Tracking the felons in the - Babeș-Bolyai...

„BABEŞ-BOLYAI” UNIVERSITY CLUJ-NAPOCA Faculty of History and Philosophy Doctoral School of History Tracking the felons in the transylvanian counties – XVII th century (PhD thesis) Scientific coordinator : Prof. univ. dr. IOAN AUREL POP member of the Romanian Academy PhD: Gabriel-Virgil Rusu Cluj-Napoca 2011

Transcript of Tracking the felons in the - Babeș-Bolyai...

Page 1: Tracking the felons in the - Babeș-Bolyai · Zápolya, Soliman Magnificul, George Martinuzzi, Isabela


Faculty of History and Philosophy

Doctoral School of History

Tracking the felons in the

transylvanian counties – XVIIth century (PhD thesis)

Scientific coordinator : Prof. univ. dr. IOAN AUREL POP member of the Romanian Academy PhD: Gabriel-Virgil Rusu



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Introduction Argumentum Historiography of the problem Author’s working mode Thanks

1. Short introduction in the history of the Transylvanian Principality

1.1. The formation of the Transylvanian Principality 1.2. Báthoreşti’s Transylvania 1.3. Princely authority and european prestige 1.4. Transylvanian Principality among greatness and decay

2. The institutions of the Transylvanian State

2.1. The Prince 2.2. The Princely Council 2.3.The Princely Office 2.4. The Meetings of States 2.5. The Principality’s Army

3. Transylvania’s penal legislation during the XVIIth century

3.1. Penal law elements in the legislation of princely Transylvania 3.1.1. Short considerations regarding the criminal matters in the european legislation during the middle ages 3.2.2.The sources of Transylvanian law

3.2. Law and justice during Werbőczy’s time 3.3. Transylvania’s legislation in the XVIIth century 3.4. Elements of local legislation in Transylvania 3.5. „Law of war” or elements of military justice in Transylvania

4. Transylvanian justice. Transylvania’s juridical institutions during XVIIth century

4.1. Central Courts 4.1.1. Princely Court 4.1.2. Dieta 4.1.3. Princely Board

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4.2. Local Courts

4.2.1. The territorial administrative organization of the principality 4.2.2. Comitatense courts 4.2.3. Officiales 4.2.4. The procedure of investigating the felons by the comitatense courts 4.2.5. The organization of town justice 4.2.6. Eccleziastical courts

5. Tracking the felons in the trasylvanian counties during XVIIth century 5.1. Public order during Transylvanian Principality 5.2. Tracking and catching the felons. Poterie

5.2.1. Legal basis for the tracking. Poterie’s law 5.2.2. Poterie’s institution. Competences, attributions and operations 5.2.3. Operation of the poterie 5.2.4. Categories of persons and goods that are tracked 5.2.5. The ways of thieves

6. Apendix. „The virtual penal code” commented of the principality of Transylvania

6.1. General part 6.1.1. Penal Law 6.1.2. Crime 6.1.3.Punishments 6.1.4. Safety measures 6.1.5. The causes that remove the penal responsability or the consequences of conviction

6.2. Special part 6.2.1. Crimes against the safety of state 6.2.2. Crimes against persons

a) Crimes against life, body integrity and health b) Crimes against the liberty of a person c) Crimes regarding the family and the sexual life d) Crimes against dignity

6.2.3. Crimes against property 6.2.4. Crimes against authority 6.2.5. Crimes that prejudice some activities of public interest or to other activities that are regulated by the law

a) Service offences or related to service b) Crimes that prevent the justice to be realized

6.2.6. Fake crimes 6.2.7. Other crimes that prejudice some relations of social life

Conclusions Bibliography Annexes List of ilustrations Summary

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Key words: History of Transylvania, principality, legislation, poterie, felon

Looking retrospectively this thesis is a sum of information, some having a character of

novelty for the romanian historiography, about the procedure of tracking the felons in

the XVII-th century Transylvanian counties, during a time when most of the juridical

institutions of the state are being in the process of crystallization and becoming

effective. All the six chapters of the thesis, the bibliography and the annexes sum up

a work of gathering the proof that sustain the theories and the hypothesis the author

launched and which offers to the historical-juridical research a certain personality.

