Tree Pruning Palo Alto

Why Call In An Arborist In San Jose When You Want A Tree Removed? Both business owners and home owners may need professional tree care San Jose at some point in their lives. There are many reasons for this that can involve taking care of a sick tree and nursing it back to health, dealing with an insect infestation or taking care of other types of greenery. Many people will take care of these tasks themselves in an attempt to save money, but there’s one task that no unqualified person should take on their own: tree removal. If you require tree removal, it’s important to hire a trained arborist in San Jose. There are a variety of reasons why tree removal should only be taken care of by a qualified arborist in San Jose. One of the biggest reasons deals with safety. It can be unsafe to remove a tree when you’re not trained to do so. It can be unsafe for you, the person trying to remove the tree, and any unsuspecting spectators or even people who happen to live and work in the same area. While some tree care in San Jose can be handled by the do it yourselfer, removal of a tree should not be one of those tasks. Not only can you get hurt but it can be difficult to remove a big tree all on your own. When you cut it down, it can fall on you or your home, and the damage can be irreparable. Thus, consulting a tree specialist becomes an essential part of your planning. You can dial in your local service agency and get the references or call them in to do it. If you’re thinking of removing a tree because it’s diseased, see if the tree can be saved through treatment first. This is especially true if the tree is large and established. Removing a tree shouldn’t be something that is done on a whim. Trees serve a lot of purposes. Of course, they are aesthetically pleasing. They look nice and can add much to a neighborhood that concrete blocks and manmade buildings can’t. Any added greenery makes a business or home look nice. Trees also serve practical purposed. They provide shade and protection from the elements. They also help clean the air and release oxygen that most living things need to survive. Trees are also an important factor in preventing the erosion of soil and damage caused by soil erosion. Proactive tree care in San Jose can keep trees on your property healthy and reduce the chance of them becoming so diseased that there’s no other option but to remove them. A dead, dying or seriously diseased tree can pose a safety hazard to people on your property since you’ll never know when the tree will collapse injuring a passerby or causing damage to property. A diseased tree may need to be removed in order to prevent the disease from spreading to other trees.


Bay Area Tree Specialists 490 S. California Ave Palo Alto, CA 94036 (650) 353-5671 We specialize in comprehensive quality tree services in Palo Alto Bay Area. As an experienced arborist, we offer residential and commercial tree services such as tree trimming, tree pruning, tree removal and more.

Transcript of Tree Pruning Palo Alto

Page 1: Tree Pruning Palo Alto

Why Call In An Arborist In San Jose When You Want A Tree Removed?

Both business owners and home owners may need professional tree care San Jose at some

point in their lives. There are many reasons for this that can involve taking care of a sick

tree and nursing it back to health, dealing with an insect infestation or taking care of other

types of greenery. Many people will take care of these tasks themselves in an attempt to

save money, but there’s one task that no unqualified person should take on their own: tree

removal. If you require tree removal, it’s important to hire a trained arborist in San Jose.

There are a variety of reasons why tree removal should only be taken care of by a qualified

arborist in San Jose. One of the biggest reasons deals with safety. It can be unsafe to

remove a tree when you’re not trained to do so. It can be unsafe for you, the person trying

to remove the tree, and any unsuspecting spectators or even people who happen to live and

work in the same area. While some tree care in San Jose can be handled by the do it

yourselfer, removal of a tree should not be one of those tasks.

Not only can you get hurt but it can be difficult to remove a big tree all on your own. When

you cut it down, it can fall on you or your home, and the damage can be irreparable. Thus,

consulting a tree specialist becomes an essential part of your planning. You can dial in your

local service agency and get the references or call them in to do it.

If you’re thinking of removing a tree because it’s diseased, see if the tree can be saved

through treatment first. This is especially true if the tree is large and established. Removing

a tree shouldn’t be something that is done on a whim. Trees serve a lot of purposes. Of

course, they are aesthetically pleasing. They look nice and can add much to a neighborhood

that concrete blocks and manmade buildings can’t. Any added greenery makes a business

or home look nice. Trees also serve practical purposed. They provide shade and protection

from the elements. They also help clean the air and release oxygen that most living things

need to survive. Trees are also an important factor in preventing the erosion of soil and

damage caused by soil erosion.

Proactive tree care in San Jose can keep trees on your property healthy and reduce the

chance of them becoming so diseased that there’s no other option but to remove them. A

dead, dying or seriously diseased tree can pose a safety hazard to people on your property

since you’ll never know when the tree will collapse injuring a passerby or causing damage to

property. A diseased tree may need to be removed in order to prevent the disease from

spreading to other trees.

Page 2: Tree Pruning Palo Alto

Why It Is Important To Get Professional Tree Pruning Service In San Jose?

Tree pruning in San Jose is a task that many people can do themselves if they’ve done a

little bit of reading on the subject and if the pruning that needs to be done isn’t to

extensive. Tree removal in San Jose requires a bit more skill. A skilled do it yourselfer can

often remove a smaller tree without injury to themselves or damage to property. However,

the larger the tree, the more important it is to get professional help with the project.

Professionals are skilled in tree removal in San Joseand know how to do so safely and in

such a way that damage to property is reduced and often completely eliminated. If you

need tree removal San Jose, especially if you need to remove a large tree, it’s best to get

professional help.

