Training for the Triathlon Swim

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  • 8/7/2019 Training for the Triathlon Swim


    DVD Transcription

    Coaching & Training for Triathlons

    Using the VASA Ergometer

    By Coach Al LymanUSAT Coaches Clinic

    March 24th

    , 2007

    USAT Coaches Clinic

    March 24, 2007

    Coach Al Lyman, CSCSCoach Al Lyman, CSCS


    Coach Al Lyman:

    It is a great pleasure to be here with you today. I was thinking as I was driving up

    here this morning with Tim that this is actually amazing that Im standing in front of a

    group of coaches talking about swimming on any level. Before I get started on my

    presentation, allow me to take a couple of minutes and say about my background as a

    swimmer. When I was ten years old I had a near drowning experience that was pretty

    serious. The even sent some pretty serious fear through my parents heart as literally

    someone had to come, pull me out of the water, and revive me. From the time I was ten

    years old until I was thirty-six I wouldnt go anywhere near water any deeper than waist

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    deep. Thats right, until I was 36, and Im 47 now. Its amazing Im standing here. I still

    cant believe it. In 1995 I was watching the Hawaii Ironman with my daughter Erin, who

    at the time was 9 years old and is now a junior at Boston University. I was watching

    Mark Allen make an incredible comeback in that race as he chased Thomas Hellriegel. I

    think I have the right.anyway, it was just an amazing race. and I looked at Erin

    and said: I am GOING TO DO the Hawaii Ironman! And, she immediately laughed at

    me. She only laughed because she knew that her Dad (me!) was the guy that never went

    near the water. The family went to the beach and I went to the pavilion! I mean, I had

    some serious issues with fear of the water, and of course much of it was subconscious,

    and I didnt fully understand it. What I went through to become who I am today and

    having accomplished what I have as a swimmer is an amazing process that I think has

    really empowered me as a coach. Amazingly, I did end up qualifying for Hawaii at Lake

    Placid and DID end up competing at and finishing the 2000 Hawaii Ironman, and.Ive

    been back to that race twice since. So between January of ninety six when I couldnt even

    go near the water without my heart rate racing to peak levels, to finishing on Alli Drive

    four years later has been an amazing ride, an incredible experience for me. Again, thats

    just a little tid-bit on my background. As for how I got here to this point where I am

    talking to you today about the Vasa Ergometer.

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    !Background Info: How Did I Get Here?

    !The VASA Ergometer: What Is It?

    !Triathlon Swimming for Novice & Experienced:! Introduction: Basic Concepts & Fundamental Attributes

    !What Are The Challenges?

    !Where Is The Focus?!SR vs. SL: Total Immersion vs. Maglischo

    !Training on the Vasa:!Novice & Experienced


    !Sample Sessions: Novice and Experienced

    !Summary: What are the Advantages?

    !Q & A

    Clinic Overview:Clinic Overview:

    First I want to let you know that this is the first time I have gotten up in front of a group

    and talked about the VASA Ergometer. Before I tell you how I came to this point of

    talking about the Ergometer, I want you first to know that I dont work for VASA. Im

    just an endurance sports coach who owns my coaching business. Now I have quite a few

    athletes that I coach that have it and use it, but I am not here to sell you an Ergometer, or

    to tell you that you should go buy one. Im just here to tell you a little bit about what it

    is, and then how we use it, and we will see a triathlete, Tim Mather, come up and

    demonstrate a few things on it as well.

    To keep moving forward and give you an overview of what I am going to discuss, I will

    start by talking a little bit about triathlon swimming. Triathlon swimming for novice and

    experienced, just so we can all have a base that we can all agree upon. Some basic

    concepts, concepts fundamental attributes. I want to discuss the challenges for swimmers

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    in triathlon, as well as WHERE is the swimmer/athletes focus, how are they training,

    what are they doing to become a better swimmer and then to prepare for their races.

    Then I will talk about training on the VASA, what do we do? What have I learned in the

    time that I was first exposed to it, starting using it myself and then as time progressed to

    the point where I now have a number of athletes using it. What have I learned? How do

    we train? We will look at some sample sessions, and discuss some ideas of how we

    actually set up workouts on the VASA. I will talk about what I think the advantages are

    for it. I believe that this could turn out to be one of the most powerful tools, short of a

    heart rate monitor or a treadmill or a bike trainer, for a triathlete that weve seen come

    along in a really long time, and the athletes that I coach who have one tend to agree with

    that concept. This is a really powerful tool. We will have some time afterwards, I hope,

    for some question and answer, but if you have any questions at all, any thoughts you

    would like to share, please raise your hands. This is a very informal presentation.

    Some Background Information:

    !How did I get here?

    !Summer of 2005

    !Shoulder Rehab

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    So, some background on how I got here: First of all in my development as a swimmer,

    like many of you, I was exposed to a traditional Vasatrainer through the pool that I

    swam at, which had a Vasatrainer on deck. I found that original Vasa to be a very

    valuable tool, because even though I began the process of becoming a swimmer through

    the Total Immersion school of swimming, and of course I attended as many workshops

    and camps as I could, and read books and tried to learn about the sport as much as

    possible, the fact was that I was beginning to understand the importance of stroke

    technique and what I needed to actually do, and I found the Vasatrainer to be a valuable

    tool to develop that stroke technique.

    If we move ahead now to May 2005, something happened which changed some things for

    me immediately. I had a pretty serious bike crash, having been hit by a car. The impact

    sent me to the ground where I was knocked out cold and subsequently hospitalized. One

    of the injuries that I suffered from that crash was a severe grade-4 AC separation of my

    left shoulder. I refused to get surgery despite some recommendations to seriously

    consider GETTING surgery, because I really believed my body could heal itself. That

    was in May of 2005. In June 2005 I was in Lake Placid conducting a training camp with

    athletes that I coach, and of course, Im trying to train as much as I can, and it was very

    difficult to do because of the pain and instability of my shoulder, especially because I was

    actively working on the process of rehabilitation. I was speaking to a coach that I know

    who happened to be in Lake Placid at the same time and I was telling him that it was

    probably about time for me to go buy a Vasatrainer because I really felt that it would be a

    valuable tool for me to help rehabilitate my injury. He said what you really want is a

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    VASA Ergometer. Have you heard about it? Its the latest thing that VASA has come out

    with? You should take a look at it. I said to him that I dont have any idea what an

    Ergometer is, but I will take a look at it. I really trusted this coach and I valued his input

    so I decided to do some research on the Ergometer. Believe it or not I ended up just

    throwing caution to the wind and ordering one for myself. A close friend of my who

    happens to be a client said well if your getting one I will get one too. So in late June or

    early July of 2005, we both got one together. This other guy is a pretty accomplished

    swimmer, as he swam D1 at Syracuse University. For example, without doing much

    training at all, perhaps two to three swim sessions a week of maybe eight to ten thousand

    yards, he could swim an hour for an ironman swim without working very hard at all. So I

    began to use the Ergometer at very low levels just to try to rehabilitate my shoulder, not

    really thinking about it as a way to become a better swimmer or to increase my fitness but

    really just to go through some basic swim strokes, and rehabilitate my shoulder by going

    through some external rotation strength training for my rotator cuff, things to really

    rebuild and return my shoulder to the point where I could really function and return to

    swimming. A couple months went by and I began to progress on it and get a little bit

    stronger and feel a little bit better. For about three months, I didnt touch the water at all

    or do any swimming. When I finally returned to the pool and swam a few hundred yards

    to try and get a feel for the water back, my shoulder felt a little weird but it felt ok. Low

    and behold by the middle of the swim workout I was holding the same exact swim speed

    or pace at the same relative intensity as I had before I was injured. At to this the fact that

    before I was injured, I was using a swimming program that Monica Byrn had created for

    me. So I was swimming a fair large amount, perhaps four to six thousand yards, and was

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    really trying to get better. That included a fairly large amount of higher intensity stuff

    too. Those of you who know Monica (she herself is a professional triathlete with

    renowned swim strength) know shes a serious athlete and a serious coach. I was

    pushing myself pretty hard. When I returned to swimming after having gone through this

    injury and focused pretty much only on rehab, and I was swimming the same speed that I

    was swimming, I was thinking, what is going on here? I didnt expect that at all. That

    began this process of discovering what this Ergometer could do for me as a swimmer. So

    thats really it. It began with rehab and then this realization that this was actually a pretty

    powerful training tool.

