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Based on the Ottoman Barbary Corsairs attacks on Spanish vessels and ports, as well as against South Italian ports and coastal towers.

Spain was in an unfamiliar ship. This usually did not bode well.

Especially when hes battered, cuffed, and glaring at a fellow Empire, owner of said ship.

I heard about ya gettin captured by Englands privateers in one of yer little boat trips.

He was kneeling, listening and throwing dirty looks at the towering masked man boasting before him, the Ottoman Empire himself.

How could ya, after having faced my Barbary corsairs multiple times! Turkey said, sounding offended. Those privateer pansies cant even raid. They aint nothin but royal lapdogs trained to be pests.

Little? Coming from the empire who cant even sail halfway to the New World! Spain shouted, jumping at the first thing that offended him most. Oh and why are you belittling your allies, huh? I know your corsairs and Englands pirates are in cahoots with each other against my vessels!

Turkey knew this is true; he and England had a pretty unofficial treaty against the Spanish ships. It didnt mean he had to respect the enemy of his enemy, though.

Spain somehow managed to shoot a look of even deeper distain, just with a single leer to meet Turkeys covered eyes. Austria had taught him well how to master it. But what else should anyone expect from a barbarous heathen

It seemed that Turkey had been pretty noisy thus far talking and laughing and circling, because suddenly everything had become way too silent.

Spain wasnt the best reader of the atmosphere, but he knew he had to steel himself right away.

Because the quietness broke by one heavy step closer to him, his own yelp from a vicious grab in his long hair, a pull forcing him off his knees, and a powerful shove that sent him flying to crash against the wall to the other side of the room.

Can give ya more things to expect from barbarous heathens, since you asked.

Spain spit blood at his general direction, despite Turkey being too far away for him now.

You call Englands guys pansies, but could actually scare me a little.

He had provoked them with similar words, he recalled, except he was using Turkeys name in their case.

Is that so? Turkey asked, walking toward him with a slower pace. Kinda doubt it, I know how much you endure pain, firsthand.

Spain couldnt hide a grin of pride.

But aside from yer ships, does England ever actually harass yer shores? Can he ever actually reach the southern Italian ones?

His grin dropped into a sullen frown.

Why are you asking?

Just pointing out which one of us ya should be more afraid of, kid.

Spain snarled threateningly and started thrashing against his bonds. He knew well that the Turks would step foot on south Italy. Thats how he met Turkey in the first place, barely snatching Romano away from his grasp.

We might be sailing toward Naples shores right now. s perfect opportunity, aint it?

The thought of Turkey touching little Romano again made him livid.

You! Do you know what we do to Morisco filth who put their dirty hands on boys? he yelled, struggling to untie himself.

Release me! And Ill drag you to the Inquisition. Ill break your bones on the Wheel. Ill!


Burn you on a- what?! Ah!

The second Spain had paused struggling in order to do a double-take, he was being grabbed by the jaw and pulled up again, until he was made to stand up.

Before Spain could properly shake off the confusion, Turkey was unlocking the chained wrists, and soon the cuffs dropped heavily on the floor.

Ya said you were chained up and collared in Englands ship. But, unlike him, I dont need bonds. Yer free to drag me whenever.

Spain rubbed his wrists and blinked, still perplexed, but soon it dawned to him that this is more of an insult than anything.

Why you!

He didnt miss a second to attack like a charging bull, despite his bruised and tattered state.

A strong punch noisily hit Turkeys palm, blocking the attempt. Spain was faster and more agile, but Turkey could see that rage-fuelled hit coming from a mile away.

There was a swift tug, and the next thing Spain could feel, was his face getting smashed on the hard floor, smearing it with fresh blood from broken nose and torn lips.

A hand in his hair lifted his head up a few inches, letting Spains wounds bleed on the already messy surface.

Whats that? Yer not even trying.

In frustration, Spain slammed the heel of his boot onto Turkeys shin. Hearing the pained noise satisfied him immensely. Even after Turkeys kick in the ribs that knocked the air out of him.

Ya gotta stand to actually be able to torture me, grand inquisitioner.

Shut up. Ill protect Romano first then will torture you he growled in between gasps.

Oh, protecting him is what yer doin now?

Yeah! Ill kill you and turn that ship around, and sail back home! Spain threatened through gritted teeth.

