Transit Reliability & Access to Transit - A Cross-City Comparison


Transcript of Transit Reliability & Access to Transit - A Cross-City Comparison

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5 April 2012

Jason White

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Jason White


There are a number of transit performance measures that are used to determine the reliability of a

particular transit system. While many agencies are tempted to view reliability from an agency’s

perspective (OC Transpo, 2010), others define it from the user’s perspective (Translink, 2004).

Generally speaking, the agency perspective can be very introspective, but may miss the bigger

picture: near-perfect on-time performance on a poorly designed system may still result in poor

travel time reliability for the user. Guidelines for the measurement of transit service quality and

reliability generally focus on the user (Transit Cooperative Research Program, 2003).

Transit reliability affects not only the total amount of time spent in transit, but also the amount of

time spent waiting at a stop (Watkins & Rutherford, 2011). Unreliable service will force many users

to arrive at their initial stop earlier, wait longer, and suffer inconsistent arrival times at their

destination. This may have the unfortunate consequence of causing many people to stop

considering transit as a viable transportation method.

This paper will explore some of the identified factors influencing transit reliability, including transit

stop density and system coverage, and present a novel comparative analysis of transit stop location

data for 10 major Canadian transit systems.


According to the Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual (TCQSM) (Transit Cooperative

Research Program, 2003), the following factors have been identified as affecting transit reliability:

• vehicle and maintenance quality;

• vehicle and staff availability;

• operator driving skills;

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• schedule achievability;

• route length; and

• number of stops.

These factors are under the control or influence of the transit service provider. Indeed, many of

them are enumerated in service quality guidelines for many transit agencies (OC Transpo, 2010),

(Translink, 2004). The first three of these factors relate to the management of the fleet and staff of

the transit agency, and can only be adjusted over the long term, and likely at significant expense.

The last three factors are a function of the service definition, and can be adjusted in a relatively

short time span, and at a relatively low cost.

In 2010, a study by El-Geneidy et al. studied the effects of a variety of potential factors on run time,

run time deviation, and headway deviation using Automated Vehicular Location (AVL) data from

Metro Transit in Minneapolis, Minnesota (El-Geneidy A. M., 2011). The most influential factors

having a negative impact on run time deviation included direction, peak times of day, ramp usage,

and the number of stops.

The first of these three factors are, for the most part, beyond the influence of the transit agency.

Service must be provided in all directions and during peak hours, and some passengers will require

the use of ramps. The number of stops however, is both a significant factor and within the agency’s

control. This study showed that for each scheduled stop, run time deviation rose 0.9%, and for each

actual stop made, run time deviation rose 1.0%.

A case study by Mazloumi et al. also sought to identify the factors influencing travel time reliability

(Mazloumi, 2008). They found that the three factors having the most negative influence on travel

time reliability were route segment length, number of traffic signals, and number of scheduled

stops. They concluded that each additional kilometre of route length increased travel time

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variability by 17%, and each additional stop per kilometre of route increased variability by nearly


These studies use AVL data to show the effects at a vehicular level, but not the influence felt by a

rider. Riders often are forced to transfer one or more times to reach their destination. If a transit

user has a 5-minute transfer window to make a connection to another route operating with a 20

minute headway, the effect of a 6 minute delay on the first vehicle is a 20 minute delay in their

expected arrival time. Therefore, travel time reliability at the vehicular level can have a magnified

effect on the transit user.


Each additional stop along a transit route has been shown to increase travel time variability at the

vehicular level. This would suggest that optimal stop placement, and potentially stop consolidation,

would have a positive effect on transit reliability. Taken to the extreme, this would lead to transit

systems with routes of two stops: a beginning and an end.

However, transit reliability is not the only important factor; it must be balanced with other issues,

including availability and pedestrian access. It is an industry standard that transit users should be

required to walk to more than 400 m from their place of residence or work to a transit stop, or

800m to a railway or busway station (Transit Cooperative Research Program, 2003). These

distances correspond to approximately 5- and 10-minute walks, at a brisk walking speed of 5 km/h.

These standards set a lower bound on the number of stops along a route. Proper stop spacing will

involve balancing between having too many stops, leading to reduced on-time performance and a

poor perception of transit reliability, and too few stops, leading to poor utilization and access.