    Electronic Monitor Fan FlywheelDamper Door (resistance)

    The VASA ErgometerThe VASA Ergometer



    Swim Paddles

    So this is the Ergometer here. Of course you can see the fan flywheel. The damper door is

    the adjustment for the resistance on the erg. Those of you that are familiar with the

    VASA trainer, it is pretty similar in terms of its setup, with the fan flywheel being the

    major difference. The resistance that it provides really does feel like water resistance

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    its actually pretty amazing. Now one thing I would really encourage all of you to do is get

    on this and experience it. Feel what it actually feels like to swim on it. So you can get the

    sense about what it actually is, and how it feels.


    Power (average watts)

    Pace per 100m Maximum Force

    Stroke Length


    Average Force

    (Rt & Lf)

    The VASA MonitorThe VASA Monitor

    Tim will demonstrate a little bit for us as we go along here. The critical piece of

    electronics on the VASA erg that is pretty unique to it is the monitor. The monitor is

    really what gives you all the feedback in terms of what your actually doing on it, such as

    wattage or power, pace per one hundred meters, and then of course maximum power

    maximum force, stroke length in centimeters, and then average force for right and left

    arm. This data, in particular, was actually very important for me is I began to rehab my

    shoulder, as I could actually see how much more power I was putting out with my right

    arm versus my left arm. It allowed me to focus more on that weaker side and develop it

    progressively. There are a couple of different views that we can see, the displays, and

    there is a lot that you can do with this monitor in terms of setting up workouts, to

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    countdowns you can look at the displays in a variety of different ways. There is a stroke

    timer that will beep along and give you an idea about stroke length which is something

    we will talk about a little bit later. There is a lot of information that you can gain from

    this and there is a lot of information that I talk about with the athletes that I coach that

    have it.

    Efficient freestyle is summarized by thesetwo basic concepts:

    You want to learn to REDUCE DRAGREDUCE DRAG

    This means rigidly maintaining a relaxed and streamlined

    position during every phase of the stroke.

    Triathlon Swimming:Basic Concepts & Fundamental Attributes


    This means leveraging your arm strokes by rigidly

    holding relaxed correctcorrect technique in all distances


    So, lets shift to triathlon swimming for just a moment and sort of come back and, I

    guess, ground ourselves in what I think are important fundamentals, because it is really

    important I think when looking at the value of the erg. Now if we simplify swimming and

    look at basic concepts, swimming well is really about reducing drag, (rigidly maintaining

    a relaxed and streamlined position during every phase of the stroke), and it is about

    creating more propulsion (leveraging those arm strokes by rigidly holding relaxed correct

    technique). Those basic concepts were introduced to me by a great swim coach, Haydn

    Wooley. I think its good to look at what are we trying to accomplish as a swimmer.

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    Those are the fundamental concepts. Obviously the VASA is about generating more

    propulsion, that is really what we are talking about here. Its not obviously or even

    necessarily about trying to become more streamlined. Ironically enough however, as one

    gains functional strength and applies correct technique with the Erg, I do think flexibility

    in the arms, shoulders, and upper back, will improve!

    What are the three fundamental attributes that

    every single good swimmer possesses?

    #1- Efficient technical SKILLSand HABITS

    #2- Very high levels of FLEXIBILITY (arms, shoulders,back, ankles)


    What is SNS?

    It is muscular strength that is gained by moving

    your body ONLY through the movement

    patterns of an efficient swimmer: the right


    What are the three, or at least what I think of as the three fundamental attributes of every

    single good swimmer that we know of? Number one, they all have efficient skills and

    habits. Number two they have high levels of flexibility, which is something that most

    triathletes tend to downplay but is significant in swimming! For any of you that are

    accomplished swimmers, you are well aware of this! Third, they have high levels of

    specific neuromuscular strength. When I talk to athletes about strength they intuitively

    immediately think, you know.bench press, arm curls, the typical kinds of strength

    training exercises that we commonly think of. The reality is that when I think of

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    swimming strength Im talking about coordination. Im talking about timing, and the

    ability to hold a high elbow, especially at the front end of the stroke. That is where I think

    the VASA really plays a significant role. And it is not just the VASA. I think, before I got

    on the erg, I was using stretch cords and other forms of resistance to teach athletes to

    bend the elbow and keep the elbow high and through the pull phase of the stroke and all

    these things that we are talking about. Its about muscle memory. Its about teaching

    coordination. Its about repeating it over and over and over again. So again, to reiterate,

    neuromuscular strength is the muscular strength that is gained by moving your body only

    through the movement patterns of an efficient swimmer. One of the things that I found

    using the VASA during my rehab process was again very, very low levels of resistance

    short duration, relatively high frequency, only trying to move my arm in a way that was

    absolutely correct. Trying to retrain the muscles. Trying not to put any stress on the

    shoulder, and rebuild strength around the shoulder was critical for my rehab. Something

    the erg is really, really good for.

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    Triathlon Swimming:What Are The Challenges?

    For the Novice:

    ! Learn proper technique apply it consistently improve!

    ! Time! family, work, training: life commitments, 24 hrs in a day

    ! Open water: mass starts, chop, currents, chaos/mayhem

    For the Experienced:

    ! Time! same as above

    ! Open water: same as above

    ! Commitment in training hours vs. the potential for

    material improvement! Efficiency

    ! Race-specific muscular endurance, power, speed

    Now that we all agree upon that. So what are the challenges for triathletes. In other

    words, what are we actually trying to overcome to prepare for a race, because sometimes

    we get hung up on debating this school of learning or that school of learning or, talk

    about these are the steps that you or I need to go through. The reality is that when an

    athlete comes to me for coaching and they say, for example, Ive signed up for Ironman

    Florida and I need you to help me prepare for that race. What we are looking at is the

    reality that they have to swim 2.4 miles in what could be difficult conditions. There could

    be a lot of wind. There could be a lot of chop. There could be a strong current. So they

    need to have the ability to get through that swim and continue on as though it was just the

    warm up to their day. Now that being said, I want to first mention that for the novice the

    basic challenges are, that they want to learn proper technique and then apply it

    consistently so that they can improve. Obviously the other two major issues which I sort

    of eluded to: one is the open water, that is a real challenge in our sport, and the other is

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    time. One of the things that I found (I told you I entered this sport of triathlon by telling

    myself that I was going to finish the Hawaii Ironman, and I was afraid of the water) was

    clearly, I needed to go back to the water, to a pool, and swim a lot, e.g. frequently. I had

    to constantly get myself closer to the water, and get in it! This wasnt the easiest thing for

    me to do! So I found that for that first year or two that I was involved in the sport of

    triathlon that I was going to the pool all the time. I was the guy who was always driving

    TO the pool or driving home FROM the pool. I was always changing to get into the

    water or to get out of the water. Sometimes I was only in the water for fifteen minutes.

    My point is that this whole process of finding enough TIME to drive to and from and do

    an actual swimming session is a major challenge for us as triathletes. We are all busy, we

    all have jobs, and multiple levels of responsibility. We all know that going to the pool is

    probably the most challenging in terms of the time commitment involved. For the

    experienced athlete it can be very similar. Time and the open water, while probably a

    different level, are the same challenges that exist. The other major challenge for the

    experienced athlete, and this again I think applies to the VASA ergometer, is the

    commitment of time necessary VERSUS the potential reward or improvement FROM

    that time commitment. In other words, take a hypothetical athlete: this other athlete who

    was my friend and client that bought an erg at the same time I did. If he swims an hour in

    an Ironman and he runs four and a half hours, where do you think he should be spending

    his training time? Probably more on the run, relatively speaking. In other words, a 1 hr

    IM swim is better comparatively speaking, than a 4.5 hr run. If he got to the point

    where he improved his run and perhaps his bike, he could go back and spend more time

    on his swim to raise his level. What I found as a coach is that you reach a point in time

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    where you have to contribute significantly more time in order to get relatively minimal

    benefit. I think perhaps some of you who are very strong swimmers might have

    experienced what it is like to try and go from a 55 minute to a 52 minute swimmer in an

    Ironman. Or maybe for those of you who more closely represent the middle of the pack

    athetes, perhaps a 1:15 to a 1:05. This takes a significant time commitment to go from

    one level to the next. The question we always have to ask is, is it worth it? In other

    words, is the time we are spending on something worth the potential rewards? Are we

    being EFFICIENT with the time we are spending? Thats a huge challenge I think, for an

    experienced athlete. How much time am I willing to commit for the potential

    improvement in my swimming. I have thought of this in another way as well. I think my

    experience having coached lots of age group athletes, that just between you and I as

    coaches, most of the age group athletes that I have worked with that I think are solidly in

    the middle of the pack in terms of swimming, most of them are going to be there for their

    entire careers as triathletes. Thats pretty much where they are going to stay. If a 35 year

    old athlete comes to me who is a 1:06 or a 1:05 Ironman swimmer, 5 years from now

    they are probably going to still be a 1:05 or a 1:06 swimmer. They might have improved

    by a few minutes, or slowed by a few minutes, but the hard reality, my experience as a

    coach, is that they will likely remain about the same in terms of their basic ability.

