Translocation of ErbB receptors into the nucleus

Rev Oncol 2003;5(7):381-9 381 REVISIONES Translocation of ErbB receptors into the nucleus Antonio Villalobo, Clara García-Andrés and Patricia Molina-Ortiz Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Madrid. The ErbB receptors are tyrosine kinases that bind a wide variety of ligands. They are implicated in cell proliferation, generation of anti-apoptotic signals, differentiation, and cell migration. The over-expres- sion of different ErbB receptors and/or the expres- sion of aberrant mutant forms are responsible for the development of many human cancers. A simpli- fied view of the mechanism of action of these re- ceptors is that they are triggered when located at the cell surface and/or when present in endosomes. In this review we will discuss a newly emergent, and more complex, picture in which ErbB receptors and their ligands translocate to the cell nucleus where they assume additional functions. The possi- ble involvement of calmodulin in the translocation process will be discussed, as well. The development of new therapeutic strategies targeting the nuclear translocation system and/or the nuclear functions of ErbB receptors could help to control the rapid growth of certain types of tumor cells. Key words: calmodulin, epidermal growth factor re- ceptor, ErbB2/Neu, ErbB3, ErbB4, nuclear transloca- tion, transcription factors. Villalobo A, García-Andrés C, Molina-Ortiz P. Translocation of ErbB receptors into the nucleus. Rev Oncol 2003;5(7):381-9 Translocación al núcleo de receptores ErbB Los receptores ErbB son tirosina quinasas que unen un extenso número de ligandos y están implicados en proliferación celular, la generación de señales antiapoptóticas, diferenciación y migración celular. La sobreexpresión de diferentes receptores ErbB y/o la expresión de formas aberrantes mutadas son res- ponsables del desarrollo de muchos tipos de cánce- res humanos. Una panorámica simplificada del me- canismo de acción de estos receptores nos enseña qué señalizan cuando se encuentran en la superfi- cie celular y/o en endosomas. En esta revisión, sin embargo, explicaremos nuevos y más complejos mecanismos por los que los receptores ErbB y sus ligandos se translocan al núcleo donde ejercen fun- ciones adicionales. La posible implicación de la cal- modulina en el proceso de translocación será tam- bién discutido. El desarrollo de nuevas estrategias terapéuticas tomando como dianas el sistema de translocación y/o las funciones nucleares de los re- ceptores ErbB, podría ayudar al control del creci- miento rápido en ciertos tipos de células tumorales. Palabras clave: calmodulina, receptor del factor de crecimiento epidérmico, ErbB2/Neu, ErbB3, ErbB4, translocación nuclear, factores de transcripción. Correspondence: Dr. A. Villalobo, MD, PhD. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. c/ Arturo Duperier 4, E-28029 Madrid, Spain. E-mail: [email protected] Received 30 May 2003; Revised 18 July 2003; Accepted 21 July 2003. gion, inducing their homo- or heterodimerization, and the activation of its intrinsic tyrosine kinase located in their intracellular region 1-3 . ErbB3, however, lacks a functional tyrosine kinase domain, and ErbB2 does not have a known direct ligand, although both recep- tors are able to signal upon interaction between them- selves or with other ErbB family members. The com- binatorial interaction of different ErbB receptors with distinct ligands form an array of signaling complexes able to evoke diverse physiological responses 4 . Inte- restingly, the ErbB3:ErbB2 heterodimer is one of the most potent signaling complexes 5 . ErbB receptors ge- nerate multiple cellular responses such as cell prolife- ration, survival signals, differentiation, and cell moti- lity. Over-expression and/or the occurrence of a variety of mutations in different ErbB receptors are observed in a significant number of human tumors 6,7 . 35 INTRODUCTION The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), also na- med ErbB1/HER1, belongs to the ErbB receptor family, which is formed by three additional members including ErbB2/Neu/HER2, ErbB3/HER3 and ErbB4/HER4. These receptors are highly glycosylated 185-170 kDa proteins located at the plasma membrane and have a single transmembrane segment. They bind an extensi- ve family of polypeptide ligands at its extracellular re-

Transcript of Translocation of ErbB receptors into the nucleus

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Translocation of ErbB receptors into the nucleusAntonio Villalobo, Clara García-Andrés and Patricia Molina-Ortiz

Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.Madrid.

