
Russell Blaylock, MD 1 EBooklet Vol. 1 Russell Blaylock MD Vol. 1 EBOOKLET According to a newly released book “The Day of Islam: The Annihilation of America and the Western World” there is growing evidence that Al-Qaida is planning a series of nuclear attacks, to be launched simultaneously on 7 cities, which include New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Washington, D.C., Houston, Miami, and Boston. According to author Paul Williams, our intelligence community has been aware of this since the early 90s. Further, he says that they will not be satisfied with using “dirty bombs”, but prefer nuclear explosive devices to maximize the destruction and to kill hundreds of thousands, if not millions. Nuclear devices scattered about the United States as proposed would blanket the country in a massive cloud of radioactive fallout. In preparing for such an assault on our country, I began to collect nutritional ways to protect myself and my family from the effects of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. This could mean the difference between surviving an attack or dying at the hands of these barbarians. What many do not realize is that even should you survive such an attack, you may be left severely incapacitated to the point where you will not be able to function for a very long time or even have permanent injuries. This country is still poorly prepared for such attacks, despite numerous specials in the media concerning nuclear terrorism, innumerable federal conferences and billions spent on consultations by so-called experts. Soon after 911, a survey of 224 hospitals throughout the Northwest found that, in terms of administrative plans, training, physical resources and medication inventories, most hospitals were ill prepared. 1 For example, fewer than 20% had plans for a biological or chemical weapons incident and only 12% had one or more self-contained breathing apparatuses. Only 6% had even minimum resources for a hypothetical sarin incident. A mere Protecting yourself against radiological terrorist attacks. Nuclear Sunrise

Transcript of treating-radiation-exposure

  • Russell Blaylock, MD 1 EBooklet Vol. 1

    Russell Blaylock MDVol. 1EB



    According to a newly released book The Day of Islam: The Annihilation of America and the Western World there is growing evidence that Al-Qaida is planning a series of nuclear attacks, to be launched simultaneously on 7 cities, which include New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Washington, D.C., Houston, Miami, and Boston. According to author Paul Williams, our intelligence community has been aware of this since the early 90s. Further, he says that they will not be satisfied with using dirty bombs, but prefer nuclear explosive devices to maximize the destruction and to kill hundreds of thousands, if not millions. Nuclear devices scattered about the United States as proposed would blanket the country in a massive cloud of radioactive fallout.

    In preparing for such an assault on our country, I began to collect nutritional ways to protect myself and my family from the effects of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. This could mean the difference

    between surviving an attack or dying at the hands of these barbarians. What many do not realize is that even should you survive such an attack, you may be left severely incapacitated to the point where you will not be able to function for a very long time or even have permanent injuries.

    This country is still poorly prepared for such attacks, despite numerous specials in the media concerning nuclear terrorism, innumerable federal conferences and billions spent on consultations by so-called experts. Soon after 911, a survey of 224 hospitals throughout the Northwest found that, in terms of administrative plans, training, physical resources and medication inventories, most hospitals were ill prepared.1 For example, fewer than 20% had plans for a biological or chemical weapons incident and only 12% had one or more self-contained breathing apparatuses. Only 6% had even minimum resources for a hypothetical sarin incident. A mere

    Protecting yourself against radiological terrorist attacks.

    N u c l e a r S u n r i s e

  • Russell Blaylock, MD 2 EBooklet Vol. 1

    twenty-nine percent had sufficient atropine to treat fifty cases of sarin exposure and none had pralidox-ime, a drug used to threat this neurotoxin. Some thirty six percent did not have enough ciprofloxacin or doxycycline for 50 victims of anthrax exposure. The conclusion was that most hospitals are not prepared for a major terrorist attack by those using chemical or biological agents.

    Unfortunately, we are not much better off today. While many of the above mentioned deficiencies have been corrected in the major medical centers, a great number of smaller hospitals are ill prepared for a major nuclear or chemical attack or series of attacks. Ironically, the FDA has approved only one treatment for protection against radiation exposure, WR-2721, which affords protection only at doses toxic to people. Likewise, people are even less well prepared, that is, in their homes or work-places, where the most critical first response needs to take place. This is true of both chemical and nuclear exposure, since the most effective protection occurs before exposure or very soon afterwards.

    Following the mass confusion of a nuclear or chemical attack, physician offices, clinics and hospital emergency rooms will be packed and in a state of pandemonium, if open at all. Triage protocol will demand that the worse injured will be seen first and when time is of the essence, you cannot afford to wait hours to be seen, far less treated. And if the treatment is anything like what we witnessed with the anthrax attack, it will be incorrect and possibly dangerous.

    Most chemical agents cause severe damage to the nervous system, resulting in a loss of coordination, damage to the senses, and impairment of cognitive ability (thinking). This could produce blindness, double vision, impaired hearing, intense vertigo, burning in the extremities, or a loss of feeling in the hands and feet. They can also damage the immune system, produce endocrine effects or cause major organ systems to fail. Those injured in the sarin attack on the Tokyo subway are still suffering from major neurological and other health problems.

    The biological agents are designed to either kill or incapacitate for long periods of time. Some of the rickettsaie can cause intense pain, such as with breakbone fever. Others can destroy the immune

    system, produce neurological disorders or result in severe prolonged weakness.

    Intense radiation, such as would be seen following a nuclear attack, can produce bleeding, severe immune suppression, bloody diarrhea,

    vomiting, intense weakness, a loss of hair and teeth, visual loss, and eventually, overwhelming infection. Survivors would be at increased risk of developing cancers, especially those of the bone marrow and lymphatic system (leukemia and lymphoma). No matter the type of weapon used, it is vital that you maximize your nutritional health. For example, it is known that in all epidemics a certain number of people will survive either totally

    unaffected or with minimal effects. Careful studies indicate that these people are the ones in the best health before being exposed, especially those with the greatest immune competence. This is especially true for those exposed to high intensity radiation. The better their antioxidant defenses and cellular health, the more likely they are to survive, and do so with the least amount of both short term and long term ill effects.

    What We Learned from Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina was the 6th strongest Atlantic hurricane ever recorded and the 3rd most powerful to make landfall. Over 1,836 people died within New Orleans and along the Mississippi Gulf Coast. It is estimated that the hurricane did 81 billion dollars in damage. Yet, on a more important scale it demonstrated several things about our ability to deal with a major disaster, a disaster (minus the radiation effect) equal to the detonation of a small nuclear device. The local government in New Orleans was an

  • Russell Blaylock, MD 3 EBooklet Vol. 1

    abysmal failure in that the mayor did not implement any of the emergency procedures that had been previously outlined for such an event. Hundreds of buses sat idle, only to be covered in water. Because so many in New Orleans were accustom to being protected and nurtured by the government they had no idea or inclination as to how to help themselves. As a result many drowned and died. Likewise, the state government under Governor Blanco also sat idle, as we say-like a deer in the headlights. The federal government did little better, even though eventually it did respond.

    Within New Orleans, the basic services quickly broke down, anarchy ruled and the gangs took over the city, victimizing the poor as well as most of the population. Many police abandoned their post and

    headed for the hills, leaving the city unprotected. Several police precincts were hold up in makeshift forts, battling it out with gangs on a daily basis. As night fell, these gangs completely took over the city. The police were virtually helpless, as gangs looted and burned businesses, and raped and murdered its citizens. Those

    herded into the Superdome and other public buildings became victims of rapes, assaults, murder and theft of their meager belongings. Food, water and other essentials were nowhere to be found. The sick and elderly helplessly laid dying on the streets and in shelters.

    Instructive was what happened to the medical care system in New Orleans. I did my medical school training in New Orleans and worked for 4 years at the huge charity hospital, which we called the big free. It was complete choas at best, but over the years it improved considerably.

    With a complete lack of planning, the state-run hospital unthinkingly placed the emergency generators in the basement of the hospital. When the levee broke it was completely filled with water. This left the massive hospital with no power, which was especially essential for operating rooms, respirators and other electrically operated technology. New Orleans Charity quickly became a boiling cauldron, filled with stifling heat and humidity, something deadly to the most ill patients.

    Doctors and nurses worked in this stifling heat, operating respirators by hand and doing what they could to save the patients. At this point the gangs raided the hospital looking for drugs. The medical staff was forced to barricade themselves in rooms for protection. The police were helpless, being without leadership or help of any sort and the National Guard was still being held outside of the city by Louisianas Governor Blanco.

    Eventually, the military saved as many patients as possible by airlifting them from the rooftop by helicopters. Even then the gangs were firing on the helicopters. Here was the citys main hospital of no

    When Katrina hit, over 85 million gallons of water per day leaked into the streets of New Orleans, mostly through broken underground pipes and hydrants.

    A fire started by vandals in downtown New Orleans.

  • Russell Blaylock, MD 4 EBooklet Vol. 1

    use because of the collapse of the local, state and federal government. And things were not much better in the private hospitals either.

    The Baptist Hospital, of which I am quite familiar since one of my grandsons was born there, failed as well. It was without power, doctors and nurses fled (being unable to save the patients), supplies were quickly drained and essential services were nowhere in sight. In desperation, some of the doctors euthanised the sicker patients that would not be expected to survive under such harsh conditions. Here was a state-of-the-art hospital that was quickly turned into a third world primitive hospital or worse. In addition, private doctors offices were abandoned, clinics were ghost towns and a great number of medical personnel had fled the city. Doctors who volunteered to man the shelters were soon overwhelmed and in danger of losing their lives from

    gang violence. Many fled out of fear of being murdered.

    The breakdown of the water system left much of the city without drinking water and dehydration deaths were climbing, especially among babies, small children and the elderly. Likewise, loss of the sewer system meant a back up of sewage throughout the city, with a real danger of epidemics of infectious disease. Again, city and state officials were helpless because of incompetence and decades of corruption.

    The few hospitals that were operating soon found they were running short of medical supplies, which could not enter the city. (This would be a major problem with a nuclear attack.) Thousands of people found that they could not get their essential prescription medications filled because most of the pharmacies were closed or looted by gangs.

    The fact that in many large cities, the medical facilities are crowded into the center of the city makes the entire city vulnerable to similar nightmares. For example, in Chicago, Northwestern Memorial Hospital along with a cluster of other large hospitals are situated deep in the city and provide most of the citys acute health care. A nuclear blast in downtown Chicago would leave the city without healthcare.

    One factor often forgotten is than in the US hospitals occupancy, because of government policy (which is supported by the AMA), approaches 80 to 90% at all times. What this means is that in a time of emergency, there would be few beds available. I have worked many years in emergency rooms around the country and I can assure you, that when there is even a small group of simultaneous causalities, the ER goes insane and is usually overwhelmed. We were always scrambling for beds, especially ICU beds. You cant just start throwing out ICU patients to make room for new patients.

    Remember, in a nuclear emergency there will be tens of thousands of burn and trauma victims. Where will they go? During Katrina, hospitals in surrounding cities and even states were overwhelmed by patients being transferred from New Orleans hospitals.



    Upwards of 26,000 people took refuge in the Superdome during and after Katrina. Within a few days over 100 of those people would die mostly due to limited access to water and proper medical care.

    Number of Deaths


    Cost of Damages

    $81.2 Billion

    Number ofHomes Destroyed

    350,000 +

    Homes and BusinessesWithout Power

    2,000,000 +

  • Russell Blaylock, MD 5 EBooklet Vol. 1

    In addition, most hospitals do not have doctors who live in the hospital; they have to drive in from their homes or offices. During a nuclear attack, they would be unable to get to the hospital and most will be more concerned with finding their own families.

    What all this means is that you will need to learn some basic health measures so that you can care for your family at home. When I grew up, we rarely saw a doctor and never saw the inside of an emergency room. This is because for most illnesses and injuries our mother and/or father took care of us. Today mothers race to the ER or the doctors office with even the most insignificant problem. Parents are no longer skilled in basic health care.

    What Katrina taught us is that even in modern times, every point of civilized existence can disappear in the blink of an eye and you will find yourself dependent on your own skills and abilities to cope.

    Now let us look at what we can do to prevent these horrible effects.


    I will focus on the most expensive and sophisticated of the terrorist weapons, the nuclear explosive. This not only includes atomic weapons per say, but also conventional explosives packed with radioactive material, the so-called dirty bomb. Most nuclear facilities, which several of the terrorist client states possess, produce radioactive waste that can be used for such weapons. Recently Canada admitted that it had over 76 nuclear devices missing. The same is true for Russia. We must also be aware that the communist states, which still includes Russia as well as communist China, Cuba and North Korea, would willingly supply the terrorist with nuclear material.

    The conventional explosive is used to distribute the radioactive material in a wide radius, not only increasing the kill zone but also leaving the area contaminated so that it cannot be re-occupied. It has been learned from Col. Stanislav Lunev, a high-ranking GRU (Soviet Military Intelligence) defector, that the Soviet Spetznaz had placed approximately 100 small nuclear devices (frequently referred to as suitcase nuclear bombs) in secret hiding places throughout the United States. The idea was to use these devices to disrupt Americas war making ability should the Soviet Union decide the time was

    right to attack the United States. According to one Spetznaz defector, these bombs are still in place and are under the control of the KGB (now FSB).

    Since the so-called fall of the Soviet Union

    another cover story was needed to explain how these suitcase A-bombs ended up in the United States. Russian authorities have explained that 100 of these small nuclear devices are missing. Intelligence experts doubt such an explanation, being aware of the high level of security of these facilities, even after the fall of the Soviet Empire. But, should a nuclear device be detonated in the United States, this would give the Russians deniability. Their story would be that the terrorists obviously stole the device. In fact, they could blame the United States government since it failed to supply the Russians with the financial aid to take care of security matters. However, I should mention that we have donated millions, as well as a number of experts, to help secure their facilities.

    With the expertise of the GRU (Soviet military intelligence) and the KGB (FSB), Russian agents could easily bring the weapons into major cities undetected, since everyone is looking for Middle Eastern terrorists. These Russian agents have lived in the United States for decades, speak perfect English and look no different that any other American citizen. Once the bomb detonates, investigators will assume that somehow a Middle Eastern terrorist managed to by-pass our security measures.

    Defense analyst Dr. Joseph Douglass, Jr and Sam Cohen, inventor of the Neutron bomb, recently wrote about the possibility of nuclear terrorism within the borders of the United States. In this paper they described several of the more compact nuclear devices. These weapons vary from very small devices

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    with a 50-ton yield to those of 10 kiloton range (several times the size of the Hiroshima bomb).

    The Davy Crockett warhead, developed in the early 1950s, can be fired from a bazooka and can yield an explosive force from 100 tons to a 1 or 2-kiloton range. These weapons can be transported in a backpack or by a wheeled carry-on suitcase, with little attention being paid to it. The smallest of these devices could easily topple the Sears Tower or destroy the Holland Tunnel. The larger of these devices, placed in the middle of a city the size of Washington, D.C. or Los Angeles, could easily kill 100,000 people and seriously injure hundreds of thousands more.

    The bottom line is that a nuclear explosion in one or more of our major cities in not as unlikely as we are being led to believe. Some may think this scenario is too conspiratorial. Yet, the evidence is there. It is known that Osama bin Laden has several GRU agents on his staff. The CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency, NSA, as well as several foreign intelligence services know this to be fact.

    If even three of the target cities were destroyed by nuclear blast, the country would risk total political, economic and social collapse. The central governmental bodies would be destroyed, social disorder would break out in the remaining cities and the military would be paralyzed. These latest anthrax attacks may have been a trial run to see our response, as well as the socioeconomic impact of such an attack.

    The relatively small anthrax attack has cost this country several billion dollars and the cost continues to rise. You can imagine the economic impact should three major cities be destroyed by a nuclear attack,

    with millions being left dead. It could lead to the collapse of our entire socioeconomic foundation, as well as our military. The latter being especially true should they launch a major cyber attack on our military computer systems at the same time. In fact a number of military and intelligence analysts have repeatedly emphasized our weakness to cyber terrorism.

    One of the major concerns of our intelligence community is that a prolonged disruption of transportation, power and medical services will throw the larger regions of the country into utter chaos. As history has repeatedly proven, all societies live on a tenuous edge of chaos, with anarchy waiting patiently, red of tooth and claw.

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    How does radiation affect the body?

    Radiation damages cells by two methods. The most destructive is by inducing the production of large quantities of free radicals, which can damage many areas of the cell, especially the DNA. When radioactive particles pass through the water of the cell they produce superoxide and hydroxyl radicals, the latter being most destructive. The second method is by direct damage to the DNA of the cell. Under normal conditions, when the DNA is damaged, DNA repair enzymes fix the injury and all is well. When the dose of radiation is extremely large, much of the damage goes unrepaired, since the enormous number of free radicals also injures the DNA repair enzymes.

    It should also be appreciated that because Ameri-cans have such poor dietary habits (eating tons of junk food, food additives (MSG and aspartame and sodas) their antioxidant defenses are poor, thus making them much more vulnerable to radiation injury. Likewise, those exposed to mercury contamination (from fish, dental amalgams and thimerosal containing vaccines, pesticides and herbicides) are also at much higher risk.

    Radiation is measured in rads or rem when considering the effects on humans. As with other toxins, the effect is denoted in terms of the LD50. That is, the dose that will kill 50% of the people exposed. In man, 450 rads, if given over a week or less, is considered a lethal dose. The threshold for radiation sickness is 150 rads within the same time period. Yet, much smaller doses can cause injury as well. For example, 5 rads per year has been set as the limit of acceptable exposure for industry workers.

    The most deadly components of radiation are gamma radiation and beta- radiation. Gamma is the most lethal and resembles x-rays. The beta component

    is composed of negatively charged particles of high velocity. Both can penetrate deep into the body.

    Once we reach exposures over 4000 rads, death is instantaneous. Between 2000 and 4000 rads death occurs after about ten days. The probability of death increases rapidly as exposure increases from 100 to 400 rads, with corresponding death rates going from 10% to 90%.

    With doses over 4000 rads one sees bloody diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, headache and

    immediate vascular collapse. Between 2000 and 4000 rads, delayed onset diarrhea, nausea, and severe weakness are prominent. At exposures between 150 and 2000 rads most of the damage is to the stem cells in the bone marrow leading to a delayed death secondary to infection. Some may recover,

    especially when the dose is less than 100 rads. The most sensitive tissues are those that have cells

    that divide rapidly, such as the bone marrow cells, cells lining the GI tract and cells in the lymph nodes and spleen. Even though the brain contains mostly neural cells that do not divide after adolescence, they are highly vulnerable to radiation damage. This is more related to damage to the intracellular components, such as mitochondria, golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum and cell membranes. Schizophrenia has been associated with radiation ex-posure as seen in the Chernobyl diaster. Other cells in the brain (astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, stem cells and microglia) are highly vulnerable to ionizing radiation. Experience from the Hiroshima and Nagasaki detonations found that at an exposure level of 200 rads 5% of the people died and at 600 rads 95% died over a two-week period. A dose of 400 rads killed 50% within 2 to 12 weeks after exposure. In these two cities, deaths began in most of the exposed one week

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    after exposure and reached peak levels in 3 to 4 weeks. After 8 weeks the death rate declined rapidly and remained at very low levels thereafter. It is at this stage we begin to see the more chronic effects, such as birth defects and cancer.

    With initial exposure to higher levels of radiation, anywhere from 100 to 300 rads, one rapidly experiences radiation sickness, with nausea, vomiting,

    loss of appetite and weakness. After a day or two the symptoms disappear and the person feels rather good. This latent period can last from a couple of days to 2 weeks, depending on the dose.

    Following this period of well-being, one begins to experience a return of symptoms, with a marked tendency to bleed. One may notice small hemorrhages under the skin called petechiae. Bleeding can occur in any organ, but is most common from the gums and GI tract, with resulting bloody diarrhea. During this period one may experience a loss of hair, usually in clumps, severe weakness and a greater risk of

    infection. Lymphocyte counts (white blood cells) begin to fall early and account for the uncontrollable infections. Infections account for most of the deaths weeks to months after the exposure.

    The level of radiation exposure determines the severity of the symptoms and the delay in recurrence of symptoms. With high exposures the latency is short and symptoms severe. Severe cramping and bloody diarrhea can interfere with absorption of foods. This is another reason to begin your supplementation as soon as you hear of an attack.

    Cancer Risk Following Exposure

    The most sensitive tissues for radiation-induced cancers include the thyroid, bone marrow (leukemias, lymphomas and multiple myeloma), lungs, breast and prostate gland. The most discussed radioisotope from nuclear testing is iodine-131 , which tends to accumulate within the thyroid gland, thus producing local high-levels of radiation exposure. Of the 463 children examined following the Chernobyl disaster, medical researchers found an incidence of thyroid cancer in children and adolescents 50X higher than normally found. Iodine-131 is released early and disperses via the air so that it contaminates the foliage, crops and hence is eaten by grazing animals, such as cows. The highest environmental levels are in cows milk. During the massive above ground testing during the 50s and early 60s, a considerable contamination of the US supply of milk occurred. Monitoring by the Pasteurized Milk Network of the Public Health Service in 1961-1963

    A Hiroshima woman shows her burns caused by the intial blast.

    After the nuclear bomb Fat Man was dropped over Nagasaki, a 60,000ft (11mi) high mushroom cloud filled with fallout radiation rose over the city.

  • Russell Blaylock, MD 9 EBooklet Vol. 1

    found that the highest levels were in Palmer, Alaska and Salt Lake City. High levels were also recorded in Dallas, Texas, Spokane, Washington and Wichita, Kansas.

    It is also known that iodine-131 has a much greater risk of cancer development in children than adults. In fact, infants exposed to radiation are 100x more likely to develop thyroid cancers and leukemia than are adults. The latent period for appearance of these cancers is around 5 years after exposure and 10 years for benign tumors. It is also known that even 30 years later cancers can develop.

    Other isotopes released by nuclear explosions can wreck havoc on a number of organs and tissues. Of particular concern is the isotope cesium-137, which has a very long half-life. A good example of the effects of contamination by this isotope can be gar-nered from studies of the Chernobyl disaster in the Soviet Union, on April 26, 1986. Tons of radioactive waste were spewed by the reactor meltdown, which continued for almost a decade.

    Of the 200,000 workers used as liquidators, 31 died from massive radiation exposure over a few days time. The communist authorities have effectively covered up the actual number of deaths. Internal studies indicated that cesium-137 contaminated buildings, roads, playgrounds, hospitals, drinking water sources and millions of acres of farmland. The most heavily contaminated were the Ukraine and Belarus.

    Studies have shown that those most heavily exposed had a rate of acute fatal myeloid leukemia 150x higher than normally seen. As a result of the high cancer rates, hundreds of farms were taken out of production and millions of tons of soil were removed and stored elsewhere. Highways, buildings and other facilities in cites, remain contaminated with cesium-137.

    Measurements of radioactivity in Europe, the UK and the United States indicate widespread, worrisome concentrations of a number of long half-life isotopes, such as cesium-137 and strontium-90. Because strontium-90 accumulates in the bones and remains there for decades, higher rates of bone cancers and leukemias are seen.

    Most people do not consider breast cancers as being associated with external radiation exposure, but studies of the survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs found almost a 4-fold higher incidence of breast cancer in surviving women than normal. This is further confirmed in studies of young girls and women x-rayed repeatedly for examinations of scoliosis, tuberculosis, benign mastitis and other benign conditions. Breast cancer rates were 3 to 4 times higher than normally found. Breast cancer was the 4th leading cause of radiation-induced death in the Hiroshima and Nagasaki detonations. Lung cancer

    was number one. The most sensitive age for breast cancer induction by radiation exposure was from 10 to 19 years of age. Therefore a 10 year old would be much more likely to eventually develop a breast cancer than would a woman in her 50s. Children receiving radiation treatments for ringworm of the scalp had brain tumor rates that were 8-fold higher than normal. This is

    also expected for those exposed to high-level radiation following a nuclear blast. Lung cancer most often is associated with inhaling radioactive dust, which emits high levels of alpha and beta rays. Most at risk would be smokers. It is interesting to note that the incidence of leukemia in Hiroshima was much greater than in Nagasaki. It is thought that this was because the Hiroshima blast contained more gamma radiation. It should also be appreciated that the Japanese consumed a much healthier diet than Westerners, with higher

    21 years after the disaster, Chernobyl still leaks large amounts of radiation.

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    intake of flavonoids (fruits and vegetables) and omega-3 oils (seafood). Cancer rates would be expected to be much higher in American populations because of the high consumption of junk foods.

    It has also been well demonstrated that ones risk of radiation-induced cancers depends on his overall

    health and his ability to repair DNA damage in their cells. Most have heard of cancer families. These are families with a high incidence of a particular type of cancer, such as breast cancer or prostate cancer. Studies indicate that the problem

    is that the members of these families have a hereditary defect in DNA repair. Normally there are some 50 to 70 DNA repair enzymes that fix DNA damage, as one sees with radiation exposure.

    It is also known that diets poor in the nutrients used in DNA repair (folate, vitamin B6, niacinamide and methylcobalamin), also impair DNA repair and increase cancer risk substantially. Likewise, higher doses of these vitamins not only improve strictly dietary problems, but can also reverse hereditary problems with DNA repair-at least partially, but significantly.

    Effects of Atomic Detonation

    Should a terrorist group detonate a nuclear device it will most likely be a smaller variety, the notorious suitcase nuclear bomb. The effects of a ground blast differ from an airburst (as occurred over Hiroshima

    and Nagasaki) in that the extent of the immediate killing effect would be less. A surface detonation also lifts a massive amount of radioactive dust which is then deposited, not only on the immediate area, but the portion that rises into the stratosphere will be carried over much of the rest of the nation.

    This is why it is important to have a battery-operated radio with you at all times. You will need to be aware of the wind direction and the position of the jet stream. Within the stratosphere the radiation cloud can be carried around the entire globe, with the fallout density decreasing rapidly the further you move away from the burst. Even so, the radiation dose can be sufficient to produce sickness and long-term radiation effects hundreds of miles from the explosion.

    The fallout from the blast will contaminate rivers, steams and other sources of drinking water. It is also important to realize that the radiation will contaminate crop fields down wind from the explosion. For this reason, it is vital to keep at least two weeks of food supplies and fresh water available all the time. Larger stores of food and water are even better. There are a number of suppliers of foods stored in nitrogen for long-term storage without refrigeration. A nuclear detonation kills by three effects: 1. The shock wave 2. heat impulse and 3. radiation. The shock wave carries pieces of buildings and cars with the force of a hurricane, killing and injuring people with millions of missiles made of debris, whereas, the heat impulse incinerates everything within a certain radius and starts numerous fires in the surviving structures. Survivors exposed to the heat blast will suffer serious burns. Those surviving the blast

    On the ground level of Nagasaki after the explosion.

    Children are at a much higher risk of developing thyroid cancers and leukemia than adults if exposed to large amounts of radiation.

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    and heat impulse will face intense gamma and beta radiation exposure, both from the immediate blast and from the falling radioactive dust and debris. It has been estimated that a small nuclear device can lift 20,000 tons of evaporated soil.

    Terrorists can enhance the effectiveness of the device by coating it with cobalt or other elements to produce deadly radioisotopes, often called a dirty bomb. For example, by adding strontium-90 you can not only increase the intensity of the radioactivity, but do so for a prolonged period of time, since this isotope has a half-life of 28 years. This would leave whichever city was the target uninhabitable for almost a century. Cesium-137, another common isotope found with nuclear explosions, also has a very long half-life at 30 years.

    Once the immediate effects of the blast have settled, what was left of emergency crews would begin to assess the damage. Since the survivors would have been subjected to significant radiation exposure, their burns and traumatic injuries would be at a higher risk for infection and poor healing. Elective surgical operations would have to be delayed because of the increased infectious risk and poor wound healing caused by the radiation.

    The thing that sets nuclear weapons apart from

    conventional explosives is not only their power, but also the effects of radiation exposure over a long period of time. Under such conditions, protecting yourself from the effects of radiation injury becomes paramount. It should be appreciated that our

    sensitivity to radiation effects varies widely. This is mainly because of differences in our antioxidant capability, our DNA repair ability, and the strength of our cells and tissues, all of which depend on nutrition. Recently, it has been found that chromosome sensitivity to radiation injury is increased during the second trimester of pregnancy and returns to normal immediately following birth, indicating a wide variety of sensitivities during different physiological conditions.2


    Hiroshima &Nagasaki

    Number of Initial Deaths

    214,000 +

    Number ofDeaths by 1950

    400,000 +

    Radius of Area Destroyed

    3 Miles

    Degrees under Explosion


    Many that were seriously wounded by the bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima would later die from infection and disease.

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    Protection From Radiation

    Fortunately, we now know of several nutritional steps that can be taken to significantly reduce the effects of not only the radiation, but also other injuries as well. The effects of radiation exposure can be divided into acute, which occurs within several weeks to months of the exposure, and chronic, which includes effects occurring years after the exposure. Acute effects primarily impact the three most sensitive tissues-the GI tract, bone marrow and other hemapoetic cells and the central nervous system. This results in radiation sickness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (often bloody), bleeding gums, loss of teeth, loss of hair, infections and psychosis, lethargy, severe fatigue, confusion or even schizophrenia-like behavior.

    The chronic effects can include cancer, birth defects, endocrine problems as well as gradual organ failures (kidneys, lungs, liver, heart, etc). The most common radiation associated cancers include leukemia, multiple myeloma, lymphoma, prostate cancer, breast cancer, thyroid cancer and lung cancer.

    Fortunately, newer studies are finding that there are a great number of naturally found plant extracts and vitamins that can protect us from radiation damage. For example, Ginkgo biloba has been shown to have very powerful radioprotective effects. In fact, most of the antioxidant vitamins and minerals also protect against radiation effects by virtue of their free radical scavenging and lipid peroxidation inhibiting properties.

    Remember, this is the major mechanism for both the acute and chronic effects of radiation injury. This is especially so for vitamin E (natural forms), vitamin C, and the carotenoids (beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, lycopene, lutein, canthoxanthin, zeaxanthin, astaxanthan, etc).

    In addition, many of the secondary effects of massive radiation exposure can be reduced by nutritional supplements. For example, immune suppression is a common cause of death following

    radiation exposure. Several nutrients, such as Echinacea, IP-6 and beta 1,3/1,6 D-glucan can enhance immunity significantly. In addition, several of the flavonoids, such as curcumin and quercetin, can also enhance immunity, as does the herb Panax ginseng.

    The advantage of using beta-1,3/1,6 -glucan as an immune stimulant is that it has also been shown to offer significant direct protection against radiation.3 It does this by several mechanisms including macrophage stimulation, increasing the number of bone marrow stem cells and enhancing the recovery of the bone marrow. Beta-1,3/1,6 -glucan enhances the portion of the immune system most needed to resist infections called cellular immunity. In addition, research has shown that when it is combined with the chemical radioprotectants, such as WR-2721, the pro-

    tective effect is even greater. While the best effect is seen when the product is given before being radiated, it can pro-tect even when started after exposure. Several nutraceuticals have shown significant radioprotectant properties. For example, curcumin has been shown to powerfully protect mice against radiation effects.4 It seems to operate as a powerful antioxidant, as well as by other mechanisms. Another set of flavonoids found to protect against radiation damage includes orientin and vicenin, both isolated from the plant Ocimum sanctum (Basil).5 When tested in mice exposed to whole body gamma radiation, both flavonoids were shown to protect the animals from death caused by gastrointestinal and bone

    marrow injury. The protective effect was greatest with the vicenin flavonoid, which lasted longer than 30 days.

    It has also been shown that prostaglandin inhibitors, such as indomethacin (Advil, Naprocyn, ect.), can significantly protect certain tissues (especially the bone marrow) from radiation damage.6 In addition, they inhibited the later development of cancer. When indomethacin was combined with the chemical radioprotectants or radioprotectant nutrients, its effectiveness was greatly enhanced.

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    As we have seen previously, many of the flavonoids can also inhibit the same enzymes inhibited by drugs like indomethacin, that is, the COX enzymes. This is especially true for the flavonoids curcumin and quercetin, which not only suppress the harmful COX enzymes, but the equally harmful LOX enzymes. They have the added advantage of being powerful and versatile antioxidants as well as being safe.

    Another commonly encountered radioprotectant found in nature is garlic. Several studies have shown it to offer significant protection against whole body irradiation by gamma rays.7 In these studies, it appeared to prevent chromosomal damage in blood cells and had an anticlastogenic effect. Clastogenic factors are blood products that are seen following exposure to radiation. These products appear to be responsible for much of the long-term damage caused by radiation.

    Chlorella, an algae, has been shown to offer substantial protection to mice exposed to sublethal doses of gamma radiation.8 Pretreatment or immediate post-irradiation treatment with Chlorella resulted in a significant recovery of bone marrow cells and spleen cells. You must be careful of Chlorella since some brands have been shown to contain rather high concentrations of mercury. Usually these brands come from communist China. Buy only brands from reputable supplement manufacturers.

    Since much of the damage caused by irradiation is secondary to free radical and lipid peroxidation damage, the antioxidant vitamins and minerals would be expected to play a significant role in radioprotection.9 This indeed has been found to be the case. Unfortunately, most have been effective only with low and medium dose radiation exposure. While most studies have shown only modest protection by vitamin E, the majority of these studies have been done using the acetate form of the vitamin. Newer studies have found excellent protection by the natural form of vitamin E and that this protection occurs even if taken after one is exposed.

    Vitamin C, on the other hand, has shown considerable protection in studies using mice exposed to whole body X-irradiation in sublethal doses.10 This was best seen in the bone marrow cells. Yet, when using lethal doses of radiation, no improvement was seen in survival. What this means is that with less than the acutely lethal dose, vitamin C can substantially reduce damage to bone marrow cells and thereby,

    lower ones risk of developing leukemia or severe bone marrow depression (which can result in fatal infections). Beta-carotene, on the other hand, has been shown to protect some very important blood cells, especially those derived from the spleen, and reticulocytes.11 It did not protect the bone marrow itself.

    Selenium may hold much promise in radioprotection, especially organic selenium (selenomethionine).12 In one study it was found that both the inorganic salt of selenium, as well as organic selenium, enhanced the survival of mice exposed to gamma radiation. A significant increase in survival was seen only after supplementing the mice with organic selenium. The optimum dose in humans is 200 ug (micrograms) a day. Higher doses can increase toxicity risk.

    Melatonin, commonly recognized as a sleep aid, has also been shown to have rather powerful radioprotectant properties. In one study done at the radiology department of the University of Texas Health Science Center using human blood cells, researchers found that melatonin taken by the volunteers significantly protected their blood cells from chromosome damage when exposed to high dose gamma radiation.13 The protection appears to be secondary to the inhibition of lipid peroxidation by the melatonin. Melatonin also increases the level of antioxidant enzymes as well (such as SOD, glutathione reductase, glutathione peroxidase and catalase). Rather high doses of melatonin are needed for these protective effects, usually 20 to 30 mg a day. I would not advise taking such high doses more than a week or two and then only if an attack occurs. It is during the first two weeks after a nuclear explosion that the radiation levels are the highest.

    One unexpected way that nutrients can protect against radiation injury is by blocking calcium entry into the cell. It is known that calcium excess inside the cell triggers numerous destructive reactions including free radical generation, lipid peroxidation, and eicosanoid production (prostaglandins mentioned above). In one study, calcium channel blocking drugs protected mice from death following lethal doses of gamma radiation.14 One of the most efficient calcium channel blockers is magnesium. Magnesium deficiency is very common in the United States, affecting more than two-thirds of the population. In addition to blocking calcium entry into cells,

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    magnesium also acts as an antioxidant and increases the level of glutathione in cells. Glutathione is one of the most powerful antioxidant molecules in living systems. Because of the widespread presence of magnesium deficiency in the United States, one would expect an increased sensitivity to radiation in these deficient individuals. Alpha-lipoic acid is also a very powerful radioprotectant. Following the tragedy in Chernobyl, American researchers tested alpha-lipoic acid on the surrounding populace and found that the nutrient dramatically reduced the clastogenic factors in both adults and children. In fact, it returned them to zero. Since it acts both inside and outside the cell, alpha-lipoic acid would reduce free radical damage throughout the tissues.

    CurcuminCurcumin is a flavonoid extract from the spice

    turmeric (Curcuma longa L). This extract is undergoing extensive research because of its powerful anticancer effects against a number of cancers. It is also known to be a powerful and versatile antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and inhibitor of degeneration of the brain. Because of its powerful antioxidant effects, curcumin is also a powerful radioprotectant for all tissues, cells and organs. Most plant-based antioxidants contain either phenolic compounds or

    -diketones as the antioxidant component. Curcumin is unusual in that it contains both.

    When tissues are exposed to radiation, we see a dramatic rise in powerful free radicals, nitric oxide and lipid peroxidation products (produced by oxidation of fats in cell membranes). In addition, radiation causes a dramatic fall in the vital antioxidant enzymes in tissues, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, glutathione reductase and glutathione peroxidase. This makes the tissues and cells even more vulnerable as the radiation dose continues. Remember, these radioisotopes continue to bombard your system for months, if not years. Therefore, over time your body becomes more and more sensitive to the radiation.

    Because of the long-term exposure of your cells to radiation under conditions of a nuclear attack, the damage to your DNA continues to mount over time. This sets you up for future cancer. A recent study found that curcumin can dramatically reduce the risk of developing a radiation induced breast cancer. 15 Radiation is the only proven carcinogen as a cause of breast cancer in women. I find it ironic that women are urged to get yearly exposure of their breast to radiation in the form of a mammogram. Some, those at high risk of breast cancer, are told to get one every 6 months. One can only wonder how many women have died of breast cancer following this medical advice.

    In this study, researchers exposed female rats to gamma radiation and observed them for breast tumor development. They found that 70.3% of the control animals developed breast tumors, most of which were cancers. Yet, animals given curcumin before and 3 days after exposure saw a tumor incidence of only 18.7% (75% lower) and most were benign tumors (fibroadenomas). They also found that curcumin had no toxicity and did not harm the fetus of pregnant animals.

    Many nutritionists and physicians think that curcumin is poorly absorbed, but in fact, studies have shown that curcumin is converted in the gut wall into tetrahydrocurcumin, which has all the anticancer and radioprotective properties. Curcumin has also been shown to increase DHA and EPA levels, both functional components of fish oils. In this same study, they found that the curcumin also reduced the number of pituitary tumors by 1/3 in animals exposed to whole body radiation. Most

    A Closer Look at the More Powerful Radioprotectants

    As stated, a great number of plants, vitamins and minerals have been found to have substantial radioprotectant properties. The mass media and many popular internet health sites give us the impression that the major protection against radiation is iodine formulations. While important, they only protect the thyroid gland and they do not reduce the mortality or morbidity of ionizing radiation. A number of readily available supplement extracts, vitamins and minerals offer considerable protection. Let us now examine them more closely.

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    chemicals that cause cancer also produce free radicals, since it is the free radicals that damage the DNA. Most anticancer compounds, block free radicals. It has also been observed that nitric oxide, a gas produced in most cells of the body, plays a role in cancer induction. Radiation stimulates the enzyme that increases cellular nitric oxide (iNOS). Curcumin, and resveratrol (extracted from grape skins) both powerfully inhibit nitric oxide production. Nitric oxide excess in the presence of the superoxide radical forms a very powerful free radical called peroxynitrite. This very same radical is strongly associated with Alzheimers dementia and Parkinsons disease.

    In another study researchers found that giving curcumin 3 days before and 2 days after exposure to high dose gamma radiation reduced DNA damage 50 to 70%.16 Of equal importance, curcumin was found to fully restore the activity of the antioxidant enzymes suppressed by the radiation.17 Curcumin also increased one of the cells most important antioxidants called glutathione. This can also be increased using N-acetyl L-cysteine, alpha-lipoic acid, magnesium and other antioxidants.

    As I stated above, one of the problems associated with radiation exposure is poor wound healing. The radiation damages the healing mechanisms. It has been known that curcumin promotes the healing of surgical wounds under normal circumstances, but recently it was shown that it also significantly promotes wound healing in animals exposed to radiation.

    In this study they measured critical substances used in wound healing, such as collagen, hexosamine, DNA and nitric oxide synthesis, and found that pretreatment with curcumin significantly enhanced the rate of wound healing in mice exposed to very large doses of whole body gamma irradiation.18 All of the wound healing factors were significantly elevated in the curcumin treated animals.

    The most efficient way to absorb curcumin is to mix of a teaspoon in one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil. This can be mixed with food or taken whole.

    GingerGinger (Zingiber officinale) has been used for

    centuries for treatment of nausea and as an anti-inflammatory. Newer studies are showing it to be

    a very powerful radioprotectant. One of the effects of radiation treatment for cancer is the development of food aversion-that is, finding that previously desirable foods suddenly cause one to become nauseous. Even the odor of the food can trigger the effect. Studies have shown that ginger can prevent this.19 In fact, it was as effective as the powerful anti-nausea drugs.

    It has also been shown to prevent radiation sickness, one of the early signs of radiation exposure.20 In this same study, researchers found that it protected the GI tract and restored glutathione levels as well. Another study found that ginger extract powerfully protected mice exposed to massive doses of gamma radiation, if the ginger was given five days in a row before exposure.21 No reductions in deaths were seen if given after exposure. This is not to say that ginger only protects if given before, because at lower doses of radiation (that not causing immediate death) it was highly protective. Ginger protected by reducing free radicals, reducing lipid peroxidation and by elevating cellular glutathione.

    Turmeric, which curcumin is derived from, is used as an ingrediant in many popular dishes through out the world.

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    Protecting Your Eyes

    One of the common effects of radiation exposure is the development of cataracts. This is due to the high level of free radicals produced within the lens of the eye as the rays pass through the lens. Vitamin C has been shown to reduce cataracts secondary to UVA/UVB rays by as much as 80%. A new study found that L-carnitine was able to reduce cataracts in mice exposed to high level gamma radiation by over 50%.22In this study they measured free radical and lipid peroxidation inside the lens and found the L-carnitine dramatically lowered the levels of these harmful, cataract-producing radicals. Interestingly, L-carnitine also increased the activity of the antioxidant enzymes SOD and glutathione peroxidase.

    In another study it was found that Ginkgo biloba also powerfully prevented cataracts in rats exposed to a massive dose of gamma radiation to the head.23 Like L-carnitine, it reduces lipid peroxidation levels and free radicals and increased the activity of SOD and glutathione peroxidase, two enzymes critical to neutralizing free radicals generated by radiation. Vitamin E and the carotenoids also protect the eyes from radiation damage.

    Vitamin and Mineral Protection

    A number of studies support the protective role of vitamins and minerals against radiation damage to a variety of tissues and organs. As with most nutrient protectants, the best effect was seen when the supplements were given before exposure to the radiation, but a recent study found that significant protection occurs even if given within one hour after exposure.24 They found that vitamin C was protective even at low concentrations, vitamin E required higher doses and beta-carotene was protective at all doses.

    It is a principle of antioxidant physiology that the best results are when the antioxidant vitamins and minerals are used together. This is because they act at different parts of the cell and against different types of free radicals. The form of the supplement is also important. Vitamin E, for instance, is commonly found in stores as alpha-tocopherol acetate, which is the worst form of the vitamin. It is poorly absorbed and has low antioxidant activity in the body. Quality forms of vitamin E have been shown to protect the GI tract and bone marrow from gamma-radiation.

    The most effective form is the natural, mixed tocopherols, which include alpha, beta, gamma and delta tocopherol. The best brand is called Unique-E. This is because the companys only product is vitamin E and they go to great lengths to make it pure. In addition, unlike all other brands of vitamin E, they do not mix it with vegetable oil, an oil that worsens free radical and lipid peroxidation damage. It is also im-portant to know that the gamma form of vitamin E is the only type that reduces inflammation, something important in preventing radiation-induced cancers. The dose is 1000 IU a day. In addition, there are 4 types of another vitamin E-like substance called tocotrienol, also named alpha, beta, gamma and delta. It enhances the effectiveness of vitamin E. The dose is 50 mg to 100 mg a day, to be taken at a different time of day than the vitamin E.

    While beta-carotene itself is protective, in nature there are over 50 carotenoids utilized by humans. These include alpha-carotene, canthoxanthin, zeaxanthin, astaxanthan, lutein, lycopene, cryptoxanthin and phytofluene. When taken together they have the greatest effectiveness. You can find these mixtures (called mixed carotenoids) rather easily. The dose is 25,000 to 50,000 IU a day. There is no known toxicity.

    One of the most protective minerals, beside magnesium, is zinc.25 In the study, zinc supplementation was able to bring the radiation-induced elevation in lipid peroxidation down to normal levels and to raise glutathione levels. One way zinc may protect is by inducing cells to produce a very protective substance called metallothionein. Zinc treatment was also shown to elevate the level of another important antioxidant enzyme called catalase.

    Folate, methylcobalamin, niacinamide and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) all act in concert to protect and repair DNA. The dose is 800 ug for the folate, 5000 ug for the methylcobalamin, 500 mg for the niacinamide and 50 mg a day for the vitamin B6.

    To get the most benefit, all of the vitamins and minerals should be taken together. It is important to remember that the supplement should not contain iron, since iron can dramatically increase free radical generation. Iron laden cells and tissues are more sensitive to radiation damage for this reason.

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    Other Radioprotective Natural Products

    From what we have learned so far, all antioxidants protect against radiation damage and many can prevent the chronic effects of radiation, such as cancer induction. Ferulic acid, a flavonoid found in many fruits, if given before radiation, was found to be highly protective against DNA damage and free radical production.26 It also protected the antioxidant enzymes from the radiation damage and protected glutathione levels.

    Rosemary extract in large doses has also shown powerful protection against radiation injury in a mouse study.27 The rosemary was given orally for 5 days before the exposure and reduced mortality, raised glutathione levels and prevented radiation sickness. Another study found that rosemary extract protected lymphocytes from damage by high dose radiation.28.

    Rosemary contains three antioxidant compounds carnosic acid, carnosol and rosmarinic acid. Carnosic

    acid and carnosol were the only compounds that were shown to protect the cells DNA. In addition, rosemary has potent antibacterial activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms as well as yeast.

    Green tea extract applied to the skin and taken orally has shown significant protection against damage by UVA/UVB radiation to the skin. The most protective component of green tea is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), even though the other catechins in tea are also protective. White tea has even higher levels of these protective antioxidants and anti-inflammatories. The real advantage of white tea is that it has much lower levels of toxic fluoride and aluminum than green tea. Black tea has the highest levels of both toxins.

    While green tea extract, contains concentrations of EGCG of up to 100X that found in a cup of green tea, new studies are warning of liver toxicity in some people with such high concentrations. If you choose the tea, make your white tea using three bags of tea, steep for at least 15 minutes, squeezing the bags repeatedly and then add a sweetener such as Just Like Sugar. Drink at least 3 to 4 cups a day. During the summer you can make ice tea with the white tea. Do not add lemon to the tea as it dramatically increases aluminum absorption. To dress up the tea you can add a herbal tea or blueberry tea.

    Resveratrol, extracted from the skin of grapes, as mentioned before, is also a powerful cancer-preventing compound and radioprotectant. The dose is 200mg twice a day to be taken between meals. Other plant-based phenolics also add to the protection, such as pomegranate extract (high in ellagic acid, another radioprotectant), quercetin, hesperidin and grape seed

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    extract. All of these can be purchased without a prescription. (That is, until the federal government/pharmaceutical company coalition says otherwise.)

    Diet and Radioprotection

    As with general health, most people do not consider their diet when looking for ways to protect themselves from radiation hazards. Yet, the wrong diet can greatly increase your sensitivity to radiation damage. This is true of medical exposures as well as terrorists attacks. For example, we know a number of foods and food additives can greatly increase free radical generation and lipid peroxidation. This includes an excess of omega-6 type fats (corn, safflower, sunflower, peanut, canola and soybean oils). Not only must you not cook in these oils but you should not eat any foods containing these oils.

    Food additives, such as MSG (monosodium glutamate), hydrolyzed proteins, soy proteins and soy isolates, vegetable proteins, autolyzed yeast, sodium or calcium caseinate, spices, natural flavoring, broth and stock are some of the many names used for excitotoxin food additives. These additives, including carrageenan, nitrites and sulfites, damage cell function, increase free radical production and make you more sensitive to the damaging effects of radiation. Likewise, diets high in red meats increase radiation sensitivity because they are high in iron and possess the greatest absorption of iron. Iron is a major trigger for free radical generation. This is why high iron levels are associated with higher cancer rates and worse outcomes with heart attacks and strokes. Vegetables, such as spinach, which have high iron levels, are not a danger because the flavonoids in the spinach prevent iron absorption. Eating vegetables with meats reduces iron absorption.

    Your diet should include at least 5 servings of fruits and especially vegetables a day. If you are over age 55, you should eat 7 servings a day. For dense vegetables, such as broccoli and cauliflower, a serving is a half-cup and for loose vegetables, such as salads and leafy greens, it is a cup. Also choose nutrient dense vegetables, such as broccoli, Brusselss sprouts, kale, collard and mustard greens, cauliflower and celery, for example.

    One way to increase your intake of the radioprotectant components of vegetables is to

    blenderize them. I use a VitaMix to blenderize the vegetables, which releases the flavonoids, vitamins and minerals, as well as enzymes from the plant cells.

    Plant cells, unlike human cells, are encased in an indigestible coating. The blenderizing mechanically breaks up these cells releasing all the healthy components. You can add some blueberry and or pomegranate concentrate to improve the taste.

    Avoid sugar, especially high fructose corn syrup. A great number of studies have shown that these sugars greatly increase free radical damage and interfere with cell function (via advanced glycation end products or AGEs). This not only includes soft drinks but also fruit drinks, a major source of sugar in the American diet. Instead, drink filtered water, using a filter that removes the fluoride. Fluoride is an accumulative toxin to many organs, including the brain. The only way to remove fluoride is to use a reverse osmosis filter or drink distilled water. Both require additional carbon filtration. I prefer the WaterWise distiller, which has a carbon filter built in.

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    Also avoid fluorinated toothpaste, mouthwashes and dental treatments using fluoride. Compelling evidence indicates that fluoride not only does not prevent cavities, it severely weakens teeth over time. I would also advise having dental amalgam fillings removed by a dentist trained by the International Association of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT). The mercury from these fillings evaporates and is absorbed into the blood stream and via olfactory nerves into the brain. Studies have shown that even 20 year-old fillings are releasing mercury vapor. Mercury interferes with a number of enzymes in cells and does so in very low concentrations (less than a millionth of a gram) and generates abundant numbers of free radicals. This enhances radiation damage.

    Other sources of mercury include some vaccines (the flu vaccine contains a full dose), fish (especially shark, larger tuna, swordfish, tilefish and grouper). Many areas, such as the South and especially west Texas, have high air levels of mercury. Living near a coal-burning plant or brick manufacturing plant also raises your mercury air exposure. When choosing carbohydrates choose whole grains without added gluten or other additives. Avoid potatoes and other nightshade plants, such as peppers (bell peppers, hot peppers but not black pepper), tomatoes, paprika and eggplant. Evidence is mounting that these nightshade plants can be toxic to cells and organs.

    Radioactive Contamination of Foods

    One major consideration is the contamination of food crops, dairy products and meats by airborne radionuclides (radioactive particles). As the fallout settles onto the ground, plants are not only coated in radioactive dust, but they absorb the radioactive isotopes up into the plant, where it is deposited for a

    long time. Likewise, grazing animals absorb the radionuclides, where they are also stored for very long periods. If you eat these vegetables, eat meats, drink the milk or consume other dairy products, you will be exposed internally to high doses of radiation.

    Recent studies have shown that the radioactivity of food crops, even thousands of miles from the Chernobyl reactor site, have variable amounts of

    radioactivity. The most consistently elevated levels of radioactivity are in dairy products, especially cheeses and milk. During the massive above ground testing of nuclear devices during the late 50s, much of the milk in the United States was contaminated with the radioactive isotope strontium-90. Likewise, with the Chernobyl eruption (it was referred to as a

    radioactive volcano) the fallout resulted in the slaughter of over 100,000 head of contaminated reindeer in Norway. The Soviets, fully aware of the radioactive milk, had it made into cheese and shipped it to millions of unsuspecting Russians, Ukrainians

    and other hapless souls - so much for communisms concern for the people.

    When isotopes with long half-lives, such as cesium-137 and strontium-90, cover the soil, long-term contamination of crops can mean severe food

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    shortages, also for long-term. Milk, cheese and other dairy products should not be consumed. For the other isotopes, most of which have a short half-life, within two weeks their contamination risk will fall substantially.

    Recommendations to Protect Yourself

    It should be emphasized that to maximize your protection, you should begin your general supplementation and dietary program now and not wait until a disaster occurs. Your cells and tissues should be as healthy as possible to protect you, not only from the effects of radiation, but also traumatic injury, burns and possible infection. One of the more important systems to enhance is the bodys detoxification system, which not only exist in the liver, but also all cells and tissues.

    The Basic SupplementsThese represent supplements that maintain

    your body in a healthy state and are essential to health. You should start these supplements now. Children should take well compounded supplements that contain iron, since iron is essential for growth, especially brain growth. Likewise, women who have not reached menopause should take an iron supplement as needed. Low iron in women is a cause for fatigue and poor immunity. After menopause women, like men, tend to accumulate too much iron and therefore should avoid iron-containing supplements.

    1. Vitamin C (buffered) 500 mg.

    2. Vitamin E (Natural Form)

    3. Extend Core Multivitamin/Mineral

    The Next Level of Protection

    These represent supplements that have specific, powerful radioprotective properties and should be taken the minute you hear of an attack, even if it occurs on the opposite coast from your location. They should also be taken to protect you from the harmful effects of medical x-rays and CT scans during peacetime.

    4. Curcumin 250 mg to 500 mg. You can buy this as a loose powder from a compounding pharmacists or as capsules. You can open the capsules by pulling them apart.

    5. Beta 1,3/1,6 D-glucan (comes in a 250 mg and 500 mg dose capsules) This is to be taken only following an attack or if an attack is eminent. It is a very powerful immune stimulant and radioprotectant. Another form is called Macroforce. Those between age 13 and 17 should take one 2.5 mg MacroForce during the high alert period and until the all clear is given. Between ages 6 and 12, give 2.5 mg MacroForce every other day. Pregnant women can take the adult dose.

    6. Methylcobalamin 1000 ug.

    7. Niacinamide 500 mg.

    8. N-acetyl-L-cysteine 500 mg.

    9. Selenomethionine 200 ug

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    10. Potassium Iodide. One of the standbys of radioprotection is the use of potassium iodide to protect the thyroid gland against taking up radioactive iodine, a common event with nuclear devices. The iodine in the supplement saturates the glands receptors, blocking the retention of the radioactive iodine isotopes within the thyroid.

    The use of potassium iodide does not protect other cells in the body and that is why the other supplements are critical. While the thyroid is a very sensitive organ to radiation damage, it is the blood forming cells in the bone marrow and spleen and the cells of the gastrointestinal tract that are most sensitive.

    The dose for those one year of age and above is 130 mg of potassium iodide. The sup-plement should be taken at least thirty minutes before you are exposed to be effective. I do not recommend taking this supplement on a regular basis since it can result in overactivity of the thyroid (hyperthyroidism) or even under-activity (hypothyroidism). It should also be avoided by those known to have allergies to iodine (sensitivity to seafood is a good sign of allergy).

    For babies below age one year, the dose is 1/2 a tablet daily. Since potassium iodide can cause a burning sensation in the mouth, either the tablet should be crushed and fully dissolved in a volume of orange juice that the baby can consume quickly, or you should use a saturated solution dissolved in orange juice. In most such preparations four drops equal 130 mg, which is the dose for those one year and above. Two drops (65 mg) is the dose for babies, and should be given once a day. Higher doses in both adults and babies can cause a greater number of side effects and offers no further protection.

    In general the side effects are mild and include swelling of the salivary glands, a metallic taste in the mouth, sore teeth and gums, gastrointestinal upset and/or skin rashes. In most

    cases it is a very safe supplement and can be given to pregnant and nursing women.

    Warning: Do not attempt to use other sources of iodine to supply this protection, such as io-dized salt or tincture of iodine. Iodized salt would cause serious side effects or even death at the dose required and tincture of iodine is poisonous.

    You should continue the daily dose until you are notified that conditions are safe. One of the chief ways radioactive iodine enters the body is through ingested foods. Milk is one of the major sources. This is an even better reason not to drink milk and to avoid milk-based formulas for your children. (Milk is also a major source of strontium isotopes such as strontium90 that can contaminate the bones) Contaminated vegetables and fruits are another source. If the vegetables are picked shortly after the event, most of the radiation will occur on the surface of the plant and can be effec-tively washed off. If the plants are harvested later, the radioactive elements are taken up into the plant and cannot be washed off. They should not be eaten.

    Another source of iodine to be used for pro-tection is called Iodoral and is made by Vitamin Research Products, Inc. ( The ad-vantage of this product is that it is much easier on the stomach than pure potassium iodide. Iodoral contains 5 mg of iodine and 7.5 mg of potassium iodide. For this product, take 2 tablets twice a day starting immediately and continue for one week. Then take one tablet every other day thereafter. This will keep your thyroid saturated with iodine and prevent the accumulation of radioactive iodine-131 (I131).

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    Supplements For Added Protection1. Garlic extract 600 mg Adults should take one capsule three times a day, starting at the time of eminent danger. Continue until notified that radiation levels are normal. Between ages 10 years and 16 years, take 300 mg three times a day. Age 6 years and 9 years take 150 mg twice a day. Below age six take 75 mg a day. Pregnant women should not take the garlic extract. It will enter the breast milk and could affect the taste of the milk. In addition, garlic has a slight anticoagulation effect and should not be taken with anticoagulation medications.

    2. Ginkgo biloba 80 mg (32/9) Adults, above age 18 years take one twice a day. (As a maintenance dose take one a day.) The brand to buy is made by Pure Encapsulations and has the highest active ingredient concentration of any maker. Ask for the 80 mg 32/9 form. Age 13 to 16 years take one 80 mg capsule a day. Ages 6 to 12, give one-half of the contents of a capsule a day. Do not give to pregnant women or during breast-feeding. While there is no evidence of harm by breast-feeding in women taking Ginkgo extract, I would error on the side of caution. This extract has anticoagulation effects equal to taking one aspirin a day and should not be taken with other anticoagulation medications, such as aspirin, ibuprofen or prescription anticoagulants.

    3. If your exposure is high, take Melatonin 20 mg once a day. (It will make you sleepy). Do not take this now or for long term. It should not be taken for more than two weeks. At that point cut back to 2 mg three times a day. Do not use in those less than 12 years of age or in those with neurological or pulmonary disorders. Also, do not use in pregnant women or during nursing. It may worsen symptoms in those with autoimmune disorders

    because of the immune enhancement effects. You can get this dose from Pure Encapsulation.

    4. Quercetin 500 mg Adults 18 and over take two capsules three times a day. Start now on a maintenance dose of 500 mg a day. Ages 13 to 17 can take one capsule three times a day. Ages 6 to 12 take 250 mg a day. (Quercetin acts as an antihistamine and will help relieve hayfever and sinusitis.) Do not take below age 5 years. Also pregnant women should not take quercetin. Again, no known adverse effects are known but it is best to be cautious. During breast feeding you can take 500 mg twice a day.

    5. R-Alpha-lipoic acid 100 mg Take one twice a day with meals. This is a very powerful anticlastogenic factor, a very powerful antioxidant and has been shown to offer considerable protection against radiation injury. For maintenance adults 18 years and over can take one capsule a day starting now. Ages 13 to 17 can take 25 mg twice a day with meals. Ages 6 to 12 can take 10 mg a day with meals. Ages 2 to 5 years can take 50 mg a day. R-lipoic acid can cause significant hypoglycemia in those with reactive hypoglycemia. If you experience trembling, irritability or severe weakness (signs of hypoglycemia), stop the original dose and cut the dose in half. If it persists, stop taking it.

    6. Chlorella 450 mg Adults 18 years and over can take two capsules three times a day when a high level of risk exist. Continue indefinitely. You can take it now for continued protection. Ages 13 to 17 can take one capsule three times a day. Ages 6 to 12 one capsule twice a day. Ages 2 to 11 take one capsule a day. Pregnant women can take one capsule three times a day and during breast-feeding take the full adult dose.

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    7. Green Tea Extract. The dose is one capsule three times a day with meals. If abdominal pain, dark stools or jaundice occurs (yellowing of the skin) stop this extract. This is very rare. I would not give this to a child under age 16. Another extract of green tea, called Teavigo, contains 95% concentration of EGCG. The dose is one to two capsules with meals. Take either one, but not both.

    8. Resveratrol EXTRA. This supplement, made by Pure Encapsulation contains high-grade resveratrol, red wine concentrate and grape seed extract. The dose is one capsule three times a day. Those from age 3 years to 12 can take one a day. Above age 12 can take an adult dose. You can empty the contents of the capsule in juice or add it to foods.

    9. Silymarin 250 mg capsules. Adults should take 2 capsules twice a day between meals. This pro-tects the liver and brain and is a powerful antioxidant. From ages 12 to 16, take one capsule twice a day. From age 6 to 11 take one capsule a day. Again, you can empty contents of a capsule in juice or add to food.

    10. Tocotrienols 50 mg. This supplement has all the various forms of tocotrienol (alpha, beta, gamma and delta) and is very pure. The dose is three capsules a day for those 13 years old and above. Below 13, you can add contents of one capsule to juice. Do not take with your vitamin E as it interferes with absorption.

    11. L-carnitine fumerate 340 mg. This brand is also from Pure Encapsulations company. It is not only highly absorbable, but the fumerate supplies energy to the cell. The adult dose is two capsules a day on an empty stomach for adults and one capsule a day for children 6 and above.

    12. Ellagic acid This is not only a powerful radioprotectant but a strong preventative of cancer. It comes as a pomegranate extract, which contains 70% ellagic acid concentrate. Pure Encapsulation company makes this. The dose is two capsules twice a day for those over 13 years and one capsule for those between age 6 and 12.

    13. Ginger Extract 500 mg. This extract has a high margin of safety. Adults should take two capsules three times a day, 30 minutes before a meal. Those less than 13 and above age 3 should take one capsule a day. It can be mixed with food for children.

    14. Rosemary Extract 400 mg. Natures Way makes a high quality extract that is very inexpensive. The best source is The dose is one to two capsules twice a day. Organic liquid extracts are also available, but are much more expensive. Vitacost has liquid forms for $10 for 2 fl oz. The liquid can be added to drinks or food of children.

    15. Trans-ferulic acid (ferulic acid). This radioprotectant is also available from The adult dose is 500 mg three times a day once an event happens. Maintain that dose for at least three months. From ages 6 to 13 take one capsule a day. Do not use in children below age 6. ( It is just that safety has not been determined for children.)

    13. DGL Plus. This is deglycyrrizinated licorice, which is an excellent way to reduce stomach irritation. The dose is 2 to 3 capsules to be taken before a meal, until the irritation clears. It is not a radioprotectant.

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    I would recommend that you collect all of your supplements for you and your family in one container so that they can be easily and quickly transported. You will not have time to search through the house to collect them. It might be wise to have enough of the supplements in a separate container that you could keep at work with you as well. Never leave supplements in the heat. This will damage them and in many cases render them useless. In general, all supplements should be kept in the refrigerator. Their shelf life will be greatly extended by doing so.

    The history of terrorism clearly shows that the terrorists have continuously escalated the level of violence against their enemies over the years. In the beginning, they mostly wanted media attention. Then they began to kill in larger and larger numbers. By 1979, we began to witness the birth of the suicide bomber, who attempted to kill as many of infidels as possible, even at the cost of their own lives.

    It should also be appreciated that funding for terrorism comes from two sources. The main source is from the sell of drugs. All those who buy and use drugs are helping to possibly kill hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of their fellow Americans. But then again if they care nothing for themselves or anything else, why should they care about such an issue? In this world of its all about me a growing number of people, especially among the young, are so morally corrupt and self-centered that betraying their country and their fellow human being means nothing.

    The second source is from communist governments around the world, Russia (which is still basically communist), China, North Korea, Cuba and now Venezuela. Intelligence reports and high-ranking defectors from these countries have testified to this fact. Buying products from these countries supports terrorism and betrays our country.

    Today we are witnessing a new level in terrorism, mass death. A single attack on the United States on September 11, 2001 took almost 3000 lives at this writing. More will die from related illnesses. We must learn that the destructive nature of these barbarians has nothing to do with our response. They intend to destroy the civilized West even if we try to deal peacefully with them. Yet, we know they are emboldened by passivity, as are all totalitarians. Only by denying them safe sanctuary and by denying them

    the support they need, in terms of weapons, intelligence and money, can we defeat this barbarous scourge. Our very survival as a free nation depends on it. This may be our last opportunity to rid the world of a dark evil.

    Protecting ourselves and our families is part of this war. I close by calling for a time of repentance and prayer for our nation and for civilized humanity.

    A Final Word

    It is important to realize that should a terrorist attack using nuclear devices occur, you would have little or no warning. It will come as a thief in the night. This means that you need to have your supplements readily available and that everyone in your family knows exactly where they are and how to take them. Of special importance is the iodonate, since it must enter your thyroid before exposure to the radiation to block entry of the radioactive isotope, I131. The same is true for your special clothing, mask and decontamination plans. You should have a central meeting place for everyone to gather, no matter the time of day. Once you hear of an attack, shut off the external ventilation of your home (or car) and seal the doors and windows as tightly as possible using duct tape. You will need a long-term supply of fresh water. If you have a distiller, you may need to have a generator, since your power may be out for sometime.

    If you have a garden and you have time, harvest it and store it in the house. Canning is one way to store food for long term. Have a battery-operated radio and plenty of batteries. Of special importance is to stay as calm as possible. I would also suggest regular prayer with the family.

    You should also consider that you may be at work when such an attack occurs. To be safe, keep a small supply of the most essential supplements at work and should you be on vacation, bring them with you.

  • Russell Blaylock, MD 25 EBooklet Vol. 1

    Sources for Supplements and SuppliersVitamin Research Products, Inc.1-800-877-2447 or

    They will have most of the products mentioned, including the Chlorella. This company makes very high quality supplements and carries a wide variety of products.

    www. This internet company handles a great number of brands at steep discounts. Most are high quality brands.

    Probiotics (Theralac)

    www. theralac.comThis company makes a very high quality probiotic. You can also get some of the other forms from Vitamin Research Products, Inc. above.

    Pure Encapsulation Products

    The company, Pure Encapsulations, does not sell to the public, only health care professions. They manufacture very high quality supplements and a great variety. The Graceful Earth company carries a number of their products.

    Water Purification This company makes high quality water distillers that have built-in carbon fil