Training Q&A UCLA UCPATH · Employees can download the presentation we have been sharing at the...

1 Training Q&A Questions from all instructor-led on-campus trainings have been answered and can be found in the following pages. Questions & answers are organized by course title. Each course title in the Table of Contents is linked to its own section of the document. Click on the course title below to navigate to that section of the document. *Please note that this document will be updated as new questions arise. Check back often for updates! Table of Contents Position Control Template Transactions PayPath Transactions Allocate Compensation Experience Based Pay Budget Distribution Additional Compensation and Payment Adjustment Requests Position Funding Entry and Updates Mass Update of PayPath Transactions Employee Accrual Adjustments Extended Leaves of Absence Training Q&A UCLA UCPATH

Transcript of Training Q&A UCLA UCPATH · Employees can download the presentation we have been sharing at the...

Page 1: Training Q&A UCLA UCPATH · Employees can download the presentation we have been sharing at the Roadshow sessions from our website. The presentation is available in English and in


Training Q&A

Questions from all instructor-led on-campus trainings have been answered and can be found in the following pages. Questions & answers are organized by course title. Each course title in the Table of Contents is linked to its own section of the document. Click on the course title below to navigate to that section of the document.

*Please note that this document will be updated as new questions arise. Check back often for updates!

Table of Contents

Position Control

Template Transactions

PayPath Transactions

Allocate Compensation

Experience Based Pay

Budget Distribution

Additional Compensation and Payment Adjustment Requests

Position Funding Entry and Updates

Mass Update of PayPath Transactions

Employee Accrual Adjustments

Extended Leaves of Absence

Training Q&A UCLA


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Training Q&A

COURSE: Position Control


Can we test the functionality of 'Change in Working Title' for Action Reason Code?

The HR Initiator can change the working job title in position. Sometimes this might be done to match more closely to the original JD Job Description during recruiting. However, please note that the new job description does not change the working title that is built in the job table.

Can we update the working title of the position? Sometimes the working title configured does not match the job description.

Yes, during the position control process (creating the position, prior to the hire), the title will default from the job, but the user can go in and override the value (add in a different job description). The user can change the job description as well (so long as the position is vacant) by using the appropriate action/reason code combo. Once the position is filled, the user cannot change the job description; this will usually constitute as a reclassification.

Is it possible to differentiate between the position end date and the termination date?

The termination date is the date that the employee is terminated from the job. If the employee only has one job, that would be the date the employee is separated from UCLA. The position end date is based solely on the position.

How are we setting up AWE across campus? For most transactions in UCPath, there will be two levels of AWE approval: A1 and A2. Within each A1 and A2 stack there will usually be multiple approvers assigned to prevent approval bottlenecks for when people are out of work. The process of determining the actual individual who is going to be in the A1 and A2 stacks is currently ongoing. If you have a specific question regarding the individuals in the approver/reviewer roles, please contact the BTO directly and we can further assist.

If a position is still in proposed status, can it be deleted?

The initiator should reach out to the approver and request that the transaction be denied. The transaction will then show denied and will not have a position number to it.

Will UCLA continue to offer orientation to new employees?


How long will transactions remain in the Review Transactions Page?

The transactions will remain on the transaction status page for the initiator to check the status; however, the view will be dependent on the date filtering on the top of the page.

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Training Q&A

COURSE: Template Transactions


Will there be status reporting available for checklists, full hire process? What does reporting look like (ad-hoc reporting capabilities)?

For go-live, we’re not going to have PeopleSoft reports for checklists. If the HR initiator uses checklists, they will have to search for the EMPL ID and track the progress of the action (e.g., hire, rehire, terms, etc.) We can ask the reporting team to put this on the day 2 reports as a future add on. For ad hoc reporting, we point users to the Cognos training that is coming up at the end of July. A custom report could be built via DDODS – checklist data should be available there.

What is Tracker? Tracker will be used for I9 verification.

If an employee has an end date in the system and they don't have any accruals to pay out (additional pay transactions), is a separate termination request required?

If the employee has an appointment end date AND the auto terminate checkbox is ticked, then a separate termination transaction is not required. Accruals don't have any impact on submitting another termination transaction. If an employee has an end date and the auto-termination box is checked, the employee is auto-terminated. In this situation, their Final Pay will then be processed on the normal pay date. If Final Pay is needed off-cycle, then a separate termination request would be needed.

Can we clarify the Effective Date in relation to pay status date?

Overall, the effective date in UCPath is defined as the date that the transaction is committed to the database, or the transaction is effective in the system. For example, if the effective date of a hire transaction is 10/1/18, that employee will not be hired until 10/1/18 (assuming the transaction is approved through local AWE and UCPC approval). The pay status (active or inactive) is if the employee will be receiving pay in UCPath (active means the employee is going to receive pay, inactive means the employee will not be receiving pay). The pay status date can indicate when the employee was on active or inactive pay status.