The ErbB receptors are tyrosine kinases that bind awide variety of ligands. They are implicated in cellproliferation, generation of anti-apoptotic signals,differentiation, and cell migration. The over-expres-sion of different ErbB receptors and/or the expres-sion of aberrant mutant forms are responsible forthe development of many human cancers. A simpli-fied view of the mechanism of action of these re-ceptors is that they are triggered when located atthe cell surface and/or when present in endosomes.In this review we will discuss a newly emergent,and more complex, picture in which ErbB receptorsand their ligands translocate to the cell nucleuswhere they assume additional functions. The possi-ble involvement of calmodulin in the translocationprocess will be discussed, as well. The developmentof new therapeutic strategies targeting the nucleartranslocation system and/or the nuclear functionsof ErbB receptors could help to control the rapidgrowth of certain types of tumor cells.

Key words: calmodulin, epidermal growth factor re-ceptor, ErbB2/Neu, ErbB3, ErbB4, nuclear transloca-tion, transcription factors.

Villalobo A, García-Andrés C, Molina-Ortiz P. Translocationof ErbB receptors into the nucleus. Rev Oncol 2003;5(7):381-9

Translocación al núcleo de receptoresErbB

Los receptores ErbB son tirosina quinasas que unenun extenso número de ligandos y están implicadosen proliferación celular, la generación de señalesantiapoptóticas, diferenciación y migración celular.La sobreexpresión de diferentes receptores ErbB y/ola expresión de formas aberrantes mutadas son res-ponsables del desarrollo de muchos tipos de cánce-res humanos. Una panorámica simplificada del me-canismo de acción de estos receptores nos enseñaqué señalizan cuando se encuentran en la superfi-cie celular y/o en endosomas. En esta revisión, sinembargo, explicaremos nuevos y más complejosmecanismos por los que los receptores ErbB y susligandos se translocan al núcleo donde ejercen fun-ciones adicionales. La posible implicación de la cal-modulina en el proceso de translocación será tam-bién discutido. El desarrollo de nuevas estrategiasterapéuticas tomando como dianas el sistema detranslocación y/o las funciones nucleares de los re-ceptores ErbB, podría ayudar al control del creci-miento rápido en ciertos tipos de células tumorales.

Palabras clave: calmodulina, receptor del factor decrecimiento epidérmico, ErbB2/Neu, ErbB3, ErbB4,translocación nuclear, factores de transcripción.

Correspondence: Dr. A. Villalobo, MD, PhD.Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas.Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.c/ Arturo Duperier 4, E-28029 Madrid, Spain.E-mail: [email protected]

Received 30 May 2003; Revised 18 July 2003; Accepted 21 July 2003.

gion, inducing their homo- or heterodimerization, andthe activation of its intrinsic tyrosine kinase located intheir intracellular region1-3. ErbB3, however, lacks afunctional tyrosine kinase domain, and ErbB2 doesnot have a known direct ligand, although both recep-tors are able to signal upon interaction between them-selves or with other ErbB family members. The com-binatorial interaction of different ErbB receptors withdistinct ligands form an array of signaling complexesable to evoke diverse physiological responses4. Inte-restingly, the ErbB3:ErbB2 heterodimer is one of themost potent signaling complexes5. ErbB receptors ge-nerate multiple cellular responses such as cell prolife-ration, survival signals, differentiation, and cell moti-lity. Over-expression and/or the occurrence of avariety of mutations in different ErbB receptors areobserved in a significant number of human tumors6,7.



