Training on social bookmarking in

IBM Software Group IBM Software Group Web Marketing Training on social bookmarking in Tiffany Winman: ( LinkedIn | Twitter ) IBM community and social media strategist April 13, 2008


This presentation gives an overview of social bookmarking features available from today and provides training on how to use Dogear to share your own bookmarks with communities on

Transcript of Training on social bookmarking in

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IBM Software Group

IBM Software Group Web Marketing

Training on social bookmarking in

Tiffany Winman: ( LinkedIn | Twitter )IBM community and social media strategist

April 13, 2008

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IBM Software Group Web Marketing


• Definitions• Benefits of social bookmarking• social bookmarking features• How to add bookmarks to

communities using Dogear

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DefinitionsWikipedia: Social bookmarking

“A method for Internet users to store, organize, search, and manage bookmarks of web pages on the Internet with the help of metadata, typically in the form of tags that collectively and/or collaboratively become a folksonomy. Folksonomy is also called social tagging, "the process by which many users add metadata in the form of keywords to shared content".[1]

In a social bookmarking system, users save links to web pages that they want to remember and/or share. These bookmarks are usually public, and can be saved privately, shared only with specified people or groups, shared only inside certain networks, or another combination of public and private domains. The allowed people can usually view these bookmarks chronologically, by category or tags, or via a search engine.

Most social bookmark services encourage users to organize their bookmarks with informal tags instead of the traditional browser-based system of folders, although some services feature categories/folders or a combination of folders and tags. They also enable viewing bookmarks associated with a chosen tag, and include information about the number of users who have bookmarked them. Some social bookmarking services also draw inferences from the relationship of tags to create clusters of tags or bookmarks.

Many social bookmarking services provide web feeds for their lists of bookmarks, including lists organized by tags. This allows subscribers to become aware of new bookmarks as they are saved, shared, and tagged by other users.

As these services have matured and grown more popular, they have added extra features such as ratings and comments on bookmarks, the ability to import and export bookmarks from browsers, emailing of bookmarks, web annotation, and groups or other social network features.[2]”

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Benefits of social bookmarking• Keep found things found• Share insights with a community• Increase traffic to your content

and improve discoverability via keywords and search ranking

• Increase your visibility as an expert and social networking with your contacts

• Learn new terminology and spot early trends

• Shape conversations via new terminology and topical affinities

• Save time and effort via resyndication

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IBM Software Group

IBM Software Group Web Marketing provides social bookmarking features

• Footer of• Left column navigation• “AddThis button”• Dogear


left column navigation


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“AddThis” bookmark button

Ask your Web strategist if this button isappropriate for your site: Ryan Doherty

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Dogear on ibm.comList of all Dogear bookmarks on On your LC profile page

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Areas of external focus

• Dogear• Stumbleupon• Technorati• Slashdot• Facebook• Twitter• LinkedIn• Digg• Delicious• Reddit

These are environments for sharing external links with the public.

We use Dogear, IBM software, for sharing bookmarks with communities.

Consider other areas of focus unique to your community and topic.

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Step 1: Set up your profileGetting started and signing up for an IDRead IBM social computing guidelines.

Use FireFox for best results. Note: If you use Internet Explorer 6,

download this script.

If you do not have an ID, you need to register for one. (This is not your intranet ID)

Note: Get help if you're not sure if you have an ID or forgot your password.

Creating your profile in Lotus ConnectionsOnce you have your ID and password, go to profiles and click on the MyProfile tab.

Optional step: On the my profile tab, add one-word tags about yourself to the left column. I recommend such things as: tivoli, service-management, pulse, yourCompanyName, ProductsYouUse, (and customer, partner, tug, if you're one of these)

Optional step: Add personal links about you (e.g., LinkedIn profile, a whitepaper you wrote, video you created, community you own) in the right column of the screen.

Optional step: Send me a friend invitation by clicking onInvite to My Colleagues link on my profile under my name.

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IBM Software Group Web Marketing

Step 2: Join communitiesChoose the communities you want to join from the All Communities list.

Note: You can sort by popularity, recent activity, alphabetical order, or tag in the left column.

Click on the first community you want to join and then click on Join community in the right corner of the screen (example:

Note: Once you join a community, it will appear in your My Communities tab, and you can respond to forum topics and add bookmarks and feeds for a specific community.

To stay current on bookmarks added to a community, click on the orange feed icon to get a feed of community updates to your own Web site (e.g., iGoogle and My Yahoo) or feed reader (e.g., Google reader).

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IBM Software Group Web Marketing

Step 3: Install the Dogear pluginInstall the Dogear browser plug-in to add links to a community in the most effective manner.

Note: I recommend choosing the pop-up window option for ease in copying and pasting information.

Ensure you can find the plug-in on your browser toolbar.

Note: You will need to restart your browser if you are using Internet Explorer.

For FireFox

For Internet Explorer

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IBM Software Group Web Marketing

Step 4: Add bookmarks to a communityGo to any page you want to share with the community and then click on Dogear’s Bookmark this! icon in your browser toolbar.

When the New Bookmark window appears, sign in using your ID and then complete the information for the link you want to share.

Underneath the Tags box, click on the Add to Communities tab and then click on the Communities with which you want to share the link.

Click on Save when you're done.

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IBM Software Group Web Marketing

Step 5: Manage your bookmarksTo manage your bookmarks, go to All bookmarks and then click on the My Bookmarks tab.

You can import or export bookmarks using the More actions twistie near the top of the page.

To change a bookmark, click on show details in the right column and then choose Edit.

To see bookmark notifications you received or sent to others, click on My Updates tab.

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IBM Software Group Web Marketing

Step 6: Stay alertTo add a person or a tag topic to your Watchlist, click on the person’s name or a tag. Then click on Add to Watchlist [?] near the top of the results page.

See the left column of the My Updates tab to see the tags you’re watching and who is watching your bookmarks.

To stay current on changes, click on Atom at the bottom of the page you'd like to track to add a feed of the bookmarks to your own Web site (e.g., iGoogle and My Yahoo) or feed reader (e.g., Google reader). Alternatively, click on Add to your site, if you want more customization.

On My Updates tab

Example: Service-Management tag

Find experts

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IBM Software Group Web Marketing

Tips on posting• Don’t spam communities with unrelated content• Don’t overuse important bookmark feature

– You can add a bookmark to 7 communities at once and then return to an individual community and add the important bookmark feature where relevant

• Use terms intuitive to your audience and significant in organic search

• Use terms to help shape the conversation in new ways

• Use hyphens for two words in Dogear. Underscores cause usability problems.

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Backup slides

Using feeds in portals and feed readers to stay current

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Portal example: MyYahoo!

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Portal example: iGoogle

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Web reader example: Google reader

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Desktop reader example: Feedburner