Training and Appraisal Human Resource Management.

Training and Appraisal Human Resource Management

Transcript of Training and Appraisal Human Resource Management.

Page 1: Training and Appraisal Human Resource Management.

Training and Appraisal

Human Resource Management

Page 2: Training and Appraisal Human Resource Management.

Training and Development Terminology

• Flexibility of staff (multi-skilling)• Coping with change• Job satisfaction• Staff motivation• Induction training• On and off-the-job training• Retraining• Skills upgrading• Appraisal• Target Setting

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– Given to new staff to introduce them to the organisation

• ON-THE-JOB– Takes place whilst employee is doing

their job, eg, ‘work shadowing’ ‘sitting next to Nellie’

• OFF-THE JOB– Attending training course, gaining

qualifications, day release. Can be ‘in house’ or at college, etc

• STAFF DEVELOPMENT– Based on plan agreed at appraisal.

Eg, to prepare employee for promotion

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Quick Question

Outline advantages and disadvantages to the

organisation of:

– Induction training– On the job training– Off the job training

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The costs and benefits of staff training

Benefits• Staff become more

competent• Motivation increases• Long term

Productivity increases• Reduced waste• Organisation’s image

is improved• Changes become

easier to introduce• Fewer accidents

Costs• Trained staff may

leave to go to other organisations

• Financial costs of paying for training

• Work time is lost when staff are being trained

• Staff may request a pay rise after training

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• a method of evaluating the performance of employees and assessing their usefulness to the business


• normally carried out by an employee’s line manager however other forms exists– self– peer– subordinate

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INFORMAL APPRAISAL• based on ‘feelings’ of

management• result of working together

on daily basis• little discussion between

manager and employee• opinions based on factors of

which employee is unaware

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FORMAL APPRAISAL• based on evidence collected in a formal way• involves an appraisal interview• used to:

– evaluate performance– identify employees ready for promotion– increase motivation– identify training needs– identify strengths and weaknesses– set future performance targets– assess the recruitment and selection process– improve communications– award salary increases– plan future staffing

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• Appraisal is used for target setting for such things as:– attendance at work– quality and relevance of work– membership of committees– communication abilities– level of output achieved– training to be undertaken– relationships with staff