    Obviously this is a HUGE generalization, and much of their potential for swimming

    improvement is based upon where their bike and run ability is, in other words, where

    should they be spending the majority of their training time and effort. So we have to look

    at that time commitment and where we want to spend that time.

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    Triathlon Swimming:Where is the Focus?

    For the Novice:

    ! Understanding what to do vs. ability to execute...* See next slide

    ! TI school vs. Maglischo school:

    What are the considerations?

    - Transferring lie on your side and glide

    - The reality of a triathlon open -water swim

    - What about the kick?

    Where is the focus? Now again two things I want to talk about, and again this is my

    perspective. My experience. One of the things I found with working with beginning level

    swimmers (and remember I as an adult was a beginning level swimmer so I have been

    through this whole process of learning about how to swim) was that even though I could

    get a novice level athlete to understand what they were supposed to do in the water, I

    very often couldnt get them to do it or they couldnt do it, because they lacked either the

    flexibility or the strength to do it. I probably should back up for a second and also qualify

    my remarks by saying that BEFORE I worry too much about stroke technique, I truly

    believe that we want to consider the basic fundamentals of swimming such as horizontal

    position in the water, balance in the water, being relaxed, being streamlined, as a given. I

    know its not a given for many novice triathletes and swimmers, but so you know I

    wouldnt necessarily focus a lot on the front end of a swim stroke for an athlete who is

    challenged in those basic areas. We are focusing on those aspects first and we want to

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    make sure that we have an understanding of what they are supposed to do. When we go

    to the next level and begin to think about stroke technique and how they can create more

    propulsion, how they can have less dead spot in their stroke, how they can actually start

    to move through the water, THATS when I at least begin to talk more about the front

    end of the stroke and how they are catching and grabbing the water and/or pulling. Like

    I said, even though I could get an athlete to understand what they were supposed to do I

    couldnt get them to do it because they simply didnt have the strength or the flexibility to

    do it. I dont know if you have had those athletes that you have worked with and your

    talking to them and trying to get them to understand the concept of a high elbow and how

    they need to be reaching over the barrel, or how there needs to be the sort of connection

    with the water at the front end of the stroke. I found that many simply lacked the strength

    or the flexibility to be able to do it. The erg has been hugely valuable for that, for novice

    and experienced athletes, but particularly for novice. The other focus or issue that I see in

    schools of swimming is the Total Immersion school versus the Maglischo School.

    Now, Neil (Cook) is sort of nodding his head.I think it was February a year ago we

    were both attending the USAT coaches conference in Colorado Springs. Ernest

    Maglischo made a presentation at that conference. He is a very well known and highly

    respected swim coach who has coached numerous national champions. He spoke at

    length about how triathletes train, and talked about the Total Immersion school and the

    whole idea that we theoretically should have a front quadrant stroke, that and we

    should be long and gliding. He said he couldnt understand why triathletes were thinking

    this way. He conveyed the idea that that approach or school of swimming and learning

    comes from a school of pure swimmers that have strong kicks that allow them to keep

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    that forward momentum and the inertia moving forward. Those pure pool swimmers

    are also not swimming the in kind of environments that we, as triathletes, are swimming

    in. So there are really two schools of thought there that are different. I tend to agree with

    Maglischo, but of course as I mentioned earlier, this assumes that basic body position and

    relaxation are essentially in place. I tend to think the reality is that in the open water, you

    need to get your arms moving - you need to be putting pressure on the water and moving

    forward. For example, a common drill used by many novices is where you are lying on

    your side gliding and kicking with fins. This is perhaps an excellent drill to teach body

    position, but how does it transfer to the open water? It usually doesnt and most often we

    get shocked when we try to make that transference. The kick is the other obvious factor

    as well. Accomplished and/or competitive pool swimmers tend to have very strong kicks

    which remove any dead spot in a front quadrant stroke. I apologize because I know I am

    making some assumptions that when Im talking about these aspects of swimming such

    as front quadrant, etc., that you are all understanding what Im talking about. So I

    apologize if any of what I am saying is creating more confusion or not making sense. I

    do think that those are very important considerations to make for me as a coach and

    working with the ergometer, because this tool helps us to focus on creating the strength

    and skill that allow us to really improve in the water. Creating propulsion and creating

    stroke rate directly applies to the open water and the challenges we face as triathletes.

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    Ref erence: Haydn Wooley Future Dreams

    This is kind of a nice slide which a great swim coach from NZ, Hayden Wooly, shared

    with me. This gives us an overview of what we are talking about in terms of a high elbow

    and what I would consider to be correct front end technique. At the top we have a

    dropped elbow which results in a lot of slippage in the water and very little forward

    propulsion. In the middle graphic we have sort of a straight arm catch/pull with a little bit

    of slipping, and a little bit more forward propulsion, and lastly here we have a high elbow

    that creates a lot more forward propulsion. We had a video I wanted to show you, which

    we couldnt get working that actually has Tim (our guest swimmer who will demonstrate

    the Erg) the very first time he came to a swim clinic that I did and we did some

    underwater video taping. Tim had some good basic fundamental skills, good balance,

    good streamlining, he was pretty relaxed, but one of the major errors in his stroke was

    that he pulled with a nearly straight arm. As soon as I saw that, I said to myself instantly

    that he is going to have shoulder problems if he keeps that up. That kind of pull really

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    loads the smaller muscles of the shoulder such as the rotator cuff, putting all the stress on

    the shoulder. He is NOT tapping into the larger muscles of the back. He is not swimming

    efficiently either, because when his arm is right here he is creating a tremendous amount

    of drag as well. I said, we need to fix that. We need to get him so his elbow is higher,

    which in turn will create a larger paddle, and give him a much greater amount of

    propulsion. He is going to be more efficient, and he is going to swim much faster, and he

    will avoid stressing the shoulder and risking injury. Tim will tell you (and I will actually

    give him a chance to tell you about it here soon), while we talked about this a lot it wasnt

    until he actually got onto the erg and was able to practice that it actually made a mental

    connection for him.

    This (looking up at a slide of Grant Hackett) is the world record holder in the 1500

    meters so this is an ideal that few of us can actually achieve, but I like to use this as a

    model to teach people what they should be doing on the VASA. By the way, I do take

    complete novices in terms of swimming and while we are in the pool working on balance

    and body position, I get them on the erg with no other distractions, that is, no water, no

    waves, no breathing issues, and we go through these kinds of swim strokes so that they

    can get a sense of what they should be doing. We are also doing this on dryland in

    front of mirrors, and also using stretch cords, so they get a sense of what they need to do.

    I want them to get this idea right off the bat that what we dont want to happen is for

    them to drop the elbow when they initiate the catch. When they do drop that elbow,

    stress is placed on the shoulder and they dont tap into these larger muscles of the back,

    we get shoulder pain and risk of injury goes way up, and of course we create a

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    with 50 meters and he is at door level one right now which is the lowest level of

    resistance. So we are starting at a low level only focusing on specific neuromuscular

    movements that build correct strength. When we start learning what is correct and how to

    use the erg correctly, we are able to take the water, the breathing, the other swimmers, out

    of the picture. What I find as a coach is that if I am working with someone on the deck

    and they are in the water about every ten or fifteen strokes they do one thats right

    (correct) and I want to stop them right there and say, STOP!, that was correct, right there!

    But I often cant, and then they go on and do the next ten or fifteen or even twenty

    strokes incorrectly before doing one right again. They might be crossing over the

    midline, or some other common error. Something is happening that is throwing off their

    stroke. We all know there are several factors going into it and its usually not as simple as

    it appears. Using the erg provides an opportunity for an athlete to stay at a low level of

    resistance for a short duration of time and build correct strength. We have an opportunity

    to learn and practice correct coordination the way that it should be. We can then progress

    over time by adding resistance, duration, frequency and so forth. One of the reasons I

    asked you to get on it either today or tomorrow at the expo is so that you get to feel what

    doing a hundred meters on this actually feels like, in terms of the specific strength it

    actually takes. Much more valuable in terms of strength I think as far as swimming goes.