Since POIs are going to be used for visiting scholars, should POIs (Persons of Interest) be added to the EMPL class list?

No, POI should not be added to the EMPL class list. POIs will be very limited at UCLA and will track minimal amounts of information. There would be no need for EMPL class. In addition, visiting scholars should be a CWR.

Will it be required to obtain a UID ahead of time before hire processing begins?

If you have or had an old UID, the system will recognize that older UID.

You cannot generate a UID at UCLA until after the template (new hire or rehire) has been processed by the UCPath Center and the PS EMPL ID has

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Training Q&A

been generated. This can all be done prior to the employee’s start date (so they will have a UID and can get a Bruin Card promptly). You cannot get a UID until after the hire has been processed by UCPC.

What does JPM degree mean? Job Profile Management (JPM) is only applicable to academics.

If we clone a transaction, does it retain the same transaction ID?

Only Smart HR Transactions can be cloned, and cloned transactions will have new transaction ID numbers.

What Address Types are allowed in the drop downs?

For the New Hire - Staff template, the Address Type field defaults to "Home," and is not editable.

Will I see denied transactions on the Transaction Status page? Or are they removed from my list?

You can see all transactions for which you have the appropriate security access, to include transactions that have been denied. The Transaction Status column will show the status "Denied" for these transactions. In a column to the right, there will also be a "View Comments" link so that you can see why the transaction was denied.

Will the anticipated retirement date show up in UCPath? The anticipated retirement date is entered in RASC which tells us when the employee plans to retire.

Users would only see the effective date of retirement transactions they entered. This date may be different if the employee provides a different retirement date to RASC.

Which template should we use if someone is transferring within the same business unit from an academic department to a staff department? Do you use the academic transfer template, or the staff transfer template?

The template you would use would be the intralocation template staff template because the new position is a staff position. You would use the intralocation academic template if you're transferring the employee into an academic position.

What is the latest status for Cognos and UCPath reports?

Cognos reporting and training for this effort is handled by another team. QDB users should have received email notifications/invitations about Town Hall meetings for July and August. Additional sessions will be planned based on interest.

If an academic has over 100% FTE - what is the code that we would use for their concurrent hires?

This should be done using the code: 'Concurrent Hire - Dual Empl'. If the FTE is below 100% FTE, then you should use the code 'Concurrent Hire - Nondual Empl'

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Training Q&A

Where do we capture citizenship status/ visa type?

You can update citizenship/visa status by navigating to PeopleSoft Menu>Workforce Administration>Personal Information>Citizenship >Identification Data. You can pull up the employee by searching and then adding the updated data.

Can we confirm how years of service will be calculated upon termination: is it last day worked or job effective date?

Years of service will be calculated based on the last date worked, which is the day prior to the job effective termination date.

What is the future state of BYH?

In current state, when you enter a BYN line, you would also enter a BYH line. Is this still the case?

BYH is the future state Earn Code that we would use. This is for ACA purposes.

What is the message to an employee upon a hire? Are we responsible for asking them to enter their personal information?

UCPC will send an email to the Employee upon hire to let them know Benefit Period of Enrollment. It's the location's responsibility (if needed) to reach out to the employee and advise them to update the personal information directly through the portal. This business process occurs in the current state and should continue to occur in the future state.

How is tax exemption handled as a business process in the future state? If the employee has questions about FICA exemptions, how will that be handled with UCPath at UCLA?

If the employee has tax questions related to payroll, the Org/Depts. should guide the employees to reach out to UCPC directly.

Where in UCPath can we see the FICA and tax withholding for certain jobs?

The FICA status for the employee's job can be found under Workforce Adminstration, searching by the employee and under the payroll tab.

PeopleSoft Menu>Workforce Adminstration>Job Information>Job Data

Is the auto terminate date on a Hire transaction the job effective date for the termination or the last date worked?

The auto terminated dated that is entered on the hire is the actual termination date (the date that the employee is no longer on pay status/performing work at UCLA).

How will position management affect or drive 'Career Tracking' (a Job code system)?

Currently, there's no integration between Career Trax and UCPath.

At what point in the new hire process is the EMPL ID created?

The EMPL ID is created after the UCPath System approves the new hire.

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Training Q&A

Where can people who did not attend roadshows get roadshow information?

Employees can download the presentation we have been sharing at the Roadshow sessions from our website. The presentation is available in English and in Spanish at in the Posters & Presentations section. Next week (week of July 30), a video of the presentation will be available on the same page.

How will UID be accessed in the future state? Who will receive the UID: the organization, department, employee, or some subset of the three? How will employees be able to look up UIDs in the future? Will the Bruin card show both UID and Peoplesoft ID?

