Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide Trinity...

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide 1 Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide February - April 2015

Transcript of Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide Trinity...

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Trinity Lutheran Church

Discipleship Guide February - April 2015

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide



A Message from Pastor Dale 4

A Message from Pastor Jill 5

Vision/Mission/Welcome Statements 6

Worship Schedule 7

Calendar of Special Events 8-12

Get Connected 13

Music Ministry 14

Focus on Learning 15

Youth & Family Ministry 18-19

TLC Community Schools 20

Service & Support 21

Small Groups & Events 22-25

Women of the ELCA 26-27

Women of the ELCA 19

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


A Message from Pastor Dale

Dear People of God,

What’s your favorite restaurant? Where did you get a good deal on your car?

What a new book you’ve read?

Ever tell anyone about that restaurant, that deal, or that book? Of course you

have. We love to share with our friends, neighbors, classmates, or co-workers.

We want them to know and even share in the good stuff we know about.

So how about the best GOOD STUFF there ever was or ever will be? I mean the

GOOD STUFF we call the GOOD NEWS. Trinity is alive with the Good News

of God’s love for us in Jesus Christ. It is at the center of our worship. The reason

for our service. The bond of our gatherings. We sing about it, study about it, and

invest our lives in it. BUT DO WE SHARE IT?

In this booklet are amazing ways we at Trinity are living the Good News. But

this booklet is not just for us. It is to be shared!!! As you thumb through these

pages and mark your calendars with the items that call you deeper into the Good

News, please take a moment and see who you know that also needs the Good

News. It may be a worship service, a small group, or a service opportunity.

In fact let’s get personal. Stop, right now, who is one person you know in your

circle of friends, co-workers, classmate, or neighbors who needs some Good

News in their life. Now, thinking about that person, look through this Disciple-

ship Guide. What is one event/activity you want to ask them to join you in do-


WE have Good News – let’s share it!

Pastor DalePastor DalePastor DalePastor Dale

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


A Message from Pastor Jill

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

Recently I had a conversation with an ex-Catholic from New York at the Post Office who wanted to know if the Church still did Lent. Knowing his back-ground and where he grew up I understood what he was asking because I also grew up in a Catholic community and remember school lunches of fish sticks. There were other distinctly Catholic traditions that were engrained in the school system back then and whether or not you were Catholic or even religious you were required to live with it.

I’m not sure that the disciplines of Lent are something that we “do” – like just another item to check off our “to do list” daily but rather Lent gives us the oppor-tunity to be invited to grow in our relationship with God in new ways. See the “Doing” Lent sounds like something that is required of us, a “have to” in order to get something in return, which I guess would be the benefits of Easter. Sound a little off? Well it is. Actually that whole thought needs to be flipped 180 degrees or so because that’s not what Easter is all about at all. If Lent is the time that we prepare for the events of Easter then we really should start there and in reality we don’t really have anything to do with the Easter story other than maybe the rea-son behind it. God chooses to come to this earth, God chooses to become a man, God chooses to be willing to suffer and die on the cross not for God’s sake but for ours, and God chooses to not allow death to have the last word but to roll away that stone and live the resurrection and God chooses that because of Jesus’ death and resurrection that we (us measly human beings who continually sin and fall short of the glory of God) also have the promise gift of resurrection for our lives. Easter is all about that grace of God for and to us and so if that is what Easter is all about then Lent is all about how do we, who know about God’s grace, grow in our relationship with God.

It’s a time of “because….., then…..”. Because God loves us, then we can love our neighbors. Because God sacrificed for us, then we can sacrifice so that we might grow. Because God has chosen grace over punishment then we live that grace in our lives. Because we are blessed then we can be a blessing. Lent isn’t about “do-ing”, it’s about taking time out of our normal, everyday existence and learning how live that grace in our lives.

May this Lent be a blessing to you as you see, experience, learn and live grace and the ways that grace opens doors to our relationship with God.