    One of the concerns that I had when I got on it is that we know we need to rotate at the

    hips. When we talk about swimming we have hip rotation and we have shoulder rotation

    which are two major kinds of rotation. Obviously on the erg we are not rotating the hips

    the way we would typically do in the water, and Im sure you might be asking (as I did at

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    one time), isnt there a problem with that? Actually, what I have discovered (and again

    your experience may be different, this is only MY experience as a coach) is that the Total

    Immersion school in which most of my novice athletes have been introduced to

    swimming through (and again I DONT want to hammer on Total Immersion because I

    think there is a lot of value to that particular approach and school of swimming when it

    comes to learning, relaxation, streamlining, and all of those things which are so valuable

    and essential for success), butone of the things that I have found is that swimmers

    come to me feeling that they are NOT rotating enough at the hip, and I usually always

    find that the opposite is true and that they are rotating TOO much. Some of them are

    learning that the belly button should be pointed at the side of the pool. In reality when we

    watch elites, they are no where near that level of hip rotation. Again it is a learning

    process, and I understand that, but a novice swimmer asks me if they are rotating enough

    and they are going like this, and I say, I dont think there is a problem with not enough

    rotation. I think there is enough hip rotation there. In fact, I find that there may be TOO

    much because, they often lack flexibility in their upper body, and when you go to the side

    your arm goes like that (across the midline). So we are trying to fix a lot of issues here.

    So I havent found the lack of hip rotation to be a problem AT ALL, with most novices I

    have worked with. In fact, alsoTim will tell you that we are actually rotating the hip a

    little bit on the erg. Pressing that hip right into the pad. Some athletes will actually ad a

    half foam roller so they are getting that hip rotation. I think you DO need to think about

    that when youre on the erg. You actually need to engage the hip, think of your core as

    leverage for this arm stroke as you rotate your shoulder forward and really engage the

    upper back muscles.

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    Triathlon Swimming:Where is the Focus?

    For the Experienced:

    ! Practicing correct technique at varying resistance and

    intensity (progressive overload) leading to improved:


    Muscular Endurance



    ! Training to hold a HIGHER stroke rate:

    More inertia

    Less slowing down / speeding up

    Save legs: leads to an efficient 2 -beat kick

    Specificity of training: open water

    Training on the Vasa:Novice

    FundamentalFundamental functionalfunctional strength & flexibilitystrength & flexibility

    improvedimproved swim techniqueswim technique

    - Low resistance levels

    - Short to medium durations

    - High frequency

    - Low to moderate volume

    GOAL: Methodical - consistent development of correct

    coordination and functional strength

    Let me try to separate athletes out here a little bit and talk about both novice and

    experienced. Obviously there are many who fit in between two extremes and across the

    gamut, such as Tim, who really is somewhere closer to experienced, but yet has much

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    room for improvement. In other words, when he came to me he wasnt a novice. He

    could complete a race, he could complete a 2000 yard swim workout. He was probably

    swimming somewhere around a 1:50 per 100 pace. In reality, he was a pretty solid

    triathlete swimmer, but he obviously could be a lot better, and definitely more efficient.

    For the novice swimmer I think of the VASA as a tool to increase functional strength that

    then allows them to go to the pool and improve their swimming. I should say that I think

    of it that way, the reality is that my clients taught me that through our interaction as we

    developed some thoughts on how to use this cutting edge tool to improve. There arent

    that many coaches or athletes out there who are working on this right now. Ive got a lot

    of smart clients that I coach that are a lot smarter than I am and they began to teach me

    these things as well.

    For a novice athlete, weve found that its helpful if you build some functional strength

    first using the Erg and then go to the pool and work on skill and strength together. So

    again fundamental strength and flexibility together. As a note for those of you who are

    beginning coaches working with swimmers, you need to emphasize the importance of

    flexibility, and the fact that without decent levels of flexibility, you cant do the things we

    are talking about or even come close to what a Grant Hackett does. Very few people can

    do what he does at the front end, because they would dislocate their shoulder every time

    they take a stroke! So its about fundamental technical strength that leads to improved

    technique. For novices we are looking at very low resistance levels, short medium

    durations, relatively high frequency and low to moderate volume. In their training

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    sessions its a huge advantage with the VASA. For me, remember I was the guy

    struggling to get closer to the water so I could learn, so every time I go to do 500 or 1000

    yards it ended up being two hours of time. At the most I could do it five days a week,

    working to fit in everything in my life that I needed to fit in. On the VASA for those

    athletes that happen to have one, they can jump on it for 50 meters at a time, sometimes

    multiple times in a day, so we have the ability for frequency in this learning process. And

    again, were using very low resistance levels and we are focusing on perfect technique.

    That is, methodical, consistent development of correct coordination and functional


    Training on the Vasa :Experienced

    EnhancedEnhanced functional strength & flexibilityfunctional strength & flexibility

    refinedrefined skillsskills

    muscular endurancemuscular endurance -- powerpower -- speedspeed -- staminastamina

    - Low, medium, and high resistance levels

    - Moderate frequency

    - Moderate volume

    - Large varieties of: stroke rate - power resistance

    - Higher overall intensity: Swimervals

    - Integration of total -body functional ST exercises

    GOAL: Improved performance at goal race intensity

    For the experienced most of the athletes that I coach that have the VASA that were

    already accomplished swimmers were taking already a high level of functional strength,

    were trying to refine it and make them more efficient and more powerful. Ultimately we

    want to improve their muscular endurance, power, speed, and stamina. So we are really

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    training them for their events. We have this tool that gives us instant feedback about that.

    What is our wattage on any given day? Most of us are familiar with a power meter for a

    bike, and we all know the value of a power meter. With it, we have empirical and

    instantaneous data to show us if we are training at the appropriate intensity, and whether

    or not we are improving. Well the VASA is giving us that as well. We clearly know at

    x heart rate that if I can hold 1:40 pace and 40 watts on one particular day or week and

    can do x amount better, and of course assuming that our form hasnt deteriorated, and

    thats a big IF, then we know we have improved. Experienced athletes will use all

    different varieties of resistance levels, moderate to high frequency, moderate to high

    volumes, large varieties of stroke rates, power, and resistance, higher overall intensity,

    and then well integrate total body functional strength training exercises as well. We use

    the VASA now in a lot of different ways. We are doing some core conditioning we are

    doing some body weight conditioning, we are on and off the machine.

    Individualized Baseline Testing for

    Intermediate / Advanced Swimmers:

    1k Steady State

    Done at preferred power/pace & SR.

    Approx. 75% of max, or about half IM intensity

    Avoids compromising technique for more power

    1k Time Trial

    Maximum effort

    Best power/pace for the duration

    Preferred SR

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    One of the things I didnt elude to earlier that Maglischo talked about was this issue of

    stroke rate and where should athletes be, because when we have a front quadrant stroke

    and we dont have a strong kick, the issue of stroke rate becomes hugely important. Of

    course, you can imagine what my kick is like, after having run for 25 years with all that

    scar tissue in my ankle that has turned them into rigid boards that dont bend! Every time

    I get on a kick board I go in the opposite direction than I am supposed to go!! I think that

    many triathletes are like that who dont come from deep swim backgrounds. The idea

    with a front quadrant stroke (as when we watch an elite level swimmer do it), there is that

    period of time where there isnt a lot of pressure on the water but they have very

    powerful kicks that help continue that forward momentum. When a swimmer comes to

    me with a very pronounced front quadrant stroke and they have no real or effective

    kick, and I say, ok, lets take the fins off, they dont go anywhere! They stay in place.

    How are we going to transfer that to the open water, or to their races? Thats what they

    came to me for. What we do is weve got to get their arms moving. Weve got to get their

    stroke rate up, and that is basically the point that Ernie Maglischo made at the Coaching

    Conference. He said triathletes need to train at much larger varieties: high resistance, low

    resistance, high speed, low speed, and the Vasa Erg has been a great tool for that. We

    have seven door resistance levels so we can work at a really high resistance and a low

    stroke rate to build force and strength in a correct neuromuscular coordinated pattern. We

    can also reduce the resistance to minimal and really get the arms moving to train a higher

    SR. Its all about specific training. Increasing stroke rate. Variety is something we really

    emphasize on the erg and I think most triathletes who typically swim in a pool tend to do

    the same kinds of sessions at the same stroke rate and the same intensity over and over

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    again. I believe that hurts them in how they are able to adapt and improve. Of course,

    what also happens is what occurs when you throw a triathlete into a typical masters

    swimming program and they have minimal levels of functional strength or skill, and the

    coach says, ok we are going to do 8x 25 SPRINT on one minute! What does that

    swimmer/triathlete do? They try to hang on for dear life, as the arms just start flailing.

