Trinity Lutheran Church G TAug 08, 2018  · The Book of Revelation and Our Ways of Worship Sunday,...

1 909 North La Cumbre Road, Santa Barbara, California 93110 Office Phone: 805 687-1577 Fax: 805 687-5015 Web Address: E-Mail Address: [email protected] Worship Schedule August 5 9:30 a.m. Single Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Fiesta-Themed Potluck Luncheon on Upper Patio August 12 10:00 a.m. Single Worship Service at Goleta Beach in conjunction with our friends at Christ Lutheran Church Potluck Luncheon at Goleta Beach to follow August 19 8:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship 9:00 a.m. Fellowship Time 10:00 a.m. Traditional & Intergenerational Worship August 26 8:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship 9:00 a.m. Fellowship Time 10:00 a.m. Traditional & Intergenerational Worship STAFF LISTING Care Ministry Director: Sharon Head, R.N. Children, Youth, and Family Director: Emily Eaton Council President: Larry Severance Deacon: Martha Santrizos Music Director: Sarah Kreitzer - Lillard Nursery Attendant: Karen Cail Office Manager: Alison Hansen Pastor: Truls Person Pianists: Ben Saunders and Philip Wilson Visitation Pastor: David Bloedel August 2018 G T Trinity Lutheran Church

Transcript of Trinity Lutheran Church G TAug 08, 2018  · The Book of Revelation and Our Ways of Worship Sunday,...

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    909 North La Cumbre Road, Santa Barbara, California 93110 Office Phone: 805 687-1577 Fax: 805 687-5015

    Web Address: E-Mail Address: [email protected]

    Worship Schedule

    August 5 • 9:30 a.m. Single Worship Service •11:00 a.m. Fiesta-Themed Potluck Luncheon on Upper Patio

    August 12 •10:00 a.m. Single Worship Service at Goleta Beach in conjunction with our friends at Christ Lutheran Church

    Potluck Luncheon at Goleta Beach to follow

    August 19 • 8:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship • 9:00 a.m. Fellowship Time •10:00 a.m. Traditional & Intergenerational Worship

    August 26 • 8:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship • 9:00 a.m. Fellowship Time •10:00 a.m. Traditional & Intergenerational Worship


    Care Ministry Director: Sharon Head, R.N. Children, Youth, and Family Director: Emily Eaton Council President: Larry Severance Deacon: Martha Santrizos Music Director: Sarah Kreitzer - Lillard Nursery Attendant: Karen Cail Office Manager: Alison Hansen Pastor: Truls Person Pianists: Ben Saunders and Philip Wilson Visitation Pastor: David Bloedel

    August 2018

    G � � � T � � � �

    Trini ty Lutheran Church

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    UNITED BY ANGER? A Message from Pastor Truls

    I was talking with someone about television and the way it used to be a common denominator for our society. I remember, for instance, talking with classmates in high school about television programs we had seen in our own homes the evening before. Of course, there were only a hand-ful of channels in those days.

    “Those were the good old days,” my conversation partner remarked. He continued, “It’s sad, but what unites our society today is outrage.” I wish it weren’t so. Admittedly, it’s a generalization; it’s not true of every single person. Yet it seems all too true, generally speaking.

    However one gets the national news, one hears outrage. Facebook sharing is full of it. Even comedy is used as a vehicle for communicating outrage. We have become a very angry society.

    The wisdom writings in the Old Testament often warn that anger hurts rather than heals. Perhaps our nation could use a strong dose of Proverbs! Jesus too spoke about anger. He said, “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also.” (Matthew 5:38-39) Recorded earlier in chapter 5 are Jesus’ words, “You have heard that it was said to those of ancient times, ‘You shall not murder’; and ‘whoever murders shall be liable to judgment.’ But I say to you that if you are angry with a brother or sister, you will be liable to judgment . . . .” (Matthew 5:21-22a) Jesus is saying that anger is a type of murder. Murder, like love, begins in the heart. Our words of anger can destroy people.