Once the UCPC WFA team processes the hire, the transaction will kick off UCLA's IDM process to create the employee's UID; this is usually done overnight. The HR Initiator will receive an email notification from UCPath notifying them that the transaction has been processed. The HR Initiator can then navigate to the UC_External ID page to look up the employee's UID. The HR Initiator can then reach back out to the employee to notify them of their EMPLOYEE ID and UCLA UID. The employee can always ask UCLA BOL (Bruin Online) about their UID, or contact their HR Initiator. The Bruin card will not show the Peoplesoft employee ID.

The FSPD states, ""If a gender change is submitted via Personal Data template, the location will complete any verification of documentation during the approval process. UCPath Center will not re-verify the update. However, if a gender change is submitted via UCPath Inquiry by the Employee, UCPath Center will complete any verification of documentation prior to updating UCPath."

This is not included in the table; the table indicates that only case management is available for gender changes. Which is it?

A gender change request can be made two ways: the first way is through the personal data template-where the UCLA local org/dept will have to complete any necessary verification; the second way is through a case management to UCPC, where UCPC will perform any necessary verification.

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Training Q&A

COURSE: PayPath Transactions


When does appointment end date stop payroll? What criteria has it stop payroll and what criteria has it continue payroll when employment end date ends?

The "end job automatically" box must be checked in conjunction with appointment end date to stop payroll and terminate the employee. If the box is not checked, the employee will continue to receive pay.

If the appointment end date passes and you do not want to pay someone because they will be going somewhere else, but you do not know where they are going yet, how do you not pay someone during that period?

Depending on the employee type and policy, the employee can be placed on a short work break or placed on an unpaid leave of absence.

Can you explain the Pro-rate functionality? Does it cover all types of scenarios, including terminations?

Proration for additional pay only works for new hires, terminations and unpaid leave. During a new hire, if the new hire is hired mid pay cycle and a recurring additional pay is applied, the pro-rate functionality will pro-rate based on the number of days the amount of the recurring additional pay is to be paid. If an employee is terminated mid pay cycle, the pro-rate functionality will pro-rate based on the number of days the amount of the recurring additional pay is to be paid.

For hourly employees, all prorated payments should be calculated prior to entering the flat amount.

The system prorates only for terminated employees. If the employee has a mid-period, effective-dated change on their JOB record, the system prorates the additional pay. The system does not prorate the additional pay based on the Effective Date of the Additional Pay record. It is encouraged to keep the Prorate Additional Pay checkbox on.

If there is a data error on the Pay Period amount, and you want to do a new Additional Pay to correct this, can the Effective Date for this correction Additional Pay be the same as the Effective Date for the existing Additional Pay?

If the error was identified prior to final pay calculation, then the initiator can use the same Earn code and change the amount error by using the additional pay module. If the error was identified after the pay check was paid, then either an underpayment adjustment or the overpayment process needs to occur.

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Training Q&A

In the example for the Additional Pay Data page, the Addl Seq # for the Existing Additional Pay is equal to 2, whereas for the Addl Seq # for the New Additional Pay is equal to 1. Why is this?

For the Existing Add'l Pay, it was the third such transaction on that Effective Date, while for the New Add'l Pay it is the 2nd such transaction on that other effective date.

Are there quick reference guides that we can give to employees so that if they want to do a hire, for instance, they can simply look at that guide to find all of the steps to do that, rather than go through a whole deck to find the right information?

Employees can view and download applicable UPKs from the UCOP help site to serve as reference guides. Go to Workforce Administration, then Template Transactions, Part 1, there are UPKs on how to initiate a full hire, rehire, concurrent hire as well as other hire templates.

If a position's effective date is the same as the hire effective date, and you process the hire but then realize that you need to make a change to the title code on the position, how can you do this? Do you need to reach out to the UCPath Center for this?

If you see that the hire transaction has not been processed by UCPath Center, you can simply update the vacant position's title code. However, if the hire transaction has been processed by UCPC, then you will need to use PayPath to update the filled position's title code.

Let's say there is a job with an end date that you want to extend them beyond, so you submit an extension/renewal, but this is not approved until after the job end date. Is the employee terminated? What happens in this case?

What happens when someone terminates automatically - can the Path Center undo that and extend the employment, or must you perform a rehire?

If the End Job Automatically check box is checked and the approval does not take place before this date, the employee will be terminated, and the employee will need to be rehired. The recommended best practice would be to extend the appointment with the necessary approvals before the end date is reached.

Is there a limit to how many words can be put into the comments box?

Initiators Comments Length: 32,700 characters. Approver Comments is unlimited.

If you terminate job 0, then take another job, is that job 1? As far as the attributes of the position (i.e., the chair) it seems as though this would still be job 0 (unless of course they have other jobs). Is this the case? Or is the terminated job still on that

The new job that the employee is rehired into will be record 1.

