Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in...

MULTILATERAL Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Teste in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water Done at Morcow Augwt 5, 1963; Ratification ado&d by the Senate of the United St&- of America September 24, 1963; Ratified by the President oj the United States of America October 7, 1963; Ratification* of the Governmen& oj the United Sb&a o/ Rmericn, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the Union of Sooief So&& Republicc deporited with he *aid Govemmen~r 41 Wa&ington, London, and MOMOW October 10, 1963; Proclaimed by rhe Prerident of the United Stati of America Otto- ber IO, 1963; Entered into force October 10, 1963. . (1313) TIM 5433

Transcript of Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in...

  • MULTILATERAL Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Teste in the Atmosphere,

    in Outer Space and Under Water

    Done at Morcow Augwt 5, 1963; Ratification ado&d by the Senate of the United St&- of America

    September 24, 1963; Ratified by the President oj the United States of America October 7,

    1963; Ratification* of the Governmen& oj the United Sb&a o/ Rmericn,

    the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the Union of Sooief So&& Republicc deporited with he *aid Govemmen~r 41 Wa&ington, London, and MOMOW October 10, 1963;

    Proclaimed by rhe Prerident of the United Stati of America Otto- ber IO, 1963;

    Entered into force October 10, 1963. .

    (1313) TIM 5433

  • 1314 U.S. Treaks and Ollw Inlemafzonal Agrcemetis [14 trsr -

    CONTENTS [Added br tbe Depsrtmeat of State]

    I’rocl~~~nntio~~ of tbe Treaty by the Presrdent of the United States of Alllrrlco. ocmbcr 10. 1963 . . . 131~132fi

    Englirh tcl\t of tbe Treatr . . 13111

    Rwsrnu teu of the Treaty . . . . . 1320

    Swntrmx nt%ed to the Treaty at \\‘ashln,qton

    To tlw English test . . . . . 132s

    To rhr Russlen text . . . . . . . . . 13s

    Xote br thr Dqw-tment of State . . . . , . . 1380

    Narues and UUes of tbe prlnclpal negotiators of the Unlted States. tbe United Kingdom. and the tinlon of Sorlet SodalIst Re- pub&e who InItIaled the English and Russlsn texts at Moscow ln the bOttOtU margin Of aCh page ou July 2% 1963

    Xames and titles of the plenIpotentlarks who slsed the Treaty at Mcecow on Auyst 6, 1983

    Names of the plealpotentiarlea who sIgned the Treaty at Waablngton August wktober 8.1889

    TIAS 5433

  • ,, l.S~ ] Mullilaleral--h’uclear Il’eapon Tests Ban-Aug. 5, 1969 1315



    WEREAS the Treaty banning nuclear “eaoo” teats in the

    atmosphere, in cuter space and under water wa* signed at kbacow

    on August 5, 1963 by the respective plenlpotentlarlcs of the

    United States of America, the United Kingdom of Oreat Britain

    and Northern Ireland, and the Union of Soviet Sociallet Republics,

    and was thereafter opened to other States for algnature at

    Washington, Lomlon, and Moscow;

    WHEREAS the text of the Treaty, in the English and Ruaslan

    languages, aa certified by the Department of State of the United

    State8 of America, 18 rord for word 88 followe:

    TIAS 643

  • 1316 US Trmfies and Other Znfernatzonal Agreements 114 US -

    The CovernrPentm of the United States of America, the United KinSdon of Gnat Britain and liorthsm Ireland, and the Un.i.on of Soviet Soclallst RagublAcs, hereinafter referred to as the "OrlSinal Port1.e".

    Proclaiming as their principal aim the speediest possible acbiwemnt of en a@"e.emnt on Ssneral and canplete dlsannament under strict international control in accordance with the objectives of the United Natlone which would put an end to tl-,e mxaaments rmce and eliminate the incentive to the production and test- of all klnds of reapons, lnclud3.q nuclear weapons,

    &eking to achieve the discontinuance of all test erp1osion.a of nuclesr.a.pons for all tins, dets&ed to continue naSotiatiam to this and, and dealring to put an end to the contaminatim of man'8 ermi-ant by radioactive substancbs.

