Training Manual – Camstudio Part 2 - Video Sales Letters ABC

Training Manual – Camstudio Part 2 By Randy Smith Copyright 2011 Randolf Smith Legal Notice: You have personal use rights to this report only. If you wish to sell it you can sign up as an affiliate to make commissions for recommending it. Just go to Published by: Randy Smith 7 Bailey court Northallerton N.Yorks. DL7 8PR UK

Transcript of Training Manual – Camstudio Part 2 - Video Sales Letters ABC

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Training Manual – Camstudio Part 2

By Randy

www.RandolfSmith.comCopyright 2011 Randolf Smith

Legal Notice:

You have personal use rights to this report only.If you wish to sell it you can sign up as an affiliate to make commissions for recommending it.

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Published by:Randy Smith7 Bailey courtNorthallerton

N.Yorks.DL7 8PR


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CamStudio Training Part 2

When you open CamStudio to create your video select the Options tab at the top...

From there, select 'record to flash options'...

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...and tick the appropriate boxes as per the image above

Next you will select the region to be recorded and start recording the slide show.

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Once you've recorded the video click on the 'tools' tab and open the SWF Producer which will convert the AVI movie that you've just created into FlashThe SWF Producer window will open...

Click file and then open...

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...and then find where the AVI movie you just created has been saved on your computer by browsing to the location...

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Click open for the AVI to load into the SWF Producer...

Once you've opened it choose Convert to Swf...

You can now enter the location where you want to save your files...

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This will create the SWF file and the HTML page that can be used to upload to your site to play the movie...

This is the HTML file that will be generated from converting your avi video to swf in the CamStudio producer.

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<!-- Flash movie tag-->

<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0"



<PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>

<PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#ffffff>

<EMBED src="cs-forvista.swf" quality=high bgcolor=#24e WIDTH="415" HEIGHT="16777215" NAME="YOURVIDEONAME.swf" ALIGN="" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE=""> </EMBED>




The red colored section of the code above can be copied into your webpage for the video to appear.

You will need to include the full URL of the video if the webpage isn't hosted at the same place as the swf file or it won't play.

Here’s the code for a video I hosted on AmazonS3, and added to a page at

I used camsatsia studio in this example, and built the page with NVU free html editor.

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<div id="media"> <object

id="csSWF" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"


height="509" width="800"><param



name="bgcolor" value="#1a1a1a"><param

name="quality" value="best">




bgcolor="#1a1a1a" quality="best"


height="509" width="800"></object></div>


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I've color coded the code above where you will need to change your video url to suit. The bolded red parts are those that require YOUR URL for amazonS3.

If you want to make the changes to the way you display your video then this link will allow you to do so with several forms of media...

Hope that helps, and be sure to watch the videos too :)

Some of my sites:

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Other Sites: http://www.YourCopySmith.com