Together in God’s grace,

Pastor JillPastor JillPastor JillPastor Jill

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Our Vision and Mission

Through God's Grace, Growing as God's Disciples

As baptized children of God, we are called and gathered: In Christ to wor-ship, pray, study, and live in fellowship. With Christ to welcome, care for, and grow disciples. Through Christ, to serve and invite others to share in God's grace.

Statement of Welcome

In response to the call in Romans 15:7 "welcome one another therefore, as Christ has welcomed you for the glory of God," we believe that every per-son has worth as an individual and every person is entitled to dignity and respect.

We therefore publicly proclaim that:

+ We welcome people of any race, nationality, sexual orientation, age and physical ability into the membership of our church, and we encour-age all people to share their faith, gifts and talents in worship, service, study and leadership;

+ We commit to remove all barriers that exclude people from full and active participation in our church; and

+ We will continually strive to be non-judgmental in our thoughts and actions and discourage judging others at every opportunity.

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide




5:00pm Informal


Worship with Organ at 8:30 am

Worship with Anointing at 9:45 am

Worship with Praise Band at 11:00 am


Youth Led Worship at 7:00 pm

Except during Advent and Lent when we gather for Mid-day Prayer at noon (Lent only)

Vespers at 7:15 p.m.

Celebrate! Wednesday

Dinner at 5:30 pm

Adult Education at 6:00 pm

Music Ensemble Rehearsals (see page 10) Praise Worship & Confirmation at 7:00 pm

The Nursery is available during Sunday morning worship services.

Trinity gathers weekly as a community to offer our praise, worship and thanksgiv-ing. We offer four services each weekend and a midweek service throughout the school year. All Saturday and Sunday services are grounded in Word and Sacra-ment. Our midweek (Wednesday) service is led by our youth praise team, ExTreme Team, with the exception of when Vespers are offered during Advent and Lent.

Our services offer a variety of music and traditions as we praise our one God with many voices. Services are held normally in the Sanctuary, but some midday ser-vices are held in the Prayer Chapel.

Worship Schedule

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Special Events for

Souper Bowl of Caring Sunday, February 1

The youth will collect offerings at all worship services.

Newberry Jazz Ensemble

Sunday, February 1 4:00 pm

Chili Cook-off

Sunday, February 1 6:00 pm in Shepherd’s Hall

Renewal of Vows

February 14 & 15

Reception of New Members

February 14 & 15

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Tuesday, February 17 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday, February 18

6:30 am Prayer Chapel Noon Sanctuary

7:15 pm Sanctuary

Lunch will be served after our mid-day worship and dinner will be served before our evening worship beginning at 5:30 pm.

Lost & Found Farewell Tour

Saturday, February 21 7:00 pm

Lenten Vespers

Wednesday, February 25 - March 25

Noon Lunch to follow

7:15 pm Dinner beginning at 5:30 pm

Men’s Retreat March 6-8

Hunger Walk Sunday, March 15

First Communion Classes

Sunday, March 1, 8, 22 3:00-4:00 pm

Classes will be held in Shepherd’s Hall. The Rite of First Communion will be March 29 at the 11:00 service.

WELCA Retreat March 20-22

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


February, March & April

Rite of First Communion

Sunday, March 29 11:00 am Service

Sunday of the Passion

Saturday, March 28 5:00 pm

Sunday, March 29 8:30, 9:45 & 11:00 am

Gathering Around the Cross

Wednesday, April 1 7:15 pm

Seder Supper

Thursday, April 2 7:15 pm

Good Friday Friday, April 3

Preschool Cross Walk 10:00 am

Hours of Prayer Noon - 3:00 pm

Children’s Cross Walk 4:30 pm

Tenebrae 7:15 pm

Prayer Vigil Begins Friday, April 3 9:00 pm

Ends Sunday, April 5 6:00 am

Resurrection of Our Lord

Saturday, April 4 5:00 pm

Sunday, April 5 6:30 am (Sunrise Service) Sunday, April 5 8:30, 9:45 & 11:00 am

Youth at Six Flags

Tuesday, April 7 Leave at 9:00 am

Youth Led Worship April 19

Congregational Dinner & Meeting April 26

Dinner 5:00 pm

Meeting 6:00 pm

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Newberry Jazz Ensemble & Chili Cook-off On February 1, join us for some music, fun, and fellowship. At 4 pm our pregame show kicks off with the Newberry Jazz Ensemble. The 23rd Annual Trinity Chili Cook Off begins around 6:00 pm in Shepherd’s Hall and the game will be broadcast on the BIG screen. Come vote for the 2015 Chili Champ.