    Dallas Willard, a professor of philosophy at USC until his death in 2013, wrote that anger is a form of self-righteousness. Indeed, we usually feel superior to others when we are expressing anger to or about them. Think about the anger expressed on the roadways and social media highways. Angry people are saying in essence, “I’m smarter than you, I know more than you, I have clearer insight than you, I am better than you who disagree with me!” Willard writes that we embrace anger because we feel the need to protect our individual egos.

    So how can we keep from falling victim to the anger infection? Unfortunately, preventing anger is not as easy as receiving an injection of the flu vaccine, but I have a couple suggestions.

    First, admit your anger. Think about why you are angry, and how you are using your anger. Is your anger legitimate (is it even righteous anger?), or is it a form of self-righteousness? Are you claiming you know more or are better than another person? Look below the surface; be honest.

    Second, slow down, breathe deeply, and pray about your anger. Pray for wisdom and humility. Pray for guidance and patience in your communication with or about those with whom you disagree. Remember that God’s love is as strong for them as for you. That isn’t to say you have to always agree with others. It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t speak the truth as you see it. It does mean, however, that you think and ponder before you speak.

    When you are angry, take a deep breath, think, and pray. “And may the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, guard you hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7)

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    FIESTA THEMED LUNCHEON on the upper patio following the worship service

    Please join us in enjoying some fellowship and a Fiesta-themed meal together on the up-per patio immediately following the worship service.

    The church will supply tamales and churros.


    Please join us as we worship outdoors with our friends from Christ Lutheran.

    A potluck will follow the worship.

    No registration required.

    "Every Creature Singing"

    The Book of Revelation and Our Ways of Worship

    Sunday, August 5: 5:00 p.m. Lecture Presentation

    Special Guest Lecturer: Dr. Maurice Lee at Christ Lutheran Church, 6595 Covington Way, Goleta

    Does the bizarre and obscure Book of Revelation talk about "the end of the world"? Yes, because the end - the goal, the destiny - of the world is to worship God!

    Tip: Bring a Bible!

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    El Camino Pines is a year round retreat and conference facility, hosting weekend retreats, an Outdoor School Program and Summer and Winter Camps.

    To give to the Benevolence of the Month on Sundays, place in the offering plate: • Caring Ones ($1.00 bills) and loose change • A Pew envelope marked “benevolence of the month” • A green giving envelope from your packet

    Amount raised in July for School Kits: $250.66


    Saturday, August 11 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

    We will meet up at Tatiana Nazarenko’s house on the Mesa for a potluck lunch,

    then walk at the Shoreline Park area.

    Sign up on the yellow sheet.

    TRINITY GARDENS BATIK CLASS Sunday, August 12 at 1:00 p.m.

    Create specialty papers and an original design on a kitchen towel. Learn this traditional art form which uses hot soy wax and dyes. All materials and snacks will be provided.

    Please sign up on yellow sheet.

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    MEN’S MINISTRY Tuesday, August 21

    Please join us as we enjoy dinner and light Bible study.

    Please sign up on the yellow sheet.

    TRINITY GARDENS COOKING CLASS Saturday, August 18 at 10:30 a.m.

    Learn something new! The suggested donation is $20.

    Sign up on yellow sheet.



    We already enjoyed using it following the July 1 Outdoor Worship Service and

    look forward to using it more in the future!

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    As reported earlier, Trinity’s Inclusiveness Task Force (ITF) has found strong support for increas-ing welcoming and inclusiveness. To help discern what that means, below is a sampling of verba-tim survey responses about what Trinity members are willing to do. The end goal is to share a common vision: that when Trinity intentionally welcomes, accepts and includes people often mar-ginalized, our faith community will be blessed, perhaps in unforeseeable ways, with new spiritual vitality.

    Live into our spiritual values: “We’re all God’s children; inviting others is what we’re all about.” “Grow as a community through dealing with diversity issues.” “Diversity is part of our reality - cannot pick and choose.” “Reach out to anyone, without prejudice.” “Try not to judge people based on diversity dimensions.”

    Establish new relationships and grow existing ones: “Be curious to learn about newcomers - life stories, interests.” “[I]nvite others to Trinity events/fellowship activities to start conversations.” “Develop full personal stories to share our faith.” “Support diverse others at an authentic, sincere level.” “Reach out to other groups on our campus.” “Personally reach out to others beyond our campus.”

