Transcript - 2001 Explained by Alan Watt

Transcript for the YouTube Video "2001: A Space Odyssey as told by Alan Watt", as uploaded by ThEpErsOnLiGHts on 2008-03-05 Video: Excerpt of "2001: A Space Odyssee" (1968, directed and produced by Stanley Kubrick, 141') and others Audio: Excerpt of Alan Watt's Video "Reality Check" (88 min., April 2006) – available on DVD (see Alan's Website ) or, in low- resolution, at Google Video: For the full transcript of "Reality Check" see Alan Watt's Website: In the movie, "2001," Arthur C. Clarke, very high Freemason gives you the agenda of High Freemasonry. Not the “schmuckdom” freemasonry but the high stuff. He gives you their agenda and their philosophy and their religion in the movie. At the beginning of the movie "2001," made in the 1960’s, they show you the ape-man, you know the hairy guys supposedly, and the new guys are terrified of the darkness. They'd go to their caves at night, and in the morning, they go across the watering bowl and meet this other tribe of ape-men. They shake their fists and go through a little dance, a song and dance, and then they muffle off on their own separate ways; and that's how things have gone on forever. The little sequences around—they're showing you there's a big part, you see, it’s part of their religion. You'll understand all this later; and this way, you've got a tree brush shaped like a big snake you see, and some of the emblems - these are actually Masonic emblems, high occultic emblems you see all through it. Even though the story eventually goes into space, it starts with these cave-men and an obelisk comes down. There's this black obelisk. In the book, it's more detailed. The obelisk throws its cave-men out, one by one, and makes them jump around and stuff. It’s testing them out to see who's got the best smarts. He picks one of them, and one day, the watering hole, and instead of going over and shaking their fist and screaming and having to drink more and go home, this one picks up a bone; because the love of the skull and the cross bones of Masonry, the pirates, right. He picks up the thighbone and then he smashes his enemy over the waterhole there and he kills him; and that's telling you that's their right of might . The right of might: He will kill a superior and then they give you religions for being meek and mild. They teach another one for themselves. Progress. You see they have a thing called "progress." They hate something called stagnant civilization, “arrested” civilizations; and to them it's a progress. Progress to them is done


Transcript of Alan Watt's decoding of Arthur C. Clarkes's and Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssee" (1968). It's all allegory... It's high science, not fiction! Audio: Excerpt of Alan Watt's video "Reality Check" (Part One, 2006)Video: YouTube video with various footage, e.g. of the 2001 film

Transcript of Transcript - 2001 Explained by Alan Watt

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Transcript for the YouTube Video "2001: A Space Odyssey as told by Alan Watt", as uploaded by ThEpErsOnLiGHts on 2008-03-05

Video: Excerpt of "2001: A Space Odyssee" (1968, directed and produced by Stanley Kubrick, 141') and others

Audio: Excerpt of Alan Watt's Video "Reality Check" (88 min., April 2006) – available on DVD (see Alan's Website ) or, in low-resolution, at Google Video:

For the full transcript of "Reality Check" see Alan Watt's Website:

In the movie, "2001," Arthur C. Clarke, very high Freemason gives you the agenda of High Freemasonry. Not the “schmuckdom” freemasonry but the high stuff. He gives you their agenda and their philosophy and their religion in the movie. At the beginning of the movie "2001," made in the 1960’s, they show you the ape-man, you know the hairy guys supposedly, and the new guys are terrified of the darkness. They'd go to their caves at night, and in the morning, they go across the watering bowl and meet this other tribe of ape-men. They shake their fists and go through a little dance, a song and dance, and then they muffle off on their own separate ways; and that's how things have gone on forever. The little sequences around—they're showing you there's a big part, you see, it’s part of their religion.

You'll understand all this later; and this way, you've got a tree brush shaped like a big snake you see, and some of the emblems - these are actually Masonic emblems, high occultic emblems you see all through it. Even though the story eventually goes into space, it starts with these cave-men and an obelisk comes down. There's this black obelisk.

In the book, it's more detailed. The obelisk throws its cave-men out, one by one, and makes them jump around and stuff. It’s testing them out to see who's got the best smarts. He picks one of them, and one day, the watering hole, and instead of going over and shaking their fist and screaming and having to drink more and go home, this one picks up a bone; because the love of the skull and the cross bones of Masonry, the pirates, right. He picks up the thighbone and then he smashes his enemy over the waterhole there and he kills him; and that's telling you that's their right of might. The right of might: He will kill a superior and then they give you religions for being meek and mild. They teach another one for themselves.

