Travel documents

Crossing the borders: the travel documents and custom controls Wise-up session F.Javier Álvarez Conchudo (Barcelona) May, 2013


Wise up session from EGEA Regional Congress 2013 (1-5 May 2013 - El Bosque, Cadiz - Spain)

Transcript of Travel documents

Page 1: Travel documents

Crossing the borders: the travel documents and custom controls

Wise-up session

F.Javier Álvarez Conchudo (Barcelona)

May, 2013

Page 2: Travel documents

•Shengen Agreement:•characteristics and history of the Schengen Agreement•documents necessary to enter the Schengen area: visa, and visa stamp

•Council of European Union: border coordination•Frontex and the border police

•What is a travel document?•ICAO

•Standard ICAO for the travel documents• ID1, ID2, ID3

•Prado, public registrer and fight against fake documents •Know your travel document (Prado)

Crossing the borders: the travel documents and custom controls

Wise-up session

Page 3: Travel documents

Crossing the borders: Crossing the borders: the travel documents and custom controlsthe travel documents and custom controls

Schengen AgreementSchengen Agreement•European territory without internal borders. •The first agreements are signed in a small town in Luxembourg (Schengen), hence the “Schengen area” •The free movement of persons is guaranteed. •The original agreement was complemented in 1990 by a convention.

When this convention entered into force in 1995 it abolished checks at the internal borders and created a single external border. Whatever their location, officers working at the external border perform border checks in accordance with identical procedures. The rules governing visas and the right to asylum are also common for all Schengen countries.

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Crossing the borders: Crossing the borders: the travel documents and custom controlsthe travel documents and custom controls

Schengen Agreement

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Crossing the borders: Crossing the borders: the travel documents and custom controlsthe travel documents and custom controls

Schengen AgreementSchengen AgreementMovement across internal borders of Schengen countries is free of checks on any person by the authorities.•The Schengen Borders Code requires participating states to remove all obstacles to free traffic flow at internal borders.•Thus, road, rail and air passengers no longer have their identity checked by border guards when travelling between Schengen countries.•The provision of Value Tax Area prohibit systematic tax, customs controls or any administrative processing of goods at borders between EU member states.•Although travellers within the Schengen Area are no longer required to show documents at an internal border (except for the exceptions), national laws still require them to carry identity documents

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Acces to the Schengen Acces to the Schengen Agreement areaAgreement area

Crossing the borders: Crossing the borders: the travel documents and custom controlsthe travel documents and custom controls

Page 7: Travel documents

Crossing the borders: Crossing the borders: the travel documents and custom controlsthe travel documents and custom controls

Requirements for entry:•The third-country national is in possession of a valid travel document or documents authorising them to cross the border; the acceptance of travel documents for this purpose remains within the domain of the member states•The traveller either possesses a valid visa (if required) or a valid residence permit;•The traveller can justify the purpose and conditions of the intended stay and has sufficient means of subsistence, both for the duration of the intended stay and for the return to his or her country of origin or transit to a third country into which the traveller is certain to be admitted, or is in a position to acquire such means lawfully;•The Schengen Information System does not contain an alert for refusal of entry concerning the traveller, and•The traveller is not considered to be a threat to public policy, internal security, public health or the international relations of any of the Schengen states.

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Schengen Visa examples

Crossing the borders: Crossing the borders: the travel documents and custom controlsthe travel documents and custom controls

The Schengen visa is required in the country of origin. Is requested at the embassy of that country for which you want to access the Schengen area.

For example, a Chinese citizen who will be flying to Amsterdam, you must apply for a visa at the Nederland embassy in Beijing or Shanghai

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Crossing the borders: Crossing the borders: the travel documents and custom controlsthe travel documents and custom controls

Schengen stampSchengen stampExit Stamp Enter Stamp

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Crossing the borders: Crossing the borders: the travel documents and custom controlsthe travel documents and custom controls

Visa samplesVisa samples

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Crossing the borders: Crossing the borders: the travel documents and custom controlsthe travel documents and custom controls

Council of the European Union

■ Integrated management of the external borders 

■ Visa policy 

■ Working structures and specialised bodies: europol, frontex…

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Crossing the borders: Crossing the borders: the travel documents and custom controlsthe travel documents and custom controls

• The agency was set up in 2004 to reinforce and streamline cooperation between national border authorities. In pursuit of this goal, Frontex has several operational areas which are defined in the founding Frontex Regulation and a subsequent amendment. improving procedures and working methods of the Common Unit.

• Promotes, coordinates and develops European border management in line with the EU fundamental rights charter applying the concept of Integrated Border Management.

• Helps border authorities from different EU countries work together.

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Crossing the borders: Crossing the borders: the travel documents and custom controlsthe travel documents and custom controls

Page 14: Travel documents

Crossing the borders: Crossing the borders: the travel documents and custom controlsthe travel documents and custom controls

Travel documentsTravel documents::

Identity cardIdentity card


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Crossing the borders: Crossing the borders: the travel documents and custom controlsthe travel documents and custom controls

ICAO-ICAO-Internat.Civil Aviation OrganizationInternat.Civil Aviation Organization - ICAO’s other activities in the field of aviation security include efforts to enhance the security of travel documents -Travel document security is addressed by the Machine Readable Travel Document (MRTD) Programme- Over 180 States had issued MRPs that comply with the ICAO standard by 1 April 2010

Travel documentsTravel documents::

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Crossing the borders: Crossing the borders: the travel documents and custom controlsthe travel documents and custom controls

ICAO standard samples for travel documents-Dimensions-Elements-Location of data elements-Printing specifications…

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Crossing the borders: Crossing the borders: the travel documents and custom controlsthe travel documents and custom controls

Document portrait

•Glasses and head coversThe portrait shall show the eyes clearly with no light reflection off the glasses andno tinted lenses. If possible, avoid heavy frames. The frames shall not cover anypart of the eyesHead covering not be accepted except in circumstances which the competent State authority specifically approves. Such circumstances may be religious, medical or cultural.

•Expression and frame

•Style and lighting

•Portrait quality

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Crossing the borders: Crossing the borders: the travel documents and custom controlsthe travel documents and custom controls

Machine Readable Zone(MRZ)

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Crossing the borders: Crossing the borders: the travel documents and custom controlsthe travel documents and custom controls

Page 20: Travel documents

Crossing the borders: Crossing the borders: the travel documents and custom controlsthe travel documents and custom controls

PolandID1 size

FranceID2 size

RomaniaID2 Size

ID Documents Examples


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Crossing the borders: Crossing the borders: the travel documents and custom controlsthe travel documents and custom controls

PRADO is hosted by the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union (GSC), General Directorate for Justice and Home Affairs (DG D). The information contained therein is selected and provided by the Member States of the European Union, Iceland and Norway. The steering committee in the GSC is the Working Party on Frontiers in the formation of False Documents Experts. PRADO is a multi-lingual site for disseminating information on security features of authentic identity and travel documents to the public. Most of the text entries in documents are standardized descriptions and are translated automatically. Target audience:General public, including governmental and non-governmental organisations, e.g.:      Employers      Post services      Banks, credit authorities      Security and guarding companies      Vehicle hire agencies, …

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Crossing the borders: Crossing the borders: the travel documents and custom controlsthe travel documents and custom controls

Prado web screen shot samples

Page 23: Travel documents

Crossing the borders: Crossing the borders: the travel documents and custom controlsthe travel documents and custom controls

Know your travel document•Do you have your travel document? need a visa?

•watch it ….

•What size and characteristics does your document?

•Let's find the Prado website

•Basic security features of your travel document