Translation III ENGL 4342 Dr. Mosheer Amer September 2012.

Translation III ENGL 4342 Dr. Mosheer Amer September 2012


Course grades will be determined roughly according to the following distribution: Translation Project ( words) ……. 20% Midterm Exam ………………………………..………. 20 % Participation and attendance …………….……. 10 % Final Exam ………………………………………………. 50% Course Assessment

Transcript of Translation III ENGL 4342 Dr. Mosheer Amer September 2012.

Page 1: Translation III ENGL 4342 Dr. Mosheer Amer September 2012.

Translation IIIENGL 4342

Dr. Mosheer Amer

September 2012

Page 2: Translation III ENGL 4342 Dr. Mosheer Amer September 2012.

To practice translating and interpreting texts into Arabic and English.

To develop translation and interpreting skills used in translating a variety of Arabic and English texts drawn from a variety of common text types.

To be familiar with stylistic features and technical and descriptive terms of various texts types including media, legal, political, medical, literary, academic and religious texts.

To use different strategies and conventions when dealing with different types of texts.

Course Objectives

Page 3: Translation III ENGL 4342 Dr. Mosheer Amer September 2012.

Course grades will be determined roughly according to the following distribution:

•Translation Project (2000-2500 words) ……. 20% •Midterm Exam ………………………………..………. 20 %•Participation and attendance …………….……. 10 % •Final Exam ………………………………………………. 50%

Course Assessment

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What is Translation?

• It is a process of transferring meaning from one language to another. The function of translation is to serve as a cross-cultural inter-lingual communication vehicle. It has flourished as a result of the expansion of international trade, increased migration and expansion of mass media and communication.

• Translating consists of reproducing, in the target language, the nearest equivalent to the message in the source language, in the first place in the semantic aspect and, in the second place, in the stylistic aspect.

• To a great extent, the quality of translation will depend on the quality of the translator, i.e. on her/his knowledge, skills, training, cultural background, expertise, and even mood

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A 37-year-old woman was killed and two children suffered head injuries in a car accident at 6:55p.m. last night. The accident involved a small Japanese car and a big truck which an eye-witness said was moving too fast in the crowded street at the intersection of Al-Ansar and Umaya streets.

Police officer, Ahmed Ali, told our correspondent in a telephone conversation that the truck driver had been detained pending the completion of the investigation into the real causes of the accident.

عمره�ا امرأ�ة الص�در 73قتل�ت ف�ي بالغ�ة بإص�ابات شخص�ان وأص�يب عام�اص�غيرة تويوت�ا س�يارة اص�طدام عن�د ام�س مس�اء وق�ع مروري حادث نتيج�ةتقاط�ع عن�د الضي�ق الشارع ف�ي ك�بيرة بس�رعة تس�ير كان�ت ك�بيرة بشاحن�ة

. وأمية النصر شارعيقد الشاحنة سائق بان لمراس�لنا علي، أحمد ، الضاب�ط أفاد وقدينته��ي أ��ن ال��ى للس��يارة قيادت��ه س��رعة بس��بب احتجازه ت��م

. للحادث الحقيقية األسباب في التحقيق

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رج�ل عل�ى المدين�ة وس�ط ف�ي ام�س مس�اء القب�ض Iلق�ي أاعمال بعدة قام بانه Iشك ي العمر من والثالثين الثامنة في . اعرب وق��د المدينة م��ن الغربي��ة الضاحي��ة ف��ي س��رقةتل�ك تنع�م ان ف�ي االم�ل ع�ن الشرط�ة ب�ه ادل�ت تص�ريح . نتائ�ج وس�تكون والهدوء� باألم�ن فص�اعدا االن م�ن الضاحي�ةاليومي���ن خالل العام النائ���ب مكت���ب عل���ى التحقي���قب�ه المشتب�ه ع�ن اخرى معلومات اي�ة Iعطَ� ت ول�م القادمي�ن،

. العشاء طعام يتناول كان بينما عليه القبض Iلقي ا الذيA 83-year old person, suspected of carrying out acts of vandalism, rape and robbery in the eastern neighborhood of the city, was arrested last Saturday in the city centre area. The police spokesman hoped that, from now on, the community would be able to live in peace and calm. The results of the investigation will be at the Prosecutor General's desk tomorrow. Some information will be given later about the suspect who was arrested as he was taking his lunch.