Renewal of Vows Make Valentine’s Day special this year . join us for a Renewal of Vows at 6 pm in the Sanctu-ary. We would love for you also to bring along a wedding photo to share. We will be done by 6:30 pm- so plenty of time to still go out with that special someone.

First Communion Classes Pastor Jill and Pastor Dale will be offering first communion classes for chil-dren age 7 and older who do not yet receive the sacrament. Classes will be on Sundays at 3-4 pm. Class dates are March 1, March 8, and March 22. A par-ent or guardian should attend with each student. The Rite of the First Com-munion will be conducted on Sunday, March 22 at the 11 am service.

Reception of New Members Want to become a part of our exciting and growing congregation? We will receive new members at all worship services on February 14-15. New Mem-ber Profile forms can be found on our website (select Forms on the menu bar on the right of the main page) or ask the Pastors. Please return the completed form to the church office by February 7.

Volunteers Needed for Pancake Supper How can you help? Volunteer to help cook, serve or clean up on February 17. Cooking will begin at 4 pm. Servers need to be available starting at 5:15 pm and the clean-up crew will be start up at 7:30 pm. Also if you are able to take home bacon to fry up and return or donate OJ, milk or syrup, please contact Pastor Jill at [email protected]. All donations need to be returned to the church marked Pancake Supper by February 15. Sign up on the purple sheets by Feb-ruary 8th.

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Ash Wednesday & Lenten Vespers We begin our Lenten journey together on February 18 with Ash Wednesday. There will be three services that day: 6:30 am, Noon, and 7:15 pm. A soup and salad lunch will fol-low our noon service and a dinner from 5:30-7:00 pm will be served prior to our vesper service. Our theme this year is “Opening Doors to Grace”. We will have Lenten actors at our Vesper Service each week beginning February 25. If you are interested in helping, please contact Pastor Dale.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper Join us on February 17 from 5:30 - 7:00 pm as we wipe our hunger for our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper benefitting Trinity’s Hunger Walk Team. We will have pancakes, bacon (thanks to Hormel Meats for donating), drinks and thanks to our house band “The So Called Arthur Kings” for some wonderful music to keep us entertained. A freewill donation will be made and all of the proceeds will go to Trinity’s goal to Wipe Out Hunger. Invite a friend or neighbor to join us.

Lost & Found Concert It’s their Farewell Tour and Trinity is on Lost and Found’s radar to come rock on. Concert is February 21st at 7:00 pm, doors open at 6:15. Come out for a night of great songs, storytelling and find out how a slinky can be used as a musical instrument. Tickets are available by downloading the flyer from our website at and turn into the office or fill out the bulletin insert. Tickets are $10 pre-purchased or $15 at the door.

Congregational Meeting On April 26, we will hold our Spring Congregational Meeting. Dinner will be at 5 pm and the meeting will begin in the sanctuary at 6 pm. All confirmed members are voting members. Our primary and IMPORTANT vote is the sec-ond vote to adopt a new leadership structure for Trinity. Mark your calendars and watch the Faith Living for details.

Men’s Retreat Come with us and spend some time with our Lord and in great fellowship, March 6-8 at Lutheranch. Our theme will be “Opening Doors”. We will leave Trinity at 6pm on Friday and stop for dinner on the way. We will be back by 1pm on Sunday. Cost is $120. Registration forms available in Han-berry Hall or from Pastor Dale.

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Holy Week

Sunday of Passion (March 28-29)

We enter the sanctuary with Palm Crosses and hear the reading of the Passion story from the gospel of Mark.

Service of Healing (April 1)

When Jesus walked, He stopped to heal. This year we will again have a heal-ing service from Holden Village, a Lutheran Retreat Center in Chelan, Wash-ington. We will gather around the cross in Hanberry Hall, each choosing how they wish to come to Christ for healing.

