Tree Removal Palo Alto

Tips To Achieve Better Tree Pruning In Palo Alto Tree Pruning in Palo Alto is one of the things, part of the maintenance of the tree, which is essential to its proper development. Of course, if you don’t do it you won’t be damaging the plant, but you would definitely enhance its qualities if you do so. The main idea behind this process is to naturally encourage the growth of the crown by creating opportunities for rapid development. There are several tips and tricks which would allow you to exercise this endeavor a lot more successful. 1. Take off Branches Which Cross Each other The reasons for this are variable. Right of the bat, branches which cross each other are mutually impairing their growth. This means that one of the branches is going to limit the development of the other and vice versa. This is ultimately going to impact the growth of the entire crown and you should do whatever you can to avoid it. Tree Pruning in Palo Alto is the way to go in situations like this. Call in the specialists when you know that your tree is veering off and proper pruning is needed. 2. Eliminate Dead Branches Dead branches pose a threat to citizens. This is due to the fact that they can easily fall off and injure someone walking underneath. In order to prevent this from happening keep a regular look on the tree and make sure that all dead branches are timely cut. Not only are you eliminating a potential health hazard, but you are also helping the tree to reach its potential. 3. Do Not Prune More Than A Fourth of The Crown Whenever you decide to start Tree Pruning in Palo Alto, make sure that you are removing no more than one fourth of the crown. If you need to cut more than that it is highly advisable and practically mandatory if you want to help your plant instead of damaging it, to do it over a few years. This way you will properly stimulate the growth of the tree without damaging it in any way. This will help the tree stay healthy. 4. Keep A Distance Between Lateral Branches This is incredibly important part of Tree Pruning in Palo Alto. It relates mostly to young trees but it should be taken into consideration with plants of age as well. This would allow proper air flow which thrives in preventing different tree diseases. The increased air flow through the crown of the tree is also going to properly enhance its development and you would definitely decrease the time for which the tree is going to reach its maximum growth point. This is extremely helpful, especially if you have planted the tree to supply you with some sort of fruit, for instance, because you would be able to start collecting the fruits a lot faster than before.


Bay Area Tree Specialists 490 S. California Ave Palo Alto, CA 94036 (650) 353-5671 We specialize in comprehensive quality tree services in Palo Alto Bay Area. As an experienced arborist, we offer residential and commercial tree services such as tree trimming, tree pruning, tree removal and more.

Transcript of Tree Removal Palo Alto

Page 1: Tree Removal Palo Alto

Tips To Achieve Better Tree Pruning In Palo Alto

Tree Pruning in Palo Alto is one of the things, part of the maintenance of the tree, which

is essential to its proper development. Of course, if you don’t do it you won’t be

damaging the plant, but you would definitely enhance its qualities if you do so. The main

idea behind this process is to naturally encourage the growth of the crown by creating

opportunities for rapid development. There are several tips and tricks which would allow

you to exercise this endeavor a lot more successful.

1. Take off Branches Which Cross Each other

The reasons for this are variable. Right of the bat, branches which cross each other are

mutually impairing their growth. This means that one of the branches is going to limit the

development of the other and vice versa. This is ultimately going to impact the growth of

the entire crown and you should do whatever you can to avoid it. Tree Pruning in Palo

Alto is the way to go in situations like this. Call in the specialists when you know that

your tree is veering off and proper pruning is needed.

2. Eliminate Dead Branches

Dead branches pose a threat to citizens. This is due to the fact that they can easily fall

off and injure someone walking underneath. In order to prevent this from happening

keep a regular look on the tree and make sure that all dead branches are timely cut. Not

only are you eliminating a potential health hazard, but you are also helping the tree to

reach its potential.

3. Do Not Prune More Than A Fourth of The Crown

Whenever you decide to start Tree Pruning in Palo Alto, make sure that you are removing

no more than one fourth of the crown. If you need to cut more than that it is highly

advisable and practically mandatory if you want to help your plant instead of damaging

it, to do it over a few years. This way you will properly stimulate the growth of the tree

without damaging it in any way. This will help the tree stay healthy.

4. Keep A Distance Between Lateral Branches

This is incredibly important part of Tree Pruning in Palo Alto. It relates mostly to young

trees but it should be taken into consideration with plants of age as well. This would

allow proper air flow which thrives in preventing different tree diseases. The increased air

flow through the crown of the tree is also going to properly enhance its development and

you would definitely decrease the time for which the tree is going to reach its maximum

growth point. This is extremely helpful, especially if you have planted the tree to supply

you with some sort of fruit, for instance, because you would be able to start collecting

the fruits a lot faster than before.

Page 2: Tree Removal Palo Alto

Reasons For Tree Pruning In San Jose

There are a variety of reasons for Tree Pruning in San Jose. Every tree demands different

maintenance and it’s important to refer to a specialist about the particular type of plant

that you want to prune. Some of them might require more space between the branches,

while other may not need to be pruned at all and the process can actually be harmful.

Make sure to consult an arborist before you undertake such an endeavor. In fact, if you

don’t worry about spending additional money on garden maintenance, you are better off

if you hire a specialist to handle these sorts of things for you. However, here are some of

the advantages of both trimming and pruning.

