Lutheran World Relief and Lutheran Social Services do this. Many organizations in our community do this. Trinity Lutheran Church does this. Praise be to Christ! Be joyful always; pray continually; give

thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5:18


Trinity Lutheran Church wants to support our community! We are asking our church family to support our local establishments by wearing your gold “God’s Work, Our Hands” T-shirts. When you order and go to pick up your restaurant food or even go to the grocery store, we invite you to wear your gold t-shirt. This way our community sees that Trinity supports and cares for them and spreading a positive message.

COVID-19 UPDATES AND REMINDERS Department of Public Health Order #28

extends “Safer at Home” until May 24. When doing God’s work, remember to wash your hands! Please continue to practice social distancing of six feet and wear a mask when you must be in public spaces. If you need a mask, some colorful ones are available by the entrance door at church.

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The Trinity Trumpet MAY 2020



9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Friday – Closed

A message from Ambassador Daniel V. Speckhard, President and CEO,

Lutheran World Relief

As we continue to battle the COVID-19 pandemic, our prayers remain with you, your family and our brothers and sisters worldwide who are sick or have lost loved ones to the coronavirus. We’re conducting door-to-door campaigns to pinpoint where the virus is located and ensure patients receive treatment. We’re redirecting medical supplies where they are in short supply. And we’re creating make-shift facilities to handle the expected explosion in coronavirus cases. Our global staff are adjusting programming, but we are especially concerned about our programs in Africa. Health systems across the continent are still not equipped to handle the surge in cases that is coming. They need medical equipment, personal protective gear, and access to clean water – and they need it now. Your love and support will propel us as we will continue to do the essential work of protecting our most vulnerable neighbors in some of the most fragile places on earth. May God continue to bless you and your family. For more information go to:


Here I sit with furrowed brow wondering just exactly how

My hair will look in months ahead; will I be cutting my hair instead?

Surely I won't be the only one

whose hair may grow into a bun. A ponytail at my old age

will certainly not become a rage.

So I will eagerly wait to hear your scissors snip so near my ear, And thank God for His great care through these weeks of very long

hair. Dawn Olson

(Written for my hair stylist)

The Corona Virus.

It has made me afraid this spring. Where are you, God? Are you so far away I can't reach you? Or are you there reaching down to me, Cupping me in the palm of your hand? Please don't put me down, dear Lord until I quit shaking.

Dawn Olson



Page 8: TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH€¦ · Gary & Sharon Colbert ... activities resume. This is Trinity's 100 Year Anniversary and with your help this will be the most enjoyable, and spiritual


The Trinity Trumpet MAY 2020

As I type this prayer message I am doing so on 3 hours of sleep; which means I am about 5 hours short. Therefore, I apologize for not staying on task, if that happens. Over the past month I have done some Bible searching, book searching, internet searching and soul searching, all about God and faith. Asking questions like “How can we pray in the midst of doubt?” “How can we answer the tough questions of why God answers some prayers and not others?” “Why do some people go through hard times when they are faithful?” “How do we convince non-believers to have faith when we still have questions ourselves?” “How can we influence others when we fall short of being faithful examples?” And the list goes on and on and one….at least for me this month.

I have started and stopped my prayer message several times, come up with talking points only to have them replaced with other ponderings a few days, or hours later. So as of yesterday, I just didn’t know what I was going to say. All that changed at approximately 11:42 pm last night, sitting in my son and daughter-in-law’s living room. Jimmy and Jessica had been forced to make an emergency run to the veterinarian with their German Shepherd Akela, who had been in active labor for too long.

The text I got from Jimmy at 11:42 pm was “the 2nd one wasn’t breathing either.” Just a short time ago, after arriving at the vet, Akela’s first puppy had been delivered stillborn. There had only been 2 puppies, which Jimmy had been extremely worried about. With only 2 puppies to compete for nutrition in utero, the chances of them growing too large, and

complicating the delivery, was elevated. After realizing Akela could not do it on her own, and rushing to the vet, it was too late to save the first little guy.