    Have agreed as followsr

    Articl* I

    1. Each of the Partiem to thls Treaty undertakes to I pmhlblt, to prevent, md not to carry out sry nuclear I weapon test erploslon, or any other nuclssr explosion. at any place under it8 jurisdiction or contmlr I

    (a) in the stmoapbem( bqand ita llmite, includFng 1 outer space1 or undamter, lmcludlng terdtorial raters or hi&b sms; or


  • , r-s~l ,~I~~I/~lnferal-h’ucl~s Weapon Tesk Ban-Aug. 5, 1963 1317 --

    (b) in my othsl- QVii-OIlWXttif Such elploSiCOl CaUBeB radioactivs debris to be present outside the territorial l-its ,,fUx State under whose jtisdlction or control sioh erplooi~ 1s conducted. It 18 understood ID this connection that the pr~vlsiops of this mubparaSmph are without pmjudlcc t., the conclusion of a treaty resulting in the pe-ant bm of all nuclear test erploslorrs, FncludlnS all such ~rplosions underground, the concluai~n of which, M the ~.,-ties have atatsd In the Preamble to this Treaty. they seek to achieve.

    2. Each of the Partlss to this Treaty undertakea fkrthemore to refrain from CauSi.n&. encouraging, or in my way participating in, the cwrrylng out of anj nuclear reapon test cxploslon, OP any other nuclear explosion, ayuhem which would take place in ary of the mvironmsnts described, or have the effect refsnad to, In paragraph 1 of this *I-tiic1*.

    1. AnyPmHq~pr?Jpae ammkdmmtsto this Treaty. The text of my pmp~osed rrnendrmt shall be submitted to the Depositary Covsnmaats which aball circulate it to ill Parties to thin Treaty. l'hex%.fter, if mqueated to do so by one-thlnl or more 0r the Pmrti~a, the Dqosituy Covementa h&ll CCQS'QO . confea'~ce, to which they &ml1 invita all the Partlee, to canaider such snmdment.

    2. Arqamndmenttotble hua+qluetbe approvedby a majority of the votes of all the Parties to this Treaty, the votea orrall of the OrigInal Partiea. The QQdnQt ahall antOr Into fore. for aill Parties upon the


  • 1318 U.S. Treattes and Other In.lertu&mal Agreemenis [14 UST

    deposit of instxuments of ratification by a majority of-all the Parties, IncludinS the instruments of ratification of all of the [email protected] Parties.

    Art&l-e III

    1. Yhis Treaty shall be open to all States for signature. Any State which does not S~QI this Treaty before its entry into iopce in accordance with parsgraph 3 of this Article may accede to It at an, time.

    2. This Treaty sbnll be subject to ratiflcetion by sl~atory btates. Instmenta of ratification and instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Governnents of the Original Parties -- the United States of America, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Aorthem Ireland, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - which are hereby desi&nated the uepositary Governments.

    3. This Treaty shall enter into force artsr its ratification by all the Original Parties and the deposit of their Instrumenta of ratification.

    4. For States whose instnmsnts of ratification or accession are deposited subsequent to the entqr into fome of this Treaty, it shall enter into xorce on the date of the deposit of their instruments of ratification or accession.

    >. The Depositary tiovemments shall promptly inform all siwtory and awedinS btates of the aate of each si~ature. the date of deposit of each iaatrument of IY&ifiCatiOn Of and accession to thle Treaty, the date of its entry into iome, ma the date of receipt of any requests for confamnces or other notices.

    b. This Treaty ahall be mSlstentd by the uapositarg Governments pursuant to ~rtlcle 102 of the charter of the United Har;lone.['1

    'l-6 993.69 Stat. 1052 TIAS 64S3

  • ,J UST] Mullilateral--Nuclear ll’eapon Tests Ban-Au.g. 5, 196’S 1319

    This Treaty shall be of unLi.mited duration. Each Party ahall l.n ererclsing ita MtikUml SoVerS~ty

    have the right to withdrw from the Treaty If it decides that extraordinary events, related to the subject matter of this Treaty, have jeopardized the sup-e Interests of its c0untl-g. It shall Sirs notice of such withdrawal to all other Partlee to the Treaty three months in advance.