For the beginning, the thesis introduces the reader into the history of a state

formed in the middle of the XVI-th century by enriching the transylvanian principality

with parts of the hungarians counties that consent to take part to the new political

construction after the dissipation of the hungarian kingdom into the Mohács coal

mines. The formation of the Transylvanian Principality was not at all easy, because of

the conditions of internal and international crisis, in a period of interregum,

searches, empty ambitions and dashed illusions. Important political figures like Ioan

Zápolya, Soliman Magnificul, George Martinuzzi, Isabela and her son Ioan Sigismund

Zápolya, Ştefan Majláth, Petru Petrovici and others, were actors that left a

printmark, more or less, upon the history of the beginning of this autonomous state,

which was under the suzerainty, sometimes restrictive, sometimes protective of the

Ottoman Empire.

With the ascension to power of the Báthory dynasty, the political regime

becomes relatively stable, especially in the period of time when prince was the

illustrious Ştefan, who became king of Poland. Báthory’s Transylvania knew also

periods of instability which were sometimes very bad handled by the sovereigns, two

of them, Andrei şi Gabriel being victims of some plots. We cannot fail to mention the

meteoric appearance of Mihai Viteazul on the transylvanian political stage, scene that

produced effects on long term in the conscience of the romanian people that lived


By electing on the throne of Alba Iulia some authoritarian sovereigns like

Gabriel Bethlen or Gheorghe Rákóczi I the principality faced a period of european

glory and the victorious involvement in the 30 year War brings the territorial

extension into the space of the Superior Hungary. Internally, a series of economical,

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juridical, tax, military and cultural reforms revive a society that is closer to the

model of the western states. But the tone was nothing but an delusion. The

unfortunate initiative of Rákóczi the 2nd, a complicated mixture of the trasylvanians,

helped by moldavians and mountains contingents, as well as polish troops in the tragic

events from Poland, throw the state into crisis and chaos. It follows a period of

instability, when Transylvania faces the horrors of civil war, the humility of the

ottoman occupation, new territorial losses and the tragedy of three princes.

Transylvanian army crossing Vistula in its way to Warsaw

After glory, decay. An Ottoman Empire more vigilant regarding the

transylvanian political life, an aggressive nobility, that was always on contrary sides

and a weak sovereign, led by his counsels and by an unhealthy wife, here it is „the

perfect recipe” for a latent crash down. In front of the Habsburgs ambitions whom did

not gave up the hope to unite Transylvania to the central european empire, the

transylvanians had no choice but to open up the gates of their cities. The epic of

Francisc Rákóczi the 2nd, known in history under the name of “The rebellion of the

Curuţi” was just „the swan song” of the relatively independent statehood, of a

century and a half, of Transylvania.

In such political circumstances, internal life had to unfold normally, meaning

that the principality’s institutions had worked full time. This aspect is fully analyzed

in the second chapter of the thesis. During middle ages the history of the sovereigns

identify itself, many times, with the history of the state, and Transylvania was not an

exception from this rule. The sovereign is always present in the documents of the

age: chronicles, journals of war, donations, different types of letters, judgments of

the courts, etc. The transylvanian prince is the center of the political, social, cultural

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or even economical universe of the state, and the principality institution had an

evolution through time. The way the head of the state was elected and appointed,

the role of dieta and of the turkish in the election and confirmation, the ceremony of

crowning, the oath and the prerogative the head of the state was invested with, are

aspects that were analytically researched. Of course, there were situations when the

sovereign was seconded by a deputy, especially in times of crisis, he had a

principality court, a palace in the capital with public and private spaces, an archive

and a library, according to the european models. A principality council, meaning an

administrative and advisory structure, was present in the transylvanian institutional

landscape, as well as cancellaria maior and minor, through them the sovereign

practically ruled the country.

Into this chapter I emphasized the Meetings of states or dietas, because this

superior institution belonging to the privileged states from the principality, this

political deliberative gathering, this parliament that functioned in an unicameral

system, had a very important role in country’s life. Structure, working procedures,

functions, relationships with the sovereign, all of these are reflected into the

decisions of those 299 transylvanian dieta, organized and held in the principality era,

documents that had been gathered in the impressive work Monumenta comitalia regni

Transylvaniae, printed during the second half of the XIX-th century, by care of the

historian Szilágyi Sándor.

