Trieloff w 420 Red Hat Cloud Architecture

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Transcript of Trieloff w 420 Red Hat Cloud Architecture

  • 7/31/2019 Trieloff w 420 Red Hat Cloud Architecture


  • 7/31/2019 Trieloff w 420 Red Hat Cloud Architecture


    Carl Trieloff

    Technical Director Cloud, Red [email protected] 6, 2011

    Red Hat Cloud Architecture

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  • 7/31/2019 Trieloff w 420 Red Hat Cloud Architecture


    Private/Public/Hybrid Cloud


    Resource Providers

    Resource: An architecture paper with full deployment exampleworked is available

  • 7/31/2019 Trieloff w 420 Red Hat Cloud Architecture


    Build a Cloud, Pick a Cloud. Any Cloud.


    ~]$ yum install cloudforms

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    The large functional pieces

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    Layering in the key components

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    Setting up a basic hybrid deployment

    Setup:- Providers

    - Quota- Services

    - User creation policy- User Quota (defaulted)

    - Pools (optional)

  • 7/31/2019 Trieloff w 420 Red Hat Cloud Architecture


    Creating a Deployment Definition

    Templates The recipes to generate disk images from contentrepositories (e.g. list of packages, services offered, dependencies, etc.)

    Assemblies An aggregation (e.g. stack) or association of one or moretemplates & service configuration. Can be thought of as a system/'machine'definition

    Deployables A set of one or more assemblies and the information(operational parameters and configuration) in order to target, instantiate,

    and initialize the deployable

    Definitions are independent of target resource provider (Private, Public)

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    Example: Templates, Assemblies & Deployables

  • 7/31/2019 Trieloff w 420 Red Hat Cloud Architecture


    Under the covers, creating the Deployable

    1->2. User defines the Deployment2->4. Image Factory assembles the artifacts required5->6. Meta data + disk images + configuration stored in iwhd7. Deployable ready to launch

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    Deploying my application (Deployable)

    1) Evaluation to determine placement of resources based on

    Dependencies (Services, Infrastructure)

    Policies (Security, QoS) Artifacts (what artifacts are build / can be built)

    2) Instantiate the resources

    3) Configure the resource via post boot processing

    4) Monitor

    5) We're up & running ...

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    Under the covers, Instantiation & Configuration

  • 7/31/2019 Trieloff w 420 Red Hat Cloud Architecture


    The basic resource match work flow

    Notes: Resources can be matched based on just aboutany criteria that can be measured. Cost (Data / Compute / Time /bandwidth / or associatedcost basis) QoS (time to launch, Security Zone, etc) Other....

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    What is this 'post boot' processing

    Mechanics to be able to 'incarnate' a machine from a'Definition' and the implicated artifacts

    Disk images

    Service configurations (network, disk, software/hardware services)

    Optional packages


    Allowing for cloud, virtualization and metal instantiationsfrom a single definition.

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    CDL Post Boot execution

    The post boot daemon 'instantiates' the assembly

    Each service & node has a schema type,

    This type is used to identify which 'script' to execute themetadata with

    If the 'script' to execute the type is not in the base image, it isdownloaded dynamically


    Mount and link a disk image from NFS

    Disk Image script in base image, so call with metadata

    Mount a custom Service My custom script type which not local gets downloaded, then


  • 7/31/2019 Trieloff w 420 Red Hat Cloud Architecture


    What about importing OVF images?

    What if I have an OVF image created elsewhere? can run image on backend's that support OVF

    If we inject the post boot daemon into the OVF image,

    can run on any resource provider / public & privatecloud that Red Hat supports / certifies

    can combine/ use in a Deployment / Assemblydescription.

    can still use Image in a OVF environment

  • 7/31/2019 Trieloff w 420 Red Hat Cloud Architecture


    Adding QoS::Availability to my Deployable

    Deliver maximum application service availability for a collection

    of deployables with CPERecoveryMonitoring

    Control Start/Stop

    of Applications

    Monitor for applicationinstance failures

    Recover from AssemblyInstance failure

    Recover fromDeployable Failure

    Failure Escalation

    Recover from ApplicationInstance failure

    Monitor for assemblyinstance failures

    Monitor for deployableinstance failures

    Escalate Application Failures

    Escalate Assembly Failures

    Escalate Deployable FailuresRelocate deployable

  • 7/31/2019 Trieloff w 420 Red Hat Cloud Architecture


    Managing my content sources

    Content includes my application

    This content is archived via Catello services, via Pulp for inclusioninto my Deployments

    For JBoss content, the Application Bundle is uploaded as a servicefrom JON. This JON bundle publishes that it requires the JONManaged Service

  • 7/31/2019 Trieloff w 420 Red Hat Cloud Architecture


    Dealing with storage,

    Archival Store (iwhd) large objects

    explicit whole-file get/putoperations (via HTTP)

    explicit data placement

    virtual-machine images, mediaassets, etc

    S3, Google, CloudFiles, Azurereplication comparable

    Operational Store (CloudFS) Portable Cloud Shared Storage filesystem-like

    directories, small files, single-byte read/write, etc.

    higher performance caching and/or replication Participates in iwhd meta data

    naming structure (go see Jeff's talk right after this)

    Meta data daemons and repository manage storage domains

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    OpenShift Power, play with a hosted version

    OpenShift Power, Coming Soon

  • 7/31/2019 Trieloff w 420 Red Hat Cloud Architecture


    Messaging Services

    Today MRG / AMQP is used to run OpenShift. MRG / AMQP as a cartridge for flex

    Allows any application to use Portable Messaging in thecloud

    AMQP as a Service

    Allows anyone to consume and use messaging,securely and at scale in the cloud to any applicationwithout worrying about managing the infrastructure.

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    Come join us...

    As you have heard, CloudForms will be released as asubscription offer from Red Hat, also,


    So, feel free to come innovate, develop, run, deploy with

    us at
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  • 7/31/2019 Trieloff w 420 Red Hat Cloud Architecture



    In this session, Carl Trieloff will provide insight into the Red Hat cloud

    architecture and will discuss how it provides the next generation ofprivate and hybrid cloud deployments. He will cover a range of topicsranging from CDL (Content Definition Language), to running andmapping services, to cloud, managing quota, federating storage, dealing

    with replication, and monitoring. Attendees should leave this session withan understanding of how Red Hat is enabling cloud for enterprise usecases.