So now the life of the remaining puppy seemed to be over. My heart was breaking for them, but I texted that maybe the staff could resuscitate it, wanting to give them just any shred of hope. Jimmy texted back that they were trying. At that very moment, with every ounce of my being, I cried to God to please save the puppy. I knew He could do it. I didn’t question whether my faith, or anyone else’s would cause Him to respond or not. I didn’t worry about anyone else thinking it couldn’t be done, that He would hear me, that I was worthy. I didn’t ask why the first pup had died. I just prayed for Jimmy and Jessica not to have to deal with the loss of both babies; especially for Jessica’s sake, who had been so brave, trying to help her. I cried and prayed with everything in me, and then just sat there, silent.

About 5 minutes later, the text came from Jimmy “It sounds like they might have got it breathing.” A little while after that, I got a brief video clip of the living puppy, with sounds of her tiny baby noises. Much later in the night, when they brought Akela and her little girl back home, we learned that while German Shepherd babies are normally around half a pound when born, this little girl weighed in at 1.55 pounds. There are still complications, as Akela doesn’t seem to realize this is her baby, and that she needs to be with it. But it is alive and now has a chance to grow up.

As to all the questions about God, and faith and doubt that I’ve been revisiting this past month, I still have time to look for answers for next month. God gives us all the time we need. And I don’t need all the answers to know that God hears us, and He, along with that precious little pup, is alive.

“DOUBT AND PRAYER” From Prayer Guide, Dawn Richter

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The Trinity Trumpet MAY 2020

SUMMER WINTER 8:00 am Worship 8:00 am Worship 9:00 am Coffee Hour 9:00 am Coffee Hour 9:45 am Worship 9:15 am Sun. School 10:45 am Coffee Hour 10:30 am Worship 11:30 am Coffee Hour E-MAIL: [email protected] FACEBOOK: Trinity Lutheran Church Spooner WEBSITE: FAX NUMBER: 715/635-4758 MISSIONARIES: Dr. Steve and Bethany Friberg

COUNCIL EXECUTIVE BOARD (2020) President: Teri Schult Vice President: Steve Clay Treasurer: Pat Reijo Secretary: Sarah Slayton

STAFF Pastor/Office Heather Kistner

715-635-3603 Office Manager Julie Rankila 715-635-6552 Bookkeeper Krista Lyons-Hartwig

715-790-0134 Choir Director Tamara Smith

715-468-4424 Janitor Gary Frederickson


Baptized –485 Confirmed – 385


General Offering: $18,759.80 Year to Date: $53,580.42 Expenses: $20,501.88 Year to Date: $62,044.78




Practice physical distancing, but maintain

social connections & continue to serve!

God’s Work wash

yOur Hands!

Faith In Action (715-635-2252) Meeting the needs of the elderly. “Grocery Grabbers” pick up groceries at Economart and deliver. Encourage those you know who would benefit to use the service, or volunteer.

Washburn Christian Outreach (715-468-1043) Help meet emergency needs of all kinds. Refer someone in need, or make a donation.

Washburn County Food Pantry (715-205-3273) Offers assistance for those facing food scarcity. Collection cart in the hallway at Trinity. Make a cash donation to Trinity, memo Food Pantry, that will be matched up to $500 by the Endowment Fund. Cereal collection: Pack the Pew! Boxes of cereal may be left on the pew inside the main entrance door.

Weekend Meals For Kids (Trinity-715-635-3603) Meals are packed every two weeks at Trinity and distributed at the elementary school. Additional packs provided while children are at home during the school closings. Make a cash donation to WELCA-Kids Meals.

Stay in Touch!

Be Calm/Pray—A practice that we are asking Trinity members to try is to take a moment or two at 6:30 pm each day to pray for each other, our community, and the world. Phone Tree Messages—Messages will come out from Pastor Heather and office staff weekly. Online Devotional Resources –Devotions and “nutshell” worship (a brief message, scripture, prayer, and music) are available online and on Facebook (Go to: for information and links.) Phone visits—Reach out to others! Call or send an email to someone.

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The Trinity Trumpet MAY 2020


BLANK SLATE Article by Thom S. Rainer

(Summarized by Pastor Heather Kistner)

April 16, 2020

When we return to gather for in-person worship, fellowship and study, it will not be the same church as before the COVID-19 pandemic. The world will never be the same. Maybe this is a time of opportunity! A time to rethink “how we do church.” This could help us move with excitement into the future.