Tree pruning in San Jose, if it’s done on smaller trees, can be done by a person with

minimal skill or training in the area. It will require reading up a few pruning tips in order to

understand enough to remove some of the unwanted branches in a tree. Pruning of larger

tree, especially of branches that are high of the ground, are often more challenging for a do

it yourselfer. An unskilled person could easily injure themselves. They could misjudge the

way the branches fall which could result in cars and other property getting damaged, or

people getting hurt.

Whether you need to prune the tree or remove it, the first step is to always assess what

needs to be done.Sometimes you’ll be able to do the assessment yourself if you know what

you’re looking for. If you’re uncertain, you can always get a professional arborist to provide

an estimate of services. An arborist can come in and take a look at your tree to see if it

requires pruning or cutting down, and often these services are provided free of charge. Do

not expect the arborist to provide tips on how to do the project yourself for free. They will

charge a consultation fee.

If you’re self-assessing the project, examine every part of what needs to be done to prune

or remove the tree. This can help you decide if you should take on the tree removal in San

Joseproject yourself or if it’s too complicated or dangerous for an amateur to do. If it is, you

can contact a professional arborist to find out the cost of the services provided and when

the arborist can get the job done. An arborist will usually need to look at the tree in order to

provide a cost. It is best to browse online and then shortlist a few agencies. It is best to

save when you compare prices. That will help you get the best deal.

Page 3: Tree Pruning Palo Alto

Reasons To Call In A Tree Service In San Jose

There are different types of tree service in San Jose. Most of the tree service involves taking

care of the trees after they’ve been planted and have become established on a piece of

property. Other types of tree servicein San Jose involve design of a garden including trees

as well helping individuals choose the types of trees that are suitable for the climate, the

property and the purpose the tree is serve in the yard or garden.

It’s common knowledge that trees can be a great part of a property. They’re one of the

easiest and most effective ways to beautify a piece of land and they provide practical

benefits as well. They provide shade in the summer and when the weather gets cooler, they

provide wind protection. Trees can enhance privacy and can sometimes even increase the

value of real estate in certain areas.

Unlike flowers, trees are a permanent part of the landscape. The type of tree that’s chosen

for your property could have repercussions, both positive and negative, for years to come.

It’s important to take into consideration growth habits, care requirements, size and shape of

the tree or trees you plan to add to your property. Tree service in San Jose can help with


When asking a professional for help, they’ll walk you through the selection process. It is still

a good idea to know what‘s going on and what to expect when going through the tree

selection process. Most of the tree services in San Jose are connected to arborists in the

area. You can hire the services of a tree service and get access to a team of tree specialists.

This will help you get the information that you are seeking.

First you need to figure out if the tree is appropriate for your property and if it’s going to

work for your needs. Obviously the climate in San Jose is going to be a factor. Not all places

will sell you trees that’ll thrive in San Jose weather, even if the place you’re buying your

tree from is local. If you’re trying to buy trees and plant them yourself at a discount, you

may be able to find trees and big box department stores. Not all the trees sold there will

thrive in the San Jose climate. If you want better quality trees that are more carefully

selected depending on area, then it’s better to visit a local greenhouse.

Soil also plays a factor in determining the type of tree that’ll work best on your property.

Tree species have designated hardiness zones that take into account an area’s climate and

soil. Some tree service in San Jose offers the service of helping you select a tree that best

works for you and will be able to explain to you what tree hardiness zone ratings mean and

how they’re calculated.

Page 4: Tree Pruning Palo Alto

Tree Trimming San Jose

When it comes to the care and maintenance of trees in San Jose, there are a variety of

steps that are needed to ensure that the trees are as health as possible. Pruning and tree

trimming San Jose are a couple of ways to keep a tree in top healthy form.

The reasons for tree trimming San Jose vary and can involve working with dying, dead or

diseased trees. Tree trimming can be done to shape or design the tree. It can be done to

reduce the height of a tree, remove diseased branches or branches damaged by a storm, to

reduce the height of a tree, to remove any obstructing branches (usually the lower ones) or

to the thin the crown of the tree so that the tree gets better circulation which stimulates

new growth.

Once you make the decision as to whether or not a tree needs to be pruned or trimmed,

your next decision is to figure out if you’re going to do the job yourself or if you want to hire

professional tree trimming San Jose services. Smaller tree pruning jobs can be done on your

own. It’s best to hire a professional if you’re working with a large tree, especially if you

need to remove big branches from the top part of the tree. When working with large trees,

climbing and the use of heavy saws and chain saws is common which increases the risk of

injury if an inexperienced person tries to do this.

If you’ve decided to take on the trimming task yourself, remember that the key to pruning

is to remove any unwanted parts of the tree in such a way that the stem or trunk of the

wood is protected. Branches of trees grow from stems at nodes and this is the location

where trimming takes place. Pruning is done on the side of the branch node. All pruning

needs to be done on the side of the stem collar which is the lip of tissue that separates the

branches and the stems of a tree. It grows our from the stem at the bottom of the branch.

Pruning is done on the side of the branch collar to protect the stem so that the tree can heal

better after the trimming.

A certain technique needs to be followed in order to prevent tearing of the wood and bark.

Cuts need to be done in threes beginning with a wedge cut.