The Upper Room (April 2)

Join Jesus and his disciples in the upper room. Taste the foods and ritual of the Passover. Open our hearts and hands to receive the Lord’s Supper. To-night we begin the Triduum, the three services that re the climax of Holy Week. Leave in silence as we continue the worship on Good Friday.

Good Friday (April 3)

9:00 am - Labyrinth will be available throughout the Prayer Vigil.

10:00 am - Preschool Cross Walk - a time especially for children to walk the path of Holy Week

Noon - 3 pm - Hours of Prayer - the sanctuary will be open for personal pray-er time with the last of words of Jesus read each half hour.

4:30 pm - Children’s Cross Walk - a time especially for children to walk the path of Holy Week

7:15 pm - Tenebrae - a service of shadows with our eyes focused on the cross.

9:00 pm - Prayer Vigil begins and ends at 6:00 am on Easter

Holy Saturday (April 4)

Saturday evening Easter worship will be at 5:00 pm.

Resurrection (April 5)

Let joy break forth in the morning. Sunrise (6:30 am) outside on the outdoor Labyrinth, Festival worship (8:30, 9:45, and 11 am). Rejoice for Christ is Risen. Christ is Risen, indeed.

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Get Connected

Like us on Facebook at

Sign up for eNews, Talking About Trinity and Trinity Tidbits, on the main page of our website at

Send a request to John Parson at [email protected] to join the Youth Facebook group. You can see the Youth Calendar and sign up for the Youth eNews on the Youth page of our website at Also, send John our cell phone number to receive youth group texts.

Join the ELCA Magi Conference Facebook group.

ELCA Southeastern Synod - like them on FaceBook and sign up for their e-News on their website at

ELCA - visit their website at

Rev. Dale A. Sillik

Pastor of Outreach

[email protected]

Rev. Jill J. Henning

Pastor of Faith Development [email protected]

Rick Kilgore

Director of Music

[email protected]

John Parson

Director of Youth & Family Ministries

[email protected]

Carol Fairman

Business/Facilities Coordinator [email protected]

Darlene Luciani

Communications Coordinator [email protected]

Brenda Moody

Community Schools Director

[email protected]

Cathy Steenwyk, Organist

Shannon Lovett, Sexton

1826 Killian Hill Road

Lilburn, GA 30047

Phone: 770-972-4418

Fax: 770-972-6170

Email: [email protected]


Contact Us

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Music Ministry


Alleluia Choir

Alleluia Choir (K-2) continue to learn hymns from our hymnals as well as beginning to learn the songs from our liturgy. Rhythm instruments and bells are used to help the children see the interrelationships of mu-sic and movement. Wednesdays, 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Luther Choir/Jubilee Ringers

The Luther Choir offers the older elementary school children (grades 3-5) an opportunity to understand their role as worship leaders. Unison and two-part anthems as well as the complete liturgy are important parts of the music learned by this choir. Jubilee Ringers use a four octave set of Malmark Chimes to ring prais-es to our Lord. Basic fundamentals of rhythm and notation are taught to build a foundation of music knowledge. Wednesdays, 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm


Celebration Ringers

This handbell choir is open to all middle school students and rings a three octave set of Schulmerich bells. They ring once a month at wor-ship alternating between the 8:30 am and 11:00 am services. Wednesdays, 6:00 - 6:45 pm

Celestial Praise

This handbell choir is open to all high school students. They ring at an intermediate-advanced level, ringing at worship monthly. Currently rehearsal with Resounding Joy on Wednesdays, 7:45 - 8:45 pm.

