Transvaal, Postage Due 1907 Kings’ Head Series...Transvaal, Postage Due 1907 Used single C N O T...

Transvaal, Postage Due 1907 Used single C N O T IPD1 '/zd. Black and blue- green 3,00 4,00 4,00 2,00 IPD2 Id. Black and scarlet 2,00 3,00 6,00 2,00 IPD3 2d. Brown-orange 1,00 2,00 8,00 1,00 IPD4 3d. Black and blue 4,00 7,00 15,00 3,00 IPD5 5d. Black and violet 10,00 20,00 - 8,00 IPD6 6d. Black and red- brown 10,00 20,00 30,00 10,00 1PD7 1/- Scarlet and black 20,00 25,00 100,00 10,00 3 King’s Head Series In January 1911 competitive designs were invited for a series of postage stamps for the Union of South Africa, and in May that year it was announced that prizes had been awarded for submitted designs by six of the entrants: Mrs Guy Brunton, Johannesburg (3d.); The Cape Times Ltd., Cape Town (Is.); Karl Greger, Leigh-on-Sea, England (2d.); C.P. Immelman, Paarl (6d.); D. Mackay, North Finchley, London (’/id., Id. and 5s.) and E. A. Nicolay, Cape Town (2*/2d.). (Also illus- trated are unaccepted essays for 5s. and 3d. See SA Philatelist, March 1983.) The Award-winning Essays I 6

Transcript of Transvaal, Postage Due 1907 Kings’ Head Series...Transvaal, Postage Due 1907 Used single C N O T...

Page 1: Transvaal, Postage Due 1907 Kings’ Head Series...Transvaal, Postage Due 1907 Used single C N O T IPD1 '/zd. Black and blue-green 3,00 4,00 4,00 2,00 IPD2 Id. Black and scarlet 2,00

Transvaal, Postage Due 1 9 0 7Used single

C N O TIPD1 '/zd. Black and blue-

green 3,00 4,00 4,00 2,00IPD2 Id. Black and scarlet 2,00 3,00 6,00 2,00IPD3 2d. Brown-orange 1,00 2,00 8,00 1,00IPD4 3d. Black and blue 4,00 7,00 15,00 3,00IPD5 5d. Black and violet 10,00 20,00 - 8,00IPD6 6d. Black and red-

brown 10,00 20,00 30,00 10,001PD7 1/- Scarlet and black 20,00 25,00 100,00 10,00


King’s Head SeriesIn Jan u ary 1911 com petitive designs were invited for a series o f postage stam ps for the U nion of South A frica, an d in May th a t year it was announced th a t prizes h ad been aw arded for subm itted designs by six of the en tran ts: Mrs Guy B runton , Johannesbu rg (3d.); T h e C ape T im es L td ., C ape Town (Is.); K arl Greger, Leigh-on-Sea, E ngland (2d.); C.P. Im m elm an, Paarl (6d .); D. Mackay, N orth Finchley, L ondon ( ’/ id ., Id. and 5s.) an d E. A. Nicolay, C ape Town (2*/2d.). (Also illus­tra ted are unaccep ted essays for 5s. and 3d. See SA Philatelist, M arch 1983.)

The Award-w inning Essays■ I


Page 2: Transvaal, Postage Due 1907 Kings’ Head Series...Transvaal, Postage Due 1907 Used single C N O T IPD1 '/zd. Black and blue-green 3,00 4,00 4,00 2,00 IPD2 Id. Black and scarlet 2,00

M ackay EssaysPrinted from half-tone blocks or plates in strips of five values ( '/id .. Id ., 3d ., 4d. and 5/-). T he individual designs vary slightly in size, approxim ating 20 x 24 m m .

a. Brownb. Redc. Violetd. Yellow

Single values Each 100,00Strip of five values 600,00Prin ted from photolitho offset plates in sepia on a bu ff background slightly larger th a n the respective designs'/id ., Id. and 5/- values Each 100,00

De L a Rue EssaysIn 1912 tenders were invited for the production of a series of eleven values in a un iform design. T h e con tract was aw arded to Thos. De La Rue & Co., L td ., London and stam ps of the values, Vid., Id ., 2d ., 2 '/id ., 3d., 4d ., 6d ., 1/-, 2 /6 , 5 /- and 10/- were p laced on sale a t all post offices th roughou t the U n ­ion on 1 Septem ber 1913. T h e £1 followed in July 1916 and later, as a result of increases in the le tter and telegraph rates, the l'/id . was in troduced on 23 August 1920 an d the 1/3 on 1 Septem ber 1920, respectively. In 1922 the ra te on overseas letters was raised, and the 3d. value consequently appeared in blue and blue on 4 O ctober of tha t year to conform .

T he design of the series was based on the fam iliar M acken- nal H ead of King George V set in an oval su rm oun ted by a crown and with the place nam e in English an d D utch a t the sides, the rest being m ade u p of fleurs-de-lis in the u p per corners and shields bearing the figure of value in the lower ones. T he Vid., Id. an d l '/id . values bore the words Revenue and Inkom st in add ition to Postage and Postzegel. T he stamps were surface p rin ted , the preparato ry stages being as follows.