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هن��ا؟ يجري هذا وك��ل الرئي��س يفع��ل وماذا . ف�ي وهناك هن�ا يطوف يفعل ماذا س�أخبركمم�ا - ه�و هذا حس�ابنا عل�ى الفاره�ة س�يارتهم��ع الحدي��ث أطراف يتجاذب أن��ه أ��و يعني��ه،

. للجميل نكراننا مدى حول الوزراء زمالئه

What is the President doing while all this is happening? I'll tell you what he's doing. Driving around in his flash car at our expense - that's what matters to him, or chatting with his cabinet friends about how ungrateful we are.

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مفهوم • تغي����ر والعشري����ن الواح����د القرن ف����ي . " "ً موجودا ظ��ل نفس��ه االس��تغالل ولك��ن االس��تغاللنفس�ها عل�ى الحفاظ تحاول الرأس�مالية فالمجتمعاتالناس تشج�ع فه�ي ولذل�ك الجش�ع، عل�ى قائ�م بنظامف�ي مس�تهلكون أنفس�هم ه�م أنه�م عل�ى التفكي�ر عل�ى

. استهالكي مجتمع في يعيشون األساس

• In the Twenty-first Century the concept of "exploitation" has changed but exploitation itself remains. Capitalist societies now try to maintain themselves with a system based on greed, and so encourage people to think of themselves as basically consumers living in a consumer society.

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البالد ف�ي مدرس�ة لك�ل تعليمات المعلمي�ن اتحاد أرس�لالذي��ن التالمي��ذ مس��اعدة به��ا يمك��ن الت��ي الطرق حول . م��ن العدي��د قام��ت كم��ا النفس��ية للضغوط يتعرضونحول النص���ائح بإص���دار البالد ف���ي التعليمي���ة االداراتأل�ي. التفص�يلي التنفي�ذ س�يترك منهم�ا كال ان غي�ر االمر

. ذاتها للمدارس القبيل هذا من سياسةThe Teachers' Union has sent guidelines to every school in the country about ways which can be used to support students under stress. A number of educational authorities in the country have already issued their own advice. Each of them, however, will leave the detailed implementation of any policy to the schools themselves.

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ز�يارة • ف��ي مص��ري برلمان��ي وف��د أم��س� غادر�تأزم من��ذ نوعه��ا م��ن االول��ى ه��ي ايران إل��ىمن���ذ البلدي���ن بي���ن الدبلوماس���ية العالقاتب��ه ص��رح م��ا حس��ب وذل��ك عام��ا عشري��ن . م��ن الوف��د ويتكون المطار ف��ي مس��ؤولونمنظم��ة اجتماع يحضرون س��وف أعضاء ثالث��ة . انشاء ال�ى الزيارة وتهدف االس�المي المؤتم�ر . الزيارة وس��تستمر اس��المي برلمان��ي اتحاد

. أيام لعدة

• An Egyptian parliamentary delegation flew to Iran yesterday for the first visit of its kind since diplomatic relations between the two countries were severed 20 years ago, airport officials said. The three-man delegation will attend a meeting of the Organization of the Islamic Conference aimed at creating an Islamic parliamentary union and spend several days in Iran.

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: وال المواطن حقوق ال لبنان� فلسطينيواألجنبي امتيازات

اللبنان����ي القانون عل����ى األخيرة التعديالت تمن����حالخاص القطاع ف��ي عم��ل تص��اريح الفلس��طينيينوتشك�ل االجتماعي�ة، الرعاي�ة مزاي�ا بع�ض� إل�ى باإلضاف�ةاألم�م لوكال�ة وفقاً الص�حيح، االتجاه ف�ي مهم�ة خطوةا�لفلس���طينيي�ن الالجئي���ن وتشغي���ل لغوث المتحدة

." االونروا"THE PALESTINIANS IN LEBANON: NO CITIZEN'S RIGHTS, NO FOREIGN WORKERS' ENTITLEMENTS The recent amendments of the Lebanese Labour Law grant the Palestinians work permits in the private sector in addition to some social welfare benefits, all of which stand as a step in the right direction, according to UNRWA.

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إ�ن يقولون الفلس�طينيين م�ن العدي�د أ�ن غي�ر. يتأملون كانوا ما إلى ترقى ال التعديالت هذه

 عل�ى للفلس�طينيين األس�اسي المأخ�ذ أ�ن غي�رعم�ل حظ�ر اس�تمرار ف�ي يتمث�ل الخطوة هذهالط���ب مث���ل مه���ن ف���ي الفلس���طينيين�العقارات وإدارة والقانون والهندس������������ة

والمحاسبة.But many Palestinians charged these amendments are less than what they hoped for. To the Palestinians, the main shortcoming these amendments have is that they are still denied work in professions such as medicine, engineering, law, real estate and accounting.