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Training Q&A

employee's record, in which case the new job would be job 1, not 0?

On this slide, there is an example of PTP as earn code for Post Doc PTO Adjustment. In the IT2 test environment, this earning code does not appear in PayPath transaction for a postdoctoral scholar. I did find this code in the Manage Accruals screen, listed as PTP, Paid Time Off Payout. Can you clarify? If there’s a PTO adjustment code, I would anticipate we would use it in the Manage Accrual Screen, not as Additional Pay. Postdoc PTO does not qualify for payouts

The following are the valid values for Postdocs Takes:

> PTD – PTO Takes

> SKP – Sick Take

As per the requirements from APDs, locations are allowed to adjust Sick and PTO accruals for Postdocs using the following two codes:

> PTA – PTO Accrual Adjustments

> SKA – Sick Accruals Adjustments.

PTO payout is not applicable for Post-Docs.

Is there a furlough code configured in PayPath Transactions?

Yes, there is a partial - year career furlough code that is used to place a partial-year career employee on furlough. Action Reason selection is based on the number of working months the partial-year career employee is scheduled to work.

If I have a future dated hire in the current system, will the conversion process convert them properly into a future-dated position in UCPath?

All future dated hires prior to UCPath go live will be converted to UCPath as long as the new hire does not have a previous history in the UC system. All other kinds of future dated transactions should not be performed in PPS, however if you have already entered future dated transactions please do not delete them.

What will happen for Work Study hires that are entered in the system in August and have an effective date in September or October? Will they be "picked up" and convert properly?

All future dated hires prior to UCPath go live will be converted to UCPath as long as the new hire does not have a previous history in the UC system. All other kinds of future dated transactions should not be performed in PPS, however if you have already entered future dated transactions please do not delete them.

When a mass update is made, can you see this in an employee's job workforce summary as a Mass Update or does it just show up as a regular update?

Mass updates are like individual updates in UCPath. There is no special indicator on the employee's job data to differentiate between individual job vs. mass job changes.

Where are the draft "Save for later" transactions saved in PayPath?

Similar to other transactions in UCPath, there's the functionality to save PayPath transactions in draft status. The draft transaction will be saved on

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Training Q&A

the employee record in PayPath and it will remain there until you either submit or cancel. You can find the saved transaction by searching for the employee ID in PayPath.

For someone on a short work break who is out of the country, how will their benefits be handled? Today, we would terminate them and then rehire them upon their return, and there would be no benefits.

Because the employee will not be receiving pay, the employee's benefit deductions will end as well. During this time, the employee should reach out to UCPC and determine the best method to continue any type of coverage as needed.

Can we automatically take an employee off of ERIT?

There is a field called "ERIT End Date" to capture when ERIT is scheduled to end. This is purely for tracking purposes and it does not automatically stop the ERIT JED allocation. The HR Initiator will have to submit another transaction to stop the employee's ERIT.

What fields are required for SWB and RWB? Once you enter in SWB as the action code, based on if the employee is staff/academic, you will be able to select the filtered action reason code. For SWB, you can enter in the ""expected return to work date""; however, this does not automatically return the employee from SWB.

For RWB, the combo code is RWB/RWB and the employee is returned based on the effective date of the PayPath transaction.

Can employees collect unemployment while on a short work break?

Existing UC policy and CA unemployment laws would govern if an employee is eligible to collect unemployment.

Is an employee allowed to have concurrent jobs while they are on Short Work break?

There are only 4 instances where Short Work Break should be used:

Furlough - 3 three months

Floater - 4 months and the department has to be positive the employee will return

Limited/per diem - 4 months

Undergrad students - 4 months

Yes, SWB is job based; you can be on short work break on one job, but be paid from the other job.

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Training Q&A

Should the effective date be before or after the current date provided that the position has an incumbent and is active at that time?

The effective date of the transaction can be before(retro), current, or future dated for an existing employee.

Will TRS remain the same? TRS has been going through changes in order to best match with UCPath functionality. For more information on TRS updates, please reach out to the TRS team or Felecia.

Does SWB stop departmental contributions? (fringe type question)

It depends on the type of SWB. Please refer to the Short Work Break Matrix under the PayPath course on the training site for additional information on each SWB type. In general, GL creates funding distribution only if employees on SWB still get a paycheck with ‘Add to Gross” earning codes.

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Training Q&A

COURSE: Allocate Compensation


On the “Exclude Employees” slide, what are the choices for the exclude reason?

The choices are: Does Not Meet Expectations, Employee Received Merit w/Hire, Employee Terminated, Employee on Leave, Not Eligible, Promoted/Transferred during cycle.

How is the AWE role for Allocate Compensation going to be decided and when will that be communicated to DSAs?