The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), also na-med ErbB1/HER1, belongs to the ErbB receptor family,which is formed by three additional members includingErbB2/Neu/HER2, ErbB3/HER3 and ErbB4/HER4.These receptors are highly glycosylated 185-170 kDaproteins located at the plasma membrane and have asingle transmembrane segment. They bind an extensi-ve family of polypeptide ligands at its extracellular re-

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A classical view of the signaling mechanisms elicitedby ErbB receptors depicts the following simplified pic-ture: plasma membrane-located receptors are activa-ted upon dimerization induced after binding of an extracellular ligand, what is followed by its trans(au-to)phosphorylation, and the recruitment of signalingmolecules bearing Src homology 2 (SH2) or phosp-hotyrosine binding (PTB) domains at their autophosp-horylated tyrosine residues. These events generate theactivation of a panoply of signaling pathways bringingabout the translocation of different signaling proteinsinto the nucleus, which are involved in the transcrip-tional regulation of multiple genes required for specificcellular responses8,9. Thereafter, the receptors are in-ternalized at clathrin-coated pits, and located at endo-somes, what is subsequently followed by their degra-dation at lysosomes to abrogate signaling, or theirrecycling back to the cell surface10. Ingenious methodshave been developed, however, to show that endoso-me-located receptors are also able to generate signa-ling events11. Nevertheless, in this review we shall dis-cuss, a radical different picture on the functionality ofErbB receptors, as they are able to translocate to thenucleus to exert additional functional roles, opening anew paradigm on how these receptors operate in amuch more complex manner in living cells.


Various polypeptide growth factors have been identi-fied within the nucleus of multiple cell types, and insome intriguing cases associating themselves to thenucleoli12,13. This has caused an exciting debate abouttheir functional role at this location13,14. In regard toErbB receptor ligands, the epidermal growth factor(EGF)15-21, amphiregulin (AR)15,22, schwannoma-de-rived growth factor (SDGF)23, and most recently he-regulin-ß1 (HRGß1)24, have been found in the nu-cleus, and/or to bind to DNA. Although the nuclearlocalization of HRGß1 was first demonstrated in a human breast adenocarcinoma cell line24, neither en-dogenous or exogenous HRGß1 was found to translo-cate into the nucleus of nonmalignant human mam-mary epithelial cells25.The first observation on the nuclear localization ofEGF took place in cultured cells, and it was favoredby the inhibition of lysosomal degradation using chlo-roquine15. Thereafter, further nuclear localization ofEGF was observed in different cell types16,18,19, and inregenerating liver17,20, a rapid proliferating tissue.Nuclear EGF is tightly bound to chromatin, where itappears to be coupled to a 250-230 kDa protein16,18. Inregenerating liver, EGF is also associated to a highmolecular mass complex17, and binds to nuclearEGFR with similar affinity than to receptors locatedin the plasma membrane20.

AR itself contains two putative nuclear localizationsequences (NLS) and it has been shown indeed to lo-calize in the nucleus of normal and tumor cells, witha preferential nucleolar localization in the latter22,26.Two proteins of 205 kDa and 120 kDa that putativelycould bind to the NLS of AR, have been identified22.SDGF also contains a nuclear targeting motif, andthis growth factor has been shown to bind to (A+T)-rich DNA sequences23. Although the precise functionsof these growth factors in the nucleus has yet to bedetermined, it has been shown that HRGß1 not onlyis translocated to the nucleus but it appears to up-re-gulate the expression of c-myc in human adenocarci-noma cells24. Likewise, SDGF seems to induce thetranscription of early genes involved in cell prolifera-tion, such as nerve growth factor I-A and c-fos23. Aninteresting question pending to be answered is whet-her the observed transcriptional activity is entirelydue to the nuclear growth factors, or there is a parti-cipation of their cognate receptors also located in thenucleus.


It is now apparent that the four members of the ErbBreceptor family are capable to be translocated into thecell nucleus, as we shall discuss herein after, alt-hough the information concerning ErbB2 and ErbB3is far more scarce than that for EGFR and ErbB4.This seemingly unorthodox view has been receivedwith a mixture of great excitement and some cautionby the scientific community, because the impliedoverhaul of a set of text-book ideas on how these re-ceptors signal to the nucleus via indirect complexarrays of well established signaling pathways. In rea-lity, the new findings describe a more complicatedpicture, where ErbB receptors are also able to directlyperform different functions within the nucleus. Thus,several articles commenting the significance and im-portance of nuclear ErbB receptors have been re-cently published in very visible journals14,27-29.


A hint about a possible functional role of an ErbB re-ceptor in the nucleus was first described with purifiedEGFR, as it was shown to be able to interact andnicks supercoilled double-stranded DNA in an ATP-stimulated manner30. Although the nicking processwas latter demonstrated to be due to an associatedprotein and not to EGFR itself31, the binding of thisreceptor to DNA represented the first unexpected ob-servation of a more complex drama to start to be un-folded years later.Although the association of EGFR to the nuclear en-velop has been occasionally noticed32, this receptor

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has been clearly detected inside the nucleus of multi-ple normal cells, and most conspicually in highly pro-liferating cells, such as in regenerating liver after par-tial hepatectomy20,33, hepatocellular proliferating cellsafter bile duct ligation34, uterus from pregnant mice35,10-days old mouse embryos35, normal human mouthmucosa basal cells35, and cells from thyroid tissue ofGraves' disease patients21. Additionally, nuclearEGFR has been found in cells from human tumorsamples including: adrenocortical carcinoma36, tran-sitional cell bladder cancer37, thyroid follicular ade-noma and carcinoma but not papillary carcinoma21,oral cancer35, and breast cancer35; premalignant hu-man papillomavirus lesions of the cervix38; and hu-man tumor cell lines including: SW948 colorectalcarcinoma cells18, squamous carcinoma HN5 cells39,epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells35, and breast can-cer MDA-MB-468 cells35.The addition of EGF or transforming growth factor-α(TGF-α) induce a time-dependent translocation ofthe plasma membrane-located receptor into the nu-cleus35,39,40, and the presence of serum in the cellcultures appears to favor the EGF-dependent translo-cation process39,40. The full-length EGFR, and not aproteolytically-processed cytoplasmic domain of thereceptor, is the actual translocated species35,39. More-over, the nuclear EGFR appears to be highly phosp-horylated at tyrosine residues35. It has been arguedthat the observed EGFR could be located at the peri-nuclear endoplasmic reticulum (ER) network, andthat the confocal microscopy sections used in its de-tection could be too thick to have adequate resolu-tion41. These objections, however, were reasonableanswered with further convincing experiments sho-wing co-localization between nuclear EGFR, DAPIstaining, and a nuclear marker protein (lamin), as well as the absence of co-localization of the EGFR with ER protein markers (Bip/GRP78 and cal-nexin)42.We have determined in living cells transfected with achimera between the human EGFR and the greenfluorescence protein (EGFR-GFP) using fluorescen-ce confocal microscopy, that when the receptor is in-ternalized upon EGF addition fluorescent spots areobservable in different nuclear planes after prolon-ged exposure to the growth factor (fig. 1). It is diffi-cult, however, to ascertain whether the fluorescentspots observed in the nuclear region represent intra-nuclear EGFR-GFP. Nevertheless, to maximize theaccumulation of EGFR-GFP into the nucleus weused leptomycin B, an inhibitor of the nuclear exportchromosomal region maintenance 1 (CRM1) recep-tor. Thus, blocking the nuclear export system, we ha-ve obtained convincing evidence of the nuclear loca-lization of the chimera receptor, as the fluorescencewas clearly associated to the nucleoli after 1 h expo-sure to EGF (fig. 2). Although the observed event was

EGF-dependent, and therefore likely to have a phy-siological meaning, further experiments should beperformed to ascertain that the observed nucleolarfluorescence corresponds to the EGFR-GFP chimera,and not to processed free GFP. This observation sug-gests that EGFR is able to locate at the nucleoli, whe-re it may play important functional roles on mRNAand/or rRNA processing. This new finding is in agre-ement with similar observations on the localizationof ErbB3 at the nucleoli25.

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Fig. 1. EGF-dependent internalization of EGFR-GFP in li-ving cells. Porcine aortic endothelial cells stable transfec-ted with a human EGFR-GFP chimera (PAE/EGFR-GFPcells), prepared by Dr. Alexander Sorkin (University of Co-lorado, Denver CO, USA), were maintained overnight in theabsence of serum, and observed in a Leica SP2 confocalmicroscope before and after stimulation with 10 nM EGFfor the indicated times. A 63x HCX Plapo objective with zo-om was employed, recording the images in the x,y,z-modeusing the 488 nm argon laser, the rsp 500 filter, an Airi 1pinhole with automatic setting, and focusing the planes at1 µm intervals from the bottom (z0) to the top (z4) to obtainthe stacks. Three or five planes were recorded, respecti-vely, before and after EGF stimulation. Notice the massiveaccumulation of fluorescence in endosomes because theEGF-induced internalization of the receptor, and the pre-sence of conspicuous fluorescent spots in the nuclear re-gion after EGF stimulation.

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ErbB2 has been shown to translocate to the nucleusas detected in preparations of isolated nuclei by Wes-tern blot analysis and immunofluorescence, and thenuclear translocated receptor was shown to bephosphorylated at tyrosine residues in greater extentthan its non-nuclear counterpart43.


The full-length ErbB3 has also been shown to trans-locate into the nucleus of both tumor and nonmalig-nant mammary epithelial cells, and the presence ofleptomycin B enhances its nuclear localization25. Mo-reover, ErbB3 was found to be associated to the nu-cleoli of cells induced to attain epithelial polarityupon selective growth on permeable filters ratherthan in a solid substrate25. Blocking the production ofendogenous HRGß1 with a neutralizing antibody faci-litates the association of ErbB3 to the nucleoli, andconversely, the addition of exogenous HRGß1 inducesthe translocation of the receptor from the nucleoli to

the nucleoplasm, and thereafter to the cytoplasm25.From two potential NLSs, the motif RRRR, located inthe C-terminal region of the mature ErbB3 (residues1183-1186), was identified as the functional NLS ofthe receptor by three different methods: a) directingto the nucleus a chimera of the enhanced green fluo-rescence protein (EGFP) with the C-terminal seg-ment of ErbB3 containing the NLS; b) abrogating itsnuclear transport after site-directed mutagenesis ofthe NLS; and c) transferring a sequence containingthe NLS to chicken pyruvate kinase, a cytoplasmicprotein, and observing its nuclear localization25.


Occasional immunostaining of nuclei using anti-ErbB4antibodies was first noticed in some kidney prepara-tions44. Thereafter, a systematic study on 178 humaninvasive breast tumors demonstrated than 49 % of those gave positive nuclear immunostainingusing two antibodies against the cytosolic region ofErbB4, whereas only < 5 % of the morphological nor-

384 Rev Oncol 2003;5(7):381-9 38

Fig. 2. EGF-dependent association of EGFR-GFP to the nucleoli. Serum-starved PAE/EGFR-GFP cells were maintained 4 h inthe presence of 37 nM leptomycin B (LmB). Thereafter, 10 nM EGF was added (where indicated) and incubated for the indica-ted times, fixed with 4 % paraformaldehyde, and observed by confocal microscopy as in figure 1, except that no zoom, andonly the x,y-mode was used. The arrows point to disperse fluorescent spots at the nucleus (30 min frame), and fluorescenceassociated to the nucleoli (1 h frame).

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mal breast epithelium adjacent to the tumor gave a po-sitive nuclear signal45. This method could therefore beused to better delineate the area of malignancy withina biopsy sample. Afterwards, it was shown that ErbB4is proteolitically processed upon HRG stimulation orprotein kinase C activation with phorbol esters. Thesequential proteolysis is carried out first by the meta-lloprotease TACE, releasing most of its ectodomain,and thereafter by γ-secretase, producing an intramem-brane cleavage that releases the cytosolic region of thereceptor that is translocated to the nucleus as demons-trated using two ErbB4cyt-GFP constructs46,47.The γ-secretase is a high molecular mass complexformed by the endoproteolyzed form of presenilin,responsible for its catalytic activity, plus nicastrin,APH-1 and PEN-2, three additional essential cofactorproteins48. Thus, presenilin inhibitors, or the expres-sion of a dominant negative presenilin mutant, pre-vent ErbB4 processing and the nuclear localization ofits cytoplasmic domain46,47. Moreover, the use of lep-tomycin B favors the nuclear localization of the cyto-plasmic domain of ErbB4, suggesting that this recep-tor segment shuttles between the nucleus and thecytoplasm46.


An unresolved problem is to determine how a full-length receptor, as it has been proposed to occur withthe EGFR35,39 and ErbB325, containing its highly hy-drophobic transmembrane segment, is able to under-go nuclear translocation through the nuclear pore viathe Ran/importin system. To explain the nucleartranslocation several putative mechanisms have beensuggested.In the first one, spliced variants lacking the trans-membrane domain, rather than the native molecule,could be the actual translocated species, although notnaturally occurring EGFR variants with these charac-teristics has yet been found14. Nevertheless, a specificVal to Glu point mutation in the transmembrane do-main of ErbB2, that changes its high hydrophobic cha-racter, has been found in a set of tumor cell lines con-taining activated ErbB249. Moreover, a recombinantEGFR lacking its transmembrane domain has beenshown to translocate to the nucleus in transfectedcells, but only when the wild type EGFR was co-trans-fected50. The second plausible proposed mechanismsuggests that the hydrophobicity of the transmembra-ne domain of the receptor could be masked by its inte-raction with a chaperone-like protein or other acces-sory protein(s)14,39. Finally, a direct fusion of theendosomal and nuclear membranes could occur39.Although these interesting speculations are worth tobe explored further, hard experimental evidence is ne-eded to assert the actual molecular mechanism featu-ring this puzzling translocation process.

In the case of ErbB4, however, the translocation of itscytosolic domain after the sequential proteolytic pro-cessing of the plasma membrane bound receptor ismore easy to envisage, as its transmembrane segmentis absent in the translocated species46. At present, it isnot known whether the full-length ErbB2, or only itscytosolic region, is the actual species translocated tothe nucleus.


Calmodulin has been implicated in the nuclear im-port machinery. So, it has been described the existen-ce of a calmodulin-stimulated GTP-independent nu-clear import system51. This transport pathwayappears to be operative when the cytosolic concentra-tion of free Ca2+ increases in stimulated cells, condi-tions in which the classical GTP-dependent transportsystem becomes inhibited51.A putative NLS in the EGFR has been proposed toexist in the cytosolic juxtamembrane region of the re-ceptor (residues 645-657)35,39, and identified as suchby fusing this polypeptidic segment with ß-galactosi-dase and observing its direct entry into the nucleus35.Interestingly, we have previously determined that theoverlapping sequence (residues 645-660) constitutesthe calmodulin-binding domain (CaM-BD) of theEGFR52,53, observation that has been confirmed by ot-hers54 (fig. 3). Calmodulin directly interacts with theEGFR modulating its tyrosine kinase activity52,55, andcalmodulin also intervenes in the sorting and recy-cling of internalized receptors56. We have proposed,

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Fig. 3. The calmodulin-binding domain of the EGFR coinci-des with its nuclear localization sequence. The cartoon re-presents the general structure of the EGFR in which theoverlapping sequences corresponding to the calmodulin-binding domain (CaM-BD)52-54, and the nuclear localizationsequence (NLS)35,39, located in the cytosolic juxtamembra-ne region (cJM) immediately following the transmembranedomain (TM), are indicated using the single-letter aminoacid code.



N CExtracelular IntracelularTM cJM

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therefore, that calmodulin could have an additionalrole regulating the nuclear translocation of the EGFR,perhaps occluding its NLS when this process is requi-red to be prevented57. In this context, it is worth tomention that nuclear translocation of the transcrip-tion factor c-Rel is prevented by its interaction withcalmodulin58.In the case of ErbB4, the motif KKKR (residues 656-659 of the mature receptor), also located in the cyto-solic juxtamembrane region, has been suggested toconstitute, among other possible motifs (PFVSRRKand PEKAKKA), a putative NLS45. This motif is wit-hin the proposed CaM-BD of ErbB4 (residues 651-666), as this domain has high homology with theCaM-BD of the EGFR53,57. This suggests that calmo-dulin could likewise be involved in the regulation ofthe translocation of the cytosolic segment of ErbB4into the nucleus.In contrast, and as discussed above, the NLS of ErbB3(RRRR motif) is not located in its cytosolic juxta-membrane region but in its C-terminus25. The calmo-dulin-binding capacity of ErbB3 has not yet been de-termined. However, although it cannot be excludedthat ErbB3 binds calmodulin, the ortholog region ofErbB3 corresponding to the CaM-BD of EGFR hasless homology than similar region in other ErbB fa-mily members53,57. This suggests that if the putativeCaM-BD of ErbB3 were inactive or greatly impaired,a different NLS could have been selected in the cour-se of evolution.


As discussed earlier27,28, the most obvious advantageof the translocation of ErbB receptors into the nu-cleus is that they can deliver specific signals avoidingthe promiscuity of common signaling pathways sha-red by other plasma membrane located receptors.Within the nucleus, it has been proposed14 that thereare four possible functional roles to be exerted byErbB receptors: a) transcriptional gene regulation; b)chromatin remodeling; c) phosphorylation of nuclearproteins; and d) RNAs processing, particularly at thenucleoli (fig. 4).The most exciting finding about the nuclear EGFR isthat it may acts as a transcription factor or a trans-criptional co-activator. Thus, nuclear EGFR binds invivo to (A+T)-rich consensus sequences in the pro-moter region of cyclin D1, a G1 cell-cycle regulator,and the C-terminal tail of the receptor containing aPRR motif is responsible for its transcriptional acti-vity35. As the whole cytosolic region of the EGFR hasa poor transcriptional activity as compared with its C-terminal end, it is possible that a negative regulatorysite present in its tyrosine kinase domain could beresponsible for the observed difference in transcrip-

tional power between different EGFR segments35. Al-ternatively, further intranuclear proteolytic proces-sing of the EGFR could release the C-terminal seg-ment with the highest transcriptional activity14.Nevertheless, as signal transducer and activator oftranscription (STAT) proteins bind to EGFR, it cannotbe excluded that nuclear co-translocation of anEGFR/STAT complex, or other EGFR/protein com-plexes, could be responsible for additional transcrip-tional events.The potential transcriptional role of nuclear ErbB2has also been documented43. Hence, the cytoplasmicdomain of ErbB2 fused to the DNA-binding domain ofGAL4 acts as a transcriptional activator in yeast andmammalian cells, and the C-terminal domain of thereceptor (residues 1075-1260) was shown to be res-ponsible of its transcriptional activity43. It has beenalso suggested that the ErbB4 cytoplasmic domain, ora segment of its C-terminal region released upon furt-her intranuclear proteolytic processing, may also in-tervene in gene transcription28,46.A sustained increase in tyrosine phosphorylation ofnuclear proteins upon EGF treatment, presumablycarried out at least in part by nuclear EGFR, has beendemonstrated in different cell lines, particularly at thenucleoli39,40, where their possible involvement in

386 Rev Oncol 2003;5(7):381-9 40

Fig. 4. Putative functional roles of ErbB receptors in the nu-cleus. A plasma membrane-located ErbB receptor(pmErbB) or its cytosolic domain, released upon sequen-tial proteolysis by the TACE/γ-secretase system (see text),are internalized and translocated to the nucleus by an unk-nown mechanism. As previously discussed14, the propo-sed functional roles of ErbB receptors located in the nu-cleus (nErbB) are depicted in a simplified manner: 1,Full-length and/or fragments of nErbB receptors could actas transcription factors or transcriptional co-activators. 2,nErbB receptors could arbitrate chromatin remodeling. 3,Activated nErbB receptors, perhaps with the concurrenceof their ligands, could phosphorylate nuclear proteins. 4,nErbB receptors associated to the nucleoli could regulatetranscription of rRNA genes, and/or modulate mRNAsand/or rRNAs processing.