Progress. You see they have a thing called "progress." They hate something called stagnant civilization, “arrested” civilizations; and to them it's a progress. Progress to them is done

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through those who are willing to kill and become the top chutzpah of the king—king of the ape-men. Then it jumps from there into the future to the year 2001, and then a space journey encounters, supposedly, on the trail of this obelisk that they unearthed. It ends up on Jupiter; but it's all occultic. It's nothing to do with space travel. There's a Masonic initiation in it. You will see the computer HAL on board the spaceship traveling to Jupiter. It kills off two of the guys that are with him and then tries to kill off the third guy. He outsmarts it and disables it, meaning he overcame all the natural laws.

HAL is the son, like HALOGEN, you know, HAL-CYON. HAL and H-A-L, one letter after each one in the alphabet is IBM, you see. IBM, you speak it and it's I-beam, the beam from the eye, the eye of Ra. The beaming from the eye is between the pyramid, the capstone and the rest of the pyramid.

Everything is shown to you. It's not necessary you understand. It's only necessary that you think you understand, whatever comes out of these movies, chomping away – “ah it's a good movie. What's next? Have no idea what it means.”

Then "2010" is a follow-up to the movie, and it shows you what's supposed to happen in 2010. There's a big thing at the end, where this guy who escapes the computer remembers in the next movie he's timeless, he's ageless, as he's become a god, because he overcame HALCYON, you see, the sun, the natural order. He overcame all the laws and he's a god; and a new sun appears in the sky, but "as above so below," so a new sun will appear on the earth: A messiah, a being, an entity, whatever it is. They bring force to you with much hullabaloo and fanfare I'm sure.

They're telling you their system. They show you their religion from evolution, which is their belief system both physical and spiritual, because they do believe in reincarnation; but they don't believe that everybody reincarnates. There's a whole theology behind that, even though encouraged to believe in it amongst the lesser, as they call it. They have a different belief system for themselves, a specialized one; well, naturally, that's a special one. You can't foresee what is everyone else. So there's the physical and inbreeding which is terribly, terribly important to them because it's part of the “spiritual recycling,” you might say, of the same dynasties within dynasties; and that's what they claim gives them their power and intellect and the right to dominate and so on; and they give us religions.

Religion is to tie, to rebind, to re-tie. They tie our minds down. When you're tied, you're not free to think. We're told we're free, so that's how it compensates. We're told we're free, even though we're crippled at birth by a system, which is indoctrination.

Now they're getting to the stage where they're going to declare their world government. The scientific established elite bureaucracy to run us all, you see massive bureaucracy. Lenin talked about it because he was in on it. He was created by the same guys. They create all oppositions. You can't get progress unless you have opposition to fight, because that's how you stir up matter. You stir up the world. You can't have one law coming this way and going unimpeded, apart from having no fun in that and the fact is it will never succeed.

You've got to get the public to go along with it, so you need oppositions. They give you all the oppositions and none of that comes the way you want it to go, which are sheep dogs. Bark, bark and the sheep go this way. One sheep dog and you try to do it, you see them run in all directions. Beautiful really, isn't it?

They give us good shepherds, down through the ages, with this little shepherd crook to pull

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you; and they are crooks. That's where the word comes from. THEY ARE THE CROOKS AT THE TOP AND THEY ARE VERY PROUD OF IT.

We have sun gods, all down through the ages; and we have Mary's, all down through the ages. There are all these virgins, and of course, there's so many sun gods all down through the ages, who come back and tell the same stuff; and iron crosses, because the sun crosses, you see, at the meridian points and so on, and the sun sets highest in its crossing and we have the cross of the sun. WE'VE BEEN CONNED MIGHTILY. We've fought each other over all this rubbish. We've been very predictable sheep indeed.

Always learning but never knowing. NEVER KNOWING.

Data. This data doesn't mean it's truth or anything else. We're stuffed full of incredible data today. That doesn't mean it's true, or any of it, or even that it's necessary to know.

The only person who could be natural today would be a few survivors in the Amazon, today, who haven't been caught yet and handed a credit card and cell phone, because these are called "primitive societies," and there's some left in Borneo and different places. They HAVE NO NEED of psychiatry or medicine or pharmaceutical agencies. They don't know what high blood pressure was or diabetes or therapy or psychoanalysis. Didn't know who Freud was. Didn't care and didn't need him or Einstein or any rest of the other rubbish, because that's what they are. Actually, they're rubbish. They're front-men chosen at a particular time to push a specific dogma. They even create the dogmas.

These "primitive men," as they call them, really are probably more in-tune with their reality, more than we could ever imagine. You'll see them staring in the jungle at a tree away somewhere. They'll stare for two or three hours. That's got meaning for the person. To us, we'd say, “What's the profit in it? What the purpose? Profit, purpose.”

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