    There is no high elbow; there is no form, no technique, no nothing. For the rest of the day

    their shoulders hurt! What did they end up doing that helped them learn or help them get

    better? Nothing really. On the Erg, we are able to control that a little bit better because

    all the athletes that I work with on this KNOW that technique is number one in terms of

    priorities. Absolute perfect form. And, you can see it. For example, we will do a one

    arm drill or whatever we are working on, slowly, progressively, only building correct

    technique and strength.

    We have also come up with a couple of baseline tests that we have found work well. So,

    for reference, now I am transitioning a bit to talking about actually training on the

    VASA vs. learning per se, even though they are nearly one in the same. So, I have

    athletes, once they have established a basic level of strength and ability on the Erg, do a

    couple of different baseline tests to establish where they are at on their ability. A 1K time

    trial seemed like the obvious choice except that you could put an athlete on a device and

    say you win if you go faster or harder than the next person and what do they do? They are

    looking at a number, and as a result, theyll usually go so hard that their form suffers, and

    they might even get hurt. So clearly that didnt work for me and it didnt work for the

    athletes that I coach. We wanted a test that would give us a valuable number but that was

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    done with correct technique. We went first to a steady state test. We do it at preferred or

    self selected power or pace, and stroke rate. My experience tells me that it usually

    comes out to be about half ironman intensity, I think. The major advantage is that it

    helps avoid compromising technique, simply to gain more power. For the more

    experienced athletes who I am confident in their strength and flexibility, we will do a

    maximum effort 1K time trial. This test really establishes a baseline to gauge where

    their progress is, and of course we are looking at a lot of variables throughout the time

    that they are training on it.

    * All of the below include a 30 non-active recovery ( nar)

    between each set.

    * Drills and Functional strength (RC) work are in addition

    to the below

    1. 6x 25 @ 15 nar, repeat. Total: 300m

    2. 8x 25 @ 15 nar, repeat. Total: 400m

    3. 4x 50 @ 15 nar, repeat . Total: 400m

    4. 12x 25 @ 10 nar, repeat . Total: 600m5. 5x 50 @ 10 nar, repeat. Total: 500m

    6. 16x 25 @ 10 nar, repeat , Total: 800m

    7. 8x 50 @ 15 nar, repeat, Total: 800m

    8. 4x 75 @ 15 nar, repeat, Total: 600m

    9. 8x 50 @ 10 nar, repeat, Total: 800m

    10. 4x 100 @ 30 nar, repeat , Total: 800m

    Sample Progressions for Novice:

    So, now we can look at some sample sessions for a variety of ability levels. These

    sample sessions for a novice athlete are done at a very low level of resistance, a high

    level of frequency, and usually a short duration. So, you are reading correctly, its literally

    only 6x 25 at fifteen seconds non-active recovery. These are very short sessions, but the

    point is that they know they need to do these WITH PERFECT form. Over time, with

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    lots of frequency they begin to develop the functional strength they NEED to have, to be

    able to transfer it to the pool.

    As an aside, on the erg I should say that actually 100 meter pace that you get as a readout

    on the monitor correlates with wattage and, it appears from some feedback from others

    and in my own experience, is actually very realistic compared to real swimming. Rob,

    would you agree, based on your experience, that when swimmers actually swim at a

    relative intensity on the erg and get a certain feedback in terms of their speed, that when

    they go to the pool it is pretty close?

    Rob: Let me qualify that by saying that pace/100M is realistic to pulling, no start and no



    Right, and remember also that it is meters, not yards. So, this is a sample of how I might

    progress with a novice athlete. Basically we are increasing frequency, duration, and

    cutting down on the amount of non active recovery, and over time, ultimately our goal is

    to increase volume and intensity, using ONLY perfect form.

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    Six Sample Sessions:Experienced

    General Notes:

    !Usually up to 3k, rarely above on average 1.5 -2k!Target for most: 3 quality sessions per week during build

    !Frequently use 400 -500m as prelude to bike/run sessions

    !Long indoor bike days: rotate VASA and bike trainer

    ! Incorporate RC (shoulder) / functional strength exercises

    !As bike / run taper > VASA frequency / volume increase

    !Mirror / videotape: watch and ensure perfect elbow position

    ! Incorporate slight HIP roll / rotation timed w/ shoulder rotati on

    Technique / Muscular Cues:

    !Where is tightness or soreness?

    !Triceps / inner elbow / deep shoulders:

    - dropping the elbow! !

    !Upper Pecs, Lats, Upper Abs:- proper technique on! !

    For experienced athletes, some athletes, like Tim, might do up to about 3K, believe it or

    not, which is pretty significant on the Erg. Thats an hour of straight work on it. That

    being said, we rarely go above that, and on average we are using sessions of about 1-2K.

    In terms of frequency for experienced, for most we are targeting about three quality

    sessions per week. When I talk about the advantages of the erg, there is a lot of

    opportunity for frequent swim to bike transition, at least in terms of creating the feeling

    of upper body fatigue, which many of our athletes dont have the opportunity to do too

    often because it is very inconvenient to jump out of the pool and then onto your bike.

    You all know that in racing that is a weird feeling and you know it is something that you

    need to get use to, which is essentially doing all of that work with your upper body in a

    horizontal position, and then shifting to the bike. For the ironman athletes that I coach

    and even for the more competitive middle distance athletes, we are doing lots of frequent

    swim to bikes with the Erg. We are proceeding those long ironman focused training rides

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    with four to five hundred on the VASA. Fifteen minutes seems to be just enough to create

    that fatigue and that feeling of what its like to come out of the water and then jump on

    the bike. For long indoor bike days, we will rotate the VASA and bike training in an

    effort to mix it up and keep it fun and interesting. Tim, do you want to jump on and just

    show us a couple of the functional strength training exercises that we could do? As I

    mention I use the VASA as primarily a strength training device at first. Now the VASA

    folks could talk to you a lot about that, and of course their website is loaded with

    exercises that you can do on the erg and that you can do on the VASA trainer. One of the

    things that I did a lot of at first was external rotation exercises for the shoulder. Most of

    us dont need a lot of internal rotation exercises because internal rotators tend to be pretty

    strong already. This is what was really helpful for me was the rebuilding of the teres

    minor and infraspinatus (rotator cuff) muscles that are responsible for keeping the

    humeral head in place. This is an example of this exercise using it sort of like a cable

    device. It is just something that is really valuable and we can use it in that respect. Using

    handles rather than the paddles in this position, for these types of exercises, works pretty

    well. There is a lot of functional strength training exercises you can do on this device and

    actually swimming on it is in and of itself, obviously a very good functional strength


    For the athletes that I coach who live far away from me, I ask them to video tape

    themselves and send it to me. Thats my biggest concern is that I am not watching them

    swimming on it. So they are telling me they are doing great but perhaps their form isnt

    as good as they SAY it is. Just like Patrick said earlier, hes wondering, are they building

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    poor form or good form. Tim will show you that as he starts to warm up a little bit, he

    gets a little bit of hip rotation as he initiates hip rotation timed with the shoulder rotation.

    We are using technique and muscular cues too. This isnt anything that you all dont

    know already. We are looking for any tightness and soreness in the inner elbow, triceps

    and deep shoulders. It may be an indication if the swimmer is dropping the elbow or

    using poor form. If we have soreness here then it is an indication that we are looking at

    correct form.

    Audience Question:

    I noticed that Tim is holding his head up and thats not proper technique. Does it affect

    you in the water?


    Well you know it is an interesting topic that we were talking about actually a couple days

    ago. It doesnt reinforce what we want in the water, which is to be looking down keeping

    our head in line with our spine, but interestingly enough in the open water environment

    you ARE going to be sighting, and you ARE going to have to look up. Not only that but

    if youre in the aero bars your going to have to look up as well too. Tim actually thinks its

    good training. In other words, as long as you are aware that you do NOT want to swim

    that way when you are in the water, at least on a routine bases, it actually helps to build



    I have a mirror in front of mine, so its natural for me to be looking up. And at first, like

    you said, most people get a little messed up. But it does actually work the neck muscles

    and upper back muscles for an aero position. It sounds like Im building neuromuscular

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    memory but in the water, Ive never had a problem going back in the water and looking

    down, swimming down.