If only Turkey would stop pinning him down with his oafish weight.

Heh, cute. Ya know full well how hard it is for me to be killed.

Dont you dare touch Romano!

Or else what? He yanked Spains head backward, stopping him from even attempting to headbutt him. Nations pay me tribute for me to consider doing what they wish me to do. Ya got nothing, I already stripped yer ship off the cargo.

Spain squirmed under Turkeys bulk, angry for being so close he could feel his breath on his neck but couldnt land a good blow from that position.

And his frustration was building up further for his body feeling warmer by the close contact.

So, what do ya got to offer?

The low voice by his ear made him shiver, which only irritated him further, as it was not out of fear.

And Turkey had said that theyre sailing to Naples waters. If he wont act fast, it might be too late, he thought. And he cant hope to beat him in a fight like this

If you turn the ship awayIll give you what perverts like you want, he answered quietly, wishing he could speak words that he himself couldnt hear.

There was no answer from Turkey. Spain wished hed let go of his hair to be able to hide his burning face on the bloodied floor for a second.

Turkey did just that, letting Spain move his head as he wished but not much else. He still kept his knees planted by Spains hips, and now his hands where pressing heavily against the shoulders.

Perverts like me? Rich, comin from the guy whos offerin somethin like that.

Dont you dare say Id want such a sacrilege! Im not like you and France. Im a servant the Father, the Son and-

And Austrias dick.

Spain tried to push himself up again, growling were married- only to get slammed back down and pinned with more strength, chest hitting the surface with a loud thud filling the room.

He scrunched up his bruised face, but wanting to both confirm his suspicion and to prove a point, he lifted his lower back between Turkeys thighs.

He quietly gulped, his suspicion was right.

So how do you explain already getting like this? Other than that youre a pervert and you have the Devils blood in your veins?

The bigger pressure between their bodies made Turkey aware of his growing bulge. He move himself slightly up, reaching lower and yanking Spains breeches down.

Cause of what ya said! Anyone would react to that. But

Spain had frozen up in surprise to respond, not moving a muscle for a second even though one of his shoulder was no longer being held down.

whats yer excuse?

Spain gritted his teeth, feeling a large hand feeling up his own hardening cock.

Liar! I felt it against me even before I had said anything-

Thats not the answer to my question.

Before Spain could retaliate with words and an elbow, he found himself being flipped over, the back on his head knocking the floor.

But right then, he managed to land a quick, good punch right onto his attackers mouth. The pang on his knuckles felt more than worth it.

Turkey laughed, like he usually did after a worthy blow, wasting no time to grab both Spains wrists in his hands, trapping him in place again.

Spain snarled, showing bloodied teeth. His glare was shining with hatred in the dim room.

And almost fully hard. He had his fury focused on Turkey to not direct it to himself for letting such a brute affect him like this. Austria would be disgusted, he thought. And then wished hed quit thinking of his spouse right now. He was feeling sinful and shamefully exposed as it was.

And Turkey didnt seem to get any less excited by the displays of defiance.

Quit strugglin, and Ill turn the ship back to neutral shores. Then will sail back home without you. What do ya say?

Spain kept his frown, but his muscles loosened slightly. Despite Turkey being the antichrist himself, he was known for keeping his promises.

Break your word, and Ill never rest until your capital is burning to cinders.

Its to keep Romano safe. That what he kept on telling himself. Turkey simply grinned down at him, letting go of Spains shoulders.

For a moment, Spain wondered why Turkey even offered to retreat if he stops resisting. There is no way he could physically stop him from doing what he wants with him, either way.

His confusion gave away for astonishment from his breeches being yanked down to his ankles, uncovering him even more. His instinct was to try and push Turkey off, but he stopped himself from reacting.

Not that he had much time to, because Turkey didnt even bother to remove anything else but Spains pants, just so he could settle well between his legs.

Unbutton yer shirt, and make it quick.

Why, you can do what you have to do with it still on.

Maybe I wanna see if ya still got scars from our last battle. Just do it!

Spain frowned, but he started doing as told, partly to show him that Turkey hadnt left him with any long lasting wounds and partly because he mightve been feeling too hot now

But he felt too embarrassed doing this. He wished Turkey had torn his shirt by force. Better a ruined shirt than this shame. He didnt want to know if Turkey was enjoying the view or not, so he averted his gaze.