The approval process for the Allocate Compensation cycle will be determined by the UCLA Central Team in collaboration with Orgs/Depts. The approval process will be determined based on the nature of the compensation cycle and may be different from cycle to cycle. Communications on this will come directly from the UCLA Central team.

When will benefits be covered in training? Since benefits administration is going to the Path Center, there is no training for this. In the future, benefits-related questions should be directed to the Path Center.

What happens when you have a compensation cycle change and a merit increase change at the same time? Should you wait, or will one trump the other?

Usually the across the board increases or range adjustments occur before the merit increases happen. This will be coordinated with CHR and UCPC as far as the timing. CHR will reach out, just as in current state, to let the org/depts. know the schedule.

Can the A1 approver make changes to the roster before sending it back to the initiator? (for rosters)

Yes, but this is not a recommended business process as you would like to train and ensure that the initiator is submitting correct roster in the future.

Aside from the dropdown reasons, is there a comments box or some other way to provide specific reasons on the Approvals Monitor Page?

There is not a free form text box on the allocate compensation module to provide more reasons. The dropdown reason codes must be used. If needed, when you submit the allocate compensation transaction, you can use the comments box to include any additional information on the exclusion.

Is there an attachment functionality for the rosters (i.e. can I attach a union eligibility document for union employees?)

This module does not have the attachment functionality.

Is there a warning before you press "discard changes"?

Yes, there will be a message warning you to either save your work or confirm the deletion of your changes.

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Training Q&A

Can we clarify what happens when we don't exclude the employee from the roster but they are eligible and we leave the Hourly Rate and Proposed Percent at 0, blank or negative?

The editable fields default to 0.0 and you will need to manually delete the value of 0.0 If you navigate away from the field, the system will default the value to 0.0 If you enter a value less than the current rate or step (e.g., -number), you will receive a error message saying that the new value must be equal to or greater.

Is FTE based on the job or the combined FTE allocation for the employee?

The FTE is based on the job which is by department. If the employee has multiple jobs in the same department, then it will show the combined FTE.

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Training Q&A

COURSE: Experience Based Pay


How will the Post Doc Anniversary Experience Date will be used going forward?

Current business processes (appointment paperwork) will remain the same. Per current processes, incoming postdoctoral scholars will self-report prior postdoctoral scholar (relevant) experience on the Personal Data Form and submit to department. The department will enter this experience into UCPath at the time of hire. The amount of experience at time of hire will determine the appropriate Salary Level (0-5).

From Slides 41 – 44: Are the locations going to be able to override the E704 table? (Override Step Slide)

It’s not E704 (this is for Fidelity deductions), it’s E074: table for experience-based pay. Yes, the location can override the E074 table by navigating to the UC Experience Steps page, running the specific business unit/Union code and reviewing and approving the associated steps per employee. The table contents can be extracted via UC Location-specific reports and queries for review and template loading.

How is experience validated? (For the Grad Division)

We plan for experience to only be tracked in individual’s primary postdoc job, and to only track non-UCLA experience via the Experience Pay Module. If a postdoc is reappointed, Salary Level and Postdoc Anniversary Date will be incremented annually on anniversary date via PayPath Actions.

Per current business processes, if a postdoc is reappointed at Salary Level 5, the department must first obtain approval from Graduate Division by submission of Sixth Year Exception Request. We are reviewing business processes for this step: If GD approves the exception, GD can verify/confirm maximum postdoc end date (when postdoc will reach maximum experience).

Is there a notification process for initiators to increase pay? What is the relevant return on the Sample UC Experience Page?

There’s no automated message to alert the HR Initiator to increase pay. The business process of running reports or adhering to the UC Policy/timeline of merit and rate increases will remain the same as today. The benefit of the UC Experience Page is that it replaces any 3rd party/outside tracking of relevant UC and non-UC experience. There is also a coordinated approach and history tracking for UC experience.

Will this page always be open or only during certain periods?

This page will be available at go live for the department to update the years of relevant experience for each individual employee.

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Training Q&A

Will the system round up for date, month, and years? I.e. if a nurse has 4.5 months of relevant experience, what will the system show?

The system rounds up to whole numbers only (no decimal places). If the employee has 4.5 months of experience, it will show 4 months until the 5th month begins, and then it will show 5 months. The same goes for years.

Where does the override step go for a single employee that you wish to update the experience step for in PayPath?

If you identify an error for a step and the rate, then you should reach out to the path center via case management and provide them with your rationale. The locations will not have access to the step and hourly rate table. This will be maintained by the UCPath center.

Can a report identify (with call out) if employee has jumped more than one step?

Currently there's not an identified report to call out when employees jump more than one step. If this is desired, we would have to work with the Cognos report team to gather requirements and build the report. This will happen post go live.

Will UCLA as a business unit be able to see the experience of Medical Center and campus or is that considered a transfer?