New Beginnings

Our middle and high school youth participate in worship with their contemporary instrumental ensemble, known as New Beginnings. They plan and lead worship twice each year as well as each Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm. Sundays, 5:30 - 6:15 pm

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide



Allegro Bells

This group is our intermediate-level adult handbell choir. If you would like to ring handbells. Wednesdays, 6:45 - 7:45 pm

Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir leads worship at both the 8:30 am and 9:45 am ser-vices. The choir leads liturgy, psalms, and hymns, as well as presenting special choral anthems during the offering. Thursdays, 7:00 - 9:00 pm

Dynamic Range

Open to adults and youth, this ensemble plays and sings a variety of musical styles ranging from bluegrass to 19th century revival to camp meeting songs and shape note hymns. Acoustic guitar, banjo, fiddle and bass accompany the unison and mixed voices. Wednesdays, 6:15 - 700 pm


Messenger is an ensemble of members who lead the congregation in songs and liturgy at the 11:00 service. We use guitars, both acoustic and electric, saxophone, trumpet and drums/ Singers learn unison mel-ody and 2-part and 4-part harmony. Mondays, 7:00 - 900 pm

Resounding Joy

This group is our more advanced-level handbell choir. Resounding Joy rings regularly once a month at worship as well as at special festivals. Wednesdays, 7:45 - 8:45 pm

Youth Orchestra Our “OrcheBand” will resume rehearsals on Sunday, March 8 to prepare a special song for the next Youth-led Worship. Rehearsal time will be from 4:44 to 5:30 pm, immediately preceding New Beginning rehearsal. All youth in grades 7 through 12 (and older youth who are still playing their instrument) are welcome. See Mr. Kilgore now to get your music, and begin practicing at home now.

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Focus on Learning

Adult Sunday School

Gods at War The Battle for Your Heart

Sundays at 9:40 am in the Parlor beginning in March

Worshiping "graven images" may be a primitive or antiquated idea, but Pastor Kyle Idleman argues that even in our modern lives there are still countless gods passionately at war for our hearts. In this new series, Kyle even suggests that ALL sin derives from the same source – idola-try. If we put the wrong god on the throne, our lives will be thrown into chaos, and any effort we put into fighting sin and overcoming it will be futile. This 6-part DVD Bible study features real people telling real stories about their battles – times when something else replaced God on the throne – and the life-

transforming power of Christ when He is put back in His rightful place.

Mike Fairman leads this class each Sunday. See the trailer at

Children & Youth Sunday School Sunday School is available for all children and youth from preschool to high school ages at 9:45am - 10:45am each Sunday morning.

Preschool B112

Kindergarten B112

Grade 1 B111

Grade 2 B111

Grade 3 B103

Grade 4 B103

Grade 5 B106

Grade 6 C103

Grade 7 & 8 C106/7

Grade 9 Library

Grades 10-12 C102

During the Sunday School hour we offer nursery care for children under age 3.

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Faith Steps The Faith Step’s program invites the parents to participate in their chil-dren’s Christian education by attend-ing a faith class for three weeks dur-ing the normal Sunday School hour with the exception of third graces who participates in a month study of the Bible.

Kindergarten - The Lord’s Prayer

Kathie Rush February 8,22, March 1, 2015

1st Grade - Baptismal Identity

Doug Doblar January 11, 25, February 1, 2015

2nd Grade - Ten Commandments

Jodi Lemcke Completed in 2014

3rd Grade - Scripture

Vicki Thiemann October 19, November 16, January 11

February 8, March 8, April 19, May 10

4th Grade - Eucharist Doug Taylor February 1, 8, 22

5th Grade - The Creeds

John Parson April 26, May 3, 10

First Communion Classes Pastor Jill and Pastor Dale will be of-fering first communion classes for children age 7 and older who do not yet receive the sacrament. Classes will be on Sundays, 3-4pm; March 1, March8, and March 22. A parent or guardian should attend with each stu-dent. The Rite of the First Commun-ion will be conducted on Sunday, March 22 at the 11am service.

Wednesdays in the Word Every Wednesday we have two chances to dig deeper into the Word of God. Faith Walk meets at 10 am to look at the lessons that will be read in the Sunday worship. And at 6pm, the Parlor Class will begins looking at the Gospel of St. Mark in February. This is the oldest Gospel and one we will be hearing much from through the year in our worship.

Searching Bible Study We begin a new unit on February 8 looking at the Gospel of St. Matthew. This will be an eight session class from 4-5:30pm on Sundays. We meet in the Parlor. Come and join us and we deepen our walk with Jesus.

