Trabajo of Enseñanza

ENSEÑANZA 2º TERM EXAM Teacher: Sánchez Gisela. Students: Billordo,VIVIANA AVALOS, ADRIANA Carrera: 3º año Profesorado en Inglés Year: 2013.

Transcript of Trabajo of Enseñanza

Page 1: Trabajo of Enseñanza


Teacher: Sánchez Gisela.

Students: Billordo,VIVIANA AVALOS,


Carrera: 3º año Profesorado en Inglés

Year: 2013.

Page 2: Trabajo of Enseñanza

A)_watch the film “Freedom Writers”and write a report about it taking in consideration the following items:

Teacher´s roles. Students´ roles. Methodology used by the teacher. Students` motivation (external sources, motivation angel). Rapport. Learning context. Grouping students.


To: Mr Kollins

From: Kelly Wnstoms.

Subject: “Freedom Writers” and “Learning Process”

Date: July 8th 2013.


The purpose of this report is to present the main issues taking in consideration into the film “Freedom Writers”.

Teacher and students´ roles.

To begin with, in the film Erin Cruwell adopts different roles within the classroom which make it possible the learning process. She can act as controller when she is in charge of the class taking register and talking in a loud voice. She can act as prompter when she encourages their students with discretion to think creatively through the diary that they have to write. She acts as a participant when they go to museum or when she helps to sell ticket to help students Fundraiser. She acts as a tutor when students are working on longer projects of process writing or on their diary so they feel supported and helped. The students at the beginning of the film start as rebel because they have their group as point of reference but they are mainly interested in their own the end of the film they become participator and enthusiastic when they cooperate with each other in order to raise money and the teacher is their point of reference.

Teacher `methodology and students` motivation.

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Moreover, the teacher uses a variety of activities and exercises as technique. This way students acquire vocabulary, values and to interact each other in order to create a great atmosphere to encourage the learning process. One activity is when they listen to music and think how it can be related with the text. Another activity is when they visit the museum and learn about the horror of holocaust and make activities in pair or group work. The motivation that students bring from their home and social reality is not good. The greatest difficult that Erin Cruwell face is keep students engaged all the time.

Learning context and grouping students.

In addition to this, to describe the learning context they have the advantage of well-equipment rooms and library. Also they have access to the computers rooms in which they write out their “diaries”. Apart from that, the teacher change the way that they are seating at the beginning of the film “changing groups” mixed their ethnic. Then, she uses “opposite teams” in order to create a game where they can say everything that they think to the other group and viceversa for thirteen minute or so. For this reason, according to the development of a fantastic learning process, the teacher-students rapport is confident, assertive, appropriate and suitable.


To sum up, the film “Freedom Writers” teaches us to be more efficient and affective. Leading any group can be hard even if this group is of risk-students but with effort and enthusiasm is possible to make a big difference in their lives.

B)_ Answer the question:

1_ Did you like the film? Why?

2_ Do you feel identify with Hillary Swank´s character?

3_ Choose a particular student and describe his/her learner style and category. Explain your choice.

4_ Hillary´s devotion to her work affect her personal life and put an end to her marriage. What would you do if you were her? Explain your reasoning in not less than 200 words.

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1)_We liked the film because she is a good teacher, loves her students, her job and also she works very hard. She teaches us that when someone cares enough for their students amazing thing can be happen. Education is the key to live. She is able to inspire those kids and it makes her a great teacher. Also she helps to the progress of their students and she uses all the techniques and gives positive feedback; inspire confidence and enthusiasm and hope.

2) We feel identify with Hillary`s character in the way that she is an idealistic and enthusiastic teacher and she never give up. As a teacher we have to be prepared to face kids from different ethnic groups and different social environments. We should have the belief and determined that we can influence and assist other to reach their true potential.

3) We chose Eva Benitez. At the beginning, she was a rebel as many other students. She thought only on her own goals. But then, she became participator and enthusiastic as the whole group and they struggled together for the group’ goals. For instance, when all of them participated in the project “taste for change” or “concert for chance” in order to raise money for bring to the guest speaker “Anna Frank”

4) As Erin Cruwell became more devoted to her teaching, her husband Scott started to feel careless and abandoned. Eventually they got divorced and her husband told her that he was living a life that he didn’t agree to.First of all, if I were her and I was in charge of a group like “room 203” and my husband was in disagree with my job and my style of life that I choose. It maybe was because he didn’t love me enough to understand that I need to work on what I enjoy more to do. It was supposed that we should support each other and respect our decision.Secondly, while Erin was so busy with her work she never forgot to express her feeling to him and she tried to share each moment with him, in my opinion, in a relationship both must have responsibly