Transfer or Rollover Request - Voya for Professionals · instructions order 0 mutual fund custodial...

Instructions Order #154195 12/11/2017 MUTUAL FUND CUSTODIAL ACCOUNT TRANSFER or ROLLOVER REQUEST SECTION-BY-SECTION INSTRUCTIONS SECTION 1: ACCOUNT OWNER INFORMATION •List account owner name, address and complete Social Security Number/Tax Identification Number. SECTION 3: TRANSFER or ROLLOVER AMOUNT • Indicate amount by selecting the options available. • Timing for the transfer or rollover, select as soon as possible or indicate a specific date. • If requesting a partial transfer or rollover, include the percentage or dollar amount. SECTION 5: CONTINUATION OF PREVIOUS 72(t) ELECTION • Complete this section only if it applies to this particular transfer or rollover. SECTION 6: AUTHORIZATION • The account owner must sign and date this section. • If there is an authorized signer, such as a power of attorney, include the signer’s title and any supporting paperwork • Complete all fields in this section. •Include the street address and phone number for the current trustee/custodian/insurance carrier. You must provide the actual street address; no Post Office boxes. • Timing for Transfer or Rollover: Once we receive a request, we forward it to the current trustee/custodian/insurance carrier. Some current trustees/custodians/insurance carriers will not honor a specific date and will instead process the request on the date they receive it. You should contact the current trustee/custodian/insurance carrier to verify their policy. SECTION 2: CURRENT TRUSTEE/CUSTODIAN/INSURANCE CARRIER INFORMATION SECTION 4: ACCOUNT TRANSFER or ROLLOVER • “Transfer or Rollover From” = the current product type. • “Transfer or Rollover To” = the new product type. • For transfer to or from an IRA which involves a conversion or recharacterization, please include the IRA Conversion or IRA Recharacterization Request (154174) with this request. Voya Institutional Trust Company, Custodian Recordkeeping provided by Voya Retirement Insurance and Annuity Company (the “Company”) Members of the Voya® family of companies Fax: 860-580-0919 Mail: PO Box 10450, Des Moines, IA 50306-0450 Customer Service: 699 Walnut Street STE. 1350, Des Moines, IA 50309-3942 Website: Phone: 888-854-5950

Transcript of Transfer or Rollover Request - Voya for Professionals · instructions order 0 mutual fund custodial...

Page 1: Transfer or Rollover Request - Voya for Professionals · instructions order 0 mutual fund custodial account transfer or rollover request section-By-section instructions Section 1:

Instructions Order #154195 12/11/2017

mutual fund custodial accounttransfer or rollover request section-By-section instructions

Section 1: Account owner informAtion•Listaccountownername,addressandcompleteSocialSecurityNumber/TaxIdentificationNumber.

Section 3: trAnSfer or roLLoVer Amount•Indicateamountbyselectingtheoptionsavailable.•Timingforthetransferorrollover,selectassoonaspossibleorindicateaspecificdate.•Ifrequestingapartialtransferorrollover,includethepercentageordollaramount.

Section 5: continuAtion of PreViouS 72(t) eLection•Completethissectiononlyifitappliestothisparticulartransferorrollover.

Section 6: AuthorizAtion•Theaccountownermustsignanddatethissection.•Ifthereisanauthorizedsigner,suchasapowerofattorney,includethesigner’stitleandanysupportingpaperwork

•Completeallfieldsinthissection.•Includethestreetaddressandphonenumber for thecurrent trustee/custodian/insurancecarrier.Youmustprovidetheactualstreetaddress;noPostOfficeboxes.


Section 2: current truStee/cuStodiAn/inSurAnce cArrier informAtion

Section 4: Account trAnSfer or roLLoVer•“TransferorRolloverFrom”=thecurrentproducttype.•“TransferorRolloverTo”=thenewproducttype.•For transfer to or from an IRAwhich involves a conversion or recharacterization, please include the IRAConversion or IRARecharacterizationRequest(154174)withthisrequest.