1. It’s Aesthetically Pleasing

The fact is that you have probably seen those beautiful gardens where the trees are

formed in a particular shape to complement the overall appear of the building. This is all

thanks to Tree Pruning in San Jose. If done properly, this could allow you to direct the

growth process and shape it in a form of your own preference. This would also allow you

to create different figures of your trees which are going to be appropriate for your garden


2. It Provides Safety

This relates both to the people and to the tree itself. Tree Pruning in San Jose aims to get

rid of any dead or broken branches which may fall off and potentially harm someone who

is passing underneath. In fact, there are numerous cases of cars being broken down by

huge branches falling on top of them.

However, removing dead wood is also beneficial for the tree itself. Dead branches are

often going to be home for a lot of bugs which may spread different infections to the

healthy part of the tree. This could just as well lead to some serious complications and if

you are not cautious with prevention you might lose the plant.

3. Maintain The Shape And Form of The Tree

If you take proper care and exercise adequate Tree Pruning in San Jose your trees are

not going to suffer from any diseases and infections. This would also translate to

incredible development and excellent results. As you may imagine, this would enhance

the overall appeal of your garden which would complement your entire household. After

all, there is nothing that speaks more about a certain house than its garden. This is the

first thing that people notice and as such it’s the prime impression of your home. First

impressions last and if you fail to make a good one, you might never be able to come out

ahead. On the other hand, if your garden is properly conditioned you are definitely going

to astonish your guests.

Page 3: Tree Removal Palo Alto

Why Does Tree Removal Become Necessary?

As unpleasant at it might be sometimes Tree Removal in San Jose is the only option. The

reasons for it might be different but most commonly it’s because tree has gotten too big.

This creates issues with a variety of wiring and cables and it might cause some serious

complications. Another reason for the tree to be removed if it’s its root system has

gotten too large. This might cause dislocated pavements and asphalt cracks which are

ultimately a potential threat to the participants in the transport. Inevitably those trees

have to be removed and its then when people call specialists. Those are called arborists

and they specialized in maintaining different sorts of plants.

However, Tree Removal in San Jose is related with a lot of hard work and some incredibly

specific conducts. If executed properly it won’t hurt the tree which is going to be planted

somewhere else in order to continue its existence. It also creates a lot of benefits for the

area it used to be. The roots release natural substances which enhance the quality of the

soil making it a lot more convenient for future plantations.

Also, if you remove the tree from its roots, the area beneath it is going to be fully usable.

You can either plant another tree there or you can do whatever you find appropriate.

Tree Removal in San Jose is a lot more beneficial than simply cutting the tree at its

lowest point because this would leave the foundation where it was. This is not going to

solve the problems that the root system of the tree was causing and the area is going to

be absolutely unusable. On top of that the tree is going to rot and slowly die out. Another

important aspect is stump removal. The long standing trees have deep rooted roots

which have to be pulled out using heavy duty equipment.

Great care must be exercise when proceeding with Tree Removal in San Jose. The plant

should be carried away on special large trucks. Of course, that would depend on the size

of the tree itself but generally trees that cause problems are considerably large and old.

The necessary precautions have to be taken in order to ensure the safety of the

surroundings and this of the people. It is better if no one is allowed to pass by while the

process takes place.

Even though this would definitely impact the local environment negatively, tree removal

is sometimes the only possible solution. After all, even though trees can be incredibly

helpful there are certain times when they can’t keep on existing on the place they are

and they have to be relocated. Most of the legislative regulations would prohibit cutting

unless it’s the only possible way to get the tree out of the problematic location. Most of

the professional companies apply for permits before they do anything like that.

Page 4: Tree Removal Palo Alto

Reasons To Hire Professional Tree Service In Palo Alto

Almost every house is going to have an adjacent garden which is normally going to be

planted with a few trees. Interestingly enough, when asked about what is the most

important thing in a garden, most of the people tend to answer that this is the tree. Of

course they would think this way – trees are large and they form a major part of each

garden’s landscape. This means that Tree Service in Palo Alto can be a very lucrative

field of expertise. However, it is definitely not an easy one to qualify for. Arborists tend to

undergo long and complicated education courses in order to prepare for this line of work.

And it can’t be any other way – after all, they are going to have to take care of the

proper development of trees, shrubs and all kinds of plants.

If exercised correctly Tree Service in Palo Alto can have an incredible effect on your

garden. Keep in mind that the way your patio looks is going to create the first and likely

one of the most important impressions of everyone who passes by your house. This is

why you want to make sure that it makes a great first impression. After all, this would

inevitably translate to the way that those people would perceive you because you are

ultimately responsible for the way your home looks.

It’s important to match the way your garden looks with the overall appeal of your house.

There are different landscaping approaches and methods of Tree Service in Palo Alto to

do that. For instance, if you have a relative small home that you wish to complement and

to direct the attention towards it, you should consider planting smaller trees, or if there

are already existing ones in your garden – keep them properly trimmed and pruned. This

would create an impression of a bigger home.

On the contrary, if your house is rather large and you wish to create a garden that’s

matching, you would want to have larger plants in it. This would match the appeal that

you home has and most importantly – it’s going to be appropriate. Larger trees are going

to hide a smaller home while smaller trees are going to look absolutely inappropriate and

insignificant to a house with big dimensions. These sorts of things have to be taken into

proper account when you shape your garden.

However, you can easily hire a landscape architect to take care of these things. You can

also contract an arborist to maintain it and to undertake the hard endeavor that is Tree

Service in Palo Alto. Of course, you can always do it yourself but you have to spend a lot

of time in studying and preparation if you are to do it successfully. Make sure that you

compare quotes before you go ahead and hire a licensed service.