The army, a military corpus enough, organized based on the principle Unio

Trium Nationum, which proved effective many times on the battle fields, completes

the transylvanian institutional spectrum. From the defensive tactic point of view, a

chain of fortifications protected toward west and north the principality, while the

east and the south were protected by the Carpathian Mountains, thanks to the cities

that were built on the entries and exits of the ravines. But ruina exercitus

Transilvaniae and its decay thanks to the internal crisis that followed the polish

episode from 1657, the alteration of its capacity to defend itself first of all because of

the fact that the turkish occupied Oradea city and because of the economical

bankruptcy were, except the devastating external interventions, the main causes for

de decay of the autonomous transylvanian state.

The third chapter theorize the notion of penal law and its evolution, as a

written law, in the context of the general legislation of the hungarian kingdom, with

practical application on the principality’s territory, and afterwards in the universe of

the rules of law issued during the transylvanian principality. Before these, there had

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been drawn some consideration upon the european legislation in criminal matters, as

an effort of the author to identify elements that had been borrowed and good

practices that served as role models for transylvanians lawyers. It is the case of the

parish police or community police, that guard during the day and night the anglo-

saxons cities, practice that was taken by the transylvanian administration during the

XVII-th century. We believe that elements of penal procedure had as an inspiration

source the european fundamental works Practica rerum criminalia, published at

Leipzig, in the year 1635, De poena Homicidi, written in 1543 by Andrej Frycz

Modrzewski, known in Europe as Modrevicius or Maleus maleficarum (Der

Hexenhammer), a famous treaty of witchcraft written by Heinrich Kramer, inquisitor

of Catholic Church and Jakob Spenger.

Analyzing the sources of transylvanian law we can identify first of all the habit

or the custom, unwritten sources, preserved in the mental of local community. We

have in mind first the romanian customary law (jus valahicum), that descended from

the roman law, preserved in the common conscience of the romanians from

Transylvania, Moldavia, Romania Country and Hungary, then the customs of the

transylvanian hungarian ethnics, a form of feudal law with tribal reminiscence but

enriched, surely, because of the contacts the hungarians had with other nations over

the centuries, as well as the saxon customs brought by the teutonics from the western

parts, a law generally urban, influenced as well by the roman law. The evolution of

custom into written law was slow and graduate, as the principality’s offices appear

and capitluare institutions. A key role in promoting the written rules of law have had

the hungarian kings, starting with Ştefan the Holly, then Coloman Cărturarul or Andrei

the 3-rd and all the sovereign that followed to the throne.

The decrees of the hungarian sovereigns are completed, in a so called „list of

the written law sources” with Opus Tripartitum of Ştefan Werbőczy, with the

decisions of the transylvanian principality dietas from XVI-XVII centuries, with the

treaty Specimen juridici processus belonging to Gabriel Bethlen from 1619, with the

works Approbatae and Compilatae Constitutiones Regni Transilvaniae et Partium

Hungariae eidem annexarum from the second half of the XVII th century, with the

counties legislation (status, protocols, instructions, decisions), with the judicial

precedent reflected in the decisions of the central and local courts, with the

international treaties signed between the transylvanian state and its neighbors, as

well as with Edictum militare issued during the reign of prince Mihail Apafi in 1671.

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Since the formation of the princely state the penal facts existed in the

customary law, being later on included in the hungarian kings decrees. Crimes are

studied and grouped into Tripartitum and are the objects more and more of the

dietas decisions in the XVI-th century. In exchange, the two biddies of law from the

XVII-th century, Approbatae and Compilatae represents the apogee of the efforts to

legislative codification from the middle history of Transylvania, the penal law and the

penal procedure being, finally treated relatively distinct. The study of law collections

and of the documents issued by the dietas show the authorities preoccupation to keep

under control the crime rate, to maintain the law and order in the state by creating

institutions that had modern and effective juridical mechanisms.

Prince Gabriel Bethlen among his scientists

If they succeeded or not, only the documents that have been or will be studied

can confirm or not. Certainly is the fact that the sources mention about thieves that

had been caught, executed or condemned to many years in prison, about mobile

goods or fortunes that had been seized as an extreme measure, about people that

were quarreled with the law, put under surveillance, about poteries organized by

comiţi, vicecomiţi or noble juzi in order to clean the regions of the villains or about

fake coins discovered in markets or even upon itinerant placers. There are realities

that prove that the transylvanian justice functioned, that the penal law was applied

and that the public order was provided, with the exception of wars, natural

calamities or tatar invasions.