He couldnt help but stare when he noticed Turkey sitting up to remove his own shirt and robes.

Heh, you can touch, no need to just stare.

Spain landed him a punch in the stomach. Technically, he did as Turkey said, and not out of struggling.

Which earned him a smack across the face, his cheek hitting on the flooring, splattering more blood n it. He groaned, cursing the how Turkeys slaps could hurt more than punches.

He leered, and next thing he saw was Turkey still sitting upwards, having exposed his own cock. The way he was position seemed like he was trying to draw Spains full attention to it. Which worked, as he found himself unable to look away, noticing how it wasnt wholly erect yet, and still appeared to be bigger than anyones hes been with.

He told himself that he had just gulped from discomfort and not arousal.

Get me ready.

Do it yourself!

Listen here, little shit. Right now, ya only do as I say. Go with my terms, if ya still want me to hold my end of the bargain.

Spain fell quiet. He slowly reached out, torn between looking away while doing it, glare defiantly, or focus on his hand. He did all three within a few seconds, until he had his fingers wrapped around the girth.

Spain decided to keep his eyes on his task and avoid Turkeys eyes at all costs.

This is wrong, he kept on repeating on his head while stroking. Wrong that he was doing it, wrong that it was his unholy enemy, wrong that he was fascinated at the feel of Turkeys cock hardening under his touch.

He started calculating how many Hail Marys he should do later, to take those thoughts away, disconnect from what he was doing.

Feeling a hint of wetness in his hand brought him back to reality. Turkey was fully hard now, but Spains strokes were now smoother, coating the shaft with precum. His heart beat faster at the implications.

He felt Turkey shifting back, moving away from Spains grasp and settling between his thighs, making him stop and look up despite himself. Turkey looked pleased, if anything.

Want to return the favor, but seems yer pretty much ready.

Spain didnt want to look at himself to confirm what Turkey was claiming. He was ashamed more than enough already.

Because you were rutting right there, beast. Just get this over with.

Alright. Spread nice and wide for me.

If the circumstances were different, Spain would refuse and make Turkey do it himself, even if it meant worse pain for himself. But now he complied, looking away while doing so.

He still threw a glance up for a second. Despite the mask, he could tell Turkey was more affected by the display than he let on. It gave him an odd sense of pride, which would cost him another hour of praying on Rosmaries.

Can tell you havent submitted many times before, Turkey stated, and proceeded to adjust Spains lower body to a better angle. When was it the last time?

None of your business.

Turkey seemed to not mind the non-answer, he was probably too satisfied to know it was rare for Spain to be taken.

There was more movement over him with Turkey holding one of Spains spread legs higher while steadying his own body. Spains heart raced, feeling Turkey positioning himself.

He focused on one of the lit lamps in the room, wishing Turkey would do it as fast as possible, without giving him any time for resisting. But he was having enough seconds to push or protest, feeling the tip rubbing against his skin trying to find access.

This must be why Turkey wanted his consent, the thought. It was way more humiliating for him to willingly lie down, open up, feel Turkeys cock ready to push inside him and do nothing about it. He cant tell himself that it was out utterly beyond his control.

Especially while feeling the burning sensation of the head pressing in, and all he can do is grit his teeth, despite not being tied and chained like he was in Englands fleet. Even he did a last attempt at fighting him off with all his might, Turkey was too strong to be pushed away, and hed force himself on him using his strength alone.

The thought made him shudder, and not out of fear.

Spain tried to keep his expression as calm as possible, he didnt want to give him the satisfaction of feeling any pain from this. Even though it seemed Turkey wasnt exactly trying to do so, pretty much trying to slowly sheathe himself.

He felt Turkeys pelvis press against his hips for the first time, and he squinted for just a second. He was certainly the biggest he had taken thus far, certainly painful despite the bit of lubrication, but Spain had a remarkable pain tolerance, and he could for sure endure it.

The he felt Turkeys hand stroking his cock and he had to snap his attention back to their bodies.

Hey! Quit it!

But Turkey of course didnt listen, he just kept on pumping Spains softening erection while sliding himself back for another, quicker push. Spain wished he had stayed hard just to not betray he had felt any hurt.

Turkeys hand felt tight, enveloping and coarse, nothing like Austrias soft and skillful ones. But right now it was this kind of treatment that was gradually getting him hard again. He was about to say something about brutish hands, but a stronger thrust cut him off.