    Increase our understanding: “Get education, training about diversity.” “Learn how to be inviting.” “Cultural differences can divide, education can unite.” “Learn how to effectively address/handle conflicts ... that do occur.”

    Expand opportunities for diversity at Trinity: “Invite diverse clergy to speak.” “Broaden those who read scripture, greeters, and communion assistants.” “Host performances, presentations of outside diverse groups (e.g. gay choir).” “Host focus groups to attract diverse attendance.” “Add worship services other than on Sunday, e.g. Friday night.”

    Please join in taking steps like these to expand Trinity’s welcoming and inclusiveness.

    Larry Severance, co-chair Inclusiveness Task Force

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    Hardly a Quiet Summer!

    According to the old song, summertime is when “the living is easy.” That’s what many of us thought until the quiet of early July was interrupted by a wildfire that raced down the Goleta hillside. In the 6 hours before it was controlled, 10 homes and twice as many barns and out-buildings had been destroyed. The “sundowner winds” that drove the Holiday Hill Fire was a reminder that the normally “blah” Santa Barbara weather cannot be taken for granted.

    Here at Trinity Lutheran, the summer heated up in other ways, with a high level of activity and change. It began with a weeklong Vacation Bible School, with 38 children enrolled!. Blessed with the support of numerous volunteers, Diana D’Evelyn again organized a great program of Bible lessons and stories, cooking and food preparation, music, crafts and outdoor games. With the theme of “The Seeds that Fell on Fertile Ground,” it was a natural for Judy Sims to lend her expertise with a wide range of garden activities to support the program.

    The Church Council initiated its new year with Larry Severance taking the lead as Council president. He replaces Mark D’Evelyn, who will be leaving for the Portland area in the Fall. We will sorely miss Mark and his leadership of Council and Adult Education. It goes without saying that we will also miss his wife, Diana, who has served as Children, Youth and Family Director and has spearheaded so many other Trinity activities. Their loss will leave a void that will be hard to fill.

    On July 15, we returned to the Trinity sanctuary on the upper level. The restroom upgrade has been completed. Women’s restrooms, as you know, have frequently been criticized as being “designed by a man;” with little concern for women’s needs for facilities, space and comfort. You should see the women’s restrooms now: two counters with sinks, four stalls, a lounge with rocking chair and a view toward the mountains! (Truth to tell: the men’s side isn’t so shabby either.)

    On the home front, I have enjoyed the antics of a family of hooded orioles who have discov-ered the joys of sugar water in my hummingbird feeder. The four orioles (two just recently out of the nest) come in a group, taking turns on at the feeder, slurping up the sweet nec-tar. Sadly, they’re quite skittish and won’t allow me to take a photo. No matter, they’re still great to watch.

    I hope you’ll plan to enjoy the Fiesta finger-food treats which will be served on the upper patio following the 9:30 single-service Sunday on August 5. This is a great way for our members to conclude the week of Fiesta, and enjoy some “south of the border” delicacies.

    On Sunday, July 22, Pastor Dave Bloedel, (substituting for Pastor Truls), stated that there is “rest and peace in busyness.” This interesting concept is challenging to comprehend; but if it is true, the members at Trinity must enjoy a great deal of peaceful rest, because we sure are busy!

    From Dennis Lewis

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    We thank everyone for their patience while we finished up Phase 1 of the Sanctuary Renewal project.

    Our new restrooms are updated and comfortable!

    Offerings 2017-2018: $296,829

    Budget: $360,000


    Percent of Budget: 82%

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    Aislinn Birkhahn 2 Chanin Birkhahn 16