Colour Proofs o f “ T ria l” Diesa. Vid. value in green, im perfora te and

unm ounted, the head d iffering in detail from the rejected and accepted M ackennal head dies. W ith leaf sprays and folded scrolls, in lieu of lettering, in lower sector of oval and ribbons

b. Id. value in red, im perfora te and m oun ted in a recess on thick w hite card , inscribed in b lack ink m.s. “Qj’ a t u p pe r left and “O ct.2nd. 12” at upper right. (Differences in design from a.)

c. Id. value in m aroon, im perforate, m oun ted in a recess on thick white card , inscribed as above. (Differences in design from b.)

1 500,00

1 500,00

1 500,00

d. 2Vid. value. A rtist’s m ock-up study withfram e in green an d h ead in blue cut ou t from some o th er K.G.V. stam p an d pasted in. M ounted on unglazed card . M arked in ink “O ctober 2nd, 1912” a t u p pe r left; “F” at u p pe r righ t an d the words “C olour of head and border reversed in design” a t bottom . (Differences in m ino r detail from the adop ted design) 1 500,00

H ead D ieProof of the accepted M ackennal die in black on white record cards, h an dstam ped in corners in b lue or b lack B E F O R E /H A R D E N IN G or A F T E R /H A R D E N IN G or A FT E R /S TR IK IN G an d various dates, some w ith initials, in black ink or pencil m .s. or hand stam p ed in blue 1 500,00

D ie EssayProof or essay of engraver’s “w orking die” in b lack on w hite record card , hand stam p ed “28 O ct. 12” in b lue a t u p pe r left an d in black B E F O R E /H A R D E N IN G at u p pe r righ t. M edallion com plete an d fram e unfinished. (Value no t inserted) 1 500,00

W ithout “Revenue/Inkom st" Complete fram e Complete head and 2d. to £1 values fram e

Com pleted Frame Dies2 Vid., 3d ., 4d ., 6d ., 2 /6 , 5 /- an d 10/- values

Each 1 500,00£1 value (w ithout any inscriptions) 1 500,00

Completed H ead a n d Frame DiesVid., Id ., l '/id ., 2d ., 1/- an d 1/3 values

Each 1 200,00

(Note: Proof of the Id. die w ithout “Postage — Postzegel” and “Revenue - Inkom st”, used for postal stationery).


Page 3: Transvaal, Postage Due 1907 Kings’ Head Series...Transvaal, Postage Due 1907 Used single C N O T IPD1 '/zd. Black and blue-green 3,00 4,00 4,00 2,00 IPD2 Id. Black and scarlet 2,00

Colour Trials1. W aterm ark Springbok’s head , im perforate

and unm ounted .Id . Value.a. Grey, b. Brown, c. Mauve, d. L ight brown, e. Sage green, f. G reen, g. Red, h. Purple, i. O range Each 1 500,002'/2d. ValueBlack and: a. orange; b. violet; c. green;d. brown;Blue and: e. blue; f. red; g. green;Green and: h. orange; i. red; j. purple;Purple and: k. blue; 1. green;Brown and: m . red-orange; n . deep orange

Each 1 500,00“subm itted for the Postm aster-G eneral’s approval on 2 February 1913”.

2. a. Violet; b. C hestnut; c. Sepia; d . Blue-grey;e. Blue Each 1 500,00subm itted to the Postm aster-G eneral, for his approval, on 10 May 1920 in response to hisrequest for a colour schem e for the proposed l'Ad. and 1/3 postage stam ps.(Two were selected on 8 June 1920, w ith ce r­tain instructions, and th a t the word ‘REVENUE’ be om itted from the 1/3 stam p).

Plate Trials in Colour as IssuedW aterm arked Springbok’s head im perforate, on gum m ed paper:Single stam ps, Vkl., 2d ., 3d ., 4d ., 10/- and £1.Vertical pairs, Id ., 6d ., 1/-, 1/3 and 5/-. Each 1 200,00

SpecimensO verprinted typographically in blue-black “SPECIM EN ” (13‘/2 x 2 m m .) in block letters, horizontally:'Ad., Id ., 2d ., 2'Ad., 3d. (bicolour), 4d ., 6d., 1/-, 2 /6 , 5/- an d 10/- values EachH andstam ped “SPECIM EN ” (18 x 3 m m .) in block letters, read ing upw ard diagonally: l'Ad. and 1/3 values, in violet Each£1 value, in greenNote: F urther types of “Specim en” hand- stam ps on all of the values have recently been found. These were probably p repared by or for m em bers who joined the UPU after the overprinted versions h ad been distributed .



The Mackennal Head Design of King George VThis, the U nion’s first definitive series, com prised 15 stam ps of w hich the 'Ad., Id ., 1 ‘Ad., 2d ., 1/-., and 1/3 were m o n o ­chrom e and the rem aining values b i-coloured. T h e 3d. d e ­nom ination was first p rin ted in b lack an d o range-red , then la ter in b lue an d blue. T h e design an d fo rm at were the sam e th roughou t.