Chapter four deals with the analysis of the Transylvanian juridical institutions

during XVII-th century at different levels, most of them tributary to the principality’s

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era. We find out that in the XVI-th century these reminiscence are omnipresent, but

gradually, new institutions appear, fit for the new state: the prince, princely board,

princely council, meetings of the states, all of them with attributions in legal plan as

well. We can say that only in the next century, when the courts were crystallized,

when there was a relatively separation among the lowers and the central or local

administrative body, when some collections of legal works appeared, when an

effective tracking felons system and an incarceration one were well organized, the

transylvanian justice gain personality and strive to be a modern one, closer to the

western models.

Studying the superior institutions of the state we find out that the sovereign

could judge, being the last appeal forum, a series of facts such as betrayal or nota

infidelitatis, he could also chair the judgment meetings on his estates, on fiscal

matters, on Fundus regius or on any other space belonging to the country where hid

prerogatives in criminal matters gave him this right. The dieta had also the right to

discuss the cases of high treason against the state, reality that is proved by the

examples, some of them memorable for the history of medieval Transylvania. (to see

Diosisie Bánffy matter or the process of the sabatari). But both the prince and the

parliament were political institutions, and the political interference into the act of

justice could often have negative effects. The supreme and the most professional

court of the principality was the princely Board, a successor, more or less legitimate

of the hungarian tabula regia iudiciaria. Once it appeared in the middle of the XVI-th

century, the board becomes the main supreme transylvanian court, only exceptions

and we indicate here the high treason cases that could be judged by the dieta or the

prince. The superior court judged in appeal sessions the cases the states, the saxon

lands, as well as those that were part of the Partium had brought in front of it. The

saxons id not appear in front of the board because they had, in their trails, the right

to appeal directly to the prince, while the free cities addressed themselves only

exceptionally to this forum.

The principality’s political diversity had determined also a sensitive diversity of

the local courts, in different parts of the state. That’s why I analyzed the institutional

juridical structures from the states, as well as those that functioned on saxons lands

and in urban areas, more or less privileged. The courts of the states were composed

of officiales: comitele suprem, vicecomitele, judele nobiliar, vicejudele, notary and

advisors. Each of these officers had a distinct role in the judicial landscape. The full

court judged within court seats or general sedrii, partial ones, tridual ones or court

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seats branches. The smaller cases were judged by the village courts managed by

judex pagi helped by cojuratores, the captain of the city judged the cases from his

land, while the master lord brought justice to the level of dominated courts.

Intending to give the thesis a practice–applicability character I described the

procedure of judgment starting from a concrete example that gave me the

opportunity to investigate some legal institutions that existed then and still exist

today: referral, the parts involved in penal process, the lower, the witness or the

jurors. A robbery, followed by the victim’s death that happened in the village of Cluj-

Mănăştur recorded quite detailed by the Jesuit Ştefan Szánto gave us the opportunity

to study the phase of the penal process, prosecution, a judgment and the

enforcement of the sentence issued by the court. Also now we talked about the

evidence and its role in determining guilt or innocence of the suspect and how it was

managed in the process.

15. Water sample of a woman suspected of witchcraft

Of course, we put research into temporal space where traditions and customs

still "taking the face " of modern codex, servants still shared their justice on their

pleasure or the master’s, local nobles were in competition with Supreme Committees

to capture and trial the villains in order to seize their wealth, there were still

discriminations between the privileged nations and other inhabitants of the country

and the sovereign was too little interested about the complaints, that were forwarded

here and there, to the country's higher courts. Despite these realities, we have found

from studying sources and professional work, the trends to normalize Transylvanian

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justice and the desire of the authorities to control the operational situation in the


Before entering into the substance of tracking criminal offenders in

Transylvanian counties, we considered it appropriate that at the beginning of chapter

five to issue some considerations about the notion of public order and how the

policies to preserve and restore it were implemented in cities, towns, villages and

across states. We define public order as a condition of legitimacy, balance and peace

that ensure peace, security of person, to communities and property, health and

public morals, whose maintenance, according to the principles and the rule of state is

achieved through coercion measures specific to the police. The gradual introduction

of guard by day and night throughout the county, authorities were practically taking

indirect measures against publice pacis et tranquillitatis perturbatores or against the

felons that by their behavior affected the peace of the communities.