He decided to not speak until he was sure he wouldnt let any unwanted sounds out. It seemed Turkey was setting a pace of deep, hard thrusts followed by slow sliding almost all the way out. At least he had stopped stroking him now, it made keeping quiet a harder task than it already was.

Which made the sensation from the next rough plunge feel even more wrong. He was no longer getting his cock stimulated, so the spike of pleasure was all coming from Turkey shoving himself inside him.

Turkey must have noticed it somehow, because after withdrawing again, he aimed for the same angle and thrusted hard enough to fill the quietness with the sound of the impact.

It was still giving him searing pain, which he could handle, but the shame from the pleasure was something he could hardly bear with.

Turkey didnt have the same qualms on letting his own enjoyment to be heard, letting gradually more groans and quiet moans on each new shove.

Spain was sure he was bleeding, which he knew would make this even more painful. But for now it seemed the Turkey started taking advantage of the temporary lubrication and had started shifting his pace into a faster one, with shorter and quick thrusts.

He couldnt help but part his lips to breathe more easily, there was no way Spain could slow down his quickened breathing. He could hear Turkey doing the same while he was picking up the speed more. He tried to dig his nails into the wooden floor, feeling more stimulation from the fast pounding.

Youll get ten times worse!

Now that he had managed to speak, Spain dared to meet Turkeys eyes, fixing him with a furious look.

Turkey laughed, not losing the tempo as he kept pumping away. Instead of answering, he grabbed Spain by the waist, and begun pushing him onto himself, making him meet his thrusts again and again.

Though youd be much rougher than you act!

Hah! If ya want it harder just say so

Turkey slightly slowed down his movements, in exchange of slamming deeper with more force, his grip clinging onto Spains sides.

Spain wondered if rolling his hips while being pulled would make Turkey finish quicker. The fact that part of him wanted it to last longer made him glare up at Turkey with even more hate.

Had enough?

...Not even close!

A gasp escaped him once he finished answering. He hoped Turkey didnt notice, but most coherent thought was leaving him. He actually started wanting to lose himself in it. Being unable to think is much better than the suffering of shame.

Spain felt his body no longer getting driven onto Turkeys pounding, and saw him moving over him and place his arms on each side of Spains frame, bringing their bodies closer.

Spain let himself be more vocal, hoping the constant loud slapping would cover too loud moans, though he could hear Turkeys own well enough. But he was starting to care less and less about his reactions the more relentlessly Turkey would move his hips.

His moans grew louder and his breathing panting and it became too hard to keep his angry gaze steady. After a few more rough pumps, Spains muscles tensed and shivered all over, and he wrapped his legs around Turkeys back without thinking, his nails leaving scratches on the floor. The heady smell of the blood still on it and on himself from the previous beating felt stronger to him, making him move his hips to meet Turkeys strokes.

Turkey must had enjoyed that change, if the long groan was any indication, but he hardly paid much attention to that now, only making sure to keep making their bodies meet and get more and more out of it. He lifted his hands to start gripping and clawing onto Turkeys bare shoulders instead. Feeling them start to bleed between his fingers had him gasping.

Touch yourself

Spain wouldnt even think of doing so a few minutes earlier, but now he just wanted more and more stimulation. He reached between their moving bodies and started stroking his shaft eagerly.

He threw his head back, lost to the rapidly rising sensations, with no care about his louder voice or the pain from the violent pounding or the guilt anymore. The noise from their moaning and the frenzied thrusting along with the smell of blood were overflowing his senses, his nails tearing Turkeys skin open.

He saw Turkey suddenly stilling over him, his hips trembling, but Spain kept on pumping himself the same. He quickened his strokes at the feeling of Turkeys length pulsing up inside him.

Turkey moved again, forcing his cock to the hilt in his following thrusts while coming inside the tightness. The sensation made Spain curse through his teeth, closing his eyes shut.

He could barely notice that Turkey was by now slowing down to a stop when orgasm hit him too, spilling over his own stomach and chest. His muscles spasmed, jolting up as he stroke his cock to total release.

When he finally collapsed, all sprawled out but his legs, he kept his eyes closed, just letting himself ride out the aftershocks.

He opened them again when he felt Turkey pulling out. He was every bit as winded as he was.

Wait here till I tell em were changing the course.