Yes, the pandemic is bad news. But the opportunity to etch a future on a blank slate is good news. The message of Jesus Christ, is always Good News. And from this calamity, my prayer is that Trinity Lutheran will be even stronger, more gospel-focused and thriving in the Northwoods into the next 100 years. For certain, we don’t change our views on the Word of God, our salvation through Jesus Christ, or any of the essential doctrines of the faith. These are potential starting points I’d

like you to consider.

1. What lessons can we learn from the digital world that we can apply anew on the other side of the pandemic?

2. How can we re-discover our community? Have the needs of our community changed? How can we pair their needs with our call to share the gospel?

3. How will our church connect and relate to other churches?

4. Is the Sunday-morning-only experience for most churchgoers about to change? How could we respond?

5. What changes would you make if we tossed out the church calendar and started from a blank slate?

6. Could we, as leaders and as a congregation read the Book of Acts? Read the letters to the early churches? Discuss what changes our church might need to make to become a New Testament church? I’d like to hear from you. please respond by emailing: [email protected] Which one(s) speak to you? Which question(s) do you think Trinity Lutheran needs to be thinking, praying and talking about as we move into our future?

When we return to in-person worship, we will sing aloud the beloved Easter hymn, “Alleluia! Jesus Is Risen!” where the refrain is “Jesus is risen and we shall arise. Give God the glory! Alleluia!” ELW 377. Trinity Lutheran lives this refrain by

inviting, equipping and serving God and God’s people – how can we do this even more effectively with the opportunity of a blank slate?

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The Trinity Trumpet MAY 2020


As Peter said in Matthew 3:6 “I have no silver or gold, but what I have I give you.”

The love, caring, and generous sharing from Trinity has provided 40 rural families in Kodaikanal, India with new, improved cook stoves taking smoke out of the kitchen and house, providing a clean, healthy environment for the entire family.

The Narrow House The first of the following three photos shows a long, narrow “hallway” that is actually a house where an extended family lives together in different sections of the 2’-3’ wide interior. You can see the chimney pipe from the newly installed smokeless cook stove in the second photo. The third photo shows the exterior doors that lead into the various sections of the narrow house where each family enters.


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The Trinity Trumpet MAY 2020

Another installation for a mother, child, and soon to be born baby!

Our KHI van and installer Selvam’s wife Sheela explaining to me that they have already installed thirty smokeless stoves in this village and there is want and need for at least thirty more. HS students from Kodai International School support and assist with installations on Saturday mornings.

KHI has been fortunate to partner up with a local Montessori School in Perumalmalai, just down the mountain from Kodai. “This school provides underprivileged children from local villages with education and development support and takes care of the children’s basic needs for nutrition,

shoes and a uniform.” (Quote from the Montessori School Sponsorship Information pamphlet.)

I have loved visiting the school and teaching the children a song about the smokeless stove and it parts to go along with the little drama they already act out. In the local language Tamil, the word Adapu means stove and the song is named, Smoke Out! The lyrics of the song teach the parts of the stove: wood, pots, pipe and then also what the new stove helps provide like happiness and pure air. In the video, Sheela helps lead the song with the teachers as I play and sing on the guitar. We were also able to teach the older children ages 7 – 14. When these children tell their parents about the new smokeless stove, we are contacted for more information. And, the process for an installation begins.

Again, thank you so very much for all you do!

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The Trinity Trumpet MAY 2020

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The Trinity Trumpet MAY 2020







1 Teri Schult

2 Sheldon Johnson

3 4 Rich Noeldner Shane Olson

5 Paul Hanson Ken Johnson David Olson

6 Bill Cairns Margaret Markgren Doug Rudolph

7 Zach Huebner

8 Jackson Bassett Rae Ellanson

9 Emilie Aschbacher Lucas Gothblad

10 David McNulty

11 Joshua Peterson

12 Sharon Laingen Nick McNulty

13 Matt Vesper

14 Jon Johnson, Jr. Jo Ann Schmidt

15 Milda Brainerd



18 Emmie Davies Cathy Severance

19 Gloria Thue


21 Ken Harmon



24 Carol Leischer Ron Reimann

25 Shaina Scalzo

26 David Benson Dave Vold

27 Stephanie Henk Darlene Olson

28 Brett Gauger Savanna Siwicki



Page 15: TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH€¦ · Gary & Sharon Colbert ... activities resume. This is Trinity's 100 Year Anniversary and with your help this will be the most enjoyable, and spiritual


The Trinity Trumpet MAY 2020