But maintaining public order meant also carrying out preventive activities on

the line of fair trade and fairs, meant to maintain customs and border guard, meant

to prevent and extinguish fires, epidemic control, weapons control and in particular

the fire weapons, and other activities for which local governments have issued a

series of legislative acts.

But despite their efforts, the crime rate has risen steadily throughout the

history of the principality aspect shown in the documents of the dietas. In these

circumstances it was felt necessary since XVI century (1545), to raise the county

authorities, and district seats, in a joint effort of tracking, apprehension, trial,

conviction and execution of the thieves of all kinds. So, the institution of potera

appeared, named as „juzi circulatori” (cirkál biró) or inquisitio generalis. And for it

to operate legally, the state endowed with a set of rules, which forms the legal basis

of this institution. Thus, decisions of the dietas and then printed and updated form in

the legislative corpus Approbatae and Compilatae Constitutiones, instructions and

orders given by the sovereign, in a private or council mandated by the Prince, the

supreme commits and other officials, along with written decisions of states meetings

which together established the legal framework, material and territorial powers,

rights and duties of professional staff and the prohibitions, all of the above forms the

Poterie law in Transylvania. Of course, when pronounce the word “Poterie”, we think

of movies with outlaws and the whole range of stories and myths woven around real

characters or from popular legends.

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When we say “Poterie”', our mind sometimes flies in the wild in the remote

America and to the search actions organized to catch the gangs of thugs which the

state put a reward on their heads and whom being caught were brought to court,

interrogated, convicted and executed in the public market. We believe that the

Transylvanian institution has little from each of the example stated above. Eventually

Poterie was a state institution, which is organized under the laws and enforcement of

the laws of Transylvania, having both a preventive function and a criminal

investigation one. However, the presence the members of the potera on the field,

these man hunters, "manhunt" create a sense of security among citizens, a sense of

peace needed to carry on normal social, economic, political and cultural life.

Poterie’s law establishes territorial jurisdiction, meaning the limits for

officials within the team, namely: supreme Committees, vicecomitele, solgabirăul

and other servants of the state were the exclusive representatives of the county, they

were entitled to enforce the law. Our research revealed that only juzii acted within

that administrative entity. In other words, Poterie’s territorial jurisdiction overlaps

that of officials who compose it.

General inquisition servants focused a series of tasks from which are

individualized the judicial ones, which means the activity of tracking, catching, trial

and punishment of offenders, according to territorial and materials skills, under the

general law and local customary law of Transylvania. Documents talk about

investigation of the malefactorilores and their conviction, confiscation of their

property, describe the mode of action on the reigns of Tax, the way of keeping the

register of tracked people, the manner of compliance with laws and articles of the

country, the nobles given powers to punish the serfs, research skills of the supreme

comite, activities of the economic police and other details on what we would call

today “police tactics”. Poterie had responsibilities for the purposes of collecting

information about persons wanted, vital, I could say for this type of activity.

Then identify preventive powers line, in other words taking measures to

prevent those crimes. We are talking primarily about the importance of patrolling the

county. Even today, the number of police presence on the street has a great

importance in terms of maintaining public order and peace, in which the intervention

on the spot, caught in the act or making a connection directly to citizen-police are

opportunities for prevention policies assumed by the state.

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Finally, the county’s management tasks required from Poterie’s clerks show

that in the seventeenth century the separation of judicial and administrative

institutions was not fully realized, at least locally.

As county clerks, members of the Poterie could not remain passive to any faults

found (bridges destroyed, uncultivated land or violations of socio-religious order)

being required to provide accordingly.

Robber of the northern Carpathians

The work itself was good for cleaning counties, seat Székely and Saxon and

Romanian districts of latrones, fures, cusores, falsarum monetarum and others

malefactores and conservation of social peace, but at the same time maintaining

livestock officials and auxiliary staff, especially when actions and raids were

frequently present, meant special material efforts of the quite poor rural


About the circalaşilor rights, taxes or obligations of payment of each gateway

for all activities of Poterie we learn from reading articles of the dieta, orders,

instructions and other sources for research. But as the Poterie number was growing,

the taxes increased also. For example, the remuneration of the Inquisitors that acted

in 1641 in the County of Alba, each gate was obliged to give two florins and 33.5

dinars, while the payment of the circalaşi in the Interior Solnoc since 1680 the

contribution is even more pressing: 6 and 16 florins dinars for one gate.