This Is Most Certainly True Want to know more about the Luther-an Faith? New to Lutherans or just want to refresh your faith? Have some questions about Lutheranism you would like to ask? Come join Pastor Dale for “This Is Most Certainly True” beginning February 22. We will meet from 2-3 pm through March 29. Worship? Law & Gospel? Sacra-ments? Let’s find some answers.

Lenten Centering Prayer During Lent Pastor Jill will be hosting an opportunity to do Centering Prayer at 1:30 pm in the Sanctuary on Febru-ary 22, March 1, March 8, March 22, and March 29. Center ing Pray-er is a method of silent prayer that prepares us to receive the gift of con-templative prayer, prayer in which we experience God’s presence within us.

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Youth & Family Ministry

All Georgia Lutheran Youth Retreat As the name implies, this is a retreat for youth, throughout the state of Geor-gia, in grades 6-12. Our youth will be traveling together and staying together in cabins. The retreat begins on Friday, March February 27th and ends on Sunday morning; March 1st. Registration forms are available on John’s office door. The deadline to sign up is February 4th.

Easter Egg Hunt Trinity’s Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Palm Sunday, March 29 at 9:45 dur ing the regu-lar Sunday School hour. Bring a dozen filled eggs - our youth will be here to hide them. Join us for the fun!

Six Flags

Going to be in town for Spring Break? John Par-son invites the youth to join him for the Annual Six Flags Spring Break trip. We will be leaving Trinity at 9:00 am on Tuesday, April 7. We will be getting tickets on our own but I need to know a final number for transportation. Watch for sign-

ups in March so we can plan transportation. Any adults who would like to come to chaperone are welcome. Deadline to sign up is March 26.

Senior Dinner & Quillow Ceremony On Sunday evening, May 3rd beginning at 6:00pm, we will be celebrating the accom-plishments of our graduating seniors. We will be serving a wonderful dinner as we gather to say “goodbye” as they move on to a new chap-ter in their lives. It is one of those evenings that is bitter sweet as we look at where they have been and where God is leading them. Under-classmen are asked to sign up to help serve.

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Kids Following Christ (KFC) Kids Following Christ (KFC) meets each month for children in Kindergarten through 5th grade. It is a time for a good lunch, fun games and time in God’s word. Parents volunteer each month to provide lunch. Mark your calendars for February 8, March 8 (join us for the Hunger Walk). Come out and enjoy our fun!

AFFIRM 2015 AFFIRM 2014 is a six-day 5-night youth event of faith, fellowship, and friends spon-sored by the ELCA Southeastern Synod. Grounded in scripture, this event offers youth the opportunity to develop discipleship and leadership skills. The date for this year’s re-treat is June 14-19th, 2015.

AFFIRM 2015 will be held at Berry College in Rome, GA. The cost this year is $375.00. All registration paperwork must be post-marked before May 1st.After June 1st, please contact the AFFIRM registrar to see if there is space available.

Register online now at or see John for a registration pack-et. Information about transportation will be coming soon.

Sunday 5:30pm New Beginnings

6:15pm SWAG

Tuesday 6:30pm Food for Thought

High School Youth meet weekly at the Dairy Queen on Five Forks for Bible Study and fellowship. John will up-date you if Food for Thought will not meet on any given week.

Wednesday 6:30pm Extreme Team Warm-up

7:00pm Praise Worship

Extreme Team will take a break dur-ing Lent but will return after Easter.

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Trinity Community Schools

For information about our Community Schools programs, please contact or director, Brenda Moody, at 678-344-3575 or at communityschool@tlc-

Preschool Registration Begins Believe it or not, it’s already time to register at Trinity Lutheran Preschool for the 2014-15 school year! Registration opens on Monday, February 2.. Please call Ms. Brenda at 678-344-3575 if you have further questions or to schedule a tour. You may also visit our website for prices, Remember to tell your friends and neighbors about us!