    What Ive found Neil, is that Ive looked at a lot of athletes relatively speaking and we all

    know that for every action there is a reaction of some kind and Ive tried to interpret what

    the movements on the VASA really mean. Rob may be able to elude to this as well but

    what I do as a coach when Im trying to convey something to the athletes is we focus on

    keeping it real, which is just like in the water we are going to bend the elbow, we are

    going to keep the elbow high, we are going to lead with the hand, the fingers are pointed

    down and we are going to pull straight back. We are not going to cross over at the

    midline. We all know that crossing over at the midline, whether it happens to be a

    flexibility issue or other issue, thats what tends to cause the feet to scissor and there may

    be other issues that are going on as well. Tim has really good solid hip rotation that leads

    his stroke. As a coach, all I am thinking about is, is there full extension (is this

    happening) so that the hand is here so that weve got this paddle, and are we building

    strength through the back here, thats going to create power for him as a swimmer, and is

    he coming straight back and finishing. As long as those things are happening and I dont

    see anything really funky here then I dont worry about any other aspects of the

    movement. I know, because of the nature of the machine, that there is going to be some

    movement of some kind, e.g. an action and a reaction. Now clearly, I have seen novices

    or folks that I dont think are as accomplished as Tim is, where they are coming back and

    they drop the elbow and the hand is here, and as a result they are clearly crossing at the

    midline, so we know that automatically we are not putting pressure where we want it to

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    be and that is going to cause a lot of funky things to happen to his swim, that are going to

    create drag and keep him from going straight which is what we want to have him do.

    W/up: 300-500m very easy, door at 1, SR=30, watts=30 -40.

    MS: 5x 200m holding your TT test watts/pace. Alt door settings

    this way: 2 - 1 - 3 - 2 1.

    * Swim a VERY EASY door 1 recovery for 50m between each rep

    * Hold the same watts through the entire 'set', but vary resistanc e. On the

    door 1 settings, SR should be high, e.g. in the 40 -45 range), focusing on

    perfect form

    CD: 200m very easy

    W/up: 200m nice and easy, door at 1

    Drills: 12x 1 min, alternating one -arm-only drill with steady swim.

    Take 10" non active rest between each 1' effort.

    MS: 10x 100m w/ door at 2 like this:75 at EE intensity, and then 25 at UT/TP, then....

    CD: change from paddles to handles for RECOVERY stroke

    (e.g. flip over so that your legs are up near the top of Erg and do

    8x 30" of "recovery swimming" w/ 10" of non active recovery,

    then return to a normal position (keep handles in place) for 3 -5'

    of easy cooldown swimming.....then stretch!



    There is a variety of drills you can do on the Erg. I sometimes like to use the one-arm

    drill for athletes for a variety of reasons. Ironically enough, we usually think of this drill

    as a form or strength drill, but it also can be thought of as a flexibility drill for the non

    active straight arm. For those of you who know athletes that are limited in their

    flexibility, I can recommend that you have them do lots of kicking on their back in a

    streamlined position. I will have them do two to three to four hundred yards of it at a

    time, and as part of even longer sets. Thats great active stretching for the shoulders

    and back. So, in order to develop some flexibility here if I think an athlete is limited in

    their flexibility, I have them do the one-arm drill where that static arm is just staying

    straight out and absolutely fully extended. So, its like active flexibility training for the

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    upper back and obviously it allows him to focus on only one arm at a time. So every

    single stroke he takes is perfect in terms of executing the stroke correctly

    Audience Question:

    This is a question about the under the water recovery you use on the Vasa, vs. a normal

    over the water recovery: How much of that muscle memory is translated into the water

    where your not, you know, normally doing it like that?


    I can tell you my personal experience and the experience of the athletes that I coach,

    because just like you, the lack of an over-the-water recovery was a question I had at first

    also. I think we all understand that part of the over the water recovery comes from

    rotation of the hip. We put ourselves in a position where we can recover this way. So if

    we are not rotating a lot here at the hips, we dont want to recover over the water too

    much, because it places too much stress on the shoulder.

    What it comes down to is that fact that if we assume that there is horizontal position in

    the water, and that the athlete is relaxed and that they understand the concepts of

    streamlining within the limits of their flexibility, then whats holding them back from

    improving? I think its strength. Not pure strength but neuromuscular strength. That is

    what this tool does and it is also incredibly convenient and it allows for greater frequency

    and duration and volume and all of those things that really build learning, that build in the

    right neural engrams. Sure, when hes on the erg, it doesnt appear that what hes doing

    when he swims on it is at all what he looks like when hes actually in the water, but the

    key thing is that what hes doing is this building strength here, in the catch/pull phase

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    under the water, and again, as you will see in the sessions Ill show you, we are doing it

    and training and learning using lots of variety, e.g. high resistance, low resistance, high

    stroke rate, low stroke rate, and during the course of a session hes getting a taste of

    everything which is helping him improve. And, guess what: In an open water

    environment, this is huge. For example, how many have you done a race where you had

    athletes swimming up on top of you, had to round a bouy where you had to lift your head

    out of the water to sight or navigate, and what happens when you stop stroking? You

    know what happens, you stop moving! This tool helps us in that way.

    I think Ive got four five or six sample sessions of many that, by the way, my athletes

    have come up with just as many of these as I have, because when there is common

    ground and lots of mutual respect and desire, people want to really share. They are really

    excited about this tool. I wouldnt be anywhere where I am as a coach with the VASA

    with out those folks that I coach who work WITH ME to figure it out.

    This is a typical session five by two hundred is a main set holding your test wattage, or

    pace. In this case we are mixing up the variety with resistance two one three two one in

    terms of the door settings.

    Audience question:

    Do the athletes that you work with that are training on this as opposed to pool time do

    they lose anything by not kicking?


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    Its an interesting question, and one I will talk about that from a couple different

    perspectives. So you know, we DO do some workouts where we do some flutter kicking

    and for athletes who feel like it is a huge limiter for them we have them go to the pool

    more frequently and do extended kicking sessions. In fact, with some advice and help

    from another coach, I went through this period of time as a swimmer where I discovered I

    couldnt kick and I thought well if I am going to swim well I need to become a better

    kicker, there is just no way around it. Part of my problem or issue was that before I ever

    got near the pool to try and learn how to swim, I had probably run 25 or 26 marathons

    and ultras. So I had all those issues with my lower body in terms of a LACK of ankle

    flexibility. In an effort to overcome that I actually went through a period of time where I

    was doing 3, 4, and even 5 thousand yard workouts that were largely kicking only. I also

    used one of those stretching racks that, you know, the zoomer guy sells, and I spent a

    significant amount of time stretching my feet. You could ask my daughter and shell tell

    you she used to sit on my feet and try to stretch my feet out and I was determined to

    become a better kicker. I was kicking in the pool in every way under the sun. Similarly,

    what I find with a lot of triathletes that go to masters programs is they do a lot of kicking,

    usually on a board.

    Conversely, what I find as an athlete is that when I get to a race, Ive got a wetsuit on

    (with the exception of IM Hawaii or a race like St. Croix) and I find I dont kick much at

    all. In fact, I dont want to kick very much at all. In fact, I really want my legs and feet

    go along for the ride so to speak. When there are a lot of issues going on down here

    around the legs and feet, whether it be scissoring or something like that, it usually means

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    there is something going on up here in the front part of the stroke thats not ideally

    correct. So again, every athlete is different and every person is unique. What I found

    personally, was that all those hundreds or thousands of yards of kicking that I did didnt

    really help me a whole lot, to be honest. I became a little bit better as a kicker and

    swimmer, but it wasnt until I figured out that I have to get my arms moving that I

    realized, thats where I needed to be as far as my swimming was concerned. I wasnt

    going to change my ankle flexibility a LOT, e.g. I wasnt going to become Lenny

    Kratzelberg, thats for sure! I couldnt lay flat on the floor and put my feet flat on the

    ground like he can. You know elite level swimmers have that level of flexibility and

    many life long swimmers do, but I just dont, and many triathletes that I know dont have

    it either. My point is, if you drive 45 minutes to your pool, you change, you jump in the

    pool, and you do a master swim workout where 35 percent of that workout is kicking and

    most of that kicking is on a board, and then you drive home you just spent 3 hours and a

    pretty good percentage of your time not doing anything thats going to help you in your

    race!! Face the facts, its not really going to help you! At the very least, its not an

    efficient use of your time. Now of course, is there value in kicking in a workout? Yes

    there is, because just to be clear, I dont want to go TOTALLY to one side, to the

    extreme, because if you kick hard and you develop some lactate as a result, and your

    body has to process it, that IS valuable in your development as a competitive triathlete.

