Trainee Engineer Civil RRA 05 Feb

MAURITIUS PUBLIC SERVICE Enlistment as Trainee Engineer Rodrigues Regional Assembly (Public Infrastructure Division) Applications are invited from qualified Rodriguan candidates who wish to be considered for enlistment as Trainee Engineer in the Public Infrastructure Division of the Rodrigues Regional Assembly. II. AGE LIMIT Candidates, unless already in the Service, should not have reached their 40 th  birthday by the closing date for the submission of applications. III. QUALIFICATIONS Candidates should: A. possess a degree, diploma or certificate in Civil Engineerin g recognised by the Council of Registered Professional Engineers of Mauritius as qualifying for registration with the Council of Registered Professional Engineers of Mauritius under section 13 of the Registered Professional Engineers Council Act No. 49 of 1965, as subsequently amended; and B. be computer literate. Note 1. Candidates should produce written evidence of knowledge claimed. 2. The Commission reserves the right to convene only the best qualified candidates for interview. IV. CONDITIONS OF TRAINING AND ALLOWANCE  The Trainee Engineer will be required to undergo or complete a period of training of at least two years but not exceeding three years, during which he must have been registered as a Registered Professional Engineer with the Council of Registered Professional Engineers of Mauritius failing which his enlistment will be terminated. During the training period, the Trainee Engineer will - (a) be required to undertake such theoretical and practical work as shall be considered necessary towards his training to be able to discharge his duties as Engineer/Senior Engineer (Civil); and (b) work under the direct responsibility and supervision of a registered professional Engineer/Senior Engineer (Civil) and will not be allowed to decide or advise or report on, design or approve the design of any engineerin g project. 2/… 


Trainee Engineer Civil RRA 05 Feb

Transcript of Trainee Engineer Civil RRA 05 Feb

  • 5/21/2018 Trainee Engineer Civil RRA 05 Feb



    Enlistment as Trainee EngineerRodrigues Regional Assembly (Public Infrastructure Division)

    Applications are invited from qualified Rodriguan candidates who wish to beconsidered for enlistment as Trainee Engineer in the Public InfrastructureDivision of the Rodrigues Regional Assembly.


    Candidates, unless already in the Service, should not have reached their 40thbirthday by the closing date for the submission of applications.


    Candidates should:

    A. possess a degree, diploma or certificate in Civil Engineering recognisedby the Council of Registered Professional Engineers of Mauritius as

    qualifying for registration with the Council of Registered ProfessionalEngineers of Mauritius under section 13 of the Registered ProfessionalEngineers Council Act No. 49 of 1965, as subsequently amended; and

    B. be computer literate.


    1. Candidates should produce written evidence of knowledge claimed.

    2. The Commission reserves the right to convene onlythe best qualifiedcandidates for interview.


    The Trainee Engineer will be required to undergo or complete a period oftraining of at least two years but not exceeding three years, during which hemust have been registered as a Registered Professional Engineer with theCouncil of Registered Professional Engineers of Mauritius failing which hisenlistment will be terminated.

    During the training period, the Trainee Engineer will -

    (a) be required to undertake such theoretical and practical work as shall be

    considered necessary towards his training to be able to discharge hisduties as Engineer/Senior Engineer (Civil); and

    (b) work under the direct responsibility and supervision of a registeredprofessional Engineer/Senior Engineer (Civil) and will not be allowed todecide or advise or report on, design or approve the design of anyengineering project.


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    On being registered as Professional Engineer with the Council of RegisteredProfessional Engineers of Mauritius and on successful completion of training,the Trainee Engineer will be considered for appointment as Engineer/SeniorEngineer (Civil), as and when vacancies occur.

    During the training period, the Trainee Engineer will draw an allowance in scale Rs 21,000 x 75022,500 a month.

    The permanent and pensionable post of Engineer/Senior Engineer (Civil)carries salary in scale Rs 26,250 x 750 28,500 x 900 33,000 x 1,200 36,600 x 1,500 48,600 PB 50,100 x 1,500 54,600 a month (PRB Report2013).

    V. BONDThe selected candidate will be required, after serving a trial period of fifteen days,

    to enter into a bond (which will start as from the date of enlistment) together withtwo sureties in the sum of seven hundred and eighty-two thousand and sevenhundred and thirty rupees (Rs 782,730) to the effect that he will follow andcomplete the course of training and thereafter serve the Public InfrastructureDivision of the Rodrigues Regional Assembly for a period of five years as from thedate of appointment as Engineer/Senior Engineer (Civil).


    1. Qualified candidates should submit their application on PSC Form 7which may be obtained eitherfrom the Enquiry Counter of the Ministry

    of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms, Ground Floor, EmmanuelAnquetil Building, Port Louis orfrom the Enquiry Counter of the PublicService Commission, 7, Louis Pasteur Street, Forest-Side or from theChief Commissioners Office, Port Mathurin, Rodrigues or from theoffices of the Mauritius High Commission/Embassies overseas.

    2. This advertisement together with the application form (PSC Form 7) areavailable on the website of the Public Service Commission at

    3. Acknowledgement of applications will be made as far as possible bye-mail. Candidates are therefore encouraged to submit their e-mailaddress.

    4. Candidates are advised to read carefully the NOTES ANDINSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATESbefore filling in the application form.Care should be taken to fill in the application form correctly.Incomplete, inadequate or inaccurate filling of the application formmay entail elimination of the applicant.


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    Applications should reach the Island Chief Executive, Chief CommissionersOffice, Port Mathurin, Rodrigues, not later than 3.15 p.m. on Monday 25February 2013.


    The post which falls under the Establishment of the Rodrigues RegionalAssembly is restricted for service in Rodrigues only. Any request for transfer orpromotion to any similar or other posts in Mauritius will not be considered atany stage from any person who is selected for appointment.

    Public Service Commission,7, Louis Pasteur Street,Forest Side,

    Date: 05 February 2013 MAURITIUS.