Many transit service providers in Canada publish accessibility guidelines and standards to which

they attempt to adhere. A list of some representative guidelines is presented below.

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Transit Agency Stated Goals Reference

OC Transpo 95% of Urban Transit Area

households & workplaces

within 5-minute walk

(OC Transpo, 2010)

Calgary Transit 400 m walking distance (Calgary Transit, 2009)

Edmonton Transit System 400 m walking distance


(City of Edmonton, 2009)

Translink 90% of all residents in areas

with >= 15 residents per

hectare within 450 m of stop

Minimum stop spacing on bus

routes: 250 m

(Translink, 2004)

Table 1 - Transit Stop Placement Standards

Within these guidelines, only one defines both minimum walking distance and minimum stop

spacing. These contradictory guidelines reflect the contradictory effects of transit stops on system

performance: increasing the number of stops sacrifices reliability for accessibility, and vice versa.

Without this second, opposing guideline, transit agencies may be unable to withstand the public

pressure of increasing the availability of the transit system, at the expense of travel time reliability.

The TCQSM defines a technique for determining transit coverage at a system level (Transit

Cooperative Research Program, 2003). Their methodology can be used at the route or system level,

and can be summarized as:

1. Define the Transit Supportive Areas (TSAs)

2. Draw 400 m and 800 m buffers around each transit stop and station, respectively

3. Measure the total area within both a buffer and TSA

4. Divide this area by the total area of all TSAs

In defining the concept of a TSA, the TCQSM relies on earlier research by Pushkarev and Zupan. This

book analyzed the supply-side and demand-side characteristics of transit agencies, particularly in

the Tri-State area (Pushkarev & Zupan, 1977). Using a particular finding indicating the minimum

population density required to support bus service with a 60 minute headway, the TCQSM defines a

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TSA as an area having greater than 4.5 households per net acre. This is approximated as 3.0

households per gross acre, or 7.5 units per gross hectare.

However, the empirical data used in Pushkarev and Zupan is limited, due to the early nature of the

work, and it is by now severely out of date. The transit cost estimates, pricing structures, municipal

funding levels, environmental attitudes of the public, fuel prices, and automobile ownership costs

have all significantly changed since publication, not to mention the availability of data and raw

computing power, and the analysis is overdue to be refreshed.

El-Geneidy et al. (El-Geneidy A. M., 2010) provided a fresh look at these maximum allowable

walking distances currently used throughout industry. Using detailed customer surveys and transit

data from the Montreal transit authorities, El-Geneidy found the 85th percentile of distance walked

was approximately 600 m, considerably more than the 400 m standard. They also found there were

a number of factors affecting the maximum walking distance, some of which are under the agency’s

control, and recommended this distance not be simply treated as a given static number.

Foda and Osman examined the apparent contradiction between the stated goal of transit stop

accessibility (5 minutes walking distance or less), and the methodology used to assess this goal

(400 m aerial distance or less) (Foda & Osman, 2010). They examined the transit system access for

a portion of the city of Alexandria, Egypt, and found that a simple buffer-based analysis, as outlined

in the TCQSM, overstated the total coverage, as measured by street kilometres, by 51%. The TCQSM

does note this contradiction, and proposes the use of a corrective factor for use with various street

layout architectures.

A paper by Murray and Wu proposes a methodology for determining optimal stop placement

(Murray & Wu, Accessibility tradeoffs in public transit planning, 2003). Given a set number of stop

pairs that are to be maintained, the distance that transit users must walk is weighted by location

demand, and the result is minimized using the Distance Constrained p-Median Problem (DCPMP).

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This approach provides theoretical background to what has been done manually by transit agencies

for decades, but does not give any measure of service coverage redundancy.

A measure of service coverage redundancy was given in an earlier paper (Murray, Strategic analysis

of public transport coverage, 2001). Using a Location Set Covering Problem approach, Murray

found that, in Brisbane, Australia, approximately 84.5% of all stops did not provide additional

coverage area as defined by the 400 m aerial distance standard. The paper noted that in some areas,

a higher density of stop coverage may be warranted depending on demand, a claim backed up by

El-Geneidy (El-Geneidy A. M., 2010).

Some of the questions that arise from an examination of this research, and that this paper will

attempt to address, include:

• Is the 400 m walking distance standard being met in today’s transit agencies?

• Is the 400 m standard an appropriate distance?