♥ Hours: 9:30am-1:30pm

♥ Different scheduled classes held Monday thru Friday

♥ Prices vary from $170-$200 per month

Trinity Lutheran Preschool offers:

♥ Quality educational experience at affordable tuition rates

♥ Low teacher to student ratios

♥ Weekly music class and chapel

♥ Enrichment activities that include field trips and in-house guests

♥ Tours upon request

Special Events

February 2 2014-15 Preschool Registration

February 19at 6:00 pm Preschool Family Potluck

March 6 Preschool mini Hunger Walk

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Service & Support

Loaves & Fishes/Brown Bag Ministry Lists of needs are provided on our collection barrels (top of back stair-way and in Hanberry Hall) to support these ministries.

Grace Cafe Grace Café takes place the fourth Sunday of each month from 9-11am in Hanberry Hall.

February 22 - Adult Sunday School March 22 - Adult Bell Choirs

April 26 - Preschool

Adopt a Road Clean-up Trinity’s Care of Creation team has adopted the mile long stretch of road between Hwy 78 and the Yellow River bridge. This service to our lo-cal community allows us as a congre-gation to demonstrate care and appre-ciation for our neighborhood. Watch the Faith Living and Tuesday eNews for the next scheduled Adopt-a-Road. Contact Paul Kuester at [email protected] for more in-formation.

Wipeout Hunger! Our church will again be participating in the Hunger Walk to be held on Sunday, March 15 at 2:00 pm near Turner Field in downtown Atlanta. The Hunger Walk is a 5K event held each year to raise money for the Atlanta Community Food Bank (ACFB). Founded in 1979, the ACFB is an amazing organiza-tion that currently distributes almost five million pounds of food and other donated grocery items each month to more than 600 nonprofit partner agencies in 38 counties in Metro Atlanta and North Georgia. Our benefiting partner is Lutheran Services of Georgia. This year our slogan is WIPEOUT HUNGER, so we are heading to the beach. So locate your shades, your beach towel and your flip flops as we continue to fight hunger in Georgia where 1 in 4 children do not get enough food to provide them an active, healthy lifestyle. There are many dif-ferent ways that you can support the Hunger Walk campaign. Visit the display in Hanberry Hall where you can sign up to walk in the event, make a donation or find out more information about the extent of hunger in Georgia. Last year Trinity had almost 100 passengers on our Hunger Walk train and for the fifth consecutive year Trinity finished in first place raising money for the Atlanta Hunger Walk. Surfs up, so join our beach patrol and help us wipeout hunger!

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Small Groups & Events

TLC Book Club Like to read? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to discuss with others the book you have just read? Join us at 6:30 pm (unless otherwise noted) for food, fellowship, and discussion of our monthly book.

February 3

“The Crystal Cave” by Mary Stewart

The remaining calendar for 2015 will be chosen by the book club at their February meeting. Watch the Faith Living and Tuesday’s eNews for more details.

Men’s Breakfast The men gather monthly for fellowship, taking turns serving as cooks. Great

fun and fellowship! Breakfast is served at 8:30 am and we are usually on our way by 9:00 am.

Join us:

February 7 and April 4

Men’s breakfast will not meet in March due to Men’s Retreat Weekend.

All are welcome! Invite a friend!

JUST Club (Jesus Uses Senior, Too!) J.U.S.T. is for individuals over 50 and couples in which at least one person is over 50. We meet monthly. We have a lot of fellowship with people our own age and occasionally we have a program. Join us on February 13, March 13 and April 10.

JUST Lunch For our Seniors who prefer not to drive at night, we will have a monthly potluck at noon on the second Friday of each month in Hanberry Hall. Pastor Dale will be organizing programs and topics for us to share. Join us on February 13, March 13 and April 10.

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Knit & a Prayer Scarves are the item of the year. We had a great beginner group last month and if you missed it, it is not too late to learn. We will be meeting on February 15, March 8 (note the change of date due to the Hunger Walk) and April 19 at 3 pm in the Parlor. We are working on scarves for our Brown Bag Minis-try.

Java Knit & a Prayer It’s just like our Sunday Knit and a Prayer except we meet at Alcove Cof-fee House (4615 Stone Mountain Hwy, Lilburn GA 30047) by Lake Lucerne on February 27, March 27 and April 24 at 10:30 am. ome join us for some caffeine and work on our handmade goods.