    Its not a complete waste of time to do some kicking, butit is just that, for me as a

    coach, Ive got an athlete who has a full time job and two kids and hes got a race coming

    up in the near future. How are we going to get him ready for his race? Do we want him

    spending three hours and a pretty good percentage of his time doing something that isnt

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    going to help him in his race? I dont think so. With the Erg, its about JUMP ON, and in

    five minutes you can get started on 1500meters of full-on, focused strength training for

    swimming, that absolutely transfers to performance in the water. All of the athletes that I

    coach that have this are PRing in their swims, and rarely going to the pool anymore. Sure,

    most of them are pretty accomplished swimmers for the most part though, they do have a

    pretty high level of ability, but still, thats a major accomplishment I think!

    W/up with 200 very easy, then get into the main set:

    (Note: start conservatively - decrease times for each 300, 200, and

    100, e.g. start slightly easier than you feel you can hold, and then

    finish at or around threshold intensity. Door at 2.)

    MS: 1 x 300 (45" non active recovery).

    2 x 200 (30 non active recovery).3 x 100 (do an easy 50 between each for


    CD: 100-300 easy - your choice,

    W/up 200 -300m nice and easy, door at 1

    MS#1: 2x 500m at your 'steady state' pace, door at 2.

    MS#2: 4x 100m at UT (10sr, non active), while you adjust door

    setting: #1: door at 4, #2: door at 3, #3: door at 2, #4: door at 1

    Note goal for this set: hold at least your 1k TT pace, and even up t o about10-15w above test. These should be good and hard, yet controlled, e fforts!

    MS#3: 4x 25m on 40sec. Goal: sprint pace! Highest watts withoutstroke deterioration!

    CD: 100 easy door 1, and then stretch!



    Lets review a few more sessions. Again, this is just an example of some variety in how

    we might want to approach it. In reality, they are quite similar to regular swim sessions in

    a lot of ways as we are trying to descend sets, and we are trying to mix in variety. Heres

    4x 100 at a pretty high intensity, and this is 2x 500 at a steady state, or aerobic

    intensity/ pace. Then moving to a set where the intensity increases and we are going to

    use ten seconds of non-active recovery to change the door setting. The first one is at door

    four which is a very high resistance and a very high intensity. Then we go to door three,

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    then door two, then door one, with the same intensity, so at that last rep we are really

    cranking stroke rate significantly. I want to emphasize every single person is a unique

    individual and so not everyone needs to increase their stroke rate. Some people already

    stroke too much too fast. So I try to look at ever person as an experiment of one and look

    at what their particular limiter is and how this tool or any training tool we use can help

    them improve their individual performance. Thats kind of what we are looking at. And

    then as a last set, 4x 25 on forty seconds, which is a pretty high intensity sprint


    W/up 200 door 1 as 50 free, 25 fly, 25 breast, 25 fly, 25 breast,50 free.

    MS: 500-400-300-200-100m.

    *Note: Start at door 1 for the first 500, and then increase to door 2 o n the400. A s the workout evolves, increase intensity gradually, as w ell as

    resistance on the 300 and 200. For the 100, make this a TT type effort,

    door at 2. Shoot for your best 100, with one focus, and that is PERFECT

    form. Do NOT sacrifice form in order to go faster!

    CD: After the 100, do 200 very easy, and then stretch....

    W/up: 200-300m. Relaxed, perfect form, door at 1.

    MS #1: 12x 100m on enough time to change the door setting.

    *Odd reps: TP and choice SR. Even: UT with high SR (40 -50?).

    1-2: door 2 / door 13-4: door 3 / door 1

    5-6: door 4 / door 1

    7-8: door 5 / door 1

    9-10: door 4 / door 1

    11-12: door 3 / door 1

    MS #2: 300m at steady UT

    *done at door 2, focus= long, elbow over hand pulls from a perfe ct

    catch. Goal: perfect technique when fatigued.

    CD: 100m easy!, door at 1



    Heres an example of how we might use something that looks like a typical swim

    workout, where you might see free, fly, breast in a warm up, then a five four three two

    one descending aerobic set. That is, steady state descending set with 30 seconds or so

    of non-active recovery and again, increasing intensity so the way you would train in a

    pool descending in terms of speed as intensity increases slightly. We are trying to build in

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    this idea that we want to start at a conservative intensity and build throughout the course

    of the swim like we would do in any thing that we are doing. Heres some more of the

    same, with a very large variety.

    W/up 300m all door 1 as 100 free, 25 fly, 25 breast, 25 fly,

    25 breast, 100 free


    1. 25 power wheel roll outs, 1 -2 mins bicycle kicks with

    10lb med ball overhead in a lat pull down motion, 1 -2 mins

    flutter and/or scissor kicks

    2. 500m door 2 - targeting >40 SR and >70w

    3. repeat 1

    4. 500m door 3 - targeting >35 SR and >80w

    5. repeat 1

    6. repeat 2

    7. repeat 1

    8. repeat 4

    CD: 100-300m, door 1, very easy w/ with perfect form!

    Integrating Total Body Conditioning:

    This is an example of a total body conditioning workout. Are any of you familiar with

    that little POWER wheel? There are commonly two different sizes which we see, the

    little power wheel and the larger power wheel. Im kind of a big advocate of those. I like

    using them for concentrated strength and core work. This is a workout that an athlete that

    I coach shared with me that he suggests and that he likes to use. It starts with a warm up

    with a large amount of variety, and then goes into a set of 25 power wheel roll outs, one

    to two minutes bicycle kicks with a ten pound med ball. One to two minutes of flutter.

    Scissor kicks, and jumping on the VASA, targeting, for him, a stroke rate of forty and a

    power output of seventy watts. Then he repeats this first set and comes back and does this

    five hundred, but now hes lowered his stroke rate a bit but has increased his wattage.

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    Now we are going to go back and repeat this first set. This is a really really challenging

    workout! What I think this really eludes to which I think is important as a coach and as an

    athlete, is this is about getting and improving our pure FITNESS. Sometimes I think

    people forget (as they focus a lot on the numbers in terms of physiological data or

    whatever) that improving is largely about simply becoming more fit, plain and simple.

    Strong, resilient, fatigue resistance is an important factor in your or any endurance

    athletes success. For example, lets say I have a gymnast come to me with the right body

    type to be a triathlete and that person jumps in a race and bingo, happens to win their age

    group by fifteen minutes. A gymnast has a very high level of flexibility, and very high

    levels of functional strength. Conversely, someone might come to me and tell me some

    information about their LT as being this or that, but that athletes is without that level of

    PURE FITNESS that the gymnast has. They arent going to have the same potential for

    success, simply because of that overall lack of fitness. Again, thats just a hypothetical

    example, but I believe it is worth considering. So, this workout is great for fitness

    building, and a great way to spend an hour in your basement in the middle of winter,

    building strength.

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    W/up 100m all door 1, choice stroke and drills

    MS: at door 2.

    Start at 1k build to 3k, 2 weeks out from goal event

    * Intensity: Begin at best average steady test watts

    * Surge to sprint pace every 200 to simulate jumping a pack

    CD: 100-300m, door 1, very easy w/ with perfect form!

    Race Prep ME Session for Experienced

    This is an example of a muscular endurance session for an experienced athlete, say two or

    three weeks before a key half iron race. We are going to start at 1K and progress over the

    course of a couple of weeks up until about two weeks out from the goal race where they

    are doing perhaps 3K. We might even, for athletes that are competitive at sprint or

    Olympic distance, where jumping a pack is an important part of their success, we will

    have them simulate that on the erg as well.

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    What are the advantages?

    Time savings - convenience

    Skill / Technique Learning


    Quality vs. Quantity

    Measurable / repeatable (cycling power meter comp)

    Variable resistance

    Maintenance of fitness when ill or injured

    Variety (stroke rate)

    Progressive overload

    Integration of other strokes

    Opportunity to do frequent swim/bike and

    swim/run combo sessions. (500m)

    Ok, so while I have alluded to much of this already, lets discuss some of the advantages?