    Article v

    This Tmety, of which the En&linh and Russlfm texts m-e equally authentic, ahssl be deposited in the axchives of the Depositary Governmente. Duly cetilfled copies of thla Treaty sha be transmitted by the llepositax'y Governments to the Governments of the el~patory and acceding States.

    M WITNFSS WHEREOF the undemigned, duly authorized, hnvs signed this Treaty.

    DGWE in triplicate at the city of Moscow the fifth day of Awust , one thousandnine hundred and


    For the tiovemmeat of theUnited States of America

    For the Goveammt zor the Govenum of the Mted -don of the unian of of Great Brltsin and soviet socialht

    horthem Ireland tiep.ablics

  • 1324 U.S. Treaties and Other Intermfional Agreements

    I CERTIFY THAT the foregoing Is a true copy of the Treaty banntng

    nuclear weapon tests tn the atmosphere, In outer space and under water,

    atgned at Moscow on August 5, 196S, on behalf of the Untted States of

    America, the Unlted Kingdom of Great Brttah and Northern Ireland, and

    the Unto” of Soviet Sxlaltst Republics, a signed ortgtnal oi-which Is

    deposited with the Government of tie United States of America and was

    opened for s&nature on behalf of other States at Waehfngton on August 6,



    of Stateof the Unfted mtes of America, have hereunto caused the seal of

    the Department of State to be lIfIxed and my name subscribed by the

    Authentication Officer of the said Department, at the ctty of WashIngton,

    tn the Mstrict of Columbia, this ninth day of August, 1963.

    BY Authentlcntion Officer

    Department of State

  • 1380 U S Treataes and Other Infernational Agreements 114 UST

    , ‘I

    Note by the Department of State

    The text of the Treaty was initialed at Moscow on July 25, 1063, by the principal negotiators of the United States, the UnIted Kingdom, and the SovietUmon, who were:

    W. AVERELL HARRIMAN, Under Secretary of State for Poliii- cd A ffaire for th United Stat%

    LORD HAUHAX, Lord Prekdent of the Cow& and Ninister of Science for th.e United Kingdom

    A. A. GROXYKO, N&.&e? of Foreign Affaira of trle Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

    Names and trtles of the plenipotentiaries who signed the Treaty at Moscow on Au&St 5, 1963:

    For the Government For the Government For the Government. of the United States of the United Kmg of the Union of of America dom of Great Britain Soviet Sktlist Re-

    and Northern Ire pubhcs land

    DEAN RUSK HOICE. A. GROMTICO Secretary of State SecretaT of State Niniater of

    for Foreign Affairs Foreign Affairs

    Names of the plenipotentiaries who signed the Treaty at Washington on the dates indicated:

    For the Government of Australia : HOWARD BEAIZ

    For the Government of Mexico : ANTumo CAIUULLC

    For the Government of Cnnnda: C. S. A. Rrrcnm

    For the Government of New Zealand: QRLAKurCl

    For the Gtovemment of India : BLU K~~AENEEIU~

    For the Government of the Philippines: AMELITO R. Mwc

    August 8,1963

    August 8, 1983

    August 8, 1963

    August 8, 1963

    August a,1963

    August 8, 1963

    TIAE 6488

  • ,, od .~~,,~r,l,,~aral-~uclear ll’eapon Tests Ban-Aug 5, 196S 1381

    _ --- I I

    ~:or I hc Go\ cmment of Italy : Staalo FEXOALTEA

    For t hc Government of Ireland : T. ,J. ICIERNAX.

