Training Presentation Brazil Public Library

Brazil Public Library Establishing Migration Procedures Within the Amy M. DuBois Digital preservation Librarian Consultant from the University of Michigan

Transcript of Training Presentation Brazil Public Library

  • 1. Establishing Migration Procedures Within the Amy M. DuBois Digital preservation Librarian Consultant from the University of Michigan

2. Digital objects are vulnerable to thesame things as physical objects, plus alot more. . . 3. 8 Floppy Disc 5.25 Floppy Disc 12 Magneto Optical DiscOne of the major challenges of preservingdigital content is the obsolescence of mediaon which it is stored. The technology to read[these files] may exist for only a brief time. 4. Step 1: Take and Inventory the types offormats your digital library has.Step 2: Research vulnerabilities of eachformat.Step 3: If a digital object is in danger ofbecoming obsolescent, then researchwhich types of media are more durable. 5. Discuss the following questions with yourcoworkers:A. At what date are you going to take an inventory of your digital resources?B. At what date will protocol for migrating and preserving each individual format be established?C. Who will be assigned to each task?D. When will your meetings take place?E. What will the reward be for accomplishing all of these activities?