Transition For Success



A modulated development programme aimed at helping individuals and businesses through the phase of retirement and transition.

Transcript of Transition For Success


The aim of retirement planning for the individual is to consider the changes that take place at this

important time of life and how they can be managed in a positive way. Our framework is

modulated to ensure that each person gets exactly what they need from our courses, because

after all everyone is unique. We work with people at all stages of the journey:

Life Option Planning

Looking at the many options available

such as:

• Employment

• Enterprise

• Volunteering

• Further education

Financing Futures

Looking at the issues surrounding finances in


• Cash & financial planning

• Lump sum and investments: the Risk Pyramid

• Wills and Lasting Power of Attorney

• Equity Release

• Taxation of Income and Assets

Transferrable skills

Understanding your personal

strengths, skills and values

and how these can be

transferred to make a success

of your next phase of life/


Creating your future history

How to set goals, achieve ambitions

and be a success.

Supporting transition

Ongoing coaching and development

plans for individuals.


• Before the decision to retire is made;

• During the process of making the decision;

• During the process of retiring;

• Once retirement has happened we give

continued support.

Encore Living is a brand of Vision Republic


Healthy mind, Healthy body

How keeping motivated and

having a positive outlook can

also have significant physical

health benefits.

The aim of retirement planning for the business is to consider the changes and impact that

retiring management/owners/staff members has upon the organisation. Our framework is

modulated to ensure that each business gets exactly what they need from our involvement

because the situations differ from business to business.

Financial Implications

How to prepare the business for the

financial challenges, changes and

opportunities that often arise from

retiring staff members.

Succession Planning

Looking at the skills and personnel gap(s) left by

those retiring and how the organisation can plan

and respond to those changes.

Maintaining motivation

How to guide employees

through difficult transitional


Existing asset realisation

Assessing the value in terms of hard

and soft assets and being realistic

about expectations.

Managing expectations

Managing the exit process and

ongoing plans for the future.



The timing and the way you retire can affect the value both yourself and any other shareholders might

receive from the business. If you’re selling the business on, you’ll need to decide how you want to receive

payment for it. Sometimes, for example, you will simply receive a one-off cash lump sum for the sale.

However, you may prefer staged payments or, perhaps, defer payments for a while if you don’t wish to

take advantage of the sale immediately. You might also be considering maintaining some kind of

involvement in the business in a greatly reduced capacity and the way you exit can sometimes affect your

tax liabilities.

Whatever you decide to do, you should seek professional advice about how best to exit the business when

you retire as doing it correctly and appropriately will ensure both yours and the business’ future success

unless you’re planning to wind it up when you retire.