T h e stam ps were all p roduced on white unsurfaced p ap er p repared in sheets large enough to p rin t 480 units a t a tim e an d the four lowest denom inations — 'Ad., Id ., 1'Ad. and 2d — were all tu rn e d ou t in this form from two 240 im age plates m ounted side by side. These large sheets were subsequently cu t in half, b u t for the o ther values the large sheets were halved before being p rin ted . T hus all values were issued in sheets of 240 stam ps (20 rows by 12).

All these 240 u n it sheets consisted of four panes, each of sixty stam ps (10 rows x 6) enclosed by jub ilee lines an d sepa­ra ted from one an o th er by a 10 m m wide vertical g u tte r and an o th er horizontal one, the d ep th of the stam p. O n the sheets of the m onochrom e values and those of £1 this horizontal g u t­ter was filled w ith a p a tte rn of o rn am enta l pillars.

Except for the first two p rin tings of the Id . value, all the sheets of stam ps h ad the n u m b er of the p la te w hich h ad p roduced them im prin ted four tim es, twice on the top m ar-

Co-extensive jubilee line

Broken jubilee line


Page 4: Transvaal, Postage Due 1907 Kings’ Head Series...Transvaal, Postage Due 1907 Used single C N O T IPD1 '/zd. Black and blue-green 3,00 4,00 4,00 2,00 IPD2 Id. Black and scarlet 2,00

gin above the second and eleventh stam ps of the first row and again on the m argin below the corresponding stam ps of the 20th row. These are known as Controls, and are listed u n der tha t heading.

A com m on headp la te bearing the control figure “1” was used in conjunction w ith a separate, u nnum bered , fram e- plate to produce all the bi-coloured values. Sheets of the la t­ter, therefore, all h ad the sam e control num ber, 1, im prin ted at the four corners, and those from the first stage of p ro d u c ­tion h ad the jubilee lines a round the m argins of the fram es the same length on bo th the h eadp la te and the fram eplate .

Later, for technical reasons, alm ost certain ly to allow a ir to escape m ore freely, approxim ately a q u a rte r of the length of each jubilee line was rem oved from the ends of rows 4 to 8, 13, 14, 16 and 17 of the headpla te . U p to an d includ ing this stage, the corner m argins still have the jub ilee lines a t the side of the same length and they are listed u n d e r controls as hav­ing “Co-extensive Jubilee Lines”. T hey can only be recognised when they have the p la te n u m b er a ttached , as the jubilee lines were never m odified a t the in ter-pane corners and , of course, single stam ps w ith the p la te n u m b er a ttach ed m ust have the lines of the sam e length . Because they were p rin ted after the head p late h ad been m odified, the sheets of the £1 and the 3d. value in b lue and b lue only h ad the broken jubilee lines at the ir corners.

Next the jubilee lines were broken a t the ends of rows 1 to 3 and 18 to 20, and finally the line was rem oved entirely from the vertical gu tter next to the seventh stam p of the fifth and 16th rows. Because there are differences in the shape of the ends of the rem aining jubilee lines in the vertical gu tte r at these rows, it is possible to determ ine w hether even a single stam p with this gu tte r still a ttach ed cam e from the u p pe r or lower h a lf of the sheet. As they h ad been produced earlier, this “Missing Jubilee Line” variety is no t found in the 2 'Ad. or 3d. black and orange-red stam ps. C orners from these stages are listed u n der Controls as having “Broken Jubilee Lines”.

T he w aterm arks on the double-sized sheets consisted of 480 Springbok heads, spaced so th a t there was one for each stamp, and 12 small “ + ” signs ( 6 x 8 m m ) positioned as fol­lows: (a) O ne in each corner of the sheet spaced 26 m m from the nearest Springbok head , (b) Two at the top centre and two a t the bo ttom centre of the sheet, each one spaced 16 m m from the nearest Springbok head , (c) A row of four in the centre of the sheet in exact a lignm ent vertically w ith the co r­responding m arks a t the top and bo ttom of the sheet.

As the ou ter m arks ind icated where the large sheet h ad to be trim m ed, usually only portions of them ap p ea r on the m argins of the accom panying stam ps. In halving the large sheets the cut h ad to be m ade vertically th rough the m iddle of the three centre pairs of m arks. T h e presence of one of them on a corner piece proves it as being from the left or right h and half of the original sheet. This po in t is of p a rtic u la r im ­portance as it makes possible the identification of m arg inal outer corner pieces from the first two plates of the Id. value, which did no t have a num ber p rin ted on the m arg in .

Occasionally a sheet of p ap e r was fed to the p rin tin g press in reverse, and the stam ps thus h ad the w aterm ark inverted. T h is variety is unknow n on the 2 /6 and £1 values, is rare in the case of the 5 /- and 10/-, an d com paratively com m on in the rem ainder. It should be no ted th a t due to the m ethod em ­ployed for p rin tin g the booklet stam ps after 1920, h a lf of the ir panes h ad the w aterm ark inverted. To be sure tha t stam ps w ith this fea tu re are from sheets an d no t booklet panes, they should be collected in a row of four; a strip of not less th a n three or, as a single, w ith a portion of the sheet m a r­gin attached .