• Can we identify areas suitable for stop consolidation or other transit system rearchitecture,

to better optimize transit reliability versus accessibility?

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Insights into vehicular travel time are growing easier, particularly as the complementary trends of

Automated Vehicle Location (AVL) technology and Open Data policy adoption are accelerating with

municipal transit authorities. AVL enables both real-time reporting and archived analysis of public

transit service at the stop, run, route, and system levels. In the last 10 years, North American transit

agencies using AVL technology have tripled (American Public Transportation Association , 2011),

and several large municipal governments in Canada have adopted Open Data policies, enabling

unfettered, even real-time access to this data.

This paper aims to provide a comparative view of the relative transit coverage of 10 of the largest

Canadian transit agencies. In so doing, it will compare the transit coverage of each system to each

other and, where possible, to their stated goals, using a methodology adapted from the TCQSM.

Finally, this study will provide a relative measure of redundancy for each system, in an effort to

quantify the amount of potential stop consolidation.


Transit-supportive areas (TSAs), or the regions capable of supporting a minimum of 60-minute

service, were defined as regions with a residential population density greater than 7.5 households

per gross hectare (Transit Cooperative Research Program, 2003). This paper is limited to the

service coverage of residential areas supportive of transit, and does not include areas that could be

included due to a sufficient employment density.

For regular stops, the definition of the service coverage area was defined as 400 m walking

distance, using the pedestrian-accessible road network. The 400 m Euclidean distance used in the

TCQSM is, by necessity, an overestimation of the actual coverage area, if 400 m walking distance is

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assumed. Since this is in fact the standard most agencies use, the Euclidean distance was not used.

For stations, the service coverage area was defined as 800 m, similar to the TCQSM.

The transit agencies included in this study were selected from the largest municipalities in Canada

by population (Statistics Canada, 2012). Only those agencies providing their public transit

information freely were included in this study. The agencies included were:

• OC Transpo (Ottawa, ON)

• Toronto Transit Commission (Toronto, ON)

• Calgary Transit (Calgary, AB)

• Edmonton Transit System (Edmonton, AB)

• Winnipeg Transit (Winnipeg, MB)

• Translink (Vancouver, BC)

• Hamilton Street Railway (Hamilton, ON)

• Reséau de Transport de la Capitale (Québec, QC)

• Société de Transport de Laval (Laval, QC)

• Halifax Metro Transit (Halifax, NS)


Complete road networks for the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Québec,

and Nova Scotia were downloaded from GeoBase. This data is provided free of charge by the

Canadian government.

Census information from the 2011 Canadian Census was downloaded, at the Dissemination Block

level (Statistics Canada, 2012). This data provides basic population and household counts, typically

in a geographical boundary including only a few dozen to a few hundred households. The

cartographic boundary file, defining a geospatial boundary for each Dissemination Block while

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excluding inland waters, was also downloaded (Statistics Canada, 2011). These files are also

provided free of charge by the Canadian government under the Statistics Canada Open License


Each of the 10 transit agencies in this study provided their transit data freely to the public on their

web sites. These data files, each in the General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) format, provide

detailed schedule information for each agency. For this study, only the geospatial coordinates of the

stops were used. No analysis was undertaken to ensure the stops were in active use.


All analysis and reporting was done on a common Windows 7 PC, using SQL Server 2008 R2 and

SQL Server Report Builder 3.0. Custom importation, compilation, and analysis applications were

developed using C#.NET 4.0 in Visual Studio 2010.

A custom application was written to read the appropriate information from the geospatial GML

files, extract the relevant information, including road segment identifiers, names, and geospatial

data, and upload this data to a single database.

The application was modified to import the cartographic boundary file for the census

Dissemination Blocks into the same database. The population, dwelling counts, and other

information were also imported from a standard CSV file into the database.

Finally, the stop data, including geospatial coordinates, was imported from each GTFS file into the

same database.