VoyaInstitutionalTrustCompany,CustodianRecordkeepingprovidedbyVoyaRetirementInsuranceandAnnuityCompany(the“Company”)Members of the Voya® family of companiesfax: 860-580-0919mail: Po Box 10450, des moines, iA 50306-0450 CustomerService:699WalnutStreetSTE.1350,DesMoines,IA50309-3942Website:Voya.comPhone:888-854-5950

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RETURN if applicablE


StateCity ZIP

StreetAddress(PO boxes are not permitted)


2. current truStee/cuStodiAn/inSurAnce cArrier informAtion



type (Select one)

i wish to liquidate and transfer or rollover: (Select one)

cthefullvalue(approximate amount) $ .


to acNeworcExistingAccount(Provide existing account number)

i understand i will incur a penalty of: c 0% or %, totaling $ , by liquidating the requested amount.

3. trAnSfer or roLLoVer Amount

mutual fund custodial accounttransfer or rollover request

1. Account owner informAtion

SSN/TIN (Required)Name

City State ZIP



timing for transfer or rollover

VoyaInstitutionalTrustCompany,CustodianRecordkeepingprovidedbyVoyaRetirementInsuranceandAnnuityCompany(the“Company”)Members of the Voya® family of companiesfax: 860-580-0919mail: Po Box 10450, des moines, iA 50306-0450 CustomerService:699WalnutStreetSTE.1350,DesMoines,IA50309-3942Website:Voya.comPhone:888-854-5950

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RETURN if applicablE

4. Account trAnSfer or roLLoVer

5. continuAtion of PreViouS 72(t) eLection

cCheckhereifyouplantocontinueyour72(t)program.You must complete and submit a 72(t) Payment request (154733) to initiate payments for your new account. to obtain a 72(t) Payment request, please contact us at 888-854-5950.

this election can only be made if the transfer or rollover is into a new account.

Iamcurrently receivingsubstantiallyequalperiodicpayments thatcomplywith InternalRevenueCodeSection72(t)(2)(A)(iv),asapplicable,whichpermitmetoreceivepaymentsinsubstantiallyequalinstallmentswithoutincurringanypenaltytaxesnormallyapplicabletodistributionsbeforeage591/2.Itismyintentionthatthesepaymentscontinuetobedistributedfromthenewaccountinthesameamountandunderthesamemethodaswasbeingusedbeforethetransferorrollover(orundertherequiredminimumdistributionmethod,ifachangetothatmethodispermittedunderRev.Rule2002-62).

trAnSfer or roLLoVer from: trAnSfer or roLLoVer to:

cTraditionalIRA cTraditionalIRA

cRothIRA cRothIRA

cSIMPLEIRA3ParticipationDate cSIMPLEIRA5,6










1All existing Tax Sheltered Annuity (TSA) loans must be reconciled with your current trustee/custodian/carrier before the transfer or rollover.2For direct rollover only.3Not eligible to be transferred to a Traditional IRA or SEP-IRA in first 2 years.4Verify all plan requirements with plan administrator before submitting.5For Voya Select Advantage IRA and Voya Select Advantage Advisory IRA only. 6 In the first 2 years, only rollovers from another SIMPLE IRA are permitted. After two years of participation, rollovers can be accepted from other IRAs or Qualified Plans. SIMPLE IRAs may not accept rollovers from Roth IRAs or designated Roth accounts of employer-sponsored plans.

for transfer to or from an irA which involves a conversion or recharacterization, please include the irA conversion or irA recharacterization request (154174) with this request.



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RETURN if applicablE

6. AuthorizAtion (Signatureguaranteemayberequired)


OwnerSignature DateSignature Guarantee (Ifapplicable)

Affixyourmedallionsignatureguaranteestampbelow.Pleasenotethat this formmaybe imagedandyour transactionmaybedelayedwhenthestampisillegibleonscanneddocuments.Theservicingproducerisnotpermittedtoactassignatureguarantee.

FirmNameonMedallion ID# Phone

u.S. tAXPAYer certificAtionSunder penalties of perjury, i certify that:

1. the taxpayer identification number that appears on this form is correct. 2. i am not subject to back-up withholding due to failure to report interest and dividend income; cif i am subject to backup withholding, i have checked here. 3. i am a u.S. person.

if you are a non-resident alien, please check the box and provide your country of residence below.

c under penalties of perjury, i certify that i am a non-resident alien, and my country of residence is: .

the amount paid to you will be subject to 30% tax withholding unless you submit an irs form W-8 and are entitled to claim a reduced rate of withholding under the applicable u.s. tax treaty.

the internal revenue Service does not require your consent to any provision of this document other than the certifications (in bold above) required to avoid back-up withholding.