Layout of the “plus” signs in relation to the nearest Springbok’s H ead W aterm ark

T h e sheet of p ap er was generally correctly positioned when the p rin tin g was done an d each stam p in consequence has only one w aterm ark . W hen it was no t so, stam ps show parts of m ore th a n one Springbok head . In an extrem e case the m isp lacem ent was such th a t one o r two sheets of each of Plates 6 and 7 of the Id . value were w ithout w aterm arks in the top and eleventh rows of stam ps because the w aterm ark fell on the horizontal g u tte r an d bo ttom m arg in . Similarly the first stam ps of the row in a very few 2d. sheets missed w aterm ark ing as it appeared in the righ t m arg in . Collectors should be careful to see th a t 2d. stam ps offered as being w ithout w aterm ark do n o t have a trace of the buck’s ea r in the left h an d perfo ration , as these are of little value.

D ue to a defect in the dandy roll a t one stage, sheets of stam ps of several values h ad a defective w aterm ark ing in two positions: in row 19/2 one h o rn is missing and in row 20/12 b o th horns are broken. O f course w hen the w aterm ark is in ­verted, these varieties ap p ea r in the diagonally opposite co rn ­er block or pair.

T h e perfo ra ting (gauge 14), was carried out on a single com b m achine, an d as the sheets were fed from the bottom edge, the bo ttom m arg in is im perforate an d the top one p e r­forated th rough . O n all b u t a very sm all quan tity of Id . sheets there was a single hole in the side m argins betw een the jubilee lines.


Page 5: Transvaal, Postage Due 1907 Kings’ Head Series...Transvaal, Postage Due 1907 Used single C N O T IPD1 '/zd. Black and blue-green 3,00 4,00 4,00 2,00 IPD2 Id. Black and scarlet 2,00

A relatively small n u m b er of sheets were fed in from the top m argin , w hich was therefore im perfora te while the bottom m argin was perforated through . They are listed as having “reversed perforation” and are only known in Plates 3, 4 and 5 of the Vid., the unnum bered plates of the Id ., and both plates of the 2d. value.

T hough on the whole the stam ps were well p rin ted , there are four types of defects which can be found on m ore th a n one value. T he first was caused by gum spilling on to the p rin ting surface of the p aper du ring m anufacture . O n soaking off used stam ps this gum dissolves, taking away w hat was p rin ted on it and leaving white spots and streaks in various patterns. These should not be confused with o ther m uch rare r white streaks and patches caused by p rin tin g on creased paper, or intrusive m atter. These appear on bo th unused and used stamps.

T he second defect was caused by p rin ting w ith a dry inking roller, resulting in a white outline to parts of the design, usually m ost p rom inen t in the value shields. T h ird are traces of double p rin ting caused by arch ing of the p ap er during printing.

All these, for obvious reasons, are no t listed. T he fourth defect can only be listed u n der each denom ination as “D eform ed letters due to inking”. It takes m any form s such as O r for OF; SO U IH for SO U TH ; A IRICA for AFRICA; A’ and ‘N ’ of VAN not joined, and m any others. These arose from over-inking or the solidifying of ink in the recesses of the p late during the p rin tin g process.


Prices for the stam ps in this series are per single, except where a p a ir or block is specified. Those given u n der controls are for a single stam p w ith the p late num ber on the m arg in above or below. Otherwise the price is for a horizontal pair with the p late num ber on the m arg in above or below the inner stam p. To arrive at the price of a control block, ad d a little m ore than the value of two extra singles, depend ing on the rarity or otherwise of the item.

T he “New M oon” variety is one on which the head is shifted so m uch th a t it actually touches or even overprints p a rt of the fram e design. Sheets w hich h ad tears were repaired by past­ing narrow strips of p ap er on the gum m ed side. In prin ting , the added pressure caused by the extra thickness of the paper

led to the p a rt of the design over the repa ir being darker. This is listed u n d e r “R epaired p a p e r’ in the denom ination in w hich it is known to have occurred.

2 C a.

K in g’s Head Vid. Basic Stamps, Controls and Varieties, Plates 1 to 7T h e stam ps of this denom ination were produced from seven different 240 im age plates, each bearing an identifying n u m ­ber from 1 to 7, used in various com binations of two, m o u n t­ed side by side, to p rin t the large sheets of 480 units. These were divided and d istribu ted as 240 stam p sheets. Varieties can only be allocated to a p a rtic u la r p la te w hen they b ear the p la te n u m b er on an a ttach ed m arg in , or the p la te num ber is known.

SinglesM int Used

Vid. Shades of pale, yellow-, blue-and dark green 0,20 0,10

a. Dark mossy em erald green 125,00 100,00

C o n tr o ls M /UPair Single

Ca. Plate 1. N orm al perforationand wmk 100,00 80,00

Cb. Plate 2. N orm al perforationand wmk 300,00 200,00

Cc. Plate 3. N orm al perforationand wmk 50,00 30,00

Cd. Plate 3. Reversed perforation 150,00 60,00Ce. Plate 4. N orm al perforation

and wmk 50,00 30,00Cf. Plate 4. Reversed perforation 150,00 60,00Cg. Plate 4. Inverted w aterm ark 200,00 150,00Ch. Plate 5. N orm al perforation

and wmk 10,00 6,00Ci. Plate 5. Reversed perforation 30,00 15,00Cj- Plate 5. Inverted w aterm ark 30,00 15,00Ck. Plate 6. N orm al perforation

an d wmk 15,00 10,00


Page 6: Transvaal, Postage Due 1907 Kings’ Head Series...Transvaal, Postage Due 1907 Used single C N O T IPD1 '/zd. Black and blue-green 3,00 4,00 4,00 2,00 IPD2 Id. Black and scarlet 2,00

Cl. Plate 6. Inverted w aterm ark 60,00 30,00Cm. Plate 7. N orm al perforation

and wmk 20,00 10,00Cn. Plate 7. Inverted w aterm ark 350,00 250,00


V I. Broken ‘U’ in SO U TH (SOJTH).Plate 1, row 2 /4 150,00

V2. Stages to alm ost solid ‘U ’ ofSO U TH . Plate 6, row 20 /3 15,00

V3. Crack th rough “RICA” of AFRICAto base of crown. P late 7, row 1/12 15,00

V4. Enlarged pearl to left of base ofcrown 15,00

V5. Vertical crack in left lower p a r t offram e 15,00

V6. Line runn ing to right from lowerp a rt of ear 15,00

V7. D eform ed letters due to inking 16,00

V15. Missing perforation hole — verticalpa ir 50,00

V16. A dditional perfo ration holes inbo ttom m arg in 20,00

V17. Reversed perforation — withm arg in from top or bo ttom 5,00

V18. Inverted w aterm ark — from sheet 5,00V19. Missing h o rn in w aterm ark 50,00V20. Broken horns in w aterm ark 25,00

*The bronze b an d occurred in the u p per h a lf of the stam ps of row 9 of only a few sheets. It is no t known how it was caused.

2 V12.Sim ilarly to the xhd. stam ps, those of the Id. value were also p rin ted from seven different 240 im age plates used in pairs in various com binations. T h e first two plates d id no t have im ­p rin ted num bers, no r any distinguishing features. T hus they have been allocated num bers in parentheses as follows: (1) for the left h an d h a lf of the 480 u n it sheet and (2) for the right h an d half. T h e corner pieces of the two sheets can only be identified by the position occupied by the “ + ” signs in the w aterm ark (described in the in troduction to this section).

These two plates were used again for the second p rin ting of the Id . stam ps after they h ad been m odified by the removal of a sm all square piece of the jubilee line u n de r the stam p im ­age, row 20/12 of P late (1) an d two sm all half-round pieces from the corresponding position of P late (2). T hus the b o t­tom rig h t-h an d corners of the sheets from the second p rin ting can be identified . T hey have been redesignated as (la) for the left-hand an d (2a) for the righ t-hand , and the control pieces are listed accordingly. It m ust be em phasised th a t only the

3 Ca.

GeneralV8. Stam p p a rt doubly p rin ted 10 000,00V9. Stam p partly p rin ted 150,00V10. P rin ted on gum m ed side 400,00V ll. Offset at back — com plete 50,00V12. R epaired paper 100,00V13. Bronze band* 150,00V14. Perforated th rough foldover 150,00

3 Cb.

3 Ce.


Page 7: Transvaal, Postage Due 1907 Kings’ Head Series...Transvaal, Postage Due 1907 Used single C N O T IPD1 '/zd. Black and blue-green 3,00 4,00 4,00 2,00 IPD2 Id. Black and scarlet 2,00

bottom righ t-hand pieces have these m arks. Those from the o ther corners can only be p laced by reference to the ir “+ ” symbols, as being from the left- or righ t-hand sheets, b u t not as from either the first or second printings.

Only a small quan tity of sheets can have been p rin ted from Plate (la) before it was replaced by Plate 3, as co rner pieces with “one n ick” are very m uch ra re r than those having the “two nicks”. Sim ilarly Plate 5 m ust have h ad a com paratively short life as these controls are scarcer.

Id. Basic Stamps, Controls and Varieties, Plates (1), (la), (2), (2a), and 3 to 7

Single M int Used

3 Id. Red. Shades of rose, rose- red, carm ine-red, lake-carm ine and scarlet 0,20 0,10

Controls M /UPair Single

Ca. Plate (1). Bottom right corner w ith unbroken jubilee line — perf. no rm al or reversed 2000,00

Cb. Plate (la). Bottom right corner — cut in jubilee line — perf. no rm al or reversed 5000,00 2000,00

Cc. Plates (1) and (la). T he o ther three corners — perf. norm al or reversed 350,00

Cd. Plate (2). Bottom right corner — unbroken jubilee line — perf. no rm al or reversed 2000,00

Ce. Plate (2a). Bottom right corner — two nicks in jubilee line — perf. norm al or reversed 1500,00 750,00

Cf. Plates (2) and (2a). T he o ther three corners — perf. norm al or reversed 350,00

e g . Plate 3. N orm al perforation and wmk. 40,00 20,00

Ch. Plate 3. Inverted w aterm ark 80,00 40,00Ci. P late 4. N orm al perforation

and wmk. 60,00 45,00Cj. Plate 4. Inverted w aterm ark 500,00 350,00Ck. Plate 5. N orm al perforation

and wmk 150,00 100,00Cl. Plate 6. N orm al perforation

and wmk 15,00 10,00Cm. Plate 6. Inverted w aterm ark 100,00 60,00Cn. Plate 7. N orm al perforation

and wmk 20,00 10,00Co. Plate 7. Inverted w aterm ark 100,00 60,00

PlateVI. Long serif to “1” of Id. Plate 6, Row

5/1 10,00V2. M issing ‘EGEL’ of Postzegel. P late 6,

Row 20/1 25,00V3. W hite flaw on ‘EL’ of Postzegel.