Cancer Support Our Cancer Support Group is going on a fieldtrip to the State Capital on Feb-ruary 17 from 9 am – 12 pm to bring awareness to the fight against cancer. Please let Pastor Jill know if you would like to attend and she will get you registered. This includes lunch. For those who would like to carpool, Pastor Jill will be leaving Trinity at 7:30 am. This event is for anyone who would like to bring awareness of those fighting cancer to our state legislators. Our normal support meeting date will be on March 8 at 2 pm in the Parlor. Any-one who has battled cancer or is battling cancer is invited to attend.

Prayer Lifters Prayers Lifters is our intercessory prayer group at Trinity that receives confi-dential prayer requests either by email or text message. If you would like to be added to our group please contact Debbie Ringer at [email protected] to be added. Please indicate whether or not you would prefer by text or email. We also meet quarterly to learn more about prayer and to discuss our prayer actions. We will be meeting on February 1st from 2-

3:30 (yes its Super Bowl Sunday so may-be you have a football team to pray for) and our focus this month will be on Cen-tering Prayer.

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Dinner Divas Dinner Divas will not meet on February 17 because of the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper but are hitting the road for our March 17 meeting at Master-piece Mixers (1977 Scenic Hwy Snellville, GA 30078, next to Michael’s) to have a fun night of painting, laughs and good food. Cost is $25/person and it is guaranteed that you will go home with a masterpiece. It’s a BYOB event and an appetizer to share. Please sign up on the purple sign up form and make your checks out to Trinity.

Our April 21 gathering will be back at Three Blind Mice in Lilburn for dinner and discussion. We had a great time in January looking at what our names mean and who knows what fun Pastor Jill will have in store.

Senior Travelers All of our senior saints are invited and please bring along a friend.

February 14 - Southeastern Railway Museum

All aboard! We’re heading to the Southeastern Railway Museum in Duluth, GA. The museum includes 30 acres of restored trains, and, if you wish, a ride on the full size train. Cost is $6 ($3 for the train ride,) We’ll enjoy lunch and be back by 3:00 pm.

Leave Trinity at 9:30 am.

March 28 - Georgia Racing Hall of Fame

Let’s travel to Dawsonville, home of the Georgia Racing Hall of Fame. Ad-mission is $5 and we’ll grab lunch at the Champions’ Café. We’ll return by 3:00 pm.

Leave Trinity at 9:00 am.

April 18 - The Etowah Indian Mounds

Let’s take a trip into prehistoric Georgia and the amazing Etowah Indian Mounds. Cost is $5 and we’ll stop for lunch.

Leave Trinity at 9:00 am.

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Table Talk This small group meets at Summit Wayside Tavern on Highway 78 once a month to discuss current topics and enjoy a good meal with a libation.

Join us at 7:00 pm:

February 24 - Hospitality and the Church

March 24 - Do the Braves have a prayer?

April 28 - Taxes - let’s all complain together!

Round Tuits This is a small group for the handy folks among

us to help keep the church in good repair. We’ll

meet in Shepherd’s Hall at 9 am on February 28,

March 28, and April 25. Our projects will include

some painting, grounds clean up and adding

bricks to the Prayer Labyrinth. Let Pastor Dale

have your email, and he’ll tell what’s on tap for

each month.

Parenting Adult Children Parenting Adult Children is a small group focusing on the next steps in the parenting journey. The need to form new relationships between parent and child as the children become adults is more and more important. How do we as parents continue to support adult children and to reinforce God’s love for them? How can we support each other as we adjust to these new roles? Please join Connie Rifkind on the fourth Sunday on each month (February 22, March 22 and April 26) at 3:00 pm in Hanberry Hall.

Upcoming Dates to Remember May 3 High School Senior Recognition Dinner

May 9 Lutheranch Golf Classic

May 15 SOMETHING NEW: Beer & Hymns

May 24 Pentecost, 11am Worship-Confirmation

June 3 First Family Night Program of the Summer

June 22 - 26 Vacation Bible School

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide