THE TREASURY REPORT. Canliusr-I fross Fs-Mrth l*»*e. apon Uie wuce est nora jf MM Unit-ad Slaiee tbe boon of antaxnd cb '.ht * g. sud in oder taereto. the Immediate pasMgeofsn set simply aud eo'.ely niacin j taw woo) epoa the free list. Of course a rep-sal of tbe tnt* on raw wool ahonld be to'lowe-l tv. "ut aael not ».nt for. a cocponaatinr ad- tnstment ot tteeUSjBB ou m iuurHCtnre.1 wu..liens, while ..ttl a.s..ut»i tinera are lean,lug tiie lesson Ibai with tue SUbetsi p-iid sud most efficient labor tn tbe world, with the rnix' skided management and the iwat inventive -ari»iiaiicc*, iiiey need fear no|a»tdi >a from anr rivals in rue sorl i, lu hott or foreign mrirketa. au lons .a Uiey cnn hey tnsir wools free, o' every kimi. But tho dalli- .lot liing of ine A mei lean people Bord not taxed-, iheteiore, lt ought uot to bs taioii: te Ire* ttetr etot-teg ol te voa will tlnallv reduce, by half, tbeir eirena-for one nf tbe Ihtse g eat ueee»sltle« ef die. an.', tieus ularge hnne-tii ;.n 1 justly tte meows of e\cry wage e-i Uer iu the L'nliod -Hales. Purl'- BUB ti¬ ltnt this reduotion of unneccasary aed lnlor'ona taxa- tio'i la nol enough, ami will op.-r.ite slowly in .liminisli- tog revenue, teal year'* tmiiort lux on raw aooi is little Boors than i hs mere grow tb last year of our tates from wblskey. tobacco in I liwer. To mike wool free of tax air tinsdr work a l-ir/.*r loss of revenue hy enabling eur woo,len mu mfa- Hirer* to un<l.*rsell st apmtl' !li« torelgn im oriers who ur .unlit ia lust year f40.ft36.S09 worth of m .titi'is. lures of wool, fruin which Wc fol s lax of *'-'?.-'T*-. :¦.- Ts mv i.othinr of other ta«es niv»n raw materials (Ap- r.lolli C tb. re ore sevcrul hun.ired attn-.oh among toe ln2 arti lesihttwe I ix. wide munt at (mee to lie Swept oil 'be tux Iis' Into a tree list,.i>eMv n-i timi", Beedh rs tax-». ii uch enlarging tue Beal or co.leo lug ti.e* t.*v .-iiue Iron I minns. I sus., at au early nay re¬ pa rc eo vrt.i..!' tee rou. rena a aupp.eui-Dtary report ou the rol'eetmti of Mies. ii.mi.i Ml anora .oarasaefattteTraeeery. tte Honorable Ike speaker of the Homme of Jiejueteittaiirrg APPi-NDIX Appendix A..Ts'ithala ot ree-ifiti and expenili'urei for IMT. Tor thc present fiscal year thc rc'cniic, actual and esU- r ..!. ia as lvilows : Quarter ended Remalninjt ¦earea !».*irteiiitier three-fuurlha Total. SC ISte. el lin- veir. Cnmoms «:,*... .77.bno 50 tloO.efJ.ilA 50 $210,000,000 00 Inlet na. rt-vc- uue. ... 28.930.043 94 87.0tJ9.9,*.fi 06 116.000.000 00 Sale* ut public lands Tax on Nat ion¬ al banks eui nf si .md a.Dk'g fund. pw WHY CU(ll|ea- Custiin- li ma. pen al- esc I e.uMil'r .eirets pat. . ni Hitit lanela YwmemmAt a t (,..v. '. ;eru,i- ii-v I'l nts nnoitin- ¦ah; a ssa ta, etc. I - is f i> r i tor laii.'a Iten-uues of -tra t Ol eelllriller* " .neons SuUI.'i IBtfiTBt 46 LMMM 57 6--C.195 02 I '08 8S 814.339 39 4S.50S21 MM** 03 84.9C1 79 :s-.915 70 1.1'40.04«*16 4.172.218 54 l._4T,5nl 43 1.43J.S04 98 767.001 12 2,0».i,U40 61 201,491 79 4,*! 17,305 33 215.038 21 1,712.0*51 ..*-*. LMfctfl M 6,000.000 00 2.500.000 00 2.000.000 00 1,000,000 00 3,500,000 00 250,000 00 6,000,000 00 2.50.000 00 2.000.000 00 7.500.000 00 Tutsi leOMfll -rbi MUM ll S'-' it)7 I.i KtS8.O0u.0uO00 The , \|ieit.l)tureH. actual and estimated, lur the durne IK nod arc a.- fielniws Quarter rnrted Remaining Object. three mirilla Total. 30, lStstf. ot ttie year. Civil ami ni's- u i- iu- leUU- 1 l bull'! I'S. eeltscS au.l : '.300 11 $5*».(ir,Vi*t2-| 51 t7S.27B.923 H2 -t IMS Ai tt.60o.OiNi uo S0.401.1S7 6*1 47,694,80-48 68,0W,OOO0O I -- .iie eii : l reer- itiona, a ll (I I. e, eer 1 111- life*. - 9,7:1,804 09 30,2"3,195 91 40,000,000 00 I ». .- llslltuettt. tn- liet i, s* .s i.i.l iUa- | ..n '. a- ;. .iv v - I 230 "J 12.3 'TIO 41 1 i e.lillt a Miaa 1,887.418 17 2.-.'lJ..,**>4 **3 Iiur si ea th-- na ,:¦ 0 2 'H «'*, l»illK ll j mia . i i.t Alabama t unus ... 76 38 33.7sfi.r7rt 14 8,625,052 21 17,000.000 00 3,.-,nn.oonoo 47.00(1 .1 0 -e. o5,'.'iJ.517 iii fl.721.07fl UH T..'a' e.r n'v exiH neill r's* tow AA BlftaBmB.Ktf Ul .SBS.JiasiTSI . I,OOO 00 '1 eta! i X|.(-i..i:r'ir .-e. HU] -il .... 7 'il EaSteasaS nurieius. S64.7ae.4_a 79 Ap;)'letti l: .'¦o 1. Lee, tri'* ind i rpendUurrg. z w -~. rr - *'t-'t: t ti r . o -».» . z - -*:-::: /' 7. . 7 -r. z at ri" i* | t- . . i . -_:.:i .m i-i | - *- .. - -.-¦¦:¦--i-z.-zs c-; -; , ¦_-./--.' rr. -.-. z C AW-7 T. : : ". ¦*. - ...: X. Z : ---.-. ,a .-. ¦¦-. c **¦*.- .ai Z \ ' r I I-T -1-- Z ir. t Z r. r , -. z - i :. ¦-. _. S.-- S - -r-.-r. .-._ = .-.--.-- r. .re.-:i-is: .ii*-.*-; 1.2. tr. z . .-. _ t i i'. --' .-. '- :..*i;i-/.- x i- . . . .». . r. n r. z zl-- . ~: . rw-^.- X ¦-r . it' 2. r-.z. 7- :i~;-\ iii^ir ea : - z. z < -. .-.r.. **.<- :: -¦. .. :. t-z --. -r-r z i-w.r~i--2.xz 5f ri -'.»' x:.c . lc '.' 123 " %-. !S5|S53 Xi;:: z ¦.*., - ¦j -: - e : : ; ; ;I ¦ - - rr-, i -¦_-!.. C. ... . s: " i :r - . --r-r.t-- ¦= !-*-i---r»r--r-T--= % -t t-~~w-.-. -.¦-.:. Z z J -..,-,-Z i Z Z - : ee*. -. _.¦*:.¦ . /. t-i_ z i. r-^-rw x ,rl --,- z :.c- w «¦ ,. z r -. z - - - z:-z i :. i .-. -. : ; .- ---:.- - z.-.Z -.-. ri cir. --- - 't-:ic*»li- K B- g -. -,*. » . -¦-:,- r f r .::-t-w:>-., . t. zz -ir.-ft-1 - zz .:- z z z .--.-..-.-. t- * Z.2-..Z J -.-.-. _,.'_ , J--. .:. i. :-<...-- :; fi t-r. . z z . z i- -. Z: -r- .. -i- t. -,r:.-.Z'--..:iz.ez ?. ;.--»- -" --._-._ I x ¦:.-._' ri.'¦-* .:¦ ti *-:'.-._.'_ tei-»r. . s* 1 ¦-. eeC- . e£> <C W Z rx. " ?~ _ ; * -ts = = :¦: .-ci ....... iu l\l IS mi i''Z weat J"Ii '¦- 2 -*. t S :--l2iltll Ifilllliil lllllle-lll -1 izM'SiSi --Viii ielij ie_«e{»C_r-B i:;:_S_s:*s_s_ r - z---.r s c c "c ¦= - :¦** :*_«2_ej ,*: .msBP s_ i.a *.» e 9-C C.- .* « .-S : "_ .t"-"iSss_*"5a --- -Bnli.-m Pr~L:~-:r:z--r-- .»t«iti!rSS ''H-i-e:*: --.'--ii pfliee_er? oorrrOrm.o U.UtA.MoiMU\X**0\ Ae. 2../(tee* ConswiM/^isin in (^ Inited .slate* Flaca! year 1885. *is<al year IsHti. Increase. r n nt om a reveuue B181.47l.939:ri4 Slt»2,(>05,023 44 Sll.433.0t-4 10 Inter n a i paeeeue llBABBiT*Bfi n«.fw5.«3ii48 4,307,21094 Quaileer ci.d.uR Querier e-uil.un MiiL 30, lntto. ftejii. 30. intUi. Increase. IBI seas »52,203,W3 12 »58.177.6e(i60 Sfi.H7a.733 38 rtveniM*4. 28,«00.2»10« 28,930.043 94 329.762 SS Non- lie*.* ni*iiri-» r*-preeeut Hie aciual sin-.ui.ts o uro,) lulu lbs I rcasur.v by a ai auls uaMisl ti (ion r.-tnl'aa ol U( hy coii-bclofB o. cualsiui* BUS luterbal rsvnnue. .St, .i I hr fulilte i eat.Soe.. ItftB, and -Vee., 18H6. The moe itesliit-s-of the Unite. (Hates on Sorember 1, 1-**.>. lududjui; iherclii Uie lioiide Is-uesl uU account ul tbe lai in. Kaiirua. Companies, aaa as folluws: Iiiwrrsi _eariuK .ir'ai »l,2oO,77«,l»i2 00 Ai- ino! mod an^wid iuter- ^tlo.lalo . 9.695,848 10 M-uti,wi um ,rl ))rs. StUUmI sud aururtl m. -Ammat..-.-. s.ns.'l,«89 76 Imbi bcaruij; no mwrwl 574.012,UAb na _ }othl. .ai,n4S.J4o.3..6 74 .Usb in Treasoiy 4uu.i.*«.7u7 b9 Anei.i.M ul elrrbl lesa cmIi lo I HM/iurr. ....__. XL-- lmltslitedneas of Uie United MusU-a un >oveuiUer 1, Ina.',, m. iu.iiiik tbe rel a tbe irf-ude- is*u«ai to (he I'ai nie Kailiuail oiujiuiiica. was mb follows : ferauuateaaBUM debt ti. Wt Him on ^ocraiei au.l uuirmio imlmt- .at** -J*-*. 8,993,611171 f1.447.fl57,5«X 09 Matnred debt not yet pre- ecaied and accrued in¬ terest. Debt b jarina no lntereat ToUl . Cssb lu Treasury. 12.M«827 49 349.433,8. 2 59 41.TSS.4ie.48S Tl . 37(1.071.515 "A Reduction of debt einrlna sho-re period WA 1100.830 23 Altcti and LiabihleJ of inc ireaeiiry.Soeetnber.l'iiiS, and .SoT'mbcr, l*<<6. The a "ctn of the Treasury on November 1. ISPS, ex- c'liiiitii: fractional com and oilier uiiaralluble items, were a- le.,:.i« - Hold ion and hnlltnn. |U1,MM____ U-ssiertlilcsUs onuuiidibir lOO^SU.TOOOO M^espft Rllrerciin .-imt bul'ion. 1'7.< V7,8THA I.e-s tertificstes oillaUIlitiliff i'3. Il''.ll2 'NI 342 tl 18.I45,(nni o 74.511.IOC. 46 7.050.341 31 1.44 I.843 el I^'.-lli telieVrnntrs l.e ss e, rilli, ah I e.titslauilinjt Nm uni bunk mites . Lit-posits in national babka. lUIMW W 8259,437,431 25 Thc lialillitie.a of Hie Tnn«ur*r 111*111 llu- same date WBCS as toiiows: Inter, st 4. crued and iilipanl. -tate..!.. oa.aet.s4iio Lest* lllter.-St ete-lllS UH l.l. Ile Ll lu mab. 101.HI las MM. SSI 24 Matured debt and Interest 3,96a.eS8U 76 >ut.eiu»l bank r.-'letiii'tnin (tint ... 4s.n.-..s.i54 I' sbursinn .uti er- iialaiwee 22.77, .'. ia ns I' e.tS. I* Ilee,,arttl|. 1,1 8.700,0.1 M uutNiaiiitms nr.itis and elie, ks.... 4.804.813 Jl .U-j-al-tender teacrve. 100.0i>o.(hhi hu i;.2.r.l9.138 87 Net balance m Tr.iisnry. »*W.8l8.2!i2 3S The assets nf the '1 re ur ii rv on Nnvettilir 1. 1 886, ( \- cltldtnif tiactiiutal . .1111 and other tinav rulal'lc- itcuis. were ae follows : Hold com and bullion. aS484W2,14840 Leas cerliUtmes oulslaiiilinii NH.204,96J 00 _ -0158,637.179 40 stirer coin and bnliion... lajaa(.rtincdt() 106,306 -hi st -80,432,37'.! 52 Iisml-tendi r ides . 08.107.303 27 ' m*I ' noW*.. 7.1 411.000 (N) 3').'.".7. r-.'.bank notes . 100 Dt-jiuaile in national banka . lfi.'Jt.ii. 30.-, 21 re ar On ..rt'.l UH S2'J2,403.43'J 27 The liabilities of thr Treasury upon the MBBS dBte were ila follows : Interest accrued and unpaid. a-per nm stat.ineiit *fs.:>93..r.r,l 71 l.e-s sm.mut paul, tit-1,1 In codi. . 217.399 40 Matured debt anti lirter'st te.1:1k rerte-leictle.n 8.776. !i'.'-'31 12.640.927 49 lund. BS 5-I7.1-4 91 I'lauur-inr "fflcers' halaaeee S2.SS9.20637 1'oht tiffi, e I) ya: 111,int. 4.517.(J10 53 (Jui.-ii-iiirt.un tirana aud ks .Legal-leuler reserve. 8,801.1167 fis 100.000.0U0 00 Cnp.CCO 239 29 Not balance In TtSBear/. 062.783.19098 Decrease of Iralaena wiihru th eai>o*re period.. 14,010,00140 I tMie Honey g The monetary Isaaseedoas d the (iorrniir.enr barr been conducted throueta the offices «f Ite Twesarer of tin lulled OUUeO. BUM u.--i-t,tnt tn .i-:uet-s. and nne hundred .md s,v euty-turee aatlenal bank Oepoaltorlea. Tte gross raeelpta d tte Uoraraiueat, ameanUBS dur* Ine ihe Os. al vcar, a.- abown ..v warrants, ta the sum of 04.2.75O77 00, $116.914330 "! wiircb weie ou BO- count of loane, United mates notes. eartHratea, aad eoa- vi isiou uf i-jtiindiinf ccrtuicates.j vveic deposited an illi¬ lawa v in: lu Um TT.-sanry am! teWTTeaeuitue .08S0 885.828 13 laaatteaal beak Sepoenociea . r."j.n.w.6Ji 93 Poy menu and Cluing** in the Funded iMbl. The following tal.h- shows the ekauffM In the lnterest- hearlni debi duriag thu year ended. ictober 31, lbriC: 111 a t r* 5 - 5 ;- e i-' a ^ a >o a rf 11 X, ° ' % ; f { j YT i'i 5 a x i 8 5 2 s V c.' II - Cl t- i is J 2 J _ C -_ z rn 'A c. B i i ¦ Ix-i _r -a _ io / £ K 1 eg a e m 'I j J 4 Hill ____,. ¦ 1 _ ¦ The- *.ic eiTiinial interest rhanre hr nf the chauices doling tte year ended October 31, 1886, atc a*- tnili'v - r.'ieeniel, or wriich hare .eu* si to Uar $3,220,254 Ii.-lint the interest on $ti.7.i(l 4 per Beal b mill issued. 2"o Net re lomon.SS.rt Binn November 1. 1683, rafe lo 1870, under tte a tot Felirnar] -.'<¦ 1879, Uaw beea presented fur ooorarsiOB uito 4 per cent bonis .io follows: I'nn Hail . .$2-V'(>nnn .Ve ueel lUUICat el Uie eou. 8,278 .X) Totsl .037 For ». at wa- ti.nie ri- fe'.low-s : TmmT imt cent tmu is .s-iictt o.. aneiMBi ..f pei n.'IpsL029,300 00 Ke .ni per cent l-nsued on lu e....lit ot seemed tier.i . 8,76000 II.Ici-st pti.ll lu cseh. 1 Total.j:i7 :.7« n TbeeerUfleatea rtineantontit to.Sl'.>4,50n nu iniiiiiiilni lieert*. iii.eiiiles en led ').'. Slut. - il pei *f .mi.le, were calleel lot re.'el .1 tn lee u ii *: -.'7 '.'-rt.l'"i. or shicSSl ¦:. '. - ai .. er.ned einr r. autl ceased to le*, r ilit>*r, »L In sditniiili A. &\ I.-.ii.;- nmturiug alter October 31, le-ei »»,,- reeie^me bee,ie. ne. wltb ii.let.- ii if redemption, lo tte a ef 02.4O7.A0n; snd 02.684.86(1 bonds wi, . h h.! i,.. eallM, w-srs rednrmrd no sr r.irculan i--u.*et i.r nie Impert¬ inent mi A iifist SH, sn.I September 1 .'¦ lntltl, nivriB to iionl. es ni tits 3 per cern bena lu the iwtnlsre ol tmn-end at any time lol aiptiei win iBtat-ssI Iodate ol paym* ni. Tbs iota! rerttn leen :n tue int.r -t-i'-iiriiin debt danna tue tw< ...(.uti.- la. fbi - -.. ut the A rn rent nut, . m, cn uer. ci. .ilelnn u Hie twelve e u bm lia.I imi ii.iiiur.u Odder 31. ! ss. f15.008.31)0 ma¬ tured Nirreu dei i. mm tHo.i.o'' -e Dooen ei lin* r-rtemi'iioiis an; e-ai.c iisl.itis ol fa. e*.« Ststee booda anet seven linn v not-ss dunag UM t«.,v<e uiuu lbs euiled u< lo¬ ber Bl, Issi-,, writ* as follows **. .-ii t rn .1"'ea el 1864 <iJ. i. ¦ .u February 8.1861. -j.ihh' "t.*....n War elrlll. . 1(H) Pl e.1....,e- .. ! bi at- 23 Itfii re of 1865 (Uaysasl N'.,Tetni**i;. .... J* \ e tweuii.s nt Juue* .10. 1-04 . 4..VISI Ten tot iles ol ls(Jl. e....mi li.nsii.snt ;.sii5 . (on-n.s.n IHU7 . 47.'.'.'eil . l.e, i ii af J ilv jil I *, tl-. Mst, 1861 16 i-ei ceute. 3o.7isi Niau ul Mut, li .'., 1 s.,;( 0 percent] . 18.600 1'Jlete*.'. of ls-! rt percent) 44,'iOO Is.U '.I J et,j' MUlt AUKIISl, Intil con t intnsl si av, r . Bl C." ::.(! I omi tef Mm eli 1,1863 ..iitiiiuol at .c-j per i*nt lun led luau of 1S»1 icolitluue.1 at 2'-, per ct-ut i)2;2oo Loan of Jvly lt l-(-J <li prc Ronds which tiisturinl prior to Novciu* le. i .. :-- . Sl>41.4'0 Beads * .... li ii.ataieit »it!..n the year '.'...I'.ie.'.iO Bon.ts uiHuirui; a t r October SI, tuiiii willi lUiere-gt io elate, ot i c.em pnni! . IiOUels let, en.Ill .i.e.UT :rcll..i!» Ul Au¬ gust HO sud --Mrpleinber 15. 1&H0 Total II per rent bonita redeemed . 9.0,.110.450 Tutsi redemptions aud cancellatloua.tbn.l'uo,2oo JtrwAaatA j. Maa :avi_. Tup.Asi'uv uarsanonx > Orrica or ihe mi uki a ur. > .. Asitiv.,.,>. ii c.. Nov. 0. 1886. > KIR: An oftle.ii. rlaseincadon u Ji*,;,-ev'. uf Die people rn* faa<sd iu aslntul work rn tin- rioted t .u-sa.Tur.liuK io Heir ocsUjmtiou. lee elaeelSeellW to ne ai.auns.1 as follows 1. All lillies WhS irslillol li. -ul. e-ertcrt ti, e,|.,(.u ,,ru;i. t lion. I lie, I ll llnnel WllO dlUld Ul lU patt SUUjeCleel ie, lol.-lift, on,pel rt ,...I .* Im (ero,set ii.en of tl,,* p. pn'.atioti who depend npon s fot.iKU nuis.-t Ior Hie sale .ef tln.r prodBeU i:.. eeaeae ec tte jreei IOHO stales tte total number of per. ih>l> engages ingainiui iMcupaiioua to be 17.;'.'..2,.iy9, divldad follows a. Agriculture .7.670.493 6. I'eofessii.iisi sml jiersonal. 4.i'74.2.irt e. Trade an tiauspoitar.oii. 1,810,268 d. Man lilac tum, mei Uauics. aud ui.u.trK..-i.-J7.il2 Of tlie-te BJBBBSe "6" snd " e " rn sjr at once be ssl tuWe tu Dui suujei t to loreigu rotup, iitiuii. (iteiaaa "a," a.I mav lie «et aside in Hie aame manner ex c*pi lin* larueersalteus Hie canadla. bonlcrm, lol wi.os.. ben rtli, .u ia. I. lue .-i.i i. list ol ..mies ou lesTIBteafl mild Amtl- cultural produce *aa train's!. As tbe o.nie ti.,on AiiMerie sn auel ans.'ian lar.eie-ra inllsl ls* fol tin Inline mal Ucl. in.- an,! iain,, Males of ti.e W.-st boidei lag ou IM in ea Ue,t ii.* oiesnitred, -wi line*., articles meet lu til. mn .,ai.ri* ,,u y l. lAiiu.o-ia min, ooo muoiort. TbU ol* tepiiveb laave* New, Veriu.iul Wiel a p«:t ol .vo»V(irl lobe »uuje-ci i,, iutKlfU iHrnipe-iitieiu. Tbo i.etae aiaie-uliuraJ peipu.aiiou of the tura* eutes t.r»t uamed was lsi.871, lo wuieli may be ad.lad one Itali ot t..e «*riciliiuial popuuiiun ol >'ew S orS -an axtr-sueijr u:*ral esduiaie. Ibo (ulai ia ej70.t)51. aim li ilvdui te*i fie. in cia~» u" leaves l.-JsfU.rti ol nial 'lass neel euujeci io lorrlrn coinpeUlluu. Ol ilw "(I |jie_,ra0 csu !>e said lo be liej-oud Uta reach of lote.K'i ceei.i, tii.eeu. ine di tai s beiug aiv_u lu A."-u Dexed. In mas lilli up those, details, the IuUuwiuk Weis jjeii- eis. uies lui flu, ttiu, ud*u|isijous 1. A iiensvy easeal ebwwa bmI .y ia coiupeto iu forria*a mar¬ keta-**. IL. cara. lov.a.oiia, et, l sa, ulai -wlvauLaana.« p.. peliuieum, e<,iu>n-see<l oil. et. anii.tVi! anvajiu^.¦-.. ^cjiiued iiiroiiKh zramttramarna, ayr, isl aptitu lc. and ev,-u BMaBfelF I- fi, anncallmal liiipleniel.ts. har wats, eiLirumvu use ol tmSKfaWKKf mool aud shoe Uld us tr\'. .liars 3 .,. cupai.ous which erer/ eouiiiiuntty must bare.t. g., bakers, t.uu. n.-i -, upeiiiera, manolis, eic. Tlicae iteducliuus. LogtlUnr Willi ale.ul HO,00(1 llnrludsd in the lanie but wiiu»ui a speclOo w cupauou ua.tisd, leave lbs flaUM-s detail.ii lu il." auusxnd. u.u -Ji.i.isi.i, aa npin stuning Uiu wurk< ri subject lo li.relgu co.uwdliioii. spcaSni. ¦K.si_.u<uraiij. IJsavy deduiiUous aouu.ha uimxIo Uio*mtxy erery Item lhn». among miners, ihe workers In r*»*'! Kti silver mine*, or In tin C ippe iiiiii. s. sd,nit len' le. «.n tlf ¦-'- H eokltlndi-raand finisher" are 'isl lo Ity as stn! rarpeateri -ee ... a both tr».t..« ,ps si t'.nt ther cannot mmiM-ie- with forelirners on ee|tia|eoii luions sm' of Ilio ditfcr.-ni <. i" ."¦! ''.'.', snits e-iper e-tre. Wit such a tv in rases aa lb cu'tnp." ¦i n -|>e. | le. o,us would be strim. .* ¦*.. r In- ori»» tliditsirles wipeel out if uiiprutei t d by a tantf P distance would lu naur malan, ea maintain inrtn-' the foreign Industry. Makin* all alb. in la. <>r ol l-rx- t-e li Bl lesat ,>ne -halt eef ''<.' " ' the reach of comiietilioii.and the list ntiirhi 1 e matrommtammm io the sit te, Iowna lu.iti-iriea. or rather n-itt'ti Inaneo'*"' them lr.,ii sit I sleeel.codon munis, »ool eu (too la. si.k aooeis. ti jio't' rr , ,, Tai,.* imttot " n " as i fair flc''r«* I468.S lng (lui part ..( 'a" whlrh sn- ri th.* total i- '-21,1-s .mt e.r I7..(''JO'rt'.i or BlHHlt l.l percent. The mailer, then, stands lins. Mut SObject lo competition . **uhjei I) a ..... A. .Nut ittlifect tt lo.eitjn Comprlitn,". Agrirnltnnl Imple- IMa.-hlniats .*'?1 ,',i"t .ll.t.t. 4 se.' -ta-ellf I. tillers 41.UU A ppr. nt eea 4 1 Tn Mar rte and stone cut Baker* tl.:«*P bis . 17J T'-i. Maa .- .' -."' K ea. In I- ilya*., .-lied M. i* '. e .erring snd s.niiri-'s :- . ..Tan BHDd. itoor and MMd. 4 HS Millers . S3.*-**" ¦ st- Milliner., dn-aaniak I'....I .un! -h.s* ni rts.r- l.'4."7'< et-.1. '---..401 Beiiilers an.l mineral Mirror am! picture watae .. 2.0-'.' tr. r.'T itiv t- ._. Brewers sud es snd nuning .-.. *¦.' Brick and tile ..... n..n. r* tint 11 and nnd well ''-'W cou ira. tors '.?..r.-7 Painters and Taralea* I'.rit.iuuta ,t J.iiiiiniieel -era ' .era . lim li r A natl ,, IO HIM t.toirra hers. : 41 Pianoforte. n',,"l ,,akers. :.,. i '.'-.'i"*' ( an.H.. ....,;, x lallow. 2 !»-.( I'la niH-rs and gun fit rrrrn.ike* s 1.700 tl ni-- . I',-. Cai pen tera .n..i jolnei -:t7:i.l IS Pi l .ir ... ,.nel KHtTnll lUUSrrv euell makers. 49. nf) Quart* ai"! stamp mill. I'*1 ¦"I and lime iia-rpo k. . btiruers . r.- h.-.-H. iker- 4 '-ve p...,,t.T aadaiatara '-. . and pi laina Billie ',',''' tl.iks and dook keen- Pawyer*. Il rn* - an.l 'nie . },-~k llab-oente loin Heahag machtasa. ".;'-.. Clack* un1 repairing -shingle in t lath. 1.547 rr rt. eollaraad .-nla ll ¦*'-¦' loue-ra . l:t.H92 Ktareb 4ll ¦. -(.ve. furnace and I 'i«-. -rs and refiner-. ;: I. *r**ite. ».***. ure .11 79.S2S ration .... . Empio-ee imt iod cutlery. Izrl.z fie .84..Vt* I.,ii.ic ii fri.'t.iry. ?Jt}2 Knirrav. rs . 4..'.7.' ls. I't':.- . 1 5 '" 1 ishernieit and orster- 'W.m, ichopp-rs . I" .¦1 nun 41,362iWuo Ul rilera. l**i***i Das werta. 4 .1 .:,.,;i.t.-ts _ 1.703 J'»" ara .'.' .!'>.-, Ila r cleaners, etc. 1.9*iJ lian iud lock amlth* 10,672|Oi ... .. -¦*.;:, Harness ami aadelle Cit .*i n .*,.i «. r-. ,__« mik.*rs.39,960 I'.imp makers . 1 ¦'¦'..m Leetber, ste inst eaae -. and awning 2.'.mo ami -mk kctlHiokm.iii- >.* wi ii ir machine oper* 29942 at/ns. -0SB I..nn.ii ui.l ir.iu- .-tav, shook sa I head- . 10,06! inn. 4,001 H. .P '-rttully Watdmt Ui foreign ( ompctition. Artificial flower ma- Iron an sts.-I. 114.'-W kee. ¦A.i'M'i Lace . 3 Ba- makers, heap, l.ea.l mc! / le. . i.H'0 jute anel im. 1,40** Leather ease and ¦..akers. 6.004 |«*k.*t hooks. I.-''. Bone and ir.-ry work. M.ners . 2M :2n er* . 1.888,! rs. rttra ah lin- rirar nilli operators 9 lil *..'!.( P.elt-TS . 7.5HS ll..v.* pro work*. friif lit in.iii ami urn-h H.S- It-un lar-ere.. 2,i-l kei-. M70| i-.ope ate eurdafo ma- 4 i73 ker- . S.5I4 Carp*-'!* . 17.00N Kiianer factory. Krtnll ¦slw.irka. -.'.'2rt Ma't tnakera . r"_I Copper-veorksrs,. 2.:' 2 . t"» a.e-s . ,i-;'" L'orsel-mskera. l.Bdii h:n car|M*u(. rs, *o.. 1. * *- illa 169.77li-i:knull 1*".': a amt ({rind- i-ieain boiler milkers. I_,T71 ers. l.rV.i:* ><ii*.'ar manera and re* Flax .1 Teasers. 1-iM1 narra . 2.1121 Fut w.eri 1..'¦-((, I'fn ¦¦! iu.ike*i a .. Gaiiouti, aiiup and taa- 'liinu-r* sod tin¬ sel. 2,?:i5) ware . . "" nisse mane . 17.n.i4 Truuss. Ac. (.013 (ileevr. makers 4,.'ell llliurella i.JUe Uni andean staters li,,*ie*o Wiro maker* and lii»ery ami ault worker*. . 7.1.0 m.a«._. 12.1rt4iWoollau*tuili. 8«.ol0 . If thia mean* rtxtfr ra, etc.. ll (bauld ku on list "a," nilli carpenters, masons. Aa. lt rs eiitiiculi to ittske asatlafai-tory renie to the Ia*t inqniry. The J.rre i* e..' the pinela, ta * lue h mir pnertice.! Ul et* tenta « aars depe ii<ls U|s.u .tn nut,rt, ur fwrelfB it.ars.l. Bul the tsstv ol pro-riicers is vety ditfereully aBe« lee! bv raria- teon- la yrtcwe. A.i tar.ners o not ..epeud upon a (orelicn mar fcet lor wbesu tnt tm all wheat gnawsca, lu souerai. aher ever tilers ia a hs.»vy aaporu (hat iudasiry which prei* ti es the exported art ei tc may be -aol to lepeiid " u|i'.n a Int i.'ti market. Bat to etsta the arupurtMia of the laipti.iitieeu « ... i. le en di pendent, btub ia 'aa nm.: a.ital u-rma. u har iiy poe-tible. lies, Ser.tUi i- sircintt- I. Worth i.di.\' C. F'.nn. [Chief of B ireau of Itsllrlln*. SUle UcpartmenU] c. B Teasel ht Daraan-un; > Ol Ucl* OF '¦',vi kn Jli.NT ACTIART. > WaaeiROTOS. D. c. Nos M. 1888. ) PIS In n-aponse to yo ir ii .nniiin anun ul the mn laaleiot, eiy-ssiiii; a "elesrre lee p-es uri* ail olfl 1 .1 .nasireil iu gainful Work tu i e I n.t-il **ut.*«. a. curd- ,i,if to tueir occupation." Uie elassiBcatioa iee le- aiian«.ii *i fee ie,w- **l. All these »ho catiu-et .e -a I. e.-re.l lo fer.* un romp. tn.oi, 2. Tiie iessei uu.i.l-er wini cornel be itt part atlb- piicei to furei^ii coiupt i.t.ei.." I have \km boara toss) l st are fo seen- to sinew rhat ot Uk* a ol. una eng g din -r.irufu. imrnireilimt. ai-eurrtiaa le Um Li...c.: -.i.iie.,: i,,tis i|| L7.eMH.00S. Illara we*re Iron uuy,.UiSSO.IKW >-i .. |..*i*..u- wbe wet* tl.rr. Uv siibieete lu |>art lo orei.-u (o p.-l .tain, lutlicatu* that rom 4 'Jin e-ei cent io I LO par emit, -ai about 4 '( p.r (the whole aunt ber .! sm n pemaaa vmeuf Uuat ia* au,I lita: abe,eil H.", 4 pet eat ee, ihe a* ,.e,,- ni n!).-i w. id of Uta as* aril.Bb was uul subjcirleel tu lorriirn ,>ni|eii ellon. The bs* s iff tile-,*- losy be le,need ll. Ibe aAAMOipmtlJ. lUK tables uiarkeel A. Yoili* reefSCtfally. t.. fl. KI.I.IOT. Jim. D-VUn. If et-ii'l. Oorernuenl Aciturr. Ute, nary ut tue traamiry. A..Terse.ns rnK3t-r»l In suttifn! orrnp 'ina to L'ltil.ii rstates ceii-u, (tl 18S0, that atc ajlijeot iu part to fe,! _¦:. ll,,.. I.LOU. i Makers. . I.,,ic ... . . LaOS war.* eiakera. * ;..j». I*, . il ese.rks rt -. t..Ao- a :. weaker and Jewellers. 2K.405 kail, in- 'iuii op. 1 e *i Iron an siecl wurs.s au. stc^g aper ill vta. ll t.....rt I-.te tn.llil - . 1.7 1* l.eath* r carriers, drees, rs. Sntshere, an.l ta,.ner< ... 2;' . 1.4 rt I .-ilk*.1... . 1-o7i ¦u:iir make ra ..iel 1. libers. I Thread-maker*. ' .null,re- . (ruwera aumatedl. BttOOO toui. A esaatdsrable porttna of tbnee beloacia 1 to the todowi-.e ¦hull ... (ne a sd ,n me I,,1 ni .*r of ( en gagrnl iii ira. it 1, om wnu are tuaj- ct lu pari to (or- llTtl (O' I'ert.I aili Appn n: - r.. tra'.-s . 41.17(1 ..''e.' IS . tai .ii.' ea a' . I tulon operaive.. . HawaDilDSU .. 77/'.'e'l I I smiths 16'-I looi and i.Ui.ei'i u.a«. is . 1.1,741) Total .Oaooia Wa-HIM.101, U. c.. Sos-. 20 :-- Sig: I haTe ti.e Itunor toa. kuowieelan r.ieeiii ... ymir ema- nu.ii 1 al i... ..' '-"-¦: :n-1.i ¦'. ni ah 11 r.*i,u. si ali stitttate Bl i. ieeepil.all.eU Uf tall Lie.le I..I.-S III na.ufa1 * rn wli ih cou he -sn.»,.*. lo fi.rei.-ti eil.Ipa.- te. .v ,th lour lei .* ,1111, all,,us row Mr, t. ii. I* 1 ion ai..! ',.! rs ,,r rle.. .u em Keira, ia ah li t,..e lead- iul' ..' 1 tii'.i .". . uiu (wo, thees iu wtu. a such cm.,jie-iit,.in ie uOsslble an.l those iii wmc ll ls mrt |s,s s.ble. foe lek a aleta. ti 1. -ai,., ihese , ,as .itna, neus ts t .1 view ol couiuiiiiK. c innraila-', or eurreeUaf their con* ciiisioua. iiese two atlttior ile-arree T.-rr clos-iy In tin* .or 'ns en tae |e.!..iiak-,.ir Industrial popalalMHi which may h. wholly IS :*.. 'ie .irn o.,.;*. I.'.em .innot el- e*e* nv.* pei ,-it. ll, _|« ia*eufl s f nc .b .*. I hr slr. rori aermetuni -eetu.ia IU* e*ai, iee aidtsi le it . ...ut ... v ne- ii loaioa. Ifapprara lie.el IC. e'l III.' Ile* I,el Iel. T- L' ell f tl..* ,.*!).. 1- tabita, OUT Unli,atrial (e.^u at.u.. | m* Io.,o*< 1. fersi.n*. >'i.a-e.1 In protea* O lal aiul pe*rs nai a* rv |, s trade en tr,,, km ti w..oiu nu le.r. ,*n a possible, ler tte rea¬ son tnat ai, - na ii lu the co any a BOM th* Wor» ia eieeue ur Ile « !. ii ..: .-1 2. 1' eBaBS»l rn aitr elie! uni, pni-inls. in *> ,, t ,,,. ls ID pr Kl* lo nut an etieet njiiirae a.lvanlanfi auu IlirUeM-ir o i ,e I-a.e -|--f 7,299, -*42 ;'.. I .*i sou* iir>.r' il In n. a - ami nilen*.aad la est <.¦ lan e tm- *~.**-- bor.iei. wno mi-rnt posai dy ;.* -.1 ital t u. lor- ,,p. i.t...n 4.*)7.7'"l Ware tu. re no diaei-ence* between dlft'-rent cona ti lee n ila lnituial ami aci|ti.reel skill ul lu' papa latlon, iu ile-a. 1. ssh. tv lo eatiire'* store*ol raw luatenal. ate m af the other reqiualtea ol prodactsta ..ud.'.ul traasuortsUoe e,,s. buUubs. lhaa s eooetoerabie p ri ul toto in.r-e cass wmiiei be suieje,i to foreian co.tpetttlon. As a aaaftis* ut nutt, beweeee, aa.h eeaipeUUea is inuiie.1 by llee lonee * .Iii.' iell-e- 1 est e, iiaiis|H,rtation. Thia, of course, varlea with Ihe artu le*. a rr..univ. WUknnt altoinptias any exact la- eeu <ei tin* rat * of fra kui. il mav oe supposed thal. t-n-e'ie oar .ii..u.i porte and tn* pru iii eaapiaii at ssr*i- nu 1.1.rope, the iii'"' r-.aiii m ul aet Alan BTeatly lru_i On doll ra pei toa ol tarty cowa Stat ooah. Oa BU pi pealla which sro bothy ta proportion to vaiuc ibis will le* eqalfalsait toa inavj proton 11 Te tariff. 2. ite prout se eompeaaottoe of Uta brolga ex porter ami of BIS Attie -I- .lil ceUSilili.e. » til. ll lUUSt Cello pell -.*ll 11,1,01 Uot only ior their Isletr, bul mi tin* nnmiioaa ;-ks to which iroieia sre'-iloje. I a hen BOIppoS '" s teereian inarieL I Iii* Itein wtl: j.iius,iij' rana* .10.1. u. IO pol coal aa Hie a.ueoi Ihe noisia. bul I SUI llu..iie tee j;.ve* IU) ace Ul atc e-.IlMi^te ol Hs aiiinlllll. A. >|eee .,, skill ia palin ular iiioualria*. wburh eau be ac- qil.le-il univ thr,ililli Baum apt tu ie, couibiiieil Wita year*.et even rn ii. ral iou*, ot (ino 1 ce ount -u*> moaaly in the rsanit, Ih.*-. ll ol tl,.. wtss iii wa h-inakiiiK and of the NewEu-f lauder 111 tin* luaiiiilai titre of b.joia ahl shoea, clock* anel cot- Ion iaiira s. are oaoa lu imi,nt. 4. I hr ..em-rai em.1. my of labor In tnanT of the leadline; mauri:.- iiui eiy lii<n pru eel labor of Eualauel 1 0111- peles au. trsiiully wnh the low-priced labor ul tho CouUu Bi ol Baropo, ti. 1 hr p.e*sessieeii of raw material ia a moat Important fac¬ tor m the rooalt, By so inuch aa li ix>«i« t.. ,*ip,,rt raw cotton toa loreurii .emulrv. ..y thal ma h woul a laclury where mo ClHt-lli la enjoy ail adTOOUCa III limpet. H..u. hxatealaejl Mr rora*a (laaalu.aiK.u in Ibo light of these (iiiesuiei'al.nua, il setaii* lo me tliat the follow,ua additions Blight erfr ma er lo lila lill of prodiiccis parUahy auhjecl Ul (OICISII e'Olllps-lllioU 1. Ilia wo.i growers of the failed sutea, who are uo don.4 :n. tudesl in the agricultural population. 'I ti.n-tis (fives bo tia! i lur .lett, .riieiii.u*- lluir Uii'iibei. Inn ll aa har Hy exceed a lew thousand. 2. liieaets ami maiisieia . lfl.278 Paitoa.aasa>4japanned ware. . i.37j 4. audie, soap, ano laiiow n._kers . 'Aftmt b Loee-* masel. . 4.7'! 0 l|lar maleer*.jle.ft.'tf 7* . lil,SI'' B, tn.iaeet- iel riuployeii la job work . 4..-77 .a.,.a* luie;s .44,019 Kl. t-.aie au.l ra. e tua kera . l.U'jf ll. louis aad (tiiirr) nuke,ii.1B.74'J Total, be*ldes wool -crower* .168.ao9 KsUiuaiing a* Mr Koki i1.k*s. In (he ,ase of the other nee u*. thal oiie-half of UiSe-e Weteien pr subject lu loreign coitipriitiuu. tm* (oi-ii n>unb-i xi sui. ei hoop moe Oltfl.l i i DVe and lao leuih* p. J eat ut Hie ,_. lust r_U Tue aSiteia. OOBSl ia,eu lb il. If ira,:* wore entirely flee, (lie frnt lion of eetit pre-seal immsinal pop.iialioti m]u. lonsly sub .e. 1 Ui furelan oi'.epelttjou we.ii,d uol ex. eed six ur sev eu*f»r ieui, seems to me in.qnesti.maine' Very respesrliuiiy ^our uboilieut rtervant, niutea .sawrons. MM KITH Of TLPE-fTIfte. SAVA.l!«ai(. lies*. H..Turoeatuie steady a* .1SI«_ WiLMlSuroX. Oer. li.. 1 urpnaUuo uui.'t AA AA .mm Cttau-Saius. Don. A..l.tuonnu* auu. mk it Sta. SUPREME COURT DECISIONS. TWO H1KADIII' N CASES 8KTTLED. RELIC VI VG IBU f.-itl-lAVA LOTTKUY C'iMPANY OF Hit' ATr-SKD TAXAUON. W»«nivr,T(i«, Iiee. tl .A decision waa renderod by tho eoitn tieeUr In tiie itn.Mtr-ai.t ex-radlfion SUOB o' fred¬ erick M. Ker. against the ptxttta ol tbo stine if Illlnnla. hiouglit here by a writ nf error to tlio lUfM-BB Court of nut-*at*i. tn 19ft Ker. w .o waeaclerk in tlie-ini'lny af haei-_,CaaafAOe.,af Cklaaua^auiswu_M a lar«e -ii ti e,f mo iey wlnuglug'o tb st (Inn aol fled (o Petu, -out L';mki ..pnlicallon frou the (iovel nor of Min ia, tun rreelelout nf the Uuitini States, ou Marchi. IMS, l-atial ,i wnrraut (or th* efira H'i m of Ker and seui ll iti Pei u by bear) (J. Juli >n, w o waa aufhorlzeal to receive ti.e nc., u-od uni. from the Peruvian iit.orltiea aa ri g rum to the t'ul'ei staiee to answer a ciuir*.e o' lare-uv. k -r sUraesteas JattsB, eilfeaui weera ins the Batta lliuu p.-iie-r*. tu snv o-tn-er of tile Peruvian (ioveni'iicat and without making anv iictnainl iijioa that Seorasmein ior his saran ter. I..rt-11>ly Unlit urned him au.t pl toot nleii eer; bo ir 1 toe Dalia l -tates veresel F.sser, bf w ile ne w is lei*.ii into Honolulu, lhere* ne wis Haeahaai, be J'eeeatle me steamer City td Sydney and Ur uga' lu-an and ilien snri-euiiereil by me Qeraraor at CattfareU ta t.e authorities of tue .°.iaie of H.iiioia as a fii-iuve frou. 'tis ice. I'pon fee*aSSHal lu (ini-s.-i Ker was put mi trial and nilly convicted of larceny sn 1 ratfeeaSleaMet ile alleges that tina whole proceeding waae iiolttpui of tue j roeial.tii-v oi tue treatv between tim i;inte.i BtaSea mid Peru ratified .Jinv '.'7, l-l. and lie up,,eins ti t e t-UTerue ('olirt, Upon the aroilml that t e ea-e cale* III e|U0 tl.m tile (rt Itjitrt d I ni, ar SO -, ruction ot a ire.,ty. rms min ls of munnin tel .1 li Ker hu cell rertU I to tins eulin ry "Y I'm. e.* i- ,iui un l-r int ire.nv of lill wini i: is pro-table, lu et iu,,.ti r- .1,cement .f tue c.iee III Hie It-BBS lie Hi ic ht tera Mle i:«*-s: un v pualeel t.iii: lie «iis exinillte.1 for l.lTe-etlV rlllel reen*. ICle ll, t ll*- ? IT Ml't (if il JUT, O OIULO/. laen.eui. Bat it i- ll iiderenl niee When ne cutes tu t a ¦..unitty n Uie iieiiiitifi ni wi.niu ne wu« lirougbt mr-, cloiiimi with in w-.tlc*. a prt-.o-iiis nu ler the tre.ty Boeill tera -'i'cn linu, an no nut' wu iou ths ce un ry ,ia es to Teni or to hiui under the treaty. Ti.e eulin luniks ii inear mt in iiivo,ln_ eta ;iiri*(l eteeeii uimn tte kt. em, Lhtl ..-wa- de ii,ed c. r get cnn c.T-l Bp"B him i.y u treaty ol tue I'niteet ft.tee ti.e pri-on-r nua fiiiiei tee-tuon*. tteettsUUtel anv -uca r.gut. Tue i|U'-oiion ii, now i,ir leia lorcieel- seix.ire In another min r, uii'l ti-iinsrrr in v, oles ce. fur. e. or frau i. io Una coull ry coin tee ms, ie a ran in e lo resist, ina! ta lue * Bte.ri or the oBanoo ..ow chas od ui on lum ia one willoh Inls emili .lues n t fsr| ea 1 Ill-oil lu I( 0 de. sim e iii iiiiii iraus.M Mun tue couri .ioea out ooo mu the Ooo- anteiti n. ur laws, or tr atlee Bf tua United states gnyr- autoe hun attv |.i-ot.-iHom Til" court liol ls, teowever, toa. ins Ipi lelnn .nie- ot lnare tb.* ona., e.r tue li'.ve riiti,eiii Bi Peru »ttl,om reine .y fm ma anani' ur¬ ned seizure witlii.i ia terr,tiny. Keen tha exis'ing tre tv with that Kiuutr. provides tnt tue exir.ulliluu of pe'enus diarge-l witii kidnapping, au-l on detuuud frtnu Perei, jedisu, tue party wbo is g nlty or it. e-.ui lendete nu il trtssl ns unurls 'ur Hi i rm anon .n na uws. Krr uimaeii waeel probably sat bo wii.mutre- dr »-. for boSOObtBUS Julian in un action of troep.i-s aud laise imprison, e il un tue* flic's a-1 'urtu lu the jue.. wu,i tl wit out iiiiii -I -us ala t, e adi m. |*A belber ne .*.! .1 iiceoer a anni su ..Clent to |il-t.fv i'.e ade.n wounl lunn tidy ilapetni ti|eou morn sap cts et lue C 0* w.e lier ihe tour' runlet lon Vin* Jiu!..' Utoat of lue fuproue ( nun of Illinois sialaililiiu the t.ectsiou of ti.e i our; of Cook Couuty. jgaiusi tuc pris¬ oner s aillniie i. A iii Blaine w.»e also rrnelered hy the co irt to-lav in s.eotiie.i iui| extradition cone, mui.eij, the Lulled -.ates atmeei *Vili,aiu ttaeisc er uauseher *s- au o'tlcer "f au Am, rn au vessel who Was exirad ted Iruui II real I,ri, ii ii tn answer for Ihe murder ol a sra ian, ami w.o wus aiterasr I iero.igni I.i tri.-1 for a di.iereui ..Hence,, tue C Ucl ii tl unusual |>titllsiillieut Ol lue saui» ainlor wb-jiu ne ana charge l rilli murderm*. T.e case au nucort-.ui n**wttmm wunb u.ia ioug lie eu a «uli|ect of diiLunatlo negotiation betWrtsu me UnTsraeiBBli of lae Lulled .-.lalea au.I tjre.»l Kntaiu «nd wuleh bal never neon a been llually -etiled, uaiueiy, we,ether, ur,uer lae e xt rael lt. on treaty lu force '.«¦ . eon tbs twa oou.iin.-s a parawa *»x;r.idit*ad ior oue oaence. eau ne med (ur abut. er. It ls tb.* aa ..o que-t,ou wuk li waa discarSel nt tmettwt ry Kls-i sui Lord Uer*iv iii tts IV'ius- lo* ami Lawrence aud WUteii alirrw.irel ueeuuio a auiij.-ctuf fiti-i ter nion la tiie'«U Bo ese of lairds, but wUtuei was unver brought to a i.otliuteO se.UetiienU .ins court .oils, ina luug and careiuily t repaiv.,., in J.i'tice Miller, that a pera io Wuo has beeu imukht wit te te.e |url**d ut.ou ..f lite curt ny rli tue of pre*, ennuis nu ler ea ritrssllUee trusty ca ouly no It-led f ir one of t te otlelic -a des. rina I lu tile tftt.1.. SI .1 mr tue uileuoe with winch ne la churifeil lu t e prucned- iii.a inr Bis extra Itara, mun a re.a mabie onie auu «>p- porr ninty loire been given bl.u alt.-r lils rel. aa or ti'.al uudrr-u*b earae t«> return to Hie oouutT) fioui wuo-o j ay um uo bmtl lu-eu (ore Inly Ukeu u.nler the-e nrtKee l las* ute JaetUm Salts lirscut* iroui tue upi., on of tlie/sotirt, nu toe alOUllll that befall Bud lu the iro.lty uoiuin. >»uieru foruuls . U-i il fir auy otu.1rotto.1ce tuau tliai for wu.on tue extra ilUea wa- made. 1 h- ileetsiOB uf the court in tula Case ia opposed ta tho cos ti.eti ta.e.i ny fie United .-lutes i>overu.ii*,,i iu its uegnt ali .us w.t.i lue ('iuveruiueiii of dr. al briUiu wiui bl Hie Wlii-l..a an L wr.-nce BB ea. A ilseiei ni wa- .il rn rendered iii U.e .aa caae of tbe city nf .-sew-Oiieaus st Ut* Lou s.ana i.olivrv o"l| any tiroU-ut ..ere o a, leel fr.uu no i in U.l I). UTt -i( tue Lu ted -t.i es f. r he Laalrm lil-1 net of latU.-aUll. luis .aa-a-Ult .n-t.tuted b' t.,e lai'Ury Ciiinpauy lol tue I uri uso >.( obtaining au lu|uncil..u'o re-n.-iu tue .-l.y and tile board of Aasees-r- iioui aiwessnig abd coleirtiug eerti u*.xe. loved "y « »'" u.ou n le. aleswl viola...... li ._! feraair ino amt lucs.noraitua Uie laiuisiaiiB Lottery Coiunauy pmvllou (nat it auouid pa> m .ue f-lai- the suiu eef er4i»,ii Kl uer aimil ii to ne ere ilte.l m Hie- K..iie-ul"i» '1 Purni mid t.ial ll sb,.ul be exeiui't iroui al ..'(uer ta SOB ¦:. lewBeeB 'ruin ta" etaSr, paris,, or U.UItiClii I nit. i.rifles Til company si.cues tliat liot- wlloatai lina t n- exemptiou. t..e citv of >ew-(ir.eau ls il nu III BSirSs BM' BOll ct .i t>X Ui on ,l» i-a| -tocK .md ..t .rr ruiiei'tv Si vu tilo of f..e (ii ovisions of Act n.77.1! t.r.* l.eai-l.itilr.* of L.iU.S'auaof lil" Tl IS ewart i.olds that t r taa complaiaeU af is nrobi .itel i»y toe t.r.i.S nt I .<. eiiuti'.ii't ee,|.I...i«l ill tile comp.liv's . i ata taxation aal ats nu,.t to rnImpowwii bikib I- a Ul U.eetri ¦ CT ur .tl Ul w ' llle.ll,I.U eef its Clialt.T. .Led leif '1 alb ItS 1 MllTI Id-ll St. ck- . ..u-e i,.e euri oratara b> ewaapwltei lo bae« mo -ir-t, for f.v-i uo inn.H. laipoaai buob its ainer- llltlder* all is rna le r.a. io idlmaniy ur Ibeir |...yuieuU - tn,,! tue>n of Ite Iambus a Male Lillie re (b«tt|*e-1! ls BOS WU,In (lie purview Ol -ee*L,,i i ,,( \ i s .. 77 of iii- v-»r -.» aad Ite lt was litlt tile ll, te ll tie l.e eif 1..C I.e., Se lt .T as el, ''"*.. ,"'1' aa 'iii .>-e ii. un tte . o.u,iaiif any olin r taxe* ttiau r.e. .ri Fm n Its own ch.rt-r; out If ot.ierwise A t -ii. 77 is vu .I aa a ,,iw imp Irina the o..ligation af rut, faa (Berco ul (he Circuit Coin tu .avor of th. luiu-ry comp iuy ls sdlrinert. i he other bu el aeea tnaaaetaS today waa as folio vs Ne. || i'..,,arl -Vee.,.: .nil others, p.aiutli! in error, agt. the city e Kuri Wayne. Jo-tenoni revsrsoil . eneta ate ca-* ;. a- i iii..,*,i,ui lo aw.ri I BOW trial. N ,i', .: no..l.-r e. iipuo. ,e,.p-i,anl, agt. vvi..;.i . : "Ut'l "I Cue United ia Jtortoora Uaatrict ot Uow-Vert >.e. .41 Ali tie ri ti ii. el. ault. etc. ami othet-s. appellant Wooster, a pp«aai troiu tho Circuit Conn of the Latte ,,eii,e, 11, insiriciuf ,v«* York. rest. .., .-..- ladies n.i.oe.ii.u, plaiiinir IB error, agt. the V irks. Pac.Sc ilailroad Io error kl tue Mapreiuo I'uurl ui Um rstaluoi la.uisi^ua, Judguieul n-let. . i* tank u Lott, administrator atc agt. tba SJ. C. t'otiipauv. Appeal fr "in tHe lr. un Court el iii.* L uiusi -ui. - lor i.o* baelern Woulel ot Ponosynraaia .So. si, c. ,;,is M,i i.e. i, |, aiiililfin error, ag- ll ke[ lOTes IB ll eel .*. ¦" B.ipl . -lab* a, i. i.neii ii.a. .udjpusula_U_iatl witu coate. Net -IMI J f U Ull l*f ll. .,r* UTI. J'lhll Maali an.iel-. ..I,,lou lo rt. lie I. M.:,ml lo le*. air,io, ui.ou yeetpeaert iee lo the OlUel -I...* Ul - ...W a..Se*. .SO. HM naiui.i.iii tim.sby and olhiriS' plmitilT ta emir. est. William a w ooo ate 1 D Diamo. __uUous le-W-uaaae SUI Ito "len .,- L tto Sis-.i....cs PBiUipe .inn eitiiera. piitiutitf inerper ixl ti., ii*...,. jj ,.,,,.i and VI aler Aseo. ialion and others. .Meilleell tort.-a, I.i«. .*. ... .en,,.. pUtaUd sgt. ihe P. Hean In-urauco Company Mot oo n.i r..v,* ;. ni* dot la ra two e_rniie.i. .so 77 be d-rehaul- Mut lal luMiram .. ..uvauy, appel- lai.t. a-it. e.^ji^,. u ... ¦.u. is i... Soi ii.m.- Mutasl Inenranoe Compauy, appel. lan I agt. >.l.,- .., I ii ,i grsiue assigned bil argumeutob tbs brat Monday iu Jainuiy ui-xl, ai. t Nu .v., i_'4i ..* ', a,.-, Barlin-rton ami Quincy ( .nu pany, pla ii tut lu el rot a*.t. tin* >taie of Miaauor! 'i tel -a... r eeleul Meei..eli l.e tr vance -fTai.t-cll ^tileje* t .tn.*, tb too ti.e nrst M.iuei.iy ni lauuary ucxl alter ca.« a air, a.i) asigue.1 foi d..y. _ ., No. 1---..1-A ... ,.,,i. I. im., pluiutitr in error, sgt. the District0 ,..i, n.a U.-UouMS. . at rn .so, 11,2-,i ne,uu ul. pia_i(iff ui error, agu M II Ilia.e ami ..'.lief,. m, .*,,,,, t.e een.lll. ,.i*(..* ) _u,i ..t.ns. |iiaiu_i-t -n error, agt. the Lil.le.i -Lites. viol.i,n t,, aeivsece ms 1£4 Henty c Uuiaaamu ateouuea plaintiff in error. agL the .oliue Wagon Company. Uoliou Ut lUanilsa sub- .So. lirtl The 1 nited butea, appellant, agt. John Paul Jone-, rater, etc. Me,t,e,ii lu .|la..,isaaiiotuitt*d. .su. lurid- lue ii.iel States, aBPeliaol agt t M -yiriotuts. .See. lu-'j-llir I lilied Slate* spoedaul aal Joshua e.isboi>. N.. Tue u.l-.l r-uies appel.ani agt. Charlea U haekwen. .s... Itjil-J. Thc ('mred-.tates appellant agt. Henry tt Phil- bruk, i-utinniieii a. to -.oin ru.e ny Attorney '.-n rial and 1* I' lirwees ior appeiiaul aud by Joliu Paul Juues aud ll ll lanes .or aypeiieea Aeljoui-ucl until lo-moiruw at U uirlo-k. TAL C(>L*ltr t)P APPEAL- ALBAir. Dee. tt -In the Court of Appeals to-day the fol¬ lowing causes were srgtie.i '1 he following la the Court of Appnala day calendar for De- .Nos. 131. 136, Ul. 130. 09, 3M, *3. 113. Tbe motion caira dar ior Tuesday, December 7, la aa (ol- lowa S0-. MU MS, 971, -J«:i. OOO, mi, 976, H73. 97« 9»7. iMd. pnli. onn. Usn, ejiio^ ;,sj, Juu .i<j7 jjho 1000, ut. J, Wi. J. ¦*. uyi, MtB, .".». WHY MIL-. LA.\(,THY MU N(»T VISIT AUHTRA1.IA. Mra. Kwllle Clisrloite L**ngtry. tho actreaa, through her lawyers. Plait A Howers Bled an answer yeet-enlay In tue ami which waa begun against her by " Al" u\_^_f___\\\K\_ i.llillot ..I lue .,,l.i, u. Moms ..reeuwael. I hr Mil '""".'} u-utiofisl ro.u the i*ui.r eoawta to i«« I ml'si »Utea . ii. nil cotirL l«a ausaer a.iu.,1. u.oiouiiacl OUaJU.mimmwm, bj walefe .His Uadn NP-sS ls "> Australia uu.itr b._ luauaaeuieuL hue sa) s. m.sevrt, ll.-t Hie s. i . aa Hans t. !!. -J w.tuoot her louatui ny Mr vs ilia - sou, * Muagiate. u. eyein.y. Auslialia .Vrs. UsitaW) lu ,,. me Bp ni' on neal m.*. urnse me contract, as am- waa UuWi.Ulig Ul Use t..e, UlUI to rn (llslaUl .oUUtIV am. Skien* .Ua 0i ri alvloeu n.ouUia uU'ler the ei.aliageuienl Ol ll..* Dj,h. Bbc also a-e>s Ui_.i the ooulra. i a (Ui (.reeuwall waa __» u,'l "U IM« I....1H and Uials.e waa sick is Ibe opting ol f«-, »nrn ti,e i,.. i. iiogit, ihe join un}' ariived sud waeco-i paned lu gu lo lr.ulogie (ur uer lu-a.'.li- .- WANTlMi A OOWI us'T Mii'i: HOU MfU1X1 In thr anti by Cy ru a vi Kiel I a*{aiiis' P. I lark snd rraacis I. fer SOOO.OoO damages ror ilaude r ol oolisuiracy. Jue^e uilcu hasgisntesl tKilii Ul Carter* tarsi yard (be al ort,«-*,s i.r Higginson, snit lloaer li^l.-r lbs at _,,iu,y feel lara, au! u.le.tllg Kr Kir eel lo abo w susi al tue sun of laos a eek wny bis com,, ali .uld uol ne tua.ii a null"i au. I e.tlalu. Tue nine ul Ibu elu eu dan la li t..-a.l l.e Una eoiupiaitil was erxlen.l.el l.y Judge tullen (ll Bailly days aiur LUo decision upou ms return ot ths onlsri tn show ranas. Beth th- defSndSB'a bave tiled aflldsvtta etet* Ine '.hal they aro tnfnnnesd by their counsel sad believe tbat th«v have » ktsul ilesttce q-ven tbs merits to each actina, fa the snit to recover fl.-O'UK)'! of New Vork and Vew Kng- land bonds Robert Poster yesterday s. rveal a demurrer by diaries P. derk oo lohn IJmllsy. Mr. .. rt a attorney poti- t ons for the removal .if txttli esses lei the Federal Ceetin lu thia d'slni t, ai'iom|isiiie>l by bonds s.gtie.t by William B. Diosmorn, the prescient of Adams Ex pres* Company, ss aur<*"v, and approved bv fudge llonnh ie, wera also fliest no ( lark s t-etialf IB the ottlcs of the Clerk ot Westchester County st White Plains. MIS^R PAIVVI LOST WILL. ThTINO TM PH.-VK S MI«SltO POri'VI **«CT. The I' tn the case In which John H Wsrtlwell aeeka to hs ve a lout ted to prohste a w.ll which he says was mode by James I. Paine, tbs miser, who lire.! tn apparent nov, ny sud riled at No. 177 B Ieee ker* st. ou De-eralier tt, IMo, lesaving a furtone the amount of which la vartonaly fstlmeted, waa con¬ tinued resterday befure Mmrogato Hollins. Ti.e will haa never been found, bat Bernard J. and Thomas J. Kellv claim to have wllnes-e I Ita execution. In Mai di laat h tura of ad- ministration w»re granted to (Thsrlea P. i'd'ke n ' iud **nm- ner K. Clag.ett, ami it ia aought Ul have Uu-ae set sstete and to ter.,re ihe will alleged to have been lust. Hernani J Kelly de. posed Heat Paine patel lum Bl 3*0 .or h.s sl.-n tl ni nil arkuowl- e*'*_iii* ni on Hie will Pa ne did not obied to the amount (le bael nxet tie witness Uiat he had Some nioner, but as hs hd no retail-roo tee mar* it to hr wasted lr to gn ie, ins irn-nd Wanlwell. Pali:.-rame to his illili e.. at No. 17 Infill -qture. on August ly Iftm. Ile had Ins ,,i. real bull..1*1 < iu-e. nut hart no eotlar er uiiil-ii-o.ii ou. He carnet the wili io h s hand lncli,se.l tn sn euTeb'pa, Ie replv to a Mee tum as to why he had not atat-nd that there was a .Ul ii ntl -sven mon ilia aller the mat,'a deal ii the wi ii. rs- saul lhat ha ihangbi russ waa e aroak, like albara whom he kai baaed of. Who m ..!.. (heir Will IB.Ifelr I was or this reason tl,ai hs uart no. informed Wanlwell, whom he often saw. mal he was a legal, t' nuder the w.ll. Tim oas J. Kell, tcattflee! thal lie aitrned the will at the re¬ fill, st of Ins i.r..I er ter I'aeue lian signed lt I'nl'aj said au waa worth over <rt(l (>i-i. sud as he hat no relativo. ne wished tu le.Ve t.e Vi! .. .|dwell. Q-tluw did 1'alno when he mime.I (he will! A Un aeetuee! to have Miran c.iiirtiiin sense almut him. l-aughter.] Q, -lu.fin s.wtu raUoaal or au* i a. -He know what he was do tie. Ile se. med like a mini eil »trong mini. The witness waa sure (hal Paine was sane, and being naked Whether lie w .a au expect in Insanely, replied M 1 kuow a .u- nail.* when 1 are one " illari a P liickrritig. the plano m.innfacinrer, (ratified th .1-e.ireli liul ism maile anton .. (he ene. la oi ihe miser. wbuaee bi la let rater he a. tm * will ami noue had beeu luuu.. The i.ear.iiK was adjourned until to*.lay. WT8 OF LEO AL NEWS. .tnattre Brnrett, in supreme C'ourl, (liam hers, yesterday de. and the molleen eii.el- hy MBBlS Leer L uh attorney for the i-otu- iiiitr.-u of tue .-state e.f Barti-y L'auip's-IL the demented pl:iv. right. fur aa SSlleS to punish J. Edward Weld anel T. J. Walsh, attorneys. for contempt of court In disregarding a a'ay of proceed in rx a ob- tsitieil tn the Mars_M "eire lu moving In the c.ty ( ourt feir au e.reler Ior tue a-.le of tuc Isaac of Ihe'i Hlr.-et Tinaire held by Mr. Campbell. Tue Judge brid Uiat tueir action was not forbid len by the ur ter which il waa claiuiel Ui it they had disregarded. tamtam* ls.noii.i-*. in -uiereme Court. Chambers, tn-anted sn ln;uu* tte.n al lim sail oi Uta conrail Cairne ic nrptian Ae*ylaiii, r.'-ttuinug OBtrot ler Lo w from eo.ltug st public sale las pneteeriy ti? rh** lasttlaUoa si Pliir-ttrst-a.. suet Kiftn-ave., sud als., ii *..,. SS Prince st., roi the payment of watei rents amounting to SS.OOOt 'Iheyhsvenot been paid a nee IX7U. In (bat year Uie Aldertueu passeiL over the Ma or 'a ve .. a n-seelat lu rel! *v n the is. lu n oi taxes tn water rents. I'he Controller c aims lhat Ibis action was invalid .Mrs. E.izaletti ll. Meeker cl argea (hal her hii-band. Nathaniel vv. Meeker, obiained ft,,tn her ,n February, lani. $l.'Ki(l. Wliich he promised Ul lUVest e,r arr He use.1 lt as p.n i ti bs |..i, i leas.* netley of .No. 440 W"est Thirty eig ith-sk l'n Ju.l *.',*. lie disappeared, leal lui. a mortgage ou tue prop- ertv, amwil oas ie-rn l.iieclos. .1. Sta uataien-el au JllacUiueut against Ihe property non j ustie-e li km me vslei 'av (mg .olin, tho Chines.- im.-i pieter, who sue.1 Otig Sick, a Mott -. mer, li.iiit. lor S-OO or set vices IB io testi¬ mony tor me pruosuuben e. Quinn tor a nina au Mmig annul a year ago, yesterday rocevared a var.let mm ihe iud amount a. lt s mal oriole Judge aud a | ur y la tho Ci ly lunn. M.yer (joldsmith obtained (rom 1 onohue an attach- meui agniisi ihe projM-rty of Ja nea .'.-nea SS t claim 'or I *, ir-. i he .ie.. i.iL.ui. .a aeaSUo Sealer, bhmU au assun- uieui. Hiving h.s muo a preiereuce ior Sa.i.oo, wuicu is alie-jed hi ne .raU'iuieuL IBE CA MERELL DIVORCE SPIT. LOHD COLI-T AND THK DCKK Ot ARciYLL OH THE fflTIW 8 AND. LuNiiuN. Dec. 6. .in fie Caiupiieii divorce eaas to-day Duna, the deUmUve, wuo ni the stan I wuen to e;u*o w,.a .itijoiirnwl sa nr lay, le-r.tlt-d to * ahedowius ' Lady Colin C.impne'i and lue Dake of Mar.borough la Plane Ue a .ld ne waa unoertuiu whether tbe tali geu- Ue-uan he bael seen walkin* wltu Hie plaiutifl was Mr. American millionaires, or not. Ibo Diao of Mari .iii origil stayed at tue li. iel W_gra_u Witness bevel ssw lady Colin there. Annie Brown, a servant, de'toaed to a vlatl made ny General Ddt.or to i_udy Co.ln and to bis remaining Utrea boura. Ham parers, a solicr.or, testlUed to an Interview be- tweeu|l_ady Mnes aud Lord Cohn Camplin lu -* uvom tier. Ins*- Ladv Miles turn.itoue Do ni Hmm rliat m. les* ne witudreiv bis pine, edmga asa.u-t Lady tj..tiu. eeo (Laity* Would I r l lUCO eVlil.UC" ag Dosi Ultu. Lord e (1.1 ll campbell, witness sal ', toual,ie**eO tue pfituaaats on ue- ball of pi .iiitl.I as male .br.idgii Lady Miles dishouor** ub.e au i nu ..ol" .ii. and eec.1.,rd lo auOs* ie lo Ieee ii. Vue Duke oi Argyll was tlieu cail-d. Tue o'|eci of e.illiug ul o waa to iiaV" mm slalo lual bo 'll-au eo-'u t..e luartlaae of omi lo pialulid. Mr. Kusse.l, coue.sel fe.r 1-a.iy Col.ii. p.esiin-e.1 a le ter laloi A lausl. Isid. Irom La y collu lobe w;lu.*«s. in w.lcli abe d lim C iUSM wt eilaaicreestuellt Wltb Cord (ll 111. 1'uO 1 inge's rep y nil that .e Ciusnlcn-il lae ensures tgiiust b.s a ut fa e.. uni ii* iieve.l tenet City e, ii 'a iel tor ian p lit of . s.-t**,, lo iate uer nus .aud, and -viii.eas ..rc eiieel lo boitl Sui' 'uri ,et coi res,ai .-lonee «"itti uer. lane ".lu i ampi.-el Wa- nell .sum. lie tea.Hie that ue tlrst .net :<ia wife lu ». pteuii rr, 18¦> '. at Inver¬ ary, I,.,* cuief s«,i. ut i e Argyll ..»,u..y. 1' e. ..ciia.-d.t- auc' .s(miu raauliad btaaaae-t-eaiaMitef bmithum He n>-xl SiW Ml a il o.i I iu London lu OoSoOtS. At ma time wi uoat >v.u a.inering fi ui na uia. Au apeC-tluu w.a (i r ul'.ne ipoB I'l .i. hu. ll fa ..-.I im iM tu- le*ver lie nad uni wntuu was seggr.v eiel ny anxiety r snecLing ins eng igetu. ut He Waa u >t suitrti.i. lu any s nae irom a- loeinielo a eli e.sM uml frc.j .eutiy v,»i ed intu . nen he w s«bi a*.iv on a coi age sue -oul i.iiu a letter lu i-».-ry in April. I nn i, a ,eit,,er jper,»tu.u .». |ier.urine .. a,,el .1 also Was a tao uro. His lulnrr'a ll,e|M'S.llOU li* hl8 eeige.gOU.eut es.ta .1 I UlS llUe Cl U-l g wu --s roo-tani ai t.-iy. Witin--a Knew urfixe he u. rn ni ta . ii.ood waa aa-|U>iuled situ tue lime ,.( .1 .st. ¦¦ ,r, ni. ii. sn* iud wi: wei. (moe teat SHS U.l iieen i. Inr Inri re alta sl-te-r ami S* othera. iuuiU Ung lue D'ekeof s r'rt.o:i>..«... VI itu. ss replied: * nnu t nuuk yoi were ni g.'inl c*eiu,ia_ii." Wiluoss bivi gnu au ulef - aw a long ilui*. but lint r,U'- ei .er it. Hi .1. Witness was .narricl i.i .Miss B.o<m| ni July, l-jsi. lu me Oct..lier fol.owing ia do. i.da ro- 1 *a-e ui >> trom ibo priiiiibt.itiu be natl been uudrr bo- e.iua.- of ie iu...idy. Leed ( Oil , coiiliiiunia, a dd ae benni wiiiIe ata* mg at Argjli Lodge, ala i.tue l's Cou lou re-1 elli e. tliat tue im-e uf Vlari 'e.r uga U d eil.e.i ait e ledge, tie l, eu Ball edi inti K u,iv t e inne. S/ltBOSs rU-nu* rated .still cu il far rpi tea bui wein (bier -b .w, mud sue u**- e.iine V turu W'Ucn W lu* ss Waa lil ul Uour irlueieitei. Lei} ( Ol rt. le t Iel U Willie,ut eS-l.'ll.llg .UV le,.,.,. -iee U-Uarl, .lined oat md ge...-ta!U- steeiit tier lime away. Mic bevel' cuni.lillie I ni wilue«.s UmI em lions ad an, iii steel cm h. r heal h. UltaaaB had a o..g ta.a Wltu his wife in nee. lulnr, Ititii, about the Duke of Uer r.ur,nub sin! i" lef -,,c thea |irmiil*eii r. -> - .ll'l ll t Vi-tt <l»l ,eU. lilllie VI itu, SS ,l. el |el.lle- Utl eeiv-eet tb.-ir reuitious la June, l-i-ii. (ju ti.eui'er- ii.i ,n ni tue. int Chi Lily Miles Bail me i.tervur-r with pl .lund. L.eiy C-nli. latie'o wlia«.ee*a raom. ^ue crviiig, ail I e 'l.rt-w :n ni- rn ¦¦ ut is Bsefe. Tuen ano intrned ueiore Ui-> eira lae ion r e ii.wi sent ber tuioiuli L*ly Vill.-s, feet made .,o tuentlou of tue ,,w*t «i loni k pt a ipy of IL tu Jmy, l-sii. win: g ill Hie .nm Huns -. witne-a u-ke I i iilntiO io H|,cii(l i.e iii. ht Iii Ilia co n| any. bm Om reina il. He ttl ural le i n.r for ber o.*u.iu*.*t vi itu nicer tuen, ..n.l r!*e le, i.»., c '. rv v! 1<* ii l ami BM Mhl Io linn: " I! you pul lue lu a divorce io nt. you wi ll g-o ibo worst of IL"' 'lue cuss waa tuen ailjo it ued. WOPS OF TUE HILLS AM) YBBTt MISSION. The ehVtBtS annual tiiect.ugof Uie otlicers and board of matuger*. ..f ti.e N.-w* Vork Riiile.uul Frail M -sion was held ai Hie mission building yest r.t.ey. The np. rta of the acre- tary abowed mat a paataawaal el saaeaaS te-u u-d rro u th.* mission, uur us dur year, ia the cote, boneo cooaeetod .Uh UlS llll-e-.l.l.. 'II..TJS pSSipIS i.all Il a,.¦_!.- j lill leees- p.lal. also |e rt o ti.e IlisUtBtloB,'elL043 people a.t't beeu letl, aud Ulara won given tree* 7.l.l nra- to iiun.ry men an I weimeii. ,* o.i It'C-housc .swell |*tiuuig.*i ami la aaw ta ta Opec evenings, lu the lisnruig bona rt.'.Ja¦', m. it and te.i 4 w.te taken care n: and 7-0 wen . a fe.* .u L'uigs Ibe t.t .nilli la.te.ty bsa also le, ,11 ,. sti'.ii rs-111. cineipi; t e un piuVes thete. ci -prisobi-ra, can earn iswblea ltn;r eeslginii- ami ee.,.ei.l SS a week. About -t-lrt.isjsj wase-i*. u.te-d iaalycarby lue uuasion. -*.- B.ill. BTYBM FO't HRS. sh 11. Ll Nc R Bail waa given e|iuetly yesterdav in tbe Vorkvtlle Police 1 our! ami .0 ct p ed UV Just.ere rsiullh Ior tiler appearance of Mri .n:.ei-nc ^s-liiitgs for exaiuiiiai.ui »li.ii alieCfeBtt have rein' erert sulticetitii- le ac ...ii IB Kr. MoatalBMr. a r.*..l sr.ite- mst. awl outt :e k, gave r- al >*-t_tr surety for er appearance. Tiie imu't ia ..aetu. amt Mis. --kiiiings will doabt* li as lu removed rou. He.In .ie* ai r. .Vu otu), snit baa yet beru take 11 in court. Ml*. Moulin.ucr'a lurer -I ll I...* Case is saul lo .niue inn,, Ita bu t thai ba spent a 1 ci rut aiiuiuii-r va«*a- linii w .lb the lauii.y. TIIE PETLOLtrR At ARR! T. ¦XWI H."M THK rOB-D. AMD RAX.K ci I'llii - lt was uot at all tinexperied thai ihe cnule market yesu-r- _Uysii«iBlel>'; in fact the iiscUou.iry teuileucy ol laai week's close pi.,111 sci IL But considering lin* news lhat caine from Ita held it ia a tribute to tho un.ier- current o coiitl.l. noe existing Uial no larger auecllueoi cuiT' el IB the VVaelniigt.ennrlil Un- Mci,ah V No. I well. U, Ihe nortli- east ame in al Hie rale of tweulv oarrrls an hour something lanae mau nie nam had b.en ripcrttug noni reeeatSevelop m. la thal toealltv. ann a weiease ahead irmu rlUIBS lee l.l.slUe Ue.ll Ol VN'aStUllgi elli IB IBl't WBS reported at H. jOO barfwla, ail.c.didgani in t.e* southwestern ead 01 Hie district Un rr ai.* so,ee.- * .lia henty due twitnlu et. fine-d which ought lo be good nave .mu so a luriher rise iu Washington s otilpul may be looked t..r. I he eS.-i t of tins uewa waa ia a weal >.p- n.ngai ao -aeeal -. atselnet el "a rents Matunlay night, sud yet wnh (ha aeidetiou u. Lgnt moury aa a b< aiesli itetlii.-in.e Oner lu Ute e'.ay. tbe lowest pr ic loiiclieil was-vu I'culs. I he oiihdeuce ol lioldera In the lace of aouie increase 111 tbe output ol Washington aim -Iran eeata n-tu Uiwu Hie erata na - al uusiuii.-l.esa ami stir pim nu-1 mu in moat of Uie oil tu-lda. Ou.y a light tiusiuesa was,tone and al tc lower rales ti,* buying was 01 a ,o>.<i character. I he mai kel lose* I heavy ami the «en- »tai leiititneu. favors a iBrtfeat .le, maa, bul ailing tiuex- pe, ee 1 tirr. nccs Hie marke-l mar ilieaspeiel Uto-e who are extreme ui lUiar lueas o. ta.* cxnul ul Itu- proeeablc rea. tio.u 1 hr range ie, ira rs and the i.ttal deairuaa at lbs lou-edi dated .xcuange were aa (olloss (ipentng. mi***, 1-oweat. NO iilgheal. ao'a! Fiuml. -""'s bales, barrels. MHUMH Kennell oil waa tinthaiigssL st7 *a rents per gallon here sui ib Bail.mure aud 7 tenta lu riitlauetpbia. un. '.'in, Peun.. Dec. 6. -cm la OU-Vaiotial Tratiall Certificates ope.i.11 ai tUfg utitt .¦'. SO't iu<«eu ttl" Tf*U. nleril 80*» Hales, 1.21'.i.0U0ba#Bla. rlearaucss g.iee.tssi baitois. tiiaitcra, tO.iTO barrels shipiuruta, lOi.nlt narreiB. runs,- firraaea.1, I'enu., Usc S-v_'ruls Ob-Potrolej >i firm; National I'rausil Cern ..:«. emello I al HO*, au,I closed al MO'S, uighesl puce, so *'¦ iwwsei prius, IVg atmOaSWtttaB, >'«uu., Uoo. A -.-laO-Oeia- t ia tail Csrtiilcatsa epeue.1 si 7t«T».Uiil eloesd al S0*» aia'Uisi prioa. SO'ai lowasl puce. 7U-V liaann-sn, ('sae.. Dec. S Oil UbB-WU Transit C'srllllcalssopeasS al SS aod clossl MSO-w Ulguxat prio* 1 SO*W.iow*sei»«gi-aitSei slearssosa. »10,000 waetrsta. GRAIN AND PHODVCE BaRR RTE rr.ATTREa of new york mea linga. A more quiet speculative business waa doma la rnhmtytmi tenlay and the market waa Irregular r-nWtmg tta itleeasfc linn of holders to take profits snd Ids waltlag sf WIS fee bu yrs (or a further reaction ob which to make sueehaaasw rh* feirein-n rab's* ware lea* eocoarsglac seri hore Ita Oh. maml for shipment Came to s and'ten standstill. Thees wee ao decldn.1 elia nae tn spot lots, bot tbs tons at ths marl waa a trifle eaaier. Th* opiina* opened <««¦? .eat lower, ralUoS. Iat*.r *ga*4 rout, mt then fell off ia the taler 'riding. Tot rles, was he tv with Bet losaes of i*d\ eaal aa f-eUewei neoember «sV Januarv 8)1¦"» February HI _ May (MWeeeta fash corn en «i heavy wit meit in .hangs. Only SION i.ushels were taken by «hip|iera The optd-as tinerta tCoa within narrow limits and ernie beg'y, unruaoga.: for Imtwtm Iv-r at ts an.l off a shade for Jam.irv ai ih, Kebruaiy st ft Jiu' May at .VJ (< rents. Hals were bare of new features. Bal with a tirm timm. ,*i..atnr Set '* cent tis-tier for the upCo-ae aS f.ellows l>e.,*ciiiti«r .UV Januarr lln't, K< leuary Ad-* emt Uay :!7-a cents. Tutor waa little of Interest in the lard tei..-. n atieii theeT|! rt ileman I was nil and opt io ns wea* a di..,!.¦ anster as foll.ewa liorrintirr W .VJ January ra li. StsBr rnsrv M -' March Hi «», April -Mi 77 sud May SH SS. eelpte e,i ...ram anet no r y. st- Mar ai Norn Torti, r'.ila.Iel|.im. naltitt ore aud Boalnn were aa billow* Wksafe. ushers e..m. N 1 ¦>* loshela. oats. 41.oil buaoala; !..(al grim. 'Jil |;SI lioahels nour, tittil barrels. Al'mr man. Milwaukee and Ht, I sals the arrivals were WhamA* ld 7:j bushels --nra l"ttri naefei la aaia 11*1 SIS T kital gi-alu, SlStSfeS .ualie.a. dour. S7.SM 'lanela. TnE TRADE IN -"UK I rmcAuo, Dec. i'i | sipmitial.) many o f ihe local lave aiiM their wheat that a decline wnnl.l gt-'* a! 4*a_ nor.* salisfaction tuna further advaoee. For an honr beta* aess wsa practical y anspen ten wade lbs arura traitors wan hnl the remrns which earns tn (Tenn Us different pmala if accumulation Plnatlv. when all wars lu sxrepl Ita I .sk ea and tns flgures ahowe-t only ft4-.oik> taoabals m. ¦Baaa, il was generally set do vn that the il gurra fruiu UM " I .slea" woulel wtpeneit Una. an-1 thev SM. The olScial aaV noiincement nut the risible anpply sf *Vat ai i '.SlKI.Ktt ,eu-hela. a Ie<r. ase of AA.OOO bushels (rom last week. Mae wheat Best at Sit cents Ttiat wis tue very aral qnoutiaa ¦n.nle and tliat figure waa not touche I again ia the regqlaa noanl. lt sold up to Hii\ cents and ac 1 o'i lock closed at We ania. In corn Uiere wss a rather active market from Onmr n ss rrnit out nf town. Tiiere was mole (myan hy Ihe emmUr iry tlian tr.ere haa been for aconai leratil.* tiu.v If there lita D»t been Uie market would have gone utf. a* the local ope*. nora were sellem. The price wa« kept »i«a.iv, not .lioppeng limier l.l1*.-i lll'esaiid seili-ig np lott .'eula (ur May. "Vat* Jone-du! not buy Hu* iiistnmuirv ati.otut.if i<>tkt-> lay. Ile 1li. h.iwevor. buy lard, lt ,n.t>c sold a mool dom, ot pork ana tile packers-old lu a coiiarrval.v- wiy 1 lie liuviiig. sa ta ¦urn, was'ev the otil-lde. and lite selling, as lu corn, was ta the team] ne.>|i!>-. p.erk ti.-1 sn- _,!*.*. *. 1 a.* to pi l in ior law. tarp ami nm siitTering anv bul brsak. "ti lue sharl a temora* lair! tue crowrt which hail 1.n selling ilbeialiv all (taff thought lt etcterte I Kearn m-.liiii by th. -pi iiirtale.ett-waf ot Nea York heoeoa Tins s-in May off nattily be t&\eeata Bress was a large seller anet pounded the market lils p m. the cloae waa 85«« cents for May wheat; ii\ cools fee blay corn, aud SH 17 i (or January ian h. SIATt OF TRA UK. RAI-TTMOSB. Dee. H..( ottoo ttrm. Mt.lling 9-se.- Flour.Krui. Howard Hir<*el and Western *»upertli.e »*_ ts fJib i.o. Kxtra S'_n»«il75, eta l-amiv »:(!H<4ian, inp M..U hupertlne fi AS ai78. rt... Kxtra <H noai Ao. elo. Kia Ri'tiiuls *.t a 'ot ol. Patapsco KiitiiiT ?*'< e.V ,ree -.oeier'alivo F.Uiit tb tu,._Wheaat-es.eiiheru hm. W'-nte-ru e^si 'eta winier Ked repot, a, 'i..--.', km ember s7',# smu tberu Ked. 90*'J4c. da Amber e-Stem III He t At s-><*. Jane..irv -J'ta-'d'-je.. fi .r...r. :o>\**0O't4kl .(iorn.t-onthein active and Brm. Western sir adp. sooner,i While, 4 ii d'.-lei oo. Yellow. S-i e»_,'-_u_i IV.-r.-m M.led sir.I. t»\*4lr, lleceaiher 4' <*. 4.1-j... January 4o~_<-4'>'.c.. I el,r.ury ils, a xl-m. USU-I* .i.u. " 3i<l.e7c,i I'erli.n. leUUS ItaATo, Western Whit.-. ai^.(7-nc. .lo. diiet. Jil* ll.- f*.«* al SHeSUa Priaa* te Ctaaae weauu-u sn uo oration ..Pniviaiuaa Qsiefc Maes Pork. SI l>si. ijulkineal*. shoulders an 'lear KIO r>M-*a pa. k.-el. (J -iW'f- llama lidli',,:. Lar¦;. K-ntie.t_ 1 *Jh Bulter-F nu. Western Packet. Liaise. (reamery. "Jil_.,(*. .egga-ateadv ai'_-¦* «'J.'»c Petroleum CHicaoa Dec 0. Flour '.boles W utter Wheal »4 IS «t. .a -jr. j* Witeat, tl 3d a al id Mmnosoca Kakera. ti', )<t ri I » finut «l lie-trlel Ixi w orwea. 11,'j-iiJi'i .ir* flour-id ij,HA Ut, ,0.4. Wk.I au -j "n.riug ..'-.u Bm, a aeena 7l*e7t*ewi >*-*. 2 lied 7 Oae. Itu; (li ea Hoc 77'. a i *) ;at'.r rloaiae ll '.c.. lau.. 7*,*a7 i***aC-.trlosiug st 7- -c. l-'.-U.. i"S,**mi^(, clOsiug al7.i*_Ci May. s5J4a.»e,i,c. rios.m.- tl 00,4c Cora -.Sea. J Al,tv. 1 ul ure*.nee. Al\ .¦>.... closing SS Bf mat Jan. .i.s'.d>-_c _o*iii« al Sri ta. r. M'%a S-ar. dosing al An vc. Mar. l.l garlic Closmg SS 4 ',.. Usu No. i tlc Kulilttta. lieu. MTU -,'sc. 1 losiiiti al J7c. Jan. J7 .*-ii J, ac losing ai :7-ac. May .1 S,<i.l -sc. ci.'siiigal II ¦.»._ nv. Ka 2. .. .-c. Hsu-sp . .Nu '_ eiic_Flax seed.Na I ito-*. Mess Fora. Vixnlu 010 BA rulutea. Dr..zlo JO mil I "it tloeitr alSiO'S. January ell n'e*ttl A . tlusuig si Sll 17*a l-ebruary, SH JJs_a*ll 40. cl«*ioa SH WI**, Maf Sll _ T --a -ri- S11 *U 10* ng al Sll .7 Si Lan.Caaa Ste Jd ...erie. Uer. *A, 2l'0*0 2S. ClUSIItg SI SO * >r IsB, BO ii J-i* tb HS-W (Tio-sib-' al tn '-'¦'' lei... tt. 1* a*t> lt Closing at 00 .) ...eitort llibs. Cash. *., 74 b..i»( Meals - Ltry hailed ^boulders.S4 ,uaS4 roi ebon instr nmeaL j.,,,ar .1 ,. .V ai. -e Si I* ll.OUB bbls.. wv leal. 7e..eSKi OustL. Cora, ic .issi 1.1.-.I1.. Jaka. oi'.ooh uus.u. Kye. .l.Ootf tieiah.. Harisy 40.(Ksi V,*a. ihi». oieiits. Flour, lrt.tssi bids.. Wheal. 7.OOO btiau.: Cora. MUMBI uuau^ (Jala. 'Urttto tiuai. dir*. L0*M. bariaf MIMMU USiKOlT. Dec. H..Wheal.**to. I White cain WO1-*.: cask Mulligan Ke<l *>i J4c. aaked No 2 Koo. -1 mc aaae.l caaBi bet.. BlSic.. Jaee. *>S*r.. Keu.. HA Sjci Hiv B'ito tl*r ceiuls. J.'.rJHjo bush..Com.Nc t AM tao.; receipts Ailoe b-SM. uata..Nu. J. J.i'4*_. ."w -' vl'hns. .lu- reoaupss p.1.1 inslu ..Cover .-leal -t^asb S4 nb. Jaa. *4 7J_ Mii.w*i.'iiKk. Dec. S. Wara er ass.A'ueai.w**_, Ca*n 7 7c. Jan.. 77'*»u. May t»4 ,c.Loru-I'.ren. Nat ¦j. ni'.c ...Oaae e -sly n* j. -Je'n i.v-s- tm«g. .Nd, i. 67 *¦>! tiartev.Ntk J. 5.1--C.I'mvtaioiia-. ll aller. .Veess feltk, .!».. til 10. .all.. * I 1 lb l_aJM. Prune sum h. .'.*.. **. ib. lau. SS SB bailor. Choice Creaiuery. la -SI's... Uairv I-ul ie.>. Bemm Jiiwa.u.Besnara*. Flout lee. bush. Wii*_e *__- -t -.» buau. Harley lu. I ii bash, naienwols fmoi 14 VM titus iv neal. .udah. In. itel /Usn. Phii_aoki.i'!|, *. ii < H.-r'... ir-K r u. Ma I Western and FeuusVivaina BaaK Wt tat001 li lot Kura »- a. .__..; l*t*.i.av,v____a trh mil/, li ii .**¦) -0 i'.uasv Vau.a itolISS arl ilJ e*e r4 l Jolas.lJ I'mmir. TaOlwal jsjl Oli.o v-loar. t.JO_»4-0 bi sn* ,.2i, tt WU Ti AU, ah i...u..i tn -.. u- ec, i lima* ''fir j,'i'«i'.',i o -tr.. i OA noi Ml Winier Wheat Kal ui. SI Stitt mi di, -. .oiei i ra.-til *. _., B ts .' -imm*-..ta aaieete piliatt l". wi-neu.iu usienta »1 .'ellel -S iS. Ute* tie,ur t*l -.1 .e.i I'.U »« de 11, »'i W aic. ..- rr. ay. ftisn ,ots qiiiet bul tirm u der it lil ortcriuns. Ll* giartod .a mu diu-ei -' a --.. Ka i Delaware lte.1 lb exoor cn 'tent .sic. Nei. 1 p. ,,,-.,r»m., i.rsl ie ic Na 1 Ked Hece noel -e'l---.. la iarv sll'«.*">«vat. Kee,rujr. IS -a .) ... Horan K>e N_ t Piniiavivalila i)*ic ... lorn . ».tit air IBSBi ll .'r bim ui- nit leas! ieena.i..i,eiion. nalaa aew et 4 vs lute ,u .ruu ele|Mi( ai 4 .'I1-., ie -i hal lea Miie.1 in grata rteiMii ai tmntmm ne.» Nc .1 Velloa track a -.r_,_u- e, Ka S luii'ii ni uecoe atMSa eU Nc i uumi ,a 2 In si. eli \ al..1 al 4 C No. U..I.-.I foe I'e.emoei 4'i sd teeV.. J an 11 tv 47a47*sc Feb¬ ruary I- -a I- */i.. Man li s >. .* la-.¦ (tau. irtielil. NW - IUtJ.e.1 SA 4,li, C.. .'s.e. 2 VV .Ito ... Neal lb,-j, >o 1 ilHc. Ka . -Aie.le nf i-... M ',0 ni-Sm.. 1 AU. d'-.-l le .e.. Kell.. rt. UeJl>C_| .M.ete 11 .n:..--, I cn i-.iju--1* ll 111. lU'rimr 1 Hogs 6*40i5*a. L.l,, cly t>* I ' I -.- 2',1'i iel, bu. i, r- . t.'-7.**i 01 liuiter.-1. .'!. Frnuarlvsoia r-iaiieerv Kirra, i-miOc UnaiiuM luiiuit atti v.*». Yois Knira. jje*t_4e.. w'esu-rn lu ry Batts nrsts. ls* e. llieese.N.wN ork ttil t cieaeei. IJ'41 -tmrat ...raieuiaiad 6 -c. la*.liei lionel'-' V. 4-e.WOe. t..:«i-'. lil* Ka,ur .10 '.iiii. wiie-ji i.rist 1.1-n. 'urn J.osi buaa. nat-, rt-'cu buau. -iluu.ueiila-vi _e_. ItWUWB uush. -ora b.-tm utisa. i>ats la.Oo.1 aBtB FkOKlA. lire tj. -i 01'ii -Kum. High Mitel Hi-%B .i.e. N.e. i M.teni ili'|el 'l-l. I'.e ee'eel .*»_ e_ Vi *-_C. UtIS-.Sej, 2 WL.te. J. -iUi'l'.. >"X 2 eilCel. -J7 «. Kt,. Nen a4li. ,e .V' timi. -ales al SI 14..u-Cs-iulv-t-or.i 'Jl.lSHI 'ui-o. otis. .JS.OOU bus.i.; rye .1,1100 sees. > rt.,euell U.I oru. l^.iss) eii-ni.. nala. JJ (AMI bush. tmf* JOO mah. br 1. is. I).*. ,i neat Uti ft MtBf AB family J-1. amy S-> HJ-i t-i'tO, t.xirm rauej BS QA Ad sa. Poleata »a n -.* -_ 33 *v i,._i Acive. Nu J Heel i urn al tMlVeir. Llec. eOir. beeb Jan ni\ a 2*.. r. -*., 4e old Jlay -- ,* - e 'Jiu liu.t. Ne,. J MlxisL i_*sb. Jie-^c. bul. lie :«,C tent J.H. a ie, v t u .ir -j.. day lo-g-.i'i Dals va. J Mixed l-aelu J.'... Den J? v. nl.t. M-J I rrut al .i.Sfc belief Miane.ia Wac Itu er-i. r.-. .ry. -4-ij.o. Oairv. ina Tia lill VI ai (I ji Max eeed.i-Jo. .nav.riinotiiy. »u esiaU jet Hara Bb7S*».I *ih L. au..ic a. mill. OaCB Mc le. e.o XX liie.g«e*r . Salis al Bl I! P'.vi-ions s.r,,tnr. i'eng ri I oO. sri?,,0S nb I-'-, bulk Meals. ona Cai. t* *-he.rt Rlbsi *>.'e noa ',., se.,oi. I lear vt *o li.s-luis.Flour 4,e»sl leieis. Wheal, _'7.imsi otislt. lon. ii." u SI ut a i 'ala. -Jl.ilUW btinri. Kye, l.OOO bu.n. UarieV. it-rtSMJ '(l-iu. elupuietilae. I null... -Artie.,. ,.- .io) bustlst Limit. i-uau.. 1'vfe. J,Oou uusn. Oaitey.bu-h. I.IVK HTdi'R MAHKKl- UY I'RI.E'IRAPH. Dec, (j.-i aMa-lie*.-end- to-.tay-0.ITS head: total (or WooS (bus tar. O.H.t.'. um.' * aaoM '.me -aaa .. ,..e lim ii .ousignoi 'hlwasB Haa-Uy Kt i.iit, at a ... ., ,,'j ... New V ota. i oos.u, .1 ii.r ...;_'.i o- a. lt.*. als, te Kt ,. ,,nli l'.'i'i Car* OB mai kc lr l UVB aud o.i.r. no New oik I* man I. o ninon to fair Vlii.dl 'Kl '.ood to lee:i .. ...,,... .g «4_ite^. Kit a "I - . *5 .... lal Hulls rJ J.'i.i J 5. leoo-i o . ll . Milch owa rrrt .ei .5. NaUvs hies ke*ts .Uni aua biwsral ae.Se* S. tire..cia al.atly al td 2S a ¦':s. sr-A.n iva' ft araMltSVCS, ¦thew. Kccriiets t.. .ray ->--sell '.em,, toUt ior w»*k thus .ar .'..loo i.e-a.1 tor tame time Issi ween. Js.e 00 hea.1. iiiiisigiiei lime,i.*h SI titi-, lo new .oik I i . "W care O.e tale * elllltmill ll, I* .lt SS 7S eS 00. Iei4»l (0 I ,e,,llS i '.M. Kirra SS ao-ttM 7.. .sea'.ci'ii i-iiuor Srmat Bi nt, ir j 7.i, Cauailiau talluba uimer si loan lb. 'Jo cars len ,ii ,*r Hoot Kccciriis tr Say 1" "*7 hesth total (or weoh lUiu i.i. .. .75 .se ..! sane nn.- lan week. JUi.olS heail (oiriegutsl throeiate rs.ili _,> _7 uaTa, t-e .Nus'iolk U| (UU-igU. d ..,.e,Uj_ll .O ..a> 7l I als, i.i N « V.elS4.' ge»-l el#- nt.oeil ai lull puns, l.igln Pig- -*-7.'.,il ii. oeie«u<4 Yurkei- *4 i.wlt-4 .0; he (*Ct«-d Medium Wrights, sa ¦. J-, ...eeel lo lh.ll.'.' LtOmff, H e.a. I IklW kill**** ileavr td .16 MS 40. Mat kel . ...a. a t.i_u, w.U. de Cala it-iloV. r. lincaiio. nee. tl.. Th* Drovtrt Jnammi ea stria ftlm Receipia. 7 tioo neon, nuomruia. Jisaii market ai.-a.lw a.. ....... r airougi-r. a ear ra lacy wyu lags mi al ftmt ',,i.-titus His v.a t.V Hnr ei, -letris, U.m ut l.ii< lb, t.i rtna*4 rt.i (tua k.-la aeei I l.ccrt... J,i»rJ|,i, Cowa .'.Mia amt imce'tl nnwmo io. l.u.i. *»J lUmUA UX Trias t..,le*»:ui'(l|.l,iel Hoyt. llecelbls. 4,.(NH) heed ahiuni.t ila. ".'**). autos art ¦.mugaad .roma tigher h..n_ sud kimi, *.i7S . S4 lo. Packin*- au.i Shioplug. td '.'vitri «i ugbi vk oiguu^ ».. ,.l«r»4e.. . -klleS, »_ ,.,.,_. ».*. ,0 si. -ru- I'.eci '.'ta. o.iSM jUiiuuents. J,issi: inarksi si-e*n*4 liiriiei m. e easy Natives. »J jo* tl rt. Vl'ealera I'.' jilu J I-kins t- Jiu .a lalee,u- e.. InUOliux St. LOl'Irl. Ure. 0..I'ail.' -rtecetids. l.a, el nem saiav -lents, ooo. market luled strong nn a.i k mis . i t>' MwSM SUU L.t 111 S HIeleW t Iie,les* UaaVj NatlVe, sUsu *.e K'SM AXt Ya.v io noon -iiuupiug --leers*.... a* >.. Betaken sleeve IS.r Ul prime, eostomal I.V Fe-eners. .air lo seaod. s- eee a JO. Mee. sen, lair bt* iKitt. TA iriausao.i lu-utna touunuu tot eiolcc. al -"'eva 7o Hug*. KStrei |, la. tv Jin a«S.l. shipment*. d*iO. prut clearsS e*l li ai sirona ligtir.-*. a.. *oid, amtnot rlose.1 easiei. I huMS lleavy, jj.i Hut, uer- mus turua, * lj»»« J' 1'at.siua i*.r la lauey. Bil -itomhl lo. Yorkers, in .lum lu piluis. so ooo*4 Ot, riga common lo good. SJWOaFJ 7o !tli*ea. llocolpis (JJO mai ainu.oeuia sous, marara (linet, sb-aeiy. luiu.uou w Fair SI 70 a J io, Msdiaiu ks .'....,'.* su uo est ia EtTItdPKAN PtUlUCC- MAKKET. Kempis ol wheat (or tile wesik tnt* VI Uie tlc ports. 18,' qUartris, tl "in i's.alic polls, uT.lHS) .jual leis iroui aouries, 44,ism ,|u_u*u*rs. KtivlUlsul Amen, au torn. 44.'.(Ri 'planers. " He wh., la taite to duly." anya Henry Wart lire. i,rr, iircks a itiroa.1 iu ihe i om, and ntl! tutti Ute Saw alum be may have li_rgulleu ila eauau." A casu .u polul na¬ tur* lons Mr. Wilileseu ll).ler. ol St J.h. I-on.I., Hu Jala, K. V, ns cully toi.l a reporter mal I n.i.l a lal ge au»u»sa uu racb leg tuaI kept couliaua.l) '..*¦ aiglBg eur laeuiy tsars. Nulrnug dirt na- au) gie*,, rift-) l iir. Pwrca'a lieslee Medical iiiasoveey.' ll cared lue.'' Ut tc is a Vol mu. mtA piessod iu a .ea worvbi. Mr. Kydcr a i|« rieuuo ie suuUeora uar ruesUars' .aielm ou. elaralmu I be a .eera ue-sia from bean tllaeas* la uow i|iuu* lomutoB. Dr. ri .i.x.lea M-I.iai lil*.overy " ls a tsruua rv«s-«y. l*L. imiaiiou. isU|iilaia-U. aiuMiia m .isfoclivo as lion Ol ina heart .:.u.**s ul ut.t-Ui aud pim are iein.iV<mi uv ll IB a abort pei .cl ll aiso eura* all lbs Ulatraae* reUia-a U Ihe liver, auiotacti. boa ola, UMHal aud saut. No Uieglbr aa«* a lat-rrh UeneOy.

Transcript of TREASURY SUPREME COURT THE 8KTTLED.€¦ · THE TREASURY REPORT. Canliusr-I fross Fs-Mrth l*»*e....

Page 1: TREASURY SUPREME COURT THE 8KTTLED.€¦ · THE TREASURY REPORT. Canliusr-I fross Fs-Mrth l*»*e. apon Uie wuceestnora jf MM Unit-ad Slaieetbe boonof antaxnd cb '.ht*g. sudin oder

THE TREASURY REPORT.Canliusr-I fross Fs-Mrth l*»*e.

apon Uie wuce est nora jf MM Unit-ad Slaiee tbe boon of

antaxnd cb '.ht* g. sud in oder taereto. the Immediate

pasMgeofsn set simply aud eo'.ely niacin j taw woo)

epoa the free list.Of course a rep-sal of tbe tnt* on raw wool ahonld be

to'lowe-l tv. "ut aael not ».nt for. a cocponaatinr ad-tnstment ot tteeUSjBB ou m iuurHCtnre.1 wu..liens, while..ttl a.s..ut»i tinera are lean,lug tiie lesson Ibai with tueSUbetsi p-iid sud most efficient labor tn tbe world, withthe rnix' skided management and the iwat inventive-ari»iiaiicc*, iiiey need fear no|a»tdi >a from anrrivals in rue sorl i, lu hott or foreign mrirketa. au lons.a Uiey cnn hey tnsir wools free, o' every kimi.But tho dalli- .lot liing of ine A mei lean people

Bord not .» taxed-, iheteiore, lt ought uot to bs taioii:te Ire* ttetr etot-teg ol te voa will tlnallv reduce, byhalf, tbeir eirena-for one nf tbe Ihtse g eat ueee»sltle«ef die. an.', tieus ularge hnne-tii ;.n 1 justly tte meowsof e\cry wage e-iUer iu the L'nliod -Hales.

Purl'- BUB ti¬ltnt this reduotion of unneccasary aed lnlor'ona taxa-

tio'i la nol enough, ami will op.-r.ite slowly in .liminisli-

tog revenue, teal year'* tmiiort lux on raw aooi is littleBoors than i hs mere grow tb last year of our tates from

wblskey. tobacco in I liwer. To mike wool free of tax

air tinsdr work a l-ir/.*r loss of revenue hy enablingeur woo,len mu mfa- Hirer* to un<l.*rsell st apmtl' !li«torelgn im oriers who ur .unlit ia lust year f40.ft36.S09worth of m .titi'is. lures of wool, fruin which Wc fol s laxof *'-'?.-'T*-. :¦.-Ts mv i.othinr of other ta«es niv»n raw materials (Ap-

r.lolli C tb. re ore sevcrul hun.ired attn-.oh among toeln2 arti lesihttwe I ix. wide munt at (mee to lie

Swept oil 'be tux Iis' Into a tree list,.i>eMv n-i timi",Beedh rs tax-». ii uch enlarging tue Beal or co.leo lugti.e* t.*v .-iiue Iron I minns. I sus., at au early nay re¬

pa rc eo vrt.i..!' tee rou. rena a aupp.eui-Dtary report ou

the rol'eetmti of Mies.ii.mi.i Mlanora .oarasaefattteTraeeery.

tte Honorable Ike speaker of the Homme of Jiejueteittaiirrg

APPi-NDIXAppendix A..Ts'ithala ot ree-ifiti and expenili'urei for

IMT.Tor thc present fiscal year thc rc'cniic, actual and esU-

r ..!. ia as lvilows :

Quarter ended Remalninjt¦earea !».*irteiiitier three-fuurlha Total.

SC ISte. el lin- veir.Cnmoms «:,*... .77.bno 50 tloO.efJ.ilA 50 $210,000,000 00Inlet na. rt-vc-

uue. ... 28.930.043 94 87.0tJ9.9,*.fi 06 116.000.000 00Sale* ut public

landsTax on Nation¬

al bankseui nfsi .md

a.Dk'g fund.pwWHY CU(ll|ea-

Custiin-li ma. pen al-

escI e.uMil'r.eirets pat.. ni Hitit lanela

YwmemmAt a (,..v.

'. ;eru,i-ii-v

I'l nts nnoitin-¦ah; a ssa ta,etc.

I - is f i> ri torlaii.'a

Iten-uues of-tra t

Ol eelllriller*" .neonsSuUI.'i

IBtfiTBt 46


6--C.195 02

I '08 8S

814.339 39


MM** 03

84.9C1 79

:s-.915 70


4.172.218 54

l._4T,5nl 43

1.43J.S04 98

767.001 12

2,0».i,U40 61

201,491 79

4,*! 17,305 33

215.038 21

1,712.0*51 ..*-*.

LMfctfl M

6,000.000 00

2.500.000 00

2.000.000 00

1,000,000 00

3,500,000 00

250,000 00

6,000,000 00

2.50.000 00

2.000.000 00

7.500.000 00

Tutsi leOMfll -rbi MUM ll S'-' it)7 I.i KtS8.O0u.0uO00The , \|ieit.l)tureH. actual and estimated, lur the durne

IK nod arc a.- fielniwsQuarter rnrted Remaining

Object. three mirilla Total.30, lStstf. ot ttie year.

Civil ami ni's-u i-


1 l bull'! I'S.eeltscS


: '.300 11 $5*».(ir,Vi*t2-| 51 t7S.27B.923 H2-t IMS Ai tt.60o.OiNi uo

S0.401.1S7 6*1 47,694,80-48 68,0W,OOO0OI --

.iie eii : l reer-itiona,

a ll (II. e, eer 1 111-life*.

- 9,7:1,804 09 30,2"3,195 91 40,000,000 00I ». .-

llslltuettt. tn-liet i,s* .s i.i.l iUa-

| ..n '.

a- ;. .iv v - I 230 "J 12.3 'TIO 411 i


a Miaa 1,887.418 17 2.-.'lJ..,**>4 **3Iiur si ea th--na ,:¦ 0 2 'H «'*,

l»illK lljmia .

ii.t Alabamat unus ... 76 38

33.7sfi.r7rt 148,625,052 21

17,000.000 00

3,.-,nn.oonoo47.00(1 .1 0 -e.

o5,'.'iJ.517 iii

fl.721.07fl UH

T..'a' e.r n'vexiH neill r's* towAA BlftaBmB.KtfUl .SBS.JiasiTSI

. I,OOO 00'1 eta! i X|.(-i..i:r'ir .-e. HU] -il .... 7 'il

EaSteasaS nurieius. S64.7ae.4_a 79

Ap;)'letti l: .'¦o 1. Lee, tri'* ind i rpendUurrg.

z w -~. rr -*'t-'t: t ti

r . o -».» .

z - -*:-::: /' 7.. 7 -r. z at ri" i*


t- .

. i . -_:.:i.m i-i

| - *- ..


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-; , ¦_-./--.' rr. -.-. zC AW-7 T. : :

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.re.-:i-is: .ii*-.*-; .»

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:..*i;i-/.- x i-. . . .». . r. n r.

z zl-- .^.- X

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it' 2. r-.z.

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:: -¦. ..:. t-z --. -r-rz i-w.r~i--2.xz 5fri -'.»' x:.c . lc '.'

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weat J"Ii'¦- 2 -*.

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.t"-"iSss_*"5a--- -Bnli.-m


''H-i-e:*: --.'--iipfliee_er?oorrrOrm.oU.UtA.MoiMU\X**0\

Ae. 2../(tee* o« ConswiM/^isin in (^ Inited .slate*

Flaca! year 1885. *is<al year IsHti. Increase.r n nt om areveuue B181.47l.939:ri4 Slt»2,(>05,023 44 Sll.433.0t-4 10

Inter n a ipaeeeue llBABBiT*Bfi n«.fw5.«3ii48 4,307,21094

Quaileer ci.d.uR Querier e-uil.unMiiL 30, lntto. ftejii. 30. intUi. Increase.

IBI seas »52,203,W3 12 »58.177.6e(i60 Sfi.H7a.733 38

rtveniM*4. 28,«00.2»10« 28,930.043 94 329.762 SS

Non- lie*.* ni*iiri-» r*-preeeut Hie aciual sin-.ui.ts o uro,)

lulu lbs I rcasur.v by a ai auls uaMisl ti (ion r.-tnl'aa ol U(

hy coii-bclofB o. cualsiui* BUS luterbal rsvnnue.

.St, .i Ihr fulilte i eat.Soe.. ItftB, and -Vee., 18H6.The moe itesliit-s-of the Unite. (Hates on Sorember 1,

1-**.>. lududjui; iherclii Uie lioiide Is-uesl uU account ultbe lai in. Kaiirua. Companies, aaa as folluws:Iiiwrrsi _eariuK .ir'ai »l,2oO,77«,l»i2 00Ai- ino! mod an^wid iuter-^tlo.lalo . 9.695,848 10

M-uti,wi um ,rl ))rs.StUUmI sud aururtl m.-Ammat..-.-. s.ns.'l,«89 76Imbi bcaruij; no mwrwl 574.012,UAb na

_ }othl. .ai,n4S.J4o.3..6 74.Usb in Treasoiy 4uu.i.*«.7u7 b9Anei.i.M ul elrrbl lesa cmIi lo

I HM/iurr. ....__.

XL-- lmltslitedneas of Uie United MusU-a un>oveuiUer 1, Ina.',, m. iu.iiiik tbe relatbe irf-ude- is*u«ai to (he I'ai nie Kailiuailoiujiuiiica. was mb follows :

ferauuateaaBUM debt ti.WtHim on^ocraiei au.l uuirmio** -J*-*. 8,993,611171

f1.447.fl57,5«X 09

Matnred debt not yet pre-ecaied and accrued in¬terest.

Debt b jarina no lntereat

ToUl.Cssb lu Treasury.

12.M«827 49349.433,8. 2 59

41.TSS.4ie.48S Tl. 37(1.071.515 "A

Reduction of debt einrlna sho-re period WA 1100.830 23

Altcti and LiabihleJ of inc ireaeiiry.Soeetnber.l'iiiS,and .SoT'mbcr, l*<<6.

The a "ctn of the Treasury on November 1. ISPS, ex-

c'liiiitii: fractional com and oilier uiiaralluble items, were

a- le.,:.i« -

Hold ion and hnlltnn. |U1,MM____U-ssiertlilcsUs onuuiidibir lOO^SU.TOOOO M^espftRllrerciin .-imt bul'ion. 1'7.< V7,8THAI.e-s tertificstes oillaUIlitiliff i'3. Il''.ll2 'NI

342 tl18.I45,(nni o

74.511.IOC. 46

7.050.341 311.44 I.843 el

I^'.-lli telieVrnntrsl.e ss e, rilli, ah I e.titslauilinjtNmuni bunk mites .

Lit-posits in national babka. lUIMWW

8259,437,431 25

Thc lialillitie.a of Hie Tnn«ur*r 111*111 llu-same date WBCS as toiiows:

Inter, st 4. crued and iilipanl.-tate..!.. oa.aet.s4iio

Lest* lllter.-St ete-lllS UH l.l. Ile Lllu mab. 101.HI las

MM.SSI 24Matured debt and Interest 3,96a.eS8U 76>ut.eiu»l bank r.-'letiii'tnin

(tint ... 4s.n.-..s.i54 0«I' sbursinn .uti er- iialaiwee 22.77, .'. ia ns

I' e.tS. I* Ilee,,arttl|. 1,1 8.700,0.1MuutNiaiiitms nr.itis and

elie,ks.... 4.804.813 Jl.U-j-al-tender teacrve. 100.0i>o.(hhi hu

i;.2.r.l9.138 87

Net balance m Tr.iisnry. »*W.8l8.2!i2 3S

The assets nf the '1 reur ii rv on Nnvettilir 1. 1 886, ( \-

cltldtnif tiactiiutal . .1111 and other tinav rulal'lc- itcuis. were

ae follows :

Hold com and bullion. aS484W2,14840Leas cerliUtmes oulslaiiilinii NH.204,96J 00

_-0158,637.179 40stirer coin and bnliion...lajaa(.rtincdt() 106,306 -hi st

-80,432,37'.! 52Iisml-tendi r ides . 08.107.303 27' m*I ' noW*.. 7.1 411.000 (N)

3').'.".7.r-.'.bank notes . 100

Dt-jiuaile in national banka . lfi.'Jt.ii.

30.-, 21re ar On..rt'.l UH

S2'J2,403.43'J 27

The liabilities of thr Treasury upon theMBBS dBte were ila follows :

Interest accrued and unpaid.a-per nm stat.ineiit *fs.:>93..r.r,l 71

l.e-s sm.mut paul, tit-1,1 Incodi. . 217.399 40

Matured debt anti lirter'stte.1:1k rerte-leictle.n

8.776. !i'.'-'3112.640.927 49

lund. BS 5-I7.1-4 91I'lauur-inr "fflcers' halaaeee S2.SS9.206371'oht tiffi, e I) ya: 111,int. 4.517.(J10 53(Jui.-ii-iiirt.un tirana aud


.Legal-leuler reserve.8,801.1167 fis

100.000.0U0 00 Cnp.CCO 239 29

Not balance In TtSBear/. 062.783.19098Decrease of Iralaena wiihru th eai>o*re period.. 14,010,00140

ItMie HoneygThe monetary Isaaseedoas d the (iorrniir.enr barr

been conducted throueta the offices «f Ite Twesarer oftin lulled OUUeO. BUM u.--i-t,tnt tn .i-:uet-s. and nne

hundred .md s,v euty-turee aatlenal bank Oepoaltorlea.Tte gross raeelpta d tte Uoraraiueat, ameanUBS dur*

Ine ihe Os. al vcar, a.- abown ..v warrants, ta the sum of04.2.75O77 00, $116.914330 "! wiircb weie ou BO-count of loane, United mates notes. eartHratea, aad eoa-vi isiou uf i-jtiindiinf ccrtuicates.j vveic deposited an illi¬

lawa v in:lu Um TT.-sanry am! teWTTeaeuitue .08S0 885.828 13laaatteaal beak Sepoenociea . r."j.n.w.6Ji 93

Poymenu and Cluing** in the Funded iMbl.The following tal.h- shows the ekauffM In the lnterest-

hearlni debi duriag thu year ended. ictober 31, lbriC:

111a t r*

5 -

5 ;-e i-'

a ^a >oa rf


X, ° '


; f { jYT i'i5 a x i

8 5 2 sV c.'


- Cl t-

i isJ 2

J_ C-_

z rn'A *°

c. Bi i


_r -a_ io

/ £ K 1 ega e m'I j J 4


¦ 1_


The- *.ic eiTiinial interest rhanre hrnf the chauices doling tte year ended October 31, 1886,atc a*- tnili'v

- r.'ieeniel, or wriich hare .eu* si to Uar$3,220,254

Ii.-lint the interest on $ti.7.i(l 4 per Beal b millissued. 2"o

Net re lomon.SS.rtBinn November 1. 1683, rafe

lo 1870, under tte a tot Felirnar] -.'<¦ 1879, Uaw beeapresented fur ooorarsiOB uito 4 per cent bonis .io

follows:I'nn Hail . .$2-V'(>nnn.Ve ueel lUUICat el u« Uie eou. 8,278 .X)

Totsl .037For ». at wa- ti.nie ri- fe'.low-s :

TmmT imt cent tmu is .s-iictt o.. aneiMBi ..f pei n.'IpsL029,300 00Ke .ni per cent l-nsued on lu e....lit ot seemed

tier.i . 8,76000II.Ici-st pti.ll lu cseh. 1

Total.j:i7 :.7« n

TbeeerUfleatea rtineantontit to.Sl'.>4,50n nuiniiiiiiilni lieert*. iii.eiiiles en led ').'.

Slut. - il pei *f .mi.le, were calleel lot re.'el .1 tn leeu ii *: -.'7 '.'-rt.l'"i. or shicSSl ¦:. '. - ai .. er.ned einr

r. autl ceased to le*, r ilit>*r, »L In sditniiili A. &\I.-.ii.;- nmturiug alter October 31, le-ei »»,,- reeie^me bee,ie.

ne. wltb ii.let.- ii if redemption, lo tte aef 02.4O7.A0n; snd 02.684.86(1 bonds wi, . h h.! i,..

eallM, w-srs rednrmrd no sr r.irculan i--u.*et i.r nie Impert¬inent mi A iifist SH, sn.I September 1 .'¦ lntltl, nivriB to iionl. es

ni tits 3 per cern bena lu the iwtnlsre ol tmn-endat any time lol aiptiei win iBtat-ssI Iodate ol paym* ni.Tbs iota! rerttn leen :n tue int.r -t-i'-iiriiin debt danna tuetw< ...(.uti.- la. fbi - -.. ut the A rn rentnut, . m, cn uer. ci. .ilelnn u Hie twelve e u

bm lia.I imi ii.iiiur.u Odder 31. ! ss. f15.008.31)0 ma¬tured Nirreu dei i. mm tHo.i.o'' -e Dooen e i

lin* r-rtemi'iioiis an; e-ai.c iisl.itis ol fa. e*.« Ststee boodaanet seven linn v not-ss dunag UM t«.,v<e uiuu lbs euiled u< lo¬ber Bl, Issi-,, writ* as follows**. .-ii t rn .1"'ea el 1864 <iJ.i. ¦ .u February 8.1861. -j.ihh'"t.*....n War elrlll. . 1(H)Pl e.1....,e- .. ! bi at- 23 Itfii

re of 1865 (Uaysasl N'.,Tetni**i;. ....

J* \ e tweuii.s nt Juue* .10. 1-04 . 4..VISITen tot iles ol ls(Jl. e....mili.nsii.snt ;.sii5 .(on-n.s.n IHU7 . 47.'.'.'eil


l.e, i ii af J ilv jil I *, tl-. Mst, 1861 16 i-ei ceute. 3o.7isiNiau ul Mut, li .'., 1 s.,;( 0 percent] . 18.6001'Jlete*.'. of ls-! rt percent) 44,'iOOIs.U '.I J et,j' MUlt AUKIISl, Intil con t intnsl si av,

r . Bl C." ::.(!I omi tef Mm eli 1,1863 ..iitiiiuol at .c-j per i*ntlun led luau of 1S»1 icolitluue.1 at 2'-, per ct-ut i)2;2oo

Loan of Jvly lt l-(-J <li prcRonds which tiisturinl prior to Novciu*

le. i ..:-- . Sl>41.4'0Beads * .... li ii.ataieit »it!..n the year '.'...I'.ie.'.iOBon.ts uiHuirui; a t r October SI,

tuiiii willi lUiere-gt io elate, oti c.em pnni! .

IiOUels let, en.Ill .i.e.UT :rcll..i!» Ul Au¬

gust HO sud --Mrpleinber 15. 1&H0

Total II per rent bonita redeemed . 9.0,.110.450

Tutsi redemptions aud cancellatloua.tbn.l'uo,2ooJtrwAaatA j. Maa :avi_.

Tup.Asi'uv uarsanonx >Orrica or ihe mi uki a ur. >

.. Asitiv.,.,>. ii c.. Nov. 0. 1886. >KIR: An oftle.ii. rlaseincadon u Ji*,;,-ev'. uf Die people rn*

faa<sd iu aslntul work rn tin- rioted t .u-sa.Tur.liuK io HeirocsUjmtiou. lee elaeelSeellW to ne ai.auns.1 as follows

1. All lillies WhS irslillol li. -ul. e-ertcrt ti, e,|.,(.u ,,ru;i. t lion.I lie, I ll llnnel WllO dlUld Ul lU patt SUUjeCleel ie,

lol.-lift, on,pel rt ,...I

.* Im (ero,set ii.en of tl,,* p. pn'.atioti who depend npon s

fot.iKU nuis.-t Ior Hie sale .ef tln.r prodBeUi:.. eeaeae ec tte jreei IOHO stales tte total number of per.

ih>l> engages ingainiui iMcupaiioua to be 17.;'.'..2,.iy9, divldada« followsa. Agriculture .7.670.4936. I'eofessii.iisi sml jiersonal.4.i'74.2.irte. Trade an tiauspoitar.oii. 1,810,268d. Man lilactum, mei Uauics. aud ui.u.trK..-i.-J7.il2Of tlie-te BJBBBSe "6" snd " e " rn sjr at once be ssl tuWe tu

Dui suujei t to loreigu rotup, iitiuii.(iteiaaa "a," a.I mav lie «et aside in Hie aame manner ex

c*pi lin* larueersalteus Hie canadla. bonlcrm, lol wi.os.. benrtli, .u ia. I. lue .-i.i i. list ol ..mies ou lesTIBteafl mild Amtl-cultural produce *aa train's!. As tbe o.nie ti.,on belw.anAiiMerie sn auel ans.'ian lar.eie-ra inllsl ls* fol tin Inline mal an,! iain,, Males of ti.e W.-st boidei lag ou in ea Ue,t ii.* oiesnitred, -wi line*., articles meet lutil. mn .,ai.ri* ,,u y l. lAiiu.o-ia min, ooo muoiort. TbU ol*tepiiveb laave* New, Veriu.iul Wiel a p«:tol .vo»V(irl lobe »uuje-ci i,, iutKlfU iHrnipe-iitieiu. Tbo i.etaeaiaie-uliuraJ peipu.aiiou of the tura* eutes t.r»t uamed waslsi.871, lo wuieli may be ad.lad one Itali ot t..e «*riciliiuialpopuuiiun ol >'ew S orS -an axtr-sueijr u:*ral esduiaie. Ibo(ulai ia ej70.t)51. aim li ilvdui te*i fie. in cia~» u" leavesl.-JsfU.rti ol nial 'lass neel euujeci io lorrlrn coinpeUlluu.Ol ilw "(I |jie_,ra0 csu !>e said lo be liej-oud Uta reach

of lote.K'i ceei.i, tii.eeu. ine di tai s beiug aiv_u lu A."-uDexed. In mas lilli up those, details, the IuUuwiuk Weis jjeii-eis. uies lui flu, ttiu, ud*u|isijous

1. A iiensvy easeal ebwwa bmI .y ia coiupeto iu forria*a mar¬keta-**. IL. cara. lov.a.oiia, et,

l sa, ulai -wlvauLaana.« p.. peliuieum, e<,iu>n-see<l oil. et.anii.tVi! anvajiu^.¦-.. ^cjiiued iiiroiiKh zramttramarna, ayr, islaptitu lc. and ev,-u BMaBfelF I- fi, anncallmal liiipleniel.ts.har wats, eiLirumvu use ol tmSKfaWKKf mool aud shoe Uld ustr\'. .liars mok.ug3 .,. cupai.ous which erer/ eouiiiiuntty must bare.t. g.,

bakers, t.uu. n.-i -, upeiiiera, manolis, eic.Tlicae iteducliuus. LogtlUnr Willi ale.ul HO,00(1 llnrludsd in

the lanie but wiiu»ui a speclOo w cupauou ua.tisd, leave lbsflaUM-s detail.ii lu il." auusxnd. u.u -Ji.i.isi.i, aa npinstuning Uiu wurk< ri subject lo li.relgu co.uwdliioii. spcaSni.¦K.si_.u<uraiij. IJsavy deduiiUous aouu.ha uimxIo Uio*mtxy

erery Item lhn». among miners, ihe workers In r*»*'! Ktisilver mine*, or In tin C ippe iiiiii. s. sd,nit len' le. «.n tlf ¦-'-

H eokltlndi-raand finisher" are 'isl loIty as stn! rarpeateri -ee ... aboth tr».t..« ,ps si t'.nt ther cannot mmiM-ie- with forelirnerson ee|tia|eoii luions sm' of Ilio ditfcr.-ni <. i" ."¦! ''.'.',snits e-iper e-tre. Wit such a tv in rases aa lb cu'tnp."

¦i n -|>e. | le. o,us would be strim. .* ¦*.. r In- ori»»tliditsirles wipeel out if uiiprutei t d by a tantf Pdistance would lu naur malan, ea maintain inrtn-'the foreign Industry. Makin* all in la. <>r ol l-rx-t-e li Bl lesat ,>ne -halt eef''<.'

" '

the reach of comiietilioii.and the list ntiirhi 1 e matrommtammmio the sit te, Iowna lu.iti-iriea. or rather n-itt'ti Inaneo'*"'them lr.,ii sit I sleeel.codon munis, »ool eu (too la. si.k aooeis.

ti jio't' rr , ,,Tai,.* imttot " n " as i fair flc''r«* I468.S

lng (lui part ..( 'a" whlrh sn- rith.* total i- '-21,1-s .mt e.r I7..(''JO'rt'.i or BlHHlt l.l

percent. The mailer, then, stands lins.Mut SObject lo competition .

**uhjei I) a .....

A..Nut ittlifect tt lo.eitjn Comprlitn,".Agrirnltnnl Imple- IMa.-hlniats .*'?1 ,',i"t

.ll.t.t. 4 se.' -ta-ellf I. tillers 41.UUA ppr. nt eea 4 1 Tn Mar rte and stone cutBaker* tl.:«*P bis .

17J T'-i. Maa .- .' -."'K ea. In I- ilya*., .-lied M. i* '. e .erring snds.niiri-'s :- . ..Tan

BHDd. itoor and MMd. 4 HS Millers .S3.*-**"

¦ st- Milliner., dn-aaniakI'....I .un! -h.s* ni rts.r- l.'4."7'< et-.1. '---..401Beiiilers an.l mineral Mirror am! picturewatae .. 2.0-'.' tr.

r.'T itiv t- ._.Brewerssud es snd nuning .-.. *¦.'

Brick and tile ..... n..n. r* tint 11 andnnd well ''-'W

cou ira. tors '.?..r.-7 Painters and Taralea*I'.rit.iuuta ,t J.iiiiiniieel -era'

.era.lim li r A natl ,, IO HIM t.toirra hers.

: 41 Pianoforte. n',,"l,,akers. :.,. i '.'-.'i"*'

( an.H.. ....,;, x lallow. 2 !»-.( I'la niH-rs and gun fitrrrrn.ike* s 1.700 tl ni-- . I',-.

Cai pentera .n..i jolnei -:t7:i.l IS Pil .ir ... ,.nel KHtTnlllUUSrrv euell

makers. Quart* ai"! stamp mill. I'*1¦"I and lime iia-rpo k. r« .

btiruers . r.-h.-.-H. iker- 4 '-ve p...,,t.T aadaiatara _« '-.

. and pi laina Billie ',','''tl.iks and dook keen- Pawyer*.

Il rn* - an.l 'nie . },-~kllab-oente loin Heahag machtasa. ".;'-..Clack* un1 repairing -shingle in t lath.1.547 rr rt. eollaraad .-nla ll ¦*'-¦'

loue-ra . l:t.H92 Ktareb4ll ¦. -(.ve. furnace and

I 'i«-. -rs and refiner-. ;: I. *r**ite. ».***.ure .11 79.S2S ration .... .

Empio-ee imt iod cutlery. Izrl.zfie .84..Vt* I.,ii.ic ii fri.'t.iry. ?Jt}2Knirrav. rs . 4..'.7.' ls.I't':.- . 1 5 '"

1 ishernieit and orster- 'W.m, ichopp-rs. I" .¦1nun 41,362iWuo Ulrilera. l**i***i

Das werta. 4 .1 .:,.,;i.t.-ts _ 1.703J'»" ara .'.' .!'>.-, Ila r cleaners, etc. 1.9*iJlian iud lock amlth* 10,672|Oi ... .. -¦*.;:,Harness ami aadelle Cit .*i n .*,.i «. r-. ,__«mik.*rs.39,960 I'.impmakers . 1 ¦'¦'..m

Leetber, ste inst eaae -. and awning 2.'.moami -mk kctlHiokm.iii- >.* wi ii ir machine oper*

29942 at/ns. -0SBI..nn.ii ui.l ir.iu- .-tav, shook sa I head-

. 10,06! inn. 4,001H..P '-rttully Watdmt Ui foreign ( ompctition.

Artificial flower ma- Iron an sts.-I. 114.'-Wkee. ¦A.i'M'i Lace . 3

Ba- makers, heap, l.ea.l mc! / le. . i.H'0jute anel im. 1,40** Leather ease and

¦..akers. 6.004 |«*k.*t hooks. I.-''.Bone and ir.-ry work. M.ners . 2M :2n

er*. 1.888,! rs.rttra ah lin- rirar nilli operators 9

lil *..'!.( P.elt-TS . ll..v.* pro work*. friiflit in.iii ami urn-h H.S- It-un lar-ere.. 2,i-lkei-. M70| i-.ope ate eurdafo ma- 4 i73 ker- . S.5I4Carp*-'!* . 17.00N Kiianer factory. Krtnll

¦slw.irka. -.'.'2rt Ma't tnakera . r"_ICopper-veorksrs,. 2.:' 2 . t"» a.e-s. ,i-;'"L'orsel-mskera. l.Bdii h:n car|M*u(. rs, *o.. 1. * *-

illa 169.77li-i:knull 1*".':a amt ({rind- i-ieain boiler milkers. I_,T71

ers. l.rV.i:* ><ii*.'ar manera and re*Flax .1 Teasers. 1-iM1 narra . 2.1121

Futw.eri 1..'¦-((, I'fn ¦¦! iu.ike*i a ..

Gaiiouti, aiiup and taa- 'liinu-r* sod tin¬sel. 2,?:i5) ware .

. ""

nisse mane . 17.n.i4 Truuss. Ac. (.013(ileevr. makers 4,.'ell llliurella i.JUeUni andean staters li,,*ie*o Wiro maker* andlii»ery ami ault worker*. . 7.1.0m.a«._. 12.1rt4iWoollau*tuili. 8«.ol0. If thia mean* rtxtfr ra, etc.. ll (bauld ku on list "a," nilli

carpenters, masons. rs eiitiiculi to ittske asatlafai-tory renie to the Ia*t inqniry.

The J.rre i* e..' the pinela, ta * lue h mir pnertice.! Ul et*

tenta « aars depe ii<ls U|s.u .tn nut,rt, ur fwrelfB it.ars.l. Bulthe tsstv ol pro-riicers is vety ditfereully aBe« lee! bv raria-teon- la yrtcwe. A.i tar.ners o not ..epeud upon a (orelicn marfcet lor wbesu tnt tm all wheat gnawsca, lu souerai. aherever tilers ia a hs.»vy aaporu (hat iudasiry which prei* ti es

the exported art ei tc may be -aol to lepeiid "

u|i'.n a Int i.'timarket. Bat to etsta the arupurtMia of the laipti.iitieeu « ... i.le en di pendent, btub ia 'aa nm.: a.ital u-rma. u har iiypoe-tible. lies, Ser.tUi i- sircintt- I.

Worth i.di.\' C. F'.nn.[Chief of B ireau of Itsllrlln*. SUle UcpartmenU]c. B Teasel ht Daraan-un; >

Ol Ucl* OF '¦',vi kn Jli.NT ACTIART. >WaaeiROTOS. D. c. Nos M. 1888. )

PIS In n-aponse to yo ir ii .nniiin anun ul the mn laaleiot,eiy-ssiiii; a "elesrre lee p-es uri* ail olfl 1 .1

.nasireil iu gainful Work tu i e I n.t-il **ut.*«. a. curd-,i,if to tueir occupation." Uie elassiBcatioa iee le- aiian«.ii *ifee ie,w- **l. All these »ho catiu-et .e -a I. e.-re.l lo fer.* unromp. tn.oi, 2. Tiie iessei uu.i.l-er wini cornel be itt part atlb-piicei to furei^ii coiupt i.t.ei.." I have \km boara toss) l stare fo seen- to sinew rhat ot Uk* a ol.

una eng g din -r.irufu. imrnireilimt. ai-eurrtiaa le UmLi...c.: -.i.iie.,: i,,tis i|| L7.eMH.00S. Illara we*reIron uuy,.UiSSO.IKW >-i .. |..*i*..u- wbe wet*tl.rr. Uv siibieete lu |>art lo orei.-u (o p.-l .tain, lutlicatu*that rom 4 'Jin e-ei cent io I !» LO par emit, -ai about 4 '( p.r

(the whole aunt ber .! sm n pemaaa vmeuf Uuat ia*au,I lita: abe,eil H.", 4 pet eat ee, ihe a* ,.e,,- ni n!).-i w. id of Utaas* aril.Bb was uul subjcirleel tu lorriirn ,>ni|eii ellon.The bs* s iff tile-,*- losy be le,need ll. Ibe aAAMOipmtlJ.

lUK tables uiarkeel A. Yoili* reefSCtfally.t.. fl. KI.I.IOT.

Jim. D-VUn. If et-ii'l. Oorernuenl Aciturr.Ute, nary ut tue traamiry.

A..Terse.ns rnK3t-r»l In suttifn! orrnp 'ina toL'ltil.ii rstates ceii-u, (tl 18S0, that atc ajlijeot iu part tofe,! _¦:. ll,,.. I.LOU.

i Makers..

I.,,ic .... . LaOSwar.* eiakera.

* ;..j». I*, .

il ese.rks -.

t..Ao- a :.weaker and Jewellers. 2K.405

kail, in- 'iuii op. 1 e *iIron an siecl wurs.s au. stc^g aper illvta. ll t.....rtI-.te tn.llil - . 1.7 1*

l.eath* r carriers, drees, rs. Sntshere, an.l ta,.ner< ... 2;'. 1.4 rt I

.-ilk*.1... . 1-o7i¦u:iir make ra ..iel 1. libers. IThread-maker*. '

.null,re- .

(ruwera aumatedl. BttOOO

toui.A esaatdsrable porttna of tbnee beloacia 1 to the todowi-.e

¦hull ... (ne a sd ,n me I,,1 ni .*r of ( en

gagrnl iii ira. it 1, om wnu are tuaj- ct lu pari to (or-llTtl (O' I'ert.I aili

Appn n: - r.. tra'.-s . 41.17(1..''e.' IS .

tai .ii.' ea a'.

I tulon operaive.. . .. 77/'.'e'l

I I smiths 16'-Ilooi and i.Ui.ei'i u.a«. is . 1.1,741)

Total .OaooiaWa-HIM.101, U. c.. Sos-. 20 :--

Sig: I haTe ti.e Itunor toa. kuowieelan r.ieeiii ... ymir ema-nu.ii 1 al i... ..' '-"-¦: :n-1.i ¦'. ni ah 11 r.*i,u. si ali stitttate

Bl i. ieeepil.all.eU Uf tall Lie.le I..I.-S .liaaif.siIII na.ufa1 * rn wli ih cou he -sn.»,.*. lo fi.rei.-ti eil.Ipa.-te. .v ,th lour lei .* ,1111, all,,us row Mr,t. ii. I* 1 ion ai..! ',.! rs ,,r rle.. .u em Keira, ia ah li t,..e lead-iul' ..' 1 tii'.i .". . uiu (wo, thees iu wtu. a

such cm.,jie-iit,.in ie uOsslble an.l those iii wmc ll ls mrt |s,ss.ble. foe lek a aleta. ti 1. -ai,., ihese , ,as .itna, neusts t .1 view ol couiuiiiiK. c innraila-', or eurreeUaf their con*

ciiisioua.iiese two atlttior ile-arree T.-rr clos-iy In tin* .or 'ns en

tae |e.!..iiak-,.ir Industrial popalalMHi which mayh. wholly IS :*.. 'ie .irn o.,.;*. I.'.em .innot el-e*e* nv.* pei ,-it. ll, _|« ia*eufl s f nc .b .*. I hr slr. roriaermetuni -eetu.ia IU* e*ai, iee aidtsi le it. ...ut ... v ne- ii loaioa. Ifappraralie.el IC. e'l III.' Ile* I,el Iel. T- L' ell f tl..* ,.*!).. 1- tabita, OUTUnli,atrial (e.^u at.u.. | m* Io.,o*<

1. fersi.n*. >'i.a-e.1 In protea* O lal aiul pe*rs naia* rv |, s trade en tr,,, km ti w..oiunu le.r. ,*n a possible, ler tte rea¬son tnat ai, - na ii lu theco any a BOM th* Wor» ia eieeue ur Ile «

!. ii ..: .-12. 1' eBaBS»l rn aitr elie! uni, pni-inls. in

*> ,, t ,,,. ls ID pr Kl* lo nut an etieet njiiirae a.lvanlanfi auuIlirUeM-ir o i ,e I-a.e -|--f 7,299, -*42

;'.. I .*i sou* iir>.r' il In n. a -

ami nilen*.aad la est <.¦ lan e tm- *~.**--

bor.iei. wno mi-rnt posai dy ;.* -.1 ital t u. lor-,,p. i.t...n 4.*)7.7'"l

Ware tu. re no diaei-ence* between dlft'-rent cona ti lee nila lnituial ami aci|ti.reel skill ul lu' papa latlon,iu ile-a. 1. ssh. tv lo eatiire'* store*ol raw luatenal. ate m

af the other reqiualtea ol prodactsta ..ud.'.ultraasuortsUoe e,,s. buUubs. lhaa s eooetoerabie p riul toto in.r-e cass wmiiei be suieje,i to foreian co.tpetttlon.As a aaaftis* ut nutt, beweeee, aa.h eeaipeUUea is inuiie.1 byllee lonee * .Iii.' iell-e-

1 est e, iiaiis|H,rtation. Thia, of course, varlea with Iheartu le*. a rr..univ. WUknnt altoinptias any exact la-

eeu <ei tin* rat * of fra kui. il mav oe supposed thal. l»t-n-e'ie oar .ii..u.i porte and tn* pru iii eaapiaii at ssr*i-nu 1.1.rope, the iii'"' r-.aiii mul aet AlanBTeatly lru_i On doll ra pei toa ol tarty cowa Stat ooah. OaBU pipealla which sro bothy ta proportion to vaiuc ibis le* eqalfalsait toa inavj proton 11 Te tariff.

2. ite prout se eompeaaottoe of Uta brolga ex porter ami ofBIS Attie -I- .lil ceUSilili.e. » til. ll lUUSt Cello pell -.*ll 11,1,01 Uotonly ior their Isletr, bul mi tin* nnmiioaa ;-ks to which iroieiasre'-iloje. I a hen BOIppoS '" s teereian inarieL I Iii* Itein wtl:j.iius,iij' rana* .10.1. u. IO pol coal aa Hie a.ueoi Ihe noisia.bul I SUI llu..iie tee j;.ve* IU) ace Ul atc e-.IlMi^te ol Hs aiiinlllll.

A. >|eee .,, skill ia palin ular iiioualria*. wburh eau be ac-qil.le-il univ thr,ililli Baum apt tu ie, couibiiieil Wita year*.eteven rn ii. ral iou*, ot (ino 1 ce ount -u*> moaaly in the rsanit,Ih.*-. ll ol tl,.. wtss iii wa h-inakiiiK and of the NewEu-flauder 111 tin* luaiiiilai titre of b.joia ahl shoea, clock* anel cot-Ion iaiira s. are oaoa lu imi,nt.

4. I hr ..em-rai em.1. my of labor In tnanT of the leadline;mauri:.- iiui eiy lii<n pru eel labor of Eualauel 1 0111-

peles au. trsiiully wnh the low-priced labor ul tho CouUu Biol Baropo,

ti. 1 hr p.e*sessieeii of raw material ia a moat Important fac¬tor m the rooalt, By so inuch aa li ix>«i« t.. ,*ip,,rt raw cottontoa loreurii .emulrv. ..y thal ma h woul a laclury where moClHt-lli la enjoy ail adTOOUCa III limpet. H..u.hxatealaejl Mr rora*a (laaalu.aiK.u in Ibo light of these

(iiiesuiei'al.nua, il setaii* lo me tliat the follow,ua additionsBlight erfr ma er lo lila lill of prodiiccis parUahy auhjecl Ul(OICISII e'Olllps-lllioU1. Ilia wo.i growers of the failed sutea, who are uo

don.4 :n. tudesl in the agricultural population.'I ti.n-tis (fives bo tia! i lur .lett, .riieiii.u*- lluirUii'iibei. Inn ll aa har Hy exceed a lew thousand.

2. liieaets ami maiisieia . lfl.278Paitoa.aasa>4japanned ware. . i.37j

4. audie, soap, ano laiiow n._kers . 'Aftmtb Loee-* masel. . 4.7'!0 l|lar maleer*.jle.ft.'tf7*. lil,SI''B, tn.iaeet- iel riuployeii la job work . 4..-77

.a.,.a* luie;s .44,019Kl. t-.aie au.l ra.e tua kera . l.U'jfll. louis aad (tiiirr) nuke,ii.1B.74'J

Total, be*ldes wool -crower* .168.ao9KsUiuaiing a* Mr Koki i1.k*s. In (he ,ase of the other nee u*. thal oiie-half of UiSe-e Weteien pr subject lu loreigncoitipriitiuu. tm* (oi-ii n>unb-i xi sui. ei hoopmoe Oltfl.l i i

DVe and lao leuih* p. J eat ut Hie ,_. lust r_U aSiteia. OOBSl ia,eu lb il. If ira,:* wore entirely flee, (lie

frnt lion of eetit pre-seal immsinal pop.iialioti m]u. lonsly sub.e. 1 Ui furelan oi'.epelttjou we.ii,d uol ex. eed six ur sev eu*f»rieui, seems to me in.qnesti.maine'

Very respesrliuiiy ^our uboilieut rtervant,niutea .sawrons.

MM KITH Of TLPE-fTIfte.SAVA.l!«ai(. lies*. H..Turoeatuie steady a* .1SI«_WiLMlSuroX. Oer. li.. 1 urpnaUuo uui.'t AA AA .mmCttau-Saius. Don. A..l.tuonnu* auu. mk it Sta.



Hit' ATr-SKD TAXAUON.W»«nivr,T(i«, Iiee. tl .A decision waa renderod by tho

eoitn tieeUr In tiie itn.Mtr-ai.t ex-radlfion SUOB o' fred¬erick M. Ker. against the ptxttta ol tbo stine if Illlnnla.hiouglit here by a writ nf error to tlio lUfM-BB Court ofnut-*at*i. tn 19ft Ker. w .o waeaclerk in tlie-ini'lnyaf haei-_,CaaafAOe.,af Cklaaua^auiswu_M a lar«e-ii ti e,f mo iey wlnuglug'o tb st (Inn aol fled (o Petu,-out L';mki ..pnlicallon frou the (iovel nor ofMin ia, tun rreelelout nf the Uuitini States, ou Marchi.IMS, l-atial ,i wnrraut (or th* efira H'i m of Ker andseui ll iti Pei u by bear) (J. Juli >n, w o waa aufhorlzealto receive ti.e nc., u-od uni. from the Peruvian iit.orltieaaa ri g rum to the t'ul'ei staiee to answer a ciuir*.eo' lare-uv. k -r sUraesteas JattsB, eilfeaui weera insthe Batta lliuu p.-iie-r*. tu snv o-tn-er of tile Peruvian(ioveni'iicat and without making anv iictnainl iijioa thatSeorasmein ior his saran ter. I..rt-11>ly Unlit urned himau.t pl toot nleii eer; bo ir 1 toe Dalia l -tates veresel F.sser,bf w ile ne w is lei*.ii into Honolulu, lhere* ne wis

Haeahaai, be J'eeeatle me steamer City td Sydney andUr uga' lu-an and ilien snri-euiiereil by meQeraraor at CattfareU ta t.e authorities of tue .°.iaie ofH.iiioia as a fii-iuve frou. 'tis ice. I'pon fee*aSSHal lu(ini-s.-i Ker was put mi trial and nilly convicted oflarceny sn 1 ratfeeaSleaMet ile alleges that tina wholeproceeding waae iiolttpui of tue j roeial.tii-v oi tue treatvbetween tim i;inte.i BtaSea mid Peru ratified .Jinv '.'7,l-l. and lie up,,eins ti t e t-UTerue ('olirt, Upon thearoilml that t e ea-e cale* III e|U0 tl.m tile (rt Itjitrt dI ni, ar SO -, ruction ot a ire.,ty. rms min ls of munnintel .1 li Ker hu cell rertU I to tins eulin ry "Y I'm. e.* i-

,iui un l-r int ire.nv of lill wini i: is pro-table,lu et iu,,.ti r- .1,cement .f tue c.iee III Hie It-BBS lie Hi ic httera Mle i:«*-s: un v pualeel t.iii: lie «iis exinillte.1 forl.lTe-etlV rlllel reen*. ICle ll, t ll*- ? IT Ml't (if il JUT, O OIULO/.laen.eui. Bat it i- ll iiderenl niee When ne cutes tu t a¦..unitty n Uie iieiiiitifi ni wi.niu ne wu« lirougbt mr-,cloiiimi with in w-.tlc*. a prt-.o-iiis nu ler thetre.ty Boeill tera -'i'cn linu, an no nut' wu iou thsce un ry ,ia es to Teni or to hiui under the treaty. Ti.eeulin luniks ii inear mt in iiivo,ln_ eta ;iiri*(l eteeeii uimntte kt. em, Lhtl ..-wa- de ii,ed c. r get cnn c.T-l Bp"Bhim i.y u treaty ol tue I'niteet ft.tee ti.e pri-on-r nuafiiiiei tee-tuon*. tteettsUUtel anv -uca r.gut. Tuei|U'-oiion ii, now i,ir leia lorcieel- seix.ire In anothermin r, uii'l ti-iinsrrr in v, oles ce. fur. e. or frau i. io Unacoull ry coin tee ms, ie a ran in e lo resist, ina! ta lue* Bte.ri or the oBanoo ..ow chas od ui on lum ia one

willoh Inls emili .lues n t fsr| ea 1 Ill-oil lu I( 0 de. sim eiii iiiiii iraus.M Mun tue couri .ioea out ooo mu the Ooo-anteiti n. ur laws, or tr atlee Bf tua United states gnyr-autoe hun attv |.i-ot.-iHom Til" court liol ls, teowever,toa. ins Ipi lelnn .nie- ot lnare tb.* ona., e.r tueli'.ve riiti,eiii Bi Peru »ttl,om reine .y fm ma anani' ur¬ned seizure witlii.i ia terr,tiny. Keen tha exis'ingtre tv with that Kiuutr. provides tnt tue exir.ulliluu ofpe'enus diarge-l witii kidnapping, au-l on detuuud frtnuPerei, jedisu, tue party wbo is g nlty or it. e-.ui h« a.irlendete nu il trtssl .¦ ns unurls 'ur Hi i rm anon .n nauws. Krr uimaeii waeel probably sat bo wii.mutre-dr »-. for boSOObtBUS Julian in un action of troep.i-saud laise imprison, e il un tue* flic's a-1 'urtu lu the

jue.. wu,i tl wit out iiiiii -I -us ala t, e adi m. |*A belberne .*.! .1 iiceoer a anni su ..Clent to |il-t.fv i'.e ade.nwounl lunn tidy ilapetni ti|eou morn sap cts et lue C 0*w.e lier ihe tour' runlet lon Vin* Jiu!..' Utoatof lue fuproue ( nun of Illinois sialaililiiu the t.ectsiouof ti.e i our; of Cook Couuty. jgaiusi tuc pris¬oner s aillniie i.A iii Blaine w.»e also rrnelered hy the co irt to-lav in

s.eotiie.i iui| extradition cone, mui.eij, the Lulled-.ates atmeei *Vili,aiu ttaeisc er uauseher *s- au

o'tlcer "f au Am, rn au vessel who Was exirad ted IruuiII real I,ri, ii ii tn answer for Ihe murder ol a sra ian,ami w.o wus aiterasr I iero.igni I.i tri.-1 for a di.iereui..Hence,, tue C Ucl ii tl unusual |>titllsiillieut Ol luesaui» ainlor wb-jiu ne ana charge l rilli murderm*. T.ecase au nucort-.ui n**wttmm wunb u.ia iouglie eu a «uli|ect of diiLunatlo negotiation betWrtsu me

UnTsraeiBBli of lae Lulled .-.lalea au.I tjre.»l Kntaiu «ndwuleh bal never neon a been llually -etiled, uaiueiy,we,ether, ur,uer lae e xt rael lt.on treaty lu force '.«¦ . eon

tbs twa oou.iin.-s a parawa *»x;r.idit*ad ior oue oaence. eau

ne med (ur abut. er. It ls tb.* aa ..o que-t,ou wuk li waadiscarSel nt tmettwt ry Kls-i sui Lord Uer*iv iii tts IV'ius-lo* ami Lawrence aud WUteii alirrw.irel ueeuuio a

auiij.-ctuf fiti-i ter nion la tiie'«U Bo ese of lairds,but wUtuei was unver brought to a i.otliuteO se.UetiienU.ins court .oils, ina luug and careiuily t,., in J.i'tice Miller, that a pera io Wuo has beeuimukht wit te te.e |url**d ut.ou ..f lite curt ny rli tue of

pre*, ennuis nu ler ea ritrssllUee trusty ca ouly noIt-led f ir one of t te otlelic -a des. rina I lu tile tftt.1.. SI .1mr tue uileuoe with winch ne la churifeil lu t e prucned-iii.a inr Bis extra Itara, mun a re.a mabie onie auu «>p-porr ninty loire been given bl.u alt.-r lils rel. aa or ti'.aluudrr-u*b earae t«> return to Hie oouutT) fioui wuo-o

j ay um uo bmtl lu-eu (ore Inly Ukeu u.nler the-e nrtKee l

las* ute JaetUm Salts lirscut* iroui tue upi., on oftlie/sotirt, nu toe alOUllll that befall Bud lu the iro.ltyuoiuin. >»uieru foruuls . U-i il fir auy otu.1rotto.1ce tuautliai for wu.on tue extra ilUea wa- made.

1 h- ileetsiOB uf the court in tula Case ia opposed ta thocos ti.eti ta.e.i ny fie United .-lutes i>overu.ii*,,i iu itsuegnt ali .us w.t.i lue ('iuveruiueiii of dr. al briUiu wiui

bl Hie Wlii-l..a an L wr.-nce BB ea.

A ilseiei ni wa- .il rn rendered iii U.e .aa caae of tbe citynf .-sew-Oiieaus st Ut* Lou s.ana i.olivrv o"l| anytiroU-ut ..ere o a, leel fr.uu no i in U.l I). UTt -i( tueLu ted -t.i es f. r he Laalrm lil-1 net of latU.-aUll. luis.aa-a-Ult .n-t.tuted b' t.,e lai'Ury Ciiinpauy lol tueI uri uso >.( obtaining au lu|uncil..u'o re-n.-iu tue .-l.yand tile board of Aasees-r- iioui aiwessnig abd coleirtiugeerti u*.xe. loved "y « »'" u.ou n le. aleswl viola......

li ._! feraair ino amt lucs.noraitua Uie laiuisiaiiB

Lottery Coiunauy pmvllou (nat it auouid pa> m .ue

f-lai- the suiu eef er4i»,ii Kl uer aimil ii to ne ere ilte.l m Hie-

K..iie-ul"i» '1 Purni mid t.ial ll sb,.ul be exeiui't iroui al..'(uer taSOB ¦:. lewBeeB 'ruin ta" etaSr, paris,, or

U.UItiClii I nit. i.rifles Til company si.cues tliat liot-

wlloatai lina t n- exemptiou. t..e citv of >ew-(ir.eau lsil nu III BSirSs BM' BOll ct .i t>X Ui on ,l» i-a| ..t .rr ruiiei'tv Si vu tilo of f..e (ii ovisions of Actn.77.1! t.r.* l.eai-l.itilr.* of L.iU.S'auaof lil" Tl IS

ewart i.olds that t r taa complaiaeU af is nrobi .itel i»ytoe t.r.i.S nt I .<. eiiuti'.ii't ee,|.I...i«l ill tile comp.liv's

. i ata taxation aal ats nu,.t to rnImpowwii bikibI- a Ul U.eetri ¦ CT ur .tl Ul w '

llle.ll,I.U eef its Clialt.T. .Led leif '1 alb ItS 1 MllTI Id-ll St. ck-. ..u-e i,.e euri oratara b> ewaapwltei lo bae« mo

-ir-t, for f.v-i uo inn.H. laipoaai buob its ainer-llltlder* all is rna le r.a. io idlmaniy ur Ibeir |...yuieuU

- tn,,! tue>n of Ite Iambus a

Male Lillie re (b«tt|*e-1! ls BOS WU,In (lie purview Ol-ee*L,,i i ,,( \ i s .. 77 of iii- v-»r -.» aad Ite lt waslitlt tile ll, te ll tie l.e eif 1..C I.e., Se lt .T as el, ''"*.. '» ,"'1'

aa 'iii .>-e ii. un tte . o.u,iaiif any olin r taxe* ttiaur.e. .ri Fm n Its own ch.rt-r; out If ot.ierwise

A t -ii. 77 is vu .I aa a ,,iw imp Irina the o..ligation rut, faa (Berco ul (he Circuit Coin tu .avor ofth. luiu-ry comp iuy ls sdlrinert.

i he other buel aeea tnaaaetaS today waa as folio vs

Ne. || i'..,,arl -Vee.,.: .nil others, p.aiutli! in error, agt.the city e Kuri Wayne. Jo-tenoni revsrsoil . eneta ateca-* ;. a- i iii..,*,i,ui lo aw.ri I BOW trial.

N ,i', .: no..l.-r e. iipuo. ,e,.p-i,anl, agt.vv i..;.i. : "Ut'l "I Cue

United ia Jtortoora Uaatrict ot Uow-Vert

>.e. .41 Ali tie ri ti ii. el. ault. etc. ami othet-s. appellantWooster, a pp«aai troiu tho Circuit Conn of the

Latte ,,eii,e, 11, insiriciuf ,v«*

.., .-..- ladies n.i.oe.ii.u, plaiiinir IB error, agt. the V irks.Pac.Sc ilailroad Io error

kl tue Mapreiuo I'uurl ui Um rstaluoi la.uisi^ua, Judguieuln-let.

. i* tank u Lott, administrator atc agt. tba SJ. t'otiipauv. Appeal fr "in tHe lr. un Courtel iii.* L uiusi -ui. - lor i.o* baelern Woulel ot Ponosynraaia

.So. si, c. ,;,is M,i i.e. i, |, aiiililfin error, ag- llke[ lOTes IB ll eel .*. ¦" B.ipl .

-lab* a, i. i.neii ii.a. .udjpusula_U_iatl witu coate.Net -IMI J f U Ull l*f ll. .,r* UTI. J'lhll

Maali an.iel-. ..I,,lou lo rt. lie I. M.:,ml lo le*.

air,io, ui.ou yeetpeaert iee lo theOlUel -I...* Ul - ...W a..Se*.

.SO. HM naiui.i.iii tim.sby and olhiriS' plmitilT ta emir.est. William a w ooo ate 1 D Diamo. __uUous le-W-uaaaeSUI Ito "len .,- L

tto Sis-.i....cs PBiUipe .inn eitiiera. piitiutitf inerper ixlti., ii*...,. jj ,.,,,.i and VI aler Aseo. ialion and others..Meilleell tort.-a,I.i«. .*. ... .en,,.. pUtaUd sgt. ihe P. Hean In-urauco

Company Mot oo n.i r..v,* ;. ni* dot laratwo 77 be d-rehaul- Mut lal luMiram .. ..uvauy, appel-

lai.t. a-it. e.^ji^,. u ...¦.u. is i... Soi ii.m.- Mutasl Inenranoe Compauy, appel.

lan I agt. >.l.,- .., I ii ,i grsiue .iu.lea.seassigned bil argumeutob tbs brat Monday iu Jainuiy ui-xl,ai. t Nu.v., i_'4i ..* ', a,.-, Barlin-rton ami Quincy( .nu pany, pla ii tut lu el rot a*.t. tin* >taie of Miaauor! 'i tel-a... r eeleul Meei..eli l.e tr vance -fTai.t-cll ^tileje* t

.tn.*, tb too ti.e nrst M.iuei.iy ni lauuary ucxl alterca.« a air, a.i) asigue.1 foi d..y. _ .,No. 1---..1-A ... ,.,,i. I. im., pluiutitr in error, sgt. theDistrict0 ,..i, n.a U.-UouMS. .at rn

.so, 11,2-,i ne,uu ul. pia_i(iff ui error, agu M IIIlia.e ami ..'.lief,. m, .*,,,,, t.e een.lll. ,.i*(..*

) _u,i ..t.ns. |iiaiu_i-t -n error, agt. theLil.le.i -Lites. viol.i,n t,, aeivsecems 1£4 Henty c Uuiaaamu ateouuea plaintiff in error.

agL the .oliue Wagon Company. Uoliou Ut lUanilsa sub-

.So. lirtl The 1 nited butea, appellant, agt. John PaulJone-, rater, etc. Me,t,e,ii lu .|la..,isaaiiotuitt*d.

.su. lurid- lue ii.iel States, aBPeliaol agt t M -yiriotuts.

.See. lu-'j-llir I lilied Slate* spoedaul aal Joshua e.isboi>.N.. Tue u.l-.l r-uies appel.ani agt. Charlea U

haekwen..s... Itjil-J. Thc ('mred-.tates appellant agt. Henry tt Phil-

bruk, i-utinniieii a. to -.oin ru.e ny Attorney '.-n

rial and 1* I' lirwees ior appeiiaul aud by Joliu Paul Juuesaud ll ll lanes .or aypeiieeaAeljoui-ucl until lo-moiruw at U uirlo-k.

TAL C(>L*ltr t)P APPEAL-ALBAir. Dee. tt -In the Court of Appeals to-day the fol¬

lowing causes were srgtie.i

'1 he following la the Court of Appnala day calendar for De-

.Nos. 131. 136, Ul. 130. 09, 3M, *3. 113.Tbe motion caira dar ior Tuesday, December 7, la aa (ol-

lowaS0-. MU MS, 971, -J«:i. OOO, mi, 976, H73. 97« 9»7. iMd.

pnli. onn. Usn, ejiio^ ;,sj, Juu .i<j7 jjho 1000, ut. J, Wi. J. ¦*.uyi, MtB, .".».

WHY MIL-. LA.\(,THY MU N(»T VISIT AUHTRA1.IA.Mra. Kwllle Clisrloite L**ngtry. tho actreaa, through her

lawyers. Plait A Howers Bled an answer yeet-enlay In tue

ami which waa begun against her by " Al" u\_^_f___\\\K\_i.llillot ..I lue .,,l.i, u. Moms ..reeuwael. I hr Mil '""".'}u-utiofisl ro.u the i*ui.r eoawta to i«« I ml'si »Utea . ii. nil

cotirL l«a ausaer a.iu.,1. u.oiouiiacl OUaJU.mimmwm,bj walefe .His Uadn NP-sS ls S« "> Australia uu.itr b._luauaaeuieuL hue sa) s. m.sevrt, ll.-t Hie s. i . aa Hans

t. !!. -J w.tuoot her louatui ny Mr vs ilia - sou, * Muagiate. u. eyein.y. Auslialia .Vrs. UsitaW) lu

,,. me Bp ni'on neal m.*. urnse me contract, as am- waa

UuWi.Ulig Ul Use t..e, UlUI to rn (llslaUl .oUUtIV am. Skien* .Ua

0i ri alvloeu n.ouUia uU'ler the ei.aliageuienl Ol ll..*Dj,h. Bbc also a-e>s Ui_.i the ooulra. i a (Ui (.reeuwall waa __»

u,'l "U IM« I....1H and Uials.e waa sick is Ibe opting ol

f«-, »nrn ti,e i,.. i. iiogit, ihe join un}' ariived sud waeco-i

paned lu gu lo lr.ulogie (ur uer lu-a.'.li-


WANTlMi A OOWI us'T Mii'i: HOU MfU1X1In thr anti by Cy ru a vi Kiel I a*{aiiis' P. I lark snd

rraacis I. fer SOOO.OoO damages ror ilaude r ol

oolisuiracy. Jue^e uilcu hasgisntesl tKilii Ul Carter* tarsi

yard (be al ort,«-*,s i.r Higginson, snit lloaer li^l.-r lbs at_,,iu,y feel lara, au! u.le.tllg Kr Kir eel lo abow susi

al tue sun of laos a eek wny bis com,, ali .uld uol ne tua.iia null"i au. I e.tlalu. Tue nine ul Ibu elu eudan la li

t..-a.l l.e Una eoiupiaitil was erxlen.l.el l.y Judge tullen (ll

Bailly days aiur LUo decision upou ms return ot ths onlsri

tn show ranas. Beth th- defSndSB'a bave tiled aflldsvtta etet*Ine '.hal they aro tnfnnnesd by their counsel sad believe tbatth«v have » ktsul ilesttce q-ven tbs merits to each actina, fathe snit to recover fl.-O'UK)'! of New Vork and Vew Kng-land bonds Robert Poster yesterday s. rveal a demurrer bydiaries P. derk oo lohn IJmllsy. Mr. (¦ .. rt a attorney poti-t ons for the removal .if txttli esses lei the Federal Ceetin luthia d'slni t, ai'iom|isiiie>l by bonds s.gtie.t by William B.Diosmorn, the prescient of Adams Ex pres* Company, ss

aur<*"v, and approved bv fudge llonnh ie, wera also fliest no( lark s t-etialf IB the ottlcs of the Clerk ot WestchesterCounty st White Plains.


The I' tn the case In which John H Wsrtlwell aeekato hs ve a lout ted to prohste a w.ll which he says was mode byJames I. Paine, tbs miser, who lire.! tn apparent nov, ny sudriled at No. 177 B Ieee ker* st. ou De-eralier tt, IMo, lesaving a

furtone the amount of which la vartonaly fstlmeted, waa con¬

tinued resterday befure Mmrogato Hollins. Ti.e will haa

never been found, bat Bernard J. and Thomas J. Kellv claim

to have wllnes-e I Ita execution. In Maidi laat h tura of ad-

ministration w»re granted to (Thsrlea P. i'd'ke n ' iud **nm-

ner K. Clag.ett, ami it ia aought Ul have Uu-ae set sstete and to

ter.,re ihe will alleged to have been lust. Hernani J Kelly de.posed Heat Paine patel lum Bl 3*0 .or h.s sl.-n tl ni nil arkuowl-e*'*_iii* ni on Hie will Pa ne did not obied to the amount(le bael nxet tie witness Uiat he had Some nioner, but as hsh d no retail-roo tee mar* it to hr wasted lr to gn ie, ins irn-ndWanlwell. Pali:.-rame to his illili e.. at No. 17 Infill -qture.on August ly Iftm. Ile had Ins ,,i. real bull..1*1 < iu-e. nuthart no eotlar er uiiil-ii-o.ii ou. He carnet the wili io h s

hand lncli,se.l tn sn euTeb'pa, Ie replv to a Meetum as to why he had not atat-nd that there was a.Ul ii ntl -sven mon ilia aller the mat,'a deal ii the wi ii. rs- saullhat ha ihangbi russ waa e aroak, like albara whom he kaibaaed of. Who m ..!.. (heir Will IB.Ifelr I was or this reasontl,ai hs uart no. informed Wanlwell, whom he often saw. malhe was a legal, t' nuder the w.ll.Tim oas J. Kell, tcattflee! thal lie aitrned the will at the re¬

fill, st of Ins i.r..I er ter I'aeue lian signed lt I'nl'aj said au

waa worth over <rt(l (>i-i. sud as he hat no relativo. ne wishedtu le.Ve t.e Vi! .. .|dwell.Q-tluw did 1'alno when he mime.I (he will! A Un

aeetuee! to have Miran c.iiirtiiin sense almut him. l-aughter.]Q, -lu.fin s.wtu raUoaal or au* i a. -He know what he was

do tie. Ile se. med like a mini eil »trong mini.The witness waa sure (hal Paine was sane, and being naked

Whether lie w .a au expect in Insanely, replied M 1 kuow a .u-nail.* when 1 are one "

illari a P liickrritig. the plano m.innfacinrer, (ratifiedth .1-e.ireli liul ism maile anton .. (he ene. la oi ihe miser.wbuaee bila letrater he a. tm * will ami noue had beeu luuu..The i.ear.iiK was adjourned until to*.lay.

WT8 OF LEO AL NEWS..tnattre Brnrett, in supreme C'ourl, (liam hers, yesterday de.

and the molleen eii.el- hy MBBlS Leer L uh attorney for the i-otu-

iiiitr.-u of tue .-state e.f Barti-y L'auip's-IL the demented pl:iv.right. fur aa SSlleS to punish J. Edward Weldanel T. J. Walsh, attorneys. for contemptof court In disregarding a a'ay of proceed in rx a ob-

tsitieil tn the Mars_M "eire lu moving In the c.ty ( ourt feirau e.reler Ior tue a-.le of tuc Isaac of Ihe'i Hlr.-etTinaire held by Mr. Campbell. Tue Judge brid Uiat tueiraction was not forbid len by the ur ter which il waa claiuielUi it they had disregarded.tamtam* ls.noii.i-*. in -uiereme Court. Chambers, tn-anted sn

ln;uu* tte.n al lim sail oi Uta conrail Cairne ic nrptian Ae*ylaiii,r.'-ttuinug OBtrot ler Lo w from eo.ltug st public sale las

pneteeriy ti? rh** lasttlaUoa si Pliir-ttrst-a.. suet Kiftn-ave., sudals., ii *..,. SS Prince st., roi the payment of watei rents

amounting to SS.OOOt 'Iheyhsvenot been paid anee IX7U.In (bat year Uie Aldertueu passeiL over the Ma or 'a ve .. a

n-seelat lu rel! *v n the is. lu n oi taxes tn water rents. I'heController c aims lhat Ibis action was invalid

.Mrs. E.izaletti ll. Meeker cl argea (hal her hii-band.Nathaniel vv. Meeker, obiained ft,,tn her ,n February, lani.$l.'Ki(l. Wliich he promised Ul lUVest e,r arr He use.1 lt as

p.n i ti bs |..i, i leas.* netley of .No. 440 W"est Thirty eig ith-skl'n Ju.l *.',*. lie disappeared, leal lui. a mortgage ou tue prop-ertv, amwil oas ie-rn l.iieclos. .1. Sta uataien-el au JllacUiueutagainst Ihe property non j ustie-e li km me vslei 'av

(mg .olin, tho Chines.- im.-i pieter, who sue.1 Otig Sick, a

Mott -. mer, li.iiit. lor S-OO or set vices IB io testi¬mony tor me pruosuuben e. Quinn tor a nina au Mmig annula year ago, yesterday rocevareda var.let mm ihe iud amounta. lt s mal oriole Judge aud a | ury la tho Cilylunn.M.yer (joldsmith obtained (rom 1 onohue an attach-

meui agniisi ihe projM-rty of Ja nea .'.-nea SS t claim 'or

I *, ir-. i he .ie.. i.iL.ui. .a aeaSUo Sealer, bhmU au assun-uieui. Hiving h.s muo a preiereuce ior Sa.i.oo, wuicu is alie-jedhi ne .raU'iuieuL



fflTIW 8 AND.

LuNiiuN. Dec. 6. .in fie Caiupiieii divorce eaas to-dayDuna, the deUmUve, wuo ni the stan I wuen to

e;u*o w,.a .itijoiirnwl sa nr lay, le-r.tlt-d to * ahedowius '

Lady Colin C.impne'i and lue Dake of Mar.borough laPlane Ue a .ld ne waa unoertuiu whether tbe tali geu-

Ue-uan he bael seen walkin* wltu Hie plaiutifl was Mr. American millionaires, or not. Ibo Diao ofMari .iii origil stayed at tue li. iel W_gra_u Witnessbevel ssw lady Colin there.Annie Brown, a servant, de'toaed to a vlatl made ny

General Ddt.or to i_udy Co.ln and to bis remaining Utreaboura.Ham parers, a solicr.or, testlUed to an Interview be-

tweeu|l_ady Mnes aud Lord Cohn Camplin lu -* uvom tier.

Ins*- Ladv Miles turn.itoue Do ni Hmm rliat m. les* ne

witudreiv bis pine, edmga asa.u-t Lady tj..tiu. eeo (* Would I r l lUCO eVlil.UC" ag Dosi Ultu. Lord e (1.1 ll

campbell, witness sal ', toual,ie**eO tue pfituaaats on ue-

ball of pi .iiitl.I as male .br.idgii Lady Miles dishouor**ub.e au i nu ..ol" .ii. and eec.1.,rd lo auOs* ie lo Ieee ii.

Vue Duke oi Argyll was tlieu cail-d. Tue o'|eci ofe.illiug ul o waa to iiaV" mm slalo lual bo 'll-au eo-'u

t..e luartlaae of omi lo pialulid. Mr. Kusse.l, coue.selfe.r 1-a.iy Col.ii. p.esiin-e.1 a le ter laloi A lausl. Isid.Irom La y collu lobe w;lu.*«s. in w.lcli abe dlim C iUSM wt eilaaicreestuellt Wltb Cord (ll 111. 1'uO1 inge's rep y nil that .e Ciusnlcn-il lae ensures tgiiustb.s a ut fa e.. uni ii* iieve.l tenet City e, ii 'a iel tor ian

p lit of . s.-t**,, lo iate uer nus .aud, and -viii.eas

..rc eiieel lo boitl Sui' 'uri ,et coi res,ai .-lonee «"itti uer.

lane ".lu i ampi.-el Wa- nell .sum. lie tea.Hiethat ue tlrst .net :<ia wife lu ». pteuii rr, 18¦> '. at Inver¬ary, I,.,* cuief s«,i. ut i e Argyll ..»,u..y. 1' e. ..ciia.-d.t-auc' .s(miu raauliad btaaaae-t-eaiaMitef bmithum Hen>-xl SiW Ml a il o.i I iu London lu OoSoOtS. At ma timewi uoat >v.u a.inering fi ui na uia. Au apeC-tluu w.a(i r ul'.ne ipoB I'l .i. hu. ll fa ..-.I im iM tu- le*verlie nad uni wntuu was seggr.v eiel ny anxiety r snecLingins eng igetu. ut He Waa u >t suitrti.i. lu any s nae iroma- loeinielo a eli e.sM uml frc.j .eutiy v,»i edintu . nen he w .» s«bi a*.iv on a coi age sue -oul i.iiua letter lu i-».-ry in April. I nn i, a ,eit,,er jper,»tu.u.». |ier.urine .. a,,el .1 also Was a tao uro. His lulnrr'a

ll,e|M'S.llOU li* hl8 eeige.gOU.eut es.ta .1 I UlS llUe Cl U-l gwu --s roo-tani ai t.-iy. Witin--a Knew urfixe heu. rnni ta . ii.ood waa aa-|U>iuled situ tue lime,.( .1 .st. ¦¦ ,r, ni. ii. sn* iud wi: wei. (moe teat SHS U.liieen i. Inr Inri re alta sl-te-r ami S* othera.iuuiU Ung lue D'ekeof s r'rt.o:i>..«... VI itu. ss replied:* nnu t nuuk yoi were ni g.'inl c*eiu,ia_ii." Wiluossbivi gnu au ulef - aw a long ilui*. but lint r,U'-ei .er it. Hi .1. Witness was .narricl i.i .Miss B.o<m| ni

July, l-jsi. lu me Oct..lier fol.owing ia do. i.da ro-1 *a-e ui >> trom ibo priiiiibt.itiu be natl been uudrr bo-e.iua.- of ie iu...idy.

Leed ( Oil , coiiliiiunia, a dd ae benni wiiiIe ata* mg atArgjli Lodge, ala i.tue l's Cou lou re-1 elli e. tliat tueim-e uf Vlari 'e.r uga U d eil.e.i ait e ledge, tie l, euBall edi inti K u,iv t e inne. S/ltBOSs rU-nu* rated.still cu il far rpi tea bui wein (bier -b .w, mud sue u**-

e.iine V turu W'Ucn W lu* ss Waa lil ul Uour irlueieitei.Lei} ( Ol rt. le t Iel U Willie,ut eS-l.'ll.llg .UV le,.,.,. -iee

U-Uarl, .lined oat md ge...-ta!U- steeiit tier lime away.Mic bevel' cuni.lillie I ni wilue«.s UmI em lions adan, iii steel cm h. r heal h. UltaaaB had a o..g ta.a

Wltu his wife in nee. lulnr, Ititii, about the Duke ofUer r.ur,nub sin! i" lef -,,c thea |irmiil*eii r.

-> - .ll'l ll t Vi-tt <l»l ,eU. lilllie VI itu, SS ,l. el |el.lle-Utl eeiv-eet tb.-ir reuitious la June, l-i-ii. (ju ti.eui'er-ii.i ,n ni tue. int Chi Lily Miles Bail me i.tervur-r withpl .lund. L.eiy C-nli. latie'o wlia«.ee*a raom. ^ue

crviiig, ail I e 'l.rt-w :n ni- rn ¦¦ ut is Bsefe. Tuenano intrned ueiore Ui-> eira lae ion r e ii.wi sent bertuioiuli L*ly Vill.-s, feet made .,o tuentlou of tue ,,w*t

«i loni k pt a ipy of IL tu Jmy, l-sii. win:

g ill Hie .nm Huns -. witne-a u-ke I i iilntiO io

H|,cii(l i.e iii. ht Iii Ilia co n| any. bm Om reina il. Hettl ural le i n.r for ber o.*u.iu*.*t vi itu nicer tuen, ..n.l r!*ele, i.»., c '. rv v! 1<* ii l ami BM Mhl Io linn: " I! you pul luelu a divorce io nt. you wi ll g-o ibo worst of IL"'

'lue cuss waa tuen ailjo it ued.

WOPS OF TUE HILLS AM) YBBTt MISSION.The ehVtBtS annual tiiect.ugof Uie otlicers and board of

matuger*. ..f ti.e N.-w* Vork Riiile.uul Frail M -sion was heldai Hie mission building yest r.t.ey. The np. rta of the acre-

tary abowed mat a paataawaal el saaeaaS te-u u-d rro u

th.* mission, uur us dur year, ia the cote, boneo cooaeetod.Uh UlS llll-e-.l.l.. 'II..TJS pSSipIS i.all Il a,.¦_!.- j lill leees-

p.lal. also |e rt o ti.e IlisUtBtloB,'elL043 people a.t't beeuletl, aud Ulara won given tree* 7.l.l nra- to iiun.ry men an Iweimeii. ,* o.i It'C-housc .swell |*tiuuig.*i ami la aaw ta taOpec evenings, lu the lisnruig bona rt.'.Ja¦', m. it and te.i 4

w.te taken care n: and 7-0 wen . a fe.* .u L'uigs Ibet.t .nilli la.te.ty bsa also le, ,11 ,. sti'.ii rs-111. cineipi; t e un

piuVes thete. ci -prisobi-ra, can earn iswblea ltn;r eeslginii- amiee.,.ei.l SS a week. About -t-lrt.isjsj wase-i*. u.te-d iaalycarbylue uuasion.


B.ill. BTYBM FO't HRS. sh 11. LlNc RBail waa given e|iuetly yesterdav in tbe Vorkvtlle Police

1 our! ami .0 ct p ed UV Just.ere rsiullh Ior tiler appearance of

Mri .n:.ei-nc ^s-liiitgs for exaiuiiiai.ui »li.ii alieCfeBtt have

rein' erert sulticetitii- le ac ...ii IB Kr. MoatalBMr. ar.*..l sr.ite- mst. awl outt :e k, gave r- al >*-t_tr surety for er

appearance. Tiie imu't ia ..aetu. amt Mis. --kiiiings will doabt*li as lu removed rou. He.In .ie* ai r. .Vu otu), snit baa yetberu take 11 in court. Ml*. Moulin.ucr'a lurer -I ll I...* Case is

saul lo .niue inn,, Ita bu t thai ba spent a 1 ci rut aiiuiuii-r va«*a-

linii w .lb the lauii.y.