The UC experience page is based on row level security. You will only be able to add/view the employee's years of experience if you have access to that employee.

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Training Q&A

COURSE: Budget Distribution


What data is coming over from SLS to UCPath? How is it coming over, when is it coming over, how far back will it go, and which positions will be converted?

The intent is to convert all open positions that appear on the Staffing List. NOTE: Open positions that appear on the Staffing List are from SLS. A New position will be created, and a budget will be assigned to this new position using the data from the Staffing List. It is being created in UCPath using the July Balanced Staffing List and available for use on Day 1 of UCPath. The budget will be based off the Balanced Staffing List from June 30th, 2018. A communication will be forth coming from Academic Planning and Budget and the UCPath Communications team with more information.

Will we be able to see all data before it is converted to make sure everything is correct?

There is currently a data clean up effort led by a team at the BTO. This team has engaged the campus and medical center in clean up efforts. Once data is converted, applicable individuals from campus and medical center will be involved to validate the converted data.

Will the staffing list still be on Document Direct?

The report is still being developed but once it is developed it will be available via Cognos.

Why can't we enter a prior date on the effective date? Can we enter the current date?

UCPath does not allow for the entry of retroactive dates for transactions. Each transaction must be effective dated using either a current or future date. This transaction will supersede the previous entry once this effective date occurs.

How do we add a recurring ad hoc reviewer to a certain type of transaction?

The ad hoc reviewer role must be added to the transaction approval chain each time they are required to review a transaction, as this is an ad hoc role. Only those provisioned with approver roles for the particular transaction will review on a recurring basis.

Will open provisions be converted over during cutover?

Yes, open provisions will be converted.

Are all of the updates that have been made to the Budget Distribution page that affect the Staffing List in a Standard Report?

The Distributions (Fund Sources) that appear on the Budget Distribution page AND have the SFT flag checked will appear on the Staffing List. The report is still being developed but once it is developed it would be available via Cognos.

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Can you have a multi-headcount position on FTE?

In UCPath, you can have a multi-headcount position which means the position allows for multiple FTEs. To establish multi-headcount positions, you can navigate to the position control page.

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Training Q&A

COURSE: Additional Compensation and Pay Adjustment Requests


Can we verify the following statement and clarify how this notification is communicated?

"The initiating organization or department receives a notification that Final Pay has been produced."

The HR Initiator will receive an email notification from AWE after UCPC approves the final pay transaction. The first will come after the final Location approver approves the transaction, which then goes to UCPC for review and approval. The second will come when UCPC approves it. There is no notification when the Final Pay transaction is processed. The initiator can also view the final pay transaction through self-service transaction links and search for the final pay transaction.

Can we verify for monthly employees that have an employment end date on their record, but the "End Job Automatically" checkbox is unchecked, what happens to their pay? Will they still receive paychecks or stop receiving them? Also, can we verify their pay status (active or inactive)?

If the box is unchecked, the employee continues to receive paychecks until they are terminated.

How does DOS code to earn code mapping work and can we elaborate on the descriptions of those earn codes?

You can query from DDODS – the payroll data is sent after confirmation. We have created a DOS code to Earn code mapping document that can be found on our site:

Where can people lookup a history of one-time and other paid transactions?

On the Self-Service transaction page, on the right side of the page, the initiators can search for Pay transactions by transaction ID. You can query from DDODS – the payroll data is sent after confirmation.

How will academic titles not in TRS report time? 9/12 with summer salary, lecturers, post docs?

More communication will come from the APO regarding TRS.

Can we verify how summer ninths pay is set up for faculty?

The business scenario is “Faculty Summer Ninths”. Per Lauren Na, the approach is to wait until after go live, reach out to UCR to see how their process went and then reassess. Because UCLA’s go live will bypass this year’s summer ninths, we will have time to figure it out.

Where do we enter regular severance? This would not be an off-cycle request. Simply initiate the termination template and the employee will be paid on the next on-cycle check

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What is Job Code 3254? Can we apply earn codes other than pay direct?

003254 is the postdoc paid direct job code. Here are the UCOP provided instructions: For 003254, we are going live with the current additional pay earn code, which is PDE-Paid Direct-Earnings. If the postdoc is going to receive additional pay that is applicable to other earn codes, the workaround will be to add a 0% position (e.g., position with 003252 job code), apply the additional pay through that position with the desired earn code, and then terminate that position after the additional pay is paid out. They should have the same earn codes for 003252, 003255, 003256.

What is the max dollar amount we can enter in the pay period amount field? Faculty Recruitment - the max is $100k.

It is $99,000,000.

How do you override recurring pay's FAU? Individuals can identify the Stipend Earn Code on the funding page for that position. When there are earnings associated with that earn code, then the funding process will scan the funding page, find the Stipend Earn Code and then charge the fund source(s) assigned to that earn code. If the funding process does not find a Stipend Earn Code on the funding page, then the funding process will charge the fund source(s) assigned to the “Blank” earn code.