    I think time savings and convenience is far and away the most important thing. As I said

    earlier, a huge assumption on my part and I apologize for that, but I think that most of the

    age group athletes that I coach are swimming about as well as they are going to swim, all

    things being equal. So, as coaches we have to help them decide, where do we want to see

    them spend their precious time the most? Most of them are either bike or run limited in

    some way. Do I want them spending four to seven hours a week driving to the pool for

    three hours of swimming where they spend a pretty good percentage kicking? Or, would

    they be better off having them increasing their running or cycling frequency, and of

    course we are balancing all of this in the mist of the fact that they have might have two

    children, they have a full time job, they maybe run their own business, or whatever it is,

    we all know what thats about.

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    How you have your athletes spend their time is the MOST important thing that we do as

    coaches, to help them maximizing training time and effort for maximum results.

    Next, obviously there is skill and technique in learning. I mentioned that Ill take a

    novice and put them on this and say, well, we are not there yet but this is what you

    need to do with the front end of your stroke. And we will do it with stretch cords too, it

    doesnt have to be on the VASA, but the Erg is great for that. Frequency, now we can

    jump on this thing ten times a week, fifteen times a week. You know for type As like

    Tim who want to constantly be working to improve. There is also the aspect of quality

    versus quantity, and again that goes back to how we are spending our time in those 3-4k

    masters workouts. What are we doing in those workouts that are directly contributing to

    your success for your race? Thats our goal.

    Remember when we take all this other fluff out of it, you or your athletes are going to be

    standing, for example, on the gulf coast in the water, getting ready to swim two and a half

    miles in perhaps a twenty knot wind, with perhaps a foot and a half of chop, with two

    thousand of your closest friends! Thats our goal - thats our focus. Its measurable, its

    repeatable, and we have variable resistance, which is hugely important, as I believe that

    variety is key for learning and training effectiveness. One thing I havent eluded to at all,

    which Rob mentioned to me way back, was that some coaches have found tremendous

    value if they have a swim team, if a swimmer is ill or sick and cant get in the water for

    one reason or another. Those coaches will have their athletes jump right on the VASA

    and get a quality workout in at least in terms of muscle memory and functional strength

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    as well. Another benefit is progressive overload, which is a term that I think we are all

    familiar with as coaches, but we tend not to think about as much as I think we should.

    This idea that its about incremental progressive overload is something we can do pretty

    well on the erg.

    Funny, very often the best thing an athlete will ever say to me is when they say, holly

    crap, man.eight weeks has gone by and all the sudden, I feel more fit and stronger, and

    this is what we are seeing as results hopefully, and it sort of snuck up on them and they

    werent aware of it. That progressive overload is there but they are not always conscious

    of it. Thats what we can do on the VASA. Also, obviously integrating other strokes and

    the opportunity to do frequent swim to bike and swim to run sessions as well. The more

    frequent we go from this (swimming on the erg) to the bike and this to the run, the easier

    its going to be in terms of just being comfortable when we get to our events.

    Contact Info - Questions?

    CoachAl@[email protected]

    * Thank YOU for attending!

    * Thank you Rob and Karen at VASA!

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    Ok, so thats it! Thank you! And, thanks to Rob and Karen.

    Doest anyone have any questions or thoughts?

    Audience Question:

    You talk a lot about stroke rate, what stroke rate do you see for most of your athletes

    1.2, 1.3, do you time them? I understand its different for different athletes on a whole,

    what do you see most of your triathletes swimming at?


    When we are talking about the erg I think the stroke length or stroke rate is strokes per

    minute so on the erg most of them fall in the thirty five to forty range. What I think is a

    good idea is to let people (and I do this with Cadence and Gearing as well) use self

    selected stroke rate and find out where they like to be and are at. You then learn whats

    comfortable for them, and that helps me learn where they may NEED to be as they

    progress in their training. I think in the pool there has been a lot of emphasis on stroke

    LENGTH which at some point, there is diminishing returns to that, because I do know

    athletes that only take fifteen or so strokes to go twenty five yards, but their not going

    very fast. There is that balance point that I believe we need to strike. Again, it comes

    back to being triathletes! We are not pool swimmers and we are not competitive master

    swimmers. We compete and train in an open water environment where it is physical and

    where conditions are hard! It is not easy being in that environment. One of the our IM

    races in this area is Ironman Lake Placid. Personally, I think it is idiocy that we put two

    thousand people in that tiny little Mirror Lake. In my opinion, its just not big enough for

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    two thousand people. Its really physical out there. Having been to Kona three times, I

    can tell you that that is a really tough swim with competitive athletes that are trying to get

    ahead of the guy next to him, so those are difficult conditions and sometimes we just

    need to get our arms moving.

    Audience Question:

    I have another Question, is this your VASA?


    No, its one that was brought here for this presentation, but I do have one at home!

    Audience Question:

    How do you use it as a business tool? Is it at your house; is it at a pool where they get to

    rent it?


    No, each one of the athletes that I coach, I think, nine in all right now, have one of these

    that they have all purchased straight from VASA, not from me. I dont sell them, and I

    dont rent them.

    Audience Question:

    Do you ever get panic attacks? Coming from your background of being afraid of the



    Sure, I did. Yeah. I think Ive come to grips with it, you know, I think I can handle it. I

    had to go through some huge issues to overcome that. I think its the thing that has

    empowered me more than anything as a coach because I have been places

    psychologically, that most people have never been in terms of dealing with that

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    environment. It is also incredibly empowering because I live on a lake now, and I

    actually can go down to the water and I go jump in the water and Im the guy that

    everyone around the lake recognizes as swimming around the lake. They all think I am

    doing something pretty cool because I am out there swimming, but they dont realize how

    powerful it is for me to be able to do that. This whole thing you hear about, you know,

    facing your fears. Its all true, for me I am living proof of that, and Im here today

    because of that. My first race, I started that Journey in Jan of 1996 and my first race was

    a race in May called the Capitol City Triathlon, where the swim was in the Farmington

    River in Connecticut. It was a sprint distance race in late May and the water was like fifty

    five degrees in that Farmington river and there were probably about 120 people, and my

    family is standing on the shore, and 120 doesnt seem like a lot to me now but at the time

    it sure seemed like a lot. So the gun goes off, were out and going and of course Im in the

    back and I panicked, flat out panicked, just trying to keep myself afloat and the guys

    come over on their surf boards or kayaks, and they were asking me, do you need help?

    Do you need to hop up? And, Im like, NO NO!, and I always tell people, if I had taken

    their offer and jumped on that surf board, I would be selling insurance right now, not

    talking to you, I can guarantee it!! But, I finished that swim. There were maybe only five

    or ten people behind me. Now, the cool thing was that I could run around 16 minutes for

    5K at that time, so once I was out of the water, I was like YEAH!, Im ready!!! I couldnt

    wait to get after it. Yes, theres no doubt that I think I do deal with those issues all the

    time. Man, for my first Kona, it was a tough swim without my wetsuit because my

    wetsuit was my friend. ! As it is for many of us, it empowered me in new ways. Again

    its a challenge and what Ive found and I think many of you have found it to probably, is

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    that there are probably stories in this room that you could all share with me too. Perhaps

    theres some issue that YOU had to overcome to get where you are today. Everybodys

    got a story. The first time I was in Kona I was blown away by all of the people that I saw

    and met that had a story - the people that were there, whether they be amputee athletes or

    athletes that had overcome the death of a loved one. Everyones got a story. Everybodys

    got an obstacle they have overcome. Thats what makes this sport really cool, because

    you get surrounded by hugely positive people who just take negative events and turn

    them into positive ones and it empowers them and it empowers everybody around them.

    Thats what its about I think.

    Audience Question:

    I have two quick questions about using the machine. Can you get essentially

    instantaneous feedback? So if you are teaching someone high elbow pulling and they can

    see Max Force can you see that with a high elbow pull, thats X units of Max Force and

    with a sloppy pull, thats X units of Max Force?


    Good question. Unfortunately, they can get about the same amount of watts with poor

    form as they can get with good form. So, I think with the monitors readout, the

    information youre getting is not necessarily a good indication that your form is correct,

    if that answers your question. At the same time, as the user gains experience and is pretty

    sure of good form, I think we will see a higher num