¦XWI H."M THK rOB-D. AMD RAX.K ci I'llii -

lt was uot at all tinexperied thai ihe cnule market yesu-r-_Uysii«iBlel>'; in fact the iiscUou.iry

teuileucy ol laai week's close pi.,111 sci IL But considering

lin* news lhat caine from Ita held it ia a tribute to tho un.ier-

current o coiitl.l. noe existing Uial no larger auecllueoi cuiT' el

IB the VVaelniigt.ennrlil Un- Mci,ah V No. I well. U, Ihe nortli-

east ame in al Hie rale of tweulv oarrrls an hour somethinglanae mau nie nam had b.en ripcrttug noni reeeatSevelopm. la thal toealltv. ann a weiease ahead irmu

rlUIBS lee l.l.slUe Ue.ll Ol VN'aStUllgi elli IB IBl't WBS

reported at H.jOO barfwla, ail.c.didgani in t.e* southwesternead 01 Hie district Un rr ai.* so,ee.- * .lia henty due twitnluet. fine-d which ought lo be good nave .mu so a luriherrise iu Washington s otilpul may be looked t..r. I he eS.-i t oftins uewa waa ia a weal >.p- n.ngai ao -aeeal -. atselnetel "a rents Matunlay night, sud yet wnh (ha aeidetiou u. Lgntmoury aa a b< aiesli itetlii.-in.e Oner lu Ute e'.ay. tbe lowest

pr ic loiiclieil was-vu I'culs. I he oiihdeuce ol lioldera In thelace of aouie increase 111 tbe output ol Washington aim -Iraneeata n-tu Uiwu Hie erata na - al uusiuii.-l.esaami stir pim nu-1mu in moat of Uie oil tu-lda. Ou.y a

light tiusiuesa was,tone and al tc lower rales ti,* buying was01 a ,o>.<i character. I he mai kel lose* I heavy ami the «en-»tai leiititneu. favors a iBrtfeat .le, maa, bul ailing tiuex-

pe, ee 1 tirr. nccs Hie marke-l mar ilieaspeiel Uto-e who are

extreme ui lUiar lueas o. ta.* cxnul ul Itu- proeeablc rea. tio.u

1 hr range ie, ira rs and the i.ttal deairuaa at lbs lou-edidated .xcuange were aa (olloss

(ipentng. mi***, 1-oweat. NOiilgheal. ao'a! Fiuml. -""'sbales, barrels. MHUMHKennell oil waa tinthaiigssL st 7 *a rents per gallon here sui

ib Bail.mure aud 7 tenta lu riitlauetpbia.un. '.'in, Peun.. Dec. 6. -cm la OU-Vaiotial Tratiall

Certificates ope.i.11 ai tUfg utitt .¦'. SO't iu<«eu

ttl" Tf*U. nleril 80*» Hales, 1.21'.i.0U0ba#Bla. rlearaucssg.iee.tssi baitois. tiiaitcra, tO.iTO barrels shipiuruta,lOi.nlt narreiB. runs,-firraaea.1, I'enu., Usc S-v_'ruls Ob-Potrolej >i firm;

National I'rausil Cern ..:«. emello I al HO*, au,I closed alMO'S, uighesl puce, so *'¦ iwwsei prius, IVg

atmOaSWtttaB, >'«uu., Uoo. A -.-laO-Oeia- t ia tail Csrtiilcatsa

epeue.1 si 7t«T».Uiil eloesd al S0*» aia'Uisi prioa. SO'ai lowaslpuce. 7U-Vliaann-sn, ('sae.. Dec. S Oil UbB-WU Transit

C'srllllcalssopeasS al SS aod clossl MSO-w Ulguxat prio*1 SO*W.iow*sei»«gi-aitSei slearssosa. »10,000 waetrsta.


rr.ATTREa of new york mea linga.A more quiet speculative business waa doma la rnhmtytmi

tenlay and the market waa Irregular r-nWtmg tta itleeasfclinn of holders to take profits snd Ids waltlag sf WIS feebuyrs (or a further reaction ob which to make sueehaaaswrh* feirein-n rab's* ware lea* eocoarsglac seri hore Ita Oh.maml for shipment Came to s and'ten standstill. Thees weeao decldn.1 elia nae tn spot lots, bot tbs tons at ths marl waa atrifle eaaier. Th* opiina* opened <««¦? .eat lower, ralUoS.Iat*.r *ga*4 rout, mt then fell off ia the taler 'riding. Totrles, was he tv with Bet losaes of i*d\ eaal aa f-eUeweineoember «sV Januarv 8)1¦"» February HI _ May (MWeeetafash corn en «i heavy wit meit in .hangs. Only SIONi.ushels were taken by «hip|iera The optd-as tinerta tCoawithin narrow limits and ernie beg'y, unruaoga.: for ImtwtmIv-r at ts an.l off a shade for Jam.irv ai ih, Kebruaiy st ftJiu' May at .VJ (< rents. Hals were bare of new features. Balwith a tirm timm. ,*i..atnr Set '* cent tis-tier for the upCo-ae aSf.ellows l>e.,*ciiiti«r .UV Januarr lln't, K< leuary Ad-* emtUay :!7-a cents. Tutor waa little of Interest in the lardtei..-. n atieii theeT|! rt ileman I was nil and opt io ns wea* adi..,!.¦ anster as foll.ewa liorrintirr W .VJ January ra li. StsBrrnsrv M -' March Hi «», April -Mi 77 sud May SH SS.

eelpte e,i ...ram anet no r y. st- Mar ai Norn Torti,r'.ila.Iel|.im. naltitt ore aud Boalnn were aa billow* Wksafe.

ushers e..m. N 1 ¦>* loshela. oats. 41.oil buaoala;!..(al grim. 'Jil |;SI lioahels nour, tittil barrels. Al'mrman. Milwaukee and Ht, I sals the arrivals were WhamA*ld 7:j bushels --nra l"ttri naefei la aaia 11*1 SIS Tkital gi-alu, SlStSfeS .ualie.a. dour. S7.SM 'lanela.

TnE TRADE IN -"UK IrmcAuo, Dec. i'i | sipmitial.) many o f ihe local

lave aiiM their wheat that a decline wnnl.l gt-'* a! 4*a_nor.* salisfaction tuna further advaoee. For an honr beta*aess wsa practical y anspen ten wade lbs arura traitorswan hnl the remrns which earns tn (Tenn Us different pmalaif accumulation Plnatlv. when all wars lu sxrepl Ita

I .sk ea and tns flgures ahowe-t only ft4-.oik> taoabals m.

¦Baaa, il was generally set do vn that the ilgurra fruiu UM" I .slea" woulel wtpeneit Una. an-1 thev SM. The olScial aaV

noiincement nut the risible anpply sf *Vat ai i '.SlKI.Ktt,eu-hela. a Ie<r. ase of AA.OOO bushels (rom last week. Maewheat Best at Sit cents Ttiat wis tue very aral qnoutiaa¦n.nle and tliat figure waa not touche I again ia the regqlaanoanl. lt sold up to Hii\ cents and ac 1 o'i lock closed at Weania. In corn Uiere wss a rather active market from Onmrn ss rrnit out nf town. Tiiere was mole (myan hy Ihe emmUr

iry tlian tr.ere haa been for aconai leratil.* tiu.v If there litaD»t been Uie market would have gone utf. a* the local ope*.nora were sellem. The price wa« kept »i«a.iv, not .lioppenglimier l.l1*.-i lll'esaiid seili-ig np lott .'eula (ur May. "Vat*Jone-du! not buy Hu* iiistnmuirv ati.otut.if i<>tkt-> lay. Ile1li. h.iwevor. buy lard, lt ,n.t>c sold a mool dom, ot pork anatile packers-old lu a coiiarrval.v- wiy 1 lie liuviiig. sa ta¦urn, was'ev the otil-lde. and lite selling, as lu corn, was tathe team] ne.>|i!>-. p.erk ti.-1 sn- _,!*.*. *. 1 a.* to pi l in ior law.tarp ami nm siitTering anv bul brsak. "ti lue sharl a temora*lair! tue crow rt which hail 1.n selling ilbeialiv all (taffthought lt etcterte I Kearn m-.liiii by th.-pi iiirtale.ett-waf otNea York heoeoa Tins s-in May off nattily be t&\eeataBress was a large seller anet pounded the market lilsp m. the cloae waa 85«« cents for May wheat; ii\ cools feeblay corn, aud SH 17 i (or January ian h.


RAI-TTMOSB. Dee. H..( ottoo ttrm. Mt.lling 9-se.-Flour.Krui. Howard Hir<*el and Western *»upertli.e »*_ tsfJib i.o. Kxtra S'_n»«il75, eta l-amiv »:(!H<4ian, inpM..U hupertlne fi AS ai78. rt... Kxtra <H noai Ao. elo. KiaRi'tiiuls *.t a 'ot ol. Patapsco KiitiiiT ?*'< e.V ,ree -.oeier'alivoF.Uiit tb tu,._Wheaat-es.eiiheru hm. W'-nte-ru e^si

'etawinier Ked repot, a, 'i..--.', km ember s7',#smu tberu Ked. 90*'J4c. da Amber

e-Stem IIIHe t At

s-><*. Jane..irv -J'ta-'d'-je.. fi .r...r. :o>\**0O't4kl.(iorn.t-onthein active and Brm. Western siradp.sooner,i While, 4 ii d'.-lei oo. Yellow. S-i e»_,'-_u_iIV.-r.-m M.led sir.I. t»\*4lr, lleceaiher 4' <*.4.1-j... January 4o~_<-4'>'.c.. I el,r.ury ils, a xl-m.

USU-I* .i.u. " 3i<l.e7c,i I'erli.n. leUUSItaATo, Western Whit.-. ai^.(7-nc. .lo. diiet. Jil* f*.«* al SHeSUa Priaa* te

Ctaaae weauu-u sn uo oration ..Pniviaiuaa Qsiefc MaesPork. SI l>si. ijulkineal*. shoulders an 'lear KIO r>M-*a

pa. k.-el. (J -iW'f- llama lidli',,:. Lar¦;. K-ntie.t_ 1 *JhBulter-F nu. Western Packet. Liaise. (reamery.

"Jil_.,(*. .egga-ateadv ai'_-¦* «'J.'»c PetroleumCHicaoa Dec 0.Flour '.boles W utter Wheal »4 IS«t. .a -jr. j* Witeat, tl 3d a al id MmnosocaKakera. ti', )<t ri I » finut «l lie-trlel Ixiw orwea.

11,'j-iiJi'i .ir* flour-id ij,HA Ut, ,0.4. Wk.Iau -j "n.riug ..'-.u Bm, a aeena 7l*e7t*ewi >*-*.2 lied 7 Oae. Itu; (li ea Hoc 77'. a i *) ;at'.r rloaiaell '.c.. lau.. 7*,*a7 i***aC-.trlosiug st 7- -c. l-'.-U.. i"S,**mi^(,clOsiug al7.i*_Ci May. s5J4a.»e,i,c. rios.m.- tl 00,4c Cora-.Sea. J Al,tv. 1 ul ure*.nee. Al\ .¦>.«.... closing SSBf mat Jan. .i.s'.d>-_c _o*iii« al Sri ta. r. M'%aS-ar. dosing al An vc. Mar. l.l garlic Closmg SS4 ',.. Usu No. i tlc Kulilttta. lieu. MTU-,'sc. 1 losiiiti al J7c. Jan. J7 .*-ii J, ac losing ai :7-ac.May .1 S,<i.l -sc. ci.'siiigal II ¦.»._ nv. Ka 2. .. .-c. Hsu-sp. .Nu '_ eiic_Flax seed.Na I ito-*. Mess Fora.Vixnlu 010 BA rulutea. Dr..zlo JOmil I "it tloeitr alSiO'S.January ell n'e*ttl A . tlusuig si Sll 17*al-ebruary, SH JJs_a*ll 40. cl«*ioa SH WI**, MafSll _T --a -ri- S11 *U 10* ng al Sll .7 Si Lan.CaaaSte Jd ...erie. Uer. *A, 2l'0*0 2S. ClUSIItg SI SO * >r IsB,BO iiJ-i* tb HS-W (Tio-sib-' al tn '-'¦'' lei... tt. 1* a*t> ltClosing at 00 .) ...eitort llibs. Cash. *., 74 b..i»( Meals -

Ltry hailed ^boulders.S4 ,uaS4 roi ebon instr nmeaL

j.,,,ar .1 ,. .V ai. -e Si I* ll.OUBbbls.. wv leal. 7e..eSKi OustL. Cora, ic .issi 1.1.-.I1.. Jaka.oi'.ooh uus.u. Kye. .l.Ootf tieiah.. Harisy 40.(Ksi V,*a. ihi».oieiits. Flour, lrt.tssi bids.. Wheal. 7.OOO btiau.: Cora.MUMBI uuau^ (Jala. 'Urttto tiuai. dir*. L0*M. bariafMIMMUUSiKOlT. Dec. H..Wheal.**to. I White cain WO1-*.: cask

Mulligan Ke<l *>i J4c. aaked No 2 Koo. -1 mc aaae.l caaBibet.. BlSic.. Jaee. *>S*r.. Keu.. HA Sjci Hiv B'ito tl*r

ceiuls. J.'.rJHjo bush..Com.Nc t AM tao.; receipts Ailoeb-SM. uata..Nu. J. J.i'4*_. ."w -' vl'hns. .lu- reoaupssp.1.1 inslu ..Cover .-leal -t^asb S4 nb. Jaa. *4 7J_Mii.w*i.'iiKk. Dec. S. Wara er ass.A'ueai.w**_,

Ca*n 7 7c. Jan.. 77'*»u. May t»4 ,c.Loru-I'.ren. Nat¦j. ni'.c ...Oaae e -sly n* j. -Je'n i.v-s- tm«g..Nd, i. 67 *¦>! tiartev.Ntk J. 5.1--C.I'mvtaioiia-.ll aller. .Veess feltk, .!».. til 10. .all.. * I 1 lb l_aJM.Prune sum h. .'.*.. **. ib. lau. SS SB bailor.Choice Creaiuery. la -SI's... Uairv I-ul ie.>.

Bemm Jiiwa.u.Besnara*.Flout lee. bush. Wii*_e*__- -t -.» buau. Harley lu. I ii bash, naienwols fmoi 14 VMtitus iv neal. .udah. In. itel /Usn.

Phii_aoki.i'!|, *. ii < H.-r'... ir-K r u. Ma I Western andFeuusVivaina BaaK Wt tat001 li lot Kura »- _¦ a. .__..;l*t*.i.av,v____a trh mil/, li ii .**¦) -0 i'.uasv Vau.a arl ilJ e*e r4 l Jolas.lJ I'mmir. TaOlwal jsjlOli.o v-loar. t.JO_»4-0 bi sn* ,.2i, tt WUTi AU, ahi...u..i tn -.. u- ec, i lima* ''fir j,'i'«i'.',i o -tr.. iOA noi Ml Winier Wheat Kal ui. SI Stitt mi di,

-. .oiei i ra.-til *. _., Bts .' -imm*-..ta aaieete piliatt l". wi-neu.iu usienta»1 .'ellel -S iS. Ute* tie,ur t*l -.1 .e.i I'.U »« de 11, »'i

W aic. ..- rr. ay.ftisn ,ots qiiiet bul tirm u der it lil ortcriuns. Ll*giartod .a mu diu-ei -' a --.. Ka i Delawarelte.1 lb exoor cn 'tent .sic. Nei. 1 p. ,,,-.,r»m., i.rsl ieic Na 1 Ked Hece noel -e'l---.. la iarv sll'«.*">«vat.

Kee,rujr. IS -a .) ... Horan '¦ K>e N_ tPiniiavivalila i)*ic ... lorn. ».tit air IBSBill .'r

bim ui- nit leas! ieena.i..i,eiion. nalaa aew et 4 vs lute,u .ruu ele|Mi( ai 4 .'I1-., ie -i hal lea Miie.1 in gratarteiMii ai tmntmm ne.» Nc .1 Velloa track a -.r_,_u-

e, Ka S luii'ii ni uecoe atMSa eU Nc i uumi ,a

2 In si. eli \ al..1 al 4 C No. U..I.-.I foeI'e.emoei 4'i sd teeV.. Jan 11 tv 47a47*sc Feb¬ruary I- -a I- */i.. Man li s >. .* la-.¦ (tau. -Bert..geirtielil. NW - IUtJ.e.1 SA 4,li, C.. .'s.e. 2 VV .Ito ... lb,-j, >o 1 ilHc. Ka . -Aie.le nfi-... M ',0 ni-Sm.. 1 AU. d'-.-l le .e.. Kell.. rt. UeJl>C_|.M.ete 11 .n:..--, I cn i-.iju--1* ll 111. lU'rimr 1 Hogs6*40i5*a. L.l,, cly t>* I' I -.- 2',1'i iel,bu. i, r- . t.'-7.**i 01 liuiter.-1. .'!. Frnuarlvsoiar-iaiieerv Kirra, i-miOc UnaiiuM luiiuit atti v.*».

Yois Knira. jje*t_4e.. w'esu-rn lu ry Batts nrsts. ls* e.

llieese.N.wN ork t til t cieaeei. IJ'41 -tmrat ...raieuiaiad6 -c. la*.liei lionel'-' V. 4-e.WOe. -¦t..:«i-'. lil*

Ka,ur .10 '.iiii. wiie-ji i.rist 1.1-n. 'urn J.osi buaa.nat-, rt-'cu buau. -iluu.ueiila-vi _e_. ItWUWB uush. -ora

b.-tm utisa. i>ats la.Oo.1 aBtB

FkOKlA. lire tj. -i 01 'ii -Kum. High Mitel Hi-%B.i.e. N.e. i M.teni ili'|el 'l-l. I'.e ee'eel .*»_ e_ Vi *-_C.UtIS-.Sej, 2 WL.te. J. -iUi'l'.. >"X 2 eilCel. -J7 «.

Kt,. Nen a4li. ,e .V' timi. -ales alSI 14..u-Cs-iulv-t-or.i 'Jl.lSHI 'ui-o. otis. .JS.OOU bus.i.;rye .1,1100 sees. > rt.,euellU.I oru. l^.iss) eii-ni.. nala. JJ (AMIbush. tmf* JOO 1. is. I).*. ,i neat Uti ft MtBfAB family

J-1. amy S-> HJ-i t-i'tO, t.xirm

rauej BS QAAd sa. Poleata »a n -.* -_ 33 *v i,._i Acive.Nu J Heel i urn al tMlVeir. Llec. eOir. beeb Jan ni\a 2*.. r. -*., 4e old Jlay -- ,* - e 'Jiu liu.t.Ne,. J MlxisL i_*sb. Jie-^c. bul. lie :«,C tent J.H.a ie, v t u .ir -j.. day lo-g-.i'i Dals va. J Mixedl-aelu J.'... Den J? v. nl.t. M-J I rrut al .i.Sfc

belief Miane.ia Wac Itu er-i. r.-. .ry. -4-ij.o.Oairv. ina Tia lill VI ai (I ji Max eeed.i-Jo..nav.riinotiiy. »u esiaU jet Hara Bb7S*».I *ih

L. au..ic a. mill. OaCB Mc le. e.o XX liie.g«e*r .

Salis al Bl I! P'.vi-ions s.r,,tnr. i'eng ri I oO. sri?,,0Snb I-'-, bulk Meals. ona Cai. t* *-he.rt Rlbsi*>.'e noa ',., se.,oi. I lear vt *o li.s-luis.Flour 4,e»slleieis. Wheal, _'7.imsi otislt. lon. ii." u SI ut a i 'ala. -Jl.ilUWbtinri. Kye, l.OOO bu.n. UarieV. it-rtSMJ '(l-iu. elupuietilae.I null... -Artie.,. ,.- .io) bustlst

Limit. i-uau.. 1'vfe. J,Oou uusn. Oaitey.bu-h.

I.IVK HTdi'R MAHKKl- UY I'RI.E' Dec, (j.-i aMa-lie*.-end- to-.tay-0.ITS

head: total (or WooS (bus tar. O.H.t.'. um.' * aaoM '.me -aaa.. ,..e lim ii .ousignoi 'hlwasB Haa-Uy Kt i.iit, at

a ... ., ,,'j ... New V ota. i oos.u, .1 ii.r ...;_'.i o- a. lt.*. als, te

Kt ,. ,,nli l'.'i'i Car* OB mai kc lr l UVB aud o.i.r.

no New oik I* man I. o ninon to fair Vlii.dl 'Kl '.oodto lee:i .. ...,,... .g «4_ite^. Kit a "I - . *5 .... lalHulls rJ J.'i.i J 5. leoo-i o . ll . Milch owa rrrt .ei .5. NaUvshies ke*ts .Uni aua biwsral ae.Se* S. tire..cia al.atlyal td 2S a ¦':s. sr-A.n iva' ft araMltSVCS,¦thew. Kccriiets t.. .ray ->--sell '.em,, toUt ior w»*k

thus .ar .'..loo i.e-a.1 tor tame time Issi ween. Js.e 00hea.1. iiiiisigiiei lime,i.*h SI titi-, lo new .oik I i . "W care

O.e tale * elllltmill ll, I* .lt SS 7SeS 00. Iei4»l (0 I ,e,,llS

i '.M. Kirra SS ao-ttM 7.. .sea'.ci'ii i-iiuor SrmatBi nt, ir j 7.i, Cauailiau talluba uimer si loan lb. 'Jo carslen ,ii ,*rHoot Kccciriis tr Say 1" "*7 hesth total (or weoh

lUiu i.i. .. .75 .se ..! sane nn.- lan week. JUi.olSheail (oiriegutsl throeiate rs.ili _,> _7 uaTa, t-e .Nus'iolk U|(UU-igU. d ..,.e,Uj_ll .O ..a> 7l I als, i.i N « V.elS4.' ge»-l el#-

nt.oeil ai lull puns, l.igln Pig- -*-7.'.,il ii. oeie«u<4Yurkei- *4 i.wlt-4 .0; he (*Ct«-d Medium Wrights, sa ¦.

J-, ...eeel lo lh.ll.'.' LtOmff, H e.a. I IklW kill****ileavr td .16MS 40. Mat kel . ...a. a t.i_u, w.U. deCala it-iloV. r.

lincaiio. nee. tl.. Th* Drovtrt Jnammi ea stria ftlmReceipia. 7 tioo neon, nuomruia. Jisaii market ai.-a.lwa.. ....... r airougi-r. a ear e» ra lacy wyu lags mi al ftmt',,i.-titus His v.a t.V Hnr ei, -letris, U.m utl.ii< lb, t.i rtna*4 rt.i (tua k.-la aeei I l.ccrt... J,i»rJ|,i,Cowa .'.Mia amt imce'tl nnwmo io. l.u.i. *»J lUmUA UXTrias t..,le*»:ui'(l|.l,ielHoyt. llecelbls. 4,.(NH) heed ahiuni.t ila. ".'**). autos art ¦.mugaad .roma tigher h..n_ sud kimi, *.i7S. S4 lo. Packin*- au.i Shioplug. td '.'vitri «i ugbi vk oiguu^».. ,.l«r»4e.. . -klleS, »_ ,.,.,_. ».*. ,0si. -ru- I'.eci '.'ta. o.iSM jUiiuuents. J,issi: inarksi si-e*n*4

liiriiei m. e easy Natives. »J jo* tl rt. Vl'ealeraI'.' jilu J I-kins t- Jiu .a lalee,u- e.. InUOliux

St. LOl'Irl. Ure. 0..I'ail.' -rtecetids. l.a, el nem saiav

-lents, ooo. market luled strong nn a.i k mis . i t>' MwSMSUU L.t 111 S HIeleW t I ie, les* UaaVj NatlVe, sUsu *.e K'SM AXtYa.v io noon -iiuupiug --leers*.... a* >.. Betaken sleeveIS.r Ul prime, eostomal I.V Fe-eners. .air lo seaod. s- eeea JO. Mee. sen, lair bt* iKitt. TA iriausao.i lu-utna

touunuu tot eiolcc. al -"'eva 7oHug*. KStrei |, la. tvJin a«S.l. shipment*. d*iO. prut clearsS

e*l li ai sirona ligtir.-*. a.. *oid, amtnot rlose.1 easiei. I huMSlleavy, jj.i Hut, uer- mus turua, * lj»»« J' 1'at.siua i*.r la

lauey. Bil -itomhl lo. Yorkers, in .lum lu piluis. so ooo*4 Ot,riga common lo good. SJWOaFJ 7o!tli*ea. llocolpis (JJO mai ainu.oeuia sous, marara

(linet, sb-aeiy. luiu.uou w Fair SI 70 a J io, Msdiaiu ks.'....,'.* su uo est ia

EtTItdPKAN PtUlUCC- MAKKET.Kempis ol wheat (or tile wesik tnt* VI Uie tlc ports. 18,'

qUartris, tl "in i's.alic polls, uT.lHS) .jual leis irouiaouries, 44,ism ,|u_u*u*rs.KtivlUlsul Amen, au torn. 44.'.(Ri 'planers.

" He wh., la taite to duly." anya Henry Wartlire. i,rr, iircks a itiroa.1 iu ihe i om, and ntl! tutti Ute Sawalum be may have li_rgulleu ila eauau." A casu .u polul na¬tur* lons Mr. Wilileseu ll).ler. ol St J.h. I-on.I., Hu Jala,K. V, ns cully toi.l a reporter mal I n.i.l a lal ge au»u»sauu racb leg tuaI kept couliaua.l) '..*¦ aiglBg eur laeuiytsars. Nulrnug dirt na- au) gie*,, rift-) l iir. Pwrca'a liesleeMedical iiiasoveey.' ll cared lue.'' Ut tc is a Volmu. mtApiessod iu a .ea worvbi. Mr. Kydcr a i|« rieuuo ie suuUeorauar ruesUars' .aielm ou. elaralmu I be

a .eera ue-siafrom bean tllaeas* la uow i|iuu* lomutoB. Dr. ri

.i.x.lea M-I.iai lil*.overy " ls a tsruua rv«s-«y. l*L.

imiaiiou. isU|iilaia-U. aiuMiia m .isfoclivo as lion Ol ina

heart .:.u.**s ul ut.t-Ui aud pim are iein.iV<mi uv ll IB a

abort pei .cl ll aiso eura* all lbs Ulatraae* reUia-a U Iheliver, auiotacti. boa ola, UMHal aud saut.

No Uieglbraa«* a lat-rrh UeneOy.