How do we upload Excel for mass payment for more than 50 people?

Once leadership approves how mass functionality will be distributed and handled at UCLA, we will broadly communicate and provide information as needed. Stay tuned.

How do you split one transaction over multiple recurring earn codes?

You need to use the plus (+) icon at the right of the Earnings Code icon to add additional rows of earn codes.

What is the function of the prorates additional pay box? There is a confusion as to whether or not it will prorate at the beginning of the transaction or at the end-- can we clarify what its functionality is?

The pro rate check box will prorate for when an employee is hired mid pay period and suppose to receive a stipend. The pro rate check box will also prorate for when an employee is terminated mid pay period.

What does the employee see in their check when adjustments are made? Is it rolled up or do they see all adjustments?

The employee will just see that they got paid according to the Earn code. For example, if the employee was under paid 8 hours of REG, on their next paycheck, they will see 8 hours of REG = the $ amount.

If we have an employee with 3 months earnings, and they were an admin specialist

If you need to change the title code of the employee, this is called a reclassification and reclassification can be done through PayPath. If the title

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at $25/hr and they needed to be an admin analyst at $25/hr. There will need to be a change to the position but not a change to the amount being paid. What is the future state process for a title code change without a pay change?

change does not impact the employee's pay, then the employee will not see a difference on their next regular on cycle paycheck. Once we have historical data for the employee in UCPath (a few months after go live), you can submit a PayPath action with a retro effective date to change the employee's job record.

How will Academic Titles be pulled into a time reporting system (TRS)? How exactly will Time and Labor be interfaced with Payroll?

The current TRS system is already going through system configuration in order to be compliant with UCPC. If there are academic populations slated to report time through TRS, the APO will be communicating the timeline.

If you have a terminated employee that crosses the pay period (i.e. terminating on 7/16) - what is the business process to submit final pay? Is it two separate pay transactions or can we future date the termination to occur in the final pay period?

A termination should always fall within a pay period (monthly and biweekly). If you choose to future date a termination, you just have to remember to also submit a final pay request at that time. You cannot submit future dated final pay requests.

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Training Q&A

COURSE: Position Funding Entry and Updates


Currently stipends are attached to a different earning code than the one tied to the position. How will this be handled in the future state? The FAU that pays out the benefits is different from the one that pays out the stipend.

The HR initiator can override the current FAU directly on the one-time additional pay page. When the initiator clicks on the override chart-field values check box, the fund/account details will appear on the bottom of the one-time pay page. This will change the FAU for the one-time pay. The original FAU will remain intact on the position.

If an employee is split between two departments, how much of the other position (earn code, FAU, etc.) can each department see?

As long as the department knows the department code and the position number, the HR initiator can access funding entry and look up the funding allocation by the department and position number. Once on the funding entry page, the funding allocation will be displayed by line on that position (e.g., Earn code, account/CC, fund, funding end date, etc.)

Can you see a future FAU monthly preview? Yes, this is only available through the MCOP worksheet in funding entry. To preview the distributions for the year, click the FAU Monthly Preview button. The system then generates an Excel spreadsheet, which you are prompted to open or save.

How are updates made to earnings distribution if you have an employee split across 5 different FAUs in the earnings distribution? If you need to add another one, how does the system calculate the redistribution? What does this look like in the future state?

If you want to change a current FAU allocation (e.g., 5 FAU lines at 20% each), you can do so through Funding Entry-add a new value. The HR initiator can click on the '+' button on the right side of the page and enter in a new effective date. The page will populate the existing funding rows and the user can directly edit/change the existing distribution. Once this is done, the user will submit this through local AWE for approval.

Is there a default FAU account that is applied to a position?

For new positions that are created, the HR Initiator will have to manually set up the default FAU. This is done by navigating to the funding entry page and entering a blank earn code for the default.

How do we preserve a faculty member's base salary in the system while they are participating in a negotiated salary program or receiving additional compensation such as summer salary?

The faculty's base salary is set up initially at the time of hire. If the employee's base salary needs to be changed at any time, the HR initiator can do so through PayPath and adjust the employee's multiple components of pay. The base salary is unchanged by the different sources of funding or any additional compensation. The additional compensation can be applied as one time or recurring and can also be added through PayPath.

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Can we query who is going to Suspense? The HR initiator should review the list of Day 1 reports through Cognos.

When a person has a separate job during the summer (and not doing their other jobs at the time), is it concurrent? If not, what is it considered?

Yes, this is considered concurrent jobs. The employee still has two jobs even though they are only working at one and not the other.

Do open provisions convert in UCPath during conversion?

Yes, open provisions will be converted in UCPath.