A custom application was developed to calculate the coverage of each stop, for each agency. The

algorithm followed is best described using an example. In this example, the dot represents a single

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stop, while the arrows represent pedestrian-accessible street segments. Segments have a start

point and end point, represented by the arrow. Segments may consist of multiple straight sub-

segments, but end at all intersections. The numbers represent the relative length of the street


First, the stop is projected onto the nearest street segment. This is necessary since the street data

represents the course of the street centre, and does not include its width. As a result, the stop

coordinates rarely, if ever, lie directly on the street line. This stop point may occur in the middle of a

line segment, or at a corner between two sub-segments. The minimum distance to the street

segment is calculated; in this case it is 0.2. This distance is added to the minimum walking distance

from the projected point to both the beginning and end of this street segment, providing a walking

distance from the stop to the startpoint and endpoint, respectively.

For each endpoint of this segment, a recursive algorithm is then followed to identify all the street

segments or portions of street segments within the defined maximum walking range. The output of

this algorithm on the above example is given below.

Segment StartDistance EndDistance

A 2.7 1.2

B 2.7 3.2

C 1.2 3.2

D 4.2 2.7 Table 2 - Results of Coverage Calculation

This algorithm was run for each transit agency, and the aggregated coverage data for all combined

stops were then stored in the database for inspection and analysis.

Figure 1 - Example Street Layout

1 2.5

4 2

1.5 0.2

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The potential for over-estimation of service coverage using the traditional buffer-based method, as

described in the TCQSM, is significant. By ignoring the physical layout of the pedestrian-accessible

road network, including barriers such as highways and buildings, the traditional buffering-based

method of calculating the total area has the potential to identify large areas that are not within

range of transit as having suitable coverage, or even redundant coverage. Therefore, this issue must

be resolved before identifying areas potentially suitable for stop consolidation.

Instead of comparing service areas, as in the TCQSM, we compare street lengths. Since residents

typically reside at or near a street, this gives us an equivalent measure. Using the service coverage

for OC Transpo in Ottawa, we find that a total of 1642 km of streets are within walking distance of a

stop. If, however, we use the traditional buffer-based analysis, the length is 2163 km, or an

overestimation of nearly 32%. As in Foda et al., the overestimation is both expected and significant,

but the values are quite different. This may be due to differences in the nature of the street layouts

studied, or perhaps due to a difference in methodology.

We can visualize this effect most clearly with the use of a specific example. In Figure 2 below, we

see the pedestrian-accessible streets of census tract 5050044.00, in Ottawa. The green circles

represent Euclidean buffers of 400 m around bus stops, and the red circles represent buffers of

800m around bus stations. Figure 3 shows the same tract, but with only those portions of streets

within the defined walking distance of transit stops or stations.

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Figure 2 - Street Network with Stop Buffers

Figure 3 - Covered Street Network with Stop Buffers

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In Figure 3 above, the circles representing the stops and stations remain, but the street segments

not within the defined walking distance of a stop or station have been removed. In particular, the

417 highway bordering the tract on the southeast corner has restricted pedestrian access from

street segments that are within 400 m of a bus stop located on the other side of the highway.

Using this defined methodology, the service coverage of each system was performed at the

Dissemination Block level. The results are summarized below.

Transit Agency City % Coverage of TSAs

OC Transpo Ottawa, ON 83.3%

Toronto Transit Commission Toronto, ON 74.6%

Calgary Transit Calgary, AB 77.1%

Edmonton Transit System Edmonton, AB 86.4%

Winnipeg Transit Winnipeg, MB 77.8%

Translink Vancouver, BC 63.2%

Hamilton Street Railway Hamilton, ON 74.8%

Reséau de Transport de la Capitale Québec, QC 82.6%

Société de Transport de Laval Laval, QC 80.1%

Halifax Metro Transit Halifax, NS 79.1% Table 3 - % TSA Coverage by Agency

The detailed results for each transit agency were then plotted, using a dark-to-light colour scheme

to represent poor to full transit coverage for each Dissemination Area, which are one hierarchy

level above Dissemination Blocks. These maps provide highly local insights into both the demand

for transit and the transit coverage provided, and are found in the Appendix of this paper.

Most transit agencies studied here seem to agree, at least on paper, with the 400 m walking

distance maximum that has become an industry standard. However, we see that only Edmonton

appears to approach this standard. This suggests that transit agencies may be overestimating or

overstating their level of service coverage.

The results for Translink are particularly surprising. Translink’s service standards, updated in

2004, vary slightly from the standard used for this study, but not significantly. They define a TSA as

an area with a minimum of 15 residents per hectare, which is actually a lower population density

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than the 7.5 dwellings per hectare minimum standard used in this study, given the 2.6 residents per

household shown by 2006 Census data for Vancouver (Statistics Canada, 2010).