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RNA processing has been suspected39. This agreeswith our observation on the association of EGFR-GFPto the nucleoli (fig. 2). In addition, it has been sugges-ted that phosphorylation events could regulate thetranscriptional activity of nuclear ErbB428.Interesting, the EGFR is able to phosphorylate calmo-dulin in the presence but not in the absence of a basicprotein cofactor, such as histones52,59,60. Although theuse of histones in our earlier in vitro phosphorylationexperiments was not considered to have a physiologi-cal meaning, the observed translocation of EGFR intothe nucleus has persuaded us to reconsider the possi-bility that calmodulin could be phosphorylated in in-tact cells by the nuclear receptor with the concurren-ce of histones61.Nuclear EGFR dephosphorylation could be carriedout by a few protein-tyrosine phosphatases located inthe nucleus, including the TC45 form of the T-cellprotein tyrosine phosphatase (TCPTP)62. TC45 exitsthe nucleus upon addition of EGF, and dephosphory-lates several cytosolic phosphoproteins and the mem-brane bound EGFR, resulting in its inactivation63. Ne-vertheless, this does not exclude that, additionally,nuclear TC45 could be involved in the dephosphory-lation of the EGFR located in the nucleus.Because the surface-restricted EGFR is fully mitoge-nic, it has been suggested that the nuclear receptorcould have an antimitogenic rather than a mitogenicfunction14,50. Likewise, this has also been suggestedfor the nuclear translocated cytosolic domain ofErbB428,29. Moreover, it has been proposed that diffe-rent ligands could potentially direct distinct functionsof the nuclear EGFR14.The translocation of ErbB receptors into the nucleusappears to be a reversible process, exiting to the cyto-plasm after their intranuclear functional roles are ac-complished. In this context, it is interesting to men-tion that three putative nuclear export signal (NES)consensus sequences have been identified in the cyto-solic domain of ErbB446. No information is yet availa-ble, however, on the occurrence of NES sequences inother ErbB receptors, although ErbB3 has beenshown to move from the nucleoplasm to the cyto-plasm in a HRGß1-dependent manner25.


Human tumor cells overexpressing ErbB receptorshave been targeted with specific anti-ErbB antibodiesand chemical tyrosine kinase inhibitors to block theirmalignant growth64-67. The realization that ErbB re-ceptors and their ligands are able to be translocatedto the nucleus open the possibility to develop newdrugs that could be used to specifically inhibit the nu-clear functions of these receptors27. Theoretically, itcould be possible to intervene at several points of the

nuclear cycle of ErbB receptors and/or their ligands,such as inhibiting their entry into or exit from the nu-cleus, or their intranuclear functions. In this context,a recent report shows that the nuclear translocationof [111In]EGF induces radiotoxicity on human breastcancer cells overexpressing EGFR, significantly inhi-biting its growth rate68. It is expected that an impor-tant research effort would be performed in this regardin the near future. Nevertheless, more detailed infor-mation about the submerge molecular mechanismsresponsible for the nuclear translocation process aswell as the actual functional roles of ErbB receptorsand their ligands at the nucleus, must be available tocredit the significance of these findings. If this iseventually accomplished, the successful developmentof therapeutic strategies of clinical relevance could beachieved.


Recently, another review describing the nuclear loca-lization and functions of tyrosine kinase receptors,with special emphasis on ErbB4, has appeared69.


The work in the authors laboratory was financed bygrants (to AV) from the Comisión Interministerial deCiencia y Tecnología (SAF2002-03258), the Consejeríade Educación de la Comunidad de Madrid(08.1/0027/2001-1), and the Agencia Española de Coo-peración Internacional (2002CN0013). The generoussupport of the Instituto Carlos III, Fondo de Investiga-ciones Sanitarias (RTICCC C03/10) is also acknowled-ged. We thank Dr. Carlos Enrich (Universitat de Barce-lona) for the generous gift of PAE/EGFR-GFP cells.


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