Are there reports available for the suspense account after every compute to see what is getting paid out of the default suspense account?

Reports will be available from Cognos. QBD users should work with the Cognos team to request new reports if they don't already exist.

What is the purpose of the project code field? In the current state, this field is not standardized and the information entered is often random and practice varies by department. How should this field be populated?

Users must select from the drop down using the look up tool. The values that appear in the drop down are populated from FS. If the project code does not yet exist in FS, it must be added in UCLA’s table in FS, and then requires overnight before it will appear in UCPath. General Accounting can provide more information on how they users input the Projects in the Finance System.

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Training Q&A

COURSE: Mass Update of PayPath Transactions


When a mass update is made, can you see this in an employee's job workforce summary as a Mass Update or does it just show up as a regular update?

The update is made on the employee's job record. There is no special indicator for mass or individual transaction. It appears as a regular row on the job data.

Is the naming convention for mass files concrete? Can users add version numbers?

The naming convention of the mass file is concrete; the file will not load correctly unless the naming convention is followed.

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COURSE: Employee Accrual Adjustments


When an employee goes from limited to career, how will employees know of change in benefits eligibility?

Overnight process will look at Job Data changes and UCPath will open new PIE to allow employee to enroll in new benefits. Employee is notified electronically of new eligibility for benefits.

Will donated hours that are entered via Manage Accruals feed back into UCLA's time and attendance system?

As UCPath will be the system of record, employees should check their balances on the self-service page. Since UCLA has multiple time and attendance systems, it is up to each business owner to decide on the process to pull the data from ODS and upload to their respective time and attendance systems.

How will the donation process work if it involves different departments that don't have access to each other's information?

This will need to be a manual process. Existing HR approvals and process (documentation) will remain. The two departments will need to work together to coordinate the timing of the donor and done hours in the event that the initiator does not have access to the other department.

How far in advance of reaching the Accrual Max does the "Y" get triggered in the Approaching Max column?

This may depend on the CBA for the given employee, but this will generally occur 2-3 accruals before the employee reaches the max.

What if I have to do a leave without pay for an exempt employee? I won't use the Time & Attendance system since they are exempt. Would I use the Manage Accrual page and enter a negative entry for when the employee is on leave?

An initiator would place the exempt employee on a leave without pay through the Extended Absence page. This would be similar to enter a leave without pay on PPS. No further entry would be needed on time and attendance.

Is there a maximum number of rows you can add on the Manage Accruals page?

There is no restriction of lines in the application.

Does the approver have any ability to edit transactions on the manage accruals page? If so, what can they change, and what is fixed?

The Manage Accruals page is designed to be similar to that of a timesheet. In the event that there are errors, the approver should deny the transaction as they will not have the ability to make any changes.

Does the date of a manage accruals transaction for a catastrophic leave have to be the beginning of the pay period, or can it

The entry of the catastrophic donation hours can happen at any time once approval is given by CHR. These hours will NOT be processed and decrement and increment from the donor or done accrual balances until the next pay

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be any time before or after the pay period date? What will happen if we put a future effective date, for instance? As another example, what if a monthly employee is donating to a bi-weekly employee, which pay period would you use for the begin and end date? Who's pay cycle will it stage to?

cycle respective to the employee's absence eligibility group (bi-weekly or monthly). There is a request to update UCPath functionality for the transfer of catastrophic hours to happen before the pay cycle. When this update is made then the hours will be updated overnight, and transfer of hours will show the next day.

Will blood donation be handled by the Path Center?

Location manages the award and sends the Takes to UCPath. The balances can be tracked in UCPath, but it simply accumulates the balances of Takes provided by the Location.

Is there an exception for unionized balances for the accrual max?

Per CHR, there is no change to existing policy and CBA governing accrual maximums. Review CBA language for additional information or contact Labor if there are questions.

Is there an exception for unionized balances for the accrual max?

Per CHR, there is no change to existing policy and CBA governing accrual maximums. Review CBA language for additional information or contact Labor if there are questions.

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COURSE: Extended Leaves of Absence


If we find out after the fact about something that does not affect pay, such as bereavement, should our business process be to go back into the Extended Absence module and enter this in? Because of the new leave types in UCPath, what leaves that aren't currently tracked should be tracked in future state?

For entitlement leaves (FMA/CRA/PDLL)

Enter all leaves in UCPath

For non-entitlement leaves

For Staff – If the absence exceeds 5 days, enter the leave in UCPath; if not, track the absence in local T&A

For Academics – if the absence exceeds 30 days, enter the leave in UCPath; if not, track the absence in local T&A

A job aid will be created to outline expectations for this process as there are potential exceptions that require guidance from governing bodies such as CHR.

For union leaves that go on an unpaid LOA, how does the path center do a direct billing process?

The unpaid leave triggers UCPC to initiate the direct billing process.