The difference is significant, very large amounts for a household of poor

people, if we think that the value of a pack animal was in the seventeenth century,

somewhere between 6 and 9 florins.

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For tracking felons special registers were made, such as Registrul cu evidenţa

beneficiilor şi fărădelegilor satelor din plasa de sus a nobilului scaun Arieş

(Extractussa Nemes Aranyas Szék Kerületében a Felsö Járásban levö Faluk

Beneficiumainak és Maleficiumainak), from whose reading I managed to form an

opinion on the types of crimes within the competence of research and trial of the

Poterie’s juzi, and other elements of criminal procedure.

We found, by comparison, that the work of the Inquisition differed from a

county to another, from one region to another. Institution Poterie transpires in at

least two aspects: a dynamic, police, when state servants are moving through the

plains and mountain areas, through remote villages or hamlets, taking steps of the

malefactori, activity that is specific to the district and county of Maramures, Bistrita

and Solnocul Interior and a static, judicial, in which the Poterie’s juzii analysis,

deliberate and pronounced sentences in different cause, resembling a seat itinerant

court composed of professional legal staff, as was the case of Aries seat.

Transformation of the inquisition institution in the seventeenth century is

clear: the court proceed from brief trial to procedural one, the Poterie becoming a

first step in the preparation procedure, so that many of the processes started by the

Poterie locally are finalized at the County’s serdirii.

But such an operative activity was invalid in the absence of information. These

related to practical matters related to individual offender, identity, place of

residence, occupation, mode of committing the offense, type of criminal partnership,

who are his accomplices, physical damage to property or products inhabitants, where

stolen goods were been hidden or recovered, but mostly the place or places where

they would shelter: forests, inaccessible mountain areas, border areas without any

control by the authorities, villages, hamlets or isolated houses, convents and

monasteries, the homes of private individuals (friends or relatives), fortresses,

castles, the suburbs of urban areas, on winter or summer.

Accurate information is transformed into evidence used in criminal

prosecutions. Data and information could come from both injured parties, other

authorities involved in the fight against crime, as well as from informants used or,

more rarely, from professional informants. Some people were obliged by law to

provide information to Poterie’s clerks, as was the case of village’s juzi or shepherds

in rural or mountainous regions difficult to access.

But not everyone was willing to cooperate with the authorities as this entails

risks. "Qualified" informers or those that rarely did that were reluctant to cooperate

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to the Poterie. We are in a period when there were no opportunities for conspiracy

collaboration assurance or the protection of witnesses and informants, or perhaps it

never wanted to be protected such an activity.

Some criminals were trying to leave the county or even country, along with

stolen property, usually animals, action clearly easier in the absence of effective and

professional border guard structures, crossing or passing through dark forests or hilly

alpine pastures, the shepherds fiefdoms. Others preferred to take refuge in the

territory of Ottoman power under control, where Poterie penetrated hard.

Accompanying the Poterie of Aries seat, we could realize the extraordinarily

large volume of trial processes and the variety of facts claimed. Its work ended after

12 days, during which officials actually worked Monday to Friday and discussed the

cases presented by the City of Unirea and other 19 townships that belonged to Plasei

de Sus of Aries noble seat, judging over 300 facts from simple swearing to robberies

and murders.

Chosen itinerary is short: nine localities were called to the residence of the

administrative-territorial unit and the other 11 were strolled through Stejeris the

village, where circalaşii have established residency for a week. The situation differs

from Maramures County where in late May 1677 the Poterie acted not from the office

or courtroom tepid ad-hoc, but tracking the thieves in the border villages of the Iza

Valley, Budeşti, Botiza Şieu and Rozavlea. From Hunedoara county we also hear news

about the work of the Poterie. Thus, two raids are recorded in January and December

1673. Judgments are traveling from village to village, with witnesses, with prompt

sentence, often delayed or forwarded the appropriate forum, according to the use for

the second half of the seventeenth century. Poterie from January was done in 17

seats and the one from December in 12 places. Have been raised not less than 70

cases required by the injured parties, 13 sentences with corporal punishment were

applied, fines of 1008.50 41 guilders, a huge sum for that period. On top of the

prevailing crime of violence and acts of immorality are swearing and stealing, quite

numerous. A murder committed at Haţeg detaches.