Plates 6 & 7, Row 20/12 of later prin tings only 20,00

V4. Missing ‘O ’ in Postzegel, P late 7, Row18/9 15,00

V5. Large w hite do t in lower p a rt ofsecond ‘N ’ of U N IO N 15,00

V6. Deform ed letters due to inking 10,00


3 V 9.

3 V12.

GeneralV7. P rin ted on gum m ed side. Plate 4 400,00V8. Offset a t back — com plete 100,00V9. Perforated th rou g h fold-over. Plates 6

and 7 250,00V10. Im perf. left side due to fold-over 500,00V ll. Missing perf. hole — vertical p a ir or

betw een stam p and vertical gu tte r 50,00V12. Missing perf. hole in m arg in betw een

jub ilee lines. Plates (2a), 3 and 4 250,00V13. A dditional perfo ration holes in bo ttom

m arg in 20,00V14. Reversed perforation — w ith m arg in

at top or bottom 50,00V15. No w aterm ark . Plates 6 an d 7 300,00V16. Inverted w aterm ark — from sheet 5,00


Page 8: Transvaal, Postage Due 1907 Kings’ Head Series...Transvaal, Postage Due 1907 Used single C N O T IPD1 '/zd. Black and blue-green 3,00 4,00 4,00 2,00 IPD2 Id. Black and scarlet 2,00

V17. Missing horn in w aterm ark 50,00V18. Broken horns in w aterm ark 25,00V19. Heavily over-inked stam p 40,00V20. R epaired paper 150,00

V/zd. Basic Stamps, Controls and Varieties Plates 1 and 2Two plates, num bered 1 and 2, were used for the p rin tin g of this value in 480-unit sheets and they were issued in 240-unit sheets.

SinglesM int Used

1 'Ad. Chestnut. Shades to deepchestnut and reddish- andorange-brown 0,30 0,10

Controls M /UPair Single

Ca. Plate 1. U pright w aterm ark 15,00 10,00Cb. Plate 1. Inverted w aterm ark 400,00 300,00Cc. P late 2. U prigh t w aterm ark 20,00 15,00Cd. Plate 2. Inverted w aterm ark 250,00 150,00


VI. Large white flaw in crown. No. 7 inrow 15,00

V2. D eform ed letters due to inking 15,00

GeneralV3. Prin ted on gum m ed side 400,00V4. Offset a t back — partia l 75,00V5. R epaired paper 125,00V6. Partly im perf. due to fold-over 400,00V I. Inverted w aterm ark — row of four 25,00V8. Missing horn in w aterm ark 70,00V9. Broken horns in w aterm ark 35,00

Note: T he tete-beche and “w aterm arksideways” varieties are listed in theBooklet section.

A lthough a large quan tity m ust have been p rin ted , only two plates num bered 1 and 2 were used to produce the 2d. stamps. Varieties caused by the stages of sm all cracks which developed in bo th plates are consequently m ore num erous in this than in the o ther values. T he crack th rough ‘d ’ of 2d. and ‘os’ of Postage in row 1/2 of Plate 1 is interesting. D ue to m odifications m ade in the jub ilee line from tim e to tim e, it is possible to identify no fewer than four d ifferent stages of p rin ting from top left corner m arg inal pairs. T hose w ith the flaw can also be found w ith reversed perforation.

Broken H orn W aterm ark

5 Cc.

2d. Basic Stamps, Controls and Varieties Plates 1 and 2 Single

M int Used5 2d. Purple. Shades o f d u ll and

deep purple, rose-purple, brow n-lilac and plum 0,30 0,10

a. Dark plum 250,00 250,00

Controls M /UPair Single

Ca. Plate 1. Top left corner —w ithout variety an d w ithjubilee lines com plete. 50,00 —

Cb. Plate 1. Top left co rner —w ith variety and jub ilee lines com plete 50,00 30,00

Cc. P late 1. Top left co rner —w ith variety and punch m ark in jub ilee line above row 1/2 50,00 20,00

Cd. P late 1. Top left co rner —w ith variety, punch m ark and cu t in left p a r t of jub ilee line above row 1/1 25,00 —

Ce. Plate 1. O ther corners —n o rm al perfo ration an d w ater­m ark 20,00 10,00

Cf. Plate 1. Reversed perforation 40,00 20,00Cg. Plate 1. Inverted w aterm ark 50,00 25,00Ch. Plate 2. N orm al perforation

a n d wmk 35,00 20,00Ci. P late 2. Reversed perfo ration 75,00 50,00Cj. P late 2. Inverted w aterm ark 250,00 150,00


VI. C rack th rough ‘d ’ of 2d. Plate 1 row1 / 2 10,00

V2. C rack from top of crown to tip offirst ‘A’ of AFRICA Row 1/7 20,00


Page 9: Transvaal, Postage Due 1907 Kings’ Head Series...Transvaal, Postage Due 1907 Used single C N O T IPD1 '/zd. Black and blue-green 3,00 4,00 4,00 2,00 IPD2 Id. Black and scarlet 2,00









V3. Crack through left p a rt of fram e underlin ing ‘U N IO N O F’

V4. Crack through right p a rt of fram e downward to top of ‘U ’ (ZOID)

V5. Crack over ‘UID A FR I’ (ZOID)V6. Crack through left value tab le t. P late

2 row 20/1 V7. W hite dot in front of ‘2 ’. Row 5 /6 V8. D eform ed letters due to inking

GeneralV9. Prin ted on gum m ed side V10. Offset at back — complete*V ll. R epaired paper V12. Perforated th rough fold-over V13. Missing perf. hole — vertical pair V14. A dditional perforation holes in b o t­

tom m argin V15. Reversed perforation — w ith m argin

from top or bottom V16. No w aterm ark V17. Inverted w aterm ark — from sheet V18. Missing horn in w aterm ark V19. Broken horns in w aterm ark

* T here is a version of the offset which has parts of add itiona l images alm ost a t righ t angles to the norm al one.

2 'Ad. Basic Stamps, Controls and Varieties, Head plate 1 - Frame plate (1)

Single M int Used

6 2 ’/2d. B lue and blue. Shades ofpale, bright and deep b lu e to ultram arine

ControlsCa. Co extensive jubilee lines Cb. Broken jubilee line Cc. Inverted w aterm ark

Varieties Plate

VI. Longer arm to ‘U ’ of ZUID. Row 2 /6 V2. Dot below ‘d ’ in left shield V3. D eform ed letters due to inking

1,00 0,50

M /U Pair Single

100,00 30,00




GeneralV4. Shifted m edallion , “New M oon” 150,00V5. Inverted w aterm ark 40,00V6. M issing ho rn in w aterm ark 75,00V7. Broken horns in w aterm ark 50,00

3d. Basic Stamps, Controls and Varieties, Headplate 1 - Frameplate (1)T h e same head and fram e plates used to prin t the 3d. value in black and orange were em ployed again for production in b lu e and blue.

SingleM int Used

7 3d. B lack and orange-red.Shades o f grey-black and d u llor yellow-orange 1,50 0,75

7A 3d. B lu e and blue. Shades ofbright b lu e to ultram arine.4 October 1922 1,00 0,50

a. B lu e and dark blue. 2,00 1,00

Controls M /UPair Single

7 Ca. Co-extensive jub ilee lines 200,00 -Cb. Broken jub ilee line 25,00 15,00Cc. Inverted w aterm ark 250,00 150,00

7A Cd. Broken jub ilee line 20,00 10,00Ce. Inverted w aterm ark 100,00 70,00


7 VI. D eform ed letters due to inking 20,007A V2. D eform ed first ‘A’ of AFRICA -

la te r stages. Row 20 /7 25,00V3. D eform ed letters due to inking 20,00V4. Jubilee line missing from gutter.

Rows 5 and 16/7 75,00

General7 V5. Shifted m edallion “New M oon” 150,00

V6. Inverted w aterm ark 15,007A V7. Shifted m edallion “New M oon” 125,00

V8. Inverted w aterm ark 15,00V9. Offset a t back — complete* 150,00V10. Offset of fram e — com plete 200,00V ll. Missing h o rn in w aterm ark 100,00V12. Broken horns in w aterm ark 75,00

*T here is a version of the offset inwhich the im ages are no t up righ t.


Page 10: Transvaal, Postage Due 1907 Kings’ Head Series...Transvaal, Postage Due 1907 Used single C N O T IPD1 '/zd. Black and blue-green 3,00 4,00 4,00 2,00 IPD2 Id. Black and scarlet 2,00

4d. Basic Stamps, Controls and Varieties, Headplate 1 - Frameplate (1)

8 4d. Orange and green. Shades oforange-yellow, to b u ff to red­dish b u ff and yellow-, olive and sage-green

ControlsCa. Co-extensive jubilee linesCb. Broken jubilee lineCc. Inverted w aterm ark

Varieties Plate

VI. D eform ed letters due to inking 15,00V2. Jubilee line missing from gutter. Rows

5 and 16/7 80,00

8 VS

9 V6

GeneralV3. Shifted m edallion , “New M oon” 150,00V4. Missing perf. hole - vertical p a ir 100,00V5. Inverted w aterm ark* 3,00V6. Offset at back — p artia l 400,00V7. Missing horn in w aterm ark 100,00V8. Broken horns in w aterm ark 75,00

*Inverted w aterm arks are very com ­m on in this value and the ir varieties are w orth little m ore than norm al.

6d. Basic Stamps, Controls and Varieties, Headplate 1 - Frameplate (1)

Single M int Used

9 6d. B lack and V iolet. Shades ofgrey, black and m auve toreddish-violet 6,00 1,00

Single M int Used

2,00 1,00

M /U Pair S ingle

250,0025.00 15,0025.00 15,00

Controls M /UPair Single

Ca. Co-extensive jub ilee lines 400,00 -Cb. Broken jub ilee line 40,00 25,00Cc. Inverted w aterm ark 150,00 100,00


VI. Partly m issing ‘Z’ in ZUID 25,00V2. ‘Z’ an d p a rt of fram e m issing 80,00V3. D eform ed letters due to inking 20,00V4. Jubilee line missing from gutter.

Rows 5 an d 16/7 80,00

GeneralV5. Shifted m edallion , “New M oon” 150,00V6. Offset of head — com plete 250,00V7. Inverted w aterm ark 15,00V8. Broken horns in w aterm ark 90,00V9. R epaired p ap er 250,00

1/- Basic Stamps, Controls and Varieties, Plate 1

Single M int Used

10 1/- Orange. Shades o f yellow tobrownish-orange and b u ff 25,00 3,00

Controls M /UPair Single

Ca. U prigh t w aterm ark 100,00 60,00Cb. Top righ t corner p a ir w ith

w ider perfo ra tion g u tte r b e ­tween stam ps 11 an d 12 180,00 —

Cc. Inverted w aterm ark 125,00 70,00


VI. D eform ed letters due to inking 50,00

10 V7


Page 11: Transvaal, Postage Due 1907 Kings’ Head Series...Transvaal, Postage Due 1907 Used single C N O T IPD1 '/zd. Black and blue-green 3,00 4,00 4,00 2,00 IPD2 Id. Black and scarlet 2,00

V2. Offset a t back — com plete 200,00V3. Missing perf. hole — vertical p a ir 300,00V4. Inverted w aterm ark* 25,00V5. Broken horns in w aterm ark 100,00V6. Missing horn in w aterm ark 100,00V7. W ide white streak th rough stam p,

and perforation out of line, th rough paper crease 400,00

V8. R epaired paper 250,00*Inverted w aterm arks are very com ­m on in this value and their varieties are w orth little m ore th a n norm al.


1/3 Basic Stamps, Controls and Varieties, Plate 1 M int Used11 1/3 V iolet (Shades)

ControlsCa. U prigh t w aterm ark Cb. Inverted w aterm ark

35.00 25,00

M /U Pair Single

150.00 90,00500.00 350,00


VI. W hite line in beard . Row 11/12 V2. Larger top curl to ‘3’ of value at

left. Row 20/1 V3. D eform ed letters due to inking

GeneralV4. Perforated th rough fold-overV5. Inverted w aterm arkV6. Broken horns in w aterm ark




2/6 Basic Stamps, Controls and Varieties, Headplate 1 - Frameplate (1)

M int Used 12 2 /6 Purple and green (Shades) 100,00 8,00

a. R eddish-purple and green (Shades) 100,00 8,00

ControlsCa. Co extensive jubilee lines Cb. Broken jubilee line

M /U Pair Single

1000,00300,00 200,00

PlateVI. D eform ed letters due to inking 150,00V2. Jubilee line missing from gutter. Rows

5 an d 16/7 300,00


GeneralV3. Missing h o rn in w aterm ark V4. Broken horns in w aterm ark


5/- Basic Stamps, Controls and Varieties, Headplate 1 - Frameplate (1)

M int Used13 5 /- P urp le and blue. Shades

to ligh t b lu e 300,00 35,00a. R eddish-purple and ligh t

blu e 325,00 35,00

ControlsCa. Co extensive jub ilee lines Cb. Broken jub ilee line

M /U Pair Single

4500,00900,00 600,00

13 VI


VI. “P urp le nose” Row 14/3 V2. M issing ‘U N I’ of U N IE V3. D eform ed letters due to inking V4. Jubilee line missing from gutter. Rows

5 and 16/7

GeneralV5. Shifted m edallion , “New M oon” V6. Inverted w aterm ark




13 V2


Page 12: Transvaal, Postage Due 1907 Kings’ Head Series...Transvaal, Postage Due 1907 Used single C N O T IPD1 '/zd. Black and blue-green 3,00 4,00 4,00 2,00 IPD2 Id. Black and scarlet 2,00

10/- Basic Stamps, Controls and Varieties, Headplate 1 - Frameplate (1)

14 10/- B lu e and olive-green.Shades to deep b lu e and yellow-green

M int Used

450,00 45,00

ControlsCa. Co-extensive jubilee lines Cb. Broken jubilee line

M /U Pair Single

3000.001750.00 900,00

PlateVI. W hite blob in top right of crown.

Row 1/11V2. D eform ed letters due to inking V3. Jubilee line missing from gutter. Rows

5 and 16/7

GeneralV4. Shifted m edallion “New M oon”


14 V3




PlateVI. ‘GF’ for OF. Row 1/11 V2. Deform ed letters due to inking V3. lubilee line missing from gutter.

5 and 16/7

GeneralV4. Inverted w aterm ark 2 500,00V5. Offset a t back — p artia l 1500,00V6. Shifted m edallion — “New M oon” 1200,00

£1 Basic Stamps, Controls and Varieties, Headplate 1 - Frameplate (1)

M int Used15 £1 Green and red (Shades)

1916 1600,00 500,00a. Olive-green and red (1926) 1900,00 1800,00

Controls M /UPair Single

Ca. Green and red 4000,00 2500,00Cb. Olive green and red 5000,00 3000,00