    Emma Johnson 2 Taylor Choate 19

    Marty Krebs 2 Marsha Krebs 19

    Aliz Schutte 4 Cindy Lokre 20

    Scott Lillard 4 Greg Hanson 23

    Torin Ekonomi 11 Kathy Olson 23

    Colton Ekonomi 11 Kyle Eaton 24

    Randall Howells 11 Margaret Christensen 24

    Taka Nomura 13 Andrea Schenker 25

    Cindie Trieger 15 Betty Jeppesen 29

    Kathy Person 15 Julie Neufeld 29

    Kelly Onnen 16 Ila Fails 31

    Judi Brooks 16 David Poerschke 31

    Bruce and Jean Wollenberg

    2 Bob and Ann Townsend 28

    Joan and Roger Cartwright

    8 James Davis and Dawn Heimendinger


    Phil and Mary Jane Archenbronn

    19 Le Roy and Sherry Hunt 29

    Harry and Judy Sims 20 Ron and Sandi Marotto 30


    Church family: Nina Thompson, Roy Fuentes, Jamie Nida Nash (Jill Nida’s daughter), Tom Strout, Peggy Wedman, Betty Jeppesen, Dolores Hartnett, Beulah Strout, Seth Anderson, Lorraine Price, Mary Ebeling, Ada Luedke, Sylvia Redding, Linda Karppinen, Astrid Hammett, Karen Wilson, Ruth Harrison, Rami Courtney, and Ruthe Anderson.

    Extended family and friends: Family of Don Burdick (son-in-law of Larry and Judy Severance), Tommy Santrizos (brother of John Santrizos), Vanessa (Lilith Imbrogno’s daughter), Jaden (Lilith Imbrogno’s granddaughter), Dan (Janet Swanson's grandnephew), and Gracie Fisher.

    OUR SYMPATHY AND PRAYERS . . . . . . are with the family of Elva Jorgensen (mother of Anita Peca), who died on June 18. . . . are with the family of Rigmor Elbek, who died on June 24. . . . are with the family of Evelyn Barbero (friend of John Chatenay). . . . are with the family of Reta Howe, who died on July 7. . . . are with the family of Robert Michael Gordon (former Trinity member), who died on July 7. . . . are with the family of Don Burdick, who died on July 29.


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    Week of August 5

    Sunday, August 5

    • 9:30 a.m. Single Worship Service • 10:45 a.m. Fiesta-Themed Luncheon • 5:00 p.m. Maurice Lee Lecture at Christ Lutheran

    Monday, August 6

    • 1:00 p.m. Staff Meeting • 4:00 p.m. Worship and Music Committee Meeting • 6:30 p.m. Education Task Force Meeting • 6:30 p.m. Outreach Committee Meeting

    Tuesday, August 7

    • 9:00 a.m. Midweek Walkers • 4:00 p.m. Care Ministry Meeting • 6:30 p.m. Executive Committee

    Wednesday, August 8

    • 5:30 p.m. Trinity Gardens Committee Meeting

    Saturday, August 11

    • 11:30 a.m. Ladies’ Lunch and Beach Walk

    Week of August 12

    Sunday, August 12

    • 10:00 a.m. Worship Service • at Goleta Beach Area A • 11:15 a.m. Potluck Luncheon at Goleta Beach • 1:00 p.m. Trinity Gardens Batik Printing Class

    Tuesday, August 14

    • 9:00 a.m. Midweek Walkers • 6:30 p.m. Council Meeting

    Thursday, August 16

    • 11:30 a.m. Good Eats

    Saturday, August 18

    • 10:30 a.m. Trinity Gardens Cooking Class

    Week of August 19

    Sunday, August 19 • 8:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship Service • 9:00 a.m. Fellowship Time • 10:00 a.m. Intergenerational Worship Service

    Monday, August 20

    • 10:30 a.m. Fall Prevention Meeting • 5:30 p.m. Transition House

    Tuesday, Aguust 21

    • 9:00 a.m. Midweek Walkers • 6:00 p.m. Men’s Ministry

    Week of August 26

    Sunday, August 26 • 8:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship Service • 9:00 a.m. Fellowship Time • 10:00 a.m. Intergenerational Worship Service

    Sunday, August 26

    • 8:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship Service

    Monday, August 27 • 4:00 p.m. Junior High Confirmation • 5:30 p.m. Senior High Youth Group

    Tuesday, August 28

    • 9:00 a.m. Midweek Walkers

    Wednesday, August 29 • 9:30 a.m. Communications Committee Meeting

    MIDWEEK WALKERS—Each Tuesday at 9:00 a.m.

    9:00 a.m. Walk, then 10:00 a.m. Nibbles Check to see where to meet up each week.

    No registration necessary

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    909 N. La Cumbre Road

    Santa Barbara, CA 93110