Studying archival documents we were able to determine which were broadly

the categories of persons who have been prosecuted, providing examples of practice

identified in the criminal justice records. These are proven criminals, escaping

suspects and hosts of the offenders, arsonists, vagrants, beggars or unknown aliens,

the serfs who left the estate, the missing persons in suspicious circumstances, or

women and children that flee from their homes.

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Regarding the goods pursued, they were mainly objects stolen or looted from

the homes by the high road lotrii, but mostly riding or burden animals, goods of high

price, because stealing horses or cattle could cause serious economic disruptions in

poor families.

Therefore the law was very harsh with animal thieves, they finally being hung

in the gallows. On a crime rate map of the principality best known "roads of thieves"

were in the north, northeast and east. In the south was somewhat difficult for the

latroni as there were Saxon lands and in part to extremely stringent measures,

although treaties between the mountains rulers and the Transylvanian princes talk

about extradition of the felons that were circulating on both sides of the Southern

Carpathians. And about thieves in the occupied territories by the Turks in western

principality have information, they prefer, as places of refuge, the Apuseni Mountains

or the highlands of Banat, which give the society damned shield, regardless of

political system.

Transylvanian peasants with cattle grazing (XVII)

We have noticed how vulnerable upland areas were in Maramures, Bistrita area

and how the authorities had poorly guarded borders of Transylvania with Moldova and

Poland. Here, the court documents speak about the large number of malefactors who

were not afraid to attack and best preserved of the Greek merchants caravans or to

stole animals to smuggle across the border. Unfortunately, officials have often proved

impotent in the face of gangs of lotrii, so the dieta disposed on several occasions, a

General Poterie, forcing to cooperate two or three counties or districts. In the late

seventeenth century, due to political instability, even the Austrian army of

occupation was called to pacify the area.

The final chapter is the so-called "virtual criminal code" of the principality of

Transylvania, in fact a gathering and ordering of criminal acts committed during the

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targeted time after the current model penal code. Our approach can be useful to

those who desire to better understand the mechanisms of medieval criminal

investigation, trying to put into reality in which we live. Comparing systems of

criminal law, I merely offer legal expertise and I customize, with examples, how the

crimes were fitted, with the purpose of procedural steps.

I spoke in the general part of the thesis about the criminal law that means all

the so-called "criminal law" elements as defined by jurists of the Transylvanian XVI th

and XVII th centuries. In the terminology of medieval times crime is often called

malefacere, violence or delictus.

Stephen Werbőczy performed for the first time in legal history of Transylvania,

a classification of offenses. Considering the social dangers of these facts, he sub-

divided them into: major crimes, where authors can answer with the head or minor

offenses that can be resolved in the county’s courts. In the first category are

betrayals (note infidelitas), a crime subject to capital punishment (sententia

capitalism) and deeds of great violence, and in the second, smaller acts of violence

(actus potentiari minores).

The noticeable progress, Approbatae Constitutiones talk about ... the five big

cases of violence (Major potentia) and less violence (minor potentia), and

premeditated murder, equip, supplies parafernale, those on quartalităţi,

guardianship, mortgages, agreements obligations, deposits and libels, false

denunciation, restitution issues that requires the letters and documents falling into

foreign hands in any way, and runaway serfs and servants, in others indicated

specifically in the country's laws in this regard.

Major potentia means five facts of “high violence”: penetration by force in the

noble house (invasio), seizure (theft) of noble’s property, arrest (duress) of

nobleman, assault or injury to noble person (vulneratio) and killing noble (Homicide),

for which the punishment was capital. Minor potentia offenses are those "low

violence" ones with a lower social risk: abuses committed by or against the ordinary

people: attack, assault, deprivation of liberty (invasio, vulneratio, incaptivatio),

deprivation of certain movables, processes relating to estates, legacies, partition,

restitution of zălogiri, insults and other acts for which only fines were applied that

could climb up to the sum of 200 florins.