For example, OC Transpo claims to meet its goal of 95% (OC Transpo, 2010). If the everyday

experiences of transit users do not line up with expectations set by the transit agencies, this could

result in disappointment and distrust of the agency’s claims by the public. While OC Transpo had a

higher coverage than average in this comparison, it does not approach the 95% figure as claimed.

These results also show that the 400 m standard, while not being met, may not be an appropriate

standard in the first place. As shown by El-Geneidy et al., it appears that many transit users appear

to be comfortable with walking distances greater than 400 m, as this is not a standard being as

widely met as many have assumed. This is an area worth further study.

As an alternative to this area- or length- based analysis using TSA data only, we can examine each

transit area in its entirety, using a “percent population” analysis instead. With this methodology, we

use lengths of covered street segments in all Dissemination Blocks, regardless of population

density, but weighted by the population of the block. This measure emphasizes efficiencies realized

by ensuring high coverage of densely populated areas.

Transit Agency City % Coverage by Population

OC Transpo Ottawa, ON 77.4%

Toronto Transit Commission Toronto, ON 80.3%

Calgary Transit Calgary, AB 77.0%

Edmonton Transit System Edmonton, AB 86.6%

Winnipeg Transit Winnipeg, MB 70.4%

Translink Vancouver, BC 67.0%

Hamilton Street Railway Hamilton, ON 71.3%

Reséau de Transport de la Capitale Québec, QC 81.1%

Société de Transport de Laval Laval, QC 79.1%

Halifax Metro Transit Halifax, NS 60.6% Table 4 - % Population Coverage by Agency

The most notable result from this approach is the precipitous decline in the coverage of Halifax

Metro Transit, using this measure as compared to the TSA-based approach. The significant drop,

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from 79.1% to 60.6%, is not shown by the other transit agencies in this study. This may show that

Halifax Metro Transit has a higher priority for coverage of areas of lower population density than

found elsewhere, such as in suburbs or rural areas. Halifax Metro Transit may be overemphasizing

suburban coverage at the expense of urban coverage, and may have opportunities for consolidation

in the suburban areas.

Finally, in an attempt to provide a relative measure of coverage efficiency or redundancy, we can

calculate the minimum number of stops that would be required to provide the same total area

within TSAs in each region.

To begin, we have the total length of streets or street portions within walking distance of a transit

stop, as well as the total length of all streets, contained within each Dissemination Block. By

multiplying the quotient of these two lengths by the area of the Dissemination Block, we obtain an

approximation of the area required to provide the requisite coverage.

Then, we divide this total required area with the area covered by a single stop, approximated by a

single cell in a hexagonal tessellation, each hexagon having a side length of 400 m. This is done to

approximate the minimal overlap required to ensure 100% coverage of a larger area by a set of

circles. This minimum number of stops is compared to the actual number of stops, and divided to

calculate an aerial efficiency.

Agency City Coverage Area (km2)

Minimum # Stops

Actual # Stops

Stop Efficiency

OC Transpo Ottawa, ON 122.9 592 6078 9.7%

Toronto Transit Commission Toronto, ON 256.9 1237 10957 11.3%

Calgary Transit Calgary, AB 172.1 829 5753 14.4%

Edmonton Transit System Edmonton, AB 131.0 631 6059 10.4%

Winnipeg Transit Winnipeg, MB 102.4 493 5045 9.8%

Translink Vancouver, BC 237.6 1144 8714 13.1%

Hamilton Street Railway Hamilton, ON 62.7 302 2356 12.8%

Reséau de Transport de la Capitale Québec, QC 85.5 412 4574 9.0%

Société de Transport de Laval Laval, QC 61.7 297 2734 10.9%

Halifax Metro Transit Halifax, NS 42.3 204 2404 8.4% Table 5 - Stop Efficiency by Agency

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These efficiency calculations are purely theoretical, naturally, and are largely affected by street

layouts, population densities, and traffic patterns, all of which are outside the control of a transit

provider. They do, however, provide a comparative basis to compare the relative spatial efficiency

of each transit provider’s access coverage.