    For the Government of Afghanistan: Dr. A. MAJID

    For the Government of Rumania : hhcw hf ALmA

    For the Government of Tunisia : 1. KHELIL

    For the Government of Cyprus. ZENON R4xsr~~s

    For the Government of Yugoslavia: V~JKO MI&JNOVI&

    -4ugust 8, 1963

    August 8, 1963

    August 8, 1963

    August 8, 1963

    August 8, 1963

    August 8, 1963

    hugust 8, 1963

    August 8, 1963

    August 8, 1963

    August 8,1963

    August 8, 1963

    August 8.1963

    August 8,1963

    August 8, 1963

  • For the Government of Czechoslovakia: Dr MILOSLAV RIYZEL

    For the Government of Israel : M. GAZZT

    For the Government of Honduras : C%LFXJ Dim

    For the Government of Hungary : RADV~NYI Jixoe

    For the Government of Chile : SEIWIO GIJTIEW-0.

    For t.he Government of Finland :

    For the Government of Brazil : &VlLRn, DE &IVEIRA CAXPOS

    For the Government of Argentina: FERNANW J. TAUEXL

    For the Government of the United Arab Republic :

    Ambaesador MOSTAFA KAXEL

    For the Government of Greece: A. MATMS

    For the Government of Bolivia : ESDELOWA

    For the Government of Turkey : T MENEMENCIC~~LIJ

    For the Government of Sudan : OHADAIU

    For the Government of Ethiopia: B~agarou DIN-

    August 8, 1963

    August 8, 1963

    August 8, 1963

    August 8, 1963

    August 8, 1963

    August 8, 1963

    August 8, 1963

    August 8, 1963

    August 8, 1963

    August 8, 1963

    August 8, 1963

    August 9, 1968

    August 9, 1963

    August 9, 1963

    TIA.8 843S

  • 4 ‘-

    ,, twr] i’vfullzhteral-Nuclear Weapon Tests Ban-Aug. 5, 196.9 1383 .-

    nor the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands:


    For the Government of Denmark. T DAHI~MRCI

    For the Government of Norway : &LF &NCKE

    For the Government of Ghana: M A RIBEIRO

    For the Government of the Congo (Lcopold- vllle) :


    For the Government of Jordan. &AD JUM’A

    For the Government of Uruguay: B. Oc~oxeco

    For the Government of Iceland : THOR THORS

    For the Government of Trinidad and Tobago :


    For the Government of Sweden : J. J. DE D-EL

    For the Government of h : Tuo KHAWAN

    For the Government of -on: IAHDAB

    For the Government of Nicaragua : GUUZRMO SEVJLLA-SACASA

    For the Government of Jamaica: NE- ASHENHEIM

    August 9, 1963

    August 9, 1963

    August 9, 1963

    August 9, 1963

    August 9, 1963

    August 12, 1963

    August 12, 1963

    August 12, 1963

    August 12, 1963

    August 12, 1963

    August 12, 1963

    August 12, 1963

    August 13, 1963

    August 13, 1963


  • For theGovernment of Iraq : ADNAN PACHACEn IFaceldle 6&Mtare In Amble ah.1

    For the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic:

    OMAR ABolJ RIcHi

    For the Government of Costa R~ca: GONZALO J FACIO

    For the Government of Spain : ANTONIO GARRIOUEE

    For the Government of Japan : RXQJI TAKEUCHI

    For the Government of Palostw~ : QAHM-m

    For the Government of Burma : ON SNtN

    For the Gov emment of Qeria: bfOHAlaZD Hoular

    For the Government of Paraguay : JULIOC-

    For the Gxwnment of Venezuela : E TWERA-P.

    For the Govemme~t of Colombia : EDUARDO DDE Bomuo

    For the Government of Libya: TAO=I+J~

    For the Government of the Federal Rapublicofcfermany:


    U S. %x&s and Other Lnkrnatzonal Agreements

    August 13, 1983


    August 13, 1903

    August 13, 1963

    August 13, 1963

    August 14, 1963

    August 14, 1963

    August 14, 1963

    August 14, 1963

    August 15, 1963

    August 16, 1963

    August. 16,lW.a

    August 18, 1963

    August 19, 1963

    TIAS 64%

  • ,, vsrr] Mullilderal --TV le UC ar Il’eapon Tests Ban-Aug 5, 1963 1385 -M-

    par the Government of the Somall Re- public:

    OYAH MortALLIar

    nor the Government of Kuwait. T. GHOUEWEIN [FacaimlIe f&nature lo Arable also 1

    For the Government of El Salvador: F. R LIMA

    J;O~ the Government of Ceylon : M. F. DES. JAYARATNE

    For the Government of Mall . OUMAR sow

    For the Government of Peru : F BERCKEMEYER

    For the Government of the Republic of China:

    TIN~FU I?. TLXAN~ [Facsimile signature In Chinese also.]

    For the Government of Indonesia:

    August 19, 1963

    August 20, 1963


    August 21, 1963

    August 22, 1963

    August 23, 1963

    August 23, 1963

    August 23, 1963

    z ZAIN For the Government of Chad :

    MAIJCK sow

    For the Government of Switzerland : H. K. FREY

    For the Government of blorocoo : bDEsSnDEQ EL MAZOUMI EL GUOUI

    For the Government of Dabomey : G PWANON

    For the Government of Cameroon : J. KIJIXI

    90-086 O-65-9

    August 23, 1963

    August 26, 1963

    August 26, 1963

    August 27, 1963

    August 27, 1963

    August 27, 1963

    TUB ti4lls

  • For the Government of the Rqnblic of Karen :


  • ~tw the Government of the Malagasy I&yiblic:

    I:OI the Gorerument of Guatemala: CAFUX Gawin-BAum

    For the Government of Niger : A. SIDIKOG

    For the Government of Ecuador:


    For the Government of Viet-Kam: N. P. But-HOI

    For the Government of Burundi : PIE MA~UMBKJKO

    For the Government of Portugal. J. DE hfFxEzEB Rosa

    For the Government of Ha&i : ROBERT TH~ARD

    September 17, 1963

    September 18, 1963

    September 18, 1‘963

    September 19, 1963

    September 20, 1963

    September 20, 1963

    September 23, 1963

    September 23, 1963

    September 24, 1963

    September 27, 1963

    October 1, 1963

    October 4, 1963

    October 9, 1963

    October 9, 1963

    TIAS 5433

  • Treaty bannmg nuclear weapon tests m the atmosphere, III ouler space and under water Done at Moscow August 5. 1963, entered mto force October IO. 1963 14 UST 1313. TIAS 5433.480 UNTS 43


    Afghamstan Antigua & Barbuda Argentma Armema Australia Austna Bahamas Bangladesh Belarus Belgium Bemn Bhutan Bohvla Bosma- Herzegovina

    Botswana Brazil Bulgaria Burma Canada Cape Verde CAR Chad Chde Chma Colombia Costa Rica Cote d’lvolre Croatia CYPNs Czech Rep

    Czechoslovakia Denmark Dommlcan Rep Ecuador Egypt El Salvador FIJI Fmland Gabon Gambia Germany,

    Dem Rep Germany,

    Fed Rep Ghana Greece Guatemala Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesta Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamatca Japan Jordan Kenya Korea Kuwatt

    Laos Lebanon Llbena Ltbya Luxembourg Madagascar .Malawl Malaysia Malta Mauntama hlaurmus Mexico Mongoha hlorocio Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nlgerla Norway Paktstan Panama Papua New Gumea Peru Phlllppmes Poland Romania Russian Fed Rwanda San Marmo Senegal Seychelles

    Sierra Leone Singapore Slovak Rep Slovenia South Africa Spaln Sri Lanka Sudan Sunname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Rep Tanzama Thalland Togo Tonga Tnmdad & Tobago Tunlsla Turkey Uganda Ukraine USSR Umted Kmgdom United States Uruguay Venezuela Western Samoa Yemen (Aden) Yugoslavia Zaire Zambia