Now are also reviewed the stake, the causes which removes the criminal

nature of the crime and the punishment, identifying in the punitive spectrum of

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Transylvania the death penalty, physical punishments(corporal) and as well as the


The methods and instruments to take the life of prisoners differ from one

county to another, from one city to another from one social status to another. For

example, for infidelity to the country and sovereign traitorous nobleman was

beheaded, beheading is considered a milder form of execution, cavalier and less

humiliating. Criminals are hand cut the hand which killed after they were beheaded

or stoned, like those convicted of storming the noble’s house. Halter was reserved for

the thieves, an infamous method of execution, or stake, as well as those that hide

things of information, while wizards and witches, as heretics were burnt. New baby

born killers were buried alive in soil mixed with thorns or drowned in the Somes or

Mures rivers, others escaped only with beating for unproven guilt, while raptus

authors received the same punishment: death.

26. Beating the feets (1686)

Far more numerous and more varied than executions, corporal punishment,

imposed for less guilt, meet both the preventive and corrective (humiliating) of the

law. Many convicted criminals were beaten with a rod or, more rarely, with the stone

pin, in public places, coupled with the pillory or imprisoned in the so-called caladău

or yoke, suffer for their acts: assault, abusive occupation of property, May petty

theft, drunkenness, slander, generally minor potentia. Such corrections were applied,

for example, to those who gave false oath at trials, and executioner does nothing but

to enforce the judge’s decision: to haircut the convicted in order to humiliate them

or to beat them until they are between life and death.

For encouraging offenders, the authors, if somehow escaped the stake, were

mutilated by cutting ears like adulterous woman, still crippled by the executioner

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with red iron on the forehead and cheeks, once, previously, had been beaten by three

rows of rods in presence of an audience asked to see but not do like him. For the

insult of the Lord, first the author was beaten with a rod, if the act is repeated, they

cut him a piece of tongue and the third time he would be stoned.

The sentence to prison and how it was enforced in solitary confinement cities

or in cities treasury was filled with detailed and comprehensive suggestive examples.

The prison is a correctional institution in which convicted persons serving sentences to

imprisonment by a decree issued by judicial bodies that remains final. In a second

sense, the term refers to building a secure, locked place and keep those who are

sentenced to custodial sentences and those detained on remand, the terms are

synonymous with prison, jail, arrest, trapped or gherlă. In the landscape of

Transylvania county prison justice life, the jail is another end point of the legal action

rather than the scaffold and place of the execution of sentences. It is also an

effective tool for strengthening the safety of local communities.

Finally, safety measures taken by the court to remove the status of social

danger and to prevent the acts provided by the criminal law, meaning the prohibition

to be in a particular locality or seizure, as it was perceived at that time, were

supplemented by presenting cases from criminal liability or consequences of

conviction: amnesty, pardon and prescription.

The special part was reserved for crimes, starting with those against state

security (note infidelitatis), continuing with the acts committed against the person,

detailed in (homicide, infanticidum, vulneratio, incaptivatio, raptus, invasio,

threats, rape, adulterum, insult, diffamatio ), then with crimes against property

(fures, robbery, destruction, arson, possession disorder), with crimes affecting public

activities or other activities regulated by law (abuse in office, corruption, perjury,

encouraging the offender, escape, counterfeit currency), and other crimes affecting

relations on social cohesion (duas habentes abandonment of the family, witchcraft,

bestialitas). All these were analyzed and compared, Transylvanian corresponding

rules were identified, offering significant examples.

Looking back at the amount of historical information and legal work presented

in the chapters of the thesis I found that during the seventeenth century, and

generally in the age of the principality in Transylvanian counties crimes have been

committed, they were judged by courts and authors have received punishments.

Those who escaped the arm of the law have opted for life on the run, but in their

case the state had built special legislation and institutions so as to control public

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order and peace in all quarters of society. Transylvanian medieval state's legal

structures, in this case investigation bodies and courts, including general inquisition

or Poterie’s institution, with organized legal framework to an acceptable level, could

achieve justice in good conditions, in a principality that always faced political and

social problems, always crushed by Ottoman assaults, viewed with the greed of the

Habsburgs or engaged in the dangerous alliance of state and military projects, but

always oriented towards the West from where progress and modernity came.

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