Using these results, we see that Halifax Metro Transit has the lowest stop efficiency of the 10

agencies studied. This aligns well with the earlier observation that the urban population was not

being efficiently served, and there is some potential for stop consolidation or route reconfiguration

in the suburban areas.

Vancouver’s Translink has a relatively high efficiency rating here, which is consistent with the

earlier finding that Translink had the lowest stop coverage, despite their official high standards.

Less coverage leads to less overlap between stops, which naturally leads to higher stop efficiency.

As compared to the other transit systems, Translink does not appear to be a good candidate for stop

consolidation, at least not from this system-level view.

Calgary Transit’s stop efficiency is surprisingly high, given the average performance seen in the

earlier coverage indicators. This may be reflective of the particular population density patterns

seen in Calgary, or it could be due to a location-optimal design on the part of the transit planners

there. On the other hand, this study did not consider employment-intensive regions of the cities, so

it could be to an over-representation of residential transit service over employment-based service.

Additional research in this area is warranted.

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As expected, for each city in this analysis with a stated transit stop coverage goal, the goal far

exceeded the resultant coverage. When comparing Euclidean versus walking distance coverage, this

study found a significant level of overestimation in Ottawa, 32%, as was also found in Alexandria by

Foda & Osman. This is an intuitive result, but the size of the overestimation is important, and the

discrepancy between the two studies has not been fully explored.

Further, with the exception of Vacouver’s Translink, each city in the analysis had similar levels of

stop coverage. That is, each city had similarly “poor” coverage, roughly in the 75% to 85% range,

when claims of 95% are being made. This suggests that the current level of coverage in most cities

is, in fact, sufficient, and 400 m is not the correct walking distance to be used. Selection of a more

appropriate walking distance, coupled with correct measurement of said distance, could lead to a

more optimal stop placement analysis.

The cross-agency comparison leads to some interesting findings. Translink appears to have made

different choices than other agencies in the study with regards its priorities involving stop

coverage, funding, and route efficiencies. Further analysis is warranted to determine the effects of

these choices on the perceptions of transit reliability and quality of service by the residents.

Also, Halifax Metro Agency has average coverage of its TSAs, but does significantly poorer when all

areas are considered, weighted by population. This shows there are significant sections of the

population that are currently underserved by access to transit, using the 400 m standard. There is

insufficient information in this analysis to determine the cause of this low service standard, but it is

cause for further investigation.

Finally, the stop efficiency comparison shows there are remarkably different situations between

Halifax Metro Agency and Calgary Transit, even though both scored comparably even on the initial

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stop coverage measure. Calgary Transit has a clearly higher stop efficiency measure, which would

lead to higher transit time reliability for a similar level of stop coverage. This is worth further

investigation to determine the cause of Calgary Transit’s stop efficiency measure, for the benefit of

the other transit agencies in the study.

In conclusion, we can see that the 400 m walking distance standard often found throughout the

transit industry is not currently being met. Instead, most agencies appear to be approximating this

with a 400 m aerial distance. Since there is no logical reason to base accessibility standards on

aerial distances when the overestimation of accessibility as a result of this standard is so high, one

must assume that as a network design parameter, it is likely suboptimal. As found in other studies,

this design characteristic of modern transit systems needs to be rethought.

The proposed methodology for identifying areas suitable for stop consolidation or system

rearchitecture remains a proposal, with no confirmation from this study. However, it appears to be

largely consistent with the earlier, more recognized findings, and is deserving of further


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Figure 4 - OC Transpo Stop Coverage

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Figure 5 - Toronto Transit Commission Stop Coverage

Figure 6 - Calgary Transit Stop Coverage

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Figure 7 - Edmonton Transit System Stop Coverage

Figure 8 - Winnipeg Transit Stop Coverage

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Figure 9 - Translink Stop Coverage

Figure 10 - Hamilton Street Railway Stop Coverage

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Figure 11 - Réseau de transport de la Capitale Stop Coverage

Figure 12 - Société de transport de Laval Stop Coverage

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Figure 13 - Halifax Metro Transit Stop Coverage

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BIBLIOGRAPHY American Public Transportation Association . (2011, April). 2011 Public Transportation Fact Book.

Retrieved March 18, 2012, from

Base Mapping & Cadastre, GeoBC, British Columbia, Canada. (2011, March 31). National Road

Network British Columbia (BC), Edition 8.0